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1.1 All electric circuits essentially consist of a power source, a load and a pair of conductors
to connect them with or without a control switch. In a track circuit, a portion of rail track is
electrically isola ted from adjoining rails and included in a circuit to energise a relay. The
occupation or vacancy of the track portion is detected by the condition of track relay.

The length of the track confined within one circuit depends on its working feasibility and the
required separation between two running or stalled vehicles on the track.

Two types of track circuit were designed. One is continuously live and is called a 'Closed Track
Circuit.' The other one is made live only when occupied by vehicles and is called an 'Open
Track Circuit.' The latter type is rarely used due to its serious limitations.

According to the nature of supply source, the track circuits are categorised as
(1)D.C.Track Circuits (2) A.C.Track Circuits and (3) Electronic Track Circuits.

They are comparable as below: -

S.No. D.C.T.Cs. A.C.T.Cs. Electronic T.Cs.
1. These work on the principle Reduction in track only track voltage gets
of relay voltage regulation voltage and its phase reduced in these when
when vehicles shunt the difference with a shunted to drop the relay.
track. local reference voltage
act together to de-
energise the relay.
2. These are simple in design These involve more These require more
and less costly. components and are sophisticated and costly
costlier. components.
3. These are more stable and These can fail to detect These require less
more dependable to detect track occupation if not monitoring.
track occupation. closely monitored.
4. Their working is more In these, the affect of Their working is less
predictable and voltage is external factors on unpredictable.
the only factor to be phase shift of relay
monitored. voltage from the track
is not easy to predict.
5. They can be fed from small Reliable 3 Phase mains Track feed is given
batteries or rectifiers connect- supply is used which through individual
ed to AC mains. Batteries needs less attention. conversion units that need
need more maintenance. additional surveilance.
6. The maximum workable These can work upto The maximum workable
length of these track circuits a maximum length of length of these track
is about 750 metres. 2.3 Km. circuits is 2 Km.

7. Insulated Rail joints at These also have track Maintenance and failures
track ends are additional end insulated joints get reduced as there are
sources of failure in these. which frequently fail. no track end insulated

1.2 Types of DC Track Circuits :- a) Open DC Track circuit

b) Closed DC Track circuit

1.2.1 a) Open Track Circuits , wherever they are provided are D.C.Track Circuits. A
schematic diagram of an 'Open Track Circuit' is given below :-

The components of the track circuit are :-

(1) Battery
(2) Adjustable Resistance
(3) Track Relay
(4) Track Lead Cables
(5) G.I.wires connecting cables to the rails
(6) Continuity rail bonds
(7) Insulated rail joints.

The circuit gets completed when the track is occupied through the net resistance of the vehicle
axles occupying the track circuit.

The series resistance is so adjusted as to give sufficient voltage to the relay when track rails are
shunted by axles with a high contact resistance. It is also to be ensured that the relay does not
get, without shunt, a voltage enough to pick it up due to leakage currents through track bed
ballast when damp. Otherwise, the track circuit can fail frequently.

In this type of track circuit, if any connection breaks, its occupation goes undetected. Hence, it is
used only for limited purposes where its failure does not lead to unsafe conditions. Block
Section clearance and Approach proving for Calling on Signal Clearance are such occasions.
1.2.2 b) Closed Type D.C.Track Circuits which are most commonly used are connected as
below :-

The components of the track circuit are the same as provided in the 'Open Track Circuit' as
shown earlier, but their mode of connection is different. They are so connected as to keep the
relay normally energised. The feed is connected at one end of the track and the relay at the
other end so that any breakage of rail continuity shall drop the relay.

In this track circuit, the series resistance is called a Regulating Resistance. It regulates the
relay voltage so that it falls below the drop away value when the track is shunted. The fall is
caused by increased voltage drop across the regulating resistance due to rise in circuit current
when shunted by the vehicles. Sufficient regulating resistance is essential because the battery
internal resistance can not cause much difference to the relay voltage with track occupation.
Regulating resistance a lso protects the feed equipment when the track is shunted by avoiding a
short across it.


The factors which influence the working of this track circuits are shown in an equivalent electric
circuit below:-

RT = Regulating Resistance
RB = Ballast Resistance
Rr = Rail Resistance
RR = Relay Resistance
RS = Resistance of the shunting vehicles
Rfc = Resistance of track lead cable at feed end
Rrc = Resistance of track lead cable at relay end

In this, Rr shown inclides the resistance offered by the continuity rail bonds which is rather more
than the resistance of the rails themselves. It is in fact negligible under normal conditions, but
varies according to bond conditions.

RB is the net resistance offered by the ballast and sleepers across the track to leakage of rail
currents. It varies according to the dry or wet condition of the ballast and soil

RR is fixed for a relay and type of its coil connections.

RS is the resistance offered by the shunting vehicle axles. It varies according to the condition of
rail table (top), weight of the vehicles and their speed.

RT is the regulating resistance which is adjustable when used with a fixed voltage battery and
connected in series with the track.

Rfc is generally very low and Rrc is the main constituent of cable resistance.

Rs gets connected only when the track is occupied. All other factors are always present, but
change in value under different conditions. Their changes affect the relay voltage directly.

Limitations are imposed on the maintainable values of the variable factors, as prescribed in the
IRISE Manual, to make the working of track circuits safe and reliable.
These limitations called the 'Track Circuit Parameters' can be better appreciated if only the
effect of their change on the relay voltage is separately and cumulatively studied.

A track circuit is as reliable as its components and its ability to withstand the external influences
like weather, keeping its relay properly energised. It is dependable for train working safety as its
capacity to detect its occupation when shunted by a vehicle with high rail contact resistance.

The highest resistance which, when applied across the track, can open the track relay front
contacts is known as its 'Train Shunt Resistance' value. It is the measure of its dependability.

The relations between the various factors mentioned above and the TSR value of a track circuit
have to be clearly understood so as to maintain the track circuits properly under adverse
conditions. A higher T.S.R is always aimed at to ensure safety in train working on these track


It is specified as:-
(i) 0.5 Ω for (a) D.C. Track Circuits:
(b) Audio frequency Track Circuits outside their tuned lengths; and
(c) Jeumont type High Impulse Track Circuits with wooden
sleepers in them.

ii) 0.25Ω for all the above types with concrete sleepers and (proposed to be revised as 0.5Ω
with RB min. as 2Ω /km and)

(iii) 0.15Ω for conventional AC Track Circuits and the tuned portions of Audio Frequency Track


In case of 'Open Track Circuits', the shunting resistance causes the track relay to pick up. If
this shunting resistance is very high, the track relay may not pick up properly. Hence, the
highest resistance value that can cause the track relay to pick up is called the 'Pick Up Shunt
Resistance Value'.

In case of 'Closed track Circuits', the track relay is normally kept energised. Here, the
application of a proper shunting resistance drops the track relay. The highest value of shunting
resistance that can cause the track relay to drop is referred to as 'Drop Shunt Value'.

Once the track relay is dropped, it requires a considerable increase in its voltage to pick up
again. This increase can be effected by increasing the shunting resistance. This least
resistance value at which the track relay picks up again is called the 'Pick Up Shunt Value'of
this track circuit.


In longer track circuits, sometimes effective shunting by a lighter vehicle may not take place
throughout their length. At vulnerable points, the track relay may again pick up momentarily
under occupation.

This may be due to rusty rails in a portion of track on less frequently used lines. This may also
be caused by the drop shunt being of critical value and the ballast condition in the track not
being uniform.

So, it is necessary that at the time of installation and often during maintenance, the 'Pick Up
Shunt' value is also noted for such track circuits.

It is the net resistance of various leakage paths across track circuit rails offered by ballast and
sleepers. The longer the track circuits, more is the number of these leakage paths in parallel
with each other and hence lesser becomes the net ballast resistance.

Also leakage current through each path goes up with increase in dampness added to h te
ballast dust coat. A clean ballast free from dust or soil is not a good conductor. The ballast
resistance falls to its lowest value during the first showers of monsoon. When rain water flows
over it and washes dust off, the ballast resistance improves again. A good drainage is essential
to avoid water logging and for maintaining a higher ballast resistance. Periodical screening of
the ballast is not only necessary to improve the strength of track bed. It also improves the track
circuit ballast resistance.



Measure the voltages and currents as shown. The Ballast Resistance can be calculated
From :- V F + V R
- - -- - - - - -
2(IF – IR)
(i.e. Average Rail Voltage)
Leakage Current.

Knowing the length of track circuit, RB per kilometre can be found out.

In the case of a Track Circuit working on AC., the ballast resistance can be found
RB = V 0.4/I0
Where V0.4 = Voltages across rails at 0.4 length from the Feed End
I0 = The Feed End current when the relay end leads are not connected.


It is specified as :-
(i) 2 Ω per kilometer track length within station section; and
(ii) 4 Ω per kilometer track length - outside the station section (as here, better drainage
can be provided, the track being free from all line connections).



(i) 1Ω per kilometer - in Non-RE areas (both within and outside station sections)
(ii) 0.6 Ω per kilometer - in RE areas (both within and outside station sections).

As water seeps through wooden sleepers more easily than passing over the hard surface of
concrete sleepers, the ballast resistance of a concrete sleeper track circuit is always less than
that of wooden sleeper track circuits in monsoon. Also, the capacitance effect of reinforcing
rods in a concrete sleeper drain some more current from the rails to charge itself. Hence,
leakage currents are more in concrete sleeper track circuits. With this in view,the minimum
permissible value of ballast resistance in a concrete sleeper track circuit prescribed is low.

The basis for arriving at the Minimum Ballast Resistance value of 1 W/Km in non-RE areas is as

In 1 Km length of track, about 1500 sleepers are provided. If on an average, each sleeper, with
rubber padding under the rails and neoprone liners under pandrol clips offers at least 1500 Ω
resistance in parallel with damp ballast, the net resistance amounts to 1 Ω per Kilometre.

In RE area, as one rail of single rail track circuit is maintained at earth potential, that rail leaks
more current to earth. Hence, the minimum permissible ballast resistance of a concrete sleeper
track circuit in RE areas is prescribed as 0.6 Ω per Kilometre.

However, the latest instructions for installation and maintenance of D.C. Track Circuits in RE
area, vide RDSO's circular NO.STS/E/DC.Track Circuit dated 25.1.95 stipulate that the
minimum permissible TSR for all D.C.Track circuits shall be 0.5 Ω irrespective of the type of
Sleepers used and that the minimum permissible RB shall be 2Ω/Km.


It is
(a) In Non - RE and AC RE area :-
(i) 500Ω after six months from the date of manufacture, and
(ii) 200 Ω at the manufactures shop within fifteen days of its manufacture.

(b) In DC RE area.

(i) 800 Ω for Single Rail Track Circuits of upto 200m length and Double Rail Track circuits of
upto 400m length.
(ii) 1000 Ω for Single Rail track circuits of more than 200m length and Double Rail Track circuits
of more than 400m length.


Measurement shall be made with a sensitive multimeter of not less than 20 KΩ/Volt resistance
of coil. Megger not be used.

After cleaning a spot on the surface of each insert, measurement shall be made between inserts
A & B, A&C,A &D, B & C,B & D, and C&D.

The lowest of these readings shall be considered the sleeper resistance.


If the ballast resistance of a track circuit is more, the leakage currents across rails are less
resulting in lesser voltage drop across the regulating resistance. Due to this, the track voltage
and the relay voltage are higher. To bring this voltage down to a value below the relay drop
away, the track is required to be shunted by a smaller resistance. It means that an increased
ballast resistance of a track circuit causes a decrease in Train Shunt Resistance value.

The relationships of Ballast Resistance (1) with the track relay voltage and (2) with the Train
Shunt Resistance are depicted in a graph here with Ballast Resistance on the X - Axis and the
other two on the Y - axis.

As can be seen, at higher values of RB, the effects of its change on VR and T.S.R are not so
prominent as at its lower values.

What is generally referred to as 'Rail Resistance' is the combined resistance of the track
circuits rails and the continuity bonds at rail joints. 8 SWG G.I wire bonds are provided by the
signalling staff to reduce resistance at these joints. In DC RE areas, Traction Power department
also provides larger cross-section mu lti-strand copper bonds for good conduction of traction
return currents at these joints. These also serve to limit the rail drop of track circuit voltage.
The resistance of these bonds is considerable enough as compared to the resistance of rails
themselves which is negligible.

Due to continuous battering of rail ends by the moving wheels and due to the interference of
External factors, these bonds sometimes get loosened, become rusty at the ends or may even
break. This causes further increase in their resistance.

Obiviously, the longer the track circuits, the higher becomes their rail resistance.


Measure the rail voltages and currents at the feed end and relay end of the track circuit. Then
the rail resistance value can be deduced as below:-

2(VF – VR) where VF = Feed End track voltage

Rr = - - - - - - - - - - VR = Relay End Track Voltage
IF + IR) IF = Feed End Track Circuit current
& IR = Relay End Track Circuit current

i.e. (Voltage drop in the rails)

(Average Track circuit current)


In track circuits where alternating currents are fed to the track rails, rail inductance also plays a
part along with rail resistance to cause voltage drop in rails. Also, due to their 'Skin Effect' rails
offer more resistance to AC currents. To know the total effect of both these factors, rail
impedance is considered instead of rail resistance in the working of these track circuits.


First, remove the relay end connections of the track circuit as shown in Fig.1. Take the readings
of feed end voltage across the track and the feed end current.

Let these readings be V 0 and I0

Calculate, open circuit impedance, Z 0 = V 0/ I0

Then short the track circuit at relay end as shown in Fig.2 and take the readings of voltage and
current at feed end. Let these readings be V S and IS

Calculate, Short circuit impedance Z S=VS/IS.

Also, calculate RB of the track circuit.

From these values, the rail impedance can be deduced as Zr = (Z0 x ZS) / RB.


Rail resistance and the rail impedance are directly proportional to the length of a track circuit as
all the rails are connected in series. T.S.R. at the relay end of track circuit is lesser than that at
its feed end due to the reduced track voltage there. It means that the rail resistance or rail
impedance has an adverse effect on the T.S.R. Because of this the track circuit rail resistance
shall be kept low.


For track circuit lengths upto 700m, the maximum permissible rail resistance is 1.5 Ω per

For track circuit lengths more than 700M, the maximum permissible rail resistance is 0.5 Ω per

Vide RDSO's letter No.STS/E/DC Track Circuit dt.25/27.1.95, Rail Resistance shall not be more
than 1 Ω /Km (with no reference to length of track circuit).

