Year 7 Science Exam Practice Questions 2016

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Madeley High School

Year 7 Science Exam Practice Questions and Mark Scheme 2016

Q1. (a) The diagrams below show an animal cell and a plant cell.

(i) The lines from the boxes show the positions of two of the parts that are
present in both cells.
In the boxes, write the names of these two parts.
2 marks

(ii) Give the names of two parts which are present in plant cells but not in animal

1. ...........................................

2. ...........................................
2 marks

(b) Organs can carry out their functions because of the special cells they have.

Draw a straight line from the name of each type of cell to the function of the cell and
then to the process it carries out.
One has been done for you.

Page 1
3 marks
Maximum 7 marks

Q2. (a) Joseph and Meena did some experiments to show how new rocks can be

(i) Joseph used the following materials.

sand pebbles water plaster

Joseph mixed these materials and left the mixture to go hard.

The solid looked like this.
Rocks are grouped into three types: igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary.

Which of these types of rock is most like Joseph’s ‘rock’?

1 mark

(ii) Meena took some crystals. She put them in a crucible and heated it until the
crystals melted. She let the crucible cool very slowly until the contents went
solid. The solid she tipped out from the crucible looked like this.

Which of the three types of rock is most like Meena’s ‘rock’?

1 mark

(b) Rocks can be broken by weathering when:

1. Water gets into cracks in rocks.

2. The water in the cracks turns to ice and expands.

3. The rocks split into smaller pieces.

What else must happen during this part of this weathering process?
Tick two boxes.

The temperature stays the same.

The temperature falls below freezing point.

The temperature stays above freezing point.

Expansion forces the cracks in the rock to close.

Expansion forces the cracks in the rock to open.

Expansion forces all of the water out of the cracks.

2 marks
Maximum 4 marks


The action of the weather and plants on rocks or building materials is called
weathering. The material is damaged but nothing gets taken away.

When material is broken down and removed from the area the process is called

(a) For the examples described in the table, tick one box in each row to show if
the example is weathering, erosion or neither.
4 marks

(b) How does water cause weathering of a brick?


1 mark
Maximum 5 marks

Q4. The drawings below show what happens to the energy supplied to four appliances.
(a) (i) What percentage of energy of the light bulb is given out as light?
Write your answer on the line by the light bulb.
1 mark

(ii) What percentage of energy is wasted by the mixer?

Write your answer in the box by the mixer.
1 mark

(iii) Complete the sentence below.

Parts of the mixer become hot because some of the electrical

energy is changed into .......................................... energy which is

1 mark

(b) Energy is wasted as sound in many appliances.

Which appliance in the drawings produces sound which is not wasted?
1 mark
(c) In which of the appliances is the highest percentage of energy wasted?

1 mark
Maximum 5 marks

Q5. Nina’s bicycle has a front lamp and a rear lamp.

Both lamps are connected to the same battery.

(a) The circuit diagram for the lamps is drawn below.

(i) On the circuit diagram above, place a letter A to show the position of a
switch to turn only the front lamp on and off.
1 mark
(ii) On the circuit diagram above, place a letter B to show the position of a
switch to turn both lamps on and off at the same time.
1 mark

(b) The bulb in the rear lamp gives out white light.
White light is a mixture of all the colours of light.

The plastic cover acts as a red filter.

Red light passes through the filter.

What happens to the other colours that do not pass through?

1 mark

(c) Nina replaces the battery with a generator called a dynamo.

When Nina pedals her bicycle, the back wheel turns the generator.

Complete the sentences below using words from the box.

chemical electrical gravitational

kinetic light sound thermal

As Nina pedals, ..................................... energy in her muscles is

changed to kinetic energy.

When the generator turns, kinetic energy is changed to useful

..................................... energy in the wires. This energy in the wires is

changed to useful ..................................... energy in the bulb.

When the lamps are on, some of the energy in the bulb is wasted as

..................................... energy.
4 marks
maximum 7 marks
Q6. (a) The animals drawn below all have backbones.

not to scale

(i) What word describes animals with a backbone?

1 mark

(ii) There are five groups of animals with a backbone. Only four groups are shown
Give the name of the missing group

1 mark

(b) The drawing below shows the human backbone. It is made up of a number of small
Why is it an advantage that the backbone is made up of small bones rather than
one long bone?


1 mark

(c) The drawing below shows two small bones from the backbone.

Between the small bones there is a material called cartilage.

Cartilage is softer than bone.
Give one advantage of having a softer material between the bones.


1 mark

(d) The diagram below shows the bones and two muscles of an arm.
The biceps and triceps are muscles which raise and lower the forearm.
What happens to the biceps and triceps to raise the forearm?

the biceps ...........................................................

the triceps ...........................................................

1 mark
maximum 5 marks

Q7. Michelle added some universal indicator solution to four liquids.

