HRM Mid Notes

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 Physical resources: the resources that will have the physical form. E.g.

raw materials of
an organization, machineries of an organization, the land of an organization.
 Financial resources: investment, capital, cash flow, equity. Whatever you have in the
context of your finances is going to be called financial resources. Some resources that are
associated with your finances are Financial resources
 Market resources: patent, brand value, brand image. How you have positioned your
product in the mind of the customer. E.g. Whenever I think about Toyota cars I always
think about reliability. /Luxury.
 Technological resources: associated with IT. e.g. RDS system, Canvas System
 Human Resources: People, man power, employees who are working in the context of the
Human resources is one of the most difficult resources to manage and one of the most important

Labor management relation: refers to the interaction or relationship between employer and

 Employees: want
1. Higher wages
2. Better standard of living
3. Work Life balance
4. Great infrastructure
5. Higher benefits and services
 Employers: want/have to compromise
1. Higher profit
2. Lower production cost
3. Employees must go an extra mile
4. Lower operation cost
5. Business expansion

Major reason of conflict:

The relationship between labor and management can involve substantial conflict. While workers
often request higher wages to improve its standard of living, management may resist because
wage increases may cut into industry profit.

Even if the difference is inevitable, good management will reduce the difference between these
directions and they will try to make sure that the interests are aligned and they'll try to make sure
they have a sound relationship between employer and employee. To resolve these we would:
abide by the laws, and as well bargaining.

One of the major concept to resolve the industrial conflict:

 Collective bargaining: is a negotiation process which is conducted between the employer

and the employee. This is held in order to resolve the industrial conflict and determines
the terms and the conditions.E.g. the org. Didn't do very well in the previous year and
that’s why they said they can’t give the yearly increment to you. Therefore, employees
understand that and sacrificed their yearly increment. But in 2022, the organization has
done much better than ever before. Now, it’s in a position to give in increments but it has
again declined. Therefore, the solution is collective bargaining in order to resolve the
conflict. And you should talk to the trade union, they will hold the collective bargaining.
The trade union will sit with the management. There is a round table, on one side of the
table, There will be the trade union and then on the other side there will be the
management. Trade union is the representative of the employee when employees will
suffer, employees will have problems; union will help them out. It’s an association
formed by the employees in order to protect and promote the right. (they’ll have the
employer and on the other side we'll have the employee. They will fight, negotiate. That's
going to be called collective bargaining.)

 Employee: trade union
 Employer: Management/ management association /Employer association

E.g. employee ra bolche amra sick leave benefits chai 20 din but employer ra bolche amra dibo
10 din. Solution gulo aro strong hobe if those are backed by relevant laws.
E.g. bd act 2006,2007,

 3rd party- Government:

They are very important. Because they are going to provide the labor court, with the tribunals,
with the labor laws to the framework. - representative: court & tribunals.
 Trade Union: An union is an organization which is formed by the employees of an
organization to protect and promote their rights. to promote and protect the rights of
the employees. So, whenever the employees will face trouble they will go to the union
and the union will try to resolve it, they will try to sit with the relevant parties and will try
to come up with the solutions.
 Employer association: is formed by the employer in order to protect and promote their
 Courts and tribunals: are established by the government to look into the discipline and
relationship between an employer and employee.

*When covid er karone company r obosta bhalo chilo na tkhn increment dei nai that's fine. But
after that this year profit bhalo hoyeche still dei ni.. so employee ra union er kache jabe cz it's not

1. In our country, employer and employee r moddhe sound relationship nei tar one of the
main reasons for hocche wage determination. Employees are not happy with wages they
2. Employee engagement. If you can't engage your people at work then you'll not have a
good relationship.
3. Negotiation skills, writing skills, and presentation skills: as part of the collective

Objectives of industrial relations (IR): / labor management relation

1. Resolve the industrial conflict

2. To create a positive relationships between employees and employer
3. To improve the productivity of employees
4. To improve employees motivation level of the employees
5. To protect and promote the rights of employees and employer
6. To produce a stable and sound work environment
7. Employee empowerment

Approaches to IR / labor management relation:

1. Unitary approach: it has been grounded in the context of mutual cooperation, mutual
understanding, team work, great relationship. Here the common assumption is that both
the employee and employer will have a common interest. They will have a great deal of
harmony. they will have a relationship with each other. Employees will look after their
employer, and vice versa. They'll win the race together, they'll collaborate a lot. They'll
cooperate a lot. They'll have individual treatment, team work., Shared goals and as such
they'll not need any trade union. Because they don't have any conflicts. When they don't
have any conflicts they don't need any collective bargaining, when they don't need any
collective bargaining they don't need any trade union. And there is no strike. E.g. the
CEO of a company shares his own profit with the employees in the pandemic.
2. Pluralistic approach: here the conflicts are inevitable. Here both organization
employees and employers do have different interests. (E.g. employees want better wages,
employers want better profit). As they have conflicts, they definitely need a strong trade
union. If they don't have a union they can't go for collective bargaining. Without a trade
union They don't have any support. So they'll be needing a union. And a strong union is
required in this approach. & Conflicts are not always bad, it often are seen as a source of
growth. E.g. employees are using certain method which is provided by the employer. &
That method is faulty, that method is not fantastic or effective. But the production
workers are using that method while operating the machines they do understand that the
method is faulty. So now they can raise their voice. That they'll be not using these
methods. They can have conflicts with the management, they can have arguments. &
Through arguments they can proof the fact that this particular method is faulty. & Then
they can come up with a new method which can produce a lot of growth and innovation.
3. Marxist approach: this approach sees conflict as a product of capitalist society.
a. Capitalism: with a capitalist society, a group of traders rather than the government will
have the control or ownership over the resources. There are two groups of people. 1. Traders/
Capitalist 2. Workers . Workers have basically nothing to offer except their hard work or the
labor. Capitalists, they literally own all the resources. When this kind of distribution is available,
we expect conflict. We have a conflict because of these differences. & That's why marxist see
conflict as a product of the Capitalist society. For marxist all strikes are political. In the marxist
approach you mostly have private ownership. The purpose for capitalism is extreme profit
maximization. It's an extreme method, just focusing on individual ownership.
b. Socialism: a combination of both. Mixed method both public and private. Its purpose is to
meet social needs. This mean well balanced
c. Communism: you have no conflicts.because here the government will have the control
over the resources. Here it mostly has public ownership. Its purpose is to meet mass demand. It
focuses on public ownership.
4. Systems approach: it is believed that we are part of the ongoing individual independent
social system. This theory also believes that our behavior, our actions and our role and our
attitude are highly shaped by the cultures of the society. But when it's needed we can change
this ongoing system. When you need to change some sort of issue in the society we go to three
 Input: (when you produce something we give the input in the form of raw
 Process:( in the middle stage we process through the internal process.)
 Output: (we get an output as the form of the final product.)

Long time ago people used to work for longer hours. People were treated like machines and then
workers realized that this system is not the correct one. So they wanted to change it, they thought
the system was faulty. They give the input to make the change. Then they have the process such
as beginning constellation arbitration etc. Then they get the new output in the form of a new

Factors affecting the industrial relations:

1. Industrial factors: will affect labor management relationships. Because it's also known
as an industrial relation. This will actually come from three parties: employee employee
and government. E.g. Labor law provided by the government, collective bargaining
between employers and employees.
2. Economic factors: with capitalism capitalist will own everything and the poor workers
will have nothing. So basically there will be conflicts. In socialism perhaps it's well
balanced, there will be fewer conflicts, better relationships. Again in communism there
can be a bit of conflict because then private owners can do whatever they want.
3. Social factors: culture is the learned behavior, the way we do the things around here.
There can be two cultures in an organization. One can be a strong culture, another can be
a weak culture. In strong culture everyone in the organization is aligned with the
organization's policy, and organizational stated values. E.g. security guard checks id card.
But in a weak culture different people will have different values, different policies,
different norms.& They are not aligned with stated values.
4. Technological factors: slide
5. Psychological factors: it's the attitude of the owners, attitude of the employers toward
the employee. Long time ago employees were treated like machines. The attitude of the
owner was bad. But things have changed a lot.
6. Political factors: also affect labor management in terms of political system, political
attitude, government rules etc.

Causes of poor LR:

Slide. Our workers consider it as a cost rather than an asset. If an organization invests in their
employees then they are considering their employees as an asset otherwise cost.

Emotional intelligence: 5 dimensions:

Emotional intelligence is identifying your own emotion and as well as the emotion of others.

1. Recognize your own emotion

2. Manage your own emotions
3. Motivate oneself
4. Empathy: putting yourself in the other person's shoe.
5. Social reinforcement: motivate others

Factors influencing investment orientation:

1. Management values: what is the value of the organization. What is the value of
organizational management? Employee 1st customer 2nd.
2. Utilitarianism: cost benefit analysis. They will figure out the cost in the context of
human resource investment. & They will figure out the benefit in the context of Human
resource investment. E.g. in an organization you have a high level of defect. The reason
for the defect is the employees don't have the right skills. If you give some sort of
Training, they can reduce the defect. The cost of the defect is
Defect=$40000 per year.
Training,=$20000. They can save 20000. The benefit is higher so they will go for human
investment. If training costs 60000 then they won't. Cz they can't save money.
3. Attitude toward risk: human resources is a very risky investment. Because they might
leave. But the higher the risk the higher the return.. cz without investment the employees won't
be skilled.
4. Availability of outsourcing: some organizations will try to outsource a lot. But some
will not be affected by outsourcing, rather they will invest in humans.
5. Nature of employees skills: some organizations are bound to consider their people as
assets. & Some are not bound.

Role of three actors to lR:

Role of employees
1. To secure a safe environment
2. To understand employer's situation
3. To understand the job well
4. To protect the interest of both the employer and employees
5. To improve productivity

Role of employer:

1. To consider the employees as the asset

2. To ensure workplace safety.
3. To empower the employees
4. To evaluate the employees demand effectively

Role of state/ government

1. To provide appropriate framework and labor laws

2. To protect the welfare of the worker
3. To conciliate the disputes

New chapter: labor management relation:

1. Militant function: militant functions are usually concerned about the heart factors for
example to achieve higher wages.
2. Fatern function: to take up the welfare measures for improving the morale of the
workers. Some employees are not confident about what they are doing in the organization
so it is imperative that the union actually teaches them about what's happening in the
organization so to make sure their confidence is improved. Trade union will have to make
sure that employees are having the right kind of discipline at work, there having the right
kind of activities at work, they don't do unethical activities.

