United States Patent: Arellano

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US007250 180B2

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7.250,180 B2

Arellano (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 31, 2007
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Kaighn, M. E., et al., “Establishment and Characterization of a Disclosed are methods and compositions useful in treating
Human Prostatic Carcinoma Cell Line (PC-3). Investigative Urol prostate cancer. The invention is based on BIRM, an extract
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Wang, Min, et al., “Isolation and Characterization of PC-3 human unrecognized anti-prostate cancer activity. Also disclosed
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U.S. Patent Jul. 31, 2007 Sheet 1 of 7 US 7.250,180 B2

FIG. 1


BIRM, Llml
U.S. Patent Jul. 31, 2007 Sheet 2 of 7 US 7,250,180 B2


- iA.
... = .
at . ww. a.
Y- -
Y & 4
s, ---- St. -- -- ef

5/ml 10pm. 20. In






0.01 01 1. 10 100
-o- PC-3ML BIRM, ul/mL
-o- DU-145
U.S. Patent Jul. 31, 2007 Sheet 3 of 7 US 7,250,180 B2

FIG. 3


OD405 nM


OO 2.5 50 7.5 10.0 12.5

BIRM, Llml

--PC-3ML -A-DU-145
-O-MAT Lylu
U.S. Patent Jul. 31, 2007 Sheet 4 of 7 US 7.250,180 B2