Michelle uses the pH chart to fill in her table of results.

pH chart

pH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

colour red orange green blue purple

(a) The table below shows some of Michelle’s results.

Complete Michelle’s table of results below.

Use the pH chart to help you.

colour of universal
liquid pH
indicator solution
milk green
rain water 5

hydrochloric acid red

bleach 11

2 marks

(b) Explain why using acids can be dangerous.


1 mark

(c) Michelle measured the pH of some milk stored at room temperature for five days.

The graph of Michelle’s results is shown below.

One of the axes has been labelled.

1 mark

(i) Write the axis label for the graph at X.

(ii) Use the graph. How does the pH of the milk change over the five days?

1 mark
maximum 5 marks
Q8. (a) John attaches a ball to a spring. The diagram below shows what happens.

(i) Which arrow shows the direction of the force of the ball on the spring?
Tick the correct box.

1 mark

(ii) Which arrow shows the direction of the force of the spring on the ball?
Tick the correct box.

1 mark

(b) The diagram below shows three metal balls attached to identical springs.
Which ball is the heaviest?
Write the letter.

1 mark

Explain your answer.


1 mark

(c) John has another three identical springs.

He puts a cube on each spring. Each cube has a different mass.

The diagrams below show the springs before and after John added the cubes.

Which cube is the heaviest?

Write the letter.

1 mark

Explain your answer.


1 mark
maximum 6 marks

Q9. The diagram below shows the path of a meteor as it gets closer to the Earth.
The meteor is shown in three positions: A, B and C.
not to scale

(a) The path of the meteor is affected by the Earth’s gravity.

The arrow shows the direction of the force due to gravity acting on the meteor at B.

(i) On the diagram draw an arrow to show the direction of the force of gravity on
the meteor at A.
Use a ruler.
1 mark

(ii) On the diagram draw an arrow to show the direction of the force of gravity on
the meteor at C.
Use a ruler.
1 mark

(iii) How does the force of gravity on the meteor change as it travels from A to C?

1 mark
(b) What happens to the speed of the meteor as it travels from A to B?
1 mark

(c) When the meteor enters the Earth’s atmosphere, three forces act on the meteor.
Gravity and upthrust are two of these forces.

Give the name of the other force.

1 mark
maximum 5 marks


Some crushed ice at –20° C was placed in a beaker. A thermometer was put into
the ice, and the beaker was heated gently for 15 minutes.

The graph shows how the reading on the thermometer changed over the 15 minutes.
(a) By how much did the temperature in the beaker change during the 15 minutes?

.............................................. °C
1 mark

(b) Which letter on the graph shows:

(i) when the ice is melting? .........................................

1 mark
(ii) when the water is boiling?........................................
1 mark

(c) During the experiment, the beaker and its contents were quickly removed from
the heat and weighed on a balance at the following times.
at 0 minutes

at 5 minutes

at 10 minutes

at 15 minutes

(i) At which two times would you expect the readings on the balance to be
the same?

....................... minutes and .................... minutes

1 mark

(ii) Between which two of these times was the mass of the contents of the
beaker changing most rapidly?

....................... minutes and .................... minutes

1 mark
Maximum 5 marks

Q11. (a) Draw a line from each circuit symbol below to the correct name.
Draw only four lines.

circuit symbol name

3 marks

(b) Fred made circuit 1 as shown below.

Give the name of the part that is the energy source for the circuit.

1 mark

(c) Fred then made circuit 2 as shown below.

In the table below, tick a box to show whether circuit 1 and circuit 2 are series or
parallel circuits.
Tick only two boxes.

series parallel

circuit 1

circuit 2

1 mark

(d) What metal is usually used for wires in electric circuits?

1 mark
maximum 6 marks

Q12. (a) Max built circuit 1 as shown below.

circuit 1

He closed the switch, S, and all the bulbs came on.

One of the bulbs then broke and all the bulbs went off.

Which bulb must have broken?

Give the letter.

1 mark

(b) Max built circuit 2 as shown below.

He connected a plastic comb and a metal key in different parts of the circuit.

circuit 2

Look carefully at circuit 2.

Complete the table below to show which bulbs in circuit 2 will be on or off when
different switches are open or closed.
Write on or off in the boxes below.

switch 1 switch 2 bulb P bulb Q bulb R

open open off off off
open closed

closed open

2 marks

(c) Max built circuit 3 using a battery, two bulbs and three ammeters.

circuit 3

The current reading on ammeter A1 was 0.8 amps.

What would be the reading on ammeters A2 and A3?
Place one tick in the table by the correct pair of readings.

readingon reading on correct pair of

ammeter A2 (amps) ammeter A3 (amps) readings
0.8 0.8

0.8 0.4

0.4 0.8

0.4 0.4

1 mark
maximum 4 marks
Q13. The drawings below show four living things found in a wood.
not to scale

• Caterpillars eat oak leaves.

