Split Case Fire Pump Selection Criteria NFPA Limits: 140% He Ad of Rat e D He Ad 154PSI

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Split Case Fire Pump Selection Criteria NFPA Limits

Pump Mo de l: 10x8x17F-S Rat e d Flo w 2000 US gpm 140% He ad o f Rat e d He ad 154 psi
No m. Spe e d: 1785 rpm Rat e d He ad 110 psi 65% He ad at 150% Flo w 71.5 psi
Marke t : List e d Fire Pump Imp. Dia 16.279 in Flo w at 150% 3000 US gpm
Appro val/List ing: FM/UL Po we r Re quire d at Dut y 165 hp He ad at 150% 89.2 psi
Rat e d Efficie ncy 77.5 % Po we r Re q at 150% 186 hp
Fluid Wat e r Efficie ncy at 150% 83.5 %
T e mpe rat ure 85 ºF Max BHP 211 hp
Sp. Gravit y 1.000 Clo se d Valve He ad 121 psi

140% He ad o f Rat e d He ad 154PSI

Typical Performance Curve is shown. Fire Pumps are tested to ANSI/HI 14.6 acceptance grade 1U.
Rated Duty Point is guaranteed within the following tolerances: Flow 0% to + 10%, Head 0% to + 6%.

Pe rfo rmance Curve Dat a

Flo w (US gpm) He ad (psi) Efficie ncy (%) Po we r Re quire d (hp) NPSHr (ft )
0 121 0 0 10
500 119 47.5 120 10.2
1000 118 57.8 135 10.4
1500 116 68.1 150 10.7
2000 110 77.5 165 12.3
3000 89.2 83.5 186 16.8
4044 56.6 65.4 204 22.6

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