Group 2 Project Proposal NSTP Cwts Final Paper

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Republic of the Philippines

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna



(2nd Semester)

Group 2
College of Arts and Sciences

Presented to
Mrs. Amelita De Mesa - NSTP-CWTS Facilitator

S.Y. 2021 – 2022

Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna


This paperwork was created as part of each group's proposed project, in

partial fulfillment of the NSTP-CWTS course, as stipulated by Republic Act 9163,
which established the NSTP for college students.

The National Service Training Program (NSTP) is a vital program the main
objective is to strengthen civic consciousness and defense preparedness in the
youth. It is a legislative movement that establishes the foundation for the country's
national defense and fosters the ethics of service and patriotism. Moreover,
National Service Training Program addresses significant events that focus on
students' enthusiasm and idealism for nation-building, enhancing leadership
involvement, and civic engagement. It trains students for practical community
service while also improving their skills and capacities to understand their societal

The project's aims and tasks were completed by members of each group in
various barangays to assist the community and develop their willingness to serve
the country, as well as their value of resourcefulness and dedication. This paper
will be highlighted the project title, project number, project duration, project cite,
different objectives, planning, execution, generalization, evaluation, and the
documentation of this project.

The major purpose of CWTS is to improve the general welfare and quality

of life of all members of the community. It also aspired to enhance everyone's

health, education, and living conditions. This has been authorized by the students

participating in the NSTP-CWTS course.

Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna


This completion of this undertaking could not have been possible without
the involvement and assistance of so many people whose names may not all be
enumerated. Their big contributions are sincerely appreciated and gratefully
acknowledged. However, the group would like to convey their heartfelt gratitude to
the following individuals:

First, Mrs. Amelita De Mesa, our NSTP instructor, for her encouragement,
kindness, and understanding. For assisting us in completing our NSTP 2 project
proposal. Thank you for the time, effort, and sacrifices for giving your whole heart
to us and that is the most important thing that we use to implement this activity in
an organized manner.

We would like to thank our loving parents for their support either morally or
physically. In terms of financial support, and important requirements to accomplish
this activity. Thank you so much.

To various barangays including the coordination and cooperation of local

government for providing their full support thus, the plan of this project was easily

This project will be not properly executed without the presence of the cycle
of this group, we considered ourselves as a vital part of this project. Thank you for
being kind, industrious, and brave in facing different obstacles while we are
implanting this activity.

Above all, we thank the Great Almighty for giving us the fortitude to
complete this endeavor, even though it is pandemic. From the beginning, he
directed and protected us in completing our responsibilities and objectives
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna


The proposed project shall accomplish societal transformation which is

geared toward the general development of the society and emphasizes the
community awareness and knowledge about health, education, environment, and
general welfare, which the proposed project addresses. The proposed project will
cultivate caring and committed individuals through the evident development of
awareness and greater comprehension of the proposed endeavor which will aid
community authorities in establishing strong governance for the betterment of the
community. Furthermore, it will promote a planned initiative aimed at achieving
development and harmony, as well as the community members' sense of belonging
and teamwork, resulting in societal unity and strength.


Vision A well-established community centered on justice, mutual respect,

and equality, with programs and projects in force for the community's overall well-
being. Community members' participation in public and civic affairs is encouraged,
valued, and affirmed. The residents of the community are educated, reside, and
operate in a safe, secured, and healthy environment, governed by responsible and
integrity-driven leaders, who are primarily focused on the concept of sustainable
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna


A true leader has the confidence to be the voice, the courage to make
powerful decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does
not set out to be a leader but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the
integrity of his intent.
—Douglas MacArthur

Enhance and developing leadership skills among students and especially for
the youth are the major purposes of the National Service Training Program (NSTP)
To begin with, leadership refers to the ability to lead others. It is, without a doubt,
one of life's most crucial features. Above all, leadership has aided human
civilization's advancement. No organization or group can flourish without
competent leadership. Furthermore, this trait is not shared by everyone. This is
since successful leadership necessitates the presence of certain key attributes.

According to the famous line– „Leadership is the process of influencing

and supporting others to work enthusiastically towards achieving objectives.
Bernand keys stated that Leadership is essentially a continuous process of
influencing behavior. It may be considered in the context of mutual relations
between a leader and his followers.

The leader tries to influence the behavior of individuals or a group of

individuals around him to achieve desired goals. A group leader is accountable for
not just engaging in the group and ensuring that the group's process is successful,
but also for inspiring the team, delivering victory, and serving as a resource for
group members.
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna


National Service Training Program or NSTP Act of 2001 (RA 9163) is a

component of learning that helps students to be serviceable. It is training to
improve the responsibilities and duties of youth and students. This can serve as a
powerful movement for every student for developing their preparedness in helping
the whole nation. Moreover, unifying as one voice to embody the long-lasting
relationship, by empowering companionship, maintaining peace, and fostering
optimism are one of the focuses of NSTP. National Service Training Program
(NSTP) is a tertiary subject that is assigned to enhance youth defense and foster
the ethics of service and patriotism.

As a part of a community, the National Service Training Program - Civic

Welfare Training Service, one of the components of NSTP, has summoned the
students to commit themselves to make the youth engagement community a
priority. It will be attainable by developing students into a community workforce
who will serve as an active alliance of the community organization and the
republic in the execution of various programs and projects for the betterment and
reformation of society. These activities will enhance the nation and bring about
societal change. Community programs and projects are considered necessary
because they will have a long-term, optimistic impact on society. It takes part in
society's growth as it aims to improve the quality of life for society's most
vulnerable people. This rationale persuades the group to formulate a sustainable
project proposal.
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

There are three (3) programs of NSTP namely: (CWTS) Civil Welfare
Training Service, (LTS) or Literacy Training Service, and (ROTC) Reserved
Officers Training Corps. The students take this course in their First Year during the
1st sem and 2nd sem. It allows students to share intimate connectedness.

Moreover, it enables youth or students to support the continuous growth of

each other, and youth plays a role in keeping the community in harmony,
tranquility, and nonviolence because the capability of all when in solidarity is
unparalleled. Being a part of a community can make its member feel like they're a
part of something bigger than themselves.

The 3 programs of the National Service Training Program (NSTP)

Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC)

This is the NSTP program that furnishes military training to tertiary-level

students to motivate, accommodate, strengthen their souls, mind, and heart, and
marshal them for national defense readiness. In addition, these components help
students to expand and develop their abilities, attitude, leadership, discipline,
camaraderie, obedience, and teamwork.

