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Translation Tools (Wulandari & Handayani, 2019)

U- Dictionary is one of English offline dictionary that can be downloaded by every student in every
grade. It can be found at playstore, one of application in android phone. It is easy to use either to
increase the vocabulary or to improve the ability in pronouncing English word because U- Dictionary not
only provides the meaning of a word but also giving the spell of a word. With U-Dictionary, Everyone not
only can translate words and short phrases, but also practice the skills in any language. U- Dictionary can
be used as an effective learning media to increase the students’ vocabulary. From the main tab,
everyone can quickly access short tests and mini games to practice any language wanted. By using U-
Dictionary as a learning media in teaching speaking particularly increasing the vocabulary, the students’
vocabulary has increased significantly.

Dengan itu, berikut adalah beberapa kelebihan dan kekurangan yang patut dipertimbangkan: (ULFIANI,

Advantages of U-Dictionary Application

The others advantages can be divided as follows:

a. There is camera translator in the U-Dictionary application. Take a picture with text and this
application will be able to translate it.
b. Copy any text or phrase will automatically translated.
c. One of word in U-Dictionary application always shows at Android Lock screen. It produces a
sound that can practice easily, so it can improve vocabulary and pronunciation.
d. U-Dictionary application serve quiz. The quiz can different in each day, for the example such as
spelling quiz, grammar quiz, vocabulary quiz, multiple choice, speaking, writing, complete a
word, listening music quiz.
e. U-Dictionary application serves some articles. Usually, the article includes the sound and
subtitle. It can be a story, descriptive, procedure, knowledge, etc.
f. There is a video usually call “Sunday motivational video” which includes about knowledge that
can improve personal life. There is an English subtitle in it.
g. U-Dictionary application can be accessed anywhere and everywhere, so teachers are not difficult
to implement it in indoor learning or outdoor learning. It is a media learning language as well
which allows the learners to learn wherever they have internet connection and whenever they
need it.

Disadvantages of U-Dictionary Application

a. In terms of open some features of U-Dictionary application such as spelling quiz, grammar quiz,
vocabulary quiz, multiple choice, speaking, writing, complete a word, listening music quiz
requires internet connection.
2. Tips in Translating (
bahasa-indonesia-yang-benar/ )

1. Understanding Vocabulary and Grammar

2. Use the Correct Language Structure

3. Translate according to the context of the sentence

6. Reread Sentences That Have Been Translated

3. Translation (

Common Mistake when Translating from Indonesian to English.

a. Translate the Meaning of What It Is

Many translators make the mistake of translating the text verbatim. As a translator. You need to
translate a script into another language in the same style as required. There are some syntax rules for
different languages that you should understand before translating you must understand the use of
subjects and objects of various language. For example, you can't equate English to English translations
Arabic because they both have different syntax. Use a dictionary whenever you need to translate a text,
as it will understand you in the correct use of words. You can also ask a native speaker to check the
translation to make sure that the script style is correct.

b. Exaggerating the Meaning of Words

Beginner translators tend to overestimate translation tasks due to lack of experience. When they are in
this profession, they want to give their best. However, this is not to be expected if you become a
professional translator. To translate a text effectively, we must not overdo it with technical words or
sentences that are complex or even do not contain the intended meaning in the source language. You
must first understand your client's requirements and carry out the translation according to those
requirements. Understand the specifications that clients want and expect from you. Ask him what it
will be used for in the text to be translated. If it is for personal use, keep the translation simple.
However, if it is necessary for publishing purposes, you must comply with the guidelines or standards of
the publisher.

c. Using the Wrong Words

Novice translators often use vocabulary in the wrong context. There are certain words that cannot be
translated into other languages. Translators often find it difficult to distinguish words that refer to a
certain gender. Although in Indonesian there is no distinction between the words for male and female
gender. In Indonesian, this error is often related to the use of the words we, us, ours which often only
uses the word kami, and ignores the possibility of the word "kita" which indicates ownership.
Understand these rules to be an effective translator.
4. Proofreading (

Proofreading is the process of editing text to ensure that grammar, spelling, and punctuation are
correct. It also involves checking the paper or content for typos. Moreover, proofreading is a process in
which an editor reads text to look for errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and typography.

Proofreading is very important when a paper will be submitted to a Scopus indexed journal. Scopus
indexed international journal editors usually request a certificate from native proofreading. At, we provide high-quality proofreading services. Not only improving spelling, grammar,
structure, punctuation and spelling, goodlingua also improves flow, so that writing becomes more
natural and flowing, thereby increasing readability.

5. Brochure and Poster (

The difference between brochures and posters is:

Brochures are printed on two sides and are not bound, while posters are generally printed on one side,
not folded, and consist of only 1 page.

Brochures are folded and consist of several pages, while posters are not

The information on the brochure is a lot and can be detailed, while the information on the poster is
limited and straight to the point

Brochures are more effective if they are distributed by distributing them to people, not pasting them.
Whereas posters can be affixed to a place but can also be given to people

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