000 Jds CL Piper Pa28 Arrow III v0.4

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PIPER PA28 ARROW III (Carenado & Just Flight)

Checklist & Procedures for MS Flight Simulator by JayDee v0.4


Max. Takeoff Weight..........................................2.750 lbs → line up and brake
Max. Landing Weight.........................................2.750 lbs → set Throttle to ~ 2.000 RPM
Service Ceiling...................................................16.200 ft → relase Brakes
Max. Demonstrated Crosswind.............................17 kts → apply FULL Throttle
→ rotate @ 65 - 75 KIAS (dep.on weight)
VA (Max. Maneuver Speed).............96 -118 KIAS (1.865 / 2.750 lbs) → Initial Climb @ 78 KIAS (best angle of climb)
VSO (Stall Speed Full Flaps)......................................55 KIAS or @ 90 KIAS (best rate of climb)
VNE (Never Exceed Speed).....................................183 KIAS → retract Gear @ positive VS (before 107 KIAS!)
VNO (Max. Structural Crusing Speed).........................146 KIAS
VLE (Max. Gear Extended Speed).............................129 KIAS
VFE (Max. Flaps Extended Speed)............................103 KIAS
→ line up and brake
→ trim slightly more nose up
ENGINE START - Checklist
→ set Throttle to FULL
Parking Brake.........................................................SET → relase Brakes
Alternate Air.......................................................CLOSE → rotate @ 50 - 60 KIAS (dep.on weight)
Avionics(Carenado).................................................OFF → Initial Climb @ 55 - 65 KIAS (dep.on weight)
Propeller.............................................FULL FORWARD → retract Gear @ positive VS (before 107 KIAS!)
Fuel Selector...........................................................SET → accelerate to 78 KIAS
Throttle.................................................1/2 INCH OPEN → Flaps UP
Alternator..................................................................ON → accelerate to 90 KIAS
Batt Master...............................................................ON
Beacon(JF)/ Fin Stroen (Carenado).........................ON
Electric Fuel Pump...................................................ON
→ Power 75 % (~25 MAN @ Sea Level)
Mixture...........................................RICH – THEN IDLE → Speed 104 KIAS
Mixture.........................................................FULL RICH
CLIMB - Checklist
Throttle...........................................1.400 to 1.500 RPM
Landing Lights....................................................AS REQ
Avionics.....................................................................ON Electric Fuel Pump....................................................OFF
Mixture................................................................AS REQ
BEFORE TAXI - Checklist
@Transition Altitude
ATC Clearance.................................................AS REQ Altimeter........................................................STANDARD

Flight Controls....................................................CHECK
Nav Lights.................................................................ON
Altimeter QNH.........................................................SET → Power as req.
→ Mixture as req.
If you are flying a GPS flightplan: → Fuel Selector change every 30 minutes
Check lower line in GNS 430/530 reads GPS (not
VLOC) - switch with CDI Button if necessary! See sun visor for performance tables!

Parking Brake.................................................RELEASE Max. Power Cruise @ 75 % Power & max. 6.000 ft

→ Propeller 2.400 RPM
→ Throttle ~ 25 MAN
→ Lean to 100° Rich of Peak EGT
Landing Lights...........................AS REQ (NIGHT – ON)
Strobe Lights............................................................ON Best Economy Cruise @ 55 % Power & min. 8.000 ft
Pitot Heat..........................................................AS REQ → Propeller 2.400 RPM
Electric Fuel Pump....................................................ON → Throttle ~ 18 MAN
Alternate Air........................................................CLOSE → Lean to Peak EGT
Air Condition............................................................OFF
Mixture..............................................................AS REQ
Propeller.............................................FULL FORWARD
Flaps - normal takeoff.........................................UP (0°)
- short field takeoff.............................SET 2 (25°)

Piper PA28 Arrow III (Carenado & Just Flight) Checklist & Procedures by JayDee Page 1
PIPER PA28 ARROW III (Carenado & Just Flight)
Checklist & Procedures for MS Flight Simulator by JayDee v0.4


