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At this point, determine the textual evidence to validate assertions and

Counterclaims made in a text read. The scoring rubric on the next page will be used
In assessing your outputs. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers.

What you need:

Feature article about local attraction in La Union (you may search the internet and
Blog about tourist's attraction in La Union), scissor, pencil or
Pen, bond paper.

What you have to do:

1. Look for an article that features a tourist's spot in La Union specifically in
Your locality.
2. You may also search the internet if printed articles are not available.
3. Secure a copy of the article.
4. Cut the article and paste it on a bond paper or print the article from the
Internet. Do not forget the source of the article.
5. Then do the activity below.

Imagine that you are an editor for your school paper. Your teacher has asked
you to choose any article or blog about a tourist's spot in La Union specifically your
locality, that presents reasons which aim to make the readers interested in visiting.
You are tasked to review your chosen article; it will be featured in the next issue of
the school paper. Your critique should consist of 1,000 words. A good review will
identify the claim of the text, describe its context, and evaluate the evidence

Link about the tourist’s spot in La Union

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