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‘Banishing Grace’: Easy Spell to Ward Off Evil & Negativity 

Use this simple recipe as a spell for 

protection against negativity. 
Whether you need to banish 
someone’s energy to get rid of a 
curse, or banish a spirit from your 
home, this incantation will ward off intrusive energies that might be 
hurting you or making you vulnerable to psychic attacks. 

Why this Spell Works 

■ For this protection ritual, we will harness the powers of the red 

a Pagan symbol of beauty, purity, rebirth and communication with 

the Other World. 

■ In combination, a bay leaf will represent an offering. Bay leaves are 

often linked to purification of the spirit, protection against 
negative entities, and spell-breaking qualities. Watch a video 
lesson on Witchcraft with Bay leaves. 
The best day of the week to cast this spell is a Friday. You can also do this 
ritual to break bad luck or lift your spirit when you are going through a 
rough patch. This is a protection spell with a simple chant and it’s 
perfectly safe to do at home. 

‘Banishing Grace’: Easy Spell to Remove Evil & Negativity 


● 1 red apple 
● 1 bay leaf (fresh or dried) 
● Knife (or your boline) 


● Place the apple on your altar or table, right in front of you. Look at it 
and focus deeply on your goal: Sending away all negativity. 
● Visualize a protective layer around you, that makes all negative 
energies bounce off. Keep this image in your mind. 
● Cut the apple in two halves and put them on the table, facing up. 
● Place the bay leaf on top of one of the halves as you say this: 

Red and Green, Banishing Grace. Cast All Evil out this place!’’ 

Repeat this 3 times with a loud voice. Have faith and deeply believe that 
your wish will be fulfilled. This is very important. 

● Once you are convinced that it will work, put the two parts of the 
apple together and bury it in fresh soil, it could be in your garden, a 
park or forest. 

Sun Sigil to Pass an Exam 

This spell to ace an exam channels focus and 

concentration into a solar sigil that will be 
your good luck charm for the test.  

While the best thing you can do to pass a 

test is study (a lot!), you can invoke positive 
energy that will help you pass the exam in an 
easy, pleasant way. If you need to take a test, 
whether it’s for a job interview, a driving test, 
or board exam, cast this easy Wiccan spell to pass the test. Do this ritual 
the day before you take the exam, during any lunar phase. 

Why this Spell Works 

■ The Sun has planetary correspondences linked to growth, 

brightness, healing, and success. We will invoke its power through 
a prayer to a Solar deity or chanting a simple Wiccan spell. 
■ Incense provides an anchor for our practice, whether it’s 
meditating, studying, or working. The power of this aromatherapy 
trick lies in that when we smell something, the limbic system in our 
brains is triggered, which is responsible for our ability to learn and 
■ The spiritual meanings of the yellow candle include promoting 
focus, intellect, and mental clarity. A yellow candle can be 
beneficial for meditation and concentration while casting spells 
and other spiritual practices 


● 1 yellow candle 
● 1 incense stick or essential oil (such as Lemon, Lavender, Jasmine, 
Rosemary, Cinnamon, Peppermint). 
● Your study books or course material 
● Pen or pencil 
● Piece of paper 


● Light the incense and take 3 deep breaths. Relax and have a positive 
attitude. If you need to ground yourself, cast a circle or meditate for 
a few minutes. 
● Take the piece of paper and draw an image of the sun. Decorate it in 
any way you want or keep it simple. It doesn’t have to be very big. 
● Light the yellow candle and chant the following spell: 
● Visualize your being of Light, or the Sun’s spiritual energy, coming to 
help you. Giving you strength, focus and memory when you take the 
exam. Imagine the sunlight transmitting its light and clearing your 
mind so you can pass the exam. 
● Meditate for a few minutes or use this time to chant a prayer to a 
solar deity. Find guided pagan prayers below. 
● When you’re ready, put out the candle (you can blow it out) and keep 
the drawing with you. It will be your lucky amulet during the test. 

Spell to Stop Procrastinating 

One of the biggest 

obstacles to moving 
forward in life is the habit 
of postponing tasks, in 
other words, 
procrastinating. This is 
especially true when it 
comes to learning how to 
become a Witch. We all 
find ourselves postponing our daily meditations or find reasons not to 
cast spells or do our witches’ homework.  

A spell to stop procrastinating should be quick and easy to do, otherwise 

we will postpone the casting of this very spell! That’s why this simple 
technique works. If the habit of procrastinating has become your number 
one enemy, try this easy Wiccan spell: 

● Focus 


● Think about the task you want to do, avoiding the words “​ I have to…” 
or ​“I should…”​. These type of phrases imply that you have no choice, 
that you won’t do it unless you must. For example, never say to 
yourself: ​“I have to study”. 
● Say to yourself something like “​ I choose to study now”​, or “​ I am ready 
to study”​ (replace with the task you are about to do). This way of 
thinking implies that you have control and it helps you avoid 
● When you’re ready, count down in your head: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 — and do it! 
● Quit whatever it is you are doing and get to work on the 
task.​Fearless Sigil’ Self-Confidence Spell with Cho Ku Rei 

Cho Ku Rei is a very versatile symbol that can cast 
away anxiety and fear. Use this spell before taking a 
test, a job interview, or in any other stressful 
situation. This easy spell is like drawing a sigil in the 
air. It can boost your self-confidence and is a great 
addition to anyone’s book of spells. 