Estimate your TOD based on your Cruise FL. Descent approach @ 1.000 ft above destination altitude
should begin approximately at a distance of 3 NM per
1.000 ft above destinations altitude, if you want to fly a @ 8 - 7 NM to go
3° glidepath. → reduce Speed to ~ 100 - 120 KIAS

If your are flying IFR with ATC: @ Downwind Leg or 6 - 4 NM to go

If ATC is not giving you clearance to descent shortly (3- → Landing Gear DOWN
5 Minutes) after your TOD, then most likely the STAR or → Flaps 2 (25°)
Approach is broken. Start to descend then anyways and → reduce Speed to ~ 80 - 90 KIAS (dep.on weight)
ignore ATC if necessary.
@ Base Leg or 3-2 NM to go
→ Flaps FULL (40°)
DESCENT - Checklist → Sinkrate ~ 400-800 fpm
If your are flying IFR with ATC: → Speed on final ~ 65 - 75 KIAS (dep.on weight)
Due to a lot of wrong STAR and Approach altitudes in
MS FS database, you are advised to constantly check @ Runway Treshold / Obstacles Clear:
your altitude during descent and approach even if you → Throttle IDLE
were given clearance to descend at the TOD. For a → slowly flare
standard 3° glidepath approach, make sure you are not
significantly higher at a given point, than the altitude of ILS APPROACH & LANDING
the destination plus a 1.000 ft per 3 NM to go. Example:
If you have 21 NM to go, destination is at sea level and approach @ 3.000 ft above destination altitude or
you are at an altitude of 12.000 ft, you are too high. you use proper procedure altitude
should be around 7.000 ft
@ 12 - 10 NM to go
If you are flying a GPS flightplan with procedures and → reduce Speed to ~ 100 - 120 KIAS
are using the GNS 530/430 MOD :
Make sure to activate the approach before the first @ 1 Dot below Glideslope
waypoint of the approach by pressing PROC, selecting → Landing Gear DOWN
ACTIVATE APPROACH? and pressing → Flaps 2 (25°)
ENT! → reduce Speed to ~ 80 - 90 KIAS (dep.on weight)
→ Sinkrate for 3° GS = 5 x Ground Speed
Throttle and Speed .......................................as required
Sinkrate for a 3° glidepath.............. ~ 5 x Ground Speed @ 3-2 NM to go
→ Flaps FULL (40°)
Mixture...............................................................AS REQ → Speed on final ~ 65 - 75 KIAS (dep.on weight)
→ Autopilot OFF
@Transition Altitude
Altimeter Altimeter.................CHECK SET QNH/LOCAL @ Runway Treshold / Obstacles Clear:
→ Throttle IDLE
→ slowly flare
APPROACH - Checklist
@ ~ 15 – 10 NM to go AFTER LANDING - Checklist
Landing Lights...........................AS REQ (NIGHT – ON) Flaps...............................................................RETRACT
Electric Fuel Pump....................................................ON Electric Fuel Pump...................................................OFF
Air Condition............................................................OFF Landing Lights..........................................................OFF
Fuel Selector...................................................FULLEST Strobe Switch (Red Beacon)................FIN ON (DOWN)
Mixture..............................................................AS REQ
RPM....................................................FULL FORWARD PARKING / SHUT DOWN - Checklist
Altimeter Altimeter.................CHECK SET QNH/LOCAL
Parking Brake...........................................................SET
LANDING - Checklist Throttle..............................................................CLOSED
@ short final Mixture..............................................................CUT OFF
Landing Gear......................................CHECK 3 GREEN Magnetos..................................................................OFF
Flaps...........................................................CHECK SET Alternators................................................................OFF
RPM.......................................CHECK FULL FORWARD Batt Master Switch....................................................OFF

Piper PA28 Arrow III (Carenado & Just Flight) Checklist & Procedures by JayDee Page 2

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