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Chapter 3 How can we work for the good of society content page


1. Maintaining internal order and external security
a. Internal order
i. Gov engages agencies to protect citizens
ii. Little India Riots (8 Dec 2013)
b. External security
i. Forming bilateral and multilateral ties
ii. Founding members of ASEAN
iii. Diplomacy deterring potential aggressors
2. Ensuring justice
a. Effective judiciary system
i. Family violence
ii. Personal Protection Order
b. Sense of security
3. Providing goods and services for the public
a. Improve the well-being
i. Stable supply of water
ii. Contract with Malaysia ends in 2061
iii. 55%/25%-2060
b. Convenience
4. Safeguarding the interest of citizens
a. Legislation → Citizens are not taken advantage of
i. WorkRight initiative
b. Structural improvements


5. Contributing to the needs of society
a. Individual
b. NGOs
6. Influencing government decisions
a. Citizens providing feedback to gov + discuss hopes and dreams for SG
i. Our Singapore Conversation (OSC)
ii. 12 perspectives
iii. OPAST
b. Beneficial for well-being of a cohesive country
7. Strengthening citizens sense of belonging
a. Reaching Everyone for Active Citizenry @ Home (REACH)
i. Impact government policies
ii. Feel that they have a stake in the country
iii. Facebook page → easier/better engagement

1. Maintaining internal order and security

a. Internal order
i. Engages agencies to protect citizens needs
1. Eg: SCDF and SPF
ii. Social services (eg: hospital/schools) can carry out activities safely/in peace
iii. Little India Riot (8 Dec 2013)
iv. SCDF and SPF worked together to mediate public disorder
v. Allows citizens to feel safe
vi. Country is able to prosper:
1. Socially
2. Politically
3. Economically
b. External security
i. Forging strong partnerships through bilateral and multilateral ties
ii. SG is known as a responsible & constructive member of the international
iii. Founding members of ASEAN
1. Singapore strongly contested against Vietnamese occupation of
Cambodia in 1978 → threatening SG’s regional security and stability
iv. Allowed her sovereignty to be extended internationally
v. Singapore will be recognised as a country
vi. Diplomacy will deter potential aggressors

2. Ensuring justice
a. Effective judiciary system → Ensure justice is meted out
b. Citizens can seek justice without fear or favour
c. Family justice courts
i. Family violence → PPO
ii. Restrict applicant from entering one’s room or house to protect the applicant
d. Allow citizens to have the confidence that they are being well taken care of
e. Singapore → stable, safe, low crime rate
f. → Citizens will be more willing to contribute to the country
g. → Country can grow more in terms of:
i. Socially
ii. Politically
iii. Economically
3. Providing goods and services to the public
a. Improve the well-being
i. Stable supply of clean water in Singapore
1. 4 National Taps
2. ⅔ of Singapore’s land surface is used as a water catchment area.
3. Singapore aims for NEWater to meet up to 55% of the country’s future
water demand and desalinated water to meet up to 25% of the country’s
water demand by 2060.
ii. Convenience → do not need to be overly concerned over this.

4. Safeguarding the interest of citizens

a. Implementation of the legislation → ensures that citizens are not taken advantage of
i. WorkRight initiative
1. Targeted at low-wage workers
2. Ensures that employees understand their rights
3. Gov → raise awareness → ensure better retirement
a. Statutory leave
b. Timely salary
c. No excessive working hours
b. Make legislative and structural improvements
i. Enhancing facilities in schools/polytechnics/institute of technological education
1. Everyone gets equal opportunities to succeed
2. Allow better comparison in an increasingly level-playing field
ii. Imbue a learning culture
1. Motivate everyone to excel and succeed → change the gates of society

1. Contributing to the needs of society

a. Individuals
i. Volunteering their time at meaningful causes/causes that they feel strongly for
ii. Donations
1. People feel that their money will be able to benefit people
iii. SG Haze rescue in 2013
b. NGOs
i. MINDS (Movement for the Intellectually Disabled Singapore)
1. Assimilate into society + Preventing stigma
2. Support employee programmes
a. Gain work opportunities
b. Reduce prejudice

2. Influencing government decisions

a. Share one’s feedback towards the government on societal affairs
b. Share hopes and dreams for Singapore
i. Government can formulate more comprehensive/inclusive policies
c. Our Singapore Conversation (OSC)
i. 12 perspectives
ii. 5 categories (OPAST)
1. Opportunities
2. Purpose
3. Assurance
4. Spirit
5. Trust
d. Beneficial for the well-being of society

3. Strengthening citizens’s sense of belonging

a. Citizens can share feedback/clarify doubts regarding government policies
b. (REACH) Reach Everyone for Active Citizenship @ Singapore
c. Makes people feel like they have a stake in the future of Singapore
d. Facebook account
i. Better engage with citizens through online means
ii. Therefore… strengthening citizen’s sense of belonging to country (link)

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