Generally the track circuit length is limited to 700m (C.S.R length) within station yards. Outside
the station sections, track circuits may be longer. The condition of rail bonds cannot be
checked as frequently outside the station yards as inside them. Hence, the need for keeping
the rail resistance minimum there.


Upto about 40 Ω higher relay coil resistance has an improving effect on the T.S.R. Beyond that,
if the relay resistance is increased, T.S.R starts falling.

However, in the British practice of railway signalling which is predominant on our railways, the
realy resistance is limited between 2.25 and 9 Ω. This facilitates their lesser operating values.
Due to this, the relays' percentage release is high, contributing to better T.S.R. of track circuits.
But to keep the T.S.R. within limits in these track circuits, a higher regulating resistance in series
is required.

Siemens DC Track Relay has a 50 Ω resistance. It works on a lesser current comparatively

allowing for higher track leakage. Due to this a 2 Ω regulating resistance is enough to give a
good T.S.R.

In practice, track circuits with Siemens Relays are found to give a better T.S.R. always.


The internal resistance of any power source is necessarily less. Due to this, there cannot be
any considerable drop in the source voltage of a track circuit on application of shunt that can
cause the relay to positively drop. Reduction of relay voltage to a value below its drop away
with shunt across is achieved by using a 'Regulating Device' in series with track circuit power
source externally. This also serves to avoid a direct short across the source that can cause
damage to it.

A series resistance of suitable value is used as 'Regulating Device' in track circuits of almost
all types. With AC Track Circuits, sometimes an inductor or condensor is used in its place.
Since the regulatory nature of all the three is the same, studying the effect of regulating
resistance on the working of a track circuit serves as an example.

The effect of increase in the regulating resistance on the T.S.R. of a track circuit is similar to that
of increase in the relay resistance. Upto an extent, increase in the regulating resistance results
in an increase of T.S.R. But beyond a limit, it starts having an adverse effect.


Voltage drop in the track lead cables shall be kept within limits so as to work sufficiently long
track circuits with minimum power application.

Generally, feed sets are kept in location boxes very close to the track circuits to get better track
voltages with minimum applied source. But longer track lead cables at the relay end cannot be
avoided at way - side stations because of the need to keep the track relays in the cabins and
avoid thefts.

However, longer track leads due to their high resistance in series with the track relays make
their operations and release quicker. This is an advantage in case of shorter track circuits.




The smallest closed type track circuit that is provided is of 2 rail length (i.e. 26m). These track
circuits are used as block clearance and occupation detection track circuits of Absolute Block

On running lines at the platforms where trains are stopped and on stabling lines, the track
circuits provided are called as 'Berthing Tracks' and these are fairly longer. Similarly longer track
circuits are provided in signal and block overlaps and also in automatic block sections. The
longest track circuit workable in a station section is about 600m in length. Longer track circuits
than these may be sometimes provided in Intermediate block sections, and automatic sections.
But with the advent of axle counters, the usage of track circuits outside of station sections is
now-a-days very limited.

For the study of these track circuits, a distinction may be made between smaller track circuits of
upto 100m length and the others.
------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
S.No Small Length Track Circuits Long Track Circuits
1. In these, power loss is less. T.S.R also There is a considerable difference
is fairly uniform from feed end to relay end. between their feed end track voltage
and relay end track voltage,
particularly in point track circuits.
Hence, to keep T.S.R at the feed end
high enough, rail resistance shall be
kept within limits.

2. Track relays with 9 Ohm resistance shall Shelf type track relays of 2.25 Ohm
be used in these. A higher relay resistance resistance and Q series track relays of
yields higher T.S.R, 2.25Ω relay resistance 4 Ohm resistance are used in these.
here may cause unsafe conditions. Otherwise, with higher operating
values of 9 Ohm relays, it is difficult
to keep leakage and rail voltage drop
within limits.

3. These can work under worse ballast Ballast resistance shall be kept as
conditions as the number of their ballast high as possible. Frequent screening
leakage paths is less. of ballast in these is necessary. In
places with poor drainage, it is
almost impossible to work longer
track circuits in monsoon.

4. Since a fast moving light engine may Relays with greater release time lag
clear this track circuit very soon, its relay also may not pose problems
shall have the least release time lag. ordinarily with these track circuits.

5. Relay end track voltage is better in these. Track lead cables cannot be very
Track lead cables can be longer with more long causing more voltage drop in
voltage drop in them. Higher lead them. Track circuits are occupied by
resistance in series causes quicker relay running trains sufficiently long to
operation.This is necessary as these are make their relays drop.
cleared by running trains more quickly.
6. In these, a higher regulating resistance Regulating resistance can be kept at a
is necessary to get a good T.S.R lower value. Particularly in
for their safe working. When ballast monsoons it becomes necessary.
resistance is high, a regulating However, when it is
resistance nearly equal to relay too low, track circuit shall be closely
resistance (about 8.5Ω ) is necessary. monitored for shunting.

7. Smaller feed voltages are required for Larger feed voltages are required.
these.These can work with primary cells Either secondary cells or track feed
like soda cells and 6I dry cells also . rectifiers are preferable for these.

8. Track circuits with plug in type relays of Shelf type track relays with lesser
higher operating values also can work operating values are preferable with
satisfactorily. these.




In the arrangement shown above, similar feed polarities are connected to the adjoining track
circuit rails. Here, failure of one of the two block joints No.1 or No.2 can go undetected as it
does not drop the track relay on either side. But later, if the second block joint also fails, both
the track circuit feeds come in parallel.

When 1T is shunted by a vehicle at the feed end, its own feed is effectively shunted. But 1TR
may not drop due to its proximity to the feed of 2T, while the shunt is remotely connected
making it less effective. This is an unsafe condition which should be avoided.

In this arrangement, the polarities of track feed across the block joints in between are not
similar. So, when both the block joints No.1 & No.2 fail, both the track feeds get connected,
+ve to -ve and -ve to +ve with high circulating current in between. The track relays 1TR and
2TR also come across this circuit separately in parallel. With this, the voltage across the relays
gets reduced. As a result, either 1TR or 2TR or both may drop, according to the fall of track
voltage, even without a shunt across. However, the track relay across which there is a shunt,
can not pick up in any case.

Hence, to make the track circuit working safe at the time of block joint failures, it is necessary
that the track feed polarities are staggered in continously track circuited sections.


In RE areas, traction return current also has to flow through track circuit rails to the substation in
parallel with earth return path. Also, for the purpose of working a track circuit, its rails have to
be insulated from the adjoining rails. Track circuit can work even if rails connected to one
polarity of its supply are insulated. These track circuits in which one of the two track circuited
rails carries traction return current are called 'Single Rail Track Circuits'. With DC track
circuits in RE area, this is the only possible arrangement.

In the case of isolated track circuits, insulated rail joints are provided on rails carrying positive
polarity of track circuit voltage only. The other rail carrying negative polarity is not provided with
any insulated joints.

2.4 TRACTION BONDS :- 1). Structural Bond.

2). Transverse Bond.
3). Cross Bond.
4). Longitidunal Bonds(Continuity)

However in between two consecutive track circuits insulated joints are provided on both the rails
so as to be able to maintain 'Staggered' track circuit polarities. Also the negative rails of
adjoining track circuits are provided with a cross connection bonding strip in between, known as
'Transverse Bond'. This transverse bond (i) facilitates passing of traction return current ahead
from one track circuit to the other and also (ii) helps in detecting a block joint (insulated rail joint)
failure between the two track circuits.

When block Joint No.1 fails, 1TR drops as its feed gets short circuited and when block joint No.2
fails, 2TR drops as its feed gets short circuited.

The rail at whose block joint, traction return current flow is stopped is called the 'Insulated Rail'.
The rail at whose block joint, traction return current is given an alternate path through transverse
bonds is called the 'Un-Insulated Rail'.

Uninterrupted flow of traction return currents through track circuit rails shall be ensured to avoid
their interference with track circuit working.

In case there is a break in the traction return path of track circuit as shown, the heavy traction
return current passes through the track feed source to the insulated rail and returns to the
uninsulated rail through the track relay at the other end to go further ahead.

This can cause unsafe conditions in track circuit working. To avoid this, an alternate path shall
be available for traction return current in such circumstances.

In multiple line sections traction return rails in track circuits are cross connected with bonding
straps at an interval of about 100metres in between them.

Also, beyond the last track circuit very close to the block joints, a cross bond is provided across
to connect the two track rails.


1. Battery charger 110v /2 -10V D.C.

2. Feed Battery (1 to 4 sec. cells).
3. Fuse & link
4. Variac (0 -25 Ohms) (Type 'F')
5. Type 'B' choke (R=3 ohms &Z= 120Ω ).
6. Track lead cable (2 X 2.5 mm 2 copper).
7. Track lead J.B.
8. Track lead steel wire ropes.
9. Transverse bonds.
10 Block joints.
11. Track Relay (ACI).

Certain precautionary arrangements are necessary for the safe working of a D.C. track circuit in
R.E. area as detailed below, due to the passage of traction return current through one of its

(1) Only an AC.I track relay (of shelf type, QTA 2 type or QBAT type) shall be used with this
track circuit. Even though small track circuits of upto 100 metre length can work safely in normal
conditions with a non -immunised track relay, they may be unsafe for a while when the catenary
snaps and falls on the track circuit rails or their connections. This is because at that time, the
heavy short circuit current through the uninsulated rail can cause an abnormal AC. voltage
across the relay.
(2) The length of track circuit shall be restricted according to the immunity level of track relays
as below:-
S.No. Type of AC Max. Type of TC Max. Remarks
Track relay Imm.of Catenary Sleepers Length
Track Current of TC
Relay in Section permitted
1. ACI shelf 50V 600Amp. Wooden 450m
type or QTA2 A 10V drop is
type considered in 90m
long rail length @
600Amp current.
2. QBAT type 80V 600Amp. Wooden 750m
(with relay
end choked)

3. ACI shelf 50V 800Amp. Wooden 200m

type or QTA2 in S/L Sec.
1000Amp. Wooden 300m The voltage drop
in D/L Sec. will be
4. QBAT type 80V 800Amp. Wooden 450m more
in S/L Sec.
1000Amp. Wooden 450m
in D/L Sec.

5. ACI shelf 50V 600Amp. Concrete 350m The workable length

type or QTA2 1000Amp. is restricted to a esser
type value due to 0.6 /Km
Ballast Resistance
minimum permitted.
6. QBAT type 80V 600Amp. Concrete 350m

(3) QSPAI relay only shall be used as repeater for QTA2 or QBAT track relay due to its lesser
operate time lag. However, for ACI shelf type track relay any AC. immunised line relay can be
used as repeater due to its greater operate time lag.

(4) When shelf type ACI track relay is used, track feeding shall not be done directly from a
rectifier, without a battery in parallel. Also their connection shall be so done that whenever
battery gets disconnected, rectifier also shall automatically be isolated from the track.
Otherwise, AC interference voltage coming across the charger output terminals gets half wave
rectified and reemerges on the same terminals. Sometimes when this gets applied across the
relay through track may not allow it to drop easily when shunted.

(5) A 'B' Type protection chock of (3 ohm resistance and 120 ohm impedance for 50Hz)shall be
connected in series with track feed to the uninsulated rail. This prevents damage to the feed
source in case of a catenary snap resulting in heavy currents in the uninsulated rail.

A similar choke shall be connected in series with the relay also for its protection. In the case of
shelf type ACI track relay with this choke in series, 450m long track circuit can be worked even
with traction return current going upto 1000 Amps. Without this choke, 450 m long track circuit
can be worked only when the traction return current is within 600 Amps.

As per 68th signal standard committee – Restriction on track circuit length due to use of
concrete sleepers can be relaxed upto 450mts with QTA2 / Shelf type ACI track relays and
750mts with QBAT (4 cells at feed end 8.8 Volt DC) if adequate ballast resistance is maintained.

(6) A 5A 250V rated fuse also is provided at the feed end of the track for additional protection.

(7) A 0 -25 Ohm variac is used for regulating purpose so that minor adjustments can be made on
the track feed voltage which is considerably higher than that of a track circuits in non RE area.
Here, the relay operating values are greater.

(8) Whenever somebody has to work on the track circuit equipment, before starting the work, a
surge discharge shall be connected across the track at the site of work. This is to protect the
staff from excessive AC current that may parts through the equipment in times of a catenary
circuit short.
(9) A transverse bond shall be connected joining the uninsulated rails of two adjoining track
circuits as already discussed before.


Safe working of a track circuit is ensured if the track relay does not fail to drop with application
of minimum permissible TSR across it, under the most adverse condition. The relay gets
maximum voltage when current through leakage paths is minimum and this is the most adverse
condition for shunting of the track relay. This condition is caused by maximum ballast resistance
and optimum feed source voltage of the track circuit.

Without a shunt across the track, its relay excitation shall not exceed 250% of its pick up value
this is to see that the residual flux in the core dives not cause a reduction in the relay drop away
value of more than 15%. Also, when minimum TSR is applied, the relay voltage shall fall to its
drop away value minus the permissible margin of 15% so that with any marginal change in the
relay drop away value over a period, the relay does not fail to drop with the shunt across.

This sums up the required conditions for safe working of these track circuits.

Also, for making the track circuit reliable, minimum excitation of the track relay when track is not
occupied shall be 125% of its pick up value. This alone can cause the required front contact
pressure on the relay. Relay excitation is the minimum when its feed source voltage is normal
and the net ballast resistance is minimum allowing for heavy leakage currents.

Adjustment of the track circuit voltage to satisfy the above conditions simultaneously is possible
with a careful choice of tapping on the regulating resistance. This is commonly referred to as
'the fail safe adjustment of D.C. track circuits. This is done in three stages to satisfy the
conditions stipulated in the IRSE manual and given as below:-

(1) With optimum feed voltage and maximum ballast resistance of the track, its relay voltage:-

(a) When the minimum permissible shunt resistance is connected across, shall not be more
than 85% of its dro p away value;

(b) Without a shunt across, shall not be more than 250% of its pick up value, and

(2) With normal feed source voltage and minimum permissible ballast resistance of the track, its
relay voltage shall not be less than 125% of its pick up value.


