1.4. Integrated Service Management (ISM)

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Integrated Service Management (ISM)

1.4. Integrated Service

Management (ISM)Õ
Ing. H. van den Elskamp, In 1992, KPN (Royal PTT Telecom) developed the IPW model to realise
Drs. W.J.J. Kuiper,
H. Wanders,
one of the Netherlands' first successful ITIL implementations. In an
KPN Datacenter, increasingly complex environment, the current KPN Datacenter aims to
Drs. J. van Bon and
W. Hoving MBT, contract the highest service level, the so-called Full Service
Bureau Hoving & Van Bon,
Management (often by means of a gradual growth), thereby acting as a
the Netherlands
systems integrator. To realise the required service a reference model,
known as Integrated Service Management (ISM) was developed.
This model embodies the way in which several sub-services can be
offered to a client as a single integrated service, and includes all of the
premium insights of modern IT service management. The model
incorporates all that has been learned during the last six years of
experience with process based service management.
In developing the model KPN used a highly structured approach. By
establishing a number of building blocks (paradigms), the final model is
gradually revealed. Since the model is limited to the theoretical
fundamentals, it offers a set of tools instead of a definitive solution to a
specific situation.

Introduction In order to provide an adequate answer to these

questions, a project was started within KPN
KPN Telecom has successfully applied the IPW Datacenter, applying the existing knowledge and
model since 1992. In doing so, IPW has experience to the development of a new model.
contributed greatly to the improvement of KPN This model was to include all activities from
Datacenter's IT service. During this period, it product development through to delivery.
became apparent that an increasing number of The development of the model took place in close
questions required different answers. A section collaboration with Bureau Hoving & Van Bon.
of the questions came out of the experience with This article discusses the nature of the identified
IPW, which led to the development of new bottlenecks, the approach towards the establish-
insights. Other questions were the result of new ment of the description of the model, the para-
possibilities due to improved technology. Further digms and their value to the end model and the
technological developments, changing require- end model itself.
ments and demands of the customers in
particular, led to more questions.



World Class IT Service Management Guide 2000

Bottlenecks workstation. Sub-services may also include

hardware and software maintenance. Other
The bottlenecks discussed are partly based on applications interactively communicating by
experiences during the six years in which IPW means of interfaces and adding new functionality
has been applied and are partly those bottlenecks are other types of sub-services.
that are most likely to manifest at the moment the These sub-services are provided by various
service is to be professionalised further. These internal or external organisations. System
bottlenecks also come to light, maybe clearer management is often provided internally and the
then ever, when implementing new services same applies to LAN and workstation manage-
based on technological innovations such as ment. WAN management and especially hardware
Client/Server and Web applications, that require maintenance are often brought in from outside.
platform-transcending IT management. The men- Maintenance of custom applications is generally
tioned bottlenecks have their origin, partly, in the provided by the developer, either from within or
fact that the described process model was not from outside the organisation.
applied consistently, and partly in the fact that The quality of the end product, the service that is
certain parts of the process model are difficult provided to the customer, depends on the quality
to apply. Even more important, however, is the of these various sub-services. To be able to
progressive insight that is the result of six years provide service to the standard required by the
experience with a process-based working method. customer, the `purchasing' of all sub-services
This insight leads to demands that are difficult to needs to be attuned to the requirements of the end
establish within the classic process model. product and needs to be monitored throughout
Furthermore, there have been two relevant ex- the lifecycle of the service.
ternal developments. Firstly, the number of buyers Offering an integrated service requires a large
requiring a higher level of service is growing. The degree of fine-tuning between the suppliers
role of IT support within their company objectives involved.
is so crucial that they require a guaranteed To ensure that the end product is excellent,
service. The second external development is the exceptional effort must be applied to the
availability of ever improving service manage- integration of sub-services.
ment tools, making models that were formerly
only theoretical now applicable. Bottleneck 2. Quality improvement
The value of IPW is not questioned by the above. collapses under operational pressure
This classic process model has been successfully ITIL designates a number of quality improvement
applied to many services. However, the fact that processes of which Problem Management is one
an increasing number of buyers are demanding a of the most important. Within ITIL, the objective
higher standard of service and the fact that the of Problem Management Process is two-fold.
Datacenter wants to offer a higher quality of Its first objective is to reduce the impact of
service, results in the following inventory of incidents- an operational task.
bottlenecks. Its second objective is to find out the cause of
incidents to prevent (re)occurence ^ a task
Bottleneck 1. Difficult integration of aimed at structural quality improvement.
services As both objectives fall under one process de-
End-to-end IT service to the customer is the result scription (even under IPW) and also under one
of a large number of integrated sub-services. process control, the objective of quality improve-
Examples of this are sub-services keeping the ment is pushed into the background under
central system operational, or the network or the pressure of operational activities. The current



