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Agriculture Terminologies

‫مفردات الزراعة‬
1- Sand ‫رمل‬ - Very tiny rocks that can be used in an
2- Soil‫تربة‬ - The ground that is good for growing plants.
3- Mud‫طين‬ - Soil mixed with water.
4- Crop ‫محصول‬ - A plant to grow and harvest for profit.
5- Harvest ‫حصاد‬ - Gathering a ripe crop from the fields.
6- Farming ‫فالحة‬ - The business of operating a farm.
7- Agriculture ‫زراعة‬ - The science that focuses on (1) cultivating
- land, (2) raising crops, and (3) feeding,
breeding, and raising livestock.
8- Environment ‫بيئة‬ - The air, water, minerals, organisms, and all
other external factors around us in a specific
9- Poultry ‫دواجن‬ - Domesticated birds kept by humans for their
eggs, meat, feathers, etc.
10- Dairy ‫منتجات األلبان‬ - Milk, or products made from milk, such as
butter, cheese, and the like.
11- Chemical/Artificial - Chemical substance added to soil to enrich it.
fertilizer ‫سماد صناعي‬
12- Livestock ‫مواشي‬ - Animals that are raised and kept on a farm.
13- Badland ‫األرض‬ - Area of land which is unsuitable for
‫الوعرة‬ agriculture.
14- Breeding – ‫ساللة‬ - Producing offspring.
15- Bacteria ‫بكتيريا‬ - Small microscopic organisms made of only one
16- Seed ‫بذرة‬ - The fertilized part of a plant that produces a
new plant.
17- Seedling – ‫نبتة صغيرة‬ - A plant or tree grown from seed.
18- Weed - A valueless and unwanted plant, especially one
‫حشائش – عشب ضار‬ that grows on cultivated ground.
19- Grass ‫عشب‬ - A valuable and wanted plant, especially one
that grows on cultivated ground.
20- Greenhouse – - A building, room, or area, usually of glass, in
hothouse – glasshouse which the temperature is maintained within the
‫الدفيئة – محمية‬ desired range, used for cultivating tender plants
or growing plants out of season.
21- Transplant - To remove a plant from one place and plant it
‫يزرع – ينقل شتلة ويغرسها من‬ in another.
22- Hybrid ‫هجين‬ - The offspring of two plants of different breeds
especially as produced through human
manipulation for specific genetic
23- Manure - Any natural substance for fertilizing the soil.
‫روث – سماد طبيعي‬
24- Insecticide - A substance used for killing insects.
‫مبيد للحشرات‬
25- Pesticide - A substance for destroying plants, insects, and
26- ‫مبيد للحشرات والنباتات‬ animal pests.
27- Herbicide - A substance for killing plants, especially
‫مبيد لألعشاب‬ weeds.

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