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20MCA41: Advances in Web technologies
First Internal Question Bank Even Semester 2021-22 (May -2021)
Module -1 - PHP
1) Explain various data types and operators available in PHP..................................................(8M)

2) Advantages and types of functions. Explain with example...................................................(8M)

3) Explain array with example. .............................................................................................................. (8M)

4) Explain various Math function available in PHP.

5) Discuss in detail about File operations......................................................................................... (8M)

6) a) Explain Debugging process of PHP. ......................................................................................... (4M)

b) Discuss Control structures of PHP............................................................................................. (4M)

7) What are the various control statements we can use in php.?

8) Define Cookies and Session. Differentiate Cookies and Session........................................(8M)

9) What are the various joins available in SQL? ............................................................................. (8M)

10) What is function overloading and overriding? Explain with an example.........................(8M)

11) What are FORMS? Explain different Form fields.

Module -5 - BOOTSTRAP
1) What is Bootstrap? Explain Bootstrap file structure ..................................(4 Marks)
Explain Global Styles of Bootstrap with example code. ............................(4 Marks)
2) Explain Bootstrap Grid system with example.............................................(8 Marks)
3) What Is Responsive Design? Explain in details. ........................................(8 Marks)
4) What Is Helper classes. Give Example.......................................................(4 Marks)
Explain how in Bootstrap, Ordered and Unordered Lists displayed...........(4 Marks)
5) Explain how the following contents are displayed using bootstrap?
(i) Headings (ii) Emphasis classes (iii) Abbreviations (iv) Address...........(8 Marks)
6) How bootstrap displays tables and table of contents? Write in detail.........(8 Marks)
7) Explain about bootstrap forms with example code.....................................(8 Marks)
8) Explain bootstrap button styles, images, icons with example.....................(8 Marks)


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