Integrated Service Management (ISM)

disruption of the service quickly gains a higher The absence of SLA's with clear, controllable and
priority than investigation for the sake of quality measurable service parameters serves to worsen
improvement. the classic discontent of IT buyers.
However, solving incidents without structurally
improving quality is like `mopping the floor while Bottleneck 4. Limited additional value of
the sink is still flooding over'. configuration management
The absence of a structure in which a pro-active, Often, an ITIL `implementation' will start at
quality improving objective has a chance of an early stage, setting up and fleshing out a
success means that the permanent quality Configuration Management Database, the CMDB.
improvement has been neglected. According to the developers, this CMDB should
serve many purposes such as configuration
Bottleneck 3. The difficult relationship management, asset management, resource
between service agreement and delivery management, cost management, etc. and should
With the implementation of a process-based support practically all processes. This creates a
approach, it was hoped that contracts (SLA's) database full of detailed information that contains
would primarily include a service description, many inter-relationships. Maintaining such a
coupled with a number of parameters concerning database is often very time-consuming, making
availability, response time, set-up times etc. it almost impossible to verify data. The problem
However, in practice, the service provider often is aggravated further by the fact that those who
finds it easier to simply charge a couple of easily are responsible for the detailed maintenance of
allocated costs, either with or without commer- changes, i.e. system managers, operators and/or
cial surcharge. The customer, on the other hand, change support staff, do not see the full benefit
still appears to be looking for the safety of a of their efforts in their daily work. Proper
recognisable costing structure based on matters maintenance of a CMDB, therefore, requires a
such as hardware (type of computer, amount of great deal of discipline and effort. The returns are
Megabytes, network capacity), software and further diminished as, in the case of many of the
hours of support, instead of recognisable perfor- larger actions, the CMDB often does not contain
mance units in terms of operational processes. the information required, making further stock-
The resulting bottleneck is that both parties still taking necessary.
come to an agreement but that this agreement The CMDB offers limited support for activities,
does not describe the actual needs of the cus- while its maintenance requires a disproportio-
tomer, namely the required IT service and the nately large amount of effort.
associated support. The supplier, on the other
hand, is left with the problem that he might Bottleneck 5. Questionable added value of
deliver what was contractually agreed upon, but process
that the customer is still not satisfied. Process descriptions establish the sequence of
The cause of this problem is two-fold. The cus- activities. Often, this is not the shortest route
tomer is not IT conscious enough to properly from A to B. A number of activities described in
evaluate a service and therefore, tries to find the processes, such as checks, authorisations
safety in the description of the resources to be and registrations, form part of the process itself,
deployed (hardware, software and humanware). to ensure quality and are not aimed at the
Not only does the supplier find it difficult to establishing of the main objective of the process.
determine the cost of the service, but even more Certain other activities are necessary for
to steer the organisation towards service facilitating other processes. The importance and
parameters. the execution of these processes are not always