FIG. 4


-O-PC-3ML -- DU-145 0
-O- LNCaP O 5 10 15 20 25 30
BIRM, L/ml

FIG. 5


O 15 2O 25 30
U.S. Patent Jul. 31, 2007 Sheet S of 7 US 7.250,180 B2


U.S. Patent Jul. 31, 2007 Sheet 6 of 7 US 7.250,180 B2

FIG. 7




o O5 1.0 1.5 20 2.5

BIRM, ul/mL
--DU-145 CM



O NATIVE 100' CI 3.5 kDa 10 kDa 30 kDa PROT K CHARCOAL

U.S. Patent US 7.250,180 B2


US 7,250,180 B2
1. 2
ANT-PROSTATE CANCER COMPOSITION ancillary debilitating sickness in patients, or use methodol
AND THERAPEUTIC USES THEREFOR ogy that is expensive, procedurally difficult, and unpredict
able. Accordingly, it would be useful to identify an anti
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION prostate cancer composition that is efficacious and well
5 tolerated in humans.
Prostate cancer (CalP) is the most commonly diagnosed
cancer in American men with an estimated 189,000 new SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
cases in the year 2002 and the second most common cause
of death from cancer in American men. (Jamel et al., Cancer “BIRM' is a natural herbal medicine, not previously
J for Clinicians, 52: 23-47, 2002.) Prostate cancer, like other 10 associated with the treatment of CaP. BIRM stands for
cancers, can be viewed as a breakdown in the communica Biological Immune Response Modulator, and has been
tion between tumor cells and their environment, including formulated by the applicant based on local folklore among
their normal neighboring cells. Growth-stimulatory and the Ecuadorian native population. The formulation was
growth-inhibitory signals are routinely exchanged between dispensed as a natural remedy for a variety of maladies
cells within a tissue. Normally, cells do not divide in the 15 including HIV-1 infection and cancer (other than prostate
absence of stimulatory signals, and, likewise, will cease cancer) (Cevallos EA (1994). Binational experience in the
dividing in the presence of inhibitory signals. In a cancerous treatment of AIDS with a low molecular weight natural
or neoplastic state, a cell acquires the ability to “override' carbohydrate (ECA-10-142), as a stimulant of the immunol
these signals and to proliferate under conditions in which a ogy system 10" Internatl. Conference on AIDS (Yokohama,
normal cell would not grow. Japan) Book of Abstracts Vol. 1 PA No. 0294; Cevallos EA
In general, tumor cells must acquire a number of distinct (1996) “BIRM: La estrtegia terapeutica del futuro’. Abstract
aberrant traits in order to proliferate in an abnormal manner. of Congreso Mundial de SIDA en Vancouver; BIRM Car
In addition to abnormal cell proliferation, cells must acquire bohydrate of low molecular weight ECA 10-142 controls
several other traits for tumor progression to occur. For AIDS (1994) 10' Internatl. Conference on AIDS (Yoko
example, early on in tumor progression, cells must evade the 25 hama, Japan) Book of Abstracts Vol. 2 PA No. 0291.) Very
host immune system. Further, as tumor mass increases, the little systematic information is currently available on BIRM
tumor must acquire vasculature to Supply nourishment and and no studies have been undertaken to investigate structure
remove metabolic waste. Additionally, cells must acquire an function correlation of ingredients in BIRM.
ability to invade adjacent tissue. In many cases cells ulti It has now been discovered that these and other long felt
mately acquire the capacity to metastasize to distant sites. 30 needs can be achieved by the present invention, which
In the realm of cancer therapy it often happens that a provides, in one aspect, methods for inhibiting the growth or
therapeutic agent that is initially effective for a given patient development of prostate cancer in a mammal by providing
becomes, overtime, ineffective or less effective for that BIRM, an extract of the plant Solanaceae-Dulcamara to a
patient. The very same therapeutic agent may continue to be mammal in need of Such treatment in an amount that is
effective over a long period of time for a different patient. 35 effective to achieve the specified result.
Further, a therapeutic agent, which is effective, at least The invention features a method of treating a mammal
initially for some patients, is completely ineffective or even with prostate cancer, or at risk of prostate cancer, comprising
harmful for other patients. administering to the mammal a pharmaceutical composition
Chemotherapy, androgen withdrawal, Surgery and radia comprising an effective amount of Biological Immune
tion therapy are some of the current forms of prostate cancer 40 Response Modifier (BIRM). The method is useful for inhib
treatment. Androgen withdrawal, by castration or through iting growth of prostate cancer. The method comprises,
the use of an anti-androgenic drug, is the preferred treatment inhibiting cellular proliferation of prostate cancer, inhibiting
method for prostate cancer. One drug used to initiate andro invasiveness of the prostate cancer, and/or inhibiting
gen withdrawal is Bicalutamide. Bicalutamide (casodex) is metastasis of prostate cancer. The BIRM formulation can be
a relatively potent, orally active anti-androgenic drug. 45 administered in an amount Sufficient to specifically arrest
Approximately 80% of the prostate cancer patients treated prostate cancer cells in the Go/G cell-cycle phase, increase
with bicalutamide respond to the treatment; however, most apoptosis and inhibit expression of hyaluronidase, an
patients eventually relapse. Indeed, no current treatment is enzyme implicated in tumor angiogenesis and metastasis.
completely effective. The majority of the CaP related deaths, The method can further comprise treating the mammal with
estimated to be 30,200 in the year 2002, is likely a result of 50 an adjunct anti-prostate cancer modality. The adjunct anti
failure of all currently available conventional treatments. neoplastic modality can comprise chemotherapy, Surgery,
Because of the problems associated with conventional and/or radiotherapy. One aspect of the invention provides a
therapy, or sometimes also the cost, CaP patients often seek method of inhibiting prostate cancer growth in a mammal,
unproven therapeutic approaches (Jacobson and Chetty comprising administering to the mammal a cancer-inhibi
(2001) Curr Oncol Rep 3:448-52.) In fact, poor efficacy of 55 tory amount of BIRM.
conventional chemotherapeutic drugs against metastatic By means of the invention, a method of killing prostate
hormone-refractory prostate cancer (CaP) drives patients to cancer cells or inhibiting prostate cancer cell growth or
try “alternate medicine.” It is estimate that 30%-40% of men metastasis is provided that avoids or mitigates side effects
with CaP experiment with one or more complementary commonly associated with anti-prostate cancer chemothera
therapies which include high dose vitamins and minerals, 60 peutic regimens, increases efficacy, or both. Another aspect
herbal preparations, plants and plant extracts, and Supple of the invention involves a method of reducing side affects
ments of soy, saw palmetto etc. (Jones et al., (2002) Urology associated with treating CaP.
59:272-276.) Another aspect of the present invention provides a method
In view of the above considerations, it is clear that there of preparing BIRM comprising: a) harvesting root samples
is a need to Supplement existing methods of inhibiting 65 from an Ecuadorian plant Solanaceae-Dulcamara; b) stabi
prostate cancer cell invasiveness and metastasis. Current lizing the root samples; c) drying the root samples; d)
approaches rely on highly cytotoxic compounds that cause modifying the root samples via oxidative reduction; and e)
US 7,250,180 B2
3 4
isolating a plant extract from the root samples, wherein the FIG. 7. BIRM inhibits tumor-derived HAase: Effect of
plant extract comprises BIRM. BIRM on the HAase activity present in DU-145 cell con
These and other aspects of the present invention will be ditioned medium and partially purified preparation of
better appreciated by reference to the following drawings HYAL1 was carried out using the HAase ELISA-like assay,
and detailed description. The detailed description and 5 as described in “Materials and Methods’. Data shown are
examples enhance the understanding of the invention, but from a typical experiment. Similar results were obtained in
are not intended to limit the scope of the invention. three other experiments using LNCaP cells.
FIG. 8. Cytotoxicity of modified BIRM as assayed by
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS MTT assay and compared with unmodified BIRM: BIRM
10 solution was treated with proteinases (Proteinase K), heated
Various embodiments of the invention have been chosen for 5 min in a boiling water-bath or subjected to Ultra
for purposes of illustration and description, but are not filtration as described in “Materials and Methods’. Follow
intended in any way to restrict the scope of the invention. ing treatment, untreated and treated BIRM solutions were
The preferred embodiments of certain aspects of the inven tested for cytotoxic activity in PC3-ML cells by MTT assay,
tion are shown in the accompanying drawings, wherein: 15 as described in “Materials and Methods’. Vertical bars
FIG.1. Cytotoxicity of BIRM on prostate tumor cell lines: represent Mean-SEM, from four independent assays.
CaP cells cultured in growth medium (1x10'cells/well; FIG. 9. Fractionation of anti-neoplastic ingredients
48-well plates) were exposed to various concentrations of present in BIRM by gel filtration chromatography: Five
BIRM. Following incubation for 24 h, DNA synthesis was milliliter of clarified BIRM was fractionated on a Sephadex
determined by measuring H-thymidine incorporation in the G-50 column. The column fractions were assayed for pro
proliferating cells. Vertical bar represents Mean-SEM, from tein. (Aso ), uronate concentration (Bitter and Muir
three independent assays. assay), HAase activity (HAase activity ELISA) and cyto