• Owls eat blackbirds.
• Blackbirds eat caterpillars.

(a) (i) Complete the food chain for these four living things.

oak tree → ................................. → ................................. → ..................................

1 mark

(ii) Why is an oak tree called a producer?

Tick the correct box.

It loses its leaves It makes food by

in autumn. photosynthesis.

Its flowers are tiny. Its leaves will not rot.

1 mark

(b) On one oak tree, there were two types of caterpillar.

not to scale

All the caterpillars were eating the leaves.

The number of gypsy moth caterpillars increased.

What happened to the number of orange-striped caterpillars?

1 mark

Explain your answer.


1 mark

(c) There are no caterpillars on the oak tree in winter.

Suggest a reason for this.


1 mark
maximum 5 marks
Q14. The diagram below shows part of a food web in a pond.
not to scale

(a) (i) The numbers of tiny algae and waterweed in the pond increase.
What effect will this have on the numbers of pond snails and water fleas?

1 mark

(ii) Some more perch are put into the pond. What will happen to the
numbers of midge larvae and diving beetles?

1 mark

(b) From the food web:

(i) give the name of one predator; ............................................................

1 mark
(ii) give the name of its prey; .....................................................................
1 mark

(iii) write one complete food chain which ends with perch.

......................... → ....................... → .......................... → perch

1 mark
Maximum 5 marks
M1. (a) (i) cell membrane
accept ‘membrane’
1 (L6)

answers must be in the correct order
1 (L6)

(ii) any two from

• cell wall

• chloroplast
accept ‘chlorophyll’

• large vacuole
accept ‘vacuole’
2 (L6)


if more than one line is drawn from any cell or function,

award no mark for those linkages
3 (L6)
M2. (a) (i) sedimentary
accept ‘conglomerate’

(ii) igneous

(b) The temperature falls below freezing point.


Expansion forces the cracks in the rock to open.

if more than two boxes are ticked, deduct one
mark for each incorrect tick
minimum mark zero

M3. (a)
example weathering erosion neither

The stones in an old wall have been

pushed apart by the roots of weeds.

An old granite gravestone is still

smooth and shiny.

A clay flower pot in the garden has

• crumbled and broken into pieces
during the winter.

Some soil has been washed from a

flower bed by rain.

if more than one box is ticked in any row,

award no mark for that row
4 (L4)

(b) freezing or freeze-thaw

accept ‘acid rain’ or ‘chemical weathering’
do not accept ‘weathering’ or ‘rain’
1 (L4)

M4. (a) (i) 5

1 (L4)

(ii) 60
1 (L4)

(iii) thermal
accept ‘heat’
1 (L4)

(b) radio
1 (L4)

(c) light bulb

accept ‘bulb’ or ‘light’ or ‘lamp’
1 (L3)

M5. (a) (i) •

accept a switch drawn and labelled A marked

on any part of the circuit highlighted
do not accept a switch at either function
the switch must be labelled for the mark
1 (L5)
(ii) •
accept a switch drawn and labelled B marked
on any part of the circuit highlighted
do not accept a switch at either junction
the switch must be labelled for the mark
1 (L5)

(b) • they are absorbed

accept ‘they are blocked or
filtered out’
‘they are filtered’ is insufficient
1 (L6)

(c) • chemical
answers must be in the correct order
1 (L6)

• electrical
1 (L5)

• light
1 (L5)

• thermal
‘heat’ is insufficient as the question asks for
a word from the box
1 (L5)

M6. (a) (i) vertebrates

do not accept ‘vertebrae’
1 (L5)

(ii) reptiles
1 (L5)
(b) any one from

• so that it can bend

• to allow movement
1 (L5)

(c) any one from

• to stop the bones rubbing together

accept ‘it reduces friction’

• to stop bones getting worn down

• to cushion the bones

accept ‘it can be squashed’
accept ‘it absorbs shock’
1 (L5)

(d) the biceps contracts

the triceps relaxes
both answers are required for the mark
1 (L6)

M7. (a) • 7

• orange

• an answer in the range 1–3 accept ‘1–3’

• purple
for all four rows correct, award two marks
for any two or three rows correct, award one mark
answers must be in the correct column and row in the table
2 (L3)

(b) any one from

• they are corrosive
• they burn or irritate
accept ‘they can damage your skin or eyes’
‘‘in case it touches your skin’ is insufficient
it is harmful or poisonous’ is insufficient
‘it can kill you’ is insufficient
‘wear gloves’ is insufficient
do not accept ‘it is flammable’
1 (L4)

(c) (i) • time, in days

accept ‘time’
accept ‘days’
do not accept ‘hours’ or ‘minutes’
1 (L4)

