Elp Shuvam

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Submitted by : SHUVAM SHARMA (Roll no. 1833280, Sem -
8th )

Bsc agiculture (Hons) from Tawi college, Pathankot,Punjab

Submitted to : Dr. Arti Sharma (Assist. Prof. ,Fruit sciences )

Duration : 03/03/2022- 17/05/2022 (45 working days )

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It is with a sense of great pleasure, I, Shuvam Sharma , presenting this report of Experiential
Learning Programme 2022. I feel honoured to offer mysincere gratitude to all those people
who have helped in completing this programme.

I am extremely thankful to Dr. Bikram singh (Ex Dean,FOA) and Dr. S.K Mondal(Dean,FOA),
SKUAST-J for undertaking such a programme in the course curriculum due to which I have
got a chance to gain a lot of practical based knowledge and experiences which will help me in
the long run. Expressing my deep gratitude to Dr. Amit Jasrotia (HOD Fruit Sciences), Dr.
Arti Sharma (Assistant Professor,Fruit sciences), for their proper guidance during ELP time
period and for providing us theoretical knowledge prior to Experiential Learning programme.
I also very thankful to Sh.Kewal ji and Sh.Rampaul ji (Gardners), Dr. Gurudev chand (HOD
Division Plant physiology), Dr. Sachin gupta (Assistant professor, Plant pathology) Dr. Akash
Sharma (Assistant professor,Fruit sciences) and Dr. Davinder (Assistant professor,
Beekeeping) they immensely help us to remove all the obstacles throughout the practical

I am also very thankful to Dr. PARSHANT BAKSHI, (Senior Scientist, Fruit Science), Dr.
SHEETAL DOGRA , (In- charge Tissue culture lab. ACHR) and Dr. MAHITAL JAMWAL
(Deputy Director Research) SKAUST-J.

Date: 19/05/22


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1 Introduction

2 Experiential learning programme(ELP) 7

3 2. Major activities that were done during ELP & skill learnt :

A. Raising of fruit crop Seedling in Polybags and protray

B. Vegetative propagation by Grafting of fruit plants

C. Vegetative propagation by budding and Air layering

of fruit crops
8 - 30
D. Micropropagation

E. Nursery bed preparation

F. Weed Management in Nursery Bed

4 Other activities :
a. Participation in Kisan mela SKUAST –J 2022 31 – 32

b. Mushroom oproduction 33– 40

c. Hydroponics . 41– 48

d. Beekeeping 49 – 52

e. Organic farming 53 – 58

f. Attachment to Udheywala Hi- tech nursery (SKUAST-J) 59 - 63

g. zonal convention on Natural Farming 64 - 65

5 Experience gained during ELP 66

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"Everything else may wait but not AGRICULTURE"

-Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

Agricultural Education is an important tool and technique in ensuring gradual increase in

agricultural productivity, sustainability in production, environmental and ecological
security, profitability, technical feasibility, job security and equity in distribution. In India,
ICAR 5th deans committee (2016) recommended the Student Ready Programme for
imparting quality, practical and production oriented education for agriculture degree
programme. It is an appropriate model to create high quality human resources for
sustainable extension services.The ELP (Experiential Learning Programme) is
conducted every year in the 8th semester. The main objective of the programme is to
learn the Entreprenuership Development skill among the students. This programme
helps a lot in enhancing the required skill & practical knowledge to become a successful
entrepreneur. This includes planning, budgeting, and marketing of planting materials of
horticultural crops.It has been most important for us as it has generated interest among
us to develop entrepreneur skill to set up our own enterprises with providing
employment opportunities for others.This programme make us practically acquaints with
different methods of raising of planting materials which include raising of vegetables
seedling, grafting in fruits, cutting and potting of ornamental plants and flowers.

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What is ELP?

Experiential learning programme is a Programme with the specific objective of

learning by hands-on participation, by trying, making errors, and gradually
narrowing the margin between failure and success.

Scope of ELP (Hi-Tech Horticulture):

Hi-tech Horticulture is now widely employed for the profitable commercial production of
horticultural products.Hi-tech Horticulture encompasses Micro-irrigation & Fertigation. It is
well established in all advanced countries as an industry, but in India, it has yet to find its right
place. Hi-tech Horticulture also includes scientific and hi-tech propagation and handling of
fruits, vegetables, flowers, ornamental plants, medicinal and aromatic plants, etc.Odisha mostly
depends on neighboring states for flower and planting materials of horticultural crops.There is
more scope for student undergoing ELP to learn Hi-Tech Horticulture, develop skill for
production flowers/planting materials in business mode as there is a good market in the state.
Students will not face problem in marketing of their produce and earn money which will
increase the shelf confidence in students.

Objectives of ELP (Hi-Tech Horticulture):

Refinement of student's acquired knowledge and understanding on commercial production of

QPM through hi-tech horticulture. Capacity building for designing and development of
ecologically sustainable and economically profitable agri-business model(s) on hi-tech
horticulture. Learning the art and science of production and managerial skills under protected
environment Becoming a prospective entrepreneur for employment generation

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 Pro-Tray/Seedling Tray Nursery :

 This method provides healthy and uniform growth of the seedlings.

 Protray are the plug(cells) trays of 2-3" depth with drainage holes. tray is having 105
 Initially the cells are filled with pot mixture
 Irrigated immediately and drenched with trichoderma 5 grms/lit to avoid seed born
diseases like damping off, seeding rot.
 Trays are watered thoroughly every day. Portrays are covered with newspaper.
Newspaper are removed when germination is noticed.

