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Facilitating Learner Centered Teaching (PROF5) 1


Miguel Cristi, Ampid ,San Mateo, Rizal
College Department

Facilitating Learner Centered Teaching (PROF5)

Prelim Exam 1st Semester SY 2020-21
Name: Date: 10/12/20

General Instruction: This is a 130-point examination. This exam should be finished within 1hr. and 50mins.
It is strongly advised that you upload back your exam documents (finished or unfinished)
on or before the designated time. Better for you to have unanswered items rather than to
be locked-out (automatic zero-0). If possible strictly follow the estimated time to finish
(ETF) each part of this exam – it is located at the left most side of the expected perfect
score. Kindly use color red font for all your answers. Instruction(s) on each section of this
questionnaire is part of the exam. Question(s) regarding the instruction(s) will not be
entertained. Each violation of a stipulated instructions and/or assumed entries (name and
course) in this exam, will be get minus five (-5) points. (Exam’s ETF: 95 mins = 1hr

A. Modified True or False. If the statement is true, write T; if the statement is false, change the underlined
word or phrase to make the statement true. Write your answers on the space
under each item. (35 pts. ETF: 45sec/item=1575sec = 30mins)

1. The difference between what the child can accomplish alone and what she can accomplish with
the guidance of another is what Vygotsky referred to as zone of actual development.
Ans.: _______________

2. Piaget used the term schema to refer to the cognitive structures by which individuals
intellectually adapt to and organize their environment.
Ans.: _______________

3. Freud said that the Ego is totally unconscious, that we are unaware of its workings. This is not
rational; it imagines, dreams, and invents things to get us what we want. Freud said that this
operates according to the pleasure principle—it aims toward pleasurable things and away from
painful things.
Ans.: _______________

4. Your knowledge that you study more effectively if you study very early in the morning than late
in the evening, and that you work better in a quiet library rather than at home where there are a
lot of things that make it hard for you to focus and concentrate is an example of Flavell’s person
variable category.
Ans.: _______________

5. Moral reasoning at conventional level is based on the consequence/result of the act, not on the
whether the act itself is good or bad.
Ans.: _______________

6. Centration is the ability of the child to know that an object still exists even when out of sight.
Ans.: _______________

7. Bronfenbrenner’s term “bioeconomical” points out that a child’s own biological make-up
impacts on his/her development. The child’s growing and developing body and the interplay
between his/her immediate family/community environment, and the societal landscape fuels and
steers his/her development.
Ans.: _______________

8. Metamemory is the awareness of specific strategies so that you can keep your attention focused
on the topic or task at hand.
Ans.: _______________
Facilitating Learner Centered Teaching (PROF5) 2
9. Lawrence Kohlberg stressed that the goal of moral education, is to encourage individuals to
develop to the next stage of moral reasoning.
Ans.: _______________

10. Decentering refers to the ability of the child to perceive the different features of objects and
Ans.: _______________

11. The LCP principles focus on psychological factors that are primarily external to and under the
control of the learner rather than conditioned habits or physiological factors.
Ans.: _______________

12. Psychosocial term is derived from the two source words - namely psychological and social - both
are at the heart of Piaget's theory.
Ans.: _______________

13. The Id: Greek and Latin for “I,” according to Freud is the personality structure that begins
developing in childhood and can be interpreted as the “self.” This is partly conscious and partly
unconscious. It operates according to the reality principle.
Ans.: ______________

14. “Developmental influences on learning” is an LCP principle that says; as individuals develop,
there are different opportunities and constraints for learning. Learning is most effective when
differential development within and across physical, intellectual, emotional, and social domains
is taken into account.
Ans.: _______________

15. Private speech is a form of self-talk that guides the child's thinking and action.
Ans.: _______________

16. According to Ecological Systems Theory: The mesosystem setting is the actual culture of an
individual. The cultural contexts involve the socioeconomic status of the person and/or his
family, his ethnicity or race and living in a still developing or a third world country. For
example, being born to a poor family makes a person work harder every day.
Ans.: _______________

17. If you think your approach in studying a topic is not working, and you are think of various
approaches and try out one to see if it will help you learn better is an example of metacognition’s
task variable.
Ans.: _______________

18. Reinforcement theory has as its basic premise that effective learning occurs when the senses are
Ans.: _______________

19. According to Ecological Systems Theory: The chronosystem setting is the direct environment we
have in our lives. Your family, friends, classmates, teachers, neighbors and other people who
have a direct contact with you are included in your micro system.
Ans.: _______________.

