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ssential rammar 4 IELTS Chi bién Hu Min - John A Gordon Cee Cea eT INTV) eer rr congty THN pen esc NUMER Essential Grammar 4, IELTS Copyright © 2009-2013 Hu Min Published in Vietnam, 2014 This edition is published in Vietnam under a license Agreement between Higher Education Press and Nhan Tri Viet Co., Li All rights reserved, No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, oF transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owners, Loi noi dau Ky thi IELTS 1a ky thi duge thiét ké nham danh gid nang luc tiéng Anh théng qua viéc kiém tra bén ky nang: nghe, n6i, doc, viét cla thf sinh. Day 1a ky thi rat néi tiéng vé tinh thyc dung, yéu cdu thf sinh phai cé kha nang van dung ngén ng@ thanh thao nhim vugt qua nhiing rao can ngén ngif khi song va hoc tap & nuéc ngoai. Trong qué trinh luyén tap chudn bi cho ky thi, hoc vién thudng ty héi minh cé thé nang cao ky nang hay khong va bang cdch nao. Nhu cdc ban da biét, tir vyng va ngi phdp 1a hai thanh phan co ban cla ngén ngit, ddng thai day cting la phdn quan trong nhdt dé thi sinh co thé rén luyén va nhdém dén cc miic diém cao trong ky thi. Ky thi IELTS luén yéu cau thi sinh phai cé trinh 6 ngit phap va vén tir vung kha cao. vé mat ng phap, yeu cdu ma ky thi IELTS dat ra cho thf sinh di tit kha nang nhan biét, ly giai thong thuéng cho dén ndm viing, van dung thanh thao, duge thé hién rat ro trong phan thi mén Viét va m6n Doc hiéu. Thi sinh thudng gap cdc bai doc c6 d kh6 cao véi nhiing cau van dai, khé hiéu, c6 cu tric da dang va nhiéu loai ménh dé dan xen [in nhau lam cho thi sinh thay b6i réi. Yéu cdu trudc hét cila mén Viét la thi sinh phai dién dat chinh xdc ng6n ngit, bao gém viéc sit dung gidi tir va chia thi cho déng tir mét cach linh hoat; déng thdi cach din dat ngén ngir ciing cho théy mét 49 kh6 nat dinh, ching han, cach van dung céc ménh dé phy va sip x€p cc kiéu cau khéc nhau, Cuén sdch nay duge bién soan riéng cho ky thi IELTS véi myc dich rat 6 rang: dé cap d&n cdc chi diém ngi phap quan trong nhat va cé méi lién hé mat thiét véi mén Boc higu va mén Viét trong ky thi IELTS, cu thé la cach ding gidi tiy, hinh thdi cla dong tir va cu tric cau, Gidi tir chi yéu thé hign méi quan hé gitta cdc ti logi, dng vai tro khong thé thigu dude khi két hgp cdc tit trong cau; dong tir 1a tir loai cé hinh thai bién déi phong phi nha trong tigng Anh. Néu dOng ti va gidi tir dugc xép vao khdi niém vi mé thi cdu tric cu lai duge xem la khdi nigm vi mé, Ba yéu t6 trén két hop véi nhau tao thanh néi dung trong tam trong ngit phdp IELTS. Phan Ién nhiing cau vi dy va bai tap trong cuén sdch nay déu duge trich ti b§ séch (6 cuén) ‘Cambridge IELTS’ néi tigng va chu gidi xudt xif r6 rang, Cam 1 nghia 1a duge trich tir cudn 1 ctia bO sch ‘Cambridge IELTS’; T la viét tat clia Test; L, S, R, W chi bon ky nang: nghe, néi, doc, viét; G chi phan 6n tap; ching han, (Cam 1, T1, R) la phan doc hiéu cia dé thi 1 trong cuén 1, (Cam 6, G, TA, W) la phan viét cla b6 dé A thuéc phan 6n tap cla cuén 6. Ngoai ra, cdn cé mét s6 tai ligu duge chon ra tir cdc dé thi that trong nhing nam gin day, vi vay nhin tu géc 46 ngit php thi cudn séch nay mo phong kha chan thuc ky thi IELTS. 3 Cudn séch nay khong chi gidi thich don gidn cdc yéu t6 ngit phép, ma cdn két hop gitva ly thuyét va thyc hanh, gidi thich va van dung théng nhat, nhudn nhuyén véi nhau. Toan bé cudn sdch dugc chia lam 11 chuong, trong dé mot chuong dé cap dén gidi tir, bon chuong ban vé hinh thai cla dong tir va séu chuong vé c4u tric céu. MBi chuong bao gbm hai phan: ‘Gidi thfch ngi phép’ va “Thyc hanh ngit phép’. Phan ‘Gidi thich ngi php’ tuan theo nguyén tic ‘tém luge ré rang va trinh bay dting trong diém’. Phan ‘Thuc hanh ngir phap’ bao gdm nhiéu dang 4é da dang vé hinh thiic, phong phii vé sO lugng; mac da chi xoay quanh mét vdn dé nhung bai tap 6 phan nay gitip hoc vién tan dung kha nang gidi thich dé trau déi ng6n ngt tir nhiéu géc dé, nang cao ky nang dién dat cua ban than. Ngoai ra, 8 cuéi cudn sich nay cn 6 phn phy luc ‘Cac mau cau dai va khé trong mén Doc hiéu IELTS’, duge dac biét chon loc tix nhitng bai doc hiéu dai va khé dién hinh trong b6 sach “Cambridge IELTS’ nham gitip hoc vién lam quen déng thdi tang cudng kha nang xtt ly nhiing cau van dai va khé trong mén Doc hiéu. Khi stt dung cuén séch nay, cdc ban cé thé dua vao trinh d6 hién tai cing nhu phuong phdp hoc tap ciia ban than dé xdc dinh muc dich rd rang, can nhdc ky luGng ting myc khéc nhau duge trinh bay trong séch. Déi véi céc chung va hai phan trong mdi chuong, cc ban nén phan biét ré phan nao chinh, phan nao phy dé quyét dinh nén xem ky hay xem luét. V6i nhiing ndi dung qué quen thugc, cdc ban cé thé xem mét phan hoac doc luét qua; tuy nhién, cdc ban nén xem phan ‘Thue hanh ngi phap’ 1a trong diém vi viée luyén tap phan nay cé thé gitip cdc ban dat dugc kha nang stt dung thudn thuc cdc quy tac ngén nga, Chting téi hy vong cuén séch nay cé thé gitip cdc thf sinh dang chudn bj cho ky thi IELTS dat nén tang ngon ngi ving chdc, vugt qua céc chuéng ngai, vach sin con dudng bang phang dé dat duoc két qua cao trong ky thi IELTS sp téi. 4 CONTENTS Chuting 1 Gigi tit 7 Chuong 2 Thi cia ding tit 35 Chuong 3. Thé bj dong 47 Chutng 4 Danh dong tit va dong tir nguyén thé 58 Chuting 5 Hinh thie phén ti cia dong ti n Chung 6 Ménh dé tinh ti 87 Chuong 7 Menh dé danh tit 106 Chung 8 Ménh dé trang tit 120 Chuting 9 Céu trae gi dinh 142 Chung 10 Cu trée dio ngit 153 Chuong 11 Cée miu céu thong dung 162 Phu lye: Cc miu e&u dai va khé trong mén Doe hiéu IELTS 184 Dap an 191 5 rarree en Nhimg gidi tit thuding gap trong kj thi IELTS dui day duge phan loai dya trén ¥ nghia cing véi vf du dién hinh. Lun y la céch ding da dang ctia céc gidi tir nay sé dugc trinh bay day di hon & phan ‘Thye hanh ngit phap’. 1) after after school, after college After many vicissitudes, the Dictionary was finally published on 15 April, 1775. (Cam 5, T1, R) 2) at at night, at noon at suntise, at the beginning of the 20th century 3) before before Christmas, before the First World War 4) by by the beginning of the century 5) during during the war, during the year during the same period, during the summer holidays 7 for IELTS 6) in inthe morning, in recent years, in the winter In accepting this view he was admitting the possibility that he was mistaken earlier. 7) near near death, near the end of the exam. 8) on on a Sunday afternoon, on the first day of the term on Friday night, on the weekends ‘on a hot sunny day, on Christmas Eve on arrival, an demand on receipt, on sight 9) outside outside office hours 10) over over night, over time over the years, over the long term fall asleep over a book, discuss a matter over dinner 11) past past bedtime, past three o’clock Children in developing countries are healthier and more likely to survive past the age of five when their mothers can read and write. (Cam 6, T4, R) 12) pending Pending out move to the new house, we moved to temporary accommodation in London. 13) since since leaving home, since then 14) throughout ‘throughout the day, throughout one’s life 15) toward(s) toward sundown, toward sixty years of age 16) under under consideration, under construction under discussion, under way 17) until (till) until last week ot ... until (till) Original science was not done in English until the second half of the 17th century. (Cam 5,12, R) They did not disappear from the bigger rivers fill present times. 18) prior to Prior to carrying out the experiment, Milgram explained his idea to a group of 39 psychiatrists (Cam 5, T1, R) 8 - Phan 1 Gidi thich nga phip— 19) at the end of at the end of the discussion, at the end of the exam 20) at the point of at the point of \eaving, at the point of collapse 21) inthe act of T caught him in the act of reading my private letters. 22) in the course of Thope that in the course of the next two or three weeks they'll make up their minds. 23) in the midst of In the midst of this humiliating scandal, news of Mr. Hodge’s resignation arrived. 24) in the wake of ‘Many expressionist movements sprang up in the wake of the Second World War. 25) om the eve of on the eve of an examination on the eve of « tremendous theoretical and cultural development 2. Gidi tit chi dia diém, phuong huéng 1) across escape across borders, wander across the park live across the street, speak from across the room 2) along drive along a path, walk along a corridor 3) amid/amidst amid the ruins, amidst dangers 4) among a house among the trees a small village among the mountains 5) beside a river beside the house, beside the road 6) between a passageway berween two rooms, insert between the lines 7) by linger by the door, sit by the bed 8) down climb down a tree, go down the hill walk down the street, swim down the river 9) into fall into a ditch, pour hot water into a glass 9 i) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) for IELTS fe the mouth, step inside the gate near a building near the railway, stand near the door on a lamp on the desk, a picture om the wall on the campus, on the world market on the outskirts of the city opposite live opposite the park, sit opposite each other outside 20 outside the house throughout throughout Europe, throughout the country toward(s) a tendency toward cooperation, head toward the bus stop underneath sit down underneath the tree write the date underneath the address up climb up the stairs, run up the steps within within the reach, within a party within sight, within hearing ahead of One man went ahead of the others to see if the road was clear. next to the table next to the door, a hotel next to the church out of take a piece of chalk out af the box walk out of the room in front of A van was parked right in front of my car. in the face of In the face of great hardship, she managed to keep her sense of humor, 10 ae ae Phan 1 Gidi thich ngt phap— Beier melts 1) by She earns her living by selling insurance. 2) on on foot, on the radio, on TV, on the telephone 3) through peace through strength 4) via via airmail the transmission of television via satellite Interlibrary loans are available locally and nationally via the British Library. (Cam 4, G, TA, R) 5) with with certainty, with difficulty, with effort, with ease 6) by means of We express our thoughts by means of words. 7) by virtue of ‘Though she isn’t British by birth, she’s a British citizen dy virtwe of her marriage to an English- 1) for Lam going to apply for a job. 2) to come to sb.’s rescue, drink fo sb,’s health 3) for fear of She left an hour early for fear of missing her train. I never carry a large sum of money with me for fear of losing it. 4) for the purpose of Did you come to London for the purpose of seeing your family or for business purposes? 5) for the sake of He’s going to live by the coast for the sake of his health. 6) witha view to Dung beetles were initially introduced in the late 1960s with a view to controlling buffalo flies. (Cam 3, T2, R) W Essential Grammar [o reLts | Sse m one am L 1) by by mistake, by good luck 2) for for lack of food, for want of money He was rewarded for his bravery. 3) from die from hunger, tremble from fear Every year some 10,000 people die from pesticide poisoning. (Cam 3, 12, R) 4) given Given the cheap cost of labor, people would much rather pay someone to repair their homes. (Cam 4, G, TA, R) I very much hope that, giver the circumstances, you would be prepared to allow me to take up my position with you two weeks later than planned, (Cam 3, G, TA, W) 5) of die of cancer She did it of her own free will. 6) through through neglect, through bad organization 7) with tremble with fear, mad with joy 8) because of Our society will develop more slowly than it should because of traditional preconceptions. (Cam 5, T1, W) Because of these types of violence, it cannot be said that intemational sporting events are entirely cffective in easing international tensions and releasing patriotic emotions in a safe way. (Cam 3, TI, W) 9) due to Joe's application to the University was not accepted due to his failing English. 