 Transplanting :

 These seeds take 30-35 days to be eligible for transplantation.

 Advantages of pro tray:

• Helps in proper germination. Provide independent area for each seed to

• Reduce the seedling mortality rates.
• Root development is better. Root damage is minimum or nill.
• No transplantation shock.

 Material Used:

1. Portrays (100 no)

2. Coco peat (6 block)

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3. Vermicompost (6 kg)
4. Polythene sheet.



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Grafting and budding are horticultural techniques used to join parts from two or
more plants so that they appear to grow as a single plant. In grafting, the upper
part (scion) of one plant grows on the root system (rootstock) of another plant. In
the budding process, a bud is taken from one plant and grown on another.



Whip Grafting:

The whip graft is useful for plants that unite easily. This method is useful for apples,
mangos and pears. It can be used to graft root, stem or top graft. The diameter of
the scion and rootstock should be the same, from the size of a pencil to 10-15 mm.
This is of two types:

a. Simple Whip Grafting :

b. Tongue Whip Grafting :

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Veneer Grafting:

Veneer grafting, or inlay grafting, is a method used for stocks larger than three
centimeters in diameter. The scion is recommended to be about as thick as a pencil.
Clefts are made of the same size as the scion on the side of the branch, not on top.
The scion end is shaped as a wedge, inserted, and wrapped with tape to the
scaffolding branches to give it more strength.

Wegde or Cleft Grafting :

Cleft grafting is a grafting technique which allows the union of a rootstock limb
that is much larger in size than the scion piece.Cleft grafting is conducted in late
winter when both the rootstock and the scion are in a dormant condition. Best
Tecnique for grafting of Mango is Cleft grafting, because it achieves a high
percentage of successful 'takes.

Inarching :

Inarching is a method of grafting by uniting, without separating from

the original stem. inarching orgrafting by approach, in which the cion remains
attached to the parent plant until union takes place. It is usually propagated
by grafts, or by layering or inarching, rather than by seed.

Side Grafting:

A plant graft in which the scion is inserted into the side of the stock and the aerial
head of the stock permitted to grow until union is established between stock and
scion-see peg graft.

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 A rootstock is a part of plant, often an underground part from which new
above ground growth can be produced.

 The rootstock is selected for its interaction with the soil, providing the
roots & the stem to support the new plant, obtaining the necessary soil
minerals & water and also resistant to pests & diseases.


Elite varieties of Mango:

The soil & climate of Odisha is very much congenial for Mango cultivation. More
than 300 mango varieties exist in Odisha.

Commercial varieties of Mango


C. Vegetative Propagation by Budding and air layering

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The method of budding is the most common technique for plant propagation in
commercial nurseries. First, one must graft a single bud attached to the stem o f the
rootstock. The stem or branch may not be thicker than 2 cm diameter. Therefore, this
method is only applicable for young rootstock plants or smaller branches of large plants.

Common types of budding :


The “T” cut on the stock is done about 20-25 cm above the surface with a 2 cm long
vertical cut and a 7-8 mm long horizontal cut on the stock. A slight twist with the
budding knife may open the two flaps of bark. After that, the bud should be inserted
under the two flaps of bark by pushing downward. If part of the bud remains above the
horizontal cut, it must be cut off. This will allow the flaps to be closed tightly. Finally, the
incision should be closed with budding tape, which should be wrapped tightly around
the stem. Tying must start at the bottom or the top end of the incision. After 3-4 weeks,
the tape should be removed (if it did not already fall off).

Inverted T-budding :

The inverted T-budding technique is exactly same as the normal T-budding method with
the exception that the horizontal cut is made on the bottom end of the incision. In this
case, the bud is cut from the bud stick by starting above the bud and exiting below it.

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Chip-budding does not use the protective bark flaps as T-budding does, but it also does
not use slipping bark. The first step is to make a cut about 2-2.5 cm long with a depth of
¼ to 1/5 the diameter of the stock. With a horizontal cut made on the bottom, the
cutting can be removed. The bud can also be cut off if necessary. The bud stick and
stock must be the same diameter. The stock and scion must be placed together in such
a way that allows the cambia of the bud and stock to match together as much as

Chip buddding

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Propagation by Air layering :

Air layering is a method of propagating new trees and shrubs from stems still
attached to the parent plant. The stem is wrapped with damp moss to
encourage roots to form.

 Choose a one- to two-year-old stem that is straight, healthy and vigorous. Trim
off side shoots and leaves from a 30cm (1ft) section. Do not leave any snags
 Wound the stem, making a 2.5cm (1in) cut through a leaf bud, angled towards
the shoot tip. This will create a tongue that can be lifted
 Apply hormone rooting compound to the surface of the wound
 Pack a small amount of moist sphagnum moss under the tongue of the wound
 Wrap the wounded stem section loosely with black plastic, sealing it at one end
with weather-proof adhesive tape
 Pack the wrapping sleeve with moist sphagnum moss, to a thickness of 7.5-10cm
 Seal the other end of the wrapping sleeve with weather-proof adhesive tape
 Leave the wrapping in place for up to a year. Open and check it occasionally for
signs of rooting
 When strong new roots are visible through the moss, remove the plastic sleeve.
Cut through the stem just below the rooted section
 Pot up the rooted stem in potting compost suitable for the plant in question. Do
not attempt to remove the moss from the roots. Water, label and grow on until
large enough to plant outside

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The growth, development and morphogenic response of an explant in culture depends

on its genetic make-up, surrounding environment and composition of the culture
medium. The success of a plant tissue culture experiment largely depends on the
selection of right culture medium. A culture medium is a complete mixture of nutrients
and growth regulators.

