Learning Activity Sheet in Mapeh 10: Health 10 - 2 Quarter - Week 3

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Health 10 – 2nd Quarter – Week 3


Critically analyzes the impact of current health trends, issues, and concerns (H10HC-IIc-d-4)

Learning Objective:
- Identify the health policies safeguarding the people’s health and safety
- Explain the importance of awareness on social health issues
- Reflect the benefits of having safety environment

Key Concepts


* Republic Act No. 10175 or the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012

With the advancement of technology, there are various platforms where you may express
yourself. This diversity may do both good and harm you. “Cyber refers to a computer or a
computer network, the electronic medium in which online communication takes place”. Thus
cybercrime is simply any crime committed in cyberspace. To protect citizens from this concern,
the government mandated Republic Act 10175 or the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012.
The law mandates the prohibition of cybersex, child pornography, unsolicited commercial
communications, and computer-related identity theft.

* Republic Act No. 9775 or the Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009

Republic Act No. 9775 or the Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009 defines crime of child
pornography. As defined, “Child pornography” refers to any representation, whether visual,
audio, or written combination thereof, by electronic, mechanical, digital, optical, magnetic or any
other means. Of children engaged or involved in real or simulated explicit sexual activities”
(Official Gazette, 2009). In addition, it is also important to note how the Act defines a “child”.

“Child” refers to a person below eighteen (18) years of age or over, but is unable to fully
take care of himself/herself from abuse, neglect, cruelty, exploitation or discrimination because
of a physical or mental disability or condition.

For the purpose of this Act, a child shall also refer to:
(1) a person regardless of age who is presented, depicted or portrayed as a child as defined
herein; and
(2) computer-generated, digitally or manually crafted images or graphics of a person who is
represented or who is made to appear to be a child as defined herein.

Child pornography may also be syndicated if there are three (3) or more persons
confederating with one another. In this light, it is not only the victim who can file a complaint,
but the parents or guardians, relative within third degree, office or social worker of a licensed
child-caring institution or DSWD, barangay chairman, law enforcement officer, at least three (3)
concerned responsible citizens in the same place where the pornography occurs, an a person
who is knowledgeable of the law may do so.


School/Station: Manambia Integrated School
Division: Surigao Del Sur
email address: nineljean.cantera@deped.gov.ph
Once the victim is identified, he/she is subject to care, custody and treatment from the
Department of Social Development and Welfare. In addition, the inter-agency program shall also
be established to prevent child pornography.

* Republic Act No. 8949 or the Anti-Hazing Law

Fraternities and Sororities, gangs, and social groups are starting to become more and
more identified and publicized. Because of their “alleged” prestige and prime, more teens are
encouraged to be part of them. For some of these groups, hazing may be an option to test an
“applicant’s” willingness and commitment. On the other hand, hazing is very dangerous, and
proven to have killed many lives.

The government protects the youth through the Republic Act No. 8949 or the Anti-Hazing
Law. The Act penalizes those who will go too far during initiation rites wherein the “applicant” is
subjected to severe physical and emotional pain and suffering.

* Republic Act No. 7719 or the National Blood Services Act of 1994

Being proactive citizens of the country, you must willingly help others in ways that will
not harm you. One of the emerging forms of voluntary service is blood donation. Republic Act
No. 7719 or the National Blood Services Act of 1994 aims to promote and encourage
voluntary blood donation by the citizenry, providing for adequate, safe, affordable and equitable
distribution of supply of blood and blood products. In order to attain these aims, the Act
provisions the establishment of a Blood Services Network which consists the following:

a. National Council for Blood Services and its various committees

b. Philippine National Blood Services

c. Authorized Blood Collection Units and Facilities

d. Private and Public Hospital Blood Banks and Blood Stations

e. Non-Hospital Health Facilities

f. National Reference Laboratories for Immunology and Immunohematology


* Republic Act No. 9512 or the National Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008
The Act promotes environmental awareness through environmental education. Various
educational agencies, DSWD, DOST and DENR shall integrate environmental education in their
curricula. It shall encompass the concepts and principles, laws, international and national best
practices, threats of degradation and its impacts to human well-being, responsibilities of human
conversation, protection and rehabilitation of resources, and sustainable development through
the environment. In addition, environmental education shall also be part of the National Service
Training Program (NSTP).