Civil Welfare Training Service (CWTS)

CWTS is a program that contributes to the community's overall well-being

and the upgrading of its facilities, particularly those committed to enhancing
health, education, the environment, entrepreneurship, safety, recreation, and
morale. This program aims to develop the civic consciousness of students.
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

Literacy Training Service ( LTS)

Literacy Training Service ( LTS) is a part of the NSTP that focuses on

preparing students to teach reading, writing, and numeracy to children and other
members of society. It has a big role to play in creating our country a better place
for our generation.

The NSTP teacher will assist students in honing their abilities in the
components they have chosen. It is to assist the country in every manner that it can.
Taking part in this program will assist them in becoming better citizens who can
serve as an example to others. By participating in the NSTP, students will get
information about time management, hard work, and community service, which
will make them more responsible in their manner.
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

Virtues of a Leader


It is a state of being calm, clear mind and perspicacious to rule the group
with an untestable sides and has a better decision.


It is a state of giving each member a motivation with an authority and

affirmation to work as one without any hesitation or fear.


It is a state of being optimistic and overcoming all hardships with courage

and forbearance.


It is a state of controlling selves and bringing into a composure and

reasonable state.


It is a state to pursuit a man’s goal with enthusiasm and perseverance.

It is a state of being honest of doing things or work for person or certain

people with all heart and mind.

Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna


It is a state of having a duty with accountability to deal with the



It is a state of being enthusiastic with a great spirit all the time despite of all


It is a state of giving any good things with strictly no expected give back


It is a state of showing politeness and respect in one’s attitude and behaviour

toward the others.
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

The Four Clusters

The Maka-Diyos Cluster

 Faith in Almighty God

 Respect for life
 Order
 Work
 Concern for the family and future generations

The Makatao Cluster

 Love
 Freedom
 Peace
 Truth
 Justice

The Makabayan Cluster

 Unity
 Equality
 Respect for the law and government
 Patriotism
 Promotion of common good

The Makalikasan Cluster

 Concern for the environment

Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

Memorandum of Agreement
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

Memorandum of Agreement

This was taken while signing the Memorandum of Agreement with the help
of the Barangay representative (Secretary) and the witness (Barangay personnel).
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

Project Proposal:
The proponents of this project proposal “One Box of Face Mask, One
Evocative Realization” are the university students of the National Service
Training Program- Civic Welfare Training Service (NSTP-CWTS) under the
Bachelor of Science in Psychology program, specifically the second group of
BSPSY-1A at Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo (PLSP). The group is formed
of 10 members:

VALENCIA, John Lester G.




Sex: Male
Address: Brgy. San Gregorio, San Pablo Laguna
Birth Date: January 31, 2003
Religion: Roman Catholic
Citizenship: Filipino
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

BELEN, Jeza Leana F.
Assistant Leader


Sex: Female
Address: Purok 2, Brgy. San Agustin, Alaminos Laguna
Birth Date: September 26, 2002
Religion: Roman Catholic
Citizenship: Filipino

POLIS, Kyla Mae E.




Sex: Female
Address: Brgy. San Ignacio, San Pablo Laguna
Birth Date: April 17, 2003
Religion: Roman Catholic
Citizenship: Filipino
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

CAPONPON, Camille C.



Sex: Female
Address: Purok 3, Brgy. San Ignacio, SPC, Laguna
Birth Date: June 10, 2001
Religion: Roman Catholic
Citizenship: Filipino

GALANG, Dianne Janzel M.




Sex: Female
Address: 360 Brgy. Marinig Cabuyao Laguna
Birthdate: September 02, 2002
Religion: Seventh-Day Adventist
Citizenship: Filipino
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna





Sex: Female Birth

Address: #3566 Purok 1, Brgy. Del Remedio, San Pablo Laguna
Date: August 16, 2002
Religion: Roman Catholic
Citizenship: Filipino




Sex: Female
Address: Brgy. Yukos, Nagcarlan Laguna
Birth Date: August 18, 2002
Religion: Roman Catholic
Citizenship: Filipino
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

VILLAMARIN, Gwen Valerie V.



Sex: Female
Address: Brgy. Lamot 2 Calauan, Laguna
Birth Date: August 11, 2003
Religion: Roman Catholic
Citizenship: Filipino

VILLARMIL, Zcielo Jemeen A.




Sex: Female
Address: Brgy. Majayjay, Laguna
Birth Date: February 04, 2003
Religion: Roman Catholic
Citizenship: Filipino
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

MIRANDA, Darlene Thea B.




Sex: Female
Address: #392 Brgy. Sta. Lucia Dolores Quezon
Birth Date: February 04, 2003
Religion: Roman Catholic
Citizenship: Filipino

SAGUINSIN, Julia Ara Bella N.


Sex: Female
Address: Brgy. Mayapa, Calamba Laguna
Birth Date: April 15, 2003
Religion: Roman Catholic
Citizenship: Filipino
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna


In partial fulfillment of the course requirement in National Service Training

Program 2 — Civic Welfare Training Service, the Group 2 students have
formulated a project that would aid their respective communities amidst the
pandemic, which the main goal is to prevent the increasing numbers of COVID-19
cases by providing free face masks with a card that will encourage them to follow
the basic health protocols.

For the procedures in implementing their first project entitled ―One Box of
Face Mask, One Evocative Realization,‖ Group 2 has scrutinized the process of
executing the project. Two of their members, namely Ms. Kyla Mae Polis and Mr.
John Lester G. Valencia, went to the campus to request consent forms from Mrs.
Amelita de Mesa — their NSTP 2 instructor, to allow the students to perform and
execute the activity. Aside from this, the students have also given parental consent.
Then, members reenacted their first project from March 1 to March 5, 2022. Its
primary focus is on the health and safety of the people. Although they only have
minimal financial capacity and resources, they distribute disposable face masks
with encouraging cards for the most vulnerable members of their barangays, such
as children and working individuals who use public transportation. The first
activity has done with obedience to the IATF health and safety standards.

Upon performing the activity, Group 2 students enjoyed and felt gratified as
they were able to exert an effort in helping their community. It makes them more
motivated to contribute goodness and services to the community. Fortuitously,
there were no members of the group that was susceptible to COVID-19. They
outperformed their expectations by bringing joy and thankfulness to the people
while also bringing pride to their university.
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna


Project Title: ―One Box of Face Mask, One Evocative Realization‖

Project No.: Project #1

Project Duration: February 28, 2022 (Monday) – March 19, 2022 (Saturday)

Project Site: This Project entitled ―One Box of Face Mask, One Evocative
Realization‖ will be executed on the barangays namely Barangay San Gregorio,
San Pablo City Laguna, Barangay Mayapa, Calamba Laguna, and Barangay
Marinig Cabuyao City, Laguna. (Three (3) Barangay’s).