FIG. 2. Effect of BIRM on the growth of CaP cells. A. toxicity (MTT assay). A single protein peak was detected in
Cells cultured at low density in 60-mm culture dishes were fraction #20, which had neither cytotoxic activity nor HAase
exposed to BIRM for 24 h. Surviving cells at the end of 25 inhibitory activity.
incubation were allowed to form adherent cell colonies
during the next 7-10 days. Cell colonies stained with 0.1% INVENTION
crystal violet and colonies containing>50 cells were counted
manually using a hand-held electronic counter in a blinded 30 The present invention provides a method for treating
fashion. A: Colonies of surviving PC3-ML cells exposed to prostate cancer. In accordance with the present invention, it
BIRM for 24 h. B: Clonogenic survival of CaP cells co has been found that compositions containing BIRM can be
cultured with BIRM. Results are presented as Mean-SEM, used to treat prostate cancer. “Treatment” and “treating as
obtained from 3 independent experiments. used herein include preventing, inhibiting, curing, or alle
FIG. 3. BIRM kills tumor cells by induction of apoptosis. 35 viating growth of prostate cancer cells, prostate cancer or
PC-3ML, DU-145 and Mat Lylu cells CaP cells cultured in symptoms thereof, or preventing or alleviating the metasta
growth medium (x10'cells/well; 48-well plates) with or sis of prostate cancer.
without BIRM at various concentrations for 24 h were Alleviating prostate cancer includes degrading a prostate
analyzed for apoptotic activity using the Cell Death ELISA tumor, for example, breaking down the structural integrity or
Plus assay kit, which allowed us to measure the soluble 40 connective tissue of a prostate tumor, Such that the tumor
nucleosomes by spectrophotometry. Data shown are size is reduced when compared to the tumor size before
Mean-SEM obtained from three independent experiments. treatment. Inhibiting and/or curing prostate cancer includes
FIG. 4. BIRM induced increase in caspase activity. CaP degrading a prostate tumor such that the tumor cannot be
cells were treated with BIRM for 4 to 24 hand total activities detected by known diagnostic means for one year after
of cell-death associated caspases was measured using a kit 45 treatment. Without being limited to any theory of operabil
that employs a rhodamine 110-conjugated peptide Substrate ity, the tumor may be reduced in size or become undetect
common to all cell death-related caspases. Results presented able, for example, by atrophying from lack of blood Supply
are meant-SEM from three independent experiments. or by being attacked or degraded by one or more compo
Caspase activity in untreated control cultures was detect nents administered according to a method of the invention.
able, but was typically 10x less than the activity detected in 50 Alleviating metastasis of prostate cancer includes reduc
positive control provided with the assay kit. ing the rate at which the prostate cancer spreads to other
FIG. 5. Effect of daily dosing of BIRM on growth and organs. Preventing metastasis of prostate cancer includes
metastasis of Dunning MAT LyLu tumors in rats. Tumor preventing the prostate cancer from spreading outside of the
growth in rats with Subcutaneous tumor implants with prostate.
EGFP-MAT Lylu cells (2x10 cells/animal). Data presented 55 A treatment according to the invention may be carried out
are meant-SEM of each treatment group over time. Data by administering a composition including BIRM in an
from control group includes measurements of 6 tumor amount effective for alleviating, curing, inhibiting, or pre
bearing rats, whereas the BIRM treated group had only 4 venting prostate cancer or preventing or alleviating the
animals in the group, other 2 animals in this group did not metastasis of prostate cancer. BIRM is an aqueous oral
develop tumors. 60 formulation currently available from BIRM, Inc. (Quito,
FIG. 6. EGFP-MAT LyLu rat prostate tumors metastatic Ecuador). BIRM contains a number of yet to be identified
to lungs. The figure shows rat lungs with fluorescent tumor compounds. If one or more of these compounds is found to
foci (indicated with arrows). A: Control animals (magnifi be therapeutically effective alone, or in Some Subgroup of
cation 40x). B: a typical tumor metastatic to lung in BIRM other BIRM constituents, the administration of that agent,
treated group (magnification 20x). Tumors foci in BIRM 65 alone, or as part of a formulation, at concentrations at least
treated animals were typically 10x smaller or absent in as that found in a 5 ml sample of commercial BIRM is
lungs. contemplated. The recommended minimum dosage of
US 7,250,180 B2
5 6
BIRM useful in treating CaP is 5 ml/12 hours and the pressed tables may be prepared by compressing the active
recommended maximum dosage of BIRM useful in treating ingredient in a free flowing form (e.g., powder, granules)
CaP is 5 ml/6 hours. optionally mixed with a binder (e.g., gelatin, hydroxypro
The formulation useful according to the invention pos pylmethlcellose), lubricant, inert diluent, preservative, dis
sesses a desirable but unusual combination of physicochemi integrant (e.g., sodium starch glycolate, cross-linked car
cal properties, including activity, bioavailability, Solubility, boxymethyl cellulose) Surface-active or dispersing agent.
and reduction of side effects. These properties render the Suitable binders include starch, gelatin, natural Sugars Such
formulation particularly desirable for the treatment of pros as glucose or betalactose, corn Sweeteners, natural and
tate Cancer. synthetic gums such as acacia, tragacanth, or sodium algi
BIRM exhibits its prostate cancer-inhibitory properties at 10 nate, carboxymethylcellulose, polyethylene glycol, waxes,
concentrations that lead to fewer side effects than those of and the like. Lubricants used in these dosage forms include
known chemotherapeutic agents, and in some cases are Sodium oleate, sodium Stearate, magnesium Stearate, sodium
substantially free of side effects. In addition, it is believed benzoate, sodium acetate, sodium chloride, and the like.
that the properties of hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity are Disintegrators include, without limitation, starch, methyl
well balanced in BIRM, enhancing its utility in vivo, while 15 cellulose, agar, bentonite, Xanthan gum, and the like.
other compounds lacking Such balance are of Substantially Molded tables may be made by molding in a suitable
less utility. Specifically, BIRM has an appropriate degree of machine a mixture of the powdered active ingredient moist
solubility in aqueous media to permit absorption and bio ened with an inert liquid diluent.
availability in the body, while also having a degree of The tablets may optionally be coated or scored and may
solubility in lipids to permit traversal of the cell membrane be formulated so as to provide slow or controlled release of
to a putative site of action. the active ingredient. Tablets may also optionally be pro
The invention includes a method of inducing cytotoxicity vided with an enteric coating to provide release in parts of
(cell killing) in prostate cancer cells or reducing the viability the gut other than the stomach.
of prostate cancer cells. The cytotoxicity of BIRM can be Formulations suitable for buccal administration in the
exploited preferably against prostate cancer. The mechanism 25 mouth wherein the active ingredient is dissolved or Sus
by which this cytotoxicity occurs is not completely under pended in a Suitable carrier include lozenges which may
stood, but the selective killing of the cancer cells can occur comprise the active ingredient in a flavored carrier, usually
through apoptosis, necrosis, another mechanism, or a com Sucrose and acacia or tragacanth; gelatin, glycerin, or
bination of mechanisms. Sucrose and acacia; and mouthwashes comprising the active
BIRM appears to exhibit its beneficial effect in a dose 30 ingredient in a Suitable liquid carrier.
dependent manner. Thus, within broad limits, administration Formulations suitable for oral administration may be
of larger quantities of BIRM has been observed to inhibit administered in the form of an emulsion. The oil phase of the
prostate cancer cell growth or invasiveness to a greater emulsions of the composition used to treat Subjects in the
degree than does administration of a smaller amount. More present invention may be constituted from known ingredi
over, efficacy has been observed at dosages below the level 35 ents in a known manner. This phase may comprise one or
at which toxicity is seen in normal cells or in Subjects. more emulsifiers. For example, the oily phase comprises at
Accordingly, one of the advantages of the invention is that least one emulsifier with a fat or an oil or with both a fat and
the debilitating side effects usually attendant upon conven an oil or a hydrophilic emulsifier is included together with
tional cytotoxic prostate cancer treatments are reduced, and a lipophilic emulsifier, which acts as a stabilizer. Together,
preferably avoided. 40 the emulsifier(s) with or without stabilizer(s) make up an
Dosage Forms: Specific examples of pharmaceutical emulsifying wax, and the wax together with the oil and/or fat
acceptable carriers and excipients that may be used to make up the emulsifying ointment base which forms the oily
formulate oral dosage forms of the present invention are dispersed phase of the cream formulations.
described in U.S. Pat. No. 3,903.297 to Robert, issued Sep. Emulsifiers and emulsion stabilizers suitable for use in the
2, 1975. 45 formulation include Tween 60, Span 80, cetosteryl alcohol,
Techniques and compositions for making dosage forms myristyl alcohol, glyceryl monoStearate and sodium lauryl
useful in the present invention are described herein below. Sulphate, parrafm, straight or branched chain, mono- or
Oral formulations suitable for use in the practice of the dibasic alkyl esters, mineral oil. The choice of suitable oils
