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Subject: SCIENCE P 1 Duration: 45 minutes.

Teacher: HILARY NDEH Score: 50 marks

CLASS: ISP 3 Date: MARCH __, 2022


Answer all questions in the spaces provided on the question paper.

You should show all of your working on the question paper.

Marks are given in brackets at the end of each question or question part.

A Scientific Calculator, a ruler, a pencil and an eraser are required for this


General Instructions:

 Write your name in the space provided above

 Do not use pencils to answer questions, unless for graph work or diagrams

 Any form of cheating will not be tolerated

 Do not spend much time on one question, if you do not know a particular

question, go to the next and come back later to it.

 Answer all questions

1 Complete the crossword puzzle about cells.

3 4


2 Which rigid structure surrounds a plant cell?

4 What is the name of a group of different tissues working together?

5 Which structure contains the genetic material in a cell?


1 What is the name of the structure inside a cell where photosynthesis happens?

2 Where in a cell do most chemical reactions happen?

3 What is the name of a group of similar cells?


2 An oscilloscope displays sound waves.

(a) Draw a line to match each display to the correct change.

display change

decrease in

decrease in

increase in

increase in


(b) Tick () the correct sentence about the amplitude of sound.

A high-amplitude sound must be a high-frequency sound.

A high-amplitude sound must be a high-pitch sound.

A high-amplitude sound must be a loud sound.

A high-amplitude sound must be a low-frequency sound.

A high-amplitude sound must be a sound with a large wavelength.


3 Some objects in the Universe are seen because they emit light.

Other objects are seen because they reflect light.

(a) Tick () the boxes next to the objects that emit light.



the Sun

North Star

the Earth’s Moon


(b) Which scientist first suggested that the planets in our Solar System orbit the Sun?

Circle the correct answer.

Copernicus Darwin Galileo Rutherford [1]

(c) Which of these planets is closest to the Sun?

Circle the correct answer.

Earth Jupiter Neptune Venus [1]


4 The diagram shows the shells of five molluscs labelled A, B, C, D and E.



Use the key to identify the scientific names of the five molluscs.

shell consists of one single part go to 2

shell consists of two parts go to 3

shell is spiral-shaped mollusc is Buccinum

shell is not spiral-shaped mollusc is Patella

shell is long and thin mollusc is Ensis

shell is not long and thin go to 4

shell has a small tuft of hairs mollusc is Mytilus

shell does not have a small tuft of hairs mollusc is Ostrea

Write your answers in the table.

scientific name letter


4 The diagram shows part of the human respiratory system.

Name the structures labelled A, B and C.

Choose words from the list.

air sac bronchus diaphragm lung rib cage trachea


5 There are many different types of chemical reaction.

Complete the sentences about types of reaction.

Choose words from the list.

burning displacement endothermic

exothermic fermentation neutralisation

(a) The reaction between an acid and an alkali is called .................................................. . [1]

(b) The reaction between iron and copper sulfate to form iron sulfate and copper is called

.................................................................................................................................... . [1]

(c) When baking powder reacts with vinegar the mixture gets colder.

This is because the reaction is ................................................................................... . [1]

6 Yuri investigates light and coloured filters.

(a) He shines white light through a red filter and then a green filter.

red filter green filter

white light

What is the colour of the light at A and at B?


(b) He shines white light through a blue filter and then a cyan filter.

blue filter cyan filter

white light

What is the colour of the light at A and at B?


7 Look at the diagram of four different varieties of the same species of chicken.



A farmer uses selective breeding to produce a new variety of chicken.

This new variety of chicken must be black with white spots and have a large tail.

Describe two stages in the production of this new variety of chicken.


8 Carlos investigates the reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid.

Look at the diagram. It shows the apparatus he uses.

Carlos measures the total volume of gas made every 30 seconds.

(a) Look at the diagram of the gas syringe below.

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 cm3

What is the volume of gas in the gas syringe?

cm3 [1]

(b) Carlos decides to repeat his experiment.

Suggest why it is a good idea to repeat the experiment.


(c) The hydrochloric acid in the experiment is corrosive.

Describe how Carlos controls this safety risk.


(d) Look at his results.

time in seconds total volume of gas in cm3

0 0

30 20

60 35

90 44

120 50

150 50

Circle the best way for Carlos to present his results.

bar graph line graph pie chart scatter graph [1]

(e) The total volume of gas made depends on the concentration of acid.

Carlos wants to do an experiment that makes about 100 cm3 of gas.

Describe how he decides the correct concentration of acid to use.


9 The diagram shows part of an electromagnet.

(a) Write down the names of part A and part B on the diagram. [2]

(b) Write down the material used to make each part.

Choose words from the list.

air copper glass iron paper

part A


part B

material [2]

10 Poor diets can cause health problems.

(a) Draw a line between the diet and the health problem.

One has been done for you.

diet health problem

too much sugar heart disease

too much fat tooth decay

too much salt high blood pressure

too little protein little energy

too little carbohydrate poor growth [2]

(b) Chen and Mike look at information about the amount of fat and fibre in different fruits.

fruit fat in grams fibre in grams

apricot 0.1 1.2

banana 0.1 3.1

kiwi fruit 0.0 2.6

orange 0.1 2.4

pineapple 0.1 13.8

strawberry 0.0 0.6

(i) Name the two fruits with the highest amount of fibre.

and [1]

(ii) Why is fibre important in the diet?


(iii) Write one conclusion about the amount of fat found in fruits.


(iv) Mike thinks the information in the table is not a fair comparison because the
fruits are different shapes.

Lee thinks it is not a fair comparison but he knows that the shape of the fruit is
not important.

What measurement do they need to make it a fair comparison?


11 The diagram shows the atomic structure of aluminium.

(a) How many electrons are there in one atom of aluminium?


(b) Which scientist discovered the structure of the atom?

Circle the correct answer.

Darwin Einstein Pasteur Rutherford


(c) In which group of the Periodic Table is aluminium found?


(d) Aluminium is used in the circuit boards and batteries of mobile phones.

Use ideas about properties to explain why.


(e) Aluminium burns in air to form a compound.

What is the name of this compound?


12 The lizard loses thermal (heat) energy and gains thermal (heat) energy.

Complete the labels to show the energy transfers taking place.

Choose from the following words.

conduction convection radiation


thermal energy lost from surface of skin by

.......................................................................................... .

thermal energy gained from rock by

thermal energy lost by air movements by ........................................................... .

....................................................................................... .

13 Metal carbonates react with acids.

A salt and two other chemicals are made.

Name the two other chemicals made.

and . [2]

13 Jamila builds this electrical circuit.

direction switch 1

switch 2 X

switch 3

(a) What type of electrical circuit is this?

Circle the correct answer.

electrostatic magnetic parallel series


(b) Jamila wants to turn lamp X on but leave lamp Y off.

What must she do?


(c) Jamila wants to turn lamp Y on but leave lamp X off.

What must she do?



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