Aleks Woo - The Me Report 2022

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The Me Report

Aleksandar. Woo

Grade 9 Students


Feb 15, 2022

Vickery 1

Table of Contents

Executive Summary 2

About Me 2

My Word Processing Skills 2

Cloud Computing 3

Description of sample documents 3

Conclusion 3

Appendix 1 - Business letter example 4

Appendix 2 - Table example 5

Appendix 3 - Memo example 6

Vickery 2

Executive Summary

In this report I am going over the important things I learned in business class. I learn things
such as how to write more formally and efficiently, and I also learn how to write better emails
and letters.

About Me
My Name is Aleksandar, I'm 15, but my family and friends call me Aleks for short. My

background is half Serbian and half Chinese, but I'm also part Trinidadian, and I was raised and

born in Brampton and came to Orangeville throughout elementary school. I don’t have many

hobbies, the only things I'm interested in are martial arts and swimming. In the past I have done

taekwondo, which is good for learning kicks and other techniques but my dad told me I should

take other martial arts because taekwondo is like a stepping stone for other martial arts, such as

kung-fu. I am currently doing judo, jiu jitsu and kung-fu. In swimming I'm currently going through

my bronze medallion lifeguard course. And me and some friends are starting volleyball. In my

spare time I like to watch tv and play video games with friends. I also enjoy listening to a lot of

music. You can say I'm sorta an old soul when it comes to music. I don’t listen to a lot of newer

music, I listen to a lot of old rock and jazz such as, Aerosmith, Twisted sister, Chicago, Beastie

Boys, Kiss, Jimi Hendrix, Billy Joel, Iron maiden, Judas Priest, and Gil Scott Heron, just to name

a few.

My Word Processing Skills

1. What word processors can you use and what skills do you have (What are you
able to do with a word processor)? Include examples where appropriate
Vickery 3

I can use tables and charts to organize information in an easy and clear format.
For example if I ask people what their favorite foods are, I can use a chart to
organize the information.

2. How can you use word processing skills in your other classes? Give 2 specific

I can use bullets to note things in science. I can then use a table to organize them
into categories.

3. What can you do with a word processor to be faster or more efficient? Give 2
specific examples.
You can make things more organized. For example you can make reading notes more
efficient by putting them in bullet form to make it more clearer to read. Or if you have a
lot of information you can put it in a chart.

Cloud Computing

In this section, you will research information about cloud computing and share some of your
findings. You will answer the following question.

What are the pros and cons of online storage computing programs, like the cloud?

Pros Cons

You can access your data anywhere You can have data corruption and lose all
your data

Low cost Requires internet

Security Hard to move your data

Description of Sample Documents

● A table document is where you use the table program to help organize information.
● A business document is a way to formally communicate ideas and thoughts to other
Vickery 4

● A memo is a way to address ideas and instructions to others. (Mainly Workers or



In conclusion, so far in business I have learned how to use programs and organizers that make
doing work much more efficient. I have also learned how to write more formally to others via
email and letters.

Appendix 1 - Business letter example

Aleksandar Woo

124 Boarfish road

Orangutan town, ON


February 8 2022

Gordana & Peter Woo

124 Boarfish road

Orangutan town, ON

Vickery 5

Hello Mom & Dad,

It's your son Aleks.

The reason for this letter is to request for money. I believe you already know that I am saving up
for a car. This is why I am requesting money to help aid my effort in buying a car. Buying a car
can provide a great experience for me and my friends because of all the activities we can do,
such as playing pool, eating out, going to the gym, and overall an infinite amount of ideas.
I believe this could also benefit the whole family because if you assist me in purchasing a car I
can help you guys buy groceries, items, or even drive Stefan to school while all the cars are
gone. Owning my own car can also be very important for emergencies. If Something were to
happen to me or anyone in the house, it would be important to have my own car just in case.
Another reason for having my own car is for independence and freedom. As of now I have
trouble going to stores and places because everyone is busy. I ask my grandfather and uncle
all the time and my uncle is always tired, and my grandpa is always sleeping. So this would be
very beneficial for me. And I know what you might be asking, why can't you just use one of our
cars? This is because when I use one of yours that means you guys are now missing a vehicle
that could’ve been used and usually I am not able to wait for people to come home.
Vickery 6

Appendix 2 - Table example

Name Fav Movie Fav Car Fav Food Fav Color

Jeremy Venom Mustang pizza green

Ethan No way home Lamborghini Chicken wings Sky blue


Tristan Friday the 13th Bugatti French fries green

Dylan Captain 2018 Supra Sandwiches Green

america winter

Morgan Batman porsche poutine red

Vickery 7

Appendix 3 - Memo example

To: The BTT1O Class

From: Aleksandar Woo

Date: Feb 21, 2022

Subject: Surprise Birthday party

Vickery 8

This Coming Friday is Bob's Birthday. So on Friday sept 29, 2022 we are holding a surprise
birthday party for him. Make sure to be 10 minutes before business class starts.

Bob has always been a jokester and a class clown. So It's time to get him back. We are gonna
hide under our tables with the lights off and when he walks in we will jump out and surprise him.
You can bring gifts if you like, and we will be watching a movie for the whole class!

Remember It's a secret! So don't say anything, and you are welcome to bring more friends.

Thanks for Cooperating

Ps. Aleksandar Woo

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