The following objectives are listed with the aim of developing a public
awareness campaign on why face masks are an effective protective measure as a
response to the coronavirus (COVID-19). Furthermore, the objectives addressed
the 5 W’s (Why, What, When, Where, and Who) and followed the SMART
objectives (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound).

 To provide surgical or medical face masks, as the most important aspect for
the general public is comfort, considering the said masks are lighter and
more comfortable to wear.

 To distribute a box of surgical or medical face masks to people who need

them the most in the various communities of the group members with the
time duration from February 28, 2022 (Monday) to March 19, 2022
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

 To raise community understanding of the science behind how face masks

prevent coronavirus, which is what the proposed project addressed, in which
each package of face masks comes with a card with a quote from a well-
researched study, thereby assisting community officials in informing
community members.


At the planning stage, the group members agreed to provide surgical or

medical face masks together with practical actions, inspirational awareness,
motivational concepts, and encouragement quotations that lead to the
transformation of the citizen’s perspective. Thus, it helps to avoid malignant
diseases and viruses.

I. Information Gathering
This process is the foundation of the project; this is where the members will
be able to identify the need of the community members and identify an effective
solution that might help the problem of the community specifically the health

II. Planning
This will guarantee the accomplishment of the project. This incorporates the

cycle of how the members will run the project that has been discussed, and how the

project will be conducted in an organized manner.

Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

III. Communication and Coordination

Cooperating with members and the local government is the next process.
With the help of the approval of the local government of the chosen barangays, the
members can easily impose the project.

 The group held an online meeting last February 23, 2022, to talk about the
first activity to execute: the item, the target number of households, other
inclusion, and the assigned part on the project proposal paper. The group
comes up with the project title ―One box of face masks one evocative
realization‖ where each member of the group will give a box of face masks
with a card that states the importance of wearing a face mask and a quote to
the chosen community member.

 On February 28, the leader presented the Project Proposal to the CWTS
instructor to check the objectives and plan of the first activity.

 On March 1, the leader and one of the members went to the PLSP school to
get the MOA which is the permission to execute the activity, and the waiver
that serves as a parent’s consent that allows their child to do the project in
their barangay.

 Each of the group members needs to present their waiver before executing
the project.

 Once the member passed his/her signed parent’s consent, he/she can carry
out the first activity with the documentation to be submitted to the leader on
or before March 5, 2022.
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

Proposed card with a piece of information from a well-researched study:

Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna


The project was conducted individually and accomplished within the time
duration. Each member of the group prepared a box of face masks with a printed
card that consists of quotes and information about the importance of wearing them.
The distribution was performed in their respective barangays as planned. John
Lester Valencia, the leader of the group, provided a box of face masks and a card
to a tricycle driver who is exposed every day to physical interaction with people. It
took place in Barangay San Gregorio, San Pablo City, Laguna. The assistant leader
Julia Ara Bella N. Saguinsin did her distribution in Barangay Mayapa, Calamba
Laguna. She gave the face masks and the printed card to a part-time employee at a
grocery shop. Jeza Leana F. Belen, the treasurer of the group, handed out kiddie
face masks and a card in Barangay San Agustin, Alaminos, Laguna. She observed
that the majority of the children in their area love to play outdoors without face
masks on, the reason why Belen chose to give kiddies face masks.

Zcielo Jemeen A. Villarmil distributed a box of face masks with the card on
a remote jungle part of Barangay Ilayang Banga Majayjay, Laguna, with the
thought of informing them of safety precautions and somewhat helping to lessen
the expenses of that family. Jasmin Soliminiano did the same job; she provided it
to a mother at Barangay Yukos, Nagcarlan, Laguna. The same went for Dianne
Janzel M. Galang and Gwen Valerie V. Villarmin in their assigned place. Ms.
Galang chose to give the box of facemasks to the wife of a construction worker at
Barangay Marinig, Cabuyao City to help her spouse stay safe and avoid the
infection of COVID-19 at work. Ms. Villarmin handed out a box of face masks to
senior citizens in Barangay Lamot 2, Calauan, Laguna, who love to ride a bicycle
go outside, and always work for their families.
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

Moreover, for a member who is currently at San Pablo City, Laguna has
done their part effectively. Those members are Camille Caponpon, Kyla Mae
Polis, and Fatima H. Quitorio, as they provided a box of face masks with printed
cards to the residents of Barangay San Ignacio, Barangay Santa Monica, and
Barangay Del Remedio, respectively. Ms. Caponpon gave it to a mother that
needed it for them to buy necessities for a family. Ms. Polis chose to give it to a
teenager selling outside their house to remind them about the importance of
wearing a face mask. While Ms. Quitorio gave it to senior citizen neighbors,
believing the safety of the elderly must also be a priority. On the day that the
project was conducted, they were observing the protocols to ensure the health and
safety of those involved.
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna


Being a part of the NSTP's Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS)

component was challenging yet rewarding because Group 2 were able to awaken
the spirit of patriotism and the virtue of good deeds, especially during these trying
times of pandemic where people's health is at risk and their livelihood and lifestyle
have rapidly changed.

Concerning this, they composed a cluster of projects that will help their
respective community amidst the pandemic; the title of the first project is "One
Box of Face Mask, One Evocative Realization." The expectations they were going
to achieve on the first project were to give disposable face masks with an
informative card to the most susceptible to Covid-19.

The members of the team were delighted and honored to be part of the project.
Moreover, they are pleased to provide such a helpful hand to others. Giving is not
all about how much money it costs — it is about how impactful it is to the
receivers. Especially at this time of the pandemic, helping others is incredibly
meaningful. It has been a worthwhile experience to assist residents of the nearby
barangays without expecting anything in return. Provide them with face masks and
remind them how to use them to keep them healthy and safe. When everyone is
safe, the community is safe as well. Building and help develop a much healthier
and joyful community for everyone. It also illustrates what youths can accomplish
in the middle of a pandemic. Group 2 shared essential items that people need in
this program, and the thing they provided helped the community a lot. As students,
it's such a pleasant mentality to help other people in need.
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna


The group's first activity was to distribute a package of face masks,

emphasizing that health should be prioritized first in the new normal. Wearing a
face mask can help reduce the anxiety of individuals becoming infected by
functioning as a protection against viruses that are invisible to the naked eye. The
first activity was well-executed by the group, which allowed them to highlight the
importance of health. Whilst during the first activity, the members made sure that
the health and safety protocols implemented by the school, community, and
government are followed since the group is also promoting the health and safety of
all in the proposed project. The proposed project focused on the health of
community members because it is one of the priorities in people's lives.