10) owing to Owing to a prior engagement, the chairman cannot come tonight. 11) thanks to Thanks to technological advances such as lightweight components, manufactured goods them- selves have tended to become lighter and less bulky. (Cam 6, T1, R) It was also at this time that the avant-garde film first achieved commercial success, this time thanks almost exclusively fo the French and the occasional German film. (Cam 4, G, TA, R) le ee —Phan 1 Giai thich ng phip— 12) in view of in view of the expense, in view of the fact In view of bis youth, the police have decided not to press charges. 13) on account of On account of the weather, we had to cancel the projected outing. 14) asa result of World food output per head has risen by 4 per cent between the 1970s and 1980s mainly as a result of increases in yields from land already in cultivation. (Cam 3, T2. R) (om ORaNe eer eTag 1) bar (barring) All was over, bar the formal recording of the votes. 2) beyond Beyond the practical need to make order out of chaos, the rise of dictionaries is associated with the rise of the English middle class. (Cam 5, TI, R) They certainly won’t know anything of the world beyond the school work that they are given by teachers. (Cam 5, G, TA, W) 3) but ‘All but one of the blind subjects assigned distinctive motions to each wheel. (Cam 4. TI, R) 4) except (except for) Your composition is good except for a few spelling mistakes. 5) save (saving, save for) She answered all the questions save one. 6) apart from I can’t think of anything I need, apart from a car. 7) aside from Aside from the Joneses, I don’t know anybody in the village. 8) other than tis important to remember that children need to develop skills other than intellectual ones. (Cam 3, TA, W) Scientists are now finding genes that influence things other than how a person looks. (Cam 5, T4, W) 9) short of Short of the President himself, probably no one could have put the American case more persua- sively. 10) with the exception of like all my studies with the exception of arithmetic. B bore emerson for LRLTS: PAmconesn cre anna) 1) despite Navajo is considered endangered despite having 150,000 speakers. (Cam 4, T2, R) Despite linguists’ best efforts, many languages will disappear over the next century. (Cam 4, 12, R) 2) notwithstanding They are determined to go ahead with the plan, notwithstanding widespread public opposition. 3) for all For all its faults and eccentricities, his two-volume work is a masterpiece and a landmark. (Cam 5, TI, R) 4) irrespective of Schools are open to all irrespective of race, color or creed. 5) regardless of Children in the program performed equally well regardless of socio-economic disadvantages. (Cam 5, T3, R) 6) inspite of In spite of a slight improvement in sales, the company is still making a loss. Earns ere Ty 1) about T know nothing about it They'll talk about anything, no matter who's there. 2) of hear of the coach, speak of the teacher 3) on a lecture on agriculture, an essay on Shakespeare 4) over problems over his income tax talked over the matter with him, 5) concerning Tam writing concerning the position of Assistant Office Manager that I am due to begin next Monday. (Cam 3, G, TA, W) 6) regarding ‘The government changed the rules regarding the university entrance exam. Regarding wages, a babysitter in a developed country may ear $2 per hour. (Cam 3, T3, W) 4 www.nhantrivietcom — Phan 1 Gidi thich nga phap— 7) respecting legislation respecting property problems respecting air pollution in cities 8) touching He asked many questions touching my house and school. 9) as regards He was in a thoroughly sound state as regards intellect. 10) as for As for the Olympics, riots are uncommon, (Cam 3, Tl, W) As for traditional arts, {like Chinese paintings very much, (Cam 3, T3, S) 11) asto There was no agreement as to the best way of bringing some order to the chaos of English spelling. (Cam 5, TI, R) 12) inthe matter of a deficiency in the matter of weapons disagreements in the matter of detail 13) with regard to Sorghum is the least demanding grain with regard to water, soils and climates. 14) with respect to With respect to your requests, we regret that we are unable to assist you in this matter. 1) at at sb's order, at sb’s request 2) by abide hy one’s promise, go by the rules 3) from From what John tells me, they’re very rich. Judging from his appearance, he must be well-educated. 4) on act om a friend’s advice On what grounds did you say so? 5) to to sb’s knowledge, to my mind 6) under under the agreement, under the law 7) according to ‘The work has been carried out according to your instructions. 5 Essential Grammar (7.383 is) 8) as per Milgram told the teacher-subject to ignore the reactions of the pupil, and to administer whatever level of shock was called for, as per the rule governing the experimental situation of the moment. (Cam 5, TI, R) 9) in accordance with Education is carried out in accordance with the principles of the school 10) in conformity with behave in conformity with the law In conformity with our rules and regulations, I am calling a meeting of our organization. 11) in terms of These events are not to be explained in terms of what happened last week. 12) in the light of I wanted to hold the meeting today, but in the light of the changed circumstances it had better be postponed. They are also useful in renewing the policy for new pupils, or revising it in the light of experience. (Cam 6, T4, R) (Orne Aes Gna eta rtm tme Cac LU 1 ___ the extensive coverage in the popular media of the destruction of rainforests, little formal information is available about children’s ideas in this area, (Cam 4, TI, R) A. Except B. Beyond C. Though D. Despite 2. Such variation can no doubt be explained the habitats in which individual species have developed. (Cam 4, TI, R) A. in excess of B, with reference to C. in view of D. by means of 3, the prominence of scientific English today, it may seem surprising that no one really knew how to write science in English before the 17th century. (Cam 5, 12, R) A. Via B. Save C. Given D. Plus 4, Westem scientists are starting to this wisdom. (Cam 6, TI, R) A. relate to B, draw on C. correspond with D, arise from 5 films, future generations will know the 20th century more intimately than any other period. (Cam 6, T4, R) A. Thanks to B. But for C. Short of D. For all 16 Phin 2 Thue hank ngit phap— 6. The only practicable ways to resolve this problem in the longer term are economic pricing conservation measures. (Cam 6, G. TA. R) A. in want of B. at variance with C. for lack of D. in conjunction with 7. After agriculture, industry is the second biggest user of water and, value added per liter used, is sixty times more productive than agriculture. (Cam 6, G, TA, R) A, at odds with B, in terms of C. in response to D. in consequence of 8. the popularity of last term’s course, this is a repeat. (Cam 6, G, TB, R) AAsto B. Prior C. Owing to D. According to 9, ____spevific areas to work on, I'd be quite interested to have a few more statistics about the schools in the different zones. (Cam 6, T2, L) A.Otherthan BB, Apart from ——_C. Instead of D. As regards 10. My advice would be to get it done before you the research, (Cam 6, T2, L) A.cmbark upon B. act on C. insist on D. hit on 11, Sitting in front of a sereen for too long can be damaging to both the eyes and the physical posture of a young child, what they are using the computer for. (Cam 6, G, TB, W) A. in conformity with B. in favor of C. regardless of D. due to 12 the disappointing results, itis our contention that the strategies were not in vain, (Cam 2,73, R) A.Aswellas _B, Notwithstanding C.As regards D. Beneath 13, Itis unrealistic to expect people to give up private cars ‘mass transit, (Cam 2, T3, R) A. in proportion to B. in respect of C. on behalf of D. in favor of 4. how many letters there are in the human genome, nature is an excellent proof-reader. (Cam 2, T4, R) A. Barring B. Failing C. Considering —_D. Pending 15, Herschel wanted to call it georgium sidus his royal patron King George III of Great Britain, (Cam 2, G, TA, R) A. in honor of B. in obedience to C. in excuse of D. in company with 16. completion of any intensive examination or summer course, you will receive the Atlas Course Certificate of Attendance. (Cam 2. G, TB. R) A. When B.At C.ln D.On 17, Since then they have increased gradually, in 1980 when the numbers in prison in New Zealand fell by about 30,000 from the 1970 total. (Cam 2, 14, W) A.away from Beapartfrom Con account of Din the event of www.nhantrivietcom Vv Peer for IELTS 18, They make better use of the time they have, and they are less likely to fatigue in stressful jobs. (Cam 1,73, R) A.contributeto Bas nt to, C. succumb to D, resort to 19. They should only be opened from the inside emergeney. (Ce A. with regard to B, in control of C. with relevance to D. in case of 20, Maybe we could draw up a table and look at examples of each medium Ain tum B. in exch inp: D. inadvance 1, You can call me my English name, Jennifer. (Cam 3, T3, S) 2, The general manager then ordered the managers of these two divisions to cut staff 25%, (Cam 3,74, R) 3. A large pane of toughened glass in the roof ofa shopping center at Bishops Walk shattered ‘warning and fell from its frame, (Cam 5, T4, R) 4, Do you need any ID or anything that? (Cam 2, TI, L) 5.In the late 1970s, the infant mortality rate for the children of illiterate mothers was around 110 deaths thousand live births. (Cam 6, T4, R) 6, Sandiford says that there is increasing evidence that female education, at any age, is “an impor- tant health intervention its own right”, (Cam 6, T4, R) 7, Over the last half century the pace of change in the life of human beings has increased our wildest expectations. (Cam 6,74, W) 8. For Australia, water is a precious resource and its wise management is the greatest impor- tance. (Cam 2, T3, L) 9. Zoos were originally created as places of entertainment, and their suggested involvement with conservation didn’t seriously arise about 30 years ago. (Cam 1, T1, R) 10, Other factors must be at work and researchers have tuned _the brain for clues, (Cam |, T2, R) 11, Mike Davies's vision may indeed be the way to fulfillment, (Cam 1, T4, R) 12, [know it heart. It’s an easy one. (Cam 2,T1, L) 13, It was 900 miles total, (Cam 2, TI, L) 14, We were forced to start re-planning our route almost the start. (Cam 2, TI. L) 15, The number of tourists increased at least one million people per year. 16, The essay we have to write is the one how children lea the media, (Cam 2, T2, L) 17, What sort of programs do you go? (Cam 2, 13, L) 18. Lam from a large, poor family and for many years we have done breakfast. (Cam 4,13, R) 38 www nhantrivieticom Phin 2 Thue hanh ngit phip— PCR LCS TS DUM eae mare g trong UME REINO Bp RUT TC) ee 1 work | tend to read for information. (Cam 2, 13, L) 2, How many hours a day average do you watch TV? (Cam L) 3. This event took place the campus of Nankai University. (Cam 3, T3, S) 4, Do not take this medicine an empty stomach, (Cam 3, G, TB, R) 5, The closest we ever get to this situation is when something happens __accident, (Cam3,T1,R) 6, The evidence for a revised view of Amazonia will take many people _ surprise. (Cam 3,13, R) 7. The archaeological evidence shows that the natural history of Amazonia is a surprising ex- tent tied to the activities of its prehistoric inhabitants, (Cam 3, T3, 8) 8, The Museum of London’s exhibition is largely visual, with a huge number of items show. (Ci T4, R) 9. The four divisions were assigned to two experimental programs a random basis. (Cam 3, T4, R) 10, Each program was assigned random. (Cam 3, 14, R) 11, In the other two divisions, contrast, the program called for modifying the supervision so as to increase the closeness of supervision and move the decision levels upwards. (Cam 3, T4, R) 12, the weekends I have more variety and flexibility in my schedule, (Cam 3, T4, W) 13, The computer is important to me, because it was a gift given to me a very special occa- sion, (Cam 3,14, 8) 14, Computers are proudly displayed and demonstrated to visitors and discussed length with colleagues and friends. (Cam 3, T4, S) 15, Investigations are way into superclean coal and ultraclean coal. (Cam 3, G, 14, R) 16, Booking over the phone is not allowed, so you have to come here person. (Cam 3, T3, L) 17, The traffic is certainly reduced on Saturdays, a large extent and even more so on Sundays. (Cam 3, T4, L) 18, Limits to human sporting performance are not yet, sight, (Cam 4, T4, R) 19, This is another training restaurant and is set up as a quick-service facility which offers a selection of snacks and main courses a modest price. (Cam 4, G, TA, R) 20. We do ask that you sign up three days advance. (Cam 4, T1, L) 21. Samples of all the tools that were made through the ages are display, (Cam 4,71. L) 22, You may have dietary problems because the local food is not your liking, (Cam 4, T2, L) 23. Species are becoming extinct vast numbers. (Cam 5, T1, R) 24, The years 1899 and 1900 had seen the patenting of the first semi-synthetic thermosetting material that could be manufactured an industrial seale, (Cam 5, T2, R) 25. For years, all researchers had implied that a breakthrough was just the comer. (Cam 5,3, R) 19 26. 