present invention include capsules, gels, cachets, tablets, or fats for the formulation is based on achieving the desired
effervescent or non-effervescent powders or tablets, powders 50 cosmetic properties, the properties required and compatibil
or granules; as a solution or Suspension in aqueous or ity with the active ingredient.
non-aqueous liquid; or as an oil-in-water liquid emulsion or The maximal dosage for a Subject is the highest dosage
a water-in-oil emulsion. The compounds of the present that does not cause undesirable or intolerable side effects.
invention may also be presented as a bolus, electuary or For example, BIRM can be administered in an amount of
paste. 55 from about 0.1 ul/kg/day to about 100 ul/kg/day, and pref
The formulations for oral administration may comprise a erably from about 1 ul/kg/day to about 20 l/kg/day. These
non-toxic, pharmaceutically acceptable, inert carrier Such as dosage ranges represent quantities of the various compo
lactose, starch, Sucrose, glucose, methyl cellulose, magne nents of the composition that are therapeutically effective for
sium Stearate, dicalcium phosphate, calcium Sulfate, man treating prostate cancer. But the dose of the composition can
nitol, sorbitol, cyclodextrin and cyclodextrin derivatives and 60 vary depending on the age of the patient, nature and severity
the like. of disease, and potency of the composition. For the purpose
Capsule or tablets can be easily formulated and can be of the present invention, side effects may include clinically
made easy to Swallow or chew. Tablets may contain Suitable significant adverse activity, as well as toxic effects. In any
binders, lubricants, diluents, disintegrating agents, coloring event, the practitioner is guided by skill and knowledge in
agents, flavoring agents, flow-inducing agents, and melting 65 the field, and the present invention includes, without limi
agents. A tablet may be made by compression or molding, tation, dosages that are effective to achieve the described
optionally with one or more additional ingredients. Com phenomena.
US 7,250,180 B2
7 8
The preferred pharmaceutical composition for use in the Botanical raw materials used to make BIRM may be
method of the invention includes a combination of BIRM in harvested when the active ingredient is present in the largest
a Suitable pharmaceutical carrier (vehicle) or excipient as amount (e.g., roots, rhizomes, bulbs, and tubercules in the
understood by practitioners in the art. spring or fall; flowers at the time of blooming; leaves and
The present invention additionally includes administering 5 buds immediately prior to full growth) and in an excess of
BIRM for use in the form of veterinary formulations, which 10% above the theoretical content of the raw materials
may be prepared, for example, by methods that are conven desired because degradation begins immediately after har
tional in the art. vest. Harvesting a true representative sample of botanical
Useful pharmaceutical dosage forms for administration of raw materials provides uniformity in Subsequent batches of
the compounds of this invention are illustrated as follows: 10 plant extract.
Enteral administration is a preferred route of delivery of Harvested plants may be cleaned to remove foreign
BIRM, and compositions including BIRM with appropriate material or unusable portions and stored so as to prevent
diluents, carriers, and the like are readily formulated. Liquid infestation by insects or rodents, accumulation of dirt, and
or Solid (e.g., capsules, soft gelatin capsules, tablets, solu decomposition through the action of microorganisms,
tions, and Suspension) formulations can be employed. It is 15 enzymes, catalysts, yeast, bacteria, and mold.
among the advantages of the invention that, in many situa Harvested botanical samples may be stabilized by enzyme
tions, BIRM can be delivered orally, as opposed to destruction or inhibition. Stabilization by enzyme destruc
parenteral delivery (e.g., injection, infusion), which is typi tion is more common and generally requires temperatures
cally required with conventional chemotherapeutic agents. between 79° C. and 110° C. and may involve gaseous
A large number of unit capsules may be prepared by agents, vapors of organic Substances Such as alcohol or
filling standard two-piece hard gelatin capsules each with water vapor, or liquid alcohol, which reduces the production
100 ul-1000 ul of active ingredient, 150 milligrams of of extracts or alcoholates. Stabilization may also involve the
lactose, 50 milligrams of cellulose, and 6 milligrams mag use of enzyme inhibitors. Enzyme inhibition is defined
nesium Stearate. herein as reversible inhibition of enzymatic activity associ
A mixture of active ingredient in a digestible oil Such as 25 ated with the harvested botanical samples. Such inhibition
Soybean oil, cottonseed oil or olive oil is prepared and may be achieved using many drugs and toxic agents, such as
injected by means of a positive displacement pump into for example, protease inhibitors or chelating agents.
gelatin to form soft gelatin capsules containing 100 milli One method of stabilization involves exposing harvested
grams of the active ingredient. The capsules are washed and samples to UV rays and ultrasound. Although this method
dried. 30 has yielded good results, it is not used frequently.
A large number of tablets are prepared by conventional A second method employs drying harvested Samples at
procedures so that the dosage unit was 100 ul-1000 ul of temperatures between 20° C. and 120° C. inventilation-type
active ingredient, 0.2 milligrams of colloidal silicon dioxide, ovens, between 20° C. and 150° C. in ovens in which the
5 milligrams of magnesium Stearate, 275 milligrams of pressure can be varied, and between 20° C. and 180° C. in
microcrystalline cellulose, 11 milligrams of starch and 98.8 35 infrared ovens. In all three oven types, the material initially
milligrams of lactose. Appropriate coatings can be applied to dries rapidly and stabilizes and heating continues until the
increase palatability or delay absorption. sample becomes brittle. (Nguyen-Hiep. (1965) Ann Pharm
An aqueous Solution or Suspension is prepared for oral Fr. 23(5):297-305.)
administration so that each 5 ml contain 100 ul-1000 ul of A third method involves using autoclaving and alcohol
active ingredient, 200 mg of sodium carboxymethyl cellu 40 vapors to stabilize a sample. In one variation of this method,
lose, 5 mg of sodium benzoate, 1.0 g of Sorbitol Solution, a small amount of alcohol is placed in a common autoclave
U.S.P., and 0.025 ml of vanillin. instead of water. Depending on the nature of the material, the
A parenteral composition Suitable for administration by autoclaving process continues for one to five minutes at 0.5
injection is prepared by stirring 1.5% by weight of active ATM and then is allowed to cool and depressurize. After
ingredient in 10% by Volume propylene glycol and water. 45 removal, the sample fragments may be placed in an oven to
The solution is made isotonic with sodium chloride and eliminate the residual alcohol. In a second variation, alcohol
sterilized. vapors are produced in a boiler with a coil and passed to the
Techniques and compositions for making dosage forms chamber of an autoclave where the harvested samples are
useful in the present invention are described in the following located. When enzyme destruction is complete, communi
references: 7 Modern Pharmaceutics, Chapters 9 and 10 50 cation between the boiler and the autoclave is disconnected
(Banker & Rhodes, Editors, 1979); Lieberman et al., Phar and the sample's alcohol content is measured by heating
maceutical Dosage Forms: Tablets (1981); and Ansel, Intro from the steam in double wall of the autoclave and collected
duction to Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms 2nd Edition the resulting vapor with a condenser.
(1976). Methods of enzyme destruction may be used simulta
BIRM can be co-administered e.g., combined, with other 55 neously with methods of enzyme inhibition.
chemotherapeutic agents or potentiators. In general, dry samples remain stable for 24 months
Solanaceae Dulcamara contains at least two naturally without sterilization and 48 months when sterilized.
occurring therapeutic ingredients, low molecular weight Sample drying involves a process that is uniform, natural,
monosaccharides (between about 3,500 and about 10,000; and allows control over the temperature, moisture content of
and e about 30,000) and medium molecular weight nucle 60 the root, and regulation of external humidity to prevent
otides (between about 50 nucleotides and about 500 nucle decomposition by fungi or yeast and putrefaction. Samples
otides), which are biotechnologically modified by reductive may be dried by Solar drying when Sun exposure is con
cell cultures to produce BIRM. The process of converting trolled.
Dulcamara plant raw materials to BIRM generally entails (i) Solar drying regulates the intensity and duration of Sun
collecting botanical samples, (ii) stabilizing the harvested 65 exposure while enhancing desirable effects including the
samples, (iii) drying the samples, and (iv) isolating the amounts of thermal energy, light, and radiation beneficial to
desired plant extract through reductive fermentation. the biotransformation of certain organic Substances received
US 7,250,180 B2
9 10
from the Sun, and limiting undesirable effects including EXAMPLE 1.
elevated temperature and glare due to direct illumination of
excessive intensity. Test Compound. BIRM is an aqueous extract of dried
Solar driers may be constructed from a variety of mate roots of a plant (genus Dulcamara, family Solanaceae),
rials. Solar driers made from wood and glass are beneficial grown in Ecuador, marketed as a greenish-brown Suspension
when insect infestation is a threat to sample viability. Solar having a mild bittersweet smell. The inactive ingredients in