20. Metacognition refers to acquired knowledge about cognitive processes, knowledge that can be
used to control cognitive processes.
Ans.: _______________

21. Malignancy is not quite as bad of the two imbalance effects of Erikson’s stages of development,
this involves too much of the positive and too little of the negative, such as a person who trusts
too much.
Ans.: _______________

22. “Learning is influenced by social interactions, interpersonal relations, and communication with
others.” Is an LCP principle called Developmental Influences on Learning.
Facilitating Learner Centered Teaching (PROF5) 3
Ans.: _______________

23. Equilibration is the process of fitting a new experience into an existing or previously created
cognitive structure or schema.
Ans.: _______________

24. “Learners have different strategies, approaches, and capabilities for learning that are a function of
prior experience and heredity.” Is an LCP principle known as Learning and Diversity.
Ans.: _______________

25. Moral reasoning at post-conventional level is based on enduring or consistent principles. It is not
just recognizing the law, but the principles behind the law.
Ans.: _______________

26. For Vygotsky, when a child attempts to perform a skill alone, s/he may not be immediately
proficient at it. So, alone s/he may perform at a certain level of competency. We refer to this as
the zone of proximal development.
Ans.: _______________

27. A metacognition’s strategy variable example is your awareness that it will take more time for
you to read and comprehend a book in educational philosophy than it would for you to read and
comprehend a novel.
Ans.: _______________

28. Decentering refers to the ability of the child to perceive the different features of objects and
Ans.: _______________

29. Freud believed that much of what the person is really about is not what we see in the outside and
what is conscious, but what is there hidden in the brain.
Ans.: _______________

30. The term “metacognition” was coined by John Flavell.

Ans.: _______________

31. Maladaptation is the worse of the two imbalance effects of Erikson’s stages of development, this
involves too little of the positive and too much of the negative aspect of the task, such as a
person who can't trust others.
Ans.: _______________

32. Private speech is a form of self-talk that guides the child's thinking and action.
Ans.: _______________

33. Erikson and his colleagues came up with the "just community" schools approach towards
promoting moral development. The fundamental goal of these schools is to enhance students’
moral development by offering them the chance to participate in a democratic community.
Ans.: _______________

34. Moral reasoning at pre-conventional level is based on the conventions or "norms" of society.
These may include approval of others, law and order.
Ans.: _______________

35. The Learner-Centered Psychological Principles were put together by the American Psychological
Ans.: _______________

B. Modified Multiple-Choice. Select your answers from among the possible

items inside the table below. Write only the letter that represents your
answer on the space provided after each item. A letter maybe used multiple
times. (45 pts. ETF: 45sec/item=2025sec = 35 mins).
Facilitating Learner Centered Teaching (PROF5) 4
a. Construction of knowledge o. Conservation cc. Love
b. Nature of the learning process p. Irreversibility dd. Care
c. Strategic thinking q. Egocentrism ee. Wisdom
d. Thinking about thinking. r. Punishment/Obedience ff. Oral
e. Hypothetical Reasoning s. Mutual Benefit gg. Anal
f. Metamemory t. Social Approval hh. Phallic
g. Symbolic Function u. Law and Order ii. Latency
h. Reversibility v. Social Contract jj. Genital
i. Hypothetical Reasoning w. Universal Principles kk. Scaffolding
j. Transductive Reasoning x. Hope ll. more knowledgeable other
k. Accommodation y. Will (MKO)
l. Deductive Reasoning z. Purpose mm. mesosytem
m. Seriation aa. Competency nn. exosystem
n. Animism bb. Fidelity oo. chronosystem

1. In Freud’s theory, this “Psychosexual Stage” occurs approximately during the preschool years. It
is at this time, theoretically, that children become aware of whether or not they have a penis, and
Freud believed that this causes a bit of anxiety in the unconscious parts of their minds. ___

2. An LCP principle that says: “The successful learner can create and use a repertoire of thinking
and reasoning strategies to achieve complex learning goals.” ___