2. 28. 29. 30. 31 32. 33. 34, 35. 36. 37. 38. 39, 40. for IELTS Light is important to organisms two different reasons. (Cam 5, T4, R) Photographs, maps and practical advice will guide your journeys foot through the forests of the southern continent. (Cam 5 TA, R) | think that being at the cutting edge of science has a special appeal for everyone working in Ant- arctica, whatever capacity, (Cam 5, T2, L) The environment tested them the limits: sometimes the colonists were successful, some- times they failed and vanished. (Cam 6, T1, R) Per capita water usage has been an upward trend for many years. (Cam 6. a physical level, make sure that you have an area or space for studying. (C: ‘You should have everything that you might need hand, (Cam 6, G, TB, R) Make sure that all the physical equipment that you use, such as a desk, chair, ete. is, good height for you. (Cam 6, G, TB, R) What was even more interesting was that if the photos were shown quick succession, the horse looked like it was running, (Cam 6, T2, L) He was no longer speaking terms with his brother. (Cam 6, T3, L) Manufacture was a fairly small scale, (Cam 6, 13, L) At the least, these scientific advances may offer a way of screening parents who might be risk of transmitting a single-gene defect to any children that they conceive, (Cam 2, 14, R) Evening appointments are available request. (Cam 2, G, TA, R) On the middle of our pyramid we find the things that we can eat moderation. (Cam 1, T2, L) ‘The consumption of fish and chips has been decline over that same period. (Cam 1, T3, W) 41. 42. 43. 44, 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. agree that the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility helping the poorer nations in such areas as health, education, and trade, (Cam 3, T4, W) Sometimes the filmmaker can provide some important insight a story, (Cam 3, T2, S) Does the media in your country pay more attention _global or national events? (ami 3, T3, $) Chinese people place a lot of value celebrations and their traditional aspects. (Cam 3,3, S) The attitudes of employees and supervisory staff their work were measured just before and after the period, (Cam 3,174, R) Too much emphasis material goods is not healthy. (Cam 3, T4, S) I think media plays a huge role our materialistic attitudes, (Cam 3, T4, S) Before entry the school, students must take an entry test to determine the level of class they enter, (Cam 3, G,T4, R) Membership gives access other activities like basketball and football as well as barbecues and other social functions. (Cam 3, G, TB, R) There has been considerable resistance in the United States the idea that there is a formal right to health care, (Cam 4, T4, R) 20 www.nhantrivietcom 51 52, 53. 54, 55. 56. 57. 58, 59, 62. Phin 2 Thu hanh ng php — The main crime here was indifference the human results rather than actual intention to harm anyone. (Cam 4, T2, L) Associating a number as one of the qualities of a specific object is a great hindrance the development of a true number sense. (Cam 6, T2, R) It is notoriously difficult to teach adults skills that do not have an immediate impact their everyday lives. (Cam 6, T4, R) Curriculum work alone may only have short-term effects; it should be an addition policy work, not a substitute. (Cam 6, T4, R) Interference the ecosystem can have a severe effect on both local rainfall patterns and water run-off. (Cam 6, G, TA, R) MacCready pointed out its similarity sailplanes, the most efficient kind of aeroplanes. (Cam 6, G, TB, R) Although you did make a reference quite a few different writers, I think you should aim to cite more works written later than 2,000. (Cam 6,12, L) Even when children use a computer for other purposes, such as getting information or emailing friends, it is no substitute human interaction. (Cam 6, G, TB, W) The discovery that language can be a barrier communication is quickly made by all who travel, study, govern or sell. (Cam 2, T2, R) . Absence work is a costly and disruptive problem for any organization. (Cam 2,13, R) 61. Adaptation the motor car has involved adding ring roads, one-way systems and parking lots. (Cam 2, 13, R) The college is also very popular with 16-18-year-olds, who see it as a practical alternative a further two years at school. (Cam 2, G, TA. R) ar eeRRNTUIE + Gidi tie 65. 3. The country subsequently embarked a program to convert 11 per cent of its cropped land to meadow or forest. (Cam 3, T2, R) Such fuels are less likely to contribute the greenhouse effeet. (Cam 3,12, R) Roles without signs often lead confused or differing expectations of the role of the focal 66. 67, 68, 69, 70. 1. person. (Cam 3, T2,R) People’s moods too, have been shown to react _the length of the daylight hours. (Cam 3,3, R) My control group consisted eighteen sighted undergraduates from the University of Toronto. (Cam 4, T1.R) Some environmentalists worry this outcome. (Cam 3, T2, R) In fact, traditional practices draw 2 continuing wealth of technological ingenuity. (Cam 3, 13, R) My classmates and I started and ended the evening with glasses of champagne and, in between, feasted many delicious dishes. (Cam 3, T3, S) Advertising is often done to differentiate brands of different products. (Cam 3, T4, 8) al 72. 23. 74. 15. 16. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82, 83. 84, 85. 86, 87, 88. 89. 90. 93. for IELTS | Coal is expected to continue to account almost 27 per cent of the world’s energy needs. (Cam 3, G, T4, R) The only people who will benefit the expansion are the rich owners of the airport and the rich owners of the airport companies. (Cam 3, G, TB. W) When children have had a major role in determining procedures, they are more likely to abide and enforce them. (Cam 4, T3, R) It differs the study of written history in a fundamental way. (Cam 4, T4, R) At first, von Frisch thought the bees were responding only the scent of the food. (Cam 4, G, TB, R) The student often feels lonely, unhappy, unmotivated and unable to concentrate studying (Cam 4,72, L) Once we've agreed the wording of it, we only have to send it out and wait for the responses, (Cam 4, T2, L) ‘Very serious consequences can result people or organizations not considering the possible results of their actions seriously enough, (Cam 4, T2, L) ‘The damage it did was estimated at USS4 billion but the benefits amounted some USS19 billion, (Cam 5, TI, R) People worry that the endless rise in the amount of stuff everyone throws away will cause the world to run out of places to dispose waste. (Cam 5, T1, R) Doctors clung the most keenly Latin as an “insider language”. (Cam 5, T2, R) Periodic check-ups of the child’s educational and sensory development were made to detect possible handicaps that interfere growth and development. (Cam 5,13, R) The concept of working with parents in their homes, or at their place of work, contrasts quite markedly the report of the Early Childhood Care and Education Working Group. (Cam 5,73, R) They have only one child and they expect this child to be able to provide them in their old age. (Cam 5, G, TA, W) This TV drama is about a young private detective employed by a team of New York businessmen TB, R) who sends her to Brazil to look a series of hotel robberies. (Cam 5 She has succeeded walking around the world. (Cam 5, G, TB, R) The glow-worm belongs a family of beetles. (Cam 5, G, TB, R) When early humans first began to reflect the nature of things around them, they discovered that they needed an idea of number simply to keep their thoughts in order. (Cam 6, T2, R) ‘The answer to that depends perceptions of goal acceptance and the organization's culture. (Cam 6,73, R) - Little help was available to teachers to deal bullying. (Cam 6, T4, R) They will also advise foreign travel, and can administer various injections and blood pressure checks. (Cam 6, G, TA, R) This applies all permanent staff who handle food. (Cam 6, G, TA, R) 22 wwwanhar — Phin 2 Thuc hanb ngét phip— 94, Open to all students, this course focuses the ways we can profit linguistically from the radio and television, (Cam 6, G. TB, R) 95. After a period of about three weeks, the adult moths eventually emerge these cocoons and the life cycle begins again. (Cam 6,73, W) 96. I have lived here for 6 months now and I am writing to complain some of the furniture. (Cam 6,G, TA, W) 97. There were also staff members who felt that talking to them about their absenteeism was “picking” them. (Cam 2,13, R) 98, Clearly the world cannot revert the horse-drawn wagon. (Cam 2, T3, R) 99, Since white phosphorus is a deadly poison, from 1845 match-makers exposed to its fumes succumbed necrosis, a disease that eats away jaw-bones, (Cam 1, TI, R) 100. Unnecessary decoration would detract their primary purpose. (Cam 1, Tl, R) 101. A substantial proportion of the population of modern societies engages such tourist practices, (Cam 1,72, R) 102. The role of the professional is to cater the needs and tastes of the tourists in accordance with their class and overall expectations. (Cam 1, 12, R) 103. When amazed investigators moved down the side of the hill they came a pine door complete with leaded diamond glass and a brass knocker set into an underground building. (Cam 1,T3,R) 104, It was the Tilburg architect Jo Hurkmans who hit the idea of making use of noise embankments on main roads. (Cam 1,13, R) 105. Larger firms, in particular, appear to be more willing to experiment flexible working arrangements, (Cam 1, T3, R) 106, I changed my mind and opted history instead. (Cam 2, T1, L) 107. You can listen the lectures all over again later, and make really good notes. (Cam 2, T, L) 108, This employment must be current and related sport administration, (Cam 2, TI, L) 109, We do not insist any prerequisites for this course. (Cam 2. T1. L) 110, How much did you pay the fridge? (Cam 2, T2.L) 111, The cardiovascular system adapts in order to compensate the effects of smoking. (Cam 3,71, R) (© Qian he Dong tie + Dev Gis 112. They base their belief studies of Chinese writings. (Cam 3, TI, R) 113. Children have individual activity sheets to help them focus their minds what's in the video. (Cam 2,72, L) 114, We mustn’t let this blind us the fact that agriculture and its supporting industries still account for around 20% of our Gross National Product. (Cam 2, 12, L) 115. For our purposes today we can divide