(1) First the highest possible (infinite) ballast resistance condition is erected by directly
connecting the feed and regulating resistance in series to the track relay excluding track rails
from the circuit , incase the length of track lead cables is more, the voltage drop in them shall be
reckoned and the relay voltage readings shall be corrected to exclude this voltage drop.

(a) Minimum permissible TSR (0.5 Ω for wooden sleeper track and 0.25 Ω for concrete sleeper
track)shall be connected across the relay.The relay voltage shall be adjusted to 85% of its drop
away value by choosing the correct tapping on the regulating device.

(b) Now, the shunt resistance shall be disconnected and the relay voltage shall be measured. It
is more than 250% of its pick up value it shall be brought
down by increasing the regulating resistance suitably.

(2) It is now necessary to check whether the min imum required voltage is available on the relay
under minimum ballast resistance and normal feed voltage conditions. Also, in this condition, rail
voltage drop cannot be ignored, as the relay voltage is just sufficient. Hence, the track is
included in the circuit, by connecting the feed set and the relay to it at their respective ends. It
shall now be checked if the relay has a voltage not less than 125% of its pickup value.

However, the relay voltage shall not be increased now if found to be less, as in that case an
improved ballast resistance condition can make the track circuit working unsafe. During the
time of minimum ballast resistance condition, the track circuit shall be divided into two or more
portions with separate relays. The feeding of these track portions is done as below:-

This arrangement is known as 'fed over' or 'cut section' track circuit arrangement. The relay
connected to the last portion of the track is treated as the track relay of the entire. Section
involved for the purpose of detection and other controls.


A reliable source of 110V AC. power supply is a pre-requisite for provision of these track
circuits as batteries are not used in this practice.

A 110V/3 -18V transformer is used for feeding each track circuit with different tappings for
varying the output as required. The transformer output is fed into four bridge connected silicon
diode rectifies. The rectifier output is connected to the track in series with a 2 Ohms 50 watt
(fixed value) damping resistance for regulation. The feed set is located close to the track.

A Drs 50 Siemens DC track relay is fed from the track. The same relay is used for track
circuits of this practice both in non RE area and AC RE area.
Since the pick up current of this relay is about 30 mA, it never draws more than 100 mA from
the track. The feed end current of the track circuit is also correspondingly less as compared
with track circuits in the British practice. So, with a lesser damping (regulating) resistance of 2
Ohms, satisfactory regulation is achieved in this when track is occupied. This makes it possible
for longer track circuits of upto 600 metre length of this type to work well in non-RE area. Also,
longer relay end track lead cables of 1.5 mm cross section copper conductors having more
voltage drop can be connected without trouble.

These track circuits can have a very good T.S.R due to the higher relay resistance connected.



(1) Gl - Drs Track Relay - 66046/01f with coil 255 or risk 30/0071
(2) RD – Damping Resistance – 2 Ohm 50 W
(3) GR - Rectifier - 4X6FMR60 silicon diodes connected in bridge with surge suppression.
(4) Tr - Feed end transformer - Bs Br 9112/53.
(5) f - fuse 1A.


Additional components

(1) Ch I - Relay end choke - Bs Br 9115/69

(2) Ch II - Feed end choke - BS Br 9115/70

Ch II can be omitted having a 100Ohm - resistance for R D in place of 2 Ohms for track circuit
lengths upto 200 metres. Minimum permissible ballast resistance in these track circuits (of RE
area) is 0.65 Ohms/Km.

When these track circuits are provided in AC RE. area where maximum traction current does
not exceed 600 A and short circuit current does not go beyond 3000A, the following are the
permissible track circuit lengths:



3.1 A.C.Track Circuits are provided where D.C. Track circuits cannot work. The wo rking of
an AC Track relay requires not only a good voltage from the track but also a considerable phase
difference in track voltage with reference to the voltage applied to one of the relay windings
locally. Even as a good phase difference is maintained at the track feed end, it gets reduced at
the relay end due to the transformers, impedance bonds, relay winding and the ballast
resistance in the circuit. Also, the phase angle gets shifted when the ballast resistance changes
according to weather. These effects create problems for efficient and safe maintenance of the
track circuit.

Hence A.C. Track Circuits are provided exclusively in DC traction areas confined to Bombay
Divisions of Western and Central Railways. It is possible to work A.C. Track circuits with A.C.
traction also, provided the track circuit supply frequency does not have even a harmonic relation
with the traction power frequency of 50Hz. 83 1/3 Hz frequency is chosen for this purpose and
these track circuits are used in A.C.Traction areas including the places where DC electric
traction ends and AC traction starts.

In areas of exclusive AC traction of our railways, the usage of AC track circuits is tried out for
some time due to the tempting possibility of working very long AC track circuits. However, this
practice is not continued for long there, due to the problems in maintaining a good phase angle
on these track circuits. DC track circuits are preferred there now.

Introduction of electronic tra ck circuits of high impulse type and audio frequency type on our
railways created prospects for gradual and widespread replacement of many conventional DC
and AC track circuits.

AC and Electronic track circuits in RE areas can be broadly classified as (1) Single Rail track
circuits and (2) Double Rail Track Circuits conventional AC track circuits of both the types are
dealt with here.

Single Rail track circuits as already seen in the case of DC track circuits in AC RE area, are
those in which traction return current also passes through one of the two track circuit rails. In
these the traction return current passes from one track circuit to another through transverse
bonds provided by the traction power department .
Double Rail track circuits are those in which the traction return current passes (in the same
direction) through both the track circuit rails (even as the track circuit current passes in the same
direction in one rail and in the opposite direction in the second rail).

Traction return current from both the track circuit rails passes into the adjoining rails through the
centre tap of an 'impedance bond' provided by the S&T department. But the track circuit current
is confined within its limits by the block joints provided on both the rails at its ends. Most of the
current from the feeding transformer flows through the relay and the ballast, even though small
leakage currents through the impedance bonds cannot be avoided.

British practice of AC track circuits which was initially followed on the Bombay divisions of
Western and Central Railways has given way to the Siemens practice as progressively Siemens
installations have been introduced there. As Railways switched over to AC. traction, Siemens
practice is the only prevailing one on our railways at present. Hence, our study will be confined
to this.


A reliable 3 phase AC supply is a pre-requisite for working AC track circuits in Siemens practice.
All the track relays are fixed in the cabin relay room.

In DC traction areas, a 440/110 -130V transformer is provided in the cabin for this purpose. A 3
phase 130V 50Hz output from this transformer is taken on a ring main busbar to the track relay

Where 83 1/3 Hz AC. track circuits are provided 440V 3 phase 50Hz AC supply is fed into a
frequency convertor (preferably static). 165V 83 1/3 Hz 3 phase output from this converter is
taken to the track relay racks in the relay room.

Another 110V 3 phase feed is taken as output from the transformer or inverter, as the case may
be, and fed to a ring mains busbar taken to various location in the yard for track circuit feeding.

'Track feed phase distribution plan' for the yard is prepared well in advance to nominate phases
between which individual track feed transformer connections at site and their corresponding
relay local coil phase connections in the cabin are to be made.

While making this plan, (i) load on each phase is sought to be balanced as far as possible and
(ii) Staggered phase connections are made on adjacent track circuit rails to avoid unsafe
conditions at the time of block joint failures.


110V 50 Hz AC supply or 110V 83 1/3 Hz AC supply between the nominated phases in the
location box is connected as input to the track feed transformer for stepping down. l Its output
from a suitable tapping on its secondary is taken with a 3 Ohm damping resistance in series to
the track lead J.Box or Bootleg on a 2 core cable of 1.5 mm2 or 2.5 sq. mm copper conductors.
Multistrand wires ropes connect the feed to the track rails.

At the relay end, track leads are taken similarly to the J.Box or bootleg. From these, a 2 core
1.5 mm 2 cable takes this feed to the relay end step up transformer with a 2 ohm protective
resistance in series. From the secondary of this transformer feed is taken on a common cable
from location to the cabin to be connected there to the relay control coil.

The relay local coil is connected in the cabin between the nominated phases of the ring main
busbar of 130V 50Hz or 165V 83 1/3 Hz, as the case may be . At the end of this track circuit a
transverse bond is connected by the traction power department if there is a track circuit or there
is no track circuit on the adjoining rails. If there is a double rail track circuit adjacent to this, a
multistrand wire rope known as neutral connection is joined between the uninsulated rail of this
track circuit and the centre tap of impedance bond by the side.


It is a device used for bonding the rails of a Double Rail track circuit with adjacent track rails for
the purpose of conducting traction return current while blocking the track circuit current to pass
within its relay circuit.

The construction of an 'impedance bond' is as given below :-

There are two copper coils in the bond wound on a shell type core. One is called the 'Main or
Buffer coil' which consists of about 8 to 10 turns of a heavy cross section. This carries the large
traction return current when connected between adjacent rails across block joints at the end of a
track circuit.

The second winding is called as the 'Auxiliary Coil' which has a large number of turns of a
smaller cross section with different tapping for connection. This windings is used along with a
10 µf condenser to resonate the output circuit. This circuit resonation makes it possible to draw
maximum current from the given input voltage and improves the output phase angle also. A
surge anestor is also connected to protect the condenser in the auxiliary coil. Higher inductance
of the auxiliary coil having many turns facilitates the usage of a small condenser.

The impedance bond coils are included in the track circuit with a transformer type connection. At
the track circuit feed end, the auxiliary coil with the condenser in series acts as the primary
circuit to draw power from the track feed transformer secondary. Hence, the series resonating
Condenser also serves as the 'Regulating Device' for dropping a large voltage across it under
track occupation. The main coil acting as the secondary steps down the feed voltage to less
than 5V on open circuit and feeds it to the track rails when connected across them.

At the relay end of track circuit, the track rail voltage gets impressed on the main coil of the
bond which form the primary. On the secondary side, the auxiliary coil steps up the voltage to
over 25V and feeds the relay control coil. On the relay end impedance bond, a 10 µf condenser
is connected in parallel on a carefully chosen tapping of the auxiliary coil. This condenser is
known as the 'phase shifting condenser' as it serves to improve the output phase angle of the
bond so that the relay rotor gets the best possible torque, by the choice of right tapping on the
auxiliary winding for its connection.


AS can be seen from the diagram, half the number of turns in the bond main coil carry traction
return current in one direction and the other half in opposite direction. Due to these currents,
the fluxes established in the core are in opposite direction. They are also equal if both the rails
carry equal current to the bond. In that case, no flux due to traction return current remains in
the core. Hence, when track circuit current tries to pass through all the coil turns in the same
direction a very high inductance causing reactance of the order of 3 Ohms or more is
encountered by this current. A very low current only can leak through this path while sufficient
current passes through the re lay coil in parallel and operates it.



Due to some loose bonding on one of the rails or some such reasons, if traction current through
the rails is unequal, bond core retains the difference of fluxes due to the unbalanced traction
return currents. This can saturate the core if the retained flux rises to a high level. Such a
condition may occur when a train is started in approach of the track circuit.

In saturated condition of the bond core, the track circuit current through bond coil encounters a
very negligible inductance as it cannot create any further flux in the core. This causes a heavy
leakage current through the bond coil making the track relay to drop.

To obviate this, saturation of the core by unbalanced traction currents in the bond coil is
prevented by increasing the core reluctance. This is done by means of a thin sheet of nylon on
the core limbs above as shown in the diagram.


(1) The Impedance bonds in AC. RE area carry lesser traction currents due to higher voltage of
25 KV as against 1500V of DC used for traction. Because of this, the cross section of the main
coil conductor required is less and hence these bonds are smaller.

(2) Due to the higher frequency of track circuit current used in this area (83 1/3 Hz instead of
50Hz) the impedance of the bond increases to nearly 5 Ohms from about 3 Ohms of those in
D.C traction.

(3) No provision of nylon sheet in the core for increasing its reluctance is required in these
bonds as core does not get saturated by the traction currents. The reason for this is that the
traction currents through the two halves of the bond main coil exhibit a self balancing features
as explained below:-

When unequal currents flow through the two half windings of the bonds main coil, unequal
fluxes are created in the core by these. But since traction current is AC and the flux created is
alternating, back emf's are induced in the two half coils in such a manner that the currents
balance themselves out.


A 110/25-75V step down track feed transformer draws its input from two nominated phases of
supply in the location box. Its secondary output is taken on a cable to the impedance bond
provided on the track at feed end. The supply is connected to suitable tapping on the auxiliary
coil of the bond with the 10 µf regulating condenser in series. The main coil of the impedance
bond is connected across the track rails with two multistrand steel wire ropes known as 'side
connections' of the bond. The voltage is stepped down on the bond at the feed end. The center
tap of the bond main coil is connected to the adjoining track circuit by means of a 'neutral
connection' wire rope.

At the relay end of the track, the main coil of another impedance bond is connected across the
rails to draw about 1V from the track. This will be stepped up suitable on the auxiliary coil of the
bond. Also, the phase angle of this voltage gets corrected as required by the connection of 10 µf
bond condenser on suitable tapping of its auxiliary coil. This output voltage at a phase angle
above 60 with respect to source is fed to the relay end track lead cable on the bond which is
laid upto the cabin relay room. This voltage is applied to the track relay control coil.

The relay local coil is connected on the rack to nominated phases of local supply.

At the relay end also, the center tap of impedance bond main coil is joined with the adjacent
track circuit.

In all the AC track circuits, a voltage between 130% and 200% of relay safe pick up value is
maintained on the control coil of the relay. The local coil voltage is 130V @ 50Hz or 165V @ 83
1/3Hz as already mentioned. A phase difference of 60 o – 90o is to be maintained between the
control coil and local coil voltage of the relay for reliable working of the track circuit.

A minimum T.S.R of 0.15 Ohm is permitted to be maintained on these track circuits. Whereas a
good T.S.R can be easily obtained on a single rail track circuit, it requires careful adjustment of
track voltage and phase angle on the double rail track circuit to get the required minimum T.S.R
of 0.15 Ohms.


Before installing a track circuit, the portion of track to be included is made properly conductive
and exclusive so as to make it fit for track circuiting.

A straight track portion of welded rails does not need any props to enhance its conductivity. But
if smaller panels or individual rails are to be included, the ordinary fish-plated and bolted joints
themselves cannot give good electrical continuity. The rails have to be additionally connected
with Continuity Rail Bonds.

