Form 3M Set 2

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Electricity and Magnetism

7.1 Electricity                

Energy means the ability to do work
The S.I.unit for energy is joule (J)

Forms of energy
1. Sound energy
2. Kinetic energy
3. Electrical energy
4. Gravitational potential energy
5. Elastic potential energy
6. Light energy
7. Nuclear energy
8. Heat energy
9. Chemical energy

Sources of energy
1. The Sun
2. Geothermal
3. Water
4. Biomass
5. Fossil fuel
6. Radioactive substances
7. Wave
8. Wind

Electrostatic Charges
Electric charges consist of positive charges and negative charges
The repulsion among these charges are called electrostatic forces 
Electroscope is used to detect the existence of electric charges on an object

Electric current

Electric current can be defined as the rate of flow of electric charges through a conductor

Current, Voltage and Resistance

S.I unit for electric current is ampere(A) - measured by ammeter
The voltage is the potential difference between two points, volt(V) - measured by voltmeter
The unit for measuring resistance is ohm (Ω)
The relationship between current, voltage and resistance is Ohm's Law

V = IR

Flow of Electric Current in a Series Circuit and Paralell Circuit

Electric circuit
↙ ↘
Series Circuit Parallel Circuit

Series Circuit
Series circuit is made up of electrical components that are connected one after another where the current flows through in a single path 

Current,Voltage and Resistance in a Series Circuit

Current, I = I1 = I2
​ ​

Voltage, V = V1 + V2 ​

Resistance, R = R1 + R2
​ ​

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Series Circuit
Advantage Disadvantage
 * Energy component in the circuit receives the same amount of  * When one of the electrical appliances is damaged, other electrical
current appliances cease to function

 * Every component is controlled by the same switch  * Adding more electrical appliances increases resistance and
decreases the flow of the current
 * Increase in voltage supplies more electric current
 * Each electrical appliance cannot be switched off  individually

Parallel Circuit
Parallel circuit is separated into several different path of electrical circuit and each parallel path has electrical components

Current,Voltage and Resistance in a Parallel Circuit

Current, I= I1 +  I2
​ ​

Voltage, V = V1 =  V2 ​

1 1 1
Resistance, =
​ + ​ ​

R R1 ​R2 ​

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Parallel Circuit

Advantage Disadvantage
 * Every electrical appliance can be switched on or off separatedly  * The voltage for every electrical appliance cannot be adjusted
because the voltage is the same as the source of voltage
 * The increase in the number of electrical appliances does not affect
the function of other appliances in the same circuit

7.3 Magnetism    

↙ ↘
Magnet Electromagnet


Properties of magnet
1. Attracts magnetic materials
2. Has poles (north pole and south pole)
3. Like poles repel, unlike poles attracts
4. Freely suspended agnet shows north-south direction

Magnetic Field
The area around the magnet with magnetic force is magnetic field

Characteristics of Magnetic Field Lines
Begin from north pole to south pole
Closer to another where the magnetic field is stronger
Lines never meet or cross


Electromagnet is a type of magnet that has temporary magnetic effect when electric current flows through it

Magnetic Field
The pattern of the magnetic field depends on the conductor used
The direction of the magnetic field is determined by the direction of the electric current
The right hand grip rule determines the direction of the magnetic field

Application of Magnets and Electromagnets in Daily Life

1. The needle of a compass uses a magnet to show the direction of the poles
2. Credit cards and debit cards have an electromagnetic strip that stores information
3. The magnetic lock on doors uses an electromagnet to lock the doors automatically
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