The Plant Tissue Culture Medium components:

1. Macronutrients
2. Micronutrients
3. Vitamins
4. Amino acids or other nitrogen supplements
5. Carbohydrates or sugars
6. Solidifying agents or supporting systems and
7. Growth regulators (plant hormones):

a) Auxins

b) Cytokinins

c) Gibberellins
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d) Ethylene (ethane, C2H4)

e) Abscisic acid

f) Stock solutions:

I. Macronutrient stock solution(s):

II. Micronutrient stock solution

III. Iron-EDTA/iron stock solution

IV. Vitamins stock solution

V. Growth Regulators stock solution

Stock solutions required for media preparation

Steps in the preparation of the MS medium (1-liter volume):
A standard protocol for media preparation is described below, along with recipes for
preparation of MS and BS media. This generalized approach can be adapted to any

 Add approximately 750 ml of the final volume of double distilled water to a 1-liter
 Add appropriate quantities of the various stock solutions according to the list of
ingredients and check it off on the list as it is added.
 Slide the magnetic stir bar into the flask
 Place the flask on the hot plate/stirrer and turn on the stirrer

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 Add each component according to the list of ingredients and check it off on the list
as it is added.
 Weigh the required quantities of myo-inositol and sucrose and add to the flask
 After all the ingredients have been added and dissolved, with the exception of the
gelling agent and growth regulators, the final volume of the medium is made up
with double distilled water by using a graduated cylinder.
 Add the required amount of growth regulator and adjust the PH of the medium to
the required value, by adding drop wise, while stirring using 1 N NaOH OR 1 N HCl
with separate Pasteur pipettes
 Turn on the hot plate/stirrer heat. Continue to heat and stir until the medium boils
vigorously, but do not allow it to boil over.
 When the medium boils vigorously, turn off the hot plate/stirrer heat, Weigh and
add 7g of agar while stirring
 After adding agar, turn on the hot plate/stirrer heat and continue to heat until the
medium boils vigorously, but do not allow it to boil over
 Turn off the hot plate/stirrer and remove the flask
 Dispense the medium in to the desired culture vessels using a pitcher or automatic
 Cap the culture vessels
 The culture vessels containing medium are transferred to appropriate wire
baskets/racks, and sterilized by autoclaving at 121°C at 105 kPa for 15 min (time of
sterilization varies with volume).
 When the autoclave pressure is back to zero and temperature not more than 50 C°,
remove the racks/ wire baskets from the autoclave
 The medium is allowed to cool at room temperature and is stored at 4C° in clean

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a.Mixing stock solution in a container b. weighing sucrose

c. Mixing solution with mixer d . Adding agar agar to boiling




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Tissue culture is in vitro cultivation of plant cell or tissue under aseptic and controlled
environment conditions, in liquid or on semisolid well- defined nutrient medium for the
production of primary and secondary metabolite or to regenerate plant. The whole
process requires a well equipped culture laboratory and nutrient medium.
Advantages –
1) Availability of raw material
2) Fluctuation in supplies and quality
3) Patent right
4) Political reasons
5) Easy purification of the compound
6) Modification in chemical structure
7) Disease-free and desired propagule
Basic Requirement for Plant Tissue Culture
1. Equipment and apparatus
2. Washing and storage facilities
3. Media preparation room
4. Sterilization room
5. Aseptic chamber for culture
6. Culture rooms or incubators fully equipped with temperature, light
and humidity control device

a. Ex plant b. weging of agar agar

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Equipment and apparatus
 Culture vessels and glassware- graduated pipettes, measuring cylinders, beaker,
filters, funnel, and petri dishes
 Equipment- scissors, scalpels and forceps for explants preparation from excised
plant parts and for their transfer.
 a spirit burner or gas micro burner for flame sterilization of instruments
 an autoclave to sterilize the media
 hot air oven for the sterilization of glassware,
 a pH meter for adjusting the pH of the medium
 a shaker to maintain cell suspension culture
 a balance to weigh various nutrients for the preparation of the medium
 incubating chamber or laminar air flow with uv light fitting for aseptic
transfer of explants to the medium and for subculturing
 A BOD incubator for maintaining constant temperature to facilitate the
culture of callus and its subsequent maintenance
Washing and storage facilities

First and foremost requirement of the tissue culture laboratory is provision for fresh
water supply and disposal of the waste water and space for distillation unit for the
supply of distilled and double distilled water and de-ionized water. Acid and alkali
resistant sink or wash basin for apparatus/equipment washing and the working table
should also be acid and alkali resistant.
Media preparation room

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Media preparation room should have sufficient space to accommodate chemicals, lab
ware, culture vessels and equipments required for weighing and mixing, hot plate, pH
meter, water baths, Bunsen burners with gas supply, microwave oven, autoclave or
domestic pressure cooker, refrigerator and freezer for storage of preparaed media and
stock solutions.
Sterilization of room