3. According to Erikson if a stage of his “Psychosocial Stages Theory” is manage well such as
“Trust vs. Mistrust” will result to this virtue or psychosocial strength. ___

4. In Freud’s theory, this “Psychosexual Stage” the interest and pleasure of babies is in activities
involving the mouth, such as sucking and biting.___

5. Piaget’s idea which refers to the pre-operational child's type of reasoning that is neither inductive
nor deductive. ___

6. One of the “Five Environmental Systems” of Bronfenbrenner in which there is a link between
the context where in the person does not have any active role, and the context where in is
actively participating. Suppose a child is more attached to his father than his mother. If the father
goes abroad to work for several months, there may be a conflict between the mother and the
child's social relationship, or on the other hand, this event may result to a tighter bond between
the mother and the child.___

7. According to Erikson if a stage of his “Psychosocial Stages Theory” is manage well such as
“Industry vs. Inferiority” will result to this virtue or psychosocial strength. ___

8. In Kohlberg’s “Stages of Morality” in what stage does the individual in the following example
belong? Joy allows her classmates to copy her homework so that they will think she is kind and
will like her to be their friend. ___

9. The term Piaget uses, to describe the tendency of the child to only see his point of view and to
assume that everyone also has his same point of view. ___

10. In Freud’s theory, this “Psychosexual Stage” centers on toilet training, beginning around the age
of 18 months or two years and extending up to preschool, about age three. ___

11. One of the “Five Environmental Systems” of Bronfenbrenner that includes the transitions and
shifts in one's lifespan. This may also involve the socio-historical contexts that may influence a
person. One classic example of this is how divorce, as a major life transition, may affect not only
the couple's relationship but also their children's behavior. According to a majority of research,
children are negatively affected on the first year after the divorce. The next years after it would
reveal that the interaction within the family becomes more stable and agreeable.___

12. It refers to your awareness of recollection strategies that work best for you. ___

13. According to Erikson if a stage of his “Psychosocial Stages Theory” is manage well such as the
Facilitating Learner Centered Teaching (PROF5) 5
“Ego Integrity vs. Despair” will result to this virtue or psychosocial strength. ___

14. In Freud’s theory, this “Psychosexual Stage” arises during adolescence when teenagers begin
again to show sexual interests. This stage leads to adult affection and love. If all has gone well in
the previous stages, Freud theorized, interest during adolescence is on heterosexual relationships.
This is a time of exploring pleasure through more mature love and affection. ___

15. The term that Vygotsky uses which means the systematic manner of providing assistance to the
learner that helps the learner to effectively acquire a skill.___

16. The term Piaget uses, to describe the ability to represent objects and events. ___

17. In Kohlberg’s “Stages of Morality” in what stage does the individual in the following example
belong? Ricky does everything to get passing grades because his mom will take his play station
away if he gets bad grades. ___

18. One of the “Five Environmental Systems” of Bronfenbrenner, which involves the relationships
between the microsystems in one's life. This means that your family experience may be related to
your school experience. For example, if a child is neglected by his parents, he may have a low
chance of developing positive attitude towards his teachers. Also, this child may feel awkward in
the presence of peers and may resort to withdrawal from a group of classmates. ___

19. According to Erikson if a stage of his “Psychosocial Stages Theory” is manage well such as
“Autonomy vs. Shame” will result to this virtue or psychosocial strength. ___

20. The term Piaget uses, to pre-operational children that still has the inability to reverse their
thinking. ___

21. According to Erikson if a stage of his “Psychosocial Stages Theory” is manage well such as
“Intimacy vs. Isolation” will result to this virtue or psychosocial strength. ___

22. An LCP principle that says: “The successful learner can link new information with existing
knowledge in meaningful ways. ___

23. For Piaget, the term of the developmental task during the 3rd stage, where the child can now
follow certain operations that can be done in reverse. ___

24. According to Erikson if a stage of his “Psychosocial Stages Theory” is manage well such as
“Generativity vs. Stagnation” will result to this virtue or psychosocial strength. ___

25. In Kohlberg’s “Stages of Morality” in what stage does the individual/group in the following
example belong? A civic action group protests the use of pills for family planning saying that
although the government allows this it is actually murder because the pills are abortifacient
(causes abortion). ___