Why this Spell Works 

■ Cho-Ku-Rei is a Japanese figure known as 

the Reiki Power Symbol and it has the ability to 
increase or expand energy. This symbol is used by Reiki Masters 
and students to focus and channel their energy  

Anyone can cast this simple spell to consecrate and activate the Cho Ku 
Rei symbol before using it. This candle spell can be considered Wiccan 
(Eclectic) and works just like an amulet consecration spell. 


● 1 white candle 
● Finger or wand 

● Light the white candle on your altar. Sit down and relax. 
● Enter your sacred space by casting a circle or simply meditating for 
a moment. 

Say:​” I Bless this symbol and invoke its Powers:Strength And 


● Draw the symbol in the air once, using a wand or the index finger of 
your dominant hand. Start at the top, go downwards and start the 
spiral at the bottom with a counter clockwise movement. 
● Let the candle burn as you meditate for a few minutes. 
● Whenever you need a boost of confidence or encouragement, draw 
the symbol in the air in front of you. 


This spell can act as a confidence boost, a spell for strength, to be 
more likeable or for self-love depending on your needs. The Cho Ku 
Rei symbol can also be considered a very powerful form of Sigil 
Magic and it has a number of uses in protection rituals: 

■ Channeling and directing sacred healing energy. 

■ Enhancing the power of other symbols or elements. 
■ Removing fears, phobias and anxiety. 
■ Cleansing a room or object of negative energies. 

You can also cast the symbol at any time you need to protect yourself 
from negative thoughts and feelings.  

Peace of Mind Spell with Candles and Music 

Peace of 
mind: (noun) a 
feeling of 
being safe or 

Are you going through times of fear or uncertainty? If you’re craving 

peace of mind for at least 5 minutes, try casting this spell for inner peace 
and harmony. Never forget that you are a being of potential, of peace, of 
love, of power. The light within you can never be extinguished.  
A simple ritual for peace can help you find renewed calm with almost no 
ingredients, just the power of Candle Magic. Learn how to cast a spell for 
peace following the Wiccan-friendly recipe below. 

Why this Spell Works 

■ Tealight candles carry the warmth of the hearth, the element Fire, 
a powerful spiritual energy that gives strength and can help you 
face your fears. 
■ Music can trigger chemical reactions in your brain that contribute 
to relaxation. From reducing stress hormones to stimulating 
feelings of happiness, music can almost instantly translate to a 
good mood. 


● 9 white tea light candles 

● Matches 
● Ambient music 


● Play some ambient music. Find a music player below this recipe. 
● Find a comfortable place to sit on the floor or in a chair where you 
are able to place candles around you. Carefully place each candle in 
a circle around you. Or do a bath spell instead by placing them 
around the tub. 
● Take three deep breaths to relax and focus. Release the tension and 
worry from the day by tensing your muscles and relaxing them. Take 
a moment to focus on your breath. 
● Light the candles one at a time moving in a clockwise direction. 
● Focus your attention on your breath. Visualize a white light 
beginning in your abdomen and gently spreading throughout your 
body. Concentrate on each part: core, shoulders, arms, hands, legs, 
feet, crown of the head. 
● During your visualization, take time to find peace and serenity within 
you and let its purity fill your body and soul. 
● When you are done, extinguish the candles or place them on your 
altar and let them burn all the way. 

‘Eternal Beauty’ Spell with a Mirror 

Would you like to be more attractive? 

This beauty spell is a simple Magic 
ritual to improve your appearance or 
at least feel more comfortable with it. 

While there’s nothing more inspiring 

than the beauty of the heart ♥, 
sometimes we can’t help but to feel 
physically unattractive. If this is your 
case, add a bit of Magic to your 
beauty routine and you will notice how 
you feel more secure when getting 
ready to go out.  

Why this Spell Works 

■ Red Candles​ are associated with physical attraction and passion, 

courage, magnetism, and desire. The power of Element Fire can 
bring self-esteem, ambition and renewal. 
■ Mirrors can reflect inner truths and are a window into the soul. 
Others say that the mirror represents the barrier between 
conscious and unconscious. 
■ Essential oils carry the Magic powers of herbs and plants. These 
oils create an energetic atmosphere that aligns with beauty and 
self-care: Aloe, Lavender, Frankincense, Rose. 

● 1 hand mirror 
● 1 red candle 
● Essential oil (Aloe, Lavender, Frankincense or Rose) 
● Candle holder or dish 


● Find a private space. Take the red candle in one hand and the 
mirror in the other hand. 
● Look at yourself in the mirror as you hold the candle like a 
● See yourself as confident as your favorite singer, TV presenter or 
actor/actress. Adjust your posture and body language as if you were 
laughing and talking effortlessly. 
● Once you have channeled this energy of confidence and perfection, 
place the mirror down on your altar or table and hold the candle 
with both hands. 
● Dress your candle using the essential oil as you prepare to open a 
door to the powerful attraction of beauty. As you do this, chant this 
Wiccan beauty spell:  

“Reflection Of the Goddess, make this picture clearer. In summer and 

winter, I look into my mirror.Background with Harmony, and beauty 
in front. Waking or sleeping, with self-love and trust. Powerful Mirror 
you are my friend. Bless my ways until the end.” 