For the sterilization of culture media, a good quality ISI marks autoclave is required and
for small amount domestic pressure cookers, can also serve the purpose. For the
sterilization of glassware and metallic equipments hot air oven with adjustable tray is
Aseptic chamber for culture

For the transfer of culture into sterilized media, contaminant free environment is
mandatory. The simplest type of transfer area requires an ordinary type of small wooden
hood, having a glass or plastic door either sliding or hinged fitted with uv tube. This
aseptic can be conveniently placed in a quiet corner of the laboratory. Modern
laboratory have laminar air flow cabinet having vertical or horizontal airflow, arrange
over the working surface to make it free from dust particle/micro contaminants.
Incubation room or incubator

A typical incubation chamber or area should have both light and temperature controlled
devices managed for 24 h period. AC or room heaters are required to maintain the
temperature at 25±20 c. Light should be adjusted in the terms of photo period duration.
Humidity should be in the range of 20-90%. Shelves should be designed in such a way
so that the culture vessels can be placed in the shelf or trays in such a ways that there
should not be any hindrance in the light, temperature and humidity maintenance. A
label should be stick on the each tray and rack to ensure identity and for maintaining
the data of experiment. Label should having the full detail about date of inoculation,
name of explants, medium and any other special information.
Data collection and recording the observation

The growth and maintenance of the tissue culture in the incubator should be observed
and recorded at regular intervals. All the observations should be done in aseptic

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environment, i.e. in the laminar airflow. Separate dust free space should be marked for
microscopic work. All the recorded data should be fed into the computer.
General procedures for plant tissue culture :
1. Surface sterilization of explants
2. Production of callus from explants
3. Proliferation of callus
4. Sub culturing of callus


 Bed preparation facilitates the ease in the cultivation operations like sowing and
transplanting and later in the intercultural operations.
 The width of a bed should not be more 120cm and the length 150cm or more. This
width facilitates weeding and watering without trampling the bed.
 The bed is kept raised about 15 cm high so as to provide proper drainage of excess
water and the level of the bed surface is also made slightly raised in mulch, as these
mulches do not provide a continuous barrier like the plastic does.

SEED: Seeds are produced by plants following the fertilization of the flower, as a
means of reproducing the plant. Each seed is a plant embryo, which consists of a

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minute shoot and root and a store of food. The food reserve enables the embryo to
grow before its root is developed to absorb nutrients from the soil and before the
leaves emerge above the ground and make sugars by photosynthesis, a complex

SEED BED: This is a specially prepared site where seeds are to be sown. It may be
in a frame or in the open garden


a.Flat Beds

Flat beds are used where water availability is adequate and there are no
drainage problems.

b. Raised Beds

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 Height of raised beds: Raised beds are usually 10-30 cm high.
 Width of raised beds: Typically they are 100-130 cm wide.

c. Sunken Beds

In dry regions, especially on sandy soils with low water-holding capacity,

Vegetables can be planted in sunken beds (i.e. shallow basins) about 100-130 cm
wide and 2-5 cm below the surrounding soil level.


The characteristics of a good seedbed are:

1 It should help seeds or other propagating materials germinate and emerge

quickly and it should boost the impact of chemicals and starter fertilisers.
2 The soil above the seed is comprised mainly of small crumbles but not of
3 The soil is pressed back above the seeding line,It is coarse (providing
protection) but not excessively cloddy between seeding lines
4 Humid and weed-free
5 The layer below the seedbed base is also adequately loosened and it does not
impede root growth

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-Plough the soil to 5 inches (12.7 centimeters) in depth.

-Using a disc to carve through the soil twice, with the second trip cutting perpendicularly to
the first cut.
- After ploughing, allow the weed seeds to germinate and use herbicides to eradicate them.
- Disc the soil again to turn under the dead plant material to promote seed to soil Contact
- Add a mixture of sand and compost or well-rotted FYM. Too much sand dries quickly
causing the soil to form a crust on the surface, which is bad for germinating seeds.
Meanwhile, excess compost causes the soil to retain too much moisture, exposing the
seedlings to 'damping off, a fungal disease.
-The width of the seedbed is very important. If the bed is too wide it may not be
possible to tend to seedlings in the middle of the bed without injury to those on
the outer edge. For raising seedlings of fruit crops, the bed of 2-3 m (L) x 60
100 cm (W) x 15-20 cm (H) should be prepared
- The seedbed/nursery should be adequately shaded to protect seedlings from
wind and heavy rainfall. The amount of shade should be reduced gradually until
the time of transplanting.
- Sterilize the soil in the seedbed before sowing by chemicals or hot water.


1. Cultural Methods:

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PIC . Weeding

2. Heat Treatment
3. Herbicide Application

1. 1.Fungal wilt- By fusarium spp.

 Use of disease resistant varieties, Seed treatment Cleaned good drainage.
 Removal of infected leaf & plant materials, Crop rotation.
 Aplication of fungicide like mancozeb or copper oxychloride.
2. Bacterial wilt- By Eriwinia spp Ralstonia spp.
 Use disease resistant varieties.
 Crop rotation. Seed treatment.
 Removal of infected leaves & plant materials.
 Application of Streptocyclin@15g/15lit Plantomycin@ 10gm/10lit.

1. Sucking pests
2. Biting (or) chewing pests
3. Thrips

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a) Application of systemic insecticides like Methyl demeton or Dimethoate @ one
ml per litre of water by using a hand operated sprayer.
b) Application of carbofuran @ 10g/sq.m 10 days before pulling of seedlings will
also control the sucking pests in the nursery and at the early stages in the main
c) Application of chloropyriphos @2ml/lit for control of leaf eating caterpillar and
white ant.