the country broadly three regions, (Cam 2, T2, L) 23 for IELTS | 116, If we contrast that the Eastern region, the east is flatter and more low-lying, with fertile soils and a mixed climate. (Cam 2, 12. L) 117, I think the best thing is to have a rating system to prevent young people seeing certain films. (Cam 3, T2, S) 118, Researchers compared divers working in icy cold water at 5°C others in water at 20°C. (Cam 3, T3, R) 119. The feeling of cold distracted the divers their tasks. (Cam 3,73, R) 120. Those that attempt to put a child to work in a factory rob a child his or her childhood. (Cam 3, T3, W) 121, These stories can help deter other people being corrupt and taking bribes. (Cam 122, Whenever I see the pendant around my neck, or whenever I touch it, it always reminds me my good friend, (Cam 3, T4, S) 123, If other students see you outside playing, they will accuse you being lazy. (Cam 3, T4, S) 124, | imposed certain constraints them to keep things simple. (Cam 3,2, L) 125, The dominant idea, raised by 64% of the pupils, was that rainforests provide animals habitats. (Cam 4, T|, R) 126, The loss of diversity may also deprive us different ways of looking at the world. (Cam 4,72, R) 127. Every year they add two or three cubic kilometers of rock the continents, (Cam 4, 13, R) 128. Itis specially geared those with little or no acting experience. (Cam 4, G, TA,R) 129, French, German, American and British pioneers have all been credited the invention of cinema. (Cam 4, G, TA, R) 130, Physical Education teachers instruct young students how to exercise, play sports, and do other recreational activities correctly and safely. (Cam 2, T1, L) 131, Atthe moment, many women are discouraged attending university. (Cam 5, Tl, W) 132. Some plastics are derived natural sources. (Cam 5, T2, R) 133. Studying a particular subject does not necessarily restrict a person working in a particular area, (Cam 5, T2, W) 134. Techniques like these have transformed Australia arguably the world’s most successful sporting nation. (Cam 6, T1, R) 135. The vast expansion in international trade owes much a revolution in the business of moving freight. (Cam 6, T1, R) 136. Millions of dollars are spent by pharmaceutical companies promotional products like coffee mugs, shirts, umbrellas, and golf balls. (Cam 6, 14, R) 137. One helpful step is to train lunchtime supervisors to distinguish bullying playful fighting and help them break up conflicts. (Cam 6,74, R) 138. You'll need to familiarize yourself _both sites to make the most of our resources. (Cam 6, 13, L) 139, That will stop sand particles being washed into the rock voids. (Cam T1,R) 24 L Phin 2 Thue hanh ngd phap— 140. Other social effects have been blamed the car such as alienation and aggressive human behavior. (Cam 2, T3, R) 141, When an authorized user wishes to enter or use the facility, the system scans the person’s corresponding characteristics and attempts to match them those on record, (Cam 2,73, R) 142, Malaysia is preparing to equip all of its airports biometric face scanners to match passengers with luggage, (Cam 2, T3, R) 143. If properly applied, the new knowledge generated by the Human Genome Project may free humanity the terrible scourge of diverse diseases. (Cam 2, 14, R) 144, These were stripped unnecessary decoration, (Cam 1, T1, 8) 145, Newspapers and TV stations are tailoring their news their readers’ and viewers’ requirements, (Cam. 1, T3, W) ee 146, Bugs and weeds become resistant poisons. (Cam 3, T2, R) 147, Adults should be capable deciding the quality of what they watch. (Cam 3, T2, S) 148, 1 don’t think children should be exposed violence at a very young age because they may Ss) develop violent tendencies. (Cam 3, T 149, The luxuriant forests of Amazonia seem ageless, unconquerable, a habitat totally hostile human civilization. (Cam 3, T3, R) 150. Children 151, Inever get tired seeing the Great Wall, (Cam 3, 13, $) in be very vulnerable poor working conditions and low wages. (Cam 3, 13. W) 152, Some newspapers are devoted international news, like the Economic Times. (Cam 3,13, S) 153, This has made us more aware cultural differences and similarities. (Cam 3,13, S) 154. These two, together with other like-minded commercial enterprises sympathetic the cause, had quickly identified a direct way to reach a huge market of women, many with money to spend. (Cam 3, T4, R) 155, In all cases, mining is subject stringent controls and approval processes. (Cam 3, G, T4, R) 156, In the face of the frequent and often vivid media coverage, it is likely that children will have formed ideas about rainforests, independent any formal tuition. (Cam 4, T1, R) 157. In the early years, this art form was quite primitive, similar _the original French idea of n 4, G, TA, R) using a lantern and slides back in the seventeenth century. (Ca 158. I believe that it is important to get children used competition from an early age. (Cam 5, 13, W) 159, Their children become isolated other children, (Cam 5,G, TA, W) 160, We need to be more attentive the environment, (Cam 5, G, TB, W) 161, Managers need to make rewards contingent performance. (Cam 6, 13, R) 162, The player is usually the “hero” of the game and too much exposure can encourage children to be self-centered and insensitive others. (Cam 6, G,'TB, W) 2 EE | 2 163. A task was devised which was strictly analogous the Kendlers’ one but much easier for the African males to handle. (Cam 2, T1, R) 164. This difficulty cannot be taken as proof that they are incapable deductive reasoning. (Cam 2, T1,R) 165, As I have said, Australia is a dry continent, second only _Antarctica in its lack of rainfall. (Cam 2,73, L) 166, Although it is rigid, and thus like a solid, the atoms are arranged in a random disordered fashion, characteristic aliquid. (Cam 1, T4, R) 167. Contrary what you might imagine, the size of the cycle is not determined by the size of the wheels, but by the size of the frame. (Cam 1, 12, L) 168. We have become immune bad news and the newspapers and radio stations are aware of this, (Cam 1,73, W) 169, I'm not very keen westems, (Cam 2, TI. L) 170, Consistent maximizing the impact of rewards, managers should look for ways to increase their visibility, (Cam 6, T3, R) Penner ges tM TC 1. The researchers criticize the practice of some scientific consultants who work with the tobacco A industry as assuming that cigarette smoke has the same impact on smokers as it does on B c D non-smokers. (Cam 3, TI, R) 2. In support of their recent findings, they cite some previous research which points to passive A B smoking like the cause for between 30,000 and 60,000 deaths from heart attacks each year in the c D United States. (Cam 3, T1, R) 3. Sceptics might say that longer exposure of sunshine puts people in a better mood because they A B associate it with the happy feelings of holidays and freedom from responsibility. (Cam 3, 13, R) Cc D 4. In theory, a child could work, but under safe conditions and for a maximum of around four A B e hours in a time. (Cam 3, T3, W) D 26 —_________Phin 2 Thuc hanh agit phip— 5, Both were sold throughout the country and proved an invaluable way of informing members A B with meetings, marches, fund-raising events and the latest news and views on the movement. c D (Cam 3,74, R) 6. Against a quiet background hum of street sounds, copies of The Suffragette, campaign banners A B and photographs are all in display, together with one of Mrs Pankhurst’s shoes and a number of c D purple, white and green trinkets. (Cam 3, 4, R) 7. In what extent can a manager make an impressive earings record over a short period of one to A B three years by exploiting the company’s investment in the human organization in his plant or c D division? (Cam 3, T4, R) 8. In the other hand, consumerism has caused alienation by taking the focus off people and putting A B c it onto things. (Cam 3,74, S) D 9, Students are met at Auckland airport at arrival and accommodation is provided with local A B 6 n 3,G,T4,R) families or in University Halls of Residence with New Zealand students. ( D 10, Pressuring children to always be learning also casts a heavy burden on them to be productive A toamanner that makes them fit into a certain mold that is best suited for adults. (Cam 3, G, TA, W) B 6 D 11, The Helpline was set up ten years ago by the Students Union and it aims to provide new students A to the university with a service that they can use if they need information about practical areas of B 6 student life that they are unfamiliar to. (Cam 3, Tl, L) D 12, These observations are generally consistent with our previous studies of pupils’ views about A B the use and conservation of rainforests, in which girls were shown to be more sympathetic to & e7 animals and expressed views.which seem to place an intrinsic value of non-human animal life. D (Cam 4, TI, R) 13, Anthropologists also use the term “culture” jn a more restricted sense when they refer to the A B “culture” of a particular society, meaning the non-biological characteristics unique to that society, c which distinguish it with other societies. (Cam 4, T4, R) D 14, What is new is that, from the 1950s onwards, there have been certain general changes in A outlook about the finitude of resources as a whole and of health-care resources in particular, as well as B a more specific changes regarded the clientele of health-care resources and the cost to the D ‘community of those resources. (Cam 4,4, R) 15, Canterbury College has developed strong international links over the years and, as a result, A B many students have the opportunity of visiting and working in a European country within the c D course of their studies. (Cam 4, G. TA, R) 16, Thus, in this explanation the subject merges his unique personality and personal and moral A code with that of larger institutional structures, surrendering individual properties like loyalty, B c self-sacrifice and discipline at the service of malevolent systems of authority, (Cam 5, Tl, R) . D 17. The impetus behind the development of these early plastics was generated by a number of A factors; immense technological progress in the domain of chemistry, coupled with wider cultural B o changes, and the pragmatic need to find acceptable substitutes with dwindling supplies of “luxury” D materials such as tortoiseshell and ivory. (Cam 5, T2, R) 18, When the Aswan dams were constructed in the 20th century to provide electricity and irriga- tion, and to protect the huge population center of Cairo and its surrounding areas without annual A flooding and drought, most of the sediment with its natural fertilizer accumulated up above the B © 28 Phan 2 Thuc hanh agit phip— dam in the southern, upstream half of Lake Nasser, instead of passing down to the delta. D (Cam 5,73, R) 19, Researchers in San Diego deprived a group of men from sleep between 3 am and 7 pm on just A B c ‘one night, and found that levels of their bodies’ natural defenses against viral infections had fallen D significantly when measured the following moming. (Cam 5, G, TA, R) 20. Computer software can be “exported” without ever loading it onto a ship, simply by transmitting A B c it in telephone lines from one country to another. (Cam 6, T1, R) D 21. The explosion jn demand for accommodation in the inner suburbs of Melbourne suggests a recent A B change in many people’s preferences as where they live. (Cam 6,72, R) c D 22. When the number 4 can be registered in the mind as a specific word, independent on the object A B being referenced, the individual is ready to take the first step toward the development of a e notational system for numbers and, from there, to arithmetic. (Cam 6,2, R) D 23. Unfortunately, for maximum benefit, people would probably have to reduce their caloric intake A by roughly thirty per cent, equivalent with dropping from 2,500 calories a day to 1,750, B c Few mortals could stick to that harsh a