Performance Analysis of and Compensation For Aspect-Ratio Effects of Fast-Fourier-Transform-Based Simulations of Large Atmospheric Wave Fronts

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Performance analysis of and compensation for

aspect-ratio effects of fast-Fourier-transform-based

simulations of large atmospheric wave fronts

Giorgio Sedmak

Fast-Fourier-transform-based simulators of atmospheric wave fronts with a von Kármán turbulence

spectrum were tested with reference to the phase-structure function and phase variance over a pupil on
large square and rectangular formats. The symmetry and the accuracy of the phase-structure function
were found to be limited by the aspect ratio and the size of the phase screen. The phase variance over
a pupil is less sensitive to the aspect ratio than the phase-structure function and is dependent mainly on
the size of the phase screen. Several tests are reported and discussed together with a method of
compensation for the negative effects of rectangular formats. © 1998 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: 010.1330, 070.2590, 350.5030.

1. Introduction Kolmogorov as well as for von Kármán turbulence

The simulation of a long time series of atmospheric spectra. Each simulated phase screen is then used
speckles is required for a number of astronomical to generate the corresponding speckle. One imple-
applications in the field of high-spatial-resolution im- mentation based on the space–time covariance ma-
aging from the ground. Several methods have been trix of the phases over the pupil was realized by
implemented for this purpose, the majority of which Roggemann et al.3 Recently a different implemen-
follow two main approaches. The first is based on tation by a set of Fourier-series-transform-based
the simulation of one or more atmospheric wave modal expansions of the wave front over the pupil
fronts, larger than the telescope aperture, that are was realized by Welsh.4 This approach could gener-
then shifted with respect to the pupil. One standard ate accurate simulations that would be useful for fine
for the simulation of large random phase screens is temporal evolution analysis and particularly for the
the fast-Fourier-transform- ~FFT-! based method of study of anisoplanatic effects. The major drawback
McGlamery.1 The generation of a time series of of the method of Roggemann et al.3 is the high de-
speckles by shifting the phase screen in front of the mand of computational accuracy and memory,
pupil was discussed, among others, by Jakobsson.2 whereas the method of Welsh4 could necessitate a
This approach is simple, fast, and computer effective significant amount of computing time for large pu-
but suffers from well-known limitations in the simu- pils.
lation of the lower spatial frequencies of atmospheric Within this framework it might be useful to go
turbulence. Some methods that were implemented deeper into the estimate of the performance of FFT-
in order to reduce this problem are referenced and based simulators inasmuch as little has been pub-
described below. The second approach is based on lished on the phase-structure function and phase
the simulation of a set of random wave fronts with a variance over the pupil of FFT-based simulations of
size comparable with the pupil and characterized by large wave fronts, in particular for rectangular for-
the appropriate spatial and temporal statistics for mats and von Kármán statistics. The von Kármán
condition is important because at least it approxi-
mates the atmospheric turbulence spectrum ob-
served during astronomical measurements, as shown
The author is with the Department of Astronomy, Trieste Uni-
versity, Via G. B. Tiepolo 11, 34131 Trieste, Italy. by Buscher et al.5 Johansson and Gavel6 report data
Received 11 July 1997; revised manuscript received 15 October for the Kolmogorov and von Kármán phase-structure
1997. functions of FFT-based phase-screen simulators with
0003-6935y98y214605-09$15.00y0 low-spatial-frequency boosters for only square for-
© 1998 Optical Society of America mats and separations up to 1 m. These data are not