* Republic Act 8750 or the Seat belt use Act of 1999

Republic Act 8750 or the Seat belt use Act of 1999 aims to secure and safeguard
passengers and drivers of motor vehicles from injuries and other effects of vehicular accidents.
The policy includes the mandatory wearing of seatbelts by the driver and from seat passengers of
any running motor vehicle. The Act also prohibits children from sitting in the front seat of any
motor vehicle.


School/Station: Manambia Integrated School
Division: Surigao Del Sur
email address: nineljean.cantera@deped.gov.ph
In addition, the Republic Act No. 10586 or the Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving Law
also penalizes those who will be caught driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, and other
similar substances.

Activity1: Identify Me!

Direction: Identify what health policy/law is being described in each number. Write your answer
on the box.
1. Provides for criminal offenses committed online.

2. Promotes environmental awareness through environmental conditions.

3. Prohibits physical and emotional harm and abuse as initiation to certain social groups.

4. Penalizes vehicle users who will not wear safety belts while on the road.

5. An act penalizes those who will be caught driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs,
and other similar substances.

6. Protects the child from any malicious acts online.

7. It describes the blood donation program in the country.

Activity 2. WHAT I CAN SAY!

Explain briefly the different social health issues below.
1. Cybercrime

2. Child Pornography


School/Station: Manambia Integrated School
Division: Surigao Del Sur
email address: nineljean.cantera@deped.gov.ph
3. Hazing

4. Blood Donation


Reflect on how the following issues affect a person's life. Write your reflection in a long size bond
paper. Choose one (1) topic to be reflected.
A. Pollution
B. Road Safety
C. COVID-19 Outbreak


School/Station: Manambia Integrated School
Division: Surigao Del Sur
email address: nineljean.cantera@deped.gov.ph
Rubrics on Reflection
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Organization Information is Information is Information is The Informat
organized in very organized with organized but information not only
well-constructed well-constructed paragraphs are appears disorgan
paragraphs, use of paragraphs and not well disorganized. but
subheadings and information is constructed inaccura
information is factual and and information
factual and correct. is factual.
Quality of Information is Information Information Information Informat
Information clearly rebutted to clearly relates to clearly relates has little to do had noth
the main topic. It the main topic. to the main with the main do with t
includes several It provides 1-2 topic. No details topic. main top
supporting details supporting and or example
and or examples. details and or are given.
Mechanics No grammatical Almost no A few Many Way too
spelling or errors. grammatical, grammatical grammatical, for a stud
spelling, or spelling or spelling, or getting n
punctuation punctuation punctuation to the he
errors. errors. errors. education
Sources All sources are All sources are All sources are Some sources Too man
accurately accurately accurately are not sources a
documented in the discussed but documented accurately documen
desired form. few are not listed but many are documented. accurate
in the format. not in the there is n
desired format. format u

Answer Key

Activity 1:

1. RA 10175 “Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012”

Activity 2: 2. RA 9512 “National Environmental Awareness and
Education Act of 2008”
Answers may vary. 3. RA 8949 “Anti-Hazing Law”
4. RA 8750 “Seat Belts Use Act of 1999”
5. RA 10586 “Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving Law”
6. RA 9775 “Anti Child Pornography Act of 2009”
7. RA 7719 “National Blood Services Act of 1994”


School/Station: Manambia Integrated School
Division: Surigao Del Sur
email address: nineljean.cantera@deped.gov.ph

Lualhati F. Callo, Mark Kenneth S. Camiling, et.al. Physical Education and Health Grade 10
Learner’s Material, First Edition

Department of Education (DepEd). KTO 12 Curriculum Guide: Health Education

Pasig City, Philippines 2012

Aileen Joy P. Camaso, et.al., Alternative Deliver Mode Quarter 2-Module 2: Health Trends,
Issues, and Concerns in the National Level, First Edition, 2020
Department of Education – Division Of Bukidnon,
Fortich St. Sumpong, Malaybalay City






School/Station: Manambia Integrated School
Division: Surigao Del Sur
email address: nineljean.cantera@deped.gov.ph

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