Root knot and lesion nematodes commonly infect the seedlings. Before sowing
the seeds, carbofuran @ 10 g/sq.m should be incorporated in the soil and watered

ANTS: Application of Lindane 1.3% dust at the rate of 100 g/bed on all sides to
protect the seeds from ants.





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The nursery beds require light irrigation with the help of rose cane till the seeds get
germinated. Excess rain water or irrigated water should be drained out from the field as
& when it is required, otherwise plants may die due to excess of water. Watering in the
beds depends upon the weather condition.

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Particiapation in Kisan mela SKUAST-
J 2022
SKUAST- J organized a 5 day Kisan Mela from 7 march - 11 march 2022. On this
occasion, a simultaneous session on interface meeting between the stake-holders
including famers, industries and researchers was convened. Farmers raised some
genuine problems they are facing today. All the problems were discussed and the
farmers were assured that those problems would be enlisted in the research
programme. Around 5000 farmers visited the Kisan Mela and used this opportunity to
know various aspects of agriculture from the 42 different stalls put up by various
developmental research organizations, State Department of Agriculture, Horticulture,
Forestry, industries of pesticide, fertilizers, seeds and implements, Banks, NGOs, etc.
The main theme of kisan mela 2021 is- Empowering youth for technology led farming. It
will showcase the latest agriculture related technological equipments and farm products.

Highlights of Fair:
 To exhibit the newer technologies developed by the university.

 To showcase & marketize different types of seeds/plant varieties

 To showcase & marketize the farmer- led value added farm-products.

 Horticulture and Animal exhibition

 Exhibition and marketization of farm products.

 Discussion on the empowerment of youths for technology based agriculture.

 Detailed discussion on agricultural topics between farmers and scientists/ cultural


 Awarding progressive farmers.

 Farmer’s tour in the experimental fields of SKUAST- J

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 Live demonstration of advanced agricultural equipments.

What we had learnt during Kisan mela :

1. How to sell fruit and citrus plants

2. How to discuss with farmers and buyers

3. Learnt about new technologies in agriculture

4. We had also learnt about new researches in different fields

of agriculture

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Mushroom production

Poverty, malnutrition and unemployment are the basic problems prevailing in

rural India. The poor farmers-"the producer of food" are still under fed and
under nourished leading to malnutrition mainly due to their low family income.
Due to small land holdings, their agricultural land can not provide them
complete food security and year round employment. All these problems can be
partly tackled if mushroom cultivation is promoted as it capable to provide
nutritious food, income as well as employment.


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The main edible cultivated mushrooms are :

Species General name

Agaricus bisporus Button mushroom

Lentinus edodes Shiitake mushroom

Volveriella volvacea Paddy straw mushroom

Pleurotus sojor caju Oyster mushroom

Auricula ouricularia Wood ear mushroom

Tremelia fuctormis Silver ear mushroom

Pholiota nameko Nameko mushroom

Calocyba indica White milky mushroom


 To develop skills in producing quality spawn of mushrooms.

 acquire skills in various activities during cultivation of mushrooms.
 To develop skills for developing farm design and setting up a mushroom farm
 To develop enterprise management capability.

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 Advantages:

i. The artificial cultivation ensures that mushroom sold is truly edible. They are
now regarded as useful food in modern diets, complementing the staple diet.
ii. Plant residues such as straw, leaves and wastes from agriculture, forest and
industry mostly remain unused.
iii. Can be utilized as manure.
iv. Another advantage in mushroom growing is that they are grown in rooms, for
which the wasteland may be utilized. Being grown in vertical stacks, for
mushroom come into production very rapidly makes mushroom growing a
profitable venture.

 Importance of Mushroom cultivation

i. Mushroom as a source of protein & other material :

ii. Medicinal properties:

iii. Use of agricultural wastes:

Steps in mushroom growing:

1.Choosing the mushroom to be cultivated:

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2. Production of culture :

A) Preparation of slants:
The medium used was PDA. Its composition is peeled potato (200 gm.), Dextrose (20
gm.), agar agar powder (20 gm.), water to make up 1 lt.



Methods- Potato was peeled and cut into small pieces and boiled with excess water until
potato pieces were soft. Juice was strained and required quantity of agar agar was added.

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It was again boiled until the agar agar melted.Finally, glucose was added and the medium
was dispensed in about 6ml quantity in culture tubes. During the process the medium
should not touch the mouth of the culture tube. The tubes were then tied in bundles of 6
to top was covered with (Polypropylene) sheet, put in buckets and then sterilized in a
pressure cooker at 15psi pressure for 20 minutes. The pressure cooker was allowed to
cool and the buckets were taken out. Further cooling was allowed upto 15 C. At this
point the tubes were gently shaken and put in a slanted position so that the medium
reaches half or slightly above the lengthof the culture tube.