20 July 1998 y Vol. 37, No. 21 y APPLIED OPTICS 4605

sufficient to characterize the performance on pupils maximum length of the phase screen at a given ap-
in the 10-m range that is typical of new generation erture of the pupil and allows the simulation of a
telescopes. In particular, no information is given in longer time series of speckles at a given memory.
Ref. 6 on the possible asymmetries of the phase- One can generate the FFT-based random phase
structure function in the case of long rectangular screen by filtering, in the Fourier domain, a normal
FFT-based phase screens. Moreover, no informa- noise with a filter of spectral response equal to the
tion has been reported for the phase variance over the square root of the atmospheric turbulence spectrum,
pupil. The temporal behavior of the Zernike aber- usually characterized by Kolmogorov or von Kármán
rations for rectangular FFT-based phase screens has statistics. The formulation used in this paper, re-
been studied by Jakobsson2 but in this study there is ported with minor formal changes from Johansson
no reference to possible effects of the aspect ratio on and Gavel,6 is described by the following equations:
the low-frequency deviations from theory, found in
Nxy221 Nyy221
the simulations.
In Section 2 the formulation of the FFT-based fmn 5 ( (
m952Nxy2 n952Nyy2
hm9n9 fm9n9
phase-screen simulator with low-spatial-frequency
boosting is briefly reviewed. Section 3 reports the 3 exp@i2p~m9myNx 1 n9nyNy!#, (1)
phase-structure function and phase variance over the
pupil of a number of simulations of large single-layer fm9n9 5 0.15132~Gx Gy!21y2r25y6
wave fronts with particular attention to the asymme- 3 @~m9yGx!2 1 ~n9yGy!2 1 L22
0 #
, (2)
tries of the phase-structure function on rectangular
formats. Section 4 reports a method to reduce the where ~fmn, m 5 2Nxy2, Nxy2 2 1, n 5 2Nyy2,
deviations from theory found in the tests on rectan- Nyy2 2 1! is the simulated random phase screen of
gular formats together with sample results that are size ~Gx, Gy! in meters and ~Nx, Ny! in pixels, hm9n9 is
summarized in the conclusion. a complex Hermitian normal ~0, 1y=2! noise, fm9n9 is
the filter that approximates the square root of the von
2. Fast-Fourier-Transform-Based Phase-Screen Kármán spectrum, r0 is the Fried parameter, L0 is
Simulators with Low-Spatial-Frequency Boosting the outer scale length, and f0, 0 5 0 to obtain zero-
In its simplest approach, the generation of a temporal mean phase.
sequence of speckles under the near-field and Tay- The sizes of the phase screen and the support array
lor’s frozen-flow hypothesis is done by means of sim- set the minimum and the maximum spatial frequen-
ulation of a single static phase screen suitably larger cies of the atmospheric turbulence spectrum that can
than the telescope aperture, which is then shifted by be sampled in the simulation. It is well known that
steps in front of the pupil. The short-term temporal the FFT-based method is not critical at higher spatial
decorrelation observed between speckles can be sim- frequencies, whereas it is so at lower ones because
ulated approximately by means of a Markov process the array size soon exceeds any practicable memory
to evolve the wave front being shifted, as shown by size for adequate sampling of the outer scale range
Glindemann et al.7 Two or more statistically inde- of the turbulence. The undersampling of lower spa-
pendent wave-front simulations can be combined in tial frequencies will then deteriorate the simulation
such a way as to generate the multilayer model of the of any low-order turbulence effects, such as the tilt
turbulent atmosphere. This model is required to of the wave front. Several solutions have been
mimic more accurately the temporal effects, as dis- proposed in order to overcome this problem. Unfor-
cussed by Roddier8 and Glindemann and Rees.9 All tunately, the simple approach of increasing the
these methods make use of large phase screens of a phase-screen size at a fixed array size is not practical
size proportional to the time interval to be sampled in because it undersamples the higher spatial frequen-
the simulation. With typical speckle lifetimes of, cies of the turbulence as well as the pupil. One run-
say, 10 ms, a simulation of 10 s will generate 1000 ning approach consists of adding to the FFT-based
speckles. With a typical wind speed of 10 mys this phase screen a statistically independent phase screen
corresponds to a phase-screen step of 0.1 m and a that accurately simulates just the lower spatial fre-
total length of the phase screen of 100 m, a figure quency range of the turbulence not sampled by the
comparable with the outer scale length of the turbu- FFT-based method.
lent atmosphere. The phase-screen size should in The low-frequency phase screen can be simulated
any case be comparable with or larger than the outer by means of the Zernike polynomial expansion
scale length of the turbulence in order to include the method of Roddier,10 which shows superior perfor-
major fraction of the turbulent power in the simula- mance under Kolmogorov statistics. In this method
tion. the low-frequency wave front is simulated by low-
The numerical generation of such large phase order Zernike modal expansion over the pupil and
screens is usually implemented by means of the FFT- then added to the FFT-based phase screen by use of
based method of McGlamery1 and allows simulations Noll’s statistics.11 However, as pointed out by Ja-
of square as well as rectangular formats substan- kobsson,2 the method of Roddier10 may suffer from
tially limited only by the computer memory available numerical problems of the large formats needed by
for the FFT. The rectangular format is attractive the simulation of a long time series of speckles and is
because it optimizes the memory allocation for the not generally used for such applications.

