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CNN. HR Area. To whom it may concern.

First of all, I would like to thank you for this apply opportunity to be part of your valuable team as a
RDM Executive. I'm interested in this role because of, I share your common wellness strategic
purpose, through Online Media, as well your vision and values as a team player, in order to inform
our global society with trusted and comprehensive news, allowing them to make healthy-assertive
decisions to improve the global society conditions.

However, as you are aware; everyone as a concept realizes, WHAT? our society needs to do under an
ethic value approach, but just some people know HOW? to collaborate to reach these goals, and
fewer persons understand WHY? it must be a global social priority. In this way, your platform as
strategic lever to accomplish your main aim, present improvement opportunities, allowing to
increase at the same time your target market participation, through massive personalization that
allow you to customize an integrate and differentiated offer as Social Leaders, to inspire and support
others to be game changers. Incidentally, along my professional experience this is the type of
business initiatives that I have been defining and implementing effectively during my career.
Consequently, I am interested in collaborating with your organization to achieve your main purpose.

In relation to the requirements for this position, I hereby submit for your consideration some of my
27 years of professional experience, related to: Strategic Management & Business Development,
Marketing, e-Business, Consulting, Project & Technology Management, for multinational
organizations including: NOKIA, EDC, and Bank of America, where throughout 17 years I held
executive positions at; Insurance Industry, Brokerage House, Asset Management, Fiduciary, Banking
areas (Investing-Electronic-Retail). In addition to my last 7 years as independent consultant. Vast
experience that provided me with the opportunity to utilize, my skills and capabilities developing hi-
performance work teams, implementing effective businesses, products and platforms in Mexico,
Central and South America, based on business differentiation, and hi-end technology platforms,
evolving on a Continuous Improvement model, which as result, several of them continue to work
successfully. I would like the opportunity to execute similar success strategies for your customers,
partners and employees while increasing value and profitability to your organization.

As illustration of the type of business solutions that I propose and implement; 1) in 2015 I developed
two strategic business case for; John Brown University School of Graduates as a part of my second
MBA. The first research was about Walmart and how its Business Model became a market follower,
behind the e-commerce wave, losing its business leadership. This analysis included my proposal
about how to upgrade its Business Model. Incidentally in 2018, they started the processes to migrate
from the brick-Business to the eBusiness. This transformation could take 5 years more. The second
Research was about BOFA, where I forecasted seven years ago; a Global Recession, a European
sovereign debt crisis, a sharp rise in interest rates and a deflationary bubble, these events are
emerging now. As I predicted too, BOFA is changing as fast as its can, its Business Model, based on
Corporate and Private Banking, trading its proprietary position and reducing their Retail Business.
2) During 2012 I was in charge of re-launching the insurance investment/retirement products. These
had been released 10 years before, where they attracted 2 billion USD. With the redesign, we
attracted 1.2 billion USD more the following two years. 3) Throughout 2006, I had the opportunity to
lead for BOFA, the re-opening of the brokerage business in South America, starting with the capital
brokerage desk in Colombia, Peru and Chile. These projects included the processes relating to: legal
vehicles, trading operations, custody and clearing, compliance, anti-money laundry controls and
technology platform adjustments and implementation. 4) In 1998 I concluded my first MBA. As a
result of my master’s thesis, I developed for BOFA, the first e-Trade System from Latin America.

Based on my career results, my knowledge about eBusiness development and my commitment to

excellence; I have no doubt that I am a strong candidate to collaborate with CNN to achieve its goals,
both short-term and long-term. I am aware how the digital age is moving faster than traditional
companies, thus creating a situation that allow those companies who better ride the wave to take
the leadership of global markets. I would like an opportunity to learn more about this position and
your innovative business model. I look forward to hearing from you to discuss this in more detail.
Thank you for your review and consideration.

Sincerely yours,

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