regimen, especially for years on end. (Cam 6, 13, R) D 24. One possibility relates to the ATP-making machinery’s emission of free radicals, which are A thought to contribute to such age-related diseases like cancer by damaging cells. (Cam 6, T3,R) B c D 25, Another hypothesis suggests that decreased processing of glucose could indicate to cells that A food is scarce and induce them to shift into an anti-aging mode that emphasizes preservation of the B organism than such “luxuries” as growth and reproduction. (Cam 6, T3, R) ec D 29 26. Certain approaches at group bullying such as “no blame”, can be useful in changing the A B behavior of bullying pupils without confronting them directly, although other sanctions may be c needed for those who continue with persistent bullying. (Cam 6, T4, R) D 27. In the oil industry, the price increases which hit the market in the 1970s, coupled with concerns A B that supplies were running low, led for new energy conservation measures all over the world. c D (Cam 6, G, TA, R) 28. Best available seats are in sale for £6 from one hour before the performance for people A B eligible for Saver and Supersaver discounts and thirty minutes before for all other customers. c D (Cam 6, G, TB, R) 29. Similar with many international hotel chains, AHI has experienced difficulties in Australia in A B providing long-term profits for hotel owners, as.a result of the country’s high labor-cost structure. ie D (Cam 2, T2, R) 30. Between 1990 and 1994 the proportion of consumers claiming to be unaware of or A B unconcerned of green issues fell from 18 to 10 per cent but the number of green spenders among e D older people and manual workers has risen substantially. (Cam 2, T4, R) 31. To the contrary, a great deal of empirical evidence shows that pictures interfere in a damaging A B way with all aspects of learning to read. Despite this, from North America to the Antipodes, the c D first books that many school children receive are totally without text, (Cam 2, T4, R) 32. He examined the work of other researchers who had reported problems with the use of pictures A and who found that a word without a picture was superior over a word plus a picture. B tes D (Cam 2, T4, R) 30, _ - = —-—Phan 2 Thue hanh ngd phap— 33. If they want to go straight into employment they can stil study at college to gain qualifications A relevant with the job, either on a day-release basis or through Network or the Modem B G D Apprenticeship Scheme. (Cam 2. G, TA, R) 5. Dich cac cau sau sang tiéng Viét. 1, In reaction to the backward discharge of bullets, the gun, and hence the boat, move forwards. (Cam 3, T1,R) 2, The Americans developed a rocket, complete with its own launcher, to use against the Mexicans in the mid-nineteenth century. (Cam 3, TI, R) » Prior to this, rockets were used only in pyrotechnic displays. (Cam 3, T1, R) 4, The modern-day space programs owe their success to the humble beginnings of those in previous centuries who developed the foundations of the reaction principle. (Cam 3, TI, R) 5. On the basis of this report, the EPA has classified environmental tobacco smoke in the highest risk category for causing cancer. (Cam 3, TI, R) 6, As an illustration of the health risks, in the case of a married couple where one partner is a smok- er and one a non-smoker, the latter is believed to have a 30 per cent higher risk of death from heart disease because of passive smoking. (Cam 3, TI, R) 7. It has been calculated that 17 per cent of cases of lung cancer can be attributed to high levels of exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke during childhood and adolescence. (Cam 3, T1, R) 8, Carbon monoxide competes with oxygen in red blood cells and interferes with the blood’s ability to deliver life-giving oxygen to the heart. (Cam 3, T1, R) 9. The importance of these acquisitions extends beyond the objects themselves. (Cam 3, T3, R) 10. These include schools and universities as well as colleges of art and design. (Cam 3, T3, R) 3 Ml. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18, 19. 20, 21. 22. Most people think of the cultures represented in the collection in terms of the absence of advanced technology. (Cam 3, T3, R) They believe their best hope of survival in this changing environment lies in combining their ancestral knowledge with the best of modem science. (Cam 6, TI, R) ‘The modern approach is to see used water as a resource which can be put to good use — either in irrigation or, after careful treatment, as recycled domestic water. (Cam 6, G, TA, R) ‘We take a cooperative approach to the assessment of your work and encourage you to contribute to discussion. (Cam 2, G, TA, R) He spent years mastering the art of telescope construction, and even by present-day standards his instruments are comparable with the best. (Cam 2, G, TA, R) The old and ill are the most vulnerable to the acute effects of heavily polluted stagnant air. (Cam 3, T4, R) ‘Numerous studies show that such pressure results in the early onset of common “adult diseases” in children such as stress, headaches, depression and emotional exhaustion. (Cam 3, G, TA, W) Here, children are confusing rainforest destruction with damage to the forests of Western Europe by these factors. (Cam 4, T1, R) This fact was drawn to my attention dramatically when a blind woman in one of my investigations decided on her own initiative to draw a wheel as it was spinning. (Cam 4, T1, R) Johnson had worked for nine years, “with little assistance of the learned, and without any patron- age of the great; not in the soft obscurities of retirement, or under the shelter of academic bowers, but amidst inconvenience and distraction, in sickness and in sorrow”, (Cam 5, Tl, R) Victimized pupils are more likely to experience difficulties with interpersonal relationships as adults, while children who persistently bully are more likely to grow up to be physically violent, and convicted of anti-social offences. (Cam 6, T4, R) A similar emphasis on conservation will be the best and cheapest option for bridging the gap between water supply and demand, (Cam 6, G, TA, R) 32 Phin 2 Thue hanh ngit phap— @ Perera get 1. Tré em khéng nén di lam dé phy gitip gia dinh hodc di lam thay vi di hoc. (Cam 3, 13, W) 2. Huit thudc thy déng la nguyén nhan thit ba gay tit vong c6 thé ngan ngita dugc, xép vao hang sau hut thudc chi dong va cdc bénb tat lign quan dén rugu. (Cam 3, Tl, R) 3. Hé théng tiép nhan sinh vién thudn tuy dya vao diém s6 theo truyén théng cdn phai dugc danh gid lai. (Cam 5, T1, W) 4, Mac di 4 cé mét chién dich quang c4o méi mhumg ho van phai chju syt giém doanh s6. (Cam 5, T4, L) 5. Thiéu nién bay gid thich dank thi gian cho tivi hodc méy vi tinh hon la vui choi véi ban be. (Cam 3, T4, S) 6, Phan lén cdc nha st hoc vé céng nghé déu cho rang ngudi Trung Quéc da phat hién ra thudc sting. (Cam 3, T1, R) 7. Su phu thuéc vao xe hoi nay da lam phét sinh nhiing van dé quan trong, bao gdm 6 nhiém méi truding, su can kiét nguén tai nguyén dau mé, téc nghén va an toan giao théng. (Cam 2, 73,R) 8. Khi sinh vién mét mdi vi hoc hanh va muén c6 co hdi thu gidn déng théi vui vé vdi ban be, ho 6 thé tham gia mét sé hoat dong giai tri. (Cam 2, G, TA, R) 9, RO rang la mot s6 bénh tat dang nuit lui true nhing tign bd y hoc. (Cam 6, T2, R) 10. Véi nhu cdu vé gia dung va néng nghiép ngay cang tang, cong suat cia cdc hé thdng cung cap nuéc phai chiu 4p lye ngay cang cao. (Cam 6, G, TA, R) + Bé adn manh ec chi diém ng php edn tap trung, ching t6i chon edch dich sét nghie va gin vei cu trde ting Anh bit, ND) 3B ‘Essential Grammar (as Re) = a a . Dac biét trong kinh doanh, ngudi ta thudng sit dung nhitng manh khée khéng trung thyc dé kiém Igi vat chat khign ngudi khac phai chju tén that, (Cam 3, T4, S) Mét sé nha khoa hoc Nga tuyén bé rang tré em hoc tét hon sau khi duge tiép xtc véi tia cuc tim. (Cam 3, T3, R) . Biéu dé dé trinh bay théng tin vé trinh dé chuyén mén sau khi tét nghiép phé thong dudi dang cdc c&p a6 gido dye nang cao khéc nhau ma dan éng va phu nit & Uc dat dugc vao nam 1999, (Cam 4, T3, W) |. Phat minh tén lita cé lién quan chat ché véi phat minh thudc sting. (Cam 3, T1, R) . Mét phan tinh hinh xa héi dang thay déi & dat nude tai cing cé thé la do su thiéu quan tam clia cdc ban tré déi véi vige theo dudi cdc dang hoat déng nay. (Cam 4, G, TA, R) . Nhigu dac diém, nhu chiéu cao va trf théng minh, la két qua khong chi do tac déng ctia gien ma con do nhiing tuong tdc tinh té gitta gien va mdi trudng. (Cam 2, T4, R) 34 Thi cua dong ti OPO oe eee oseeesacocececsseoenes Beene ntact) Hinh thiic hign tai don cla dong tit be 1a am (khi chit ngit 1a 1), is (khi chi ngit la dai tir nhan xung ng6i thi ba sé ft hodc cdc khai niém sé it) va are (khi chi ng’ la you, we, they hoac céc khdi niém s6 nhiéu); hinh thiéc hién tai don cia have 1a has (khi chi ngi la dai tir nhan xung nngéi thit ba sé it hoac cac khai niém $6 it) va have (khi chit ngit 1a |, we, you, they hoac c4c Khai niém s6 nhiéu); hinh thiic hién tai don cia cdc dong tir khdc: dong tir + -s hoac -es (khi chi ngét la dai tir nhan xung ng6i thit ba sé ft hoac cdc khéi nigm sd tt) va dong tir nguyén thé (khi chi ngi la |, we, you, they hoac céc khdi niém sé nhiéu), Nghién cttu cdc vi dy sau dé hiéu thém vé cach ding ciia thi hién tai don. Din ta tinh trang hod trang thai hign tai Snails are a great luxury in various parts of the world. Harry keeps a large curiously-shaped bottle on permanent display in his study. Dién td hanh dong thudng xuyén xdy ra hodc tinh huGng lap di lap lai ‘The riots and fighting often occur at the World Cup and other football competitions. People become quite illogical when they try to decide what can be eaten and what cannot be caten. 35 Essential Grammar }°731)1<:) Di€n tA sy that khdch quan hod ch&n ly ludn ludn ding Soil erosion threatens the productivity of land in both rich and poor countries, (Cam 3, T2, R) ‘The English language possesses a vivid saying to describe this sort of situation. Trong céc ménh dé trang tit chi thai gian va didu kign 6 hin tai hodc tuong lai, thi hién tai don dugc sit dung thay cho thi tuong lai When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life hopefully will not completely die out. (Cam 3, T2, W) Trong cic ménh dé tic tit sau see (to it), take care, thi hign tai don duge sit dung thay cho thi turong lai Please see that all the windows are fastened properly. Would you see to it that the children get a hot meal after their swim? PROVE OEM ssa Céu tao co ban: Déng tit c6 quy tac (regular verbs) + -ed Dién ta hanh dong da xdy ra hodc tinh trang da tén tai trong qué khit I was bor and raised in Shanghai. In the early days of the settlement of Australia, enterprising settlers unwisely introduced the European rabbit. Dién ta hanh dong, thoi quen hoge sy viéc thudng xdy ra trong qué kh We often practiced swimming last year. She always invited me to her dance parties. Rome eset e crac Cau tao co ban: will/shall + dong tiv nguyén thé Dién ta tinh hu6ng hogc hanh dong xay ra trong tuong lai Thope that there will be a lot more schools, and not so much pressure on students to pass exams, (Cam 3, TI, 8) In the next 50 years I think that the quality of education provided in China will improve greatly. (Cam 3, Tl, S) 36, a —Phin 1 Gidi thich ngit phip—— Din t4 thoi quen hodc khuynh hung The myth is that from a disorderly array of factual information an orderly, relevant theory will somehow emerge. (Cam 3, TI, R) Porpoises will save drowning men by pushing them to the surface, or protect them from sharks by surrounding them in defensive formation. Cu tao co ban: am is/are + V-ing Din ta hanh dong dang xay ra 6 hién tai We're doing some market research for a new television channel. (Cam 2, T3, L) More and more Japanese tourists are heading to Australia to spend their vacations. (Cam 3, 12, W) Air pollution is increasingly becoming the focus of the government and citizen concem around