26. This is the ability to come up with different educated guess about a problem and to gather and
weigh data in order to make a final decision or judgment. ___

27. In Kohlberg’s “Stages of Morality” in what stage does the individual in the following example
belong? John decides to return the wallet he found in the canteen because he believes it's the
right thing to do. ___

28. Vygotsky believed that guidance from a person like this would lead a learner to a higher level of
performance than if he were alone. ___

29. In Freud’s theory, this “Psychosexual Stage” sexual urges are taking a recess; they are at a
minimum. From about the ages of 6 to 12, boys typically stick together and say that they do not
like girls, or they act squeamish around girls. Similarly, girls during this stage are highly critical
of boys, are shy around them, and avoid them. ___

30. According to Erikson if a stage of his “Psychosocial Stages Theory” is manage well such as
Facilitating Learner Centered Teaching (PROF5) 6
“Identity vs. Role Confusion” will result to this virtue or psychosocial strength. ___

31. In Piaget’s theory this refers to the child’s tendency to arrange available schemata into coherent
systems, or bodies of knowledge. ___

32. In Kohlberg’s “Stages of Morality” in what stage does the individual in the following example
belong? Jinky lets Hannah copy during their math test because Hannah agreed to let her copy
during their sibika test. ___

33. According to Erikson if a stage of his “Psychosocial Stages Theory” is manage well such as
“Initiative vs. Guilt” will result to this virtue or psychosocial strength. ___

34. In Kohlberg’s “Stages of Morality” in what stage does the individual in the following example
belong? Karen decides to return the wallet she found in the canteen so that people will praise her
honesty and think she's such a nice girl. ___

35. This is the term used by Piaget to describe the ability to know that certain properties of objects
like number, mass, volume, or area do not change even if there is a change in appearance. ___

36. This is the term used by Piaget to describe the ability to think logically by applying a general rule
to a particular instance or situation. ___

37. In Kohlberg’s “Stages of Morality” in what stage does the individual in the following example
belong? Little Riel behaves so well to get a star stamp from her teacher. ___

38. Piaget’s term that means the tendency of children to attribute human like traits or characteristics
to inanimate objects. ___

39. An LCP principle that says: “The learning of complex subject matter is most effective when it is
an intentional process of constructing meaning from information and experience.” ___

40. In Kohlberg’s “Stages of Morality” in what stage does the individual in the following example
belong? Lyka wears her ID inside the campus because she likes to follow the school rules and
regulations. ___

41. The term used by Piaget to describe this ability to come up with different educated guess about a
problem and to gather and weigh data in order to make a final decision or judgment. ___

42. An LCP principle that says: “Higher order strategies for selecting and monitoring mental
operations facilitate creative and critical thinking.” ___

43. In Kohlberg’s “Stages of Morality” in what stage does the individual in the following example
belong? A jeepney driver looks if there's a policeman around before he u-turns in a no u-turn
spot. ___

44. The term used by Piaget to describe the ability to order or arrange things in order based on one
dimension such as weight, volume or size. ___

45. In Kohlberg’s “Stages of Morality” in what stage does the individual in the following example
belong? Liza volunteers to tutor at-risk children in her community for free so they will learn to
love school and stay in school. ___

C. Discussion: Answer as directed. You can use Filipino in your explanations. (50 pts.
ETF: 30 mins).

1. Discuss each of the personalities below. Focus on what you think are their most important ideas
about the development of learners. (30 pts. ETF: 3mins/pax = 18 mins)
 Sigmund Freud
 Erik Erikson
 Jean Piaget
 Lawrence Kohlberg
Facilitating Learner Centered Teaching (PROF5) 7
 Lev Vygotsky
 Urie Bronfenbrenner

2. Select a specific skill that you may be good at, then think and write the name of the individual to
whom you can teach the skill. Break down the steps you will take in teaching the skill.
Determine how you will use scaffolding, and describe the specific actions you will do to
scaffold. (5 pts. ETF: 3 mins)

3. Explain the diagram below. (15 pts. ETF: 7 mins)

POTENTIAL LEVEL (Level that the
learner achieves with the assistance of the
teacher or a more advanced peer)

ACTUAL LEVEL (Level that

the learner achieves when

with scaffolding Zone of Proximal

==== End of Exam ===

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