4606 APPLIED OPTICS y Vol. 37, No. 21 y 20 July 1998

One approach intrinsically fit for large and possibly and possibly different spatial-frequency bins on the
rectangular formats consists of adding statistically two axes. Any residual mean value is removed from
independent subharmonic random phase screens of a the phase after the FFT and after the computation of
size multiple of the FFT-based phase-screen size to each subharmonic in order to give a zero piston con-
the FFT-based phase screen. Several techniques tribution and decrease the numerical problems on
are available for this purpose, such as the Fourier- higher-order subharmonics. The tests were com-
series-transform-based methods of Herman and puted for a value of the Fried parameter of r0 5 0.1 m.
Strugala,12 Lane et al.,13 and Johansson and Gavel.6 Other tests done with r0 5 1.0 m have shown quali-
A detailed comparison of the performances of these tatively similar results.
methods is reported in Ref. 6. The method of Her-
man and Strugala12 is based on the simulation of a A. Phase-Structure Function
random subharmonic phase screen that is an exact The phase-structure function can be computed from
multiple of the FFT-based phase screen. The sub- the average of a large set of statistically independent
harmonic phase screen is then sampled on the grid of realizations. Roddier10 reports good estimates from
the FFT support array. This method is straightfor- sets of 1000 realizations. However, it is possible to
ward but yet poor at lower spatial frequencies, even evaluate analytically the expected phase-structure
for large subharmonic phase screens. The method of function of the simulated phase screen through the
Lane et al.13 can be described as an iterative appli- autocorrelation of the filter used for the Fourier-
cation of the method of Herman and Strugala12 to a transform-based simulations, as proposed by Johan-
subharmonic phase screen that is three times larger sson and Gavel.6 This avoids the long computing
than the current phase screen, with the first iteration time otherwise needed, with the drawback that the
starting from the FFT-based phase-screen size. phase-structure function can be computed only up to
This method samples the lower spatial frequencies of separations that are half of the size of the phase
the turbulence much better than the previous method screen, which is the approach that we used. We
and is faster to compute. The method of Johansson describe the formulation by the following equations
and Gavel6 is a hybrid of the two previous methods. reported from Johansson and Gavel6:
It works like the method of Lane et al.13 but on a
subharmonic screen half of the size of the current one. Df ~m, n! 5 2@Bf ~0, 0! 2 Bf ~m, n!#, (5)
This method works well, particularly in the Kolmog- Nxy221 Nyy221
orov case, at the cost of some extra computing time.
However, it should be noted that all these methods Bf ~m, n! 5 ( (
m952Nxy2 n952Nyy2
f m9n9
are based on the Fourier series transform and not on
the FFT, and they are intrinsically time-consuming 3 exp@i2p~m9myNx 1 n9nyNy!#, (6)
in the simulation of large formats. where D is the expected phase-structure function of
The subharmonic phase-screen simulator used in the phase screen and B is the autocorrelation of the
this paper is that of Lane et al.13 which was selected filter defined by Eq. ~2!. Once BLF is taken as the
for its favorable performance to computing speed ra- autocorrelation of the filter defined by Eq. ~4!, the
tio. The formulation is that of Johansson and Gav- same formulation is used for the phase-structure
el,6 with minor formal changes, and is described by function of the subharmonic phase screen when Eq.
the following equations: ~6! is replaced with
Np 1 1

