Chapter - 1: Introduction

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Students are the future of INDIA. They are the root of the country. If the roots of a tree
 are dead then the tree is also going to die soon, in the same way, if the students are also
 inactive then the destruction of the nation is not too late. Our country’s future is based
 on those students’ physical and mental health. 

Sports and NCC students live their college life and take good care of their mental stability, some
can cope and have good academic results on the go. This results in the benefit of a student's
career and gives them extra credits. More or less, sports and NCC have their stability towards
academics and serve the nation as well, which also gives the credit to the student and the


1. To study the balance between their college and their sports or NCC activities
2. To analyze the discomforts they go through during exams
3. To suggest measures to prioritize the balance between the academics and the other activities

To gain a better understanding of the study on the college life of sports and NCC students, a
sample survey was conducted consisting of 20 multiple choice questions and 5 subjective
questions which were used to collect data. The target respondents were Sports students and NCC
students, of which 10 from each category were drawn. The sample size of the survey was 20. The
collected data was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively.
Self-reflectivity was practiced to overcome the subjectivity toward the study. A questionnaire
and a telephonic interview were also conducted for collecting primary data for the research and
the methodology used here are the survey method. The time spent with each respondent is
around 10 minutes. The information that was collected from the sample was not revealed
anywhere and confidentiality was assured to the respondents.


Percentage of students in NCC and Sports

Sports students NCC

-The pie chart above graphically represents the distribution of the NCC and Sports students in
the sample. Among the respondents, about 65% are NCC students and only 35% are sports

Frequency of attending classes

Twice a week 4 days a month Not often

-The pie chart above depicts the frequency of NCC and Sports students attending classes
regularly. About 63% of the participants don't attend the classes regularly. 18.2% have
reported that they attend it twice a week and 36.6% attend 4 days per month. According to
the collected data, it seems that students who are a part of NCC or Sports don't attend their
classes regularly as they are busy participating in their other fields of interest. 


Attending exams regularly

Yes No

-The pie chart above depicts the percentage of students attending their exams. Among the
participants, almost 81.8% have said that they attend their exams regularly and only 36.4 % tend
to miss out on their exams. As the tournament dates and college exam dates might not go hand in
hand, these students tend to mostly miss out on their exams and the college compensates for it
with their representation of the college in various high-level competitions.

-Since these students tend to miss out on a lot of classes about 54.5% of the respondents have
strategies like regularly updating themselves about the class etc. Around 45.5% of students don't
have any strategy. To also balance their academics most of these students tackle the stress and
plan their schedule to at least pass their exams but on the other side, few get caught in the rush
and bag the load in the end.
Pressure from the side of the college to concentrate

Yes No

-The pie chart above depicts the percentage of respondents who felt there is pressure from
college to concentrate on their academics. Apart from their strategy majority of them ie. 63.6%
have claimed that there is no pressure from the college to concentrate on academics. Only 36.4 %
have claimed that there is pressure from college. Apart from sports and NCC activities, these
students are expected to participate in college activities and not alienate themselves from their
college in terms of both culture and academics.

Participation in NCC or sports - influence the

social life in college

Yes No
- The pie chart above depicts the influence of participation in NCC and Sports on the
social life of the students. 58.3% of the respondents have said that being in NCC or
Sports affects their social college life, but 41.7% of the respondents said No. As the
students stay out of the college majority of the time, they hardly socialize with their
classmates. Beyond college, during the tournaments and events, they do socialize with
other people who fall under the same category

QUESTIONNAIRE : (for reference purpose)

 Distribution of NCC and sports students

Sports students – 35%

NCC students – 65%

 Frequency of attending regular classes

Twice a week – 25%

4 days a month – 33.3%
Not often – 58.7%

 Frequency of attending exams

Attending exams – 83.7%
Not attending exams – 16.3%

 Pressure from the side of the college

No – 41.7%
Yes – 58.3%

 Influence over social life in college

Yes – 41.7%
No – 58.3%


1.       A separate curriculum could be implemented for the Sports and NCC students to lessen their
academic pressure.

2.       Exams could be scheduled exclusively for the students.

3.       The sports students can be connected with the rest of the class weekly once, to summarize
college activities, both academic and extra-curricular.

4.       A separate wing for NCC and sports may be created to monitor its activities.

5.       A grievance committee could be set up for the Sports and NCC students.

6.       To create awareness among other students to enroll in NCC that enhances leadership qualities.

7.       Counseling services could be made accessible to the students.

8.       A safety kit can be provided to NCC students which may be helpful during Camps. 



The survey conducted about the life of Sports students or an NCC students in college was to
know about the problems faced by them and how did they balance it. There are many problems
faced by the sports and NCC students like missing their college updates, getting late information
regarding exams, couldn’t socialize with other students and many such things but the main
problem faced by both Sports and NCC students was to manage their studies with their Sports or
NCC routine and many students got strained due to this. The lives of Sports students and NCC
students is way more difficult as they have got more accountabilities than the regular students.
This shows that it take not just being passionate but to be ready to sacrifice and balance their
personal life accordingly to be a Sports student or an NCC student.



1. Sruthi C 
2. Sivambika B
3. Shivani Lakshmi G
4. Raksha KS
5. Deeksheetha KJ
6. Yamini R
7. Aarthi N
8. Yashi P Jain
9. Vishaka Sri 
10. Dhanusha C

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