According to mindless labor act 2006, section 176 all the workers will have the right to join a

Registration process of a union:

1. Ensure a minimum membership of 30 percent of the total number of workers (exceptional

case: for civil aviation you have to meet 50% of the membership.
2. Form the leadership group or officers through the secret ballot system. Tenure is 2 years.
3. Submit the application to the director of labor.
4. DOL will scrutinize this application and make the final decision.
5. When the application is successful DoL will provide the union certificate
Who can cancel the registration of the union- DoL (director of the labor)

Cancellation process:

1. Investigation or scrutiny by the director of labor

2. If the director of labor is dissatisfied with the outcome the investigation, he/she will ask
the labor court to give permission to cancel the registration of the union
3. Once the permission is received, the DoL can cancel the registration within the next 30
4. Union can apply of another round of consideration within the next 30 days
5. Tribunal will investigate the matter and make the final decision

Basic level - single organisation.

Company A= RMG unhappy cx didn't give increment this year even if they said they will give
this year.

Company A (UNION A), company B (Union B), company C (union C) union= RMG

When company a will resolve the matter no other company will resolve the matter. Because the
problem belongs to company a. Basic union applies to single org.

Company a,b,c started collaborating. To resolve the problem of rmg. Federation. 2 or more
decided to work collaboratively.


TOBACCO union decided to work together. Cz there are some issues that are causing the whole

Big-5 personality test:

1. Extroversion
2. Emotional stability/neuroticism
3. Openness to experience
4. Agreeableness
5. Conscientiousness

New Chapter-

Collective Bargaining: is a negotiation process between the union and management or the
employee and employer. Employees are represented by the union and employer are represented
by the management association. So, it's a pricess of negotiation between the union and
management in order to determine the terms and conditions and resolve the industrial conflicts.

It applies to group of employees.

Negotiator style:

 Avoidance: try to avoid any sort of confrontation, any sort of conflicts, any sort of
problems. They try to avoid arguments. So, they are not basically getting i to the
negotiation but they're trying to avoid the problem. They're trying to avoid the
negotiation, avoid the arguments. It's not a good style. Since, they're avoiding the
problem they're not highlighting on the important areas, they're not discussing the matter,
thus you give birth to bigger problems because smaller problems will turn into bigger
problems in the you end up with lose/lose situation. You dont attend your own
needs, you don't attend to the needs of the other parties.
 Aggression: they exclusively focus on their own needs. They don't focus on the needs of
the other party. They tend to be very selfish. They have a tendency to win at any. Cost.
They want to win the negotiation at any cost. They don't care about what other people
will have to get. so i have to win it. Even at the expense of others. This type of
negotiation style is not very effective too. The researchers says, this kind of negotiators
might win the race, might win the negotiation but that's gonna be short term achievement.
In the long run, They'll lose the loyalty, they lose the conference of the other party.
They'll lose the cooperation of the other party.
 Accommodation: you exclusively focus on the needs of the other party. Here, the
negotiators heavily focus on the relational dynamics.they involve risking "i lose you win''
 Compromise: here both parties will compromise. You have the win-win situation.
Basically both parties will get busy in searching for the middle ground approach.
 Collaboration: the best method. The negotiator stand up for their own needs, own
interests. While at the same time they have the interest, they have the values, they have
the honour for the interest of the other party. Here, the mindset js "i'll definitely talk
about my own needs but at the same time I'll have the full honor respect for the need of
the other party." Here the situation is win-win.

Process of CB

1. Either of the parties will place a demand for CB in writing

2. The CB should be take place within the 21 days after the demand is placed.
3. During the bargaining, you can end up with one out of two outcomes-either 1. Agreement
or 2. No agreement
4. In case of agreement, you need yo prepare a memorandum of settlement and a copy of
that should be sent to the relevant govt. Authority
5. In case of disagreement, either of the parties need to communicate with the conciliator
and ask the conciliator to resolve the matter.

For plant level you have to have a (CBA) : ONCE YOU SELECT THEYLL HOLD IT FOR 2

Practices of collective bargaining in Bangladesh: (why should we practice)

1. Government needs to inspect more

2. Influence
3. Employees are not aware of the rights and collective bargaining process.
4. The employers are reluctant to consider the employees as equal strategic partners.
5. Power distance
6. Lack cooperation

New chapter:



1. Normative: Different judgement person to person

2. Moral standards (morality): Same judgement. It's not gonna change

Shapes ethical behaviour at work:

1. Individual factors: will affect the most.
2. Organisational factors
3. The boss's influence
4. The organisational culture

Halo effect: one strong point dominate the rest of the interview. Own culture, own university.
Horn effect: one week point influence the rest of the interview.

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