( ( (
Np 1 1
mn 5
( ( (
hm9n9 f m9n9
mn 5
BLF ~ f m9n9 !
LF 2
p51 m9521 n9521
p51 m9521 n9521
3 exp@i2p3 ~m9myNx 1 n9nyNy!#, (3) 3 exp@i2p32p~m9myNx 1 n9nyNy!#. (7)
21y2 25y6 2p 2p
f LF
m9n9 5 0.15132~Gx G ! y r0 3 @~3 m9yGx!2
The overall phase-structure function is the sum of the
1 ~3 n9yGy! 1 L #
2 22 211y12
, (4) phase-structure functions of the FFT-based and sub-
harmonic phase screens. The data obtained from
where LF identifies the variables specific to the low- the simulations should then be compared with the
spatial-frequency phase screen realized with the con- theoretical phase-structure function for the von
00 5 0 for the
tribution of Np subharmonics, and f LF Kármán spectrum. One convenient expression of
zero-mean phase. The overall phase screen is the the von Kármán phase-structure function was given
sum of the FFT-based and subharmonic phase by Herman and Strugala12:
D~r! 5 6.16r25y3
0 $~3y5!@L0y~2p!#5y3
3. Phase-Structure Function and Phase Variance over
2 @rL0y~4p!#5y6K5y6~2pryL0!yG~11y6!%, (8)
the Pupil
The simulator used for the tests was realized with an where D~r! is the phase-structure function, r is the
IDL 4.0 software procedure that implements Eqs. separation, K5y6~2! is a modified fractional Bessel
~1!–~4!. The phase screen is computed with NxyNy 5 function of the third kind, and G~2! is the gamma
GxyGy. This sets equal cutoff spatial frequencies function. At infinite L0 this function approximates

20 July 1998 y Vol. 37, No. 21 y APPLIED OPTICS 4607

Fig. 1. Phase-structure functions of FFT-based phase-screen sim-
ulations for square formats with additional subharmonic phase Fig. 2. Phase-structure functions of FFT-based phase-screen sim-
screens: DFFT is the radial section from the center of the phase- ulations for rectangular formats with additional subharmonic
structure function of the FFT-based phase screen, DLF is the same phase screens: Phase-structure function image of ~a! the FFT-
for the subharmonic phase screen, and D Von Karman the theo- based phase screen ~DFFT!; ~b! the subharmonic phase screen
retical phase structure functions ~thick curve!. ~a! Phase screen ~DLF!, rebinned to 128 3 64 pixels in the reproduction. ~c! X and
of 20 m 3 20 m and 128 3 128 pixels, r0 5 0.1 m, L0 5 30 m, three Y sections from the center of the phase-structure function.
subharmonics; ~b! phase screen of 40 m 3 40 m and 128 3 128 DFFT~x! and DFFT~ y! are the X and the Y sections of the phase-
pixels, r0 5 0.1 m, L0 5 30 m, no subharmonics. structure function of the FFT-based phase screen, respectively,
DLF~x! and DLF~ y! are the same for the subharmonic phase
screen, D~x! is the X section of the overall phase-structure function
sum of DFFT~x! and DLF~x!, D~ y! is the Y-section sum of DFFT~ y!
the well-known Kolmogorov phase-structure function and DLF~ y!, and D Von Karman is the theoretical phase structure
D`~r! 5 6.88~ryr0!5y3. function ~thick curve!. The phase screen is 8 m 3 4 m and 512 3
The results of the tests done on the phase-structure 256 pixels, r0 5 0.1 m, L0 5 10 m, three subharmonics.
function are presented in Fig. 1 for square formats
and in Fig. 2 for rectangular formats. The special
functions needed for the calculation of the theoretical Fig. 1~b!. This implies a minor role of the subhar-
phase-structure function were evaluated by means of monic booster for the large formats typical of simu-
Mathematica 2.2 software. lations of a long time series of speckles. These
The von Kármán phase-structure function is rea- results are consistent with those obtained by other
sonably well approximated on square formats at authors, e.g., Jakobsson2 and Welsh,4 and extend
screen sizes comparable with the outer scale length their validity to telescope pupils in the 10-m range.
with just a few subharmonics, as shown in Fig. 1~a!. The results for rectangular formats, shown in Fig.
In this case three subharmonics allow a fair approx- 2, are completely different. The most evident effect
imation of the von Kármán function with a ratio of is the break of the circular symmetry of the phase-
the phase-screen size to the outer scale length of 2y3 structure function, which is evident in the isophotes
with a maximum separation of 10 m and an outer of the phase-structure function images shown in Fig.
scale length of 30 m. In this case the contribution of 2~a! for the FFT-based phase screen and in Fig. 2~b!
the subharmonic phase screen is important because for the subharmonic phase screen. The X and the Y
of the relatively low ratio of the phase-screen size to sections from the center of the phase-structure func-
the outer scale length. The accuracy of the phase- tion are shown in Fig. 2~c!. It should be noted that
structure function improves and the relative weight the sections corresponding to the longer side of the
of the subharmonic contribution decreases quickly as phase screen exceed the theoretical values. The
the ratio of the phase-screen size to the outer scale asymmetry is due to the fact that the simulations
length increases up to 1 ~and beyond!, as shown in were done with NxyNy 5 GxyGy in order to get equal