World Class IT Service Management Guide 2000

obvious to the persons who actually do the work. The lack of coherence between operational
This problem occurs especially if the objective of processes on the one hand, and tactical and
the process, the description and the total picture strategic processes on the other hand, causes
of the full model, are not clear enough. too large a gap within the organisation.
The absence of clarity regarding the position of
activities within the process and the absence of Bottleneck 8. Customisation is difficult
the understanding of the importance of those It is the aim of every manager to continuously
activities within the framework of the total improve. Until recently, an availability of 99%
service causes lack of motivation. was a veritable achievement.
Due to continuous improvements to the quality
Bottleneck 6. Slowing down effect of of hardware and software, and certainly also
over-documentation in the standard of managers, the realisation of
Descriptions of processes, procedures and better performance by components of the
work instructions are not generally fun to read, technological infrastructure is proving more and
especially for those who are required to execute more achievable. The infrastructure, on the other
them. The same goes for descriptions of processes hand, is becoming increasingly complex and
and process models. service levels are becoming more specialised.
Descriptions often tend to list all of the variants Performance is crucial to some applications,
and exceptions occurring within a process in one whereas to other applications, it is data integrity
go, often giving a detailed exchange of infor- and recovery up to the last second, or simply
mation. If the processes, procedures and working availability.
instructions are also recorded in a single, all- For some services, the standard level of the
encompassing document this results in a docu- service is too high for the nature of the business
ment that is very inaccessible, both in use and it supports. For example, not all discs need to be
maintenance. doubled, the failure of one of the ten work-
Many people, especially beginners, are stations may not need to be resolved within 8
overwhelmed with the amount of rules and hours, or the loss of one day of production may
regulations that seem to push the actual work be less costly than the costs of prevention.
into the background. If the service level is properly attuned to the
Brief, simple and clear descriptions of the working business, it suffices to simply deliver what is
method, summaries of the main points, are usually requested. The same applies here: `You can
absent. have too much of a good thing!'
Unlimited service leads to unnecessarily high
Bottleneck 7. Process and procedures only costs, possibly endangering the competitive
cover part of the activities position.
The original IPW description focuses on a number
of operationally positioned processes. The Bottleneck 9. Projects/Taskforces/
strategic and tactical processes are acknowl- Escalations
edged but have not been designed with the The complexity and dynamics of the ICT
operational processes in mind. This causes a management requires proper fine-tuning of all
breakdown in communication at the borderlines those involved. A good process model and clearly
of the processes, leading to errors and delays. worked out procedures, work instructions and
This gap is also the cause of the lack of grip on good supporting tools are suitable aids.
and the understanding of management in relation Due to time pressure or size, the performance of
to the operational activities. certain actions is sometimes kept outside of the



Integrated Service Management (ISM)

process control. These activities are then Approach

organised in the form of Task Forces, projects or
escalations. Placing activities in these organisa- In developing the model, a highly structured
tional forms is often a good and necessary means approach was used. The model is approached
to ensure a practical implementation. These step by step by establishing a number of building
activities are placed outside the process because blocks (paradigms). Since the model is limited to
the way in which the regular process is described the theoretical fundamentals it, therefore, offers
and executed does not instil sufficient trust a set of tools instead of a definitive solution for
concerning the establishing of the desired objec- the specific situation. The use of the model easily
tive. However, the necessary registrations are facilitates the creation of a varying number of
often not performed, resulting in incorrect or organisational elaborations.
incomplete data for future processes. The result The development of the model is based on a
is two-fold. Firstly, the risk of disruption to the number of limiting conditions constituting the
progression of the project, as well as to the quality minimum requirements for the model.
assurance of the future production, increases due The model must:
to the fact that the facilitating processes are not à be acceptable and simple;
properly activated. The second risk is that the à be recognisable and practicable;
project or the task force's claim to resources à be maintainable;
makes those essential resources unavailable to à be process-based, service-oriented and
other IT services. This bottleneck arises especially customer-oriented;
if the project or task force is automatically given à be traceable and reproduceable;
a priority that is higher than that of the execution à describe variants according to their nature,
of the process. not per case;
Under pressure, the agreed working method is à make a clear contribution to controlling the
(too) often deviated from, causing the activation increasing complexity of the IT service.
of two conflicting control mechanisms and caus-
ing damage to the quality of service. The ISM model was deliberately limited to those
processes directly leading to the provision of a
Bottleneck 10. Steering towards processes service. As a result of this, a number of organisa-
Maintaining process-based working methods tional, financial and facilitary processes, essen-
requires just as much innovation as their imple- tial to the company, have not been included in
mentation. Process-based working methods also the model.
require process-based management. The way in The model was deliberately not developed in
which objectives are introduced into the detail. By describing the main processes and
organisation is still predominantly from the top putting them foremost, a well organised, clear
down. Organisations arranging their operational and well-implemented model has been created.
activities through processes fail to utilise the full A model that works is better than `the right
added value. The choice for process-based model'.
working methods should be followed by the choice
for process-based control and also process-based
rewards. Paradigms; the model's building blocks
Control and award systems `from the top down'
have the effect of placing the interest of the An organisation can be viewed in many ways and
department before the process-based establish- dimensions. Each dimension in itself provides
ment of the service. information important to the layout of the