4.2 Rail Bonds

8SWG Galvanised Iron wires are shaped as shown to make 'Rail Bonds'. To fix a pair of bonds
at each rail joint, holes are drilled on the rails with a 6.9mm drill. The bond wire ends are
inserted in these holes and channel pins are driven to hold them tight. Two bonds are used
together so as to get lesser bond resistance at the joints. This also ensures that one of these
bonds at least is always secure.

Two types of channel pins are in use. One has only one grove to hold bond wire. The other
one ha s two groves so that two wires can be held by the same pin. Two bond holding clamps
called 'Bond Wire Protectors' fixed on the fish bolts of joint as shown ensure that the bond wires
do not loose -hang, swing under the train and get entangled with any hang ing part of vehicle.

The following precautions shall be taken while providing these rail bonds:

(1) The bonds shall be fixed without much delay after drilling holes so that the holes do not get

(2) Drilling of holes and driving the channel pins through them shall be done in the same
direction to ensure proper riveting of the pins.

(3) Channel pins shall be driven with a 1 1/2kg. hammer for their proper hugging in the holes.

(4) Bond wires shall not be provided between the rails and fish plates as they can not be easily

(5) Holes for bonding shall be as close to the fish plates as possible.
At switches and crossings, additional bonding is also required between :-
(1) The heel of a cut-heel switch and lead rail
(2) The lead rail and the stock rail.
(3) The wing rail and the point rail.
(4) The wing rail and the splice rail
(5) The splice rail and the nose rail.

In addition to these 'Continuity Rail Bonds' provided by the S&T department in RE areas,
traction power department also provides high current capacity bonds at the rail joints for traction
return current passage. Traction bonds can be found throughout the length of track whether
track circuited or otherwise. In AC RE areas, mild steel flat is used for this purpose whereas
multi-strand copper wire ropes are used in DC RE areas. In fact, traction power bonds also can
serve the purpose of track circuit continuity. But their becoming loose or breaking at one or two
places does not affect traction as much as it fails the track circuit. Hence, providing of rail
bonds by the S&T department is considered essential at all places.

(2) Secondly, the track portion to be detected has to be electrically isolated from adjoining rails
so as to block the track circuit current, within its boundaries by providing 'Block Joints' at each
end of the track circuit. This is, however, not necessary in case of coded Track circuit such as
Audio Frequency track circuits in which frequency coding takes care of this need.

Also on track circuits in which additional rail connections such as turnouts are to be included
more block joints are required to include them without shorting track circuit rails. These joints
have to be provided in all types of track circuits including coded ones.


Two types of these joints are presently in use, viz(1) Nylon Insulated Rail joints and (2) Glued
Rail Joints.


In this type, insulation components are supplied by the S&T department, which have to be
inserted in the rail joint when track circuit is being installed and also whenever they get crushed
under traffic resulting in insulation failure. To prevent failures under normal conditions block
joint insulation is checked electrically by means of a meter by the S&T staff according to a time

The metallic components of the rail joints as supplied by the civil engineering department for this
purpose are not the usual ones. The fish plates are planed so as to accommodate insulation
liners between the rails and themselves. The fish bolts have to be of 140mm length instead of
115mm. Also, four steel backing plates have to be provided for support over the nylon backing
plates held by fish bolts.
The insulation components of the rail joint are:

(1) End post 1No

(2) Left hand Side channels 2 Nos.
(3) Right hand Side channels 2 Nos.
(4) Ferrules or Bushes 8 Nos.
(5) Nylon backing plates with coller 4 Nos.
(6) Nylon backing plates w/o coller or as required for packing.
nylon washers.

These insulation components are available in different sizes to suite different weightages of
rails, Viz. 60 kg, 52 kg, 90 R, 75R etc.

Proper components only shall be used according to the rail weightage. Even left hand side
channels and right hand side channels shall not be interchanged after locally sizing them up to
avoid insulation break down on these joints.

Certain precautions have to be taken while installing and maintaining these block joints as
detailed below :-
(1) The rail ends at these joints shall be cut straight as otherwise, the nylon end post may break
very quickly.
(2) All the holes on the rails shall be drilled at the same height.
(3) The holes in the rails and in fish plates shall be in correct alignment. Bolts shall not be
forced into the rails, nor shall they be bent and pushed in as the bushes can thus get crushed.
(4) Rail chairs are replaced by steel bearing plates on one sleeper each holding rails on either
side of the joint. These plates shall be fixed sufficiently clear of rail ends to avoid their short
circuiting .

(5) Dog spikes that hold the bearing plates on to sleepers shall not touch the fish plates and
they shall be tightly driven in the sleepers.
(6) Packing of a couple of sleepers on either side of these joints shall always be good and no
water logging shall be allowed near them.
(7) The fish bolts of these joints should not roll due to swing under the traffic. For this, the steel
backing plates shall be properly bent on the sides to hold the nuts and bolt heads.

4.5 GLUED RAIL JOINTS (As per RDSO Manual of 27.9.90).

Glued Rail Joints are available in two types:

(1) G3(L) type having 6 bolts and (2) G3(S) type having 4 bolts. The drawings for the same of
different rail sections are:
S.No. Rail Section Drawing No.of
G3(L)type G3(S)type
1. 75R RDSO/T-1283 RDSO/T-3008
2. 90R RDSO/T-1276 RDSO/T-1278
3. 52kg RDSO/T-671 RDSO/T-1259
4. 60kg(UIC) RDSO/T-2572 RDSO/T/2576
The joints are fabricated in a workshop and transported to the site for insertion in the track.
G3(L) type joints shall be used with CWR and LWR of 75R, 90R, 52kg and 60kg(UIC) rail
sections in all temperature zones. I, II, III, & IV, both in B.G. and M.G.

G3(S) type joints may be used in Fish plated track and SWR panels of 75R,90R, 52kg and 60kg
(UIC) in temperature zones I, II, III & IV both in B.G and MG.

Laying of these joints involves civil Engg. works viz.destressing of welded rails, welding of the
joints into running track etc.. Hence these are laid by the civil Engg. Dept.

4.6 Materials used for fabrication of Glued Joints.

S. Description Quantity for Remarks
No . G3(L) G3(S)
1. Rail Piece of min.4m length.1No. 1No.
2. Fish Plates 2Nos. 2Nos. Steel to conform to IRST -1/M.37
3. Punched Washers 12Nos. 8Nos. or IS 1875 -class IV.
4. Insulating Bushes 6Nos. 4Nos. To be fabricated as per
5. Insulating end post 1No. 1No. procedure described below.
6. Insulating Liners 2Nos. 2Nos.
7. HTS Bolts with nuts. 6Nos. 4Nos. Bolts:24X140mm-IS 1363-1967.
Nuts Hexagonal M24-IS1363-1967
8. Adhesives As required.
9. Glass cloth carrier 4 pieces 4 pieces Cut to sizes as specified below
and used for fabrication.
The insulating components viz. bushes, liners and end-posts are fabricated using glass cloth
reinforcement and epoxy of an RDSO approved quality with hardener by a hand laying process
or pressure moulding technique. These are built up layer after layer to achieve sufficient
thickness. Generally end posts are made of 20 layers, liners of 4 layers and bushes of 5 layers.
After making a rectangular piece of glass cloth reinforcement and allowing it to cure, it is cut and
profiled to the shape of an end post. The liners are fabricated in the hollow of a rail web. The
bushes are cut to size from a long ferrule made by winding a wide piece of glass cloth on a bolt
shank layer after layer with adhesive in between. The fabricated component is able to be
separated from the surface on which it is made due to a coat of a releasing agent applied

All the insulating components of the joint are stuck in place with an adhesive layer and the bolts
are tightened for a permanent setting.

4.7 Maintenance of Glued Joints.

1. The ballast used on track in the vicinity of these joints shall be cleaned to ensure efficient
packing and drainage. Care must be taken to see that the ballast is clear of rails and rail
fastenings. The clearance from the underside of rail must not be less than 50mm.

2. The joint does not need any special maintenance than that required for normal track.

3. As in the case of standard insulated joints, the metal burrs at the ends of rails shall be
removed well in time to avoid short circuiting through them. This work shall be done skillfully
avoiding damage to end posts.

4. Normally no relative movement occurs between rails and fish plates at these joints. In case
failure occurs with separation of rail/fish plate surfaces and relative movement takes place, the
damaged joint must be replaced soon. The electrical resistance of the joint does not decrease
appreciably for a considerable time even after this separation.

5. Live cinders shall not be dropped near these joints which can cause damage to them.
Protective boxes of asbestos or some such things shall be provided for these joints at places
where this can not be avoided.

Testing of Glued Joints i.e., Insulation Resistance test in Dry condition: Resistance shall not be
less than 25 Megohms when a meggaining voltage of 100V DC is applied across the joint.

In wet condition: Resistance shall not be less than 3 kiloohms when obtained with application of
100V DC and by dividing the voltage reading with that of current.

Precautions needed while inserting a glued joint.

(1) At least 10 sleepers on either side of the joint must be well packed before the joint is inserted
to avoid damage /fatigue of the joint.
(2) No damage shall be caused to the joint while inserting.
(3) While welding the joint with adjoining rails, the heat shall not spread to the joint. Heating
appliances shall not be applied at a distance of less than 1m from the joint.


Additional block joints and rail bonds need to be provided on track circuits having point turn-outs
in them. They are required in order to avoid electrical short on each road by the rails of the
other on diversion and also to ensure that the track relay gets shunted in all portions of the
track. Also, while providing end position block joints on turnout track circuits, protection to
running or stabled vehicles shall be ensured near fouling marks by spacing them with care. It is
also preferable, wherever possible to provide for detection of rail breakage in a track circuit by
including all the track circuit rails in series between the feed and the relay ends.

For track circuiting turnouts, depending on the mode of connection between the rails of different
track circuit portions three types of arrangement are possible, viz.
(1) Parallel connection
(2) Series connection and
(3) Series Parallel connection.
The choice between the three depends on the location of track circuit and the required degree
of safety for traffic or economy.


After providing two block joints in the middle of track circuit, the feed is extended on to the
insulated rail by means of a small two core cable or a mild steel strap called 'Feed extension
jumper'. This makes it possible for a vehicle to shunt the track relay while on the parallel
portion of the track circuit.

It is preferable to have the block joints in the middle on a less used track (i.e., diversion) to
increase their life of insulation.


Here, three block joints are provided on the turnout and the track circuit ends of the two roads
are joined by means of two cable jumpers. The relay is connected near the turnout as shown.
The relay end and the connecting end of that track circuit portion may be interchanged if
necessary to minimise the length of cable required.

One block joint in this arrangement separates the rails of same feed polarity. The failure of this
block joint brings the insulated portion of track circuit in parallel and this may not be detected till
the block joint is tested.


In this arrangement of track circuit, only positive or phase polarity rails are connected in series
at the turnout, keeping the rails of other polarity deliberately in parallel. This is necessary in
electric traction areas to provide multiple paths for traction return current in the track circuit.
Then only, interruption in one path doe s not force the traction currents to pass through the track
circuit equipment and interfere with its working. In non RE areas also, sometimes this
arrangement is preferred in view of economy in cable expenditure.


(1) A track circuit shall extend beyond fouling marks on both straight road and diversion portions
to afford protection to the standing vehicles. In case, it is not possible to provide the block joints
beyond fouling marks on any portion, the point operation to a position connecting the fouled line
is prevented until the time the fouling vehicle clears the adjoining track circuit also.

(2) With parallel connection of turnout track circuits, the nonclearance of fouling mark by a
vehicle may not be detected when any connection in the parallel portion is broken. This shall be
checked and avoided especially in case of the 1 in 8 1/2 and 1 in 12 turnouts. Hence, it is
preferable to have series connection track circuits to have fouling mark protection on running

(3) The end position block joints on turnout track circuits shall be so located that not only the
last axle wheels but also the overhanging portions of vehicle (1.8m) clear the fouling mark
before the track relay picks up.


Both track circuits end in the middle of cross-over as shown. Each half of the cross-over forms
part of a multiple(parallel connection) track circuit on the main line adjacent to it. The thick lines
indicate traction re turn rails in RE area. In non RE area the transverse bonds are not provided.
Positive feed jumpers in RE area and all feed jumpers in non RE areas are provided by the S&T
staff. Each track circuit has 6 block joints on the turn outs with two more block joints in


(a) Parallel connection:

In this arrangement also, the cross-over portion has two parallel connection track circuits
including the adjoining main line in each .

In RE area, the transverse bonds and two traction power jumpers on each track circuit are
provided by the traction department. In non -RE area, negative feed jumpers are provided in
place of traction jumpers by the S&T staff and no transverse bonds are needed.

Each track circuit has, in addition to four end-position block joints on main line, four block joints
exclusively on cross overs and four block joints in between to separate the track circuits. The
cross over portions have twelve block joints in all.

b) Connection with positive rails i(n series.

In this arrangement the positive feed of track circuit (1) is interrupted at (A) and (B) by two
separating block joints. A positive cable jumper is connected as shown to extend the feed on to
the extreme portion on the right. Another Positive jumper (2) is connected between (c) and (d)
to bring the positive feed back to the turnout portion. In the second track circuit, one positive
cable jumper (3) is connected between (E) and (F) as shown to make the positive ra il
connection a series one. Negative rails of these track circuits on the turnouts are not separated.


(a) Parallel Connection

In this four block joints are provided on the turn-out portion as shown and two positive feed
jumpers are connected to include the parallel portions in the track circuit.

(b) With positive rail in series.

In this arrangement, the feed and relay connections of the track circuit are shifted inside to the
turnout portion. The positive rail ends on straight road and turnout are joined by means of two
cable jumpers.

(c) With both positive and negative rails in series.

The arrangement is almost similar to the one shown in (B) except that the negative rail on the
turnout is brought in series by means of two separation block joints.


(a) Parallel Connection.

The layout has block joint positions and positive jumper connections similar to those of a
diamond cross over without slip and with both rails in parallel.

(b) With positive rail in series.

On this layout the block joint positions and positive jumper connections are similar to those of a
diamond cross over without slip and with positive rail in series.
(c) With both positive and negative rails in series.

The same arrangement of connections as with a diamond cross over without slip can be
repeated here.


(a) Parallel wiring:

In this arrangement, 4 block joints are provided on turnout portion of straight roads and 4 more
block joints on adjacent slip turnout portion. Two positive rail jumpers are provided. The feed
and relay connections are made on one of the two tracks at the extreme ends.