3. Preparation of spawn:
For spawn making different kinds of substrate can be used. The usual choice is wheat
grains but any other grains like Paddy, Maize, Jowar and Bajra can be used.
Wheat grains were washed in water and boiled for 30 to 40 minutes until these became soft
and a few grains began to burst. Extra water was drained and the grains were spread over a
polythene sheet for excess water to evaporate. Then chloramphenicol @ 200 ppm
(200mg/Kg of boiled wheat) and calcium carbonate@ 2% (20 gm. /Kg of boiled wheat) were
added and thoroughly mixed. The substrate thus prepared and was filled in an amount of



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200 gmin each bottle. An aluminium ring was put at the neck of the packet, the rim of the
packet was inverted and a cotton plug was put over the mouth.
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The packets, thus prepared. were sterilized in an autoclave @ 20 psi for 20 minutes.The
autoclave was allowed to cool normally. The next day the packets were taken on the table of
laminar airflow clean bench.By following the rules of aseptic transfer small bits of pure culture
were transferred into each packet. A few grains from already prepared spawn can also be
used for this purpose. The packets, thus prepared, were put in an incubator at 25 C.

Monitoring mushrooms in BOD Incubator

The spawn was ready by 10 to 12 days. The common problem encountered is contamination
by other microorganisms. The bacterial contamination is most frequent. When it happens
slimy bacterial growth can be observed, the mycelial growth is suppressed and offensive smell
is given out. Another common contaminant is by other fungal species like Trichoderma,
Aspergillus, Penicillium, Rhizopus. When their contamination occurs patches of green, black
or blue growth occurs among the white growth of mushrooms. Even a small patch of
contaminant makes the total spawn unsuitable for use. For the growers of mushrooms the
following guideline for good quality spawn should be followed:

a) A good spawn is one which has even mycellial growth. Do not uses spawn with
fluffy or too thin growth. Mycellial growth should not be kept before planting.
b) Old spawn is not acceptable because its vigour may be decreased.
c) When purchasing the spawn ask the spawn grower how long the spawn can be
kept before planting .Old spawn is not acceptable because its vigour may be

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d) The spawn should be kept undisturbed in a cool place (may be in a refrigerator)
away from sunlight until ready for use.
e) Once a container is opened, the spawn should be used in its entirety. Unused and
opened bottles can be kept in the refrigerator for 2 to 6 days.

3. Harvesting:

After mycelia development, when the substrate has been fully colonized, mushrooms begin
to form first as pin-head primordia then developing into buttons & finally full grown

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What is hydroponic?

Hydroponics is the soilless method of growing plants, using nutrient solutions. The word
hydroponic is derived from the Greek words, hydro (water) and ponos (labor), literally
meaning water working.

Why go for hydroponics?

 Year-round production
 Gender-friendly technology
 Produce more from a small area
 Decreased pest and disease incidence
 Increase peri-urban agricultural production
 Produce safe food
 Reduce weed growth
 Reduce drudgery
 Efficient use of water and nutrients
 Efficient use of space as it involves vertical cultivation

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 High value crops
 Challenges of hydroponics
 High initial investment cost
 Technical skill and knowledge are necessary for operating the system
 Requires strict sanitation to avoid pest and disease incidence
 Daily monitoring is necessary

 Basic components of hydroponics systems

 Nutrient solution
 Nutrient solution reservoir
 Pump
 Growing medium
 Growth chamber
 Requirements for crop growth and development

 Nutrition
 Air
 Light
 Water
 Temperature

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 Types of hydroponics system

Hydroponics is classified into several categories based on the following factors:

a) Based on use of medium;

i. Medium-based hydroponics:
Under medium based hydroponic systems, crops are grown in different
substrate/media which are used for anchoring the plants while nutrient is
supplied from a separate nutrient reservoir tank.
(1) Retains moisture
(2) Anchor plants
(1) Most mediums can only be used once
(2) Costly (to buy, transport)
(3) Not readily available
Types of substrates
a) Oasis :
b) Rice husk :
c) Rockwool
d) Vermicutile:
e) Soilrite:
f) Wood chips :
g) Expanded clay
h) Cocopeat:
i) Gravels:
j) Mosses :

Crops suitable for different medium/substrates;

Vegetables Fruit crops

Tomatoes Strawberries
Lettuce Raspberries
Egg plant Blueberries
Leafy greens Melons
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ii. Medium-free hydroponics:

No medium is used in medium-free hydroponics and the plant roots remain in

direct contact with the nutrient solution.

b) Based on growing techniques:

1. Nutrient Film Technique (NFT):

2. Drip hydroponics technique:
3. Aeroponics technique:
4. Deep Water Culture Technique:
5. Ebb and flow/ flood and drain technique:

c) Based on nutrient solution use:

 Closed/recovery/re-circulating systems:
 Open/ non-recovery/ non- recirculating systems
d) Based on nutrient solution distribution:
 Active system
 Passive system
e) Based on space utilization:
 Vertical system.
 Horizontal system

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 Nursery:
Nursery must fulfill the following needs
a. Seed must be from the clean source
b. Nursery area must be in a protected space with ventilation facilities to
avoid the pest & disease infestation
c. Irrigation water and light must be available
d. Suitable growing media

 Harvesting:
In general, vegetable crops are perishable and their shelf life and quality depend on a
number of actions such as:
 Picking at the right stage without damage
 Picking early in the morning or when it is cool
 Keeping the produce in a cool place after harvest
 Handling carefully
 Storing them at the right temperature
 Using the right packaging method depending on crop and intended market

 Plant nutrient solutions

What is Plant Nutrition?