World Class IT Service Management Guide 2000

organisation. The description of the main service

dimensions provides the paradigms forming the Customer
building blocks of the ISM model.
Each paradigm describes a dimension of the IT
service management or part of the service. The
paradigms employed are individually recognisable Figure 1 The delivery paradigm
and have as such been adopted and accepted
within the IT management field.
To be able to use the various paradigms for the the delivery paradigm, a service consists of an
development of one integrated model, each para- Information System with the associated interac-
digm should be described in view of this purpose, tion support. According to the infrastructure
in this case, the creation, provision and con- paradigm, each Information System can be split
tinuation of an integrated IT service. This results into a large number of components, as shown in
in a consistent elaboration, complementary to an the Information System tree below (Figure 2).
organisation that strives for the same goals. This Information System tree shows the compo-
nents constituting an Information System.
The delivery paradigm An Information System consists of an infrastruc-
ture of `human resources' and an infrastructure
Elaboration of the delivery paradigm of Information Technology (IT). Other dimensions
The client is supplied with a service. This service such as procedures and documentation are
is continuous in nature, consisting of the provision always applicable to this and other components
of an information system and its support (Figure 1). of the Information System tree.
A good service necessitates an effective and The Information Technology is again made up of
coherent management of the interaction between the Technical Infrastructure, the Application Infra-
customer and supplier. structure and the Technical Facilities Infra-
The impact of the delivery paradigm on the The Technical Infrastructure consists of Hardware,
ISM model System Software and Communication Facilities.
The ISM processes have been selected in such a Depending on the architecture, the Application
way that there is a continuous relationship to the Infrastructure may consist of Application Soft-
delivery of the information system and its inter- ware and Databases. Technical Facilities include
actions. Each interaction with the customer is buildings, computer floors and energy facilities.
directly linked with a specific process within the
supplier domain. The impact of the infrastructure paradigm on the
ISM model
The infrastructure paradigm The scope of the ISM model covers the Information
System and thereby all its components. This means
Elaboration of the infrastructure paradigm that, for all processes, one or more components
ISM focuses on the delivery and maintenance of of the infrastructures constitute an object that the
an integrated service. The infrastructure para- process is working on. So the `incident recovery'
digm delivers an image of the infrastructure used process processes all incidents, regardless of the
for this purpose: what it comprises and which component or domain of the Information System
part of the infrastructure is important to the infrastructure they are applicable to. Therefore,
implementation and control of the service, always no distinction is made between the equipment
related to the level of the IT service. According to related incidents and the application software



Integrated Service Management (ISM)



System Technical
software infrastructure

Information Communication
system facilities

Application technology



Figure 2 The Information System tree

related incidents. The same applies to the change The impact of the organisation paradigm on the
process. ISM model
By nature, the infrastructure paradigm provides Of course, the design of an ISM model focuses
important guidelines for the service-oriented on a process-based approach: it is first deter-
populating of the CMDB. mined which processes need to be executed
By showing the information system per service, a within an organisation. Next, the optimum combi-
meaningful specification of the various necessary nation of people and products infrastructure is
resources is created. This is important for both determined. Environmental factors (culture,
the preparation of a new service and for its financial position, etc.) play an important role in
continuous delivery. the latter.
ISM always discriminates between these
The organisation paradigm

Elaboration of the organisation paradigm People

The organisation paradigm starts with the view

that each organisation can be seen as a system of
co-operating infrastructures (Figure 3): Processes Products
à people ^ who
à process ^ what
à products ^ how and with what Figure 3 The organisation paradigm



World Class IT Service Management Guide 2000

infrastructures. A process model is defined The impact of the control paradigm on the
which consciously excludes all influences of the ISM model
people, the organisation infrastructure. As an On the one hand, applying the control para-
implementation is greatly determined by the digm leads to the typification of the recognised
environmental factors and by subjective issues processes according to one of three levels as
such as the preference of the current manager or indicated. The ISM processes are always chosen
by culture, this document remains limited to the in such a way that they will fit univocally into
indication of several implementation variants. one control level. For example, the Problem
Requirements concerning the products infra- Management process is characterised as a
structure to be employed may also be derived tactical process: it determines which improve-
from the process infrastructure The nature and ments must be made to the infrastructure to
character of the products depend on many facilitate the required service quality, or in the
environmental factors and are, therefore, not case of internal improvements, to efficiency. This
developed further. process, therefore, does not include operational
activities regarding the infrastructure. This is
The control paradigm contrary to the relevant ITIL definition. In ISM,
the reactive activities contributed by ITIL for the
Elaboration of the control paradigm Problem Management process always fall under
Within each organisation, a number of control the Incident Handling process, regardless of the
levels can be distinguished. The control para- incidents in question.
digm assumes that three control levels can be
distinguished within each organisation (Figure 4): The integration paradigm
à The strategic level that mainly determines
the long-term information policy and that Elaboration of the integration paradigm
provides a global vision and direction for the The integration paradigm ensures the delivery of
organisation. the service, as seen from the point of view of the
à The tactical level that translates the vision supplier. The customer is not concerned with this
and policy, as defined at the strategic level, division of the components and it is, therefore,
into a medium-term specification of the hidden: the customer only `sees' the `total
infrastructure facilities. supplier'. The supplier is responsible for managing
à The operational level. This level transforms the interface(s) with the sub-supplier(s).
the infrastructure specifications into the The supplier, hereby, assumes the role of system
information systems being used. integrator for the sub-suppliers of components
constituting the integrated service (Figure 5).
The domain of the supplier can consist of one or
Strategic more sub-domains. The integrated service to be
delivered is then divided into components of the
various sub-suppliers.
The impact of the integration paradigm on the
ISM model
Each sub-domain that is to be put into practice
can be specified and split off as an independent
domain. The requirements for the total service
Figure 4 The control paradigm are translated into requirements applicable to the