(b) With positive rail in series:

In this arrangement also, the 8 turnout block joints are placed exactly as in parallel connection.
The positive rails at one extreme end of the layout are joined by a positive cable jumper. The
feed and relay connections are made at the other extreme end.

(a)Parallel connection:

Here, for two turnouts on a ladder, 4 block joints and two positive feed jumpers are provided,
while having the feed and relay connections on the first line.

(b) With positive rail in series:

In this arrangements also, four block joints are provided on the turnout portions. The second
line turnout block joints are provided on the straight road. The positive rails are connected in
series by means of two long feed jumpers as shown. The feed and relay connections are close
to each other on the first turnout.

(c) With both positive and negative rails in series:-

In this arrangement, three block joints are provided on each turnout so that the negative rails
are cu t in the middle and included in series. For this purpose, one long and one short negative
feed jumpers are connected as shown. The position of negative connection to the relay also
gets shifted to the right of block joint as can be seen above.

Series pa rallel connection of track circuit on Double line layout where both the lines branch off
to a side:-

Three track circuits are provided on this double line layout.

1T has two block joints on the turnout with one positive jumper. The feed and relay of this track
circuit are connected at extreme positions on either side.

2T has four block joints on the turnout with two positive feed jumpers connected as shown.
Feed and relay are connected on the turnout close to each other.

3T has two block joints on the turnout. Its relay is connected at one extreme end of the line. Its
feed is connected on the turnout as shown.

In all the above layouts, the negative rails are shown with thick lines. In RE areas, these rails
carry traction return current which is passed on to the adjacent track circuit through transverse
bonds shown. In non RE areas, these bonds are not required. While the negative feed jumpers
are provided by the traction power department in RE area, they are provided by the S&T
department in non RE areas.


(1) Two or three William's stretcher bars provided on point turnouts have to be insulated in the
middle to avoid a direct short across the track. Two half pieces of each stretcher are joined with
two small support plates and three bolts. The insulation components of each stretcher bar are:-

(i) Nylon Backing plates 2 Nos.

(ii) Nylon bushes for bolts 3 Nos.
(iii) Nylon washers for bolts & nuts 6 Nos.

(2) Gauge tie plates provided on wooden sleepers have to be insulated. Two pieces of this
plate are joined with insulation between them. The insulation components for each plate are:

(i) Nylon end post with 3 holes 1 No.

(ii) Nylon bushes for bolts 3 Nos.
(iii) Nylon washers for bolts & nuts 6 Nos.

4.16.1 (3) (a) With Electrical detectors provided on mechanical points:

Insulation to be provided between detector rods and drop links:- 1 bush & 2 washers per rod.

(b) With IRS type point machine :

Insulation components provided between each switch rail and tongue attachment are:

(i) Nylon liner plate 1No.

(ii) Nylon Bushes 2Nos.
(iii) Nylon washers 2Nos.

c) With Siemens type point machine:

Insulation components provided between each switch rail and D-bracket for rodding
attachments are:

(i) Nylon insulation plate 1 No.

(ii) Nylon Bushes for bolts 2 Nos.
(iii) Nylon washers for nuts 2 Nos.

(4) In addition, any rodding laid across the track and which is likely to short the two track rails
has to be insu lated. The rodding insulation joint has the following nylon components:

(i) Liner plate 1 No.

(ii) Bushes for bolts 2 Nos.
(iii) Washers for bolts & nuts 4 Nos.


These are defined as those portions of track circuits in which occupation by a vehicle cannot be
detected. This may be due to the vehicle shunting rails of the same track feed polarity. This
may also be due to one or both rails of that portion being bypassed by the track feed.

The following are some of the examples where dead sections occur :-

(i) The block joints position on track rails is staggered either (a) due to unequal rail creep,
particularly on curved tracks.

or (b) due to rail ends on cross-overs being out of square:-

(2) A track portion is excluded from track circuit either (a) due to a level crossing road not
allowing track circuiting of the covered area of track :-

or (b) due to a bridge or culvert being under the track.

or (c) due to a tram line passing across the railway track.

While allowing for dead sections in track circuits, the following precautions shall be taken so as
to avoid unsafe conditions of traffic over them:-

(1) The dead section shall not accommodate a four wheeler vehicle entirely in itself without
shunting any 'live' portion of the track circuit at the same time.
In B.G sections, the distance between the two axles of a four wheeler is 6m (20') and in MG /NG
sections, it is 3.6m(12').

(2) If one trolley of an eight-wheeler gets entirely accommodated in a dead section , the second
trolley of the same vehicle shall not go beyond the live portion of that track circuit in either
In B.G sections, the distance between the two axles of this trolley is 1.8m (6') and in MG/NG
sections, it is 1.125m (3'9").

In this case, the track circuit shall extend on either side of dead section by more than 12m(40').

(3) If the dead section is longer than 10.8m(36') as in the case of long bridges underneath the
track, a 'Trap Circuit' shall be provided including the control of dead section track by two other
track circuits on either side as shown:-


The controlling relay contacts of BTR may be connected in series with the battery instead of
relay, if desired.

The working of Trap Circuit:

When the train coming from the left is trapped in the dead section, BTR which has dropped
cannot pick up as ATR has already picked up and CT is not yet occupied.

Similarly, when the train coming from the right is trapped in the dead section, BTR which has
dropped cannot pick up as CTR has already picked up and AT is not yet occupied.

BTR picks up only when the train passes over AT or CT after completely clearing BT and the
dead section. Once picked up, it is kept energised through its own front contact till it is shunted
again by a vehicle.

If the last vehicles of a train get trapped in the dead section after parting from the train and the
front portion goes ahead over the track circuit in advance, this cannot be detected. But this is
very unlikely to occur. Also the vehicle trapped in the dead section of BT doesot detected at the
time of AT or BT failing.


This is an arrangement in which a track circuit is split into two or more sections with individual
track relays and the feed for each latter section is controlled by the relay of former section.

This is generally adopted when it is not possible to work a long track circuit due to the
deteriorated condition of its ballast resistance, till the ballast condition is improved. The higher
net ballast resistance of each portion as compared to its net value of the whole length of track
makes this arrangement workable.

This is also adopted in automatic signalling sections wherein the last control track circuit of each
automatic signal is fed over the overlap track circuit of that signal. This method of control is
termed as 'Automatic overlap system'.

In this arrangement, when 101 ATR goes down, 103TR which also controls S103 is still picked
up but when 103TR goes down, 101ATR cannot pickup until 103T is also cleared by the running
train. Thus while 101AT controls only S101, 103T controls both S101 and S103.


Due to high soil resistivity under the track bed between the two ends of a track circuit and
complete earthing of only one of the two track rails, sometimes some stray voltage develops on
the track. This can be observed when a voltmeter is connected across the track after
disconnecting the concerned track circuit feed.

Beyond a certain limit, this voltage may prevent the track relay from dropping when track is
shunted by a vehicle. The incidence of this phenomenon may be frequently observed in rocky
territories where some power cables may have been laid in the vicinity.

To obviate this problem immediately one of these methods may be tried:-

(1) Interchanging the positive and negative connections of the rails, as in that case the stray
voltage polarity becomes opposite to the proper feed polarity.
(2) Interchanging the feed and relay ends of the track circuit as in that case, the stray voltage
may disappear at the relay end.

(3) Splitting of the track circuit as in that case, the stray voltage in each portion may become

If none of the above solves the problem, the track circuit may be replaced with an Electronic
track circuit.

(1) T.S.R : - It shall be ensured that under no circumstances, the failure of a track circuit results
in a train passage under prohibitive conditions. Regular checks of TSR on each track circuit
shall be carried out without fail. Any change of their components or adjustments shall be
immediately followed by a test of TSR. For this, a fixed resistance of minimum TSR value is
always available with the maintenance staff.

(2) TRACK CIRCUIT HISTORY CARDS: Exact entries shall be made in them and no detail
shall be neglected. Inspectorial staff shall carefully check these on every visit. Ballast
resistance value shall periodically be calculated and monitored to avoid failures on this count
in the near future.


carrying out timely preventive maintenance. The joint inspection involves block joints, condition
of track ballast and drainage, clearance of ballast under the track circuit rails and packing of
block joint and point sleepers. The broken and crushed insulations of block joints shall be
replaced soon.

(4) The condition of rail bonds shall be ascertained by taking track voltage readings on every
fourth track circuit rail at least once in three months to avoid intermittent track circuit failures.
This shall be recorded in the inspection reports.

(5) Although the point rodding, stretcher and gauge tie plate insulations do not fail often, the
packing underneath the point sleepers shall be well maintained to keep them in good condition
always. A visual inspection on every visit to the site, particularly of tongue attachment liners
and the recesses under the gauge tie plate joints helps in detecting a failure condition about to
(6) Just before the onset of monsoon, track relay voltages shall be checked once, not to be
taken off guard in avoiding track circuit failures with h t e first showers. Also, on clearing of
weather after monsoon, it shall be seen that the track relay voltages do not shoot up beyond
safe limits. Particularly, early attention shall be paid to those track circuits on which adjustments
are made during monsoon.
(7) It is a healthy practice to keep all the section track relay voltages of recent inspection noted
in the personal work schedule files or dairies of the concerned JE/SE/SSE. Whenever a new
reading is noted, it shall be invariably tallied with the previous reading so that any unusual
changes do not escape the attention of all concerned.

(8) The due date of overhauling shall be noted in paint on every track relay prominently in the
front so that it is not retained in circuit even for one day after the overhaul falls due.

(9) All the track circuit tail cables shall be meggered once in six months and replacements shall
not be delayed in the case of cables showing less than 1 mega ohm insulation resistance. The
condition of cable sheathing at the loca tion entries shall not be missed during inspections.

(10) Track circuit battery condition shall always be good and its voltage shall be measured after
switching its charger off.
(11) In busy yards, most of the track circuit maintenance, other than taking of voltage readings
shall be carried out under permitted block except in cases of post failure maintenance works.

12. In no case, the regulating/damping/protective resistance’s shall be bypassed to avoid track

circuit failures, particularly in monsoon.

13. Anti-tilting devices shall be provided with shelf type track relays and they shall not be
tampered with.

14. Chargers used with track circuit batteries shall be rated for not less than 3 ampers.

These failures are basically of two kinds:

(1) Track circuit does not get shunted properly by vehicles.

(2) Track relay drops when track is not occupied, either (a) intermittently or (b) continuously.

Some guidelines are given below for finding out and rectifying certain general faults in track


Shunting Failures:
S.No. Symptons Check for Remedy
1. Failure occurs in certain (1) Loose or missing Replace the missing bonds
parallel portions of track rail bonds or their high or drill new holes on rails to
circuit. resistance. reconnect them.

(2) Broken or loose feed Reconnect them.

2. Failure at feed end or relay (1) Excessive relay voltage
end of D.C. track circuits. caused by----

(a) Charger boost. Decrease charger output


(b) Drastic increase in Readjust the track voltage

ballast resistance. suitably.

3. Failure at relay end or feed (1) Excessive relay voltage Readjust the feed end
end of AC track circuits. due to increase in ballast transformer tappings and if
resistance. necessary bond condensor
connections at feed and relay
ends in a Double rail track

(2)Highly increased phase Monitor source phase angle

angle due to increase in for some time after adjusting
ballast resostance. track voltage to avoid futher
(3) Improved phase angle
at source.

4.22.2 II. Track relay repeater drops intermittently.

S.No. Symptom Check for Remedy.
1. Sluggish track relay operation Low track relay voltage
with its low voltage. caused by
(a) Mains voltage reduction. 1) Restore the health of track
battery in a DC track circuit(or)
(2) Increase feed transformer
tappings and monitor source
voltage of AC track circuits.

(b) Defective block joints. Replace the defective

insulation if found.Remove
rail burr or iron filings on end

(c) Defective point rodding Replace the defective

or stretcher or other insulation if found. Check
insulations( a rare carefully for any small
occurence) metallic object wedged under
guage plate insulation, when
relevant sleeper packing is
2. Track relay drops 1) Loose or broken rail Replace or reconnect the
occasionally with no bonds defective bonds.
constant reduction in
its voltage.

2)Loose series feed jumper Reconnect them properly.

connections or track lead

3.Relay voltage disappears (1) Block joint or other Locate and replace the
for a particular setting of insulation defect in the defective insulation.
points in the track circuit. track portion connected
with that point setting only.

(2) Loose bonding or other Replace or reconnnect the

connections or bad jumper defective bonding or other
cable insulation in the track connections and repair the
portion connected with that defective cable.
point setting.
4. Track voltage disappears Defective block joint Replace the defective
soon after a vehicle movement insulation over which the insulation
and is restored after another previous train has just
movement. passed before failure.
III. Track relay dropped Low track relay voltage Necessary voltage
continuously caused by faults mentioned adjustments or insulation
above. replacements or repairs to
defective connections as
mentioned above.

4.22.3 (B.) D.C Track Circuits faults.

1. Intermittent dropping of (1) Low battery voltage after Replace the defective cells and
track repeater relay. switching the charger off. boost the charger output for the
time being, if necessary.

(2) Loose battery connection Remake a secure connection.

(3) Loose connection on Secure and resolder the loose
regulating resistance connection, if possible or
particularly on the coil replace the defective regul-
side of a pot type resistor. ating device, if necessary.
2. Continuous dropping of Dry solder developed on shelf Resolder the defective coil
track relay. type track relay coil connection and check for
connection. restored continuity and relay
operation. Replace the
relay if necessary.

4.22.4 (C.) A.C.Track Circuit faults.

S.No. Symptoms Check for Remedy
1. Intermittent dropping of(1) Low relay control (1) Readjust the feed end transformer
track repeater relay. voltage. tappings.

(2) Low control phase (2) Changing the impedance bond

angle. auxiliary coil connection of
condensor, check for
improvement, first at the relay
end and then at the feed end.

(3) Check the Impedance bond coil

insulation with a megger. If low,
check again after changing the
insulation oil. If there is no
improvement, replace the

4) Boost the relay end transformer or

impedance bond output if necessary.

2. Track relay dropped In addition to the

continuously above checks, also
check the following:-

(1) Surge discharge Surge discharge is affected by an

condition in the impe- excessive traction return current in
dance bonds of a that path. Check and repair broken
double rail track circuit. traction bonds in parallel paths with
the help of traction power

(2) Insulation resistance Replace or repair the defective track

of track lead cables lead cable if found. Repacking and
and their multilation at drainage clearance may be
the entry into the necessary under the sleepers
impedance bonds. between which the impedance bond
is placed.