The objectives of the proposed project can attain within the time duration
from February 28, 2022 (Monday) to March 19, 2022 (Saturday). The group has
been able to provide surgical or medical face masks to people who need them the
most in the various communities of the group members. The residents of the
barangays from the municipalities of Calamba, Calauan and Magdalena,
Nagcarlan, and San Pablo have been enlightened about the science behind how
surgical or medical face masks prevent coronavirus, which is what the proposed
project addressed. Furthermore, a card with a quote from a well-researched study
has also been provided on each package of face masks, thus it can also be shared
with other people.

As a result of this activity, the majority of the residents have gained a better
understanding of how to utilize a face mask appropriately. To be safe and healthy,
it's critical to take precautionary steps. The community members have been
reminded that face masks are necessary, but they are not a one-stop solution.
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

Other various precautions should be taken to prevent the virus from spreading,
such as:

• Being vaccinated
• Physical Distancing
• Avoiding crowded places
• Good Ventilation
• Covering the nose and mouth with the bent elbow or tissue when you sneeze and
• Proper cleaning of hands
• Staying at home when you feel unwell
• Seeking medical attention if you have a fever, cough, and difficulty in breathing.

In conclusion, the community members became more well-informed and

mindful because of this activity, thereby assisting community officials in informing
community members.
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna


Our group held a meeting to execute the plan for activity one. We talked
about the number of people we are going to help in each group member's
community, the things that we are going to give to the community members that
are in line with protecting their health amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, and the
distribution of tasks for the project proposal paper.
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna


In this documentation, we will expose the 1st activity entitled: “One Box of
Face Mask, One Evocative Realization” which supports the health care and
health awareness of citizens in various barangays. Moreover, we have taken photos
that will serve as a piece of evidence that we have executed the activity. To
completely implement this activity, we have followed the guidelines and health
protocols given by IATF to make sure the safety of every person involved in this

John Lester Valencia has

completed the 1st activity .One
box of Facemask is given to
chosen citizen on Barangay San
Gregorio, San Pablo City,
Laguna. It gives to citizen in
most need of health care
assistance, particularly in the
midst of a pandemic.
Furthermore, the goal of this
initiative was not only to offer
citizens with medical or surgical
face masks, but also to provide a
card that promotes health
awareness and informs citizens
about the significance of
wearing face masks.
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

Julia Saguinsin has successfully

implemented the proposed project
in Brgy. Mayapa, Calamba
Laguna, at (time) on (date) .
Saguinsin has handed a box of
medical or surgical face masks
along with a card with information
from a well-researched study to
raise awareness about the
importance of face masks, as seen
in the photo above, whilst also
following the health and safety
protocols. As a request for privacy,
the receiver's name has not been

The project was conducted in

Barangay Yukos Nagcarlan,
Laguna last Saturday afternoon.
It was given to a mother of three
children who basically needed a
mask to buy necessities for a
family and to pass the done
module at school and to use by
their father who work in the
evening as butcher. We use
facemask not to look cool but to
protect ourselves due to
pandemic. Using face masks
prevents the sick and to avoid any
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

Box of mask is given to a person

who is senior citizen and always
outside working for his family.
This person also loves to ride a
bicycle going outside, safety is
the most important now in this
time of pandemic so it is a
necessity for him. The member
chose to conduct the activity on
Brgy. Lamot 2 Calauan, Laguna
on her place.

The project was conducted in

Barangay San Ignacio, San
Pablo City, on Friday morning.
It was given to a mother of four
children who basically needed
a mask to buy necessities for a
family and to pass the done
module at school. Even though
a mother can do everything for
a family, they still need to be
safe and healthy.
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

On March 2, 2022, Jeza

Belen started giving kiddie
face masks because children
in their barangay love to
play outdoors. The majority
of them are not wearing face
masks; some are, but they do
not fit, so Belen decided to
provide them comfortable to

Zcielo Villarmil thought of

giving a face mask to the
people who live in the remote
jungle where it is difficult to
go out just so they can buy
what they need, and Villarmil
also thought of giving it to
them because informing them
of safety precaution can be a
big help to them.
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

The student chose to give the

box of facemask to a wife of a
construction worker who
have 7 children in their
household and 4 of them are
working. The box of facemask
will help her, her spouse and
their to stay safe and to avoid
theinfection of COVID-19 at

It was Wednesday afternoon

of March 2,2022 when
Fatima Quitorio started
giving a face mask to a
senior citizen. For Quitorio
know that they are also at
high risk of getting the
Covid-19 virus. The safety
of the elders must be one of
our top priorities.
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

This project was conducted

in Brgy. Santa Monica, San
Pablo City, on Friday
evening. It was given to this
teenager selling outside their
house. We also need to
remind our fellow teenagers
about the importance of
wearing a face mask. Many
of us also become working
students during pandemic so
let's help protect them
against viruses.
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna


Project Title: ―Better Environment, Better Tomorrow‖: A Social Media

Environment Awareness Campaign

Project No.: Project #2

Project Duration: March 15, 2022 (Tuesday) – March 31, 2022 (Thursday)

Project Site: This Project entitled ―Better Environment, Better Tomorrow‖: A

Social Media Environment Awareness Campaign will be executed on one of the
powerful social media platforms, notably ―Facebook‖. Online interaction will be
the fundamental process for the communication between the cycle of this group
and the citizens of various barangays.

The following objectives are listed to develop a public awareness campaign
about environmental awareness. Furthermore, the objectives addressed the 5 Ws
(Why, What, When, Where, and Who) and followed the SMART objectives
(Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound).

 To utilize social media as a tool to promote awareness about various

contemporary environmental issues in a much faster and more efficient
manner, and to reach a huge number of people in a short period. The
execution will take effect from March 15, 2022 (Tuesday) to March 31,
2022 (Thursday).
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

 To connect the community members online about the minor to major

environmental issues, thus sharing environmental education and
communicating that knowledge to other people.

 To foster a sense of belonging in which community members are encouraged

to participate in environmental initiatives and act as independent activists,
paving the way for people to learn more about environmental issues and
raising environmental awareness in the community.


