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Plantae Adventurers

A quizzical look, and down the hatch. Our research party had
been wandering aimlessly for days in this dark, dreary forest.
We knew we were being watched, but despite out best efforts,
when attempting to locate our stalkers, the nearest we ever
came was spotting a rustling of leaves in a far off bush or
tree. Come the seventh day of our trip, our waterskins were
drained, our food supplies depleted, and our journey's end
seemed no closer. We were exhausted and quite frankly Plantae Names
broken. Then came the Plantae, bearing bright berries,
strange fruits and gnarled branches in tow. Whilst a shy and Plantae names are often abstract, and represent broad
reserved folk, our verdant saviours ensured we made it out of concepts and themes. These may reflect a plantae's mindset
the forest on that day, Well fed and re-energised to boot. I've at the time of choosing, or simply the name of an object they
traveled to almost every corner of this realm, and I can say have encountered that they found particularly pleasant.
with utmost certainty that the hospitality of the Plantae is Plantae names are often malleable, and subject to change.
second to none.

Plantae names. Coffee, Spinwood, Dancer, Sneaky,

              —Prof . J. C . Bose, University of Dalmarth Sunshine, Tranquil, Pokey, Whisper
                            Adventurer's Tales Monthly
Plantae Traits

Plantae are naturally forming spirits, taking physical form in Your plantae character has a swathe of natural abilities,
bodies constructed from plant matter. Whether in eerie dark reflecting their plant based bodies and bond to nature.
forests, fey touched glades, or crop laden swathes of Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2.
farmland, plantae are born spontaneously, as the natural Creature Type. You are a Plant or Fey. You choose the type
essence passively generated by surrounding living creatures when you select this race.
concentrates and conjoins, eventually becoming a conscious
woodland spirit, taking a form matching the surrounding Age. Plantae have been documented to live up to a century.
vegetation. Plantae are generally shy and gentle, but are not Size. Plantae are between 2 and 8 feet tall. Your size is small
afraid to fight twig and root for what they care about. or medium. You choose the size when you select this race.
Verdant Diversity Speed. You have a walking speed of 30 feet.
Solar Powered. You don't need to eat, and can gain a days
As the form of each Plantae tends to mirror the vegetation worth of nutritional reserves by basking in sunlight and
surrounding their unique birthplace, their appearances are rooting into the ground for 1 hour, which may be part of a
greatly varied. They have been found to range 2 to 8 feet in short or long rest. In this state, you appear inert, are not
height, and weigh between 35 to 250 pounds. Plantae unconscious, and you can see and hear as normal.
colouration spans from lush greens, to vibrant purples, reds, When spending an hour in direct sunlight, rooted or not,
and blues. Plantae born in close proximity to other organisms you can concentrate solar energy within your body and store
may find their form manifesting features belonging to them, it in a suitable container as energised chlorophyll, which you
helping them blend in to their surroundings, and making it can consume as a days worth of nutrition at a later time.
easier to get on with their neighbors.
Plantvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as
if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.
You discern colors in that darkness as shades of red and blue.

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Leaf Speak. You have the ability to communicate in a limited
manner with plants. They can understand the meaning of
your words, though you have no special ability to understand
them in return. You have advantage on all Charisma checks
you make to influence them.
Starting 5th level, you can cast speak with plants with this
trait. You can't cast the spell this way again until you finish a
long rest. You can also cast this spell using any spell slots you
have of the appropriate level.
Languages. You can speak, read and write two languages of
your choice.
Variations. Plantae are varied in form and ability. Choose
one of the variations below that fits your plantae character.
Barkwright Plantae
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by
Natural Armour. Your skin is covered in a thick layer of bark, Succulent Plantae (Spiny)
providing you with a base
AC of 17 (your Dexterity modifier Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
doesn't affect this number). If you are using a shield, you can
apply the shield's bonus as normal. Drought Tolerant. You only need to drink once a month.
Needle Coating. Your skin is coated in an array of sharp
Hardwood Plantae needles. You can use your spiny limbs and body to make
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1. unarmed strikes. You may treat these attacks as if they had
Hardwood Armaments. Whilst patiently growing over a rest, the Finesse property. When you hit with them, the attack
you fashion armaments from your woody body. After deals ld6 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier piercing
completing a long rest, choose either a simple weapon, damage.
martial weapon, or set of ammunition from the Adventuring Once per turn, when a creature hits you with an unarmed
Gear table in the Player's Handbook (Pages 149-150). attack, or attempts to grapple you, they take piercing damage
You create a wooden replicate of the object, which equal to 1d4 + your Proficiency Bonus.
functions identically, but is made of enchanted hardwood and Succulent Plantae (Smooth)
is therefore magical. If you create a weapon, you have Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by
proficiency when using it. When creating a new object using
this feature, previously created objects crumble to dust. 1.
Drought Tolerant. You only need to drink once a month.
Sharpvine Plantae Natures Cure. You gain proficiency in the Medicine skill. You
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1. are able to create natural medicinal treatments from your
Creeping Green. You have a climbing speed equal to your anatomy and the plants around you. After completing a long
walking speed. rest, you create a number of Restorative Salves up to your
Lashing Vines. You know the thorn whip cantrip. proficiency bonus.
Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, Dexterity, or Strength is As an action you can administer a Restorative Salve to a
your spell-casting ability for this spell when you cast it with wounded or unconscious creature. The creature regains a
this trait (choose when you select this race). number of hit points equal to proficiency bonus.
Whilst performing this action, you can expend once of your
hit dice, rolling it and adding the result to the number of hit
points restored.
Wetleaf Plantae
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by
Submersible Build. You have a swimming speed equal to
your walking speed and you can breathe air and water.
Dry Pouch. You have a cavity within your body, protected
from moisture by a seal of watertight leaves. You can store up
to two objects, or once creature, of a size smaller than your
own inside this space. If an object or creature can no longer
fit due to size changes, they are harmlessly ejected into the
nearest unoccupied space.
Moist and Soggy Leaves. You have resistance to fire