4608 APPLIED OPTICS y Vol. 37, No. 21 y 20 July 1998

X and Y sampling steps and this forced different fx
and fy spatial-frequency bins. The lower spatial-
frequency range of the turbulence is then more un-
dersampled on the axis that corresponds to the
smaller side of the phase screen. The asymmetry of
the phase-structure function of one single-layer
Fourier-transform-based simulation is then propor-
tional to the aspect ratio of the phase screen. Long
and narrow phase screens could show severe asym-
metries and distortions of any parameter depending
on the accuracy of the phase-structure function.
This could reduce the advantage of using rectangular
FFT-based phase screens because of the need for
lower aspect ratios for better accuracy at a given Fig. 3. Normalized phase variance over circular pupils of 100
computer memory. It should also be noted that the FFT-based phase-screen simulations for square formats with ad-
major axes of the isophotes of the phase-structure ditional subharmonic phase screens. There is one sigma error
functions, the FFT-based phase screens, and the sub- bars. All phase screens are 10 m 3 10 m and 128 3 128 pixels,
harmonic phase screens are mutually perpendicular. with r0 5 0.1 m: ~a! L0 5 10 m, three subharmonics; ~b! L0 5 30
This tends to average out the asymmetry of the over- m, five subharmonics; ~c! L0 5 100 m, five subharmonics; ~d! infi-
all phase-structure function in the case of substantial nite L0, ten subharmonics. Case ~d! used 200 simulations. The
theoretical values are plotted by continuous curves.
subharmonic contributions or in the case of multi-
layer simulations with mutually perpendicular wind
vectors. However, this does not improve the accu-
racy of each individual wave-front simulation. One tion then deteriorates for screen sizes smaller than
approximate solution to the distortions of the phase- the outer scale length. As shown by Fig. 3~d! this
structure function dependent on the rectangular for- effect cannot be recovered by the addition of more
mat of the phase screen is reported in Section 4. subharmonics. This is consistent with similar re-
sults obtained for the phase-structure function by
B. Phase Variance over the Pupil Johansson and Gavel.6 The effect was further in-
The variance s2f of the phase over circular pupils open vestigated on simulations of phase screens with re-
in the phase screen with apertures d ranging from moval of the tip–tilt contribution. The results
~dyr0! 5 1 up to the maximum allowed by the screen reported in Fig. 4 show a good approximation to the-
size can be computed by means of the expressions ory, even if the data dispersion is somewhat larger
given by Fried14 and the phase-structure function than their standard deviation because of the rela-
D~r!, as follows: tively low number of tests used. This confirms that
the deviations from theory without tip–tilt removal