At the planning stage, the group members agreed to make a slogan online
with practical actions, inspirational awareness, motivational concepts, and
encouragement quotations that lead to the transformation of the citizen’s
perspective on protecting the environment.

I. Information Gathering

This process is the foundation of the project; this is where the members will
be able to identify the needs of the community members and identify an effective
solution that might help the problem of the community, specifically the
environmental sector.

II. Planning

This will guarantee the accomplishment of the project. This incorporates the

cycle of how the members will run the project that has been discussed, and how the

project will be conducted in an organized manner.

Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

III. Purpose of the Project

Social media is defined by its interactivity, connectedness, and user-

generated content. The use of social media has become a necessary daily
movement. We will establish a page on one of the social media platforms
specifically Facebook that is typically used for spreading information. So, we will
make use of it to escalate the significant effects of environmental protection.

The whole circle of the group will be assigned and create an encouraging
and powerful concept to influence citizens to be one of the ways the changes the
status quo of the environment.

V. Communication and Coordination

The group held an online meeting last March 13, 2022, to talk about the
second activity to execute: the item, the target are the netizens in social media,
other inclusion, and the assigned part on the project proposal paper. The group
came up with the project title of ―Better Environment, Better Tomorrow ": A
Social Media Environmental Awareness Campaign ‖ where every two members of
the group will make a slogan that states have a better environment in every

 On March 14, the leader presented the Project Proposal to the CWTS
instructor to check the objectives and plan of the second activity.

 On March 15, the group will create a page and invite all the participants not
only in their barangay but also other people that are using social media.

 On March 17, every member will create a slogan with an awareness

campaign about the environment and it will be posted on the created page.
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

Proposed slogan and steps with a piece of information about environmental


On this page, every two members of the group will post a slogan with an
awareness campaign regarding protecting the environment. The campaign will last
for 5 days with different types of environmental problems.
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna


The project was accomplished according to the plan. It also meets the time
duration. As the project commences the members of the group focus on the
different environmental issues. The members with the officers were divided into
five pairs and addressed the five environmental issues.

On the sixteenth of March when the Facebook page was created and named
―Better Environment Better Tomorrow‖. Each of the members sends invitations to
their Facebook friends in order to widely spread the different relevant information
about the alarming state of the environment. As well as impart environmental
consciousness. March eighteen when the first pair posted their creative slogan and
informative message. The pair addresses the worldly condition of deforestation. In
the morning, Ms. Dianne Janzel M. Galang posted the slogan ―Deforestation
Destroys the Future '' while Ms. Kyla Mae Polis, the secretary of the group, posted
the steps on how to plant a tree. On the second day morning, March nineteen when
the assistant leader of the group named Ms. Jeza Leana F. Belen displayed her
slogan ―If You Want the Next Generation to Have a Safe, Clean, and Pollution-
Free World, Then Take Part in Protecting and Conserving the Environment'', on
the other hand, Ms. Zcielo Jemeen A. Villamil published on how to start
environmental conservation.

. With the help of the informative posts of the pair, people are being aware
of environmental conservation and its importance. March twenty is the third day of
posting, where Ms. Jasmin Soliminiano and Ms. Gwen Valerie V. Villamarin
showed their posts. That is pointing to air pollution. Ms. Soliminiano posted the
slogan ―Pollution is in the Air: Make a Step to Lessen it to Live Your Life Longer‖
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

Moreover, on March twenty-one, the fourth pair namely Ms. Fatima H.

Quitorio and Ms. Camille Caponpon plugged their works on the page, which is
concerned with water pollution. ―Keeping the Blue Clean, Making the Green Grin
'' slogan was made by Ms. Quitorio while the ways to prevent water pollution were
constructed by Ms. Caponpon. Moving on to the fifth day the twenty-third of
March where Mr. John Lester Valencia the leader of the group with Ms. Darlene
Miranda posted their part focusing on waste management. The same as the
previous pairs, the slogan made by Mr. Valencia ``Human and the Environment are
Mutually Interdependent on One Another Thus, Build a Complex Environment-
Conscious and Interconnectedness Action for a Better Circulation of Life‖ was
posted in the morning while the eight ways to reduce waste by Ms. Miranda was
published in the noon. Eventually, Ms. Galang made a video with the voice record
of the member containing the five environmental issues such as deforestation,
environmental conservation, air pollution, water pollution, and proper waste
management, and it is also posted on the page. The content of the video is
additional information about the chosen environmental issues and encourages us to
take action. However, all information obtained from another source is cited and
paraphrased to prevent plagiarism.
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna


The global environmental problems that the world is currently facing

appeared to be endless, so the group's second project proposal, titled "Better
Environment, Better Tomorrow," was inspired by this global issue. The project
aims to spread environmental awareness and provide alternative ways to change
human activities that tend to harm the environment. Because social media,
specifically Facebook, is the quickest and most convenient way to disseminate
information, the group created a page where they will upload slogans that address
various environmental issues with cited studies and infographics on proper
conservation and protection daily.

Nature contributes well to humans by providing beautiful scenery and

necessities. To preserve it, people must participate in activities that will help
improve the environment so, the world can be a better place not only for the people
living today but for future generations as well. This effort also aims to inform
people about the importance of the current status of the environment.
Environmental awareness helps address environmental issues. This project will
educate the public about their involvement in preventing, reducing, or eliminating
pollution and other environmental hazards.

The community values the environment, and this initiative will assist raise
awareness of sustainable practices. The members were delighted with how their
initiative turned out since it not only raised awareness among netizens but also it
helped in alleviating environmental problems. Moreover, it allowed them to carry
out their duty as planet protectors.
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna


The group's second activity was to create a page, emphasizing addressing

environmental issues nowadays. The second activity was well-executed by the
group, which allowed them to highlight the importance of the environment. Whilst
during the second activity and due to pandemics, the members decided to do the
project proposal at their respective homes. The proposed project focused on the
environmental issues that we are facing today in our community because it is one
of the people's priorities in people's lives.

The objectives of the proposed project can attain within the time duration
from March 16, 2022 (Monday) to March 24, 2022 (Thursday). The group has able
to create a page to inform the people how important is our environmental safety
and how to keep it clean for people. The residents of the barangays from the
municipalities of Calamba, Calauan and Magdalena, Nagcarlan, and San Pablo
have been enlightened about the science behind how the environmental issues or
problems we face nowadays and how we must protect nature, which is what the
proposed project addressed. Furthermore, a post on the page with a quote from a
well-researched study has also been provided on every post, thus it can also be
shared with other people.