driers made from wood and transparent plastic sheet may be BIRM contained 16% solids, root fibers, and the remainder,
used when the plastic is nontoxic and does not emit volatile lipid-free liquid. In general, BIRM is prepared by aqueous
substances. Solar driers may also be boxes made of wood extraction of dried roots followed by oxidation-reduction of
with wooden trays or access for rapid drying 10 the extract. More specifically, BIRM is prepared by a
Oxidative reduction generally involves an oxidation step process comprising (a) isolating roots from the Ecudorian
during which compounds lose electrons (e.g., to an oxidiz plant Solanaceae-Dulcamara; (b) cooking up to the boiling
ing agent such as NAD+) followed by a reduction step point of the Solanaceae-Dulcamara roots; (c) diluting 4
during which those compounds gain electrons (e.g., from a ounces of the Solanaceae-Dulcamara roots with 1000 ccm
reducing agent Such as NADH). By way of example only, 15 of distilled water; (d) incubating the resultant mixture at
oxidative reduction of Dulcamara may be accomplished by room temperature for 10 hours; and (e) reductive oxidation,
fermentation. by fermentation, to obtain the anti-prostate cancer compo
Reductive fermentation involves adding dry botanical sition. During this process, the amount of roots and the
sample material at a concentration equivalent to 10% of the timing of oxidation/reduction are carefully controlled to
sample materials dry weight, and equivalent to 90% dis minimize batch-to-batch variation.
tilled water in a two-step fermenter. The first step of fer In one aspect of the invention, the process of reductive
mentation proceeds for 10 hours at 110° C. under controlled fermentation of BIRM comprises: (a) milling 936 kg dry
OXygen. Solanaceae-Dulcamara roots in a mill of stainless steel until
Specific enzymatic organic materials may be added dur granulated about 5 mm in diameter ; (b) drying the milled
ing the second step of the fermentation process. 25 material at 55° C. in a solar oven until the material was about
When samples of the mixture are removed from the 88% dry; (c) mixing the resultant dry material with culture
fermenter the botanical extracts may be isolated by evapo media equivalent to 33% of the Dulcamara's dry weight; (d)
rating the mixture’s solvents and adjusting the residual mass adding the milled dry material of step (c) to a 2 step stainless
or powder according to prescribed Standards. Alternatively, steel fermentator; (e)adding an additional amount of 33%
botanical extracts may also be isolated by extraction by 30 dry Dulcamara roots to the fermentor, (f) incubating the
percolation. In this latter method, the total filtrates are material in the fermentor for 14 hours at 74-77° C. under
generally concentrated by distillation under reduced pres controlled oxygen (1 liter per minute of oxygen); and (g)
Sure to avoid too much heat exposure. adding 500 gm of catalase to the fermentative.
Products composition may be identified using Fehlings In a further aspect of the invention, the process of making
reaction, thin layer chromatography (TLC), nuclear mag 35 BIRM comprises: (a) adding 4485 kg of distilled water to the
netic resonance (NMR), spectroscopy, or a combination fermentation reactor at 50° C.; (b) slowly adding over a few
thereof. Analytical TLC may be modified to obtain a higher minutes 93.6 kg of dry dulcamara material from step (g) of
rate of reaction by alternating the concentration of the the reductive fermentation process; (c) mixing the resultant
elements while using the same Substrate base. mixture of step (b) for several minutes; (d) closing the
Nucleotides may be mixed in the fermenter after BIRM’s 40 reactor; (e) elevating the temperature of the reactor to 100°
oligomonosaccharide content is evaluated. The extract con C., (f) mixing the reaction materials continuously for 15
sists of oligomonosacharides and nucleotides of a high pure minutes; (g) shutting the heat off the reactor, resting the
grade. reactor containing the material for 10 hours, (h) transfering
The following examples are provided to assist in a further the material to the 2 step fermented process. (see step c and
understanding of the invention. The particular materials and 45 d above): (i) filtering the mixture under 50 kg/cm pressure,
conditions employed are intended to be further illustrative of using a filter press of canvases or similar material, with an
the invention and are not limiting upon the reasonable scope aproximate pore size of 2 mm, to obtain a natural filtrate; (I)
thereof. adding 0.45 kg sodium metabisulfite to the filtrate to obtain
The invention is based, in part, on the identification of the BIRM. The resultant BIRM material was added to 5 tightly
anti-proliferative effect of BIRM on prostate cancer. The 50 closed gallon containers and sealed, indicating the final
medicinal value of BIRM is believed to be associated only preparation.
with the Amazonian variety of Dulcamara, where the micro The efficacy of BIRM samples from five different batches
nutrients present in the Soil of upper Amazon basin promote prepared in this manner were selected randomly and tested
the synthesis of the medicinal compounds in the plant. on two different cell lines (PC-3ML and LNCaP) by MTT
BIRM inhibits cell proliferation and clonogenic survival 55 assay to determine inter-batch variation, if any. No inter
(FIGS. 1 and 2) and undergo apoptotic cell death via caspase batch variation in the potency of BIRM for induction of
activation pathway (FIGS. 3 and 4). In-vivo studies on the cytotoxicity was observed. For all examples described
growth and metastasis of Dunning MAT LyLu tumors Sug herein, a clarified BIRM, obtained by centrifugation at
gest that oral dosing with BIRM results in low tumor 10,000-xg was used.
incidence, slow tumor growth and reduced spontaneous 60
metastasis to lungs (FIGS. 5 and 6A, B). A preliminary EXAMPLE 2
biochemical characterization and size exclusion chromatog
raphy data Suggest that there are at least 4 active species Production and Properties of BIRM. Dulcamara is har
present in BIRM, 3 have cytotoxic activity and the 4” has vested when the plant has grown for 14 months and the roots
HAase inhibition activity. All 4 active ingredients in BIRM 65 have a length of between about 15 to about 25 cm.
are heat stable and unlikely to be proteins or lipid-soluble Three batches of dry Solanacea-Dulcamara plants were
compounds. received from the Ecuadorian Tumor Institute: 3.8 kg (30%
US 7,250,180 B2
11 12
moisture), 3.6 kg (31.4% moisture), and 5.3 kg (32.2% When filtered through a mesh of 0.42 microns of a
moisture). After grinding, the Dulcamara plants were dried Millipore filter, BIRM resembled a soft paste of white
in a solar drier at 55° C. for 4 hours to avoid direct sunlight. rhombic crystals. When dried in a vacuum oven at 55° C.
The Solar dryer used regulated insolation passively and a uniform amorphous product of Soft texture and slightly
utilize free energy emitted by the Sun through adequate sweet taste was obtained. This form of BIRM may be stored
uptake, storage, and consumption. This helped regulate in a dry place in hermetically closed containers protected
temperature and humidity and allowed grains, vegetables, from direct Sunlight. Other physical and chemical properties
and medicinal plants to be dried. of BIRM are listed in Table 2.
The mixture used in reductive fermentation was made in
proportional parts according to indications and in an amount 10 TABLE 2
equivalent to 88% of the dry Dulcamara. Dry Dulcamara Physical-Chemical Properties of BIRM
and culture media equivalent to 33% of the Dulcamara's dry
weight was placed in the two-step fermenters and developed Density 1.088 in a concentration of
for 14 hours at 74-77° C. with controlled oxygen. The 22.5 x 10 mL.
specific enzymatic organic material was added to the second 15 PH 7.1 (1 g 710 ml of distilled
step of the fermentation reactor. water)
Solubility soluble in cold water
Samples of the culture medium were extracted from the very soluble in hot water
fermenter for isolation of the plant extract BIRM. Percentage Sugars
soluble in alcohol
no less than 14% reductive
Fehling's reaction was used to determine BIRM’s com Sugars with Fehling liquor at
position in all three batches. The analysis revealed that 196
BIRM contained low-molecular-weight oligomonosaccha
rides (1% Fehling liquor). BIRM contained 15.92% total
Sugars, including of glucose, fructose, 1-ketose, and 1-beta
furanosyl fructose fractions. TLC also identified traces of EXAMPLE 3
bio-organic minerals, primarily calcium and magnesium. 25
NMR analysis of BIRM’s molecular structure confirmed the Sugar Content of BIRM Samples. Composition analysis
presence of double oligomonosaccharides of calcium and was performed on a solid sample of 2.8 kg (30.1% moisture)
magnesium in its racemic form of hydroxyethyl malonate, of oligomonosaccharides BIRM (Lot CP-I) and a liquid
giving the oligomonosaccharides present in BIRM a con sample of 5.2 liters of oligomonosaccharides BIRM (Lot
densed molecular formula of (C.H.O. Mg . . . Ca), and a 30 VP-II) from the Tumor Institute. Lots CP-I and VP-11
molecular weight of (251.38), (where n=1 or a multiple of contained 17.1% and 16.8% total sugars, respectively.
1). BIRM’s extended molecular formula is: EXAMPLE 4
35 Cells and tumor lines. Established human Cap cell lines:
LNCaP and DU-145 cells were obtained from ATCC, Rock
Ca ville, Md. A recently established bone metastic, PSA+ CaP
line (i.e., VcaP) was obtained by Drs. Pienta and Cooper
Ecuador Pat. No. PI 02-1718 (published Mar. 8, 2002). (Karmanos Cancer Center, University of Michigan, Ann
Composition analysis by spectroscopy revealed the fol 40 Arbor Mich.) (Mickeyet et al., (1980) Prog Clin Biol Res
lowing results (Table 1): 37:67-84: Horoszewicz et al., (1983) Cancer Res 43:1809
1818: Korenchuk et al., (2001) In Vivo 15:163-168.) A
TABLE 1. metastatic variant of PC-3 cells, PC-3ML was obtained from