Faults peculiar to electronic track circuits are dealt with in their respective studies.

Nevertheless, trouble shooting shall be carried out without ruling out any sort of open circuit and
short circuit conditions on all components of track circuit with an open mind, however. Remote
the chances of fault occurrence may seen. Some of the fault conditions obtained on track
circuits in electric traction areas call for very keen observation and reasoning for comprehending
them quickly. Particularly in conventional AC track circuits the vagaries of shift in phase angle
of a double rail track circuit of good length may be perplexing sometimes. Recording of all the
voltage readings at different locations and their comprehensive study together may clarify many
doubts at the time of failure.

A definite patte rn of checks shall be followed to localise the fault quickly without many
presumptions. A more daunting work than others is the localisation of a short circuit on the
track portion. For this purpose, the relay end leads shall be isolated first and the track voltage
reading taken with a meter across rails near the insulation joint under check.

It is advisable to start checking the track circuit from its relay end by taking voltage readings at
different locations.

In the case of poor phase angle in an AC double rail track circuit, first, it may be ascertained if
the track relay picks up with reversal of track lead connections. If it picks up, it calls for a
reduction of phase angle. If it does not, it requires an increased phase angle., The chances of
increasing or reducing the phase angle by changing the relay end impedance bond connections
shall be exhausted, first. This is because any change in the feed end bond condensor
connections alters the track voltage also considerably. After making this change at the feed
end, the feed transformer connections also may need a readjustment.



This is done in the light of three stipulated track relay excitation conditions as per IRSE Manual.

(Q) 1. Find the value of regulating resistance for a track circuit with the following data:

(1) Normal Bat. Voltage = 2V (2) Max. Bat. Voltage = 12.V.

(3) Length of track circuit = 400m. (4) Max. Ballast resistance = 20Ω
(5) Min. Ballast res. = 1Ω / km. (6) T.S.R = 0.25 Ω
(7) Relay end track lead cable res. = 2Ω (8) Feed end track lead cable res. = 0.5 Ω
(9) Relay coil res. = 2.25 Ω (10) P.U. V. of relay = 0.2V
(11) D. A. V. of relay = 0. 14V

Note: If DAV is not given, % Rel may be presumed as 68%.

(A) (1) With Max. Bat voltage and RB (max) on track relay voltage shall be not more
than 250% PUV, VR = 2.5 X 0.2 = 0.5V. (250% of PU value)
Max. Ballast res. of track @ 20 ohm /krn, RB = 20/0.4= 50Ω (RB for 400 meters)

Relay current, IR = VR/ RR = 0.5 / 2.25 = 0.222A (voltage across TR when RB max = 50 Ω)

Voltage drop in relay end cable, V CR = RC R. I R = 2X0.222 = 0.444V.

Track Voltage, V Tr = V R + V CR = 0.5 + 0.444 = 0.944V (i)

Ballast current, IB = VT r / R B(max) = 0.944 50 = 0.019A

Feed end track circuit current, IT = IR - IB = 0. 222 + 0.019 = 0.241A

Voltage drop in feed end lead cable, V CF = RCF. IT = 0. 5 x 0.241 = 0.1205V (ii)

Voltage drop in Reg. resistance, V T= E Max - (VC F + V Tr) = 2.2 - (0.12+0.944)

= 2.2 - 1.064 = 1.136V.
Regulating resistance, R T = V T / I T = 1. 136 / 0.241 = 4.71 ohm

(B) Under the same Emax and RB (max) conditions, with a TSR of 0.25 ohm across, the relay
voltage shall be not more than 85% D.A.V., i.e., 0.85 V, i.e 0.85 x 0. 14 0 = 0.12V

Resistance across AB
= RB. R S. (R CR + RR) / [ R B-RS+R B(RC R +R R)+R S(RC R+RR)]
= 50 x 0.25 x (2+2.25) / [(50xO.25) + 50(2+2.25) + 0.25(2+2.5)]
= 50 x 0.25 x 4.25 / [ 12.5 + 212.5 + 1.06]
= 0.235 Ω

Total circuit resistance = 4.71 + 0.5 + 0.235 = 5.445 Ω

Feed end track current, IT = 2.2 = 0 . 404 A


Total circuit resistance = 4.71 + 0.5+0.235 = 5.445Ω

Feed end track current, IT =2.2 = 0. 404AΩ

Voltage drop in reg. resistance VT = IT. R T = 0.404 X 4.71 = 1.903V

Voltage drop in feed end cable, VCF = IT . R CF = 0.404 X 0.5 = 0.202V

Total voltage drop at feed end = V T + V CF= 1.903 + 0.202 = 2.1015V

Track voltage, VTr = E (Max) - 2.105 = 2.2 -2.105 = 0 . 095V.

This is less than the max. permitted voltage under this condition, i.e 0. 12V. Hence RT of 4.7 1
ohm is a safe value

(C) With normal battery voltage and min. RB on track, the relay voltage shall be not less than
125 % PUV., i.e. 0.25V.

Min. RB @ 1 ohm / km = 1 / 0. 4 = 2.5 ohm

Resistance across AB = 2.5 X (2+2.25) / 2.5 + 2 + 2.25 = 2.5X4.25 / 6.75 = 1.574ohm
Total circuit res. = 1.574 + 0.5 + 4.71 = 6.784Ω

Feed end track current, IT = E / 6.784 = 2 / 6.784 = 0.295 A
Voltage drop in reg. res, V T = I T. R T = 0.295 X 4.71 = 1.385V

Voltage drop in feed end cable, VCF = IT.R CF = 0.295 X 0.5 = 0. 148V

Total Voltage drop at feed end = V T + V CF = 1.385+0.148 = 1.533V

Track volt age VTr = 2 -1.533 = 0.467V

Ballast current = IB = VTr / R B = 0.467 / 2.5 = 0. 187V

Relay current, IR = IT - IB = 0.295 - 0.187 = 0. 108A

Relay voltage, V R = IR.R R = 0. 108X2.25 = 0.243V

This is slightly less than the min. required relay voltage for reliability.

Hence, the track circuit length shall be reduced accordingly. Actually, the same has been
stipulated as 350m.

(Q)2. What is the required regulating res. of track circuit with the data given below and what is
its max. workable length?

1 . Relay used - QTA2 with one choke of 3 Ω res. at feed end.

2. P. U. V. of the relay = 1.38V
3. D. A. V. of the relay = 0. 97V
4. Max. Bat. Voltage = 6.6V
5. Normal Bat . Voltage = 6V.
6. Feed end cable res. = 0.5 ohm
7. Relay end cables res = 1.0 ohm
8. T. S.R = 0. 5 ohm
9. Nfin. Ballast res. = 2 ohm /Km.

A. (i) With max. battery voltage and Infinite ballast res. on track (since max. RB is
not specified), the track relay voltage shall be not more than 250% P.U.V. i.e.,
2.5 x 1.38V = 3.45V

Relay voltage, V R = 3.45V

Relay cur-rent, IR = VR / RR = 3.45 / 9 = 0.383A = IT also

Voltage drop in relay end cable, V CR = 1 X 0.383 = 0.383V

Voltage drop in feed end cable, VCF= 0. 5X0. 3 83 = 0. 1915V

Voltage drop in choke, V CH = 3X0.383 = 1. 149V

Voltage drop in reg.res. = E(Max) – (VR+VCR+V CF+V CH)

= 6.6 - (3.45+0.383+0.1915+1,149)

= 6.6 - 5.174 = 1.426V

Regulating Res., RT = V T / IT = 1.426 / 0.383 = 3.81 ohm

(ii) With the same conditions of track and a 0.5 ohm shunt across it, the relay voltage shall be
not more than 85% D.A.V. i.e., 0.85 X 0.97 = 0.82.5V

Resistance across AB = 0.5X10 / 10.5= 0.476 ohm

Total circuit res. = RT + RCH + R CF + R AB = 3.81 + 3 + 0.5+0.476 = 7.786 ohm

Circuit current at feed end, IT = 6.6 / 7.786 = 0.851A

Voltage drop at feed end = IT(RC H+RCF + RT)

= 0.851 (3+0.5+3.81)

= 6.22V.

Track voltage, VTR = E max - feed end voltage drop = 6.6-6.22 = 0.38V

This is less than the max. permissible relay voltage, i.e., 0.825V.

Hence, a regulating res. of 3.81 ohm is safe.

(iii) With normal battery voltage and min. permissible RB on track, the relay voltage shall be not
less than 125% P.U.V.,
i.e., 1.25X1.38 = 1.725V.

Min. Ballast res. of track @ 2 ohm /Km 2/l ,where ‘ l’ is the track circuit length in Km.

Relay voltage, V R = 1.725V.

Relay current, IR = VR / RR = 1.725 / 9 = 0.194A

Voltage drop in relay end cable, V CR = 0.194 X 1 = 0. 194V

Track voltage, VTr = V R + V CR = 1. 725 + 0.194 = 1. 919V

Feed end voltage drop = Bat voltage - Track Voltage = E-V Tr

= 6-1.919 = 4.081 V

Total resistance connected at feed end = R T + RCH + RCF

= 3.81+3+0.5 = 7.31 ohm

Feed end current, IT = 4. 081 / 7.31 = 0.558A

Ballast current, IB = IT-IR = 0.558 - 0.194 = 0.364A

Ballast Resistance, R B = V Tr 1 I B = 1.919 / 0.364 = 5.272 ohm

But, min. RB = 2 ohm

i.e., 2 / l = 5.272 or l =- 2 / 5.272 = 0.379 km or 379m




The Audio Frequency Track Circuit (AFTC) is the Jointless type of track circuit
specifically designed to meet the onerous immunity required in AC or DC electrified areas
against the high levels of interference present mainly due to traction harmonics. The
equipment is classified as universal since it can be used -in AC, DC or Non-electrified
sections and meets all the requirements of the known track circuits.


The basic block diagram of AF track circuit is shown below. The transmitter feeds in the AF
voltage to the track through tuning unit which is received at the other end by the receiver. A
standard miniature line relay is directly operated by the Receiver.

The track circuit operates on a frequency shift principle where the basic frequency is shifted
between two frequencies close to each other (+ 17 Hz. & - 17 Hz.). - Both the frequencies are
detected independently by the receiver for energising the track relay. This modulation is made
to enable transmission of AF without getting distorted. There are eight nominal frequencies (A to
H) in the range of 1.5 KHz. to 2.6 KHz. that are employed to have eight. types of track circuits.
This enables two types to be used per track and with the available eight types, track circuit
requirement of quadruple lines can be met.

Block Diagram of A Basic Audio Frequency Track Circuit


AFTC consists of

Description Quantity

i) Transmitter 1
ii) Tuning Unit 2
iii) End Termination Unit 1

(in centre fed TC only)

iv) Receiver 1
iv) Power Supply Un it 2
v) Output Relay 1

6.4 Transmitter – TX :

A block diagram of transmitter is shown below:


A bi-stable multivibrator (1) produces a square wave output of 4.8 Hz. An oscillator (2)
produces the nominal frequency f(A or B or .......... H). The square wave output of the
multivibrator modulates the output of oscillator (f) to produce a signal which varies by +/-
17 Hz. about the nominal frequency (f) at a rate of 4.8 Hz in modulator (3). The output
amplifier (4) increases the signal to a power level suitable for transmission down the track.
The transformer (5) provides a means of matching the amplifier output to the load. Filter
(6) is provided to isolate the unit from unwanted ACIDC currents from the track. The
transmitter output wave form is shown below :



Block diagram of receiver is shown below :

Signal received from the (receiver end) tuning unit is fed to the input isolating transformer (1) of
the receiver. This has, tappings to obtain different turn ratios for the adjustment of receiver gain.
Interwinding earth screen is provided to afford protection from the common mode interference’s.
Different taps as provided on the input side to be connected to the tuning unit are shown '
below. The connected tap is for a gain of 7. Receiver input wiring & pick up current for different
gain settings are given in Annexure I. One ohm resistance is provided to enable direct
measurement of input current.

Terminal Arrangement of Rece iver for Gain Adjustment

The higher frequency of signal is filtered at 2A and the lower frequency of signal at 2B.
Thereafter, they are amplified at amplifiers (3A & 3B), filtered at (4A & 4B) and demodulated at
5A & 5B. The two demodulated frequencies are combined in a sequential 'AND' gate (6) which
gives a constant output only when both the frequencies are out of phase by 180 degrees. This
output after an initial time delay of about two seconds provided by (7) is extended to the relay
driver to energise the relay.

6.6 Track Tuning Unit - TTU

The electrical separation of adjacent track circuits is obtained by tuning a short length of track
(about 20 meters) using tuning units to which a transmitter/receiver is connected. Each tuning
unit present offers a low impedance to the frequency of adjacent track circuit and prevents its
influence. Thus tuning unit forms a part of electrical separation joint. Block schematic of the
tuning unit is given below :

Tuning unit, in addition to acting as a selective band pass filter provides a means of connecting
transmitter/receiver to the rails. Receiver is always connected to terminals 1 & 2. Transmitter is
connected to terminals 4 & 5 for normal power mode while it is connected to terminals 1 & 2 for
low power mode (short track circuits of 50 to 250 mtrs.)

6.7 End Termination Unit - ETU:

End Termination Unit is used at the start and the end of section on which AFTC is provided. A
rail insulated joint is normally provided beyond the ETU within one meter. It is also used in place
of TTU for centre fed arrangement. Two types of end termination units - one with 3 parallel
branches of circuits for frequencies A, C, E & G and the other with two branches of circuits, for
frequencies B, D, F & H. The schematic arrangement of each is given below :


A common power supply unit generally feeds 2 adjacent AF Track circuits. It supplies power
to the Transmitter and Receiver ok adjacent Track Circuits. This works on 110V AC and gives
out 24V DC.(nominal) for the working of the track circuit. Detailed specification requirement is
spelt out in item number 15 of technical specification of AFTC. Since the system works on
110V AC, an uninterrupted AC power supply central system is to be Provided when we go in for
this type of track circuit.
Output Relay:

50 V / 1350 ohm, DC neutral relay to BRS : 930.


1, Track, circuit length

a) End Fed

Low mode : 50 - 250 metres.