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Plant nutrition is defined as the supply and absorption of chemical compounds required
for plant growth and metabolism. Plant requires 17 essential nutrients and some
beneficial nutrients for their growth and development which is broadly categorized into
macronutrients, micronutrients and beneficial nutrients.
Types of nutrients :
a. Macronutrients
b. Micronutrients

 Functions of macronutrients:

 Nitrogen
1. Vital for vegetative growth.
2. Improves the quality of leafy vegetables by increasing protein content.
 Phosphorus
1) Promotes early root formation and growth.
2) Essential for cell division.
 Potassium
1) It is necessary for fruit development and disease resistance.
2) Enhances crop quality and shelf life of fruits and vegetables
 Calcium
1) It increases fruit set and quality.
2) Essential for the formation of cell wall.
 Magnesium
1) It improves utilization and mobility of phosphorus for root development.
2) Essential for photosynthesis.
 Sulphur
1) It is necessary for seed formation.

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2) It is an integral part of amino acids and develops enzymes.

 Functions of micronutrients
1) Control the uptake of major nutrients.
2) Essential component of cell wall.
3) Helps in plant growth hormones and enzymes system.
4) Helps in converting inorganic phosphate to organic phosphate

 Types of nutrient solutions:

(1) Inorganic based :
 Premix nutrient
 Formulated nutrients
(2) Organic based :
 Premix
 Liquid nutrient formulation

 Requirements for crop growth in hydropoics

 Water quality:
All hydroponic growing systems require pure water. The best domestic water
supplies or water for agricultural use frequently contain substances and elements
that can affect (positively or negatively) plant growth.
 pH:
The optimum pH range of nutrient solution is between 5.5 and 6.5. To maintain
optimum pH range, nitric acid is added to lower the pH and sodium hydroxide
for raising the pH.
 EC:
Electrical conductivity (EC) is the measure of a solution’s ability to conduct an
electrical current. It is measured in micro-Siemens per centimeter. A higher EC
means higher salt concentration, while a lower EC means a lower salt
 TDS:
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) is a measure of all inorganic and organic substances
in the liquid and it is measured in parts per million (ppm). Since the hydroponic

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nutrients dissolved in the water are all ions, EC can be also used as an indirect
measurement of the TDS.
 Temperature:
The temperature range of 18 0C to 27 0C has shown high level of dissolved
oxygen for the development of healthy roots and optimal nutrient absorption in
the hydroponic system
 Common insect pests in hydroponics:
1) Aphids
2) Spider mites
3) Thrips
4) Whiteflies
Common insect pest management practices:
a. Sticky traps
b. Beneficial predators
c. Ladybird beetles/ladybugs
 Common diseases in hydroponics:
1. Root rot
2. Powdery mildew
3. Downy mildew
4. Gray mold
5. Late blight
Common disease management practices
a) Wear clean clothes
b) Clean up spills and runoff
c) Keep plants clean
d) Use of fungicides

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There are various types of bees which include the stingless bees, solitary bees, honey bees. This
manual focuses on honey bees. Honey Bees belong to the animal kingdom, Phylum
Arthropoda, Order Hymenoptera, class Insecta, Super family Apoidea, family Apidae, genus
Apis. The genus Apis is divided into several species and sub-species/ races but the 5 main
species are:
A. Apis dorsata (the giant honeybee),
B. Apis laboriosa (the darker giant honeybee),
C. Apis florea (the dwarf honeybee),
D. Apis cerana and Apis mellifera.

 Bee Biology and Behaviour

1. Castes in a bee colony;

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Honey Bees are social insects that live in colonies of about 10,000 to 60,000 bees. A
colony consists of a queen (fertile female), a few hundred drones (males) and thousands
of workers (sterile females). They pollinate flowering plants and crops.

Queen bee:
The Queen bee is a reproductive female. There is only one queen in the hive and her job
is to lay eggs and produce queen substance (pheromones). When a new queen starts
life, she mates only once with drones outside the hive. A good queen lays between
1,500 - 2,000 eggs per day but after two years she lays fewer eggs. She lives for three to
five years. It is very difficult to find the queen but she can be recognized by her long and
slender body and short wings. She is fed by the young workers and is bigger than the
other occupants due to massive feeding especially with royal jelly. She has a sting that is
only used against rival queens. Her pheromones or scents serve to control the other
bees and harmonize the colony’s behaviour. The Queen bee can be marked on the
dorsal surface of the abdomen for easy identification and to avoid being crushed
accidentally during hive manipulations.
The Drones are males and are bigger than the workers. They develop from unfertilized
eggs and their major task is to mate with the queen. They are stingless, very large eyes
which are used to spot the Queen during mating. Drones look large and square and
make a loud buzzing noise when they fly. Drones are dependent on the workers for
food because their proboscis is short and cannot collect food for them. There can be
about 200 to 500 drones in a hive but in time of food shortage the workers chase the
drones out of the hive to die. Their lifespan is usually not more than 2 months.
The Workers:
Most of the bees in the hive are workers- they are all sterile females. The worker bees’
change tasks according to age. Young worker bees clean the hive, feed both young and
the Queen and make the beeswax combs. They control the temperature of the hive by
flapping their wings and also guard the hive. Older workers scout for food and collect
the pollen, nectar, water and propolis. They have a sting plus special glands and organs
to help them to defend the colony against enemies. The workers are also responsible for
the honey formation process. The lifespan of a worker bee is 7-8 weeks during the main
flowering season when they work hard. They can live longer during dormant periods.

2.The life cycle of a bee

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Each bee in the course of its life passes through 4 stage metamorphosis:
Egg→ Larva→ Pupa→Adult.