(ii) it goes down or decreases

accept ‘it becomes acidic’
‘it goes red’ is insufficient
accept ‘it goes from 6.5 to 2.5’
accept ‘the acid gets stronger’
‘it goes sour’ is insufficient
if the label for X is incorrect in part (ci),
do not penalise again in part (cii)
1 (L4)

M8. (a) (i) • ↓

1 (L3)
if more than one box is ticked, award no mark

(ii) • ↑
if more than one box is ticked, award no mark
1 (L3)

(b) • B
accept ‘the middle
or second one’
1 (L3)
any one from

• it hangs down the most

accept ‘the spring is wider apart’

• it stretches the spring most

accept ‘it stretches more’

• the spring is longer

accept ‘it stretched the longest’
this mark cannot be awarded if the response conflicts with
the first part of (b)
a comparative answer is required for the mark
non-comparative answers such as ‘it is long’ are insufficient
1 (L3)

(c) • T
accept ‘the last one’
1 (L3)

any one from

• the spring was pushed down the most amount

accept ‘it squashes more’

• the cube pushed it down the most

accept ‘the spring is the tightest’

• the spring is shorter

accept ‘it is shortest’
this mark cannot be awarded if the response conflicts with
the first part of (c)
a comparative answer is required for the mark
non-comparative answers such as ‘it is short’ are insufficient
1 (L4)

M9. (a) (i)(ii) •

accept arrows drawn within the tolerance of half the diameter
of the Earth shown by the dashed lines
do not accept arrows outside tolerances shown
award one mark for an arrow from the meteor in position A
award one mark for an arrow from the meteor in position C
2 (L5)

(iii) any one from

• it increases
accept ‘it gets stronger’
accept ‘it attracts more’

• it changes direction
‘it curves round’ is insufficient
1 (L5)

(b) any one from

• increases or goes up
accept ‘it accelerates’

• it gets faster
1 (L5)

(c) any one from

• air resistance
accept ‘friction’
do not accept ‘wind resistance’

• drag
accept ‘lift’
‘resistance’ is insufficient
do not accept ‘weight’ or ‘upthrust’ or ‘gravity’
1 (L6)
(a) 121
do not accept ‘120’
1 (L5)

(b) (i) Q
1 (L5)

(ii) S
1 (L5)

(c) (i) 0 and 5

both stages are required for the mark
1 (L5)

(ii) 10 and 15
both stages are required for the mark
1 (L5)

M11. (a)
all four lines are required for three marks
any three lines are required for two marks
any two lines are required for one mark
if more than one line is drawn from a symbol,
do not give credit for that symbol
3 (L4)

(b) battery
accept ‘cell’ or ‘cells’
accept ‘power supply’ or ‘power pack’
1 (L4)

series parallel

circuit 1

circuit 2

both ticks are required for one mark

if more than one box is ticked in any row, award no mark
1 (L4)
(d) copper
accept ‘aluminium’
accept ‘gold’
do not accept any other metal
1 (L4)

M12. (a) • E
1 (L5)


off off off

• on off on

• off off off

award one mark for each correct row

2 (L5)

(c) • * 0.8 0.8

if more than one box is ticked, award no mark
1 (L6)

M13. (a) (i) oak tree → caterpillar → blackbird → owl

all three answers are required for the mark
1 (L4)

(ii) It makes food by photosynthesis.

if more than one box is ticked, award no mark
1 (L4)
(b) either

• decreased or went down

1 (L3)

any one from

• fewer leaves to feed on

• gypsy moth caterpillars ate most of the leaves

accept ‘gypsy moth caterpillars ate the leaves’
accept ‘the gypsy moth caterpillars ate all the
leaves or all the food’

• less food
accept ‘no food’
accept ‘they were competing for food’
1 (L4)


any one from

• increased or went up

• stayed the same

1 (L3)

any one from

• they had enough food or leaves

• more eggs hatched

1 (L4)

(c) the tree loses its leaves

accept ‘no leaves’ or ‘no food’; accept ‘it is too cold’
accept ‘caterpillars change into pupae
or chrysalises or moths’
do not accept ‘caterpillars hibernate in winter’
1 (L4)

M14. (a) (i) they will increase

accept ‘more will die’ or ‘more will be eaten’
or ‘they will die out’
1 (L4)

(ii) they will decrease

do not accept ‘they will die’
or ‘they will be eaten’
1 (L4)

(b) one mark is for the name of a predator and one mark is for the prey
of that predator

(i) any one from

• perch

• midge larva

• diving beetle
1 (L4)

(ii) any one from

prey of perch:

• midge larva or diving beetle

prey of midge larva:

• water flea

prey of diving beetle:

• water flea or pond snail

1 (L4)

(iii) any one from

• algae → water flea → midge larva → perch

• algae → water flea → diving beetle → perch

• algae → pond snail → diving beetle → perch

• waterweed → pond snail → diving beetle → perch

1 (L4)
Madeley High School

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