In conclusion, humans have a moral obligation to protect the environment

and promote the sustainable development of the planet for future generations.
Being environmentally aware means understanding how our behavior impacts the
environment and committing to making changes to our activities to protect the
planet. Being environmentally friendly means reducing your impact on the
environment as much as possible.
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna


Our group held a meeting to execute the plan for activity one. We talked
about the number of people we are going to help in each group member's
community, the things that we are going to give to the community members that
are in line with protecting their health amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, and the
distribution of tasks for the project proposal paper.
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna


In this documentation, we will expose the 2nd activity entitled: “Better

Environment, Better Tomorrow‖: A Social Media Environment Awareness
Campaign which provides a huge impact on the citizen’s lives with the help
of one of the powerful social media platforms, ―FACEBOOK‖. Furthermore,
we have taken photos that will serve as a piece of evidence that we have
executed the activity.



Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna


Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

“DAY 1”
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

“DAY 2”
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

“DAY 3”
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

“DAY 4”
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

“DAY 5”
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna


―Better Environment, Better Tomorrow‖: A Social Media Environment Awareness

Campaign (Video Presentation)

Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna


Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna


Project Title: ―Sulong Tulong Tungo sa Kaunlarang Mayabong: An

Educational Development Approach by Providing Learning Materials”

Project No.: Project #3

Project Duration: April 02, 2022 (Saturday) – April 15, 2022 (Friday)

Project Site: This Project entitled ―Sulong Tulong Tungo sa Kaunlarang

Mayabong: An Educational Development Approach by Providing Learning
Materials ‖ will be executed on the barangays namely Barangay San Agustin,
Alaminos, Laguna Barangay San Ignacio, San Pablo City, Laguna, and Barangay
Sta. Lucia Dolores Quezon. (Three (3) Barangay’s).


The following objectives are listed for the goal to provide alternative support
for the education of the children. Providing learning materials serve as the
foundation to significantly increase children's learning. Moreover, the objectives
addressed the 5 W’s (Why, What, When, Where, and Who) and followed the
SMART objectives (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-

 To provide learning materials for children, especially for the ones who
stopped going to school since the pandemic started due to lack of
technology; in able to engage children in fun learning.
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

 To impart an affordable screen time- free Interactive learning by acquiring

knowledge as well as having fun through the activities bound together by the
material where they can be accompanied by their parents throughout
learning. Also, to perceive that there are myriad ways to have fun while
acquiring knowledge.

 To apportion some learning materials in communities where most children

are located in the communities of the group members with the time duration
of April 02 to April 15, 2022.

At the planning stage, the group members agreed to give learning materials
to the children in every community that leading to the transformation of the
citizen’s perspective on the importance of learning.

I. Information Gathering

This process is the foundation of the project; this is where the members will
be able to identify the needs of the community members and identify an effective
solution that might help the problem of the community, specifically the sectors in

II. Planning

This will guarantee the accomplishment of the project. This incorporates the
cycle of how the members will run the project that has been discussed, and how the
project will be conducted in an organized manner.
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

III. Communication and Coordination

The whole circle of the group will be assigned by giving learning materials
to children and influencing them on how important education is.

On March 29, 2022, The group held a meeting to discuss the third project
they will do to help the community. And they come up with the idea of giving
Learning Materials to the students of each group member's respective community.
The activity was entitled "Sulong Tulong Tungo sa Kaunlarang Mayabong: An
Educational Development Approach by Providing Learning Materials". The
learning materials that will be given is according to the grade level or age of the
beneficiary and the number of the material/s will depend on the group member's
budget as well as the number of their beneficiary.

 On April 1, 2022, The group began to carry out the plan through a project
proposal paper, in which the project's objectives and planning will be

 On April 4, 2022, The group will present their third proposal to the NSTP-
CWTS subject instructor to validate their project.

 From April 14 to 22, 2022 The group will be executing the aforementioned
project in their respective barangay and to their chosen beneficiary.
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna


The project was administered successfully according to the plans and time
duration. It consisted of the individual work of every member; it is to bridge the
gap between struggling students with learning materials. Each member of the
group prepared learning materials and distributed them in their respective barangay
as planned. The group hoped that with the learning materials the literacy of the
students would improve and develop.

Mr. John Lester Valencia, as the leader of the group, led the project by
distributing his provided learning materials to an elementary student at Barangay
San Gregorio, San Pablo City. He believed that it serves as a tool to broaden and
develop the student's reading skills. On the other hand, Ms. Jeza Leana F. Belen,
the assistant leader of the group, executed her part in Barangay San Agustin,
Alaminos, Laguna. Wherein she disseminates learning materials like cursive
writing activities and reading materials to elementary pupils. The secretary of the
group named Ms. Kyla Mae Polis handed out the learning material to a young boy
who was playing outside their house at Barangay Santa Monica, San Pablo City.
She also quoted that encouraging children to know the importance of learning is a

Moreover, the members of the group have also successfully implemented the
project. In fact, Ms. Zcielo Jemeen A. Villarmil who resided in Barangay Ilayang
Banga, Majayjay Laguna gave learning materials to children who could not afford
to buy school supplies. She also thought of giving to those children who lived in
remote areas. Ms. Jasmin Soliminiano did her distribution too in Barangay Yukos,
Nagcarlan, Laguna. She provided it to Grade one students and believed that the
learning materials that she had given is a great help for the students' incoming
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

grades level. Ms. Darlene Miranda did the same job in Barangay Sta. Lucia,
Dolores, and Quezon that she gave learning materials to four siblings.

In addition, for a remaining member who is living in San Pablo City, Laguna
has done their part successfully. Those members are Fatima H. Quitorio, and
Camille Caponpon, as they provided learning materials to the residents of
Barangay Del Remedio, and Barangay San Ignacio, respectively. Ms. Quitorio
gave printed basic learning materials to her kindergarten recipient. It is because she
believes the materials she was given are a big help that can serve as practice
activities. However, Ms. Caponpon gave out storybooks as learning materials to
grade 2 students in her barangay. The said storybooks contain moral lessons that
according to her it will help a child to become a good person as well as practice
their reading.