● Light the candle and place it on a candle holder or dish. 

● Meditate or go on with your beauty or self-care routine as the 
candle burns. Find more beauty prayers and meditations below. 
● Your mirror is now consecrated. Take good care of it and use this 
mirror any time you need to feel beautiful or attractive. 

‘Cleanse & Protect’: A Pre-Spell 
Spiritual Bath 

Cleansing and purifying baths 

are typically used to rid the 
bather of negative influences 
and evil spirits. Although it’s not 
always necessary, it’s a good idea to perform a ritual bath before casting 
spells, especially if you are not feeling 100% present or in a clear state of 

This pre-spell cleansing bath can be done at any time and will set the 
perfect mood for any kind of spellwork, but particularly on those where we 
need to open a spiritual road, such as unblocking a path to success, 
money, love, or luck.  

Why this Spell Works 

■ Spiritual baths​ can offer an extra layer of protection when we feel 

weak or vulnerable. Cleansing baths are ideal to strengthen our 
spiritual defense barriers. 
■ Bay leaves have been used for centuries to promote protection 
■ success in Magical workings. Watch a video lesson on the Green 
Uses of Bay leaves. 
■ Rosemary is a purifying agent that will remove negativity and 
toxins from your skin. Learn more about Rosemary in Green 
■ Rue is a sacred cleansing herb that has been used for banishing 
and warding. The Magical properties of rue can keep diseases and 
other negative influences away. 

‘Cleanse & Protect’: A Pre-Spell Spiritual Bath 

Take this bath to remove negative energies cleansing your body and 
spirit. This Wiccan cleansing and protection ritual uses the right herbs 
and a white candle to prepare you for any Magical working. 


● Rue 
● Bay leaf 
● Rosemary 
● 1 white candle (optional) 


● Add 1 teaspoon of each dried herb (use more if fresh) to a pot of 
● Bring to a boil and let it simmer for 20 minutes. 
● Meanwhile, take a regular bath or shower so you are physically 
● Light a candle if you wish and prepare the bathtub in any way you 
want. You can add some relaxing music, for example. 
● Filter out the herbs and then pour the spiritual bath water over 
yourself using a cup or scoop. Start from your head and work your 
way down. 
● Relax and clear your mind during this time you have created just for 
● When you are done, it’s best to air dry rather than towel dry. 

‘Fire Flowers’: A Wiccan Spell to Open Roads to Love 

How this Spell Works 

■ This Wiccan ritual works as a road opener love spell and is 
intended for those who have been through a bad breakup or a 
distressing relationship and have closed themselves to giving or 
receiving love. It will also work for anyone that needs a boost of 
self-love or an amorous ritual to clear the way to a new love life. 
■ We will use the power of the pink candle to relief anxiety and bring 
a morale boost. 

The ingredients are very easy to find, as you will only need some incense (it 
could be an incense stick or dried herbs), an essential oil to dress the 
candle (choose from the options below), and 3 white flowers.  

‘Fire Flowers’: A Wiccan Spell to Open Roads to Love 

Burning candles for love can be enhanced adding flowers and essential 
oils. Cast a spell and bring love into your life with a pink candle and some 


● 1 pink candle 
● Incense (e.g. cinnamon, jasmine, roses or ylang-ylang) 
● Essential oil (e.g. cinnamon, clove, jasmine, linden flower, myrtle, 
orange, palmarosa, rose, vanilla or yarrow) 
● 3 dried white flowers (e.g. daisies, carnations, lilies, tulips, daffodils or 
● Your cauldron or any fireproof container 
● Paper and pencil 
● Candle holder or dish 

● Light the incense and let its aroma fill the space. 
● Dress your candle using the essential oil as you prepare to open a 
door to the powerful love that transforms everything that it touches. 
As you do this, say: 

“​ I clean and consecrate this candle so that it may serve as a sign of 
the covenant between me and the Element Fire.” 

● Light the candle and place it on the candle holder or a dish. 

● Take one of the white flowers and gently remove the petals one by 
one. As you do this, breathe slowly and say the following incantation​:  

I am (inhale) 

Full of Power (exhale)  

A powerful love (inhale) 

That Burns like fire (exhale)” 

● Do this with all 3 flowers and place the petals in the cauldron. Use 
this time to clear your mind of all worries and thoughts. 
● On the piece of paper, write your full name. 
● Light the piece of paper with the candle flame and put it in the 
cauldron so that it burns safely. 
● Let the candle burn and also bury the remains in the flowerpot as 
you say Thanks. 
● Take the ashes and the remaining petals from the cauldron and 
bury them (in a garden or flowerpot). 


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