Normal mode : 200 - 1000 metres.

b) Centre fed : 300 - 900 metres. (each half)

2. Minimum ballast resistance : 2 OHM / km

3.Minimurn Train shunt resistance : 0.5 ohm (outside tuned area)

: 0. 15 ohm (inside tuned area)

4. Boundary of track circuit : +/- 5 metres (max.) (from centre of tuned area)

5. Length of electrical separation Joint : 18.0 - 22.0 metres.

6. Output relay 50 V / 1350 ohm. DC neutral relay to BRS : 930.

7. Track circuit Frequencies :

Type Nominal Frequency Actual Frequency band

Lower Limit Upper Limit

A 1699 Hz. 1682 Hz. 1716 Hz.

B 2296 Hz. 2279 Hz. 2313 Hz.

C 1996 Hz. 1979 Hz. 2013 Hz.

D 2593 Hz. 2576 Hz. 2610 Hz.

E 1549 Hz. 1566 Hz. 1532 Hz.

F 2146 Hz. 2163 Hz. 2129 Hz.

G 1848 Hz. 1865 Hz. 1831 Hz.

H 2445 Hz. 2462 Hz. 2428 Hz.

8. Current consumption on 24 V DC side

Transmitter : 2.2 A (Max)

Receiver : 0.5 A (Max)

9. Transmitter power output (max)

Low Mode : 3W

Normal Mode : 40 W.

10. Maximum length of connecting cable between

a) Transmitter & feed end tuning unit - 30 meters

b) Receiver & Receiver end tuning unit -350 meters

11. Receiver output = 40 V - 65 V DC.

12. Receiver Sensitivity = 15 mA.

13. Maximum length of cable (19/1.8 mm Sq. Al.) between the tunin g unit and track

Long Cable = 3.25 M.

Short Cable = 1.45 M.

14. Resonated impedance bond:

Resonated impedance - 12 ohm (Min.)

Traction impedance - DC 0.75 m. Ohm.
AC 3.00 m. Ohm.

.15. Power Supply Unit. =

Input (Nominal) = 110 V, 50 Hz.

Input tappings = 5 - 0 - 95 - 105 - 115 V.

Output voltage = 22.5 to 30.5 V DC.

Output current = 4.4 A (Max.)

Ripple Content = 3 V peak to peak.


1. Adjustment of Jointless AFTC EQUIPMENT :

a) Ensure that the equipment has been installed and connected properly.
b) Ensure that the AFTC of proper frequency units has been installed.
c) Set the, power supply input tapping to match the 110 VAC supply.
d) Adjust the Receiver gain as per the Annexure No. 1 and the under mentioned procedure
shall be followed :
2. Transmitter (Normal mode)

a) (i) Connect one ohm TSR across rails at receiver end tuning unit connections. Go on
reducing the gain setting till the relay drops.

(ii) Now, increase the TSR to 1. 1 ohm. The relay should pick up.

b) If the relay does not pick up, repeat steps (i) & (ii) above for TSR- of 1.2 ohm and 1.3 ohm.

c) Increase the gain, if the relay is still de-energised. Now the relay should pick up.

d) Reduce the TSR in steps of 0.1 ohm. The rela y should definitely drop for TSR greater than
or equal to 0.5 ohm.

3. Transmitter (Low mode)

a) (i) Connect 1.5 ohm

TSR across rails at receiver
end tuning unit connections.
Go on reducing the
gain setting until the relay

(ii) Now increase the TSR to 1.6 ohm, the relay should pick up.

b) If the relay does not pick-up repeat steps (i) & (ii) above for TSR of 1.7 ohm and 1.8 ohm.

c) Increase the gain if relay is still de-energised. Now the relay should pick up.

d) Reduce the TSR in steps of 0.1 ohm. The relay should definitely drop for TSR greater than
or equal to 0.5 ohm.


1. No receiver shall be positioned less than 200 m from any Transmitter on normal mode and
50 m from low power mode of the same frequency.

2. Centre fed track circuit is to be used only where track needs to be longer than permitted for
an end-fed arrangement.

3. Tuned zones should not be located at level crossings.

4. If a level crossing lies in the track circuit, receiver should be located nearer to the LC and
the length should be restricted to 75% of its normal length. Transmitter shall be connected
only in normal power mode.

5. Track magnet of AWS and impedance bond shall not be located in the tuned zone.

6. Track devices of axle counter should not be located within 5 m of tuned zone or 15 m of

7. Inside the track circuit having frequency A - 1699 Hz. (nom.), track device of the axle'
counter shall be located beyond 200 m from the TX of the track circuit. For track circuits of
frequencies E - 1549 Hz. (nom) & G - 1848 Hz. (nom.), the distance between Tx of the
track circuit and track device of the axle counter shall not be less than 100 m.

8 An earthing rod is to be provided at every location box and all earth connections from PSU,
lightening arrestors of TX & RX are to be made to this earth. It may also be necessary to
provide such earthing arrangements near TTUs s in lightening - prone areas.

9. Tx and Rx locations must be positioned as close as possible to the units.

10. Two units of the same frequency may be housed in the same location provided they are fed
from separate PSUs.


1. Transmitter / Receiver Input Supply Voltage / Current :-

Check Transmitter and Receiver input supply voltage and current between terminals B-24,
N-24 of transmitter and receiver.

The voltage and current should be as below :

Current (A) Voltage (DC)

Description Min. Max. Min. Max.

Transmitter Input

Low Mode 0.2 0.4 A 22.5 30.5

Normal Mode 1.3 2.2 A 22.5 30.5

2. Transmitter output & Transmitter Tuning Unit Input Voltage

Check Transmitter Voltage at OP1 & OP2 and tuning unit input voltage at terminals
1 & 2/4 & 5 for low and normal mode respectively, using frequency selective meter unit.
The voltages should be as below :

Transmitter output voltage Transmitter Tuning Unit Input

Voltage Voltage

Min. V (AC) Max. V (AC) Min. V (AC) Max. V (AC)

A.C.E. & G 10 11 8 11
B.D.F. & H 15 16 13 16

3 Transmitter & Receiver end Rail Voltage :

Check the Transmitter & Receiver end rail voltage at terminals T1 & T2 of the respective tuning
units, using frequency selective meter unit. Voltage should be a s below :

TC Mode Transmitter End Tx Type Receiver End Rx Type

Length ACEG Volts BDFH Volts ACEG Volts BDFH Volts
50 m Low Power 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
150 m Low Power 1.2 1.4 0.9 0.8
250 m Low Power 1.4 1.8 0.5 0.5
200 m High Power 4.5 6.4 1.2 1.6
400 m High Power 5.0 7.0 1.0 1.2
900 m High Power 5.3 7.2 0.4 0.5
6.8.3 DO's AND DONT's,:

DO’s :

1. Rail Bonding in the tuned area should be done with 50 Aluminum Cable.

2. Drop shunt test should be carried out at RX end.

3. Only one pair of frequencies (A/B or C/D or E/F or G/H) shall be used on CWR/LWR
sections. Combination with other frequencies can be done when provided with insulated
rail joints.

4. Frequency selective meter unit (FSMU) shall be used for measurement (except for
power supply measurement) as far as possible. If measurement is to be done with digital
multimeter, it shall be done after disconnecting power supply to the adjoining track

5. During Measurement,

a) Companion transmitter shall be switched off.

b) Rx end of the adjacent track to be shorted or power supply to be switched off.


1. Same PSU shall not. be used for feeding more than one transmitter or Receiver of the
same frequency.

2. In electrified sections, measurements should not be made when a train is in the


3. There shall be no impedance bond, level crossing or switch expansion joint inside the
tuned area.

4. Axle counter transmitter and receiver should not be located in the tuned area. No
track device of axle counter of 5 KHz. system shall be located within 200 rnts. of AFTC
transmitter of frequency A and within 100 rnts. of frequency E & G.


a) If both adjoining track circuits have failed together, first of all check items common like
power supplies, tuning unit or interconnection.

b) Transmitter End

1. Check for "Singing Noise" produced by Transmitter and tuning unit.

2. Check rail to rail voltage at the Transmitter end. If this is OK, application of a 0.5 ohm TSR
across the feed end tuning unit rail connections will lower Rail to Rail voltage by approximately
50%, if the transmitter end is working OK. As such no further tests needed to be done at
Transmitter end.

3. Test 24 V DC Power Supply Voltage and current to Transmitter and th e Transmitter output

If readings from these tests show a deviation from the normal limits, the power supply unit,
Transmitter or tuning unit may be faulty.
4. For the integrity of interconnections, check tuning unit input and output voltages.

c) Receiver End :

1. Check companion tuning unit voltage. If it is not within limits, the companion tuning unit is
faulty if the rail to rail voltage at the tuning unit of the failed track becomes OK when T1 and T2
terminals of companion tuning units are shorted.

2. Check the Receiver input current. If this is very less for the Receiver to operate (less than 15
mA), the Receiver tuning unit is faulty. If it is adequate but the Receiver output at R + R - is very
less with a satisfactory power supply, change the, Receiver.


1. Centre fed arrangement

When the length of track circuit is required to be more than 900 meters, centre fed arrangement
shall be provided as indicated below:

2. Termination with other types of Track Circuits:

A special arrangement using ETU shall be provided as indicated below when an AFTC is
followed by other types of track circuits. Insulated rail joints are, to be provided at a distance not
greater than 1 meter.

3. Termination of AFTC with non-track circuited portion:

Both the rails are to be shorted with 50 sq. mm Alu cable at 18.5 meters from the last tuning
unit as indicated below:


AFTC shall be adjusted to correct level as given in Para 6. In the event of overenergisation
caused inadvertent change from low power mode to high power mode or by other reasons, the
level of AF signal received at Rx will be beyond the specified level of demodulator and there will
be neither demodulation nor detection of AF signal. This will result in the dropping of relay when
the track is free. While shunting, the signal level is bound to come down and fall within the range
of demodulation resulting in detection and output will be extended to energise the relay when
the track is actually shorted. Hence, when adjustment in any part of the track circuit is done, all
the parameters given in Para 6 shall be checked for their correctness within the limits specified


1. Fortnightly.

2. Ensure that the "Singing Noise” produced by the equipment is present.

3. Measure the power supply output voltage and current.

4. Measure the Transmitter output voltage.

5. Measure track voltages across the Transmitter and Receiver tuning units.

6. Measure the Receiver input current. If any adjustment is needed, it shall be done as per
Annexure - 1.
7. Measure the relay voltage.

8. Inspect the track circuit connection with the rails and inter-connections between power
supply units, transmitter, tuning units receiver and relay. Ensure they are in order.

9. Conduct drop shunt test with TSR of 0.5 ohm outside the tuned area and 0.15 ohm inside
the tuned area.

10. Fill in the details of track circuit parameters as indicated below





RX TX Track
Date PS Track Track Gain Ip Relay PS O/P Track Conditions Remarks
V I shunt setting sig. V V I volts volts

Receiver input wiring and pick-up current f or different gain settings:

Pick Up Input Connections

Gain Current Input 1 Input 2 Loop 1 Loop 2
1 390 mA 1H 1L
2 195 mA 1L 3L 1 H– 3H
3 134 mA 3H 3L
4 98 mA 1H 3L 1 L- 3 H
5 78 mA 1L 9 L 1 H– 3L 3H–9H
6 65 mA 3L 9L 3 H– 9H
7 56 mA 1H 9L 1 L– 3L 3H–9H
8 50 mA 1L 9L 1 H– 9H
9 45 mA 9H 9L
10 39 mA 1H 9L 1 L– 9 H
11 35.4 mA 1L 9L 1 H– 3H 3L–9H
12 32.4 mA 3H 9L 3 L– 9 H
13 30 mA 1H 9L 1 L– 3 H 3L–9H

Note : The above values are based on a minimum ballast resistance of 2 Ohm/Km.


T1 along with R1, R2 and C1 acts as a relaxation Oscillator, output of which is given to a
bistable multivibrator comprising of T2 and T3. Initially when T2 is ON, base of T3 is pulled
down through.R19 forcing T3 to enter into cut-off state. Simultaneously, base of T2 is pulled up
through R17 and R20 till it goes into saturation. Next pulse from relaxation oscillator causes T3
to switch to switch ON thereby reducing base potential of T2 and driving it to OFF state. This
causes base bias of T3 to increase further forcing it to enter into saturation and T2 to cut-off

Another pulse from relaxation oscillator again changes the states of T2 and T3 and the
cycle repeats thus generating a square wave of 4.8 Hz at MOD.

The main carrier frequency oscillator is made up of transistor T5 driving a tuned inductor
Ll. The biasing is so arranged that the transistor T5 remains cut off for major part of the
oscillatory cycle, thereby giving rise to a high 'Q'. Multivibrator drives the transistor T4 which in
turn switches capacitor C6 across main capacitor C8 (in tuning limb) of carrier oscillator to
generate a waveform of two frequencies separated by 34 Hz from each other.

The regulator stage consisting of T6 and T7 which is mutually coupled to oscillator,

maintains the output of transmitter substantially constant irrespective of power supply change
within specified limit. The signals from T6 and T7 are square waves at carrier frequency which
are fed to the output stage amplifier with signal from T6 inverted through T 11.

An output transistor (T9 or T10) will only switch ON when T6 or 17 conducts. T9 and T10
are switched alternately with an OFF period between switched on times.

D3 and D4 act as supply voltage regulators for multivibrator and oscillator circuits

D8 and D4 protect the circuit from overload transients from track and inductive switching

The output transformer coupled with C9 and L3 acts as a tuned filter for particular
frequency to be transmitted.


The signal from the track tuning unit is fed into the isolation transformer, which has three
input windings so arranged that variation of the input connections gives a range of gain settings
from 1 to 13 in steps of 1. The isolation transformer is screened to eliminate the effect of
common mode transients from the track such as lightening and interference. The screen is
connected to an external earth terminal. A separate surge arrestor must also be provided
(connected across the input leads) to complete the protection of the receiver.

The secondary winding of each input filter is tuned to select one signal coming from the
associated transmitter. By convention, L1 and C1 are tuned to the high frequency and L2 and
C2 are tuned to the low frequency, e.g. The 'A' frequency receiver has L1,C1 tuned to 1716 Hz.
L3, C2 tuned to 1682 Hz.

Protection from series mode overload signals is provided by clipping diodes D1 and D2.