Dr. Mark E. Stearns, Allegheny University Hospitals, Phila
Chemical Composition of BIRM 45 delphia, Pa. (Kaighn et al., (1979) Invest Urol 17:16-23:
Chemical Concentration (ppm Wang and Stearns (1991) Differentiation 48:115-125.) All
Composition or mg/L) Limits the cultures were maintained in a complete medium (CM)
containing RPMI 1640 basal medium, 10% fetal bovine
Aluminum (AI) 10 ppm No more than 50 mg/liter serum (Atlanta Biologicals, Atlanta, Ga.), and 10 ug/ml
Calcium (Ca) 300 ppm No less than 500 mg/liter 50 gentamicin. The EGFP-MAT LyLu cell line was generated
Iron (Fe) 10 ppm No more than 50 mg/liter
Magnesium (Mg) 50 ppm No less than 30 mg/liter by stable transfections of Dunning MAT LyLu at rat CaP
Manganese (Mn) 50 ppm No less than 30 mg/liter cells with pEGFP-1 plasmid DNA (Clontech, Calif.) and
Silicon (Si) 1000 ppm No less than 500 mg/liter maintained in CM with 250 nM dexamethasone as described
Zinc (Zn) 10 ppm No less than 5 mg/liter
before. (Wenger et al., (1984) Urol 131:1232-1236: Lokesh
55 war et al., (2002) Internatl J. Cancer 98:297-309.)
BIRM also contained therapeutic medium molecular
weight nucleotides. The nucleotides are isolated from the EXAMPLE 5
mixture by conventional methods. Birm treatment always
includes both the Sugar content and the nucleotide content. Growth inhibition assay. H-thymidine incorporation
In filtered solution, BIRM had a dark reddish-brown 60 assay was performed as described previously. (Dudak et al.,
color, tasted slightly Sweet, Smelled slightly Sugary, (1996) Anticancer Res 16:3665-3671.) Following incuba
appeared to be a molecular mass of oligomonosaccharides in tion in medium containing BIRM or without BIRM, the cells
a viscous solution, was stable in a concentration of 12,000 were pulse labeled with H-thymidine (1 uCi/ml) for 2 h.
cells/ml, and could be agitated moderately without altering Incorporation of H-thymidine into cellular DNA was
its texture. It was stable stored in glass or nontoxic PVC 65 stopped with 10% trichloroacetic acid and the acid precipi
containers, hermetically sealed at ambient temperature (10 table radioactivity was determined by liquid scintillation
35° C.), and protected from light. counting. (Dudak et al., (1996) Anticancer Res 16:3665
US 7,250,180 B2
13 14
3671.) Clonogenic survival of CaP cells exposed to BIRM fractions from a Sephadex G-50 gel-filtration column (see
for 24 h was assayed by the colony assay as described below) in a HAase assay buffer at 37° C. for 15-hr (Lokesh
before. (Dudak et al., (1996) Anticancer Res 16:3665-3671.) war et al., (1996) Cancer Res 56:651-657.) Following incu
bation, degraded HA by HAase was washed off and the HA
EXAMPLE 6 remaining in the microtiter wells was estimated, using a
biotinylated bovine nasal cartilage-HA binding protein, and
Determination of apoptosis activity. BIRM-induced apo an avidin-biotin detection system (Vector Labs, Burlingame,
ptosis was assayed using a cell death ELISA kit (Cell death Calif.). (Lokeshwar et al., (1999) Cancer Res 59:4464
ELISA-Plus kit, Roche Molecular Biologicals). The assay 4470.)
measured the amount of free nucleosomes in cell lysate 10
resulting from programmed cell death. (Boehringer Man EXAMPLE 10
nheim handbook on apoptosis and cell proliferation (1998)
2" ed. 138pp. Boehringer Mannheim, Germany.) Following Biochemical characterization of cytotoxic activity in
treatment of BIRM for 4 h or 24 h on CaP cells, the amount BIRM. To study heat activation, BIRM was heated at 100°
of free nucleosomes present in lysate of cells undergoing 15 C. for 5 min in a water bath. BIRM was digested with
apoptosis was estimated as per the Supplier's instructions. Proteinase K (10 U/ml) at 37° C. for 18 h. For size
fractionation studies, clarified BIRM was loaded on Milli
EXAMPLE 7 pore ultra filtration mini Centriprep tubes (Millipore Inc.
Bedford, Mass.) with membrane barriers with different
Cell-Cycle Analysis. CaP cells (1x10) were cultured in molecular weight cut-off (i.e., MR-3.5 kDa, MR-10 kDa
60-mm culture dishes. After an overnight culture, the cells and MR-30 kDa). Following three cycles of centrifugation
were treated with 10 g/ml of BIRM for 24 h. BIRM treated and separation of the low molecular weight fractions, both
and untreated cells were harvested and stained with 50 lug/ml the filtrate and the retentate were assayed for cytotoxic
propidium iodide. The amount of propidium iodide bound to activity. BIRM solution was also treated with charcoal
DNA was profiled in an EPICS XL flow cytometer as 25 dextran (50 mg/ml) at 4°C. for 12 h to remove lipids and
described previously. (Lokeshwar et al., (2002) Internatl J. steroids (if any) present in BIRM. Following various treat
Cancer 98:297-309.) The fraction of dead cells at the time of ments, BIRM was centrifuged and various concentrations of
harvesting was about 16% as determined by trypan blue the Supernatant were added to PC3-ML cells cultured in
exclusion. The majority of these cells were floating, so were 24-well plates (2x10 cells/well). BIRM-induced cytotoxic
discarded at the time of washing. The remaining dead cells 30 ity was estimated using the MTT reduction assay following
were gated out using the forward angle light scatter and side a 24 h-treatment. (Lokeshwar et al., (2002) Internatl J.
scatter gatings during flow cytometry. About 20,000 pro Cancer 98:297-309.)
pidium iodide-stained cells were analysed in the flow cytom
eter from each sample. The MODFIT LT program (Verity EXAMPLE 11
Software House, Topsham, Me.) was used for the cell-cycle 35
phase analysis. (Yamamura et al., (1995) Cell Mol Biol Gel filtration chromatography. Particle-free BIRM was
41:121-132.) loaded on a G-50 Sephadex column (1.5x120 cm) equili
brated with 20 mM Tris.HCI, pH 7.4 containing 150 mM
EXAMPLE 8 NaCl buffer (Tris/NaCl buffer). (Lokeshwar et al., (1996)
40 Association of elevated levels of hyaluronidase, a matrix
Determination of activation of cell death-caspases. degrading enzyme, with prostate cancer progression. Cancer
Caspase activation in CaP cells treated with BIRM was Res 56:651-657.) The column was eluted in Tris/NaCl buffer
determined using a kit (Homogenous Caspases Assay, fluo at 7 mL/hr and 3 mL fractions were collected. Each fraction
rimetric kit, Roche Molecular Biologicals), which helped was assayed for protein (BCA-BioRad), uronate (Bitter and
determine collectively activated caspases it 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 45 Muir (1966) J. Clin Invest 45:963-975), inhibition of cell
and 10. The assay measures the free Rhodamine 100 (R110), growth (MTT assay) (Lokeshwar et al., (2002) Internatl J.
resulting from the cleavage of a common caspase Substrate Cancer 98:297-309) and inhibition of HAase activity (Haase
conjugated to R110. Free R110 was determine fluorimetri ELISA-like assay).
cally at 528 nm (maxima. 499 nm and 528 nm) and
it is expressed as relative fluorescence units (RFU). (Homo 50 EXAMPLE 12
geneous caspase assay (2002) Fluoriemtric. Roche Applied
Science product handbook.) Inhibition of tumor growth by BIRM. Inhibition of
growth of tumor by BIRM in the Dunning rat by oral
EXAMPLE 9 administration of BIRM clearly suggests that the active
55 ingredient(s) of BIRM are absorbed in the gastro-intestinal
Hyaluronidase (HAase) assay. In one aspect of the inven tract. Reduction in tumor incidence also Suggests possible
tion, the affects of BIRM on HAase activity secreted in presence of anti-angiogenic agent(s). In the BIRM solution,
DU-145 cell conditioned medium and partially purified which may also be responsible for the significant difference
HYAL1 using a HAase activity ELISA-like assay was in size and number of tumor foci in lungs of animals treated
examined. (Lokeshwar et al., (1996) Cancer Res 56:651 60 with BIRM. It is estimated that 20-40% of patients initially
657; Block et al., (2001) J Biol Chem 276: 11922-11932.) diagnosed with local CaP have either locally advanced
HYAL1 type HAase was partially purified from the urine of disease (stage C) or metastatic disease (stage D) (Harris and
high-grade bladder cancer patients as described previously. Reese (2001) Drug 61:2177-2192: (1995); Kojima et al.,
(Lokeshwar et al., (1996) Cancer Res 56:651-657.) The Urology 45:807-812) and the cure of the metastatic disease
assay was performed in a 96-well microtiter plate coated 65 still remains a challenge. In the instant invention CaP cell
with HA (200 g/ml, ICN Biomedicals). Wells were incu cultures treated with BIRM show a significant reduction in
bated with various concentrations of BIRM or column cell proliferation and undergo apoptosis (FIGS. 1-3). This
US 7,250,180 B2
15 16
data indicates that active ingredients present in BIRM can be tinuous administration of BIRM did not show systemic
potentially used for controlling advanced hormone refrac toxicity in vivo, in the rat model.
tory prostate cancer. In the instant invention it was evaluated
whether the BIRM-induced cytotoxic effect is due to inhi EXAMPLE 13
bition of mitotic spindle separation. This would lead to a
mitotic inhibition and arrest of cells in the G2/M-phase. Tumor generation and BIRM administration. This experi
Unexpectedly the data revealed that incubation with BIRM ment was performed according to the University of Miami
arrested CaP cells in Go/G, which was compensated by a Animal Use and Care committee approved protocol and as
significant decreased (i.e., -5.6%) in the fraction of cell stipulated in the NIH guide to the humane care and use of
population in S-phase and a modest decrease in G2/M. 10 laboratory animals. A suspension (1x10 cells, 0.5 ml) of
thereby indicating a lack of mitotic arrest or cytokinesis growing EGFP-MAT Lylu cells was implanted in a subcu
(Table 3). taneous site on the dorsal flank of adult, male Copenhagen
rats (Harlan Sprague Dawley, Indianapolis, Ind.) under mild
TABLE 3 anesthesia. (Lokeshwar et al., (2002) J. Cancer 98:297-309.)