Integrated Service Management (ISM)

delivery of the sub-services from the split domain.

The ISM model has the customer specify their
requirements for the total service in terms of
behaviour, functionality and support. The
requirements derived from these characteristics
Customer Supplier
are translated into the sub-domain by the service
integrator, without further requirements regard-
ing the internal working method of the sub-
supplier. Therefore, a sub-domain can be seen as
a `black box'. Communication between customer,
supplier and sub-supplier are kept uniform, how- Figure 5 The integration paradigm
ever, to facilitate the composite structure. It there-
fore, concerns agreements on the level of process
interfaces and inter-process communication.

The generic model

The considerations and paradigms presented
above lead to the generic model for Integrated
Service ManagementÕ (Figure 6). For the IT
Integrator Supplier
service supplier to be able to deliver a composite
service, it is essential to take the role of
integrator if the service is to be split into
components. The integrator manages the S S S

interfaces with the component suppliers.

Figure 6 The generic model
This model does not necessitate agreements
among the sub-suppliers themselves, as this
is the responsibility of the integrator.
For complex services, the model may be `repeated', Customer Supplier
the sub-supplier taking the role of integrator for
the components under his/her responsibility. Strategic
Global needs: Relation

Tactical Specified needs: Contract Tactical

Customer ^ supplier relations
Reporting, review, adjustment

If we combine the control paradigm and the

Operational Operational
delivery paradigm, we arrive at the conclusion Concrete needs: Support

that the customer ^ supplier relationships take Delivery

place on three control levels as well. Each level

knows its own specific customer ^ supplier Figure 7 Combination of delivery paradigm and
interactions. control paradigm
The interactions on each of these levels are
characterised by two-way traffic and can be
described as follows (Figure 7).



World Class IT Service Management Guide 2000

Strategic of the supplier consist of solving complaints,

The customer sets up an information plan, to providing information and the results of orders.
facilitate the information of the customer domain. Here, the object of attention is always the
Based on this information plan, the supplier assured delivery of the information system.
provides information about the (im)possibilities,
the standards and the requirements used in his
service policy. This is an iterative process, its Processes within the model
objective being the fine-tuning of the information
plan and the delivery options. Here, the object of After the paradigms have been established, the
attention is the relationship between customer following step may be taken. This step consists
and supplier. of the specification of the interactions and the
definition of the associated processes that are
Tactical operative within the ISM model (Figure 8).
The customer sets up the specifications of the On a strategic level, the information plans of the
information system, be it new or to be amended. customers, market research and innovation lead
He also sets up the requirements linked with the to service requirements (in the form of service
delivery. The supplier quotes for the service, plans and standards).
either new or to be amended, and/or maintenance On a tactical level, the infrastructure require-
takes place within the terms and conditions of ments and delivery are formulated from this,
existing SLAs (adjusting specifications, report- together with the specifications of the customer.
ing). Here, the object of attention is always the Adjustments are constantly made based on
specification of the information system and its customer requirements and/or internal efficiency
support. considerations.
On an operational level, the delivery is created,
Operational modified and, of course, continued.
The customer uses the integrated service
delivered by the supplier. The user generates
complaints (incident reports), questions
(information) and (standard) orders. The actions

Customer Supplier

Strategic Information plan, RFI Strategic Market exploration


Acquisition, sales Requirements; standards

and plans for service

Tactical Specifications, RFP Tactical Definitions

Delivery requirements
Reporting, review, fine-tuning

Operational Support requests

Operational Creation, modification and
continuation of delivery

Figure 8 Elaboration of the most important interactions between customer and supplier