are due mostly to the low-frequency region of the
s2f~d! 5 4d22 rFC~r, d! D~r!dr, (9) turbulence not sampled in any Fourier-transform-
0 based phase-screen simulation.
FC~r, d! 5 p21$2 arccos~ryd! 2 2~ryd!@1 2 ~ryd!2#1y2%, The rectangular format yields more complex re-
sults that depend on the size as well as on the aspect
(10) ratio of the phase screen, as shown in Fig. 5. In this
test the phase variance was computed for three cir-
FL~r, d! 5 p21$6 arccos~ryd! 2 @14~ryd! 2 8~ryd!3# cular pupils of equal aperture placed at the two ends
3 @1 2 ~ryd!2#1y2%, (11) and the center of the rectangular phase screen.
The test shown in Fig. 5~a! was done with an aspect
where the term FC~r, d! in Eq. ~9! is replaced by FL~r, ratio of 1:8 and a value of the smaller side of the
d! if the phase variance is computed after removal of phase screen of 20% of the outer scale length, which
the tip–tilt contribution. shows a large deviation from theory of the data of the
The results for a 10-m square phase screen with center pupil, whereas the data of the two end pupils
outer scale lengths of 10, 30, and 100 m, and infinity nearly overlap with the theoretical distribution.
are presented in Fig 3. All the data were obtained This is due to the position-dependent asymmetry of
by averaging 100 statistically independent realiza- the phase-structure function along the phase screen
tions ~200 for the Kolmogorov reference case! and and can imply strongly different levels of accuracy of
were normalized by the factor ~dyr0!5y3 from the Kol- the speckles within the simulated time series. The
mogorov case. The relatively higher dispersion of effect is dependent mainly on the ratio of the smaller
data at lower ~dyr0! values is due to the decreased side of the phase screen to the outer scale length, as
number of pixels in the corresponding pupils. As shown by the test case of Fig. 5~b!, which was done
shown by Figs. 3~a! and 3~b!, the theoretical distri- with an aspect ratio of 1:8 and with the smaller side
bution is well approximated for screen sizes compa- of the phase screen equal to the outer scale length.
rable with outer scale lengths up to 30 m with The data for the three pupils are relatively good, with
typically up to five subharmonics. The approxima- some power excess at lower separations. These re-

20 July 1998 y Vol. 37, No. 21 y APPLIED OPTICS 4609

4. Compensation for Aspect-Ratio Effects on the
Phase-Structure Function

A. Symmetrization of Fast-Fourier-Transform-Based
Phase-Structure Function
One simple, although only approximate, method of
compensation of the effects of the rectangular format
on the phase-structure function of FFT-based phase
screens is to weight the FFT spectrum properly.
The aspect ratio of the spectrum is controlled mostly
by the relative weights of the spectral power at spa-
tial frequencies f0,21 and f0,11 for the X axis and f21,0
Fig. 4. Normalized phase variance over circular pupils of 200 and f11,0 for the Y axis. Setting the weights allows
FFT-based phase-screen simulations for square formats with ad- the spectrum to be approximately symmetrized in the
ditional subharmonic phase screens and tip–tilt removal. There region of interest at the center of the FFT-based
is one sigma error bar, and the phase screen is 10 m 3 10 m and phase screen. The weights approximate the values
128 3 128 pixels, with r0 5 0.1 m, infinite L0, and ten subharmon- of the aspect ratio and its reciprocal at large aspect
ics. The theoretical values are plotted by the solid line. ratios. However, it is convenient to optimize the
weights individually against the symmetry of the
phase-structure function, particularly at lower aspect
ratios and smaller outer scale lengths.
sults show that the phase variance over the pupil is This technique was successfully applied to aspect
somewhat less critical than the phase-structure func- ratios from 1:2 to 1:32, with the results shown in Fig.
tion versus the aspect ratio of the phase screen, even 6. The isophotes of the phase-structure function im-
though it is sensitive to its size in much the same way ages are approximately circular to ;60% of the cen-
as the phase-structure function. tral region of interest. The improvement of
symmetry of the phase-structure function is clearly
evident in the corresponding X and Y sections. The
results for the aspect ratio 1:2, shown in Fig. 6~b!,
include a subharmonic component that does not add
further symmetry errors since it was computed by
means of the method described in subsection 4.B
without affecting the FFT compensation. The other
cases with aspect ratios of 1:4, 1:16, and 1:32 were
computed with no subharmonic contribution. The
results shown were obtained by individual optimiza-
tion, for each aspect ratio, of the square-root weights
applied to the terms of spatial frequency f0, 21, f0, 11,
f21, 0, and f11, 0 of the FFT spectrum.

