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NAME: Johnny Granizo DATE: 2021 – 24 – 11

1. Complete the questions in the quiz below. I'm certain

DO YOU KNOW I know. It's ...
It's definitely ...
1 Are penguins birds, mammals, or amphibians? It must I can't be ...
2 Where do they live?
3 Why don’t their feet freeze? (Be careful!)
4 Do humans have the largest brains on earth? I'm not sure
I think ...
5 What is the biggest member of the cat family? It's possibly that ...
6 How long can a crocodile hold its breath underwater? It could / might be ...
7 Why do people have eyebrows?
8 Why do we have fingerprints? I definitely don't know
(I have) no idea.
9 Why does our hair go gray?
Absolutely no clue.
10 Why does hot water freeze more quickly than cold? I honestly don't know.

2. Listen and match conversations A-J with the correct questions In the quiz (Audio 2.10)

D 1 Are penguins birds, mammals, or amphibians?

A 2 Where do they live?

I 3 Why don't their feet freeze? (Be careful!)

G 4 Do humans have the largest brains on Earth?

B 5 What is the biggest member of the cat family?

H 6 How long can a crocodile hold its breath underwater?

F 7 Why do people have eyebrows?

C 8 Why do we have fingerprints?

E 9 Why does our hair go gray?

J 10 Why does hot water freeze more quickly than cold?


1 bat b 11 mouse g
2 bear g 12 parrot b
3 bee d 13 rat g
4 butterfly d 14 salmon c
5 dolphin e 15 shark c
6 fly d 16 snake f
7 frog a 17 spider g
8 human g 18 wasp d
9 lion g 19 whale e
10 mosquito d 20 zebra g


Would we die if honeybees didn't exist?

Honeybees around the world are disappearing fast.
Honeybees don't just give us honey and wax. A lot of the food we eat is directly or indirectly
provided by bees, too. Why is that? Because they pollinate the fruit and vegetables that we eat.
They also pollinate the grasses and cereals that cows, pigs, sheep, and chickens eat, and that we
then eat ourselves.
But honeybees around the world are disappearing fast. Pesticides, parasites, disease, and loss of
habitat are all responsible. If there weren't any honeybees, what would we do? If they
disappeared completely, would we starve?
Well, if that ever happened, some other creatures could help fill the gap. Other kinds of bees and
some kinds of flies are good at pollinating a wide variety of plants and flowers. Butterflies are
quite good, too, though not as good as honeybees. And, of course, there are always humans. We
could do it ourselves! But if we did it ourselves, it would take a lot of time, and it would cost a
lot of money, making food very expensive. So, while we probably wouldn't starve if honeybees
disappeared, life would be a lot more difficult. So let's protect those bees as much as we can!
1 Why are honeybees dying? What kinds of thing are killing them?
They are dying because of pesticides, parasites, disease, and loss of

2 What would be the consequences of a world without honeybees ...

a) on other insects?
Other kinds of creature would pollinate flowers instead.
b) on humans?
We could pollinate flowers ourselves, but it would take a lot of time
And money.
c) on the price of food?
Food would be more expensive
d) on life in general?
Life would be more difficult

Would we die? if honeybees didn’t exist (not

If they disappeared Would we starve?
(disappear) completely,
We probably wouldn’t if honeybees disappeared
starve(not starve) (disappear).

1 Do we use this conditional to talk about (underline)

a) hypothetical situations in the present or future

b) real situations?

2 What tense is used after if? Subject

3 What tense is used in the other part of the sentence?

would I could + infinitive form of the verb.

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