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Introduction to Python Programming

History of python programming Language

 Python was conceived in the late 1980s and its implementation was started
in December 1989 by Guido van Rossum

 Rossum choosen the name ashe is the big fan of popular BBC comedy TV
show called

“Monty Python’s Flying Circus” he needed a name that was short, unique,
and slightly mysterious, so he decided to call the language “Python”

 First public release python-FEB-1991

 Official website – 1996 and 1997

 Python Software Foundation-2001

 Van Rossum is principle author of python

 For his continuing central role in python development is “Benevolent

Director of Life Now”

 It is a title given to small number of open source software development


 Python is ranked at first position by IEEE Spectrum ranking of

 Top programming languages for the year 2017

Why python?

 It is a Beginner friendly

 Easy to understand

 It is a high level language

 It is a portable language

Features of PYTHON

 Python is High Level Programming Language

 The programming will be like writing English sentences.

 It supports Multiple Programming Paradigms

 Like Imperative,procedural , Functional, Object-Oriented

 Imperative programming: In the kind of programming, we need to specify

what is requires and we need to specify how to accomplish it.

Ex: C language, Java,.Net, Python

 Procedural programming refers to the ability to combine a sequence of

instructions into a procedure so that these instructions can be invoked from
many places without resorting to duplicating the same instructions

 Functional programming languages:- The program is divided into several


 The data is shared among several functions

 Concentrates more on functions

 you can pass a function as an argument to another function, or a function


 return another function. Examples of functional programming languages are


 Object oriented programming languages

 Emphasizes more on data

 They treat data as critical element for program development

 The data and methods that operate on data are encapsulated in single data
structure called object

 Object object communication takes place for the smooth running of


 Interpreted: It is called as Interpreted language because the execution will

be done by an interpreter and the code will also be checked by interpreter.
 As compiler oriented programming languages run faster because
compilation is done before execution

 On other hand interpreted language run slower because compilation and

execution done simultaneously

 but incase python even though it is interpreted but incase python even
though it is interpreted but it runs faster

 Dynamically Typed: python is a dynamically typed language which means

that the type of the value will be decided at runtime and therefore we need
not specify the type.

 Cross platformed :- python is Independent of platform

 python programs can be executed on any platform

 we can run our python code on windows,linux,MAC any another

 Open Source : It is open source language i.e. it is free

 Interactive : It provides interactive mode for learning the language

 Memory Management : here, the language itself will take care of both
allocation and de allocation of memory
 Portable: the python language programs are portable i.e. we get the same
output irrespective of where it is executed.

 Huge Standard Library : the python has a large library which can be ued
for rapid application development(RAD)

 Imported: we can execute other language programs in python language

 Extensible : The python language programs can be executed in other

programming languages

 GUI support: using python language we can develop GUI

 Python focuses on faster development time

 Python code has very natural style which makes code easy to
 no need place ;,{ } all these things saves our time

Applications of Python

Desktop Applications

- Mobile Applications

- Embedded Applications

- Web Based Applications

- Games

- Scripting

- Machine learning

- Data Analysis / Visualization

File Extensions in Python

 .py –The normal extension for a Python source file

 .pyc- The compiled bytecode

 .pyd- A Windows DLL file

 .pyo- A file created with optimizations

 .pyw- A Python script for Windows

 .pyz- A Python script archive

Installation Python

 We can download python latest software

 From

 We can download latest version of python

 Python 3.9.0
 Release Date: Oct. 5, 2020
 Default 64bit installer not supported window7 os

Python Interpreter and Interactive mode

 The Python Interpreter:-A program that can read Python programming

statements and execute them is the Python interpreter
 Python interpreter has two modes:–

 Interactivemode waits for a statement from the keyboard and

executes it–

 Scriptmode reads the contents of a file (Python program or Python

script) and interprets each statement in the file

 Interpreter Mode•Invoke Python interpreter through Windows or command


 >>>is the prompt that indicates the interpreter is waiting for a Python

 >>> print (‘Python programming is fun!’) [ENTER]

 Python programming is fun!

 (>>>) chevron:-

 In the interactive mode the chevron is a prompt used by the interpreter to

indicate that it is ready.

 Note:-Statements typed in interactive mode are not saved as a program


 The IDLE Programming Environment

 Integrated DeveLopment Environment (IDLE)

 –Automatically installed when Python language is installed–

 It has a built-in text editor–

 IDLE editor colorizes code

 Writing Python Programs and Running Them in Script Mode

 Use a text editor to create a file containing the Python statements

 Save the file with a .py extension•

 To run from windows cmd

 C:\pythonproj>python

 Helloworld

 To run from IDLE select run option à select run module option

 You can see the out put

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