the globe. (Cam 3, T4, R) Nhiing trang tit dién dat tan sudt hoac tinh lién tuc 6 hién tai nhu always, constantly, continually, currently, forever, perpetually, v.v. thudng xudt hién vdi thi hién tai tiép dién. Their outlines are always changing, (Cam 2, Tl, R) People who smoke cigarettes are continually damaging their cardiovascular system. (Cam 3, THR) We're currently running a range of yoga classes. (Cam 6, T!, L) He is forever talking about the friendly people, the clean atmosphere, the closeness to nature and the gentle pace of living. Dign td hanh Gong sdp xdy ra ‘The theater is reopening soon after its three-year redevelopment program. (Cam 6, Tl, L) qué Ihit tiép dién CAu tao co ban: was/were + V-ing Din ta hanh dong dang xay ra é mot thoi diém xéc dinh trong qué khit Another patient might equally well complain that her neighbors were combining to slander her and persecute her. ‘The United States discovered in 1982 that about one-fifth of its farmland was losing topsoil at a rate likely to diminish the soil’s productivity. (Cam 3, T2, R) Din ta su vige sp xdy ra trong qué khtt ‘Mr. White told me that he was leaving for Singapore in a few days. www.nhantriviecom 7 Essential Grammar [77902 5-3 | Ceuagmractrated (CAu tao co ban: will be + V-ing Dién té hanh dong dang xay ra 4 m6t thoi diém xéc dinh trong tung lai This time next week she will be working in that company. Dién ta hanh dong dang xay ra trong mot khodng thai gian 6 tuong lai Their adult world will be changing constantly in terms of technology. (Cam 6, G. TB, W) You'll be creating complex exotic rhythms in no time. (Cam 4, G, TA, R) As you know, we'll be moving to a new house soon and there are a few things that I won't be able to take with me, (Cam 4, G, TB, W) CAetnes cere eer Cu tao ca ban: have/has + V-ed Dién ta hanh dong da xdy ra trong qué khit nhung vain cdn anh hudng dén hién tai ‘He can’t enter for the race because he has broken his leg. Radio and television have made it possible for advertisers to capture the attention of millions of people in this way. hin manh sit hoan tat cla hanh dong ‘We have all experienced days when everything goes wrong. Ofall the continents, the most drastic reduction in wildlife has occurred in North America. Din td hanh dong xdy ra trong qué khit va kéo dai dén hien tai ‘My parents have been married for 28 years and still get along very well. (Cam 3, TI, S) ‘The concept of the rocket, or rather the mechanism behind the idea of propelling an object into the air, has been around for well over two thousand years. ( 3, T1,R) Evidence gathered in recent years from anthropology and archaeology indicates that the region ‘has supported a series of indigenous cultures for eleven thousand years. (Cam 3, T3, R) ‘Thi hign tai hoan thanh thutng di vdi since, for, so far, as yet (to date), over (in) the past . The Olympic Games has grown and flourished since its beginning in 1924, (Cam 3, T1, W) In the past ten years, hundreds of private schools have opened up all over China. (Cam 3, T1, $) Over the years, I've collected maps and other data to prepare what I call a “route book” for the trip. (Cam 2, T1, L) 38 7 _—________________Phiin 1 Gidi thich ‘ng php —_ Dung beetles have become an integral part of the successful management of dairy farms in Australia over the past few decades. (Cam 3,12, R) Over the past century, the composition of the human gene pool has not changed appreciably. (Cam 4, T4, R) To date, however, biomechanics has made only a small difference to athletic performance. (Cam 4,74, R) BUR C wee Great Cau tao co ban: had + V-ed Din ta hanh dong da hoan tét trude mot thoi diém xéc dinh trong qué khit By March 1999, the unemployment rate had reached a plateau around 5%. (Cam 3,74, W) The other participative division, which historically had been the poorest of all the divisions, did not do so well and increased productivity by only 15%. (Cam 3, T4, R) By the thirteenth century, powder-propelled fire arrows had become rather common. (Cam 3, TI, R) Even though we had known cach other for so many years, we didn’t become good friends till middle school. (Cam 3, T4, S) Nhén manh khodng thoi gian ctia mot hanh dong kéo dai tir thoi diém nay dén thai diém khdc trong qué khit He had been on the throne for barely eight months when he authorized this measure Thi qué khif hoan thanh duge sit dung trong eéc mdu cfu sau: It was the first (second, last...) time that sb. had done sth, Tt was the first time I had ever entered a talent contest. (Cam 3, 13, S) no sooner ... than ... hoac hardly ... when ... Thad no sooner got off the ship than I was assailed by a man who wanted to sell me a diamond ring. usenet sctetr mire Cau tao co bain: will have + V-ed Dién ta hanh déng da hoan tét & mot thoi diém xéc dinh trong tuong lai The birds will have moved to the south before winter sets in, ‘We'd better wait till 14 December. David will have had his exam by then so he'll be able to enjoy himself. 39 De eer for IELTS | POMS SB AS ReTe ttm N es SE Cfu tao co ban: have/has + been + V-ing Dign td hanh dong bét ddu 6 mot thoi diém nao dé trong qué kit, lien tuc kéo dai dén hien tai ‘We've been talking about a teacher who influenced you. For quite a few days my eyes have been tearing and bothering me. (Cam 3, G, TA, W) In recent times, scientific research has been providing evidence that years of cigarette smoking vastly increase the risk of developing fatal medical conditions, (Cam 3, TI, R) PPPROU TCM e a CEM ACU TREC R Cay Cau tao co ban: had + been + V-ing Dign té hanh dong lin tuc kéo dai trude mOt thdi diém nado 46 trong qué khit I'd been wondering when I'd run into you. (Cam 2, Tl, L) Dick had been smoking for ten years before he decided to give it up last year. PRG rim ace U RRs ay C&u tao co ban: will have been + V-ing Din td hanh dong lien tuc kéo dai dén trude mot thai diém nao a6 trong tufong lai 1 will graduate this summer, I'll have been studying in the university for four years. RRM VTmctot wees ae ew as tg Cu tao co ban: would/should + dong tit nguyén thé Dién td hanh dong sé xdy ra 6 mot thai diém nao d6 trong qué khit ‘There were hopes that the problem of the rabbit would become manageable, Dién ta théi quen hogc khuynh hu6ng trong qué khit He would often make up stories or give us examples from his own life. (Cam 3, TI, $) Traditionally, high jumpers would land in pits filled with sawdust. (Cam 4, 14, R) 40 Cra dong 10. a 12. 13. . The sharpest rise (occur) between March 1995 and March 1996. (Cam 3, T4, W) Australia (ceevive) an increasingly higher percentage of Japanese tourists every year, (Cam 3, T2, W) In Los Angeles, state regulations (Jorce) manufacturers to try to sell ever cleaner cars, (Cam 3,14, R) The Museum of London (raw) on its archive collection to convey a fresh picture, (Cam 3, T4,R) This is especially true for large cities, where people’s incomes (rise) sharply, (Cam 3, T4, S) In my view, in modem society, relationships between two people (become) less important than relationships between people and things. (Cam 3, 14, S) In the Native American Navajo nation, which sprawls across four states in the American south- west, the native language (die). (Cam 4, T2, R) So far, in these lectures, we (look) at crimes like robbery and murder. (Cam 4,72, L) Opinion polls suggest that many people nurture the belief that environmental standards - 13 (decline). (Cam 5, T1, R) ‘The giant dumper trucks rumbling across it (finish) their job by the mid- dle of this year, (Cam 2, T1, R) Some of these (aitend) college part-time under their employers’ training schemes. (Cam 2. G, TA, R) It is certainly true that the position of women in society (undergo) a dra- matic change in the past twenty years. (Cam 2, T4, W) People woken during these periods of eye movements generally reported that they (dream)., 4l Phan 2 Thuc hanh ngi phap— peers for IELTS | PC Cw ee ea 1, [hope that college students (have) more freedom in choosing majors they like. (Cam 3, T1, S) 2, The removal of subsidies stopped land-clearing and over-stocking, which in the past (be) the principal causes of erosion, (Cam 3, T2, R) 3. The first event in the ceremony was the presentation of prizes to students who (excel) (Cam 3,73, S) 4, Some, whom we (not meet) before the trip at all, tagged on for short bursts. (Cam 2,71, L) 5. New Zealand, Australia and parts of the United States (already enfran- chise) women, and growing numbers of their British counterparts wanted the same opportunity. (Cam 3, T4,R) 6. With their slogan “Deeds not words” and the introduction of the color scheme, the WSPU soon brought the movement the cohesion and focus it (previously lack), (Cam 3, T4, R) 7. The floor seniors (introduce) themselves later today and answer any questions you have. (Cam 2, T2, L) 8, In the early nineteenth century, the British (begin) to experiment with in- cendiary barrage rockets. (Cam 3, T1, R) 9, Many traditions in China began thousands of years ago and (change) very little since that time, (Cam 3, T3, S) 10, The Government (and) a loans scheme for students in Higher Education since September 1990. (Cam 3, G, TB, R) 11, By the time most of the students and workers have arrived back home in the evening during the week, the noise (abate) to a fairly large extent, (Cam 3, T4, L) 12. They believe that if their children apply themselves and work hard at school, then they (increase) their opportunities for going to higher education and eventu- ally getting a good job, (Cam 3, G, TA, W) 13. One man, who (be) blind since birth, scored extremely well, (Cam 4, T1,R) 14, Not surprisingly, linguists doubt that any native speakers of Navajo (remain) in a hundred years’ time. (Cam 4, T2, R) 15, At the moment, we (head) for about three or four languages dominating the world. (Cam 4,72, R) 16, Over the past seventy years or so, there (be) a massive increase in one type of crime, which is what’s known as “corporate crime”. (Cam 4, T2, L) 17. This is the third year they (run) it and the timing’s slightly different. (Cam 4,73, L) 42 18. Up until his time, the task of producing a dictionary on such a large scale (sem) impossible without the establishment of an academy to make decisions about right and wrong usage. (Cam 5, TI, R) 19, They further anticipated that only four per cent (go) up to 300 volts. (Cam 5, TLR) 20. The debate about whether each individual person is born the way they are or is created by their environment is one that (go) on for centuries. (Cam 5, T4, W) 21. Isit the first time you (operate) a camera like that? (Cam 5,72, L) 22, Despite linguists’ best efforts, many languages (disappear) over the next century. (Cam 4, 12, R) 23. But Australia’s success story is about more than easily copied technological fixes, and up to now no nation (replicate) its all-encompassing system. (Cam 6,1, R) 24, Tt was once assumed that improvements in telecommunications (lead) to more dispersal in the population as people were no longer forced into cities. (Cam 6, 12, R) 25, High achievers (co) best when the job provides moderately challenging ‘goals and where there is independence and feedback. (Cam 6, 73. R) 26. We (meet) each other when I signed the rental agreement in your office. (Cam 6, G, TA, W) 27. One reported instance of communication failure took place in 1970, when several Americans (cat) a species of poisonous mushroom, (Cai 2,72, R) 28. The recently published report also predicts that the process (repeat) itself with “ethical” concems. (Cam 2, T4, R) 29. There is a certain inevitability that technology ress) and become increasingly complex. (Cam 1. G, W) 30, Over the past nine years, Street Kids Intemational (work) with partner organizations in Africa, Latin America and India to support the economic lives of street children. (Cam 4,73, R) 31. After searching the whole room for an hour, she found that the book (ie) on the table all the time 32. It effectively (spread) the disease all over the continent and drastically reduced the rabbit population. w.nhantriviet:com 4B hin 2 Thue hanh ng phap— S| Er Vessn ane oct m iar Cosme Ll med CEDURE MC BCT aa) 1. It used to be that when young men and women got to a certain age, they feel they should get A B c D married. (Cam 3,3, S) 2. Indeed, some said that, once this novelty has worn off, cinema would fade away. It was no more A B c D than a passing gimmick, a fairground attraction. (Cam 6, T3, R) 3. When organizations are expanding and adding personnel, promotional opportunities, pay rises, A B and the excitement of being associated with a dynamic organization creates feclings of optimism. c D (Cam 6, T3,R) 4, As researchers on aging note recently, no treatment on the market today has been proved to A B slow human aging — the build-up of molecular and cellular damage that increases vulnerability © to infirmity as we grow older. (Cam 6, T3, R) D 5, In 1979, the government of Nicaragua established a number of social programs, including a A B National Literacy Crusade. By 1985, about 300,000 illiterate adults from all over the country, many of whom never attended primary school, had learnt how to read, write and use numbers, c D (Cam 6,74, R) 6. Carlyle was entirely ignorant of what the bottle in his pocket contained, of the nature of the A illness from which his friend was suffering, and of what had previously been wrong with his wife, B € but a medicine that had worked so well in one form of illness will surely be of equal benefit in D another. 