Basic Guidelines To Use When Leading Someone To Christ

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A. B. About anything. Follow prompting from the Holy Spirit.

C. Try to bring the conversation around to talking about spiritual things, such as:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Church. VBS. AWANA. Revival Services. Camp. Christian School. Any other events going on at church or in your life.

II. If they seem to show an interest in the spiritual topic, continue by asking them if they go to church anywhere. If they say yes, then ask them where. If they say no, then invite them to your church.

III. You may or may not feel the Holy Spirit leading you to do more than invite them to church. If you feel led to continue, you can ask them if they are saved or if they know where they will go when they die.


If they say Yes then you should ask them how they know.

V. If they say No then you can tell them how they can know, and then start to give them the plan of salvation, using verses.
A. You are a sinner and the Bible says that the payment for sin is death.
1. 2. 3. Romans 3:23. James 2:10a. Romans 6:23.

B. God loves you and sent his son, Jesus Christ, to die for you and save you from your sin.
1. 2. Romans 5:8. John 3:16.


That there is nothing you can do to save yourself.

1. 2. 3. Ephesians 2:8-9. You cannot do works to get yourself into Heaven. Nobody can pray you into Heaven after you die.


All you have to do is pray and tell God:

1. 2. 3. sins. That you know you are a sinner. That you believe that Jesus died to save you from your sins. That you want him to come into your heart and save you from your


Ask them if they would like to pray now.

1. They may say, No, and then you can leave a tract with them and offer to pray with them before you leave. Also, re-invite them to your church. 2. If they say Yes you should ask them if they want to pray on their own or if they want repeat after you. a) If they want to pray on their own, just listen to their prayer and maybe pray after they are finished. Pray that the Lord will help them grow, now that they are a Christian.

b) If they want to repeat after you, then follow the guidelines in letter D above. 3. Share assurance verses with them and let them know that they will still sometimes sin and when that happens, they need to confess it to the Lord, but they do not need to get saved again. a) I John 5:13 If you really meant what you just prayed, you are saved and never need to get saved ever again. b) c) Hebrew 13:5a. I john 1:9.


1. Invite them to church to learn more about God.

2. Let the Pastor, or at least your parents, know about this person s salvation. Make sure you have written down their address, phone number, and name, so you can give that information to Pastor and he can go call on them right away. 3. 4. 5. Him. Tell them you will be praying for them. PRAY FOR THEM. Thank the Lord for giving you the opportunity to win this person to

6. Rejoice in the joy God has given you because another person will be in Heaven. It is not sinful to feel happy that you followed God s leading and brought someone to salvation in Him. It is, however, sinful to take pride in it and think that it was all because of you. Remember, someone else may have planted a seed in their heart before you came along, and always remember that it is God Who does the saving. You were only obedient to Him. Now, go back out and look for another opportunity to tell someone else about Jesus.

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