Alexa Newland English Scool Based Assignment

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English Language School Based Assignment

Crime Violence
Cover Page Cont’d

Candidate Name: Alexa Newland

Candidate Number:1003660140

Center Number:100366

Year of Examination: June, 2022

Teacher: Mrs. McIntosh

Subject: English Language

Territory: Jamaica

Topic: ‘An investigation about crime and violence in Jamaica’

Contents Page

Tile Page#

Title Page……………………………………………………..5

Plan of Investigation…………………………………………6

Sources (source1)..........................................................7

Sources (source2 & 3)..........................................................8

Reflection 1…………………………………………………...9

Reflection 2………....………………………………………...10
Content Page Cont’d

Reflection 3………………………………………...11

Written Report……………………………………………….12-14

Artifacts 1,2 and 3 from written report……………………..15

Plan of oral presentation…………………………..16

Reference Page
Title Page

Theme: Crime and Violence

Title: How crime and Violence affect children in Jamaica

Plan of Investigation

My Theme is Crime and Violence and the sub-topic is, “How crime and Violence affect Children in Jamaica”. I chose this topic so I can

have a better insight on how much crime and violence can affect children and how much damage it can cause for their future and

community. This research will help to open my vocabulary and to improve my summary writing. I plan to read newspaper articles and

watch videos to gather more information on this topic so in that way I am fully aware of how crime and violence affect children.

Summary writing and expanded vocabulary will be used in writing my reflections and group report.
Source 1

PAIN & FEAR - Jamaica Observer › news › we-re-in-pai...

Source 2

CRIME AND VIOLENCE IN JAMAICA (What are the Causes? Audio Visual

Before & After | Youth Gun Crime | #KeepChildrenSafe Audio

Reflection One

I have obtained a lot in this research. Before I had done my research I didn’t know how bad Crime and Violence was and how much children are

affected. When reading this newspaper article and watching these two videos they have left me feeling fearful for the children that are exposed

and getting pulled in this situation. I have acknowledged that most children that are in this position are the less fortunate, mostly males and ones

and that live in a dreadful community .

While doing the research I discovered more than I thought. For example, how the justice system is one of the many reasons why Crime and

Violence is so bad to the point where children are drawn into this sort of situation where they are also getting killed by corporating in these serious

acts and it’s hard to stop.

My thinking as changed now because I fear to travel in certain areas and not being sure of what will happen and if nothing will come out of it. I

also fear for other people who are not aware of this information and might get hurt because of not knowing. I now know how I should be in certain

areas and what type of signs to look out for.

Reflection Two

I have chosen the article by Kimone Francis as one of my main source for information. This expository piece is written using formal yet

simple language. The language used makes it easy for anyone to read and get the message and the vocabulary is simple also. It was written

in Standard english and she used emotional appeal to appeal to the readers.The mood the author wrote it in was great for the article

because the author emphasized sympathy for the children.

The second piece was an audio visual by Elite Jamaica Official Channel entitled “Crime and Violence in Jamaica (What are the Causes?).

The Speaker used Standard English and did not use any creole. The audio was informative and it was in a storytelling format that helps us

to understand more about Crime and violence. He also shared tips on what Crime and Violence is. A particular language technique used

was emotive language.

The third piece of material was an Audio by UNICEF Jamaica. The video was very clear and understandable. You could hear a mood of

sadness when the speaker explained the negative impact Crime and Violence has on children. These devices further helped me to

understand that crime and violence can happen anywhere and affect anybody.
Reflection Three

While completing this School Based Assignment my group members and I had a lot of discussions. These discussions contributed to the

development of my analytic and language skills. There was a wide variety of language devices and I finally understood and could

differentiate between and use appropriately. Now my vocabulary and writing skills are more advanced.

I learned to be patient as it promotes corporation and effectiveness within the group to accomplish what’s necessary for successful outcomes.

By doing the research on this topic I am now able to give logical reasons and information on how Crime and Violence affects children in


In doing my School Based Assignment I learned to listen to group members and to respect other people opinion and this made me better

listener. Over all I have improved to extent where other subjects became more and more easier to complete without a struggle.
Written Report

This group was created based on a mutual interest amongst all members on the topic “Crime and Violence”. Sub-topics were formed based

on our own curiosities on the magnitude of crime and violence in our country and individual research was conducted on these sub-topics.

Due to the increase of Covid 19 we were not able to meet face to face in order to complete the part of our SBA which was required to be

done as a group. Therefore we didn’t get the chance to get the work done at the pace we would’ve hope. Also, some of our group members

had no access to a device as well as the internet. Luckily for us we got the chance to meet face to face and we got to complete our work as

a group.

The first artifact chosen was an article written by an editor from the Jamaican observer JMA calls on Gov’t opposition to work together in

crime fight in conclusion the artifact gives insight to the society on things that they are doing wrong as a country it shows that the crimes

that are being committed are affecting every person; rich or poor and that crime is not centralized but been seen in every level of

government and in every social group.

Written Report

The audio visual entitled “Crime and Violence in Jamaica (What are the causes)” was chosen during our group discussion. In

summary this video gave reasons and causes why Crime and Violence is affecting our country and why it can’t get better. In this

explanation it is learned that males are mostly involved in this action. There is also a perception that law enforcement has as element

of corruption in it which causes distrust between residents and the police forces so because of that of persons who get caught in this

act have a low chance of getting locked away. Other information is given in this video with more explanation.

The Third artifact, “Entertainment Industry” written by dancehallreggaeweseh. It shows that some songs that DJs sing influences

people to kill others which may also result in their own death. The writer used informal language, this was chosen get the message

across message across to specific audience. This comic was specifically made for the listeners of dancehall music.
Written report

The first artifact was basically talking about how we the people can help minimize the crime and violence rate. It further went on to say
that every situation begins and ends with us and we the people change our lives and do better the things around us will, the second
artifacts stated why crime and violence in the country can’t end. It then goes on to say that most of the wrong doers are men and young
men and they will not get locked away for crimes the commit because the justice system has a flaw of injustices and its corruption. The
final artifact was specifying a group of listeners that they should be careful and conscious of the things/songs we the people listen,
reason for this is that it can affect our way of thinking and cause irrational and impulsive thoughts/thinking.
Artifacts from the Written Report

Artifact number 1

Artifact number 2

Artifact number 3
Plan of Oral Presentation

Topic: Crime and Violence

Sub-Topic: How Crime and Violence affect children in Jamaica

Genre: Poem

Source: Original Piece

Language: Mixture of Jamaican English and Jamaican Creole

Aides: Poem will be used to emphasize more on the Topic.

Oral Presentation

Speech on How Crime and Violence affect Children in Jamaica

Crime and Violence is an outrageous act where killing and stealing is involved. Children (Mostly teenagers) are drawn into this act when there
isn’t good parenting in their household or poverty is apart of their life. Can we help them out? Is it possible they will walk away from this act?. We
only can try because in most cases it aint as easy for them to stop from indulging in this action. We don’t wanna see our future adults doing
anything to destroy their life, but how can it even be stopped if the government isn’t doing a better job to stop this. The system is weak! Police
aren’t doing their job right nd the court house is full of corruptions. What can we do? How can we stop this? What way is best to go about this? We
need help to make things better for our young adults because I alone can’t do so.
Reference Page

● Kimmone Francis, PAIN & FEAR, Jamaica Observer ( 2019). Retrieved November 20, 2019 from

● Elite Jamaica Official Channel, Crime and Violence in Jamaica (What are the Causes), (2019). Retrieved February 27, 2019 from

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