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1.) Justify the importance of concept of knowledge and virtue according to Socrates to
understand the my self,his/her self,their self and the self of society as whole.

The importance of concept of knowledge and virtue according to Socrates to understand the
myself his/her self, thier self and the self of society as whole is knowledge is virtue ” is one of
Socrates’ beliefs, according to Socrates, “knowledge and virtue were the same things.” For
him, ‘knowledge’ is nothing but a concept or a truth that has a universal appeal the way it (a
particular concept) exists around the world, having a responsibility built in it, to do or to bring
good for the existing concepts. In general, knowledge is a virtue that we should know what is
good for us and virtue is something that is a good or something is right The reason behind
linking virtue with knowledge is that (for Socrates) virtue comes with knowledge, which means
one cannot perform a wrong doing having the knowledge of it––Socrates says that the state
of not having the knowledge of a wrong doing or treating an evil as good is an outcome of
ignorance According to Socrates, a person does not do any evil work knowing that it is an evil
work; but knowing it as a good action. Socrates states, “to know the good is to the good” and
virtues are a kind of knowledge, clamined that, it is better to be wronged then to do wrong. It is
paradoxical because at one level it gives semantic range of term ‘arete’ to say that
knowledge is an excellence is innocuous but the claim implies that virtue is not possible without
knowledge and that all you need for virtue is knowledge, that everything in the universe is
innately connected; if one thing is known then potentially everything can be derived from one
truth that involves the virtual on one as a whole on other knowledge is like the other virtue
should we keep and to remind always, we should use it not to seek advantages over others but
to share make them better individual, thus knowledge is creation of virtue that should

2.) What makes the self of every individual different from each other?

Makes self of every individual different from each other in every single person is a unique
puzzle composed of pieces of personality refers to individual differences in characteristic
patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving. that understanding individual differences in
particular personality characteristics, such as sociability or irritability. we also experience good
and bad differently many may become stronger while others may never recover we also know
that each situation is different how does individual deal with it we already know that
everyone have their own different from one another which includes knowledge,emotions.
intelligence, achievement, interest, attitude, aptitude, learning habits, motor abilities skills
specially when dealing an problem were everyone face in different solution which an
intellectual capacity through which he gains experience and learning. Every person has their
own perspective and world view, largely fueled by the way they’ve experienced and navigated
the world,that qualities make everyone per interesting individual can be honed, improved
upon, and made to grow as we continue our life’s journey .These characteristics people differ
in so many ways and qualities that matter are how people think and feel for others, strive for
betterment of society and trying to realize what they can do to love each another better.It is
stand for those differences which in their totality distinguish one individual from another that
includes how we actualized ourselves to being an different for what we have.

3.) Why is it necessary to educate the child at their tender years. What is the most important
thing they should learn?

It's necessary to educate the child at thier tender years because early year’s educating the
child it has many benefits in helping shape a child’s confidence and curiosity before attending
school either at home that can help a child become better communicators at an early age.
Although some child may not yet be able to speak, he or she can still learn from listening.
Boosting a child’s vocabulary is a critical component in language development and literacy,
and early education can capture a child’s word awareness ages.l. When children are young,
every experience and encounter presents a learning opportunity to know the good manners
and right conduct that applying in their growth the brain also grows most during a child’s first
three years of life which means they absorb everything around them from the words they hear,
to copying and adopting behavioural characteristics of people around them. Lessons should be
planned out to be fun and exciting, taking advantage of a young child’s curiosity and
excitement for discovering new things can make for a child to be an effective learner in the
future that can guide children in helping them understand that everyone is unique and special
in their own way with their own belief. It is important for a child to be introduced to other
children to improve their social skills, enabling them to find stability within friendship groups.
Early year’s education allows children to acquire vital skills allowing them to listen to others
and share their own ideas. Children can make friends, learn to share, cooperate and become
accountable for their actions, all within a safe and comfortable environment

The most important thing they should learn at their tender years is to respect authority life skill
that begins at home with children learning to respect their parents and the other people will
enable them to develop successful relationships with teachers, coaches and scout leaders as he
grows up and prepare them for successful interactions.Young children do not understand the
consequences of their actions, but parents can help them learn this necessary life skill by setting
clear rules and consequences. As soon as your child starts skirting into the danger zone, remind
him of the rules and consequences. Respect is the very aspect that keeps everything in their
life, because it can be the balancing factor of life and improvement the self-esteem.

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