Integrated Service Management (ISM)

Customer Service integrator Sub-supplier(s)

Strategic Strategic
Information Acquisition Innovation Information

Tactical RFP Tactical

Service definition Tactical infrastructure management RFP Tactical
Quote Quote

Delivery order
Delivery order
Tactical service SEC AVM HRM SLA reporting
SLA reporting management

Operational RFC Operational

Change Purchasing RFC Operational
W W Complaints
Complaints V
Incident Configuration Questions, orders with SLA
Delivery V Delivery
Questions, orders with SLA Production

Figure 9 The Integrated Service Management model. This model only shows the process relationships
and not the flow of information. Nor does it include any quality processes. Quality management is
thought to be applicable to all elements and levels within this model

The Integrated Service Management contacts with the customer are maintained.
process model Based on a Request For Information (RFI), the
iterative interaction with the customer finally
The previous paragraph established the para- determines the shape and form of the service to
digms, creating a generic model for the delivery be delivered, the information the customer needs
of an integrated service. At this stage, the and how it is to be achieved. As soon as the
processes occurring on a strategic, tactical and customer decides that the supplier might be able
operational level need to be completed.The model to meet the information needs, a Request For
shows three levels as well (Figure 9). Proposal (RFP) is drawn up.

Strategic processes Tactical processes

The strategic level includes the Marketing, On a tactical level, this RFP provides the input for
Innovation and Acquisition processes. Marketing the Service Definition process. This process needs
in the sense of researching the market, not only to see the specified information requirements
to sell the services to be delivered, but also to translated into infrastructure terms used to
explore the market for developments. Especially deliver the service. The specification of this
developments that are relevant for further infrastructure is based on the Information System
improvement of management tools for the Tree. After consultation with sub-suppliers, a
services to be delivered. This specifically controls quote will be issued, stating the specifications
the Innovation process, as this may see the and costs of the service to be delivered. Again, an
creation of measures that will improve the iterative interaction concerning these costs and
efficiency of IT management. specifications will take place between the
From the Acquisition process, the strategic customer and the supplier. This may finally lead



World Class IT Service Management Guide 2000

to a delivery order: the input for the Tactical tion of the ISM model, it is essential that one
Service Management process (group). has a clear picture of the definition of managed
This delivery order shall be in the form of an infrastructure. This requires agreements being
agreement (contract) stating the terms made within the whole of the organisation, to
and conditions and the specifications of the prevent confusion. The fact is that the ISM model
service to be delivered, i.e. the service level only concerns this managed infrastructure.
agreement (SLA). The model can further distinguish between
The Tactical Service Management process is changes to copies and types. Objects for which
aimed at the achieving and continuation of the the type (a characteristic feature of the object)
requested service. It might also lead to changes, are processed using the change
organisational adjustments, e.g. setting up a process. Changes relating to (identical) copies
7 ¾ 24 hour support. are not processed using the change process, but
The tactical level also sees processes concerning are processed in the production process and
the care of the infrastructure. The model has 10 registered in the CMDB.
processes, included within the Tactical Infra- The production process executes all operational
structure Management (TIM) process group. activities related to the service to be delivered.
TIM is the total of all processes ensuring the These activities can be triggered from the
layout of the infrastructure remains such that the incident and change process and lead to
integrated service is delivered in conformity with adjustments to the daily planning in the produc-
the agreements. The following processes are tion process. The customer domain will also
distinguished within TIM: produce questions and small orders, however,
à Availability Management. directly interfering with the production process.
à Capacity Management. Examples of small orders include a one-time
à Contingency Management. production of a database query and the addition
à Cost Management. of a user profile to an authorisation database.
à Vendor Management. One final trigger (series) for the process
à Performance Management. production originates from the TIM processes
à Security Management. (e.g. problem solving and innovation projects).
à Problem Management.
à Lifecycle Management. Process integration between domains
à Human Resource Management. Interactions with sub-suppliers of the integrated
service are controlled from the processes
Operational processes described in the ISM model. The model does not
The operational level sees the delivery of the dictate any requirements to the working process
service in conformity with the specifications or method within the sub-domains, apart from
as agreed with the customer. Of course, no the fact that each of the identified ISM processes
information system is perfect and the ISM model requires uniform input by sub-suppliers. This way,
also has the necessary processes in place to deal the interaction can be specified clearly and the
with disruptions and adjustments in a correct and agreements can be guaranteed by means of a
adequate manner. To enable proper implementa- quality system.



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