B. Symmetrization of the Subharmonic Phase-Structure

The spectral weighting method used for the FFT-
based phase-structure function could also be used
for the subharmonic phase-structure function.
However, it is possible to use directly a large square
subharmonic phase screen computed on a properly
reduced grid in a relatively shorter time and then
interpolate the result back to the original FFT-
based phase-screen format. The phase-structure
function results are symmetric, which is due to the
symmetry of the phase screen, whereas the comput-
ing time remains short since the Fourier series
transform is computed on a small support array.
Fig. 5. Normalized phase variance over circular pupils of 100
This is possible because the subharmonic phase
FFT-based phase-screen simulations for rectangular formats with
additional subharmonic phase screens. There is one sigma error screen contains only spatial periods that are longer
bar. The phase screens have ~1024 3 128! pixels, with r0 5 0.1 m, than the FFT-based phase screen, thus allowing a
L0 5 10 m, three subharmonics, and a size of ~a! 16 m 3 2 m, ~b! sampling step that is much larger than the corre-
80 m 3 10 m. The theoretical values are plotted by continuous sponding step for the FFT-based phase screen.
curves. The formulation of Johansson and Gavel6 of the

4610 APPLIED OPTICS y Vol. 37, No. 21 y 20 July 1998

Fig. 6. Symmeterized phase-structure functions of
FFT-based phase-screen simulations for rectangular
formats with additional subharmonic phase screens
and compensation for the aspect-ratio effects on the
FFT-based phase-structure function. Wx and Wy are
the X and the Y square-root spectral weights used for
the compensation. The phase screens are ~a!, ~b! 4 m
3 2 m and 256 3 128 pixels, with three subharmon-
ics; ~c!, ~d! 64 m 3 16 m and 512 3 128 pixels, with no
subharmonics; ~e!, ~f ! 256 m 3 16 m and 2048 3 128
pixels, with no subharmonics; ~g!, ~h! 512 m 3 16 m
and 4096 3 128 pixels, with no subharmonics. In all
cases r0 5 0.1 m, L0 5 30 m, and NG 5 8. All images
show the central region of 256 3 128 pixels rebinned
to 128 3 64 pixels in the reproduction. DFFT marks
the FFT-based phase-structure function image and
DFFT~x! and DFFT~ y! are its X and Y sections, re-
spectively, DLF, DLF~x!, and DLF~ y! do the same for
the subharmonic phase screen, D~x! is the X section
of the overall phase structure function sum of
DFFT~x! and DLF~x!, D~ y! is the Y-section sum of
DFFT~ y! and DLF~ y!, and D Von Karman is the the-
oretical phase-structure function ~thick curve!.

subharmonic booster of Lane et al.13 given in Eqs. phase screens. The interpolation to the original
~3! and ~4! was then modified as follows: grid can be done by fast and memory-effective bi-
linear algorithms without substantial losses of ac-
1 1
rs 5 ( ( (
p51 m9521 n9521
hm9n9 LFG
f m9n9
The results obtained with this method are shown
in Fig. 7. There is evident improvement compared
3 exp@i2p32p~m9iyNx 1 n9jyNx!#, (12)
with the corresponding data of Fig. 2. The iso-
where i 5 2Nxy2 1 r~NyyNG!, j 5 2Nyy2 1 s~NyyNG!, photes of the subharmonic phase-structure function
and image shown in Fig. 7~a! are circular and the X and
the Y sections shown in Fig. 7~b! overlap. The
f m9n9 5 0.15132G21 25y6 2p
x r0 3 @~32pm9yGx!2 truncation evident at lower values of the separation
is due to the use of a bilinear interpolator to restore
1 ~32pn9yGx!2 1 L22
0 #
, (13)
the original format. This effect is quite small, as
where fLFG
rs , @r 5 0, NG~NxyNy!, s 5 0, NG# is the
one can see by comparison with the values com-
reduced-grid subharmonic phase screen and ~NG 1 puted with the standard formulation and is of little
1! is the number of samples in the smaller side of practical importance. If wanted, such a distortion
the rectangular subharmonic phase screen on the can be minimized by an increase in the value of NG
reduced grid. The relative gain in computing time or by use of a bicubic or two-dimensional spline
approximates @Nyy~NG 1 1!#2. A typical value NG interpolator at the cost of some extra computing
5 8 yields large gains, even for moderately large time.