The same went for Ms. Dianne Janzel M. Galang and Ms. Gwen Valerie V.
Villamarin in their assigned place. Ms. Galang chose to give the learning materials
to elementary students, specifically 5th graders at Barangay Marinig, Cabuyao
City. It is composed of a notebook, paper, and a ballpen. While Ms. Villamarin
was executed in Brgy. Lamot 2 Calauan, Laguna. She gave learning materials to
selected elementary pupils as a means of developing and expanding their reading
and coloring skills. Furthermore, throughout the day that the project was
conducted, they were observing the protocols to guarantee the health and safety of
everybody participating, particularly if there are children involved.
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna


For several reasons, learning materials are effective and useful to pupils. For
example, students will be able to plan since they will know exactly what topics
would be addressed in each module, rather than guessing what will be discussed. It
also enables students to completely absorb and understand what they are learning
because individual materials do not need to be connected, making it easier for
pupils to process material in pieces.

For the time being, many children today are not able to study because of the
hardships of life, so the group thought of a solution to help, even a little plan, the
youth. The group came up with a plan to solve this by providing learning materials
to the children, in this way, helping at least a little bit in the education of the

They felt honored to serve the children who are susceptible to maleducation
due to inadequate sources of learning materials. Aside from this, parents of the
children who were involved in the projects have shown their gratefulness for both
the benefactors of their child's learning materials and the joy in the eyes of the
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna


The group's third activity was giving learning materials to those students
whose in elementary now. The third activity was well-executed by the group,
which allowed them to highlight the importance of learning different subjects in

The objectives of the proposed project can attain within the time duration
from April 02, 2022 (Saturday) to April 15, 2022 (Friday). The group has been
able to give learning materials that can help students in their studies, practice some
points of subjects, and also remind them not to dwell only on online school stuff.
The residents of the barangays from the municipalities of Calauan, Nagcarlan,
Alaminos, Quezon, and San Pablo have been enlightened about the fact behind
how the studies are very important for every person which is what the proposed
project addressed. Furthermore, the learning materials are given according to the
grade level or age of the beneficiaries.

Learning is hard if the person does not give the effort to find the ways to
make it fun. Enjoying and having fun while acquiring knowledge is superb and an
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna


Our group met to put the plan for Proposed Project No. 3 into action. We
discussed how we will be able to carry out the activity in a well-organized manner.
We also discuss the educational resources that will be provided to the selected
children. Furthermore, we decided to undertake this activity in order to assist every
kid in dealing with the pandemic that has a direct impact on their education.
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna


In this documentation, we will show the 3rd activity entitled: ―Sulong

Tulong Tungo sa Kaunlarang Mayabong: An Educational Development Approach
by Providing Learning Materials‖ which supports children's education by
enhancing their skills in reading, counting, and other vital steps that help to provide
a huge impact on their education. In addition, we have taken photos that will serve
as a piece of evidence that we have executed the activity. To completely
implement this activity, we have followed the guidelines and health protocols
given by IATF to make sure the safety of every person involved in this activity.

“Mr. John Lester Valencia has

successfully implemented the
proposed project in Barangay San
Gregorio, San Pablo City Laguna
by providing Learning Materials to
the chosen elementary student that
serve as her tools to broaden and
develop her skills in reading.”

“The project was conducted in

Barangay San Ignacio, San Pablo
City, on Wednesday afternoon. It is
given to grade 2 students, where the
learning materials provided are
story books that contain moral
lessons that will help them become
good people and practice reading.”
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

“Ms. Jeza Leana F. Belen decided

to disseminate learning materials
like cursive writing tutorials and
reading materials in Brgy. San
Agustin, Alaminos, Laguna for
elementary pupils.”

“April 6 in the morning at Brgy Del

Remedio, San Pablo City when Ms.
Fatima H. Quitorio gave her
printed basic learning materials to
her kindergarten recipient. Ms.
Quitorio believes that the materials
are a big help and serve as practice

“Ms. Zcielo Villarmil thought of

giving learning materials to
children who could not afford to
buy school supplies, she also
thought of giving those children
living in the remoted area.”
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

“Ms. Darlene Miranda, on April 6,

2022, have distributed learning
materials to four siblings namely
Chealsea Cadiente, Chloe Cadiente,
Castiel Cadiente, and Cassie
Cadiente in Brgy. Sta. Lucia,
Dolores, Quezon.”

“Ms. Jasmin Solominiano do the

activity by giving the learning
materials to 2 kids who’s in Grade
1. The materials were about ABC's
and Math; therefore, the materials
give to them to practice more and it
can help them for incoming grades
in the future.”

“Ms. Gwen Valerie Villamarin

nicely implemented the proposed
project in Brgy. Lamot 2, Calauan,
Laguna by giving learning
materials to chosen elementary
student that can serve as his activity
to develop and expand his skills on
reading and coloring.”
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

“A notebook, paper and a ballpen

was given to the elementary student.
He is currently a 5th grader who is
studying in Marining Elementary

“The project was conducted in

Brgy. Santa Monica, San Pablo
City, on Friday morning. It was
given to this young boy who was
playing outside of their house. We
need to encourage them about the
importance of learning. Let's help
them to learn and guide them for
their future.”
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna


Project Title: ―Paglingap Para Sa Organisasyong Bahaghari: A Community

Movement for Promoting Equality, Fostering a sense of Humanity and Alleviating
Critisism for LGBTQt Community”

Project No.: Project #4

Project Duration: April 16, 2022 (Saturday) – May 7, 2022 (Saturday)

Project Site: This Project entitled: ―Paglingap Para Sa Organisasyong

Bahaghari: A Community Movement for Promoting Equality, Fostering a sense of
Humanity and Alleviating Criticism for LGBTQ+ Community‖ is to be posted on
Facebook, one of the powerful social media platforms to spread the simple act of
students by implementing this campaign.

Objectives: The following objectives are listed for the goal to spread awareness
about the state of the LGBTQ+ (Lesbians, Gays, Bisexual, Transgender, Queers) in
the communities where the group members are located. Providing documentation
about the viewpoint of LGBTQ+ members in able to achieve gender equality.
Moreover, the objectives addressed the 5 W’s (Why, What, When, Where, and
Who) and followed the SMART objectives (Specific, Measurable, Achievable,
Realistic, and Time-bound).
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

 In able to serve as an eye-opener in regards to the situation of LGBTQ+

members in our community.

 To impart some knowledge by providing documentation about the stance of

LGBTQ+ members in a sanctimonious country.

 To spread awareness about different oppressions that LGBTQ+ members are

living through, to awaken people’s minds that they should be apprehensive
of their actions.