The signals are amplified by transistors T1 and T2 and filtered by tuned circuits L3 C3
and L4 C4. L3 C3 and L1 C1 are tuned to the same frequency, similarly L4 C4 and L2 C2.
Thermistors TH1 and TH2. serve to stabilize the amplifier against gain changes with

D3 CS & D4 C6 form modulation detectors. The demodulated signal, a square wave of

4.8 Hz from CS or C6, switches the level detectors formed by T3, T5 and T4, T6. The output of
the level detectors on the cathodes of D7 and D8 is a negative voltage rising and falling with the
modulation rate. The signal from the two channels are out of phase with each other so that
when one output is rising the other is falling and vice versa.

The negative outputs from the two levels detectors are combined by D7 and D8 and the
resulting steady negative potential on T12 gate allows the high frequency oscillator-T9, T10,
L5A and C12 to oscillate and also allows C13 to charge via R25. R25 and C 13 form a delay
timer with a delay time of approximately two seconds and a reset time of 1 ms. The reset is
activated either by removal of the input signals or by the power supply to the receiver being

T11 is used to sample the timing capacitor C13 and when the capacitor is sufficiently
charged (after two seconds) a threshold circuit T13 is triggered. The output of the threshold
circuit drives an amplifier T14, T15, T16 and T17. This powers a transformer whose output is
rectified by D 13 and used to energise the output relay. Short term short circuit output protection
is provided by R37 and R38.

The power supply is regulated by the shunt stabilizing devices D5 and D10 and protected
against transient overloads by D 14.

The 1 ohms terminal resistor is wired in series with the transformer input for monitoring the input
current without disconnecting the input signals. Voltage across the resistor is 1 mV/ mA.




7.1 The German abbreviation for FTG-S is

F= Remote fed, coded

T= Audio Frequency
G= Track Circuit
S= Siemens

Remove fed, coded Audio Frequency track circuits can be used in place of conventional
track circuits, to overcome shortcomings of the latter.

7.1.1 Features of FTG-S:

1. FTGS is remote fed with a frequency modulated AC voltage. Both transmitter and
receiver are centrally provided in Relay Room/huts, upto 6.5 km away from the track

2. Centralised electronic equipment consists printed circuit boards provided in frame s on


3. Highly reliable - since mechanical stress and climatic influences have less effect as
electronic components are installed in Relay room/hut.

4. Have maximum availability since extensive operating state indications (diagnostic aids -
LEDs) permit fault localisation and immediate replacement of defective PC-boards.

5. Have transmitter, receiver, and demodulation and relay PCBs of plug in type. Ten (10)
FTGS track circuit components can be accommodated in one track circuit rack.

6. Maintenance free tuning units are provided in the track side connection boxes.

7. Continuous availability of two rails for traction return current.

8. Immune to AC/DC traction interference's.

9. Jointless track circuit except in point zones.

7.1.2 Types of FTG -S:

Two types of track circuits are developed with twelve (12) operating frequencies, one to be
provided within station limits and the other for outside the station limits.

7.1.3 Operating frequencies:

FTG-S 46 (For longer track circuits outside station limits)

F9 = 4.75 KHz., F10=5.25 KHz, F11=5.75 KHz, F12=6.25 KHz

FTG-S 917: (For shorter track circuits within station limits)

F1= 9.5 KHz, F2=10.5 KHz, F3=11.5 KHz, F4=12.5 KHz. F5=13.5 KHz.
F6=14.5 KHz, F7=15.5 KHz. F8=16.5 KHz.

7.1.4 Technical parameters and data:

1. Transmission reliability - Frequency modulation coding with 15 types of 8 bit pattern per
track circuit frequency.

2. Minimum Ballast Resistance - 1.5 ohms/km (ideal is 2.5 ohms/Km)

3. Maximum recommended TSR - 0.5 ohms (other than the tuned zone)

4. Electric traction - AC/DC tractions.

5. Rail cross section: Any

6. Power Supply - (i) 220V AC + 22V/-33V, 50Hz. + 1 Hz.


(ii) 110V AC +/- 15%;50 Hz + 1 Hz.

7. Power Consumption:

FTGS - 46 - Standard Configuration (st) 80VA

Central feed -in (M) 90VA

FTGS - 917 - Standard (ST) 65VA

Central feed in (M) 75VA
Points (W) 75VA
Crossisng(K) 85VA

8. Cable for feed in and feed out:

- Star quad cable of 0.9 mm core diameter (from cabin to tuning unit)
- Copper ropes of diameter 25 mm2 (From tuning units to track rails)

9. Minimum effective length of TC:30 Mts.

10. Maximum effective: (Table - 1)

11. Diagnostic LED indications on all PCB's ensure quick fault detection (Refer Annexure No.1
& 2).

12. Comparison of transmitted and received signals using magnetic memory in addition to
electronic memory (Magnetic memory has an infinite fault free life).

7.1.5 System consists of the following components:

1. Indoor equipment

2. Outdoor equipment

7.1.6 Indoor Equipment:

It consists of two units:

a) CPU (Central Processing Unit) frame with printed circuit boards (Refer Fig.No.1

i) Transmitter card (T -PCB)

ii) Amplifier and filter card (A-PCB)
iii) Receiver I card (RI-PCB)
iv) Receiver II card (R2-PCB)
v) Demodulator card (DEM-PCB)
vi) Relay card (Relay - PCB)

Mounting frame for standard track circuit (St) or central feed-in (M)FTG S46

Fig.1(a) Mounting frame (St) FTG S 46

Fig 7.1(b) Mounting frame (M) FTG S 46

Mounting frame (St) FTG S 917

Fig.1(c) Mounting frame for standard track circuit

Mounting frame (W/K/M)FTG S 917

Fig. 7.1 (d) Mounting frame for point track circuit or track circuit with central feedin.

Fig.7.1 (e) Mounting frame for crossing or double-points track circuit.

The term "double points" is used here to designate two adjacent sets of points combined to form
a single vacancy detection circuit.

b) Power supply Unit: (Refer Fig. No.2(a),(b))

Input voltage = 110V AC or 220 V AC

Output voltage = + 5V DC, + 12 V DC

Fig 7.2 (a) Front view

Fig.2(b) Rear view

7.1.7 Outdoor Equipment: (Fig.No.3)

i) Tuning units in track connection boxes - 2 Nos.

ii) Star quad cables (9m m dia. ) - for connecting T.U to Rx Tx

iii) 25 mm 2 copper lead ropes - for connecting TU to rail.


7.2.1 Principle of Working: (Refer block diagrams No.4 (a), (b):

Audio frequency modulated and coded signals are generated by the transmitter card.
These signals are fed to the feed end track through a tuning unit. When the track is
unoccupied, transmitted Audio Frequency modulated AC voltage reaches the receiver end
tuning unit through rails. From receiver end T.U. signals are sent to the receiver card provided
in the cabin through telecom. cables. Here the signals are demodulated and evaluated in two
separate channels for redundancy. The codes of received signal is compared for matching with
the preset code there in. If there is a match, two track relays, connected at the end of the
channels in relay card (GF1, GF2) picks up.

Whenever the track is occupied, the transmitted signal voltages get shunted through the
vehicle axle. Receiver card detects this and drops the two track relays (GF1,GF2).

Various LED indications are provided on each card to facilitate failure detection.

Various testing voltage at measuring sockets are listed on page.


Fig. 4 (a)


Fig. 4 (b)

7.3 Function of PCB's in FTG -S Fra me:

1. Transmitter Card :

Transmitter PC board consists of a quartz oscillator with modulator. In this card a

particular audio frequency voltage is generated and modulated with a bit pattern. The
particular track circuit frequency is generated by means of a variable frequency divider,
which steps down the clock pulses of the quartz oscillator (16,336 MHz). Bit pattern &
frequency can be selected by means of two code plugs.

2. Amplifier and Filter Circuits:

For FTG-S917, these are provided in one PCB and for FTG-S46, these are on separate
PCB's. In this card, the modulated audio frequency signal from the transmitter is raised
to the required level by the amplifier and transmitter to the feed end point of the track via
a selective filter.

3. Receiver Circuits: These are provided on two PC Boards.

a) Receiver 1 PCB :

It assesses the track voltage amplitude received through cable from the track
tuning unit. When the track is clear, this card transmits pulses to the demodulator
card and extends DC voltage to receiver card 2.

4. DC Modulator PCB:

When the track circuit is vacant, this card compares the bit pattern received from
Receiver 1 with an internal reference pattern. If both are identical, the received bits are
sent to the logic co mparator on the Receiver 2 PCB.

5. Receiver 2 PCB:

This card combines the output signals of receiver 1 resulting from amplitude assessment
there and those of demodulator after bit pattern check. The output signal resulting from
the dynamic AND operation, is amplified and fed to the Relay PCB.

For reasons of safety, Receiver I, demodulator and the Receiver 2 circuits are of two
identical channels picking up two relays independently.

6. Relay PCB:

There are two relays one in each channel. The interlocking circuits regularly checks the
switching state of both track relays.

For operational reasons, the track occupied signal is delayed by 170 milli seconds and
track clear signal is delayed by 1300 milli secs.


S-BOND - This connector is built of two semi loops each delimited between its centre tap and its
connection point to the rail. This along with the rail of this region forms the inductive branch of a
parallel resonated circuit. Th e discrete capacitors of tuning unit make its capacitive branch.

The more distant semiloop of the two S-bonds delimiting a track section is tuned to the perating
frequency of track circuit. Feed is applied to the resonated semiloop circuit causing its
transmitter to consume little energy. The other semiloop of section divider is tuned to the
operating frequency of neighbouring track circuit. Due to the layout of semiloops in the S-bond,
an axle standing on the S-bond occupies both the near and advance track circuits. This S-bond
causes overlapping, of the two track circuits so that there is no detection gap.

In the last AFTC of a region, End bonds (alfa bonds) are provided at their exact delimitation or
for their transition to other types of track circuits with block joints in between.

7.5 Three modes of connections are adopted for FTGS-depend on the length of
section and location.



7.6 Meaning of the Indications

The tables below Annexures 2 & 3 show the various possible combinations illuminated
indicators for the operating states "section clear". "section occupied" and possible fault

The indicator combinations (Annexure – 2) and associated remarks or instructions for

remedying the faults (Annexure – 3) have the same sequence numbers.

All the information refers to the standard track circuit with one receiver. For sections with more
than one receiver, eg. points or crossing track circuits, there is more than one receiver-1 and
demodulator board. Each receiver section has its own set of 1 L5, II L5, I L6 and II L6 LEDs.

The same work is required on the additional receivers and demodulators as for the standard
track circuit.

LEDs I L7 and II L7 of the receiver-2 board S25533 -B39-A3 only light up if all L5 and L6 LEDs of
all associated receiver I and demodulator boards for channels I and II are also on.

L1 Output of transmitter board

L2 Upper frequency

L3 Lower frequency

L4.1 Amplifier output (FTG-S 46 only)

L4 Output voltage to track

I L5 Amplitude evaluation channel I

II L5 Amplitude evaluation channel II

I L6 Bit pattern evaluation channel I

II L6 Bit pattern evaluation channel II

I L7 Combination amplitude - bit pattern channel I

II L7 Combination amplitude - bit pattern

L8 Scanning pulse for receiver-2 board

L9 Intercore short-circuit supervision (ISCS)



Seq. Remarks or maintenance action required

1 Section is clear
2 Section is occupied or see No.12
3 Exchange circuit board B40-or-B41
4 Check voltages 220 V AC, 12V DC, 5V DC, if OK, exchange circuit board -30
5 Check 12V DC voltage
6 Check 220 V AC fuse for ISCS; if OK, intercore short circuit
7 Check 5V DC voltage
8 Exchange circuit board - B30-
9 Exchange circuit board - B30-
10 Exchange circuit board -B30-
11 Exchange circuit board -B40-or-B42;
if fault persists, exchange circuit board -B30-as well
12 Check voltage between measuring sockets I 5 and II 8 on circuit board -B33-;
if voltage < permitted : check voltage between measuring sockets 3 and on.
Circuit board-B40-and outdoor equipment
if voltage ≤ permitted value : exchange circuit board-B33-
13 Exchange circuit board -B33-
14 Exchange circuit board -B33-
15 Exchange circuit board -B35-
16 Exchange circuit board -B35-
17 Exchange circuit board -B35-
18 Exchange circuit board -B30-; scanning pulse is faulty
19 Connect measuring sockets E1 and E2 on circuit board -B33-
20 if LEDs I L6 and II L6 on circuit board -B35- do not switch off, exchange circuit board -
B35 -.
21 if LEDs I L6 and I L6 on circuit board -B35- switch off, exchange circuit board -B39- or -
NOTE: Preceding tra ck circuits in a cascade must be clear.
22 Exchange circuit board -B35-
23 Exchange circuit board -B35-
24 Exchange circuit board -B35-


Testing Voltages at Measuring Sockets

For troubleshooting purposes, the voltage at the power unit and measuring socket the major
components can be measured. The permitted values are given in the tab below.

Sockets Adjuster Permitted Measurement Remarks

Circuit board) range Value [ V ] location
1/ 2 20V AC 9 to 12* Transmitter output Square wave voltage
(-B40/B41-) approx.18V T=1/10= 69 to 210
3/4 200V AC 60 to 90 Amplifier output Square wave voltage
(-B42-) approx.100 to 150V with peaks
3 /4 200V AC 30 to 100 Filter output To track (before cable
(-B40-) stabilizing resistor)
II 5 / II 8 20V AC > 6.5 “ Clear” track volt. Without external axle shunt
II 5 / II 8 <5 (see section 5.10) with 0.5
(-B33-) “Occupied” track
I 6/II 8 20V DC 12 to 15 Receiver 1 output
II 6/II 8
I 7/II 8 20 / 2V 1.3 to 2.0 Demodulator input
II 7/II 8 AC
I 8/II 8 20V DC 11 to 13 12 V - Supply voltage
I 9/II 8 - - Receiver 1 output
II 9/II 8 without modulation
I 10/II 8 20V DC 5.6 Reference voltage
II 10/II 8
I 11/I 12 20V DC 16.5 + 1 Relay voltage
II 11/II 12
I 13/I 14 20V DC 4 to 5 Cascade clock pulse Output of AND element
II 13/II 14
12V /0 V 20V DC 12 + 1 Power unit Supply voltage 12V DC
5 V/0 V 20V AC 5 + 0.5 Power unit Supply voltage 5 V DC
E1/E2 20/2V 0.3 to 2.0 Receiver 1 input Via adjusting filter; according to
(-B33-) AC setting


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