20 July 1998 y Vol. 37, No. 21 y APPLIED OPTICS 4611

Fig. 7. Symmetrized phase-structure function of the subhar-
monic phase screen with compensation for the aspect-ratio effects.
The phase screen is 8 m 3 4 m and 512 3 256 pixels, with r0 5 0.1
m, L0 5 10 m, three subharmonics, and NG 5 8. ~a! Phase-
structure function image ~DLF! of the subharmonic phase screen
rebinned to 128 3 64 pixels in the reproduction, ~b! X and Y
sections form the center of the phase-structure function of the
subharmonic phase screen. DLF~x! and DLF~ y! are the X and Y
Fig. 8. Normalized phase variance over circular pupils of 100
sections of DLF, which overlap in the figure. The radial section of
FFT-based phase-screen simulations for rectangular formats with
the phase-structure function of the subharmonic phase screen at
additional subharmonic phase screens and compensation for the
nominal FFT resolution is plotted by the dotted curve.
aspect-ratio effects on the phase-structure function. There is one
sigma error bar. Wx and Wy are the X and the Y square-root
spectral weights used for the compensation. The phase screens
C. Phase Variance over the Pupil for Symmetrized are ~a! 16 m 3 2 m and 1024 3 128 pixels, with r0 5 0.1 m, L0 5
Phase-Structure Functions 10 m, three subharmonics, and NG 5 8; ~b! 32 m 3 4 m and 1024 3
The symmetrization of the phase-structure function 128 pixels, with r0 5 0.1 m, L0 5 10 m, one subharmonic, and NG
in the case of rectangular phase screens improves the 5 8. The theoretical values are plotted by the continuous curves.
accuracy of the phase variance over the pupil, as
shown in Fig. 8. The data of Fig. 8~a! can be directly
compared with those of Fig. 5~a!. The improvement mospheric turbulence intrinsic to the FFT-based
is evident, even if not particularly large, because of phase-screen simulators plays a minor role for the
the low ratio of the smaller side of the screen size to large formats typical of the simulation of a long time
the outer scale length, equal to 0.2. However, the series of speckles from large telescopes on square
data for the center pupil now become close to theory formats, whereas this is true only in the average
and the dispersion of the data of the three pupils is sense for rectangular formats. The use of a subhar-
clearly smaller. The data of Fig. 8~b! are good and monic phase-screen booster might improve the accu-
fully comparable with the data of Fig. 5~b! in the racy of the simulation to acceptable levels for outer
same range of separations, but with a ratio of the scale lengths much larger than the phase screen or its
smaller side of the screen size to the outer scale smaller side for rectangular formats.
length of only 0.4, against the value of 1.0 of Fig. 5~b!. The rectangular formats force an asymmetry pro-
This gain is due to the positive effects of the symme- portional to the aspect ratio on the phase-structure
trization of the phase-structure function on the phase function and smaller distortions on the phase vari-
variance over a pupil. ance over a pupil. This effect could limit the use of
long and narrow FFT-based phase screens to only
5. Conclusions lower aspect ratios. However, the aspect-ratio-
The accuracy of the phase-structure function and the dependent asymmetry of the phase-structure func-
phase variance over the pupil of FFT-based simula- tion can be compensated for by weighting the FFT
tions of large atmospheric wave fronts with a von spectrum in the FFT-based phase-screen simulator
Kármán turbulence spectrum depends on the ratio of and use of a fast symmetrized subharmonic phase-
the phase-screen size to the outer scale length, as screen booster. This asymmetry compensation
already known, and also for rectangular formats on method achieves a running compromise between per-
the aspect ratio of the phase screen. The undersam- formance and computer resources for the generation
pling of the lower-spatial-frequency range of the at- of a long time series of speckles from simulated

4612 APPLIED OPTICS y Vol. 37, No. 21 y 20 July 1998

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20 July 1998 y Vol. 37, No. 21 y APPLIED OPTICS 4613

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