Invertsugarrecipe 67brix

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Invert Sugar Sryup Recipe to make 85L of 67Brix Sryup

75 kg White 1A sugar ( 3bags )

35 l Clean ( declorinated ) water
75 ml Beegrade Invertase Solution ( 20,000 SU/mL )
52 ml Week Citric Acid Solution (1g Citric acid to 100ml water )
TBA Baking Soda Solution
100L stainless Steel Pot
3 or 4 ring gas burner, and LPG Bottle
Large Paddle/spoon for stiring
Rubber spactula for scrapping sides of Pot
Hydrometer set to cover range 1.2 - 1.5 kg/l
Electronic Ph Meter
Electronic Thermometer with Stainless steel probe
>1500W Immersion Circulator
Insulating wrap for Pot
Meauring method for water..
Dispencing Sryinges or Accurate Scales

1 Place pot on Gas burner, add 25L litres of water, and raise water temp to 60C
2 Add 25kg of sugar, and stir well untill discolved
3 Add 2nd and 3rd bags, stiring between to ensure all sugar is disolved. Scrap sides
to ensure no crysals remain. ( ( any crystals left can act as 'seed' crystals which will
encourage rapid crysalisaiton )
4 Add remaining water (13L)
5 Place Immersion Heater into pot, and set for 52C, 24 HOURS
6 Check temp. When it has reached 52C, add 30cc of citric acid solution.. Check pH..
Slowly add/stir in additional Week Citric Acid solution untill sryup is in therange
4.4 - 4.6. It shoud take around 52ml to hit the target of pH4.5
7 Add 75mL of Beegrade Invertase Solution
8 Cover Pot with Insulating Wrap, check that solution is at 52C, and circulator is
9 hold at 52C for 24hours
10 after 24 hours, sugar will be fully inverted
11 Remove immersion heater…
12 With Gas, raise temp to 80C, and hold for 20minutes, **the timing of this is not
super critical, can be done up to 48 hours after the solution was held at 52C. This
is to render the enyme inactive so it does not cuase any secondary fermenation
13 Let sryupincool
to room temp
14 Add X ml of Sodium Bicarbonate Solution, measure PH, slowly add and mix
additional solution to bring PH to 7.0 ( neutral )
15 Check Density of solution with Hydrometer, 67 Brix is 1.33.. It is expected that you
would add another 3-6 literes of water to the sryup to achive 67brix
It is possible not to use a Gas Heater, and just use the immersion circulator.. It will
take approx 3 hours to raise water at room temp to 52C, and another 3 hours to
NOTES get it to 80C. If time is no problem then this is quite acceptable

The temp for the inversion is *very* important. Raising it above 58C, will start
killing the enyzme. 52C is the optimim. Temps below 50C will result in very very
long inversion times, or incomplete inversions.

the PH of 4.5 is very important. The effiacy of the invertase enymze is

dramatically impacted if the pH is wrong.

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