15 Rats were housed in a room with 12 hour light and dark
Cell-cycle phase fractions (%) of PC-3 ML cells treated with cycles, and provided ad libitum food and water Supply
BIRM for 24 h. throughout the experiment. Following implantation, the rats
Dif- Dif were randomly divided into 2 groups of 6 animals each to
Treat- Go-G fer- S Dif. G-M fer receive 1 ml of either distilled water (vehicle control, Group
ment phase ence' phase ference phase (Ce 1) or BIRM (Group 2) using a 3" stainless-steel intubation
Control 56.37 28.9 14.6+
canula from day 1 of tumor implantation and continued daily
0.9e 2.1 1.2 for 30 days. Tumor growth was examined by palpating the
BIRM 67.93 +20.5%. 19.5 -32.5%. 12.5 -15% skin around the site of injection. After the tumors became
(10 L/mL) 2.1 2.4 O.28 palpable (-day 5), tumor volumes were measured three
BIRM 75.46 +33.8%. 13.1 : -54.6%. 1139 -2.2% 25 times a week, with calipers and Volume was approximated
(25 L/mL) 2.2 2.9 O.29
to an ellipsoid (lengthxwidth:x0.524). Animals were eutha
Flow cytometric cell-cycle fractionation analysis was performed in nized when tumor volume was as 10 cc or the tumor became
PC-3ML cells treated with BIRM for 24 h. Distributions of cells in vari significantly necrotic. At necropsy, lungs were collected and
ous cell-cycle-phases were calculated from the DNA content of propidium observed under a Nikon Stereo microscope with fluores
iodide labeled cells using MODFIT program. 30 cence attachment (SMZ 1500) to examine the presence of
Percent difference was calculated as (% of cells in respective phase of
untreated sample - % of cells in respective phase in BIRM treated fluorescent metastatic tumor foci.
samples) + (% of cells in respective phase in untreated control) x 100)). Statistical Analysis: Triplicate samples were assayed in all
Values are Mean and it S.E. of three independent experiments. Similar
results were obtained when other cells line (LNCaP) was exposed to in vitro experiments. Statistical analysis was performed
BIRM and analyzed for cell-cycle phase fractionation. using parametric and non-parametric Student t-tests.
This finding is novel because most of the plant-derived EXAMPLE 1.4
compounds, applicable to cancer therapy, interfere with
either tubulin polymerization (e.g. vinblastin and Vincris BIRM inhibits cell proliferation in CaP cells. BIRM
tine) or depolymerization (paclitaxel), by inhibiting topoi inhibited cell proliferation in all the CaP cell lines tested in
Somerase I activity (e.g. irinotecan, topotecan, 9-ami 40 a dose dependent manner (FIG. 1). The 50% growth inhi
nocamptothecin and 9-nitrocamptothecin) (Dennis et al., bition dose (ICs) of BIRM was 8 ul/mL (i.e., 0.8% V/v).
(2000) The Oncologist 5:185-198) or topoisomerase II activ Furthermore, the inhibitory activity of BIRM was compa
ity all leading to cell cycle arrest in G2/M phase (e.g. rable among all CaP cell lines, regardless of their androgen
paclitaxel, etopside and teniposide) (Pienta et al., (1996) sensitivity (LNCaP and VcaP (androgen sensitive cells)
Urology 48:164-170). Apoptotic cell death may be one of 45 versus PC-3ML and DU-145 (androgen resistant cells).
the mechanisms of BIRM-induced cytotoxicity. BIRM Similar results were obtained by cell counting and Trypan
induced apoptosis in at least three CaP cell lines (FIG. 3). blue exclusion assays. The results presented in FIG. 1 and
Furthermore, induction of apoptosis in BIRM treated CaP similar observation from other assays suggested that BIRM
cells was coincident with activation of cell-death caspases induced inhibition of cell proliferation leads to either cell
(FIG. 4). In addition to its cytotoxic effects, BIRM appears 50 death (cytotoxicity) or arrest of cell proliferation (cytosta
to be a potent inhibitor of metastasis. Although, the mecha sis). To distinguish between these mechanisms, we investi
nism by which it may inhibit metastasis is unknown at gated colony-forming efficiency of CaP cells treated with
present, the present invention indicates that BIRM is a BIRM. Clonogenic assay revealed a dose-dependent inhibi
potent inhibitor of HAase, a class of matrix-degrading tion of colony formation in BIRM treated CaP cells. Neither
enzymes whose levels have been shown to correlate with 55 cell colonies nor cell clusters were observed in cultures
prostate cancer progression. Lokeshwar et al., (1996) Cancer exposed to BIRMe 10 ul/mL, for 24 h (FIG. 2A). The ICso
Res 56:651-657: Block et al., (2001) J Biol Chem 276: of BIRM for inhibiting clonogenic survival is also 8 uI/mL,
11922-11932.) Given its effect on tumor growth and same as that obtained in the H-thymidine assay (FIG. 2B).
metastasis and no systemic toxicity, inclusion of BIRM, as
an adjuvant to standard therapy has potential to reduce/halt 60 EXAMPLE 1.5
disease progression.
In one aspect of the present invention, BIRM shows BIRM causes cell-cycle arrest in CaP cells. As shown in
cytotoxic activity against both the androgen-dependent and Table 1, the proportion of cells in G/G phase increased
androgen-independent CaP cells in vitro. BIRM reduces significantly from 56.4+0.9% in control to 75.5+2.2% in
tumor incidence, delays tumor growth and causes a signifi 65 cultures treated with BIRM (25 ul/ml BIRM). The increase
cant reduction of metastasis in an experimental model of late in the Go/G phase fraction in the BIRM treated cells was
stage CaB. In another aspect of the present invention, con contrasted with decrease in S-phase fractions. The S-phase
US 7,250,180 B2
17 18
fraction in BIRM treated sample was 13.1+2.9% compared conditioned medium of DU-145 cells (a good source of
to 28.92.1% in the control. A Small decrease of 15% to 22% HYAL-1 22 (Lokeshwar et al., (1999) Cancer Res
in G/M fraction was also observed in BIRM treated cells. 59:44.64-4470)) and the activity of partially purified
HYAL1, in a dose-dependent manner (ICso 0.25 uL/mL).
BIRM induces apoptosis in CaP cells. A significant dif
ference in the levels of free-nucleosomes in BIRM treated Characterization of active ingredients in BIRM solution.
cells within 4h of treatment was not observed, however, 24 BIRM retained its full cytotoxic activity after boiling for 5
h treatment revealed a 2-3-fold increase in the intracellular 10 min or digestion with proteinase K; indicating reactive
levels of free nucleosomes in a dose-dependent manner species present in BIRM most likely are heat stable, pro
(FIG. 3). teinase resistant compounds. Similarly, charcoal-dextran
extraction also did not result in any loss of the cytotoxic
EXAMPLE 17 activity associated with BIRM, Suggesting that the active
15 species present in BIRM is not a lipid-soluble compound
Activation of cell death-associated caspases. As shown in such as alkaloid, or steroid. Ultra filtration through molecu
FIG. 4, activities of one or more of the caspase-2, 3, 7, 8, 9 lar sieve membranes showed no loss of cytotoxic activity
and 10 was increased significantly in BIRM treated cells as upon filtration through a 3.5 kDa membrane barrier. A 40%
compared to control. A 50% increase over the activity found loss in activity was observed after Mr-10 kDa and Mr-30
in control samples was observed at 0.5% BIRM, following kDa membrane Ultra filtration (FIG. 8). These results indi
an 18 h or longer incubation. cate that BIRM contains at least 2 molecular mass 230,000,
with cytotoxic activity against CaP cells. Possibility of
EXAMPLE 1.8 carbohydrate derivatives associated with growth-inhibitory
activity was scrutinized using the Bitter and Muir modified
BIRM inhibits tumor growth and metastasis. As shown in 25 carbazole assay, to measure D-glucuronic acid (i.e., uronate)
FIG. 5, following tumor implant, oral administration of containing glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans. (Mickey
BIRM to rats resulted in slow tumor growth. While tumor et al., (1980) Characterization of a human prostate adeno
incidence was 100% in the control group, only 4 out of 6 carcinoma cell line (DU145) as a monolayer culture and as
(67%) animals in BIRM-treated group developed tumors. a solid tumor in athymic mice. (Prog Clin Biol Res 37:67
Tumor growth rate estimated using a non-linear regression 30 84.) Results show that BIRM is rich in uronate containing
analysis of tumor Volumes over time, for each animal, carbohydrates (19.5 mg/mL). Gel filtration chromatography
confirmed decreased growth rate in the BIRM treated ani on a Sephadex G-50 column also showed 2 active fractions
mals. The time taken by tumors to reach 1 CC was 18.6 at fraction No. 28 and 42 (FIG. 9).
days+1.3 days (control) and 25.7+2.6 days (mean+SE from
4 animals) in BIRM treated group, respectively. A38% delay 35 EXAMPLE 21
was observed in BIRM treated group when compared to that
of the control group. The difference in the growth rate Chemical and NMR analysis of an active ingredient in
between control and the BIRM treated groups was statisti BIRM solution. Chemical analysis of an active ingredient in
cally significant (Unpaired ttest: p=0.03; t—2.773, df 6.95% BIRM indicated that it had the following composition: % C,
CI: 0.835 to 13.36). Tumor foci identified by fluorescence 40
40.84; % H, 5.64; % N, 0.55; % P, 0.31% S, 0.85; % O,
imaging of the lungs at necropsy revealed that only 1 out of 38.25. NMR analysis of an active ingredient of BIRM
6 animals in the BIRM treated group had metastatic lung confirmed the same composition.
foci, whereas, 5 out of 6 animals in the control group had
tumor metastasis to lungs. Furthermore, the tumor foci in the EXAMPLE 22
lung of BIRM-treated animal were significantly smaller than 45
those in control group (FIGS. 6A, B). These results indicate Volunteer Male, 63 years old, Equadorian citizen. The
that ingredients in BIRM delay/block spontaneous lung patient was diagnosed with prostatic adenocarcinoma in late
November 1999. His PSA (prostrate specific antigen) was 9
EXAMPLE 19 50 ng/ml and he was treated for 6 months by androgen ablation
using Zoladex and Casodex.
