Tugas Bhs Inggris 2

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NAMA: Lalu Hadi Supratman
NIM : 113121081
Nurse: Good night
Patient: Good night.
Nurse: what is your name?
Patient: my name is inak imogq.
Nurse: where are you from?
Patient: I am from montong betoq
Nurse: How are you feeling mis?
Patient: I’m feeling stomach pains and nausea
Nurse: how long have you been sick and nauseous?
Patient: it’s been three days
Nurse: have you taken your medicine, miss?
Patient: I never take drugs, sus
Nurse: let’s me check and please lie down
Patient: how is my blood pressure?
Nurse: your blood pressure is fine
Patient: alhamdulilah
Nurse : do you want tobe injected miss?
Patient :yes I do
Nurse :please, keep your diet and get plenty of rest , the
medicine is taken three times a day one spoon before eating
but shaken before drinking and then this medicine is taken 3
hours after eating three times a day. This is your drugs
Patient : how much does it cost?
Nurse : this is an empty envelope,please fill it up as you like
Patient :this is your envelope
Nurse : thank you and get well soon
Patient : your welcome sus

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