7, In 1953, a former electronics engineer in his fifties, Christopher Cockerell, who had tured to A boat-building on the Norfolk Broads, suggested an idea on which he has been working for many B G 44 rs a —Phin 2 Thye han ngut phip— years to the British Government and industrial circles. It was the idea of supporting a craft on a D “pad”, or cushion, of low-pressure air, ringed with a curtain of higher pressure air. 8. Before very long the parents will be complaining that the child is so secretive and never tells, A B them anything, but they seldom realized that they have brought this on themselves. c D 9. At this age the likelihood of death jg least. Earlier, we were infants and young children, and A B consequently more vulnerable; later, we would undergo a progressive loss of our vigor and c resistance which, though imperceptible at first, will finally become so steep that we can live no D longer. 10. For some time Paris has been swarming with countless other discharged foreign soldiers who A ‘had served in the French army at various times under the Empire and the Republic, many of whom B were in needy circumstances and open to suggestion, whilst others were openly looking for ge D trouble and always ready to take part in any disturbance. CMa ac tem ars Tats 1, We used to be, are and will be a peace-loving people. 2, Two of his assistants had been working busily since eight o'clock and had only just finished. . For the century before Johnson's Dictionary was published in 1775, there had been concern about the state of the English language, (Cam 5, Tl, R) 4, She was too excited to do any housework that morning, for in the evening she would be going to a faney-dress party with her husband. 5. While the global economy has been expanding at a bit over 3% a year, the volume of trade has been rising at a compound annual rate of about twice that. (Cam 6, T1, R) 6. In government laboratories and elsewhere, scientists are seeking a drug able to prolong life and youthful vigor, (Cam 6, T3, R) www.nhantrivietcom 45 Essential Grammar 912) 5)05) | 7. Experts in public health accepted this idea decades ago, but until now no one has been able to show that a woman’s ability to read in itself improves her children’s chances of survival. (Cam 6, T4, R) 8, Experts confirmed that the animal will not attack a human being unless it is comered. 9. “I'm trying to repair the bell,” answered Bill. “I've been coming up here night after night for weeks now. You see, I was hoping to give you a surprise.” 10, The journalist took a long time to send the facts. Meanwhile, the editor was getting impatient, for the magazine would soon go to press. 11. City born and city bred, I have always regarded the country as something you look at through a train window, or something you occasionally visit during the weekend. 1. Cach day hai tram nam, cdc tran dau quyén Anh rat phé bign & Anh Quéc. 2. ké tir d6, da c6 nhig phat trién khéng |é trong cong nghé tén hita. (Cam 3, Tl, R) 3. Thuong mai quéc té dang phat trién véi téc 46 dang kinh ngac. (Cam 6, T1, R) 4, Ching t6i hy vong trai sé ngét mua trudc khi chting toi khéi hanh chuyén di da ngoai. 5. Vao cudi thang nay, 6ng dy da hudn luyén ngya duge hai muci nam réi. 6. Ho chi méi néi chuyén duge nam phuit thi mét ngudi le bude vao. 7. Vao lic 6ng Smith réi trudng, éng da day hoc duge hai muoi lam nam réi. 8, Ding goi dign cho téi sau bay gid vi toi dang hoc é th vign. 9. C618 vao hic chiing ta én nha ga thi chuyén tau 43 khdi hanh réi, 0. Chving t6i da ché suét ba tiéng cho dén khi ho cho phép chting tdi vao, 46 Cu tao co ban cita thé bi dong la: Chi ngit + be + phan tit qué khtt. byes reac ae Conas)| 1) Thé bi dong cia thi hi¢n tai don Cu tao co ban: am/is/are + phan tit qué khit International tensions are actually enhanced when too much patriotic emotion is released. (Cam 3,T1, W) 2 ‘Thé bj dong ciia thi qué khit don Cu tao eg ban: were/was + phan tit qué khtt Ecologists have assumed that tropical ecosystems were shaped entirely by natural forces. (Cam 3,73, R) ‘What is disturbing is that not more progress was made during this ten-year period by the developing countries. (Cam 3, 73, W) 47 for IELTS | 3) Thé bi d6ng cia thi tuong lai don Cau tao co ban: will be + phan tir qua kht We expect that the work will be completed at this time without further disruption to traffic. (Cam 3, G, T4, R) Motorists should note that Main Street will be closed over the weekend during the hours indicated. (Cam 3, G, T4, R) 4) Thé bj dong cia thi hien tai tiép din CAu tao cd ban: am/is/are + being + phan ti qua khit E-mail is being replaced by SMS (short message sent by cell phone) for personal communication. (Cam 3, T2, W) New solutions to this old problem are being proposed, trialed and implemented with ever increasing speed. (Cam 3, 14, R) Action is being taken along several fronts: through new legislation, improved enforcement and innovative technology. (Cam 3, T4, R) 5) Thé bj dOng cita thi qué kht tiép dién Cu tao c9 ban: I felt as if | was being watched. fere/was + being + phan tif qua khit We went to work by taxi yesterday because our car was being repaired at the garage. 6) Thé bj dong cia thi hién tai hoan thanh Cau tao co ban: have/has + been + phan tit qua khit Higher yields have been achieved by increased irrigation, better crop breeding, and a doubling in the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers in the 1970s and 1980s. (Cam 3, T2, R) In social circumstances, dress has often been used as a role sign to indicate the nature and degree of formality of any gathering and occasionally the social status of people present. (Cam 3, T2, R) 7) Thé bj dng cia thi qué khif hoan thanh C4u tao co ban: had + been + phan tit qua khit A study of the environmental effects in 1993 found that the end of fertilizer subsidies had been followed by a fall in fertilizer use. (Cam 3, T2, R) By Fosbury’s time, sawdust pits had been replaced by soft foam cushions, ideal for flopping. (Cam 4, T4, R) 8) Thé bj dong cia thi tong lai hoan thanh Cau tao co ban: will have + been + phan tif qua khit ‘The work will have been finished by this time tomorrow. ‘om a Phan 1 Gidi thich ngit phip— 9) Thé bj dOng cia thi tuong lai trong qué khit Cau tao ed ban: would + be + phan tit qua kha Marvin Minsky said in 1967 that within a generation the problem of creating “artificial intelligence” would be substantially solved. (Can 5, 13, R) COR CR Canara! Cau tao co ban: to be done Focused training will also play a role in enabling records to be broken. (Cam 4, 14, R) All the nations which participate in the Olympies feel the Games is something very precious 0 ‘be preserved and honored, a valuable legacy to be carried on for future generations. (Cam 3, T!,W) The difference between the babysitter and the factory worker has to be considered. (Cam 3, 13, W) CRO Rhee c ween nC m ag ‘(Cau tao co ban: being done Farmers dislike being paid to do nothing. Her success will depend upon her working harder and being assisted by friends. He insisted on being treated as an ordinary employee. She complained of being paid a smaller amount of money for doing the same work as others. COCR CTO C RCT Ome mse Ty (Cau tao co ban: dong tix tinh thai + be + phan tif qua khur He has the focal role and can be regarded as sitting in the middle of a group of people. (Cam 3, T2, R) Another weapon was the “arrow as a flying sabre”, which could be fired from crossbows. (Cam 3,T1,R) Traditional aspects of a culture are part of its history and should be maintained to a certain degree from the perspective of a national cultural identity. (Cam 3, T2, W) Their work conditions should always be supervised by their parents. (Cam 3, T3, W) Any balance of the course and accommodation fees must be paid in full by the first day of your course, (Cam 3,G, T4, R) 49 1 3) 4) Aeee Itis generally believed that tempers grow shorter in hot, muggy weather. (Cam 3, T3, R) It is not always realized that the owners of pipelines can handle the oil of different customers, sending it through at different periods. It is also accepted that this right generates an obligation or duty for the state to ensure that adequate health-care resources are provided out of the public purse. (Cam 4, 14, R) Ne RR ae es cava Chea Rae TanC RCo Dién ta tinh chat hoac dac trung cia sy vat ‘The pen writes smoothly. This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen sells well. to let c6 nghia la dive cho thué The house is to let. to blame c6 nghia la dang bi ché trdch ‘The British diet could be partially to blame for the increase in back pain, (Cam 3, Tl, L) ‘Méu cau ‘sth. is + tinh tir + dgng tir nguyén thé’ ‘The cherries are not ripe enough to eat. ‘The mountain was too sheer to climb. BCR COR meg Progress (make), (Cam 3, T4, R) (Thi hign tai tiép dién) Smoking (permit) on the balconies. (Cam 2, 12, L) (Thi hién tai dn) The great cities, (build) with no regard for us. (Thi hién tai hotn thin) . Matter from the star which we can see (pull) towards the companion star, (Thi hin tg tip diéu) 50. 5. 6. % 8. 9. 10, 12, 13, 14. 15. 16. 7. 18, 19, 20. = —_______Phan 2 Thue hinh ngi phap— ‘The spread of monoculture and use of high-yielding varieties of crops, (accompany) by the disappearance of old varieties of food plants which might have provided some insurance against pests or diseases in future. (Cam 3, 12, R) (Thi him tai hoin thanh) PMIO, a sub-category of particulate matter measuring ten-millionths of a meter across, (implicate) in thousands of deaths a year in Britain alone. (Cam 3,4, R) (Thi hig tai hoan thank) More general supervision of the clerks and their supervisors (introduce), (Cam 3, T4, R) (Thi qui khi don) A mat-like material called geotextile 7 (lay) across the island to separate the rock and sand layers. (Cam 2, T1, R) (Thi hia tai tip dién) The productivity increases in the hierarchically controlled program (accompany) by shifts in an adverse direction in such factors as loyalty, attitudes, interest, and involvement in the work. (Cam 3, 74, R) (Thi qu hi don) Intensive English classes (ceach) in four-week blocks throughout the year. (Cam 3, G, T4, R) (Thi hign tai dim) . The coal industry (arget) by its erities as a significant contributor to the greenhouse effect. (Cam 3, G, T4, R) (Thi hign tai hoa thinh Huge investments vake) in new systems, information technology and amassing quality assurance accreditations. (Cam 3, G, TB, R) (Thi hién tai hoin thinh) A lot of records (destroy) during various wars and military campaigns. (Cam 4,72, $) (Thi qua khit don) Even less attention (pay) to children living on the streets or in difficult circumstances. (Cam 4,73, R) (Thi hign tai hon thanb In this project, participants (lend) money to purchase shoe shine boxes. (Cam 4, 73, R) (Thi qui kh don) Popular science (write) in English. (Cam 5, T2, R) (Thi qué khit dom) Medical problems (vefer) to professionals. (Cam 5, 13, R) (Thi gui kh dn) The fertile land of the Nile delta (crode) along Egypt’s Mediterranean ‘coast at an astounding rate. (Cam 5, 13, R) (Thi hin tai tiép dién) Whenwe ____ (show) how to edit the film, we had to follow the instructions, (Cam 5, 72, L) (Thi qué kh tig didn Unusual incidents (report) across the Aretie. (Cam 6, T1, R) (Thi hign ta tiép dién) Dit Oana Terr een ra aC eect) 1 2. 