2 Train Position Report-Quizz

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Questionnaire: Train Position Report

Name: Date:

Please complete the questionnaire and send it by email to:


with the following subject in the email: RBC Practical Case Study

1. Please read the information regarding Position Report Message and packets in
subset-026, chapters 7 and 8.

2. Figure 1 represents a train which is moving in the direction indicated by the

red arrow. There is also a balise group, which is acting as a reference for the
train (LRBG). The nominal direction of this balise group from left to right, as
indicated in the figure.

Figure 1

Please also note the following definitions:

Q_DIRLRGB = Orientation of the train in relation to the direction of the LRBG.

Q_DLRGB = Qualifier telling on which side of the LRBG the estimated front end is.

Q_DIRTRAIN = Direction of the train movement in relation to the LRBG orientation.

In the case of Figure 1, the train will send a Train Position Report, with the

following values:

 Q_DIRLRBG = nominal

 Q_DLRBG = nominal

 Q_DIRTRAIN = nominal

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Questionnaire: Train Position Report

Considering the previous example, please complete the following table for the

next figure:

  Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5

Q_DIRLRBG nominal   reverse   reverse   reverse
Q_DLRBG  nominal  reverse  reverse  reverse
Q_DIRTRAIN  reverse  nominal  reverse  reverse

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

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Questionnaire: Train Position Report

3. Confidence intervals

When the train sends a position report to the RBC, the train informs of the value of

D_LRBG, that is, the distance between LRBG and the front end of the train. That value,

which is calculated by the on-board equipment, is subject to error, as every

measurement is. For that reason, confidence intervals are defined around the 'front end'

and the 'rear end' of the train.

To establish those confidence intervals, the following variables are defined (and included

in the Train Position Report):

 L_DOUBTOVER: over-reading error.

 L_DOUBTUNDER: under-reading error.

Thus, considering the length of the train is L_TRAIN, the RBC will be able to calculate the

limits of the confidence intervals for the front and the rear of the train, as it can be seen

in the next figure:

1: Max safe front end 3: Max safe rear end

2: Min safe front end 4: Min safe rear end

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Questionnaire: Train Position Report

Figure 6

The first of those values (Max safe front end), as a distance relative to the LRBG, would

be expressed as follows:

Max safe front end = D_LRBG + L_DOUBTUNDER

How would the other three be calculated?

Min safe rear end = (D_LRBG – L TRAIN) - L_DOUBTUNDER

Min safe front end = D_LRBG - L_DOUBTOVER

Max safe rear end = (D_LRBG – L TRAIN) + L_DOUBTUNDER

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