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Inflorescent Plantae
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Calming Aroma. As an action, you unleash a floral armoa,
perfuming the surrounding air. Creatures within a 15 foot
radius of you must make a Charisma saving throw. The DC
for this save is equal to 11 + your proficiency bonus.
A creature can choose to fail this saving throw if it wishes.
If a creature fails its saving throw, choose one of the following Sticky Sap
two effects, which last for a minute. You must maintain
concentration, as if this were a spell for this effect to persist. Prerequisite: Plantae (Barkwright, Hardwood, Succulent
You can suppress any effect causing a target to be charmed Plantae (Smooth))
or frightened. When this effect ends, any suppressed effect You can secrete a sticky sap from cracks in your barky skin.
resumes, provided that its duration has not expired in the The sap has a colour and taste of your choice, and can be
meantime. harmlessly consumed.
Alternatively, you can make a target indifferent about
creatures of your choice that it is hostile toward. This You have a number of charges equal to your proficiency
indifference ends if the target is attacked or harmed by a spell bonus, which can be used to produce sap. All expended
or if it witnesses any of its friends being harmed. When the uses are regained after completing a long rest.
effect ends, the creature becomes hostile again, unless the You may expend a charge to produce a gallon of sap
GM rules otherwise. during a short or long rest. Whilst this sap is sticky it does
Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest not have adhesive properties.
before you can use it again. As an action you may expend a charge to coat your hands
or possessions with sap. You cannot be disarmed when
Foliate Plantae either your weapon or hands are coated in sap. A creature
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1. attempting to remove a possession you are carrying that is
coated in sap must make any checks to do so with
Grassy Glide. When you fall and are not incapacitated, you disadvantage.
can subtract up to 50 feet from your fall when calculating As an action you may expend a charge to stick two objects
your fall damage and can move horizontally 1 foot for every 1 that are not being carried by a creature together with your
foot you fall. sap. The objects can be separated through a successful
Leafy Cloak. When in an environment featuring a backdrop DC 16 Strength (Athletics) check.
of leaves or dense woodland, you have advantage on Dexterity
(Stealth) checks to avoid being seen. Overgrowth
Prerequisite: Plantae
Plantae Feats You dig your roots into the ground, soaking up deeply
Plantae are adaptable beings that evolve in form and ability entrenched nutrients from the surrounding environment. You
as they grow. These optional feats represent ways in which temporarily grow to a tremendous size, at the cost of your
your plantae character may develop through their adventure. mobility.
You can spend an action to gain the effects of the enlarge
Nourishing Fruits portion of the enlarge/reduce spell, as if it were cast on
Prerequisite: Plantae you.
Your experience as an adventuring plantae has taught you When you initially transform, choose a point that you can
that well fed and tended allies often make much better see within 90 feet. Giant grasping roots sprout on
surfaces in a 30 foot radius from this point. The ground in
companions. You have developed the ability to grow a number this area counts as difficult terrain for non allied
of nourishing fruits on your body which you can feed yourself creatures. Creatures that you deem allies that are
or others. attempting to pass through the terrain are not impeded by
You learn the goodberry spell, which you can cast once the roots, which move to make way for them.
without using a spell slot.
When you cast the spell this Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest
way, the berries take the form of a fruit of your choice. before you can use it to transform again.
Choose one of the following effects:
The fruits restore 2 hit points each.
You create one large fruit. When consumed it provides the Credits:

effects of the Lesser Restoration spell. Homebrew: Aston aka /u/TownPortalScroll

You regain the ability to cast the spell this way again after Cover Page: Plant Folk | AndrewMcIntoshArt

completing a long rest. Page 1 Art: Pathfinder 2 Official Leshy Art | Paizo

You can also cast this spell using spell slots you have of Page 2 Upper: Sketch Collection IV | Mike Azevedo

the appropriate level. Page 2 Lower: Leshy | Paola Andreatta

Page 3: Lotus Leshy | Daniel López

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

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