BIRM inhibits the activity of HYAL1 type Haase. Inves In May 1996, the patient underwent radical prostatectomy
tigation of inhibition of MMP activity by BIRM using a and bilateral lymph node dissection when metastasis was
H-labeled-collagen degradation assay (Lokeshwar et al., detected. Pathological evaluation of the excised tissue con
(1993) Cancer Res 53:4493-4498) showed no changes in 55 firmed a Gleason score of 9 (confirming prostate cancer),
MMP activity following BIRM treatment. The inhibitory severe androgen deprivation around the gland, and meta
effect of BIRM on the activity of HYAL1 type Haase was static cancer in 5 lymph nodes. The patient continued
examined. Previously it was shown that HYAL1 is the major Zoladex and Casodex treatment and PSA levels remained
HAase expressed in cancers of the prostate and bladder. below 1.
(Block et al., (2001) J Biol Chem 276:11922-11932: 60 When the patient discontinued hormone therapy approxi
Lokeshwar et al., (1999) Cancer Res 59:4464-4470.) Fur mately one year later, PSA levels rose to 9.4 but decreased
thermore, invasive tumor cells express high levels of slightly when the patient began Zoladex treatment only.
HYAL1. (Block et al., (2001) J Biol Chem 276: 11922 Beginning in May 1999, MRI bone scans revealed reac
11932; Lokeshwar et al., (1999) Cancer Res 59:4464-4470; tive bone formations consistent with metastasis in the right
Smith and Millis (2001) Cancer Pract 9:253-255.) As shown 65 iliac wing and thoracic vertebral body. Also in May 1999,
in FIG. 7, BIRM is a potent inhibitor of HAase activity. the patient began treatment with an oral form of BIRM at 4
BIRM inhibited the HAase activity present in the culture mL/day.
US 7,250,180 B2
19 20
In January 2000, bone scans detected additional evidence 10. The method of claim 1, wherein the composition
of metastases in the retroperitoneal and right internal iliac further comprises a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier.
lymph nodes, an additional area on the thoracic spine, and 11. The method of claim 1, wherein the mammal is a
diffuses marrow infiltration. The MRI results generally human.
indicated widespread osseous metastases. Also at this time, 12. The method of claim 1, wherein the mammal is at risk
however, the patient Surprised doctors by stating that his of developing prostate cancer.
pain had decreased significantly. In February 2000, the 13. The method of claim 1, further comprising adminis
patient underwent thoracolumbosacral spine palliative radia tering to the mammal at least one other chemotherapeutic
tion therapy. Two months after the treatment the patient agent.
again reported that his original pain was gone. 10 14. The method of claim 1, wherein the Biological
The patient experienced no new problems as of Septem Immune Response Modifier is prepared by a process com
ber 2000. Soon after February 2001, the patient discontinued prising:
Zoladex treatment and began taking DES. In March 2001 a) harvesting root samples from the Ecuadorian plant
tests revealed increased disease of the cervicothoracic spine, Solanaceae Dulcamara,
left shoulder, and right iliac bone. When his pain increased 15 b) stabilizing the root samples;
in September 2001, he began a six cycle treatment of c) drying the root samples;
chemotherapy including Taxol. d) modifying the root samples via oxidative reduction;
As of March 2002, the patient's PSA levels remained and
increased (PSA92 on Mar. 5, 2002) but CT scans showed no e) isolating a plant extract from the root samples, wherein
indication of visceral disease or retroperitoneal adenopathy, the plant extract comprises Biological Immune
although there was some Sclerosis in the right iliac bone. Response Modifier.
The patient continued BIRM treatment for four years. 15. The method of claim 14, wherein said stabilizing
After beginning BIRM treatment, the patient experienced comprises heating the root samples at a temperature of about
decreased pain and fewer metastases. 20° C. to about 180° C.
Although the invention herein has been described with 25 16. The method of claim 15, wherein said heating is
reference to particular embodiments, it is to be understood conducted at a temperature of about 79° C. to about 110° C.
that these embodiments are merely illustrative of the prin 17. The method of claim 15, wherein said stabilizing
ciples and applications of the present invention. It is there further comprises contacting the root samples with a solvent.
fore to be understood that numerous modifications may be 18. The method of claim 14, wherein said stabilizing
made to the illustrative embodiments and that other arrange 30 comprises exposing the root samples to ultraviolet rays and
ments may be devised without departing from the spirit and ultrasound.
scope of the present invention as defined by the appended 19. The method of claim 14, wherein said stabilizing
claims. comprises drying the root samples.
All publications cited in the specification are indicative of 20. The method of claim 14, wherein said stabilizing
the level of skill of those skilled in the art to which this 35
comprises drying the root samples in an oven.
invention pertains. All these publications are herein incor 21. The method of claim 20, wherein the oven is selected
porated by reference to the same extent as if each individual from a group of ovens consisting of ventilation-type ovens,
publication were specifically and individually indicated to infrared ovens, and ovens in which pressure can be varied.
be incorporated by reference. 22. The method of claim 14, wherein said stabilizing
The invention claimed is: 40
comprises drying the root samples by Solar drying.
1. A method of treating a mammal diagnosed with prostate 23. The method of claim 14, wherein said stabilizing
cancer or at risk of developing prostate cancer, comprising comprises autoclaving the root samples in the presence of a
administering to said mammal in need thereof a composition solvent.
comprising a purified extract of the Amazonian variation of 24. The method of claim 14, wherein said modifying
Solanaceae Dulcamara root, wherein said extract comprise 45
comprises reductive fermentation.
an effective amount of Biological Immune Response Modi 25. The method of claim 24, wherein said reductive
fier comprising at least one uronate carbohydrate, at least fermentation comprises:
one bio-organic mineral component selected from the group
consisting of calcium, magnesium, aluminum, iron, manga a) adding the root samples to a fermenter,
nese, silicon, Zinc, and mixtures thereof, and wherein the 50 b) allowing fermentation to proceed under controlled
composition has a density of at least 1.088. amounts of oxygen for about 14 hours at about 70° C.;
2. The method of claim 1, wherein the composition is c) adding enzymes; and
administered parenterally. d) allowing fermentation to proceed under controlled
3. The method of claim 1, wherein the composition is amounts of oxygen for about 4 hours.
administered orally. 55 26. The method of claim 25, wherein said isolating
4. The method of claim 3, wherein the composition is in comprises percolation.
the form of a tablet. 27. The method of claim 1, wherein the Biological
5. The method of claim 3, wherein the composition is in Immune Response Modifier contains at least 4 active spe
the form of a capsule. C1GS.
6. The method of claim 3, wherein the composition is in 60 28. The method of claim 27, wherein at least two of the
the form of an emulsion, Solution or Suspension. active species having cytotoxic activity.
7. The method of claim 3, wherein the composition is 29. The method of claim 28, wherein the Biological
administered buccally. Immune Response Modifier contains three cytotoxic active
8. The method of claim 1, wherein the effective amount is species.
about 0.1 ul/kg/day to about 100 ul/kg/day. 65 30. The method of claim 27, wherein the active species
9. The method of claim 1, wherein the effective amount is include at least one species with hyaluronidase inhibitory
about 1 Jul/kg/day to about 20 Jul/kg/day. activity.
US 7,250,180 B2
21 22
31. The method of claim 1, wherein the Biological ing orally administering to the mammal in need thereof a
Immune Response Modifier comprises oligomonosaccha therapeutically effective amount of a composition obtained
rides, nucleotides and wherein the oligomonosacharides from the Ecuadorian plant Solanaceae Dulcamara said
comprise from about 14% to about 16% by weight. composition comprising a purified extract of Solanaceae
32. The method of claim 31, wherein the oligomonosac 5 Dulcamara root, wherein said extract comprise an effective
charides, and are selected from the group consisting of amount of Biological Immune Response Modifier compris
glucose, fructose, 1-ketose, 1-beta-furanosyl fructose, and ing at least one oligomonosaccharide having a condensed
mixtures thereof.
33. The method of claim 1, wherein the Biological molecular formula of (CHO, Mg, Ca), and a molecular
Immune Response Modifier comprises an oligomonosaccha 10
weight of about (251.38), wherein ne1.
ride having a condensed molecular formula of (CHO 37. The method of claim 36, wherein the Biological
Mg,Ca), wherein ne1. Immune Response Modifier has a pH of about 7.1, and at
34. The method of claim 17 or 23 wherein the solvent is least about 14% Sugars.
selected from the group consisting of water, alcohol vapors 38. The method of claim 37, wherein the Biological
or mixtures thereof. 15 Immune Response Modifier comprises at least two bio
35. The method of claim 34, wherein said isolating organic mineral selected from the group consisting of alu
comprises evaporating solvents from a mixture containing minum, iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, silicon, Zinc,
the plant extract. and mixtures thereof.
36. A method of treating a mammal Suffering from pros
tate cancer or at risk of developing prostate cancer compris

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