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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION VII SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ORMOC CITY May 2, 2022 Division Memorandum No. 229]. s.2022 PREPARATION AND CHECKING OF SCHOOL FORMS To: Public Schools District Supervisors Heads, Public & Private Elementary & Secondary Schools All Others Concerned 1. Pursuant to DepEd Memorandum No. 37, s. 2022 re: Resumption of the Implementation of the Policy on Checking of School Forms as prescribed in DepEd Order No. 11 s. 2018 entitled “Guidelines on the Preparation and Checking of Schoo! Forms” this office thru the Curriculum & implementation Division (CID) in collaboration with the School Governance & Operation Division {SGOD) hereby sets the schedule of the Checking of School Forms as follows: Kinder, Grade 6, 10 & 12 | Grade 1-5 & 7-9, 11 Venue L | Schooi Level June 6-40, 2022 July 4-8, 2022 School Division June 13-17, 2022 duly 14 - 15, 2022 CID Office or as Level determined by the | DCC Chairman Private 2 weeks before the scheduled Graduation | CID Office or as Schools, Day (Division Level); 3 weeks before the} determined by the scheduled Graduation Day (School Level) DCC Chairman | 2. School Heads shall strictly observe the procedure stipulated in Deped Order No. 11 s. 2018 & DepEd Memorandum No. 37, s. 2022. It is therefore expected that each school has. conducted a PRE CHECKING ACTIVITY involving the thorough review of all leamersceFASE i preparation for the scheduled Division Checking of forms. 5 Spates 5 SED) "Nora St, Brey. Don Felipe Larazabal, 6541, Ormoc Gy, Leyte ee }) Contact Numbers: (053) 561-1232 (Globelines); (053) 888-1807 (PLOT) aa wy Telefax: (053) 255-2554 Email: a Division Website:; > Page 1 of 4 ‘Republic of the Philippines: Bepartment of Education REGION Vit ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ORMOC CITY 3. The Division Checking Committee shall be composed of the following: Dr. Alejandro S. Almendras - QD Chief Dr. Artemia G. Leoberas =__SGOD chief Member ‘School Assignment DepEd Forms to be Checked Mrs. Melvin A. | Mr. Van. “Sts, Peter & Paul Schoo! “SFL - School Register Baldomar Gaspang House Corp. *SF 5 - Report on *Ormoc Kinderland, inc. Promotion “We | ester Leyte College of | ace Learners Progress | Ormoe City, Inc. | Report Card Dr. Caroline Mirs. Hazel. | * Ormoc Sugar Planters ‘Magno Maraviles Association Trng. Center *SF 10 - Learner's * St. Peter’s College of Ormoc, | Permanent Academic Ine. Record Mrs. Evelyn. | Dr. Elvin *Ormoc City Christian Tulagan ‘Wenceslao Academy * Live Birth Certificate * Ormoc Sacred Heart Child Devt. Center * Certificate of Completion * Ormoc School of the Diploma Morning Star | Mrs. Emma A. | Or. CristinaN. | *ACLC College of Ormoc Porcadilla Labor * san Lorenzo immaculate Concepcion Parochial School, Ormoc inc. _ Dr. Jereza C. Mrs Juliet B. * Ormoc Se San School, inc. Matiga Montebon * ormoc Immaculate Concepcion School Foundation (OICSFI) tne. St. Aloysius Institute of Technology, Inc. Mrs. Eva. Sios-e | Dr. Noel STI College-Ormoc inc. Labaniego *Mt. Moriah Christian | Academy Leyte, inc. } + Ormoc Holy Trinity ‘Narra St, Brgy. Don Felipe Larrazabal, 6541, Ormoc City, Leyte Contact Numbers: (053) 561-1232 (Globelines); (053) 888-4807 (PLDT) Telefax: (053) 255-2554 Email: Division Website:; Page2of4 Republic of tie Philippines Bepartment of Education REGION VIII SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ORMOC CITY ‘Montessori Academy Mrs. Ethel M. Imelda A. * Ormoc City Institute of | Salinas Amodia Technology * Daughter of St. Teresa Educational Center, Inc. Mis. Melissa R. | Dr. Remie D. *Our Lady of Lourdes School Bughao Puno of Ormoc, inc * San Lorenzo Ruiz College of Ormoc Mr. Uldarico N. | Mrs. Maria Pia B. | * Sto. Nino College of Ormoc | Bojos chu City, Inc. | * Ormoc Adventist Elementary | School incorporated Mis. Marylyn'S. | Dr. MylaneV. | *St. Paul's School of Ormoc Tagalog Barquera Foundation, inc. * San Agustin Schoolyard Montessori, Inc. *Baptist Bible Special Learning, Center of Ormoc, inc. Mr. Robert Jardin EPS-SGOD “SF4- Summary Mr. Ryan Bughao __| Planning Officer Enrollment & Movement Ryan T. Espina SEPS- Planning & Research | of Learners(to be checked by SGOD representatives) * SF 6-Summary Report ‘on Promotion (to be checked by SGOD representatives) 4. Each school is required to accomplish the School Forms Checking Report 1 (SFCR1) and submit the same to the District Office for consolidation. Public Schools District Supervisors {PSDS) shall accomplish the Consolidated District School Forms Checking Report (SFCR2) for each respective District using SFCR1 as the reference. DCC members assigned in every District shall accomplish the Consolidated Division School Forms Checking Report (SFCR3) & submit the same to the DCC Chair for consolidation. Narra St., Brgy. Don Felipe Larrazabal, 6541, Ormoc City, Leyte Contact Numbers: (053) 561-1232 (Globelines); (053) 888-4807 (PLOT) Telefax: (053) 255-2554 Email: Division Website: www.ormoccitydivision, com; Page of oN ey %e, y Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION VIL SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ORMOC CITY 5. Expenses incurred during the conduct of this activity shall be charged against local funds subject fo the usual accounting and auditing rules and procedures. 6. Immediate dissemination & strict compliance with this memorandum are desired. Enclosure: As stated Reference:DepEd Memorandum No. 37, s. 2022 & DepEd Order No. 11s. 2018 To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: BASIC EDUCATION DATA FORMS LEARNERS REPORTS SCHOOLS Narra St, Brgy. Dan Felipe Larrazabal, 6541, Ormoc City, Leyte Contact Numbers: (053) 561-1232 (Globelines); (053) 888-4807 (PLDT) Telefax: (053) 255-2554 Email: Division Website: www.ormoccitydivision. com; Page of 4

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