 To publish the documentation on Facebook, one of the most influential

platforms, to be susceptible to reaching the copious amount of people to
awaken their minds to eventually, achieve gender equality with the time
duration of April 16, 2022 (Saturday) – May 7, 2022 (Saturday)


At the planning stage, the group members agreed to make a short video that
contains the advocacy for LGBTQ+ people who are being discriminated against
and taken their rights in the society.

I. Information Gathering

This process is the foundation of the project; this is where the members will
be able to identify the needs of the community members and identify an effective
solution that might help the problem of the community, specifically the LGBTQ+.
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

II. Planning

This will guarantee the accomplishment of the project. This incorporates the
cycle of how the members will run the project that has been discussed, and how the
project will be conducted in an organized manner.

III. Communication and Coordination

The whole circle of the group will be assigned by making a short video clip
and influencing them on how can we support their rights and freedom as an

On April 4, 2022, the group held a meeting to discuss the fourth and final
project they would do to help the community. And they came up with the idea of
making a short video clip that advocates the rights and fair treatment of LGBTQ+
people. The activity was entitled " Paglingap Para Sa Organisasyong
Bahaghari: A Community Movement for Promoting Equality, Fostering a sense of
Humanity and Alleviating Critisism for LGBTQ+ Community." The video will be
done with the group members and also with the LGBT people who are also
included in the video. The LGBT participants will be given a consent letter if they
are willing to participate in the video.

 On April 5, 2022, the group began to carry out the plan through a project
proposal paper, in which the project's objectives and planning will be
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

 On April 25, 2022, the group will present their third proposal to the NSTP-
CWTS subject instructor to validate their project.

 From April 12 to 15, 2022 The group will be executing the aforementioned
project in their respective barangay and to their chosen LGBT member.


The project was successfully implemented with the contribution of every

member and officer of the group. It is also accomplished within the time duration
and under the plan. The project focuses in honor the LGBTQ+ community to show
a that no matter what a person's gender identity and sexual orientation is, they have
rights as they are also human. The group created a video consisting of individual
lines and with the participation of a person that is part of the LGBTQ+ community.
Each person involved in the video has different significant lines that contain the
sole purpose of the video. The leader of the group named Mr. John Lester Valencia
recorded his part in his home at Barangay San Gregorio, San Pablo City. Ms. Jeza
Leana F. Belen, the assistant leader who resided at Barangay San Agustin,
Alaminos, Laguna did her part too at her home. The same went to the secretary of
the group, Ms. Kyla Mae Polis who lived in Barangay Santa Monica, San Pablo
City. Moreover, the members of the group shoot their lines and parts as well on
their respective houses.

In addition, Ms. Fatima H. Quitorio at Barangay Del Remedio, San Pablo

City; while Ms. Camille Caponpon is from Barangay San Ignacio, San Pablo City.
Same goes to Ms. Jasmin Soliminiano who resided in Barangay Yukos, Nagcarlan,
Laguna and Ms. Zcielo Jemeen A. Villarmil who lived in Barangay Ilayang Banga,
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna

Majayjay Laguna. In addition, Ms. Gwen Valerie V. Villamarin, Ms.

Darlene Miranda, and Ms. Dianne Janzel M. Galang also executed the same
process on their own houses located in Barangay Lamot 2 Calauan, Laguna;
Barangay Sta. Lucia, Dolores, Quezon; and Barangay Marinig, Cabuyao City
respectively. Before initiation of the project, the group granted consent letters to
the LGBTQ+ involved to seek permission.

A way to inform the person or participants what the purpose and benefits
behind the project are before they agree or decline to join. The said persons
belonging to the LGBTQ+ community who willingly collaborated on the project
are Loi B. Balagban from Del Pillar St., Alaminos, Laguna, and Jeadel Capitania
who lived in Barangay Sta. Monica, San Pablo City. The group highly appreciated
the participants for their cooperation. In the last part of the project, Ms. Dianne
Janzel M. Galang collected the individual videos of different lines of the group that
involved LGBTQ+, then edited them into one video. Subsequently, the video was
posted on social media platforms, including a specific Facebook account of Ms.
Galang and Ms. Belen. However, the rest of the group members shared the videos
on their social media platforms to spread awareness that everyone deserves
humane treatment no matter who they are and what their gender identity is.
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna


Discrimination, harassment, racism, and many inhumane actions have been

prevalent in the past decades, especially now that the introduction to the LGBTQ,
and their rights, has become a debatable issue. Concerning this, the group had
thoroughly speculated their final project that promotes equality, alleviates
discrimination, and empowers the LGBT community. They made a short
commercial that will be posted on Facebook and other social media platforms to
spread awareness on how discrimination and inequality affect the LGBT lives and
mental health state.

As psychology students, their advocacy is to promote safe space and

equality to achieve overall well-being. However, they knew too well that it might
take more time for people, especially religious ones, to accept the LGBT
community but what they are aiming for at this juncture is to encourage people to
respect one another.
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna


The group's fourth activity was doing an advocacy and awareness video for
the part of the community about the LGBTQ+. In the video, the members
explained how we support LGBTQ+ youth y encouraging respect for all people
and developing and implementing non-discrimination and anti-bullying that
include actual and perceived sexual orientation as well as gender identity and

The objectives of the group support the LGBTQ+ and advocate for all
people on how to avoid the mistreatment on part of the LGBTQ+. Avoid making
assumptions about people sexual's orientation. A campaign approach promotes
equality, alleviates criticism, and provides a sense of humanity for the LGBTQ+

The residents of the barangays from the municipalities of Calauan,

Nagcarlan, Alaminos, Quezon, and San Pablo have been enlightened about the fact
behind how we are aware of how LGBTQ+ experiencing a lot of discrimination is
very important in every person which is what the proposed project addressed.
Furthermore, LGBTQ+ rights are still human rights.
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna


Our group held a meeting in order to effectively implement the strategy for
the last activity in NSTP-CWTS. We discussed the participants who would
participate in this activity and how we might be delighted to empower them in their
everyday life to avoid difficulties like discrimination, violence, and criticism for
being a part of the LGBTQ community. Consequently, we address the movement
that our organization may leverage to ensure diversity and ease any challenges in
the lives of LGBT people.
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna


Paglingap para sa Organisasyon Bahaghari: A Community movement for

Promoting equality, fostering a sense of humanity, and alleviating partiality for
LGBTQt community.


PAGKAKAIBA-IBA" A Gender Equality Advocacy video of students from
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo to encourage everyone to respect other
people's sexual identity and expression.
Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo
Brgy. San Jose, San Pablo Laguna


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