There are various reasons for keeping bees, namely:-

1. For cultural purposes:
2. As source of food
3. As source of medicine:
4. For income generation
5. Apitherapy
A. Bee hives:
Types of Bee hives ;
1. Traditional hives (fixed comb hives)
a. Woven basket hive
b. Log hive
2. Improved hives (movable top bar hives)
a) Kenyan Top Bar
b) KTB Catcher box
3. Modern hives (Movable frame hives)
a) Langstroth hive
b) Brick frame hive

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B. Bee suit
C. Bee gloves

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Organic farming
Green revolution technologies such as greater use of synthetic agro chemicals like fertilizers
and pesticides, adoption of nutrient responsive, high-yielding varieties of crops, greater
exploitation of irrigation potentials etc… has boosted the production out put in most of cases.
Without proper choice and continues use of these high energy inputs is leading to decline in
production and productivity of various crops as well as deterioration of soil health and
environments. The most unfortunate impact on Green Revaluation Technology (GRT) on
Indian Agriculture is as follows:
1. Change in soil reaction
2. Development of nutrient imbalance /deficiencies
3. Damage the soil flora and fauna
4. Reduce the earth worm activity
5. Reduction in soil humus / organic matter
6. Change in atmospheric composition
7. Reduction in productivity

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Definition of organic farming
Organic farming refers to organically grown crops which are not exposed to any
chemicals right from the stage of seed treatments to the final post harvest
handling and processing
Importance of Organic Farming
1. Maximal but sustainable use of local resources.
2. Minimal use of purchased inputs, only as complementary to
local resources.
3. Ensuring the basic biological functions of soil-water-
nutrients-human continuum.
4. Maintaining a diversity of plant and animal species as a basis
for ecological balance and economic stability.
5. Creating an attractive overall landscape which given satisfaction
to the local people.
Disadvantages of organic farming
1. Small holding
2. Poor infrastructure facilities
3. Lack of technological knowledge
4. Organic farming takes four years for a farmer to free his land completely stopping
the use of chemical as nutrients & crop savers.

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5. The neighbouring farmers do not well co-operate regarding use
of fertilizer, pesticides, weedicides etc.



1. Crop and Soil Management

2. On Farm Waste Recycling
3. Non-chemical Weed Management
4. Biological Pest Control


The concept of biological INM is the continuous improvement of soil productivity
on long-term basis through appropriate use of organic manures, green manures,
BGA, biofertilizers and other biological derived materials and their scientific
management for optimum growth, yield and quality of crops and intensive
cropping systems in specific agroecological situations.
Role of different sources for biological INM

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Manures are defined as the plant and animal wastes which are used as sources of
plant nutrients. Urine is normally low in phosphorus and high in potash, where as
about equal parts of nitrogen may be excreted in faeces and urine of the cattle.

 Manures supply plant nutrients including micro nutrients
 They improve soil physical properties
 Increase nutrient availability
 Provide food for soil micro organisms
 Provide buffering action in soil reaction
(A) Bulky organic manures

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(B) Concentrated organic manures:


1. Tillage operation
2. Field and plant sanitation
1. Use of phenomones
2. Use of yellow sticky traps
3. Erecting bird perchase
C. Biological control means :
1. Predators
2. Parasitoids
3. Biological chemicals


A: Preventive methods
B: Cultural methods
C: Mechanical methods
D: Soil solarization
E: Biological methods

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Aattachment to Udheywala Centre for
Horticultural Research (SKUAST-J)

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Hi- Tech nursery

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1st zonal convention on Natural Farming in
Baba Jitto Auditorium (SKUAST- J)
Date : 5 april 2022 - 6 april 2022
Technical Session
Co-ordinated by : Dr. Arti Sharma (Division Assistant Professsor, Fruit science)
Chief guest – Sh. Manoj Sinha (LG J&K)
Chairman – Dr. J.P Sharma , Hon’ble VC SKUAST – J
Co- chairman – Dr. S.K Gupta, Registrar,SKUAST – J
Key Note Speaker – Dr. Rathore , Hon’ble,VC MPUAT Udaipur, Rajasthan
Rapporteur: 1- Dr. Sanjay Sharma
2- Dr. Bhupesh Kumar, PGB , SKUAST – J

In this convention meet, we learnt lots of knowledge about great progress in

initiation of Natural farming, its importance, need, advantages etc.
Many scientists and researchers had joined the this technical session and they
shared lots of information and initiatios in Natural farming because chemical free
agriculture is taking wings nowdays and it is very imortant to secure our health and
environment from harmful chemicals.

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ELP Programme is an exposure programme conducted to make the agricultural student
acquainted with the real field situation to test the feasibility of knowledge gained during
class room teaching and its application in the ELP field.

From orientation programme to till submission of report every moment in ELP

Programme has been exciting, explaring, enlightening, enriching, adventurous and


 It offers an opporturity to gain Business experience

 It includes team spirit, working in group, cooperation between group members,

time management and logical approach to problems.

 It Creates a social relation between workers and us. We faced different problems
and tried to slove these problems at grass root level.

 Then we got to know thoroughly about 3Ps Concept ie. People, Process and

 We learnt how to propagate plants , how to manage them , how to protect them
from diseases , and how to sell them

 We also learnt about advance technology in agriculture such as hydroponics and

hi – tech nursery

 It gives lots of other field experience to us


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