3. Students (expect) to attend regularly and on time. (Cam 3, G, 74, R) 1 was supposed (pay) £120 but I never received that amount, Ultraclean coal will enable coal (use) in advanced power systems. (Cam 3, G, T4, R) 5) ul. 12, 13. 14. 15. 16. 18, 19, 20. 21, 22, 2. Only one course of this medicine should (take) in a period of six months. (Cam 3, G, TB, R) Fancy Foods wishes to inform the public that pieces of metal (find) in some jars of Fancy Foods Chicken Curry. (Cam 3, G, TB, R) Obviously, the noise factor will have to (take) into consideration with the layout of the houses. (Cam 3, T4, L) ‘The area around the blowhole is also particularly sensitive and captive animals often object strongly to (touch) there, (Cam 4, T1, R) They should not (expect) to take full responsibility. (Cam 3, T4, W) If you want your other laundry (do) by the college, this can be arranged for a small extra fee, (Cam 2, T2, L) In the late 1980s and early 1990s, some efforts (make) to reduce farm subsidies, (Cam 3,12, R) Traditional skills and ways of life are not necessarily economically worthless and should (keep) alive. (Cam 3, T2, W) By 1906, the WSPU headquarters, called the Women’s Press Shop, (establish) in Charing Cross Road, (Cam 3,4, R) ‘The most valuable object I own is my laptop computer, which (give) to me by my family when I graduated from high school. (Cam 3. T4, S) In all the media, including print, TV, and movies, we (show) a vast array of material goods which we come to desire ourselves. (Cam 3, T4, S) In my opinion, consumerism cannot (view) in an entirely positive or negative context. (Cam 3, T4, S) Although many students take classes in Navajo, the schools (run) in English. (Cam 4, 12, R) Now people (drive) by money and the need to have it, and that basically discounts most leisure time except for weekends for some, not most. (Cam 4, T2, S) Today, researchers often tape-record informants. This enables the linguist’s claims about the language (check), (Cam 4, T3, R) People talk abnormally when they know they (record), and sound quality can be poor. (Cam 4, T3, R) For the foreseeable future, records (make) to be broken, (Cam 4, T4, R) ‘The President (clect) every Summer Term to provide continuity for the next academic year, (Cam 4, G, TA, R) Itis estimated that by the end of the 18th century 401 German scientific journals (establish) as opposed to 96 in France and 50 in England, (Cam 5, 72, R) Parent-educators made personal visits to homes and monthly group meetings (hold) with other new parents to share experience and discuss topics of interest. (Cam 5,73, R) 52 www.nhantriviet.icom 24, 25. 26. 27. 28. 29, 30. 31. 32. 33, 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39, 41. 42, 43. 44, www.nhant —Phan 2 Thue hanh ngi phap— Annual flooding brought in new, nutrient-rich soil to the delta region, replacing what (wash) away by the sea, (Cam 5,3, R) When fragments (analyze) by experts at the giant glass manufacturer Pilkington, which had made the pane, they found that minute crystals of nickel sulphide trapped inside the glass had almost certainly caused the failure. (Cam 5, T4, R) Some seeds escape (cat) and grow up to form the next generation, (Cam 5, T4, R) The money (already use) to build a children’s playground, (Cam 5, G, TB, R) If rain (forecast), bring some protection and be prepared for all eventualities. (Cam 5, G, TB, R) It is better to wear shoes that (wear) out, rather than ones that are new, (Cam 5, G, TB, R) Each species must develop its own “call-sign” to avoid (confuse) with other species glowing nearby. (Cam 5, G, TB, R) Since the tests (inwoduce), AIS athletes in all sports have been remark- ably successful at staying healthy. (Cam 6,71, R) Forty years ago, the process of exporting or importing involved a great many stages of handling, which risked portions of the shipment (damage) or stolen along the way. (Cam 6, T1, R) The adoption of standard container sizes allowed almost any box (transport) on any ship. (Cam 6, T1, R) Provisions available in local shops have to (fly) into Nunavut on one of the most costly air networks in the world. (Cam 6, T1, R) It really raises the question of what should (consider) normal ageing. (Cam 6, T2, R). In real situations the number and words (oflen accompany) by gestures to help resolve any confusion. (Cam 6,12, R) Traces of the very first stages in the development of numeration can (see) in several living languages today. (Cam 6, T2, R) Glucose reaches cells in abundance but the drug prevents most of it from (process), (Cam 6, 73, R) ‘Until recently, not much (know) about the topic. (Cam 6, 14, R) Other actions can (take) to back up the poliey. (Cam 6, 14, R) Another possibility is to improve the playground environment, so that pupils are less likely to (cad) into bullying from boredom or frustration. (Cam 6, T4, R) Itis likely that, as sea levels rise, countries in low-lying coastal areas (hit) by seawater penetration of ground water. (Cam 6, G. TA. R) ‘As a result of constant media attention, sports professionals in my country have become stars and celebrities, and those at the top (pay) huge salaries, (Cam 6, T2, W) Kansai was supposed (build) just one kilometer offshore. (Cam 2, Tl, R) 53 (emu for JETS: 45, Once the finished newspaper (create) for the next morning’s edition, all the pages are transmitted electronically from the pre-press center to the printing center. TB, R) 46, Ido not believe that the increase in the number of working mothers has resulted in children up less well than previously. (Cam 2,74, W) 47. To date, various research methods (use) to help promote the sales of su- permarket products. (Cam 1, 13, L) 48. The study reported here was conducted in the Prince William Hospital in Brisbane, Australia, where, prior to this time, few active steps (take) to measure, understand (Cam 2, (bri or manage the occurrence of absenteeism. (Cam 2. 13, R) Paes) me Cee Re Tas STAN EC 1, This type of smoke contains more smaller particles and is therefore more likely to be deposited deep in the lungs. (Cam 3, T1, R) 2, The peace which Oxford once knew, and which a great university city should always have, has been swept ruthlessly away. 3, Faith in controlled nuclear fission is now being shown by the construction of atomic power stations. 4. In the organization of industrial life, the influence of the factory upon the physiological and mental state of the workers has been completely neglected. 5. Narrowly academic examinations and tests were felt to be heavily weighed in favor of children who had had the advantage of highly-academic primary schools and academically biased homes. 6. Intelligence tests were devised to counteract this narrow specialization by introducing problems which were not based on specifically scholastically-acquired knowledge, 7. Traditional skills and ways of life are an integral part of a nation’s culture and should not be brushed aside just because of advancing technology. (Cam 3, T2, W) 8. Limited resources and ecological constraints are often overcome by personal skills that would be regarded as exceptional in the west. (Cam 3, T3, R) 9. With the independence of much of Asia and Africa after 1945, it was assumed that economic progress would rapidly lead to the disappearance or assimilation of many small-scale societies. (Cam 3, T3, R) 54 10. ve 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18, 19, 21. 22, eee —__________—Phan 2 Thye hanh ngit phap— A link between weather and mood is made believable by the evidence for a connection between behavior and the length of the daylight hours. (Cam 3, T3, R) Major research and development programs are being devoted to lifting efficiencies and reducing emissions of greenhouse gases during coal consumption. (Cam 3,G, 74, R) It has been predicted that the proportion of health costs to GDP will continue to increase. (Cam 4, T4, R) Afier its publication, his Dictionary was not seriously rivaled for over a century. (Cam 5, T1, R) This climatic phenomenon was accused of wrecking tourism, causing allergies, melting the ski slopes and causing 22 deaths. (Cam 5, T1, R) Tourists are drawn to these regions by their natural landscape beauty and the unique cultures of their indigenous people. (Cam 5, T4. R) ‘The life of the modern world has been recorded on film in massive, encyclopedic detail. (Cam 6, 73, R) The problem is complicated by the existence of dozens of inputs and outcomes and by the fact that employee groups place different degrees of importance on them. (Cam 6, T3, R) In Norway, after an intervention campaign was introduced nationally, an evaluation of forty-two schools suggested that, over a two-year period, bullying was halved. (Cam 6, T4, R) ‘Water, which was once regarded as a free gift from heaven, is becoming a commodity which must be bought and sold on the open market just like oil. (Cam 6, G, TA, R) ‘A continuing problem at the time was that the films had a tendency to break when they were be- ing played — a problem which was caused by the tension between the two wheels, or “reels” as they are called, which hold the film. (Cam 6, T2, L) Good health has been connected to the smooth mechanical operation of the body, while ill health has been attributed to a breakdown in this machine. (Cam 2. TI, R) Health in this sense has been defined as the absence of disease or illness and is seen in medical terms. (Cam 2,1, R) 55 23. Specific behaviors which were seen to increase the risk of disease, such as smoking, lack of fitness and unhealthy eating habits, were targeted, (Cam 2, Tl, R) 24, The children were given the task of learning to operate a machine so as to get a toy. (Cam 2, TI, R) 25. Indeed it could be argued that by giving mothers the opportunity to work and earn extra money children can be better provided for than previously. (Cam 2. T4, W) eevee cre Meru ras argc 1. Oxford da bj pha héng bdi nganh cong nghiép xe hoi, 2. Nhiing ky nang va cach sng truyén thong thudng dugc duy tri hang tram nam véi rat it thay di. (Cam 3, T2, W) 3. Nhiing suf tang truéng ngdn han nhu vay chi thyc hign duge véi gid phai tra rat lén va nghiém trong vé mat té chifc va quan ly. (Cam 3, T4, R) 4, Thudc men duge nhiéu ngudi xem la phuong sdch cudi cling. (Cam 5, G, TA, W) 5. Réc thai dang duge tao ra ngay cing nhiéu vi ngay cng co thém nhiéu ngudi tré thanh ngudi tigu thy Ién. (Cam 5, G, TB, W) 6. Xuyén sust thé ky, ugg nudc lon nhat duge stt dung la cho cde muc dich néng nghiép. (Cam 6, T1, W) 7. MOt luong nudéc khéng 15 duge sit dung trong nganh néng nghiép 6 Brazil, va diéu nay duge phan anh qua cdc s6 ligu tiéu thy nuéc tinh trén dau ngudi, (Cam 6, T1, W) 8. Muic luong cia gidi thé thao khéng duoc quyét dinh béi viéc xem xét cOng high cia mot ngudi cho xa h6i, hay mute dé trach nhiém ma ho dang ndm giit. (Cam 6, T2, W) 9. Nhitng Igi ich ro rang ctia ky nang vi tinh A6i v6i tré em thi khong thé ndo chéi bé dugc. (Cam 6, G, TB, W) 10. C6 nhiing han ché ky thuat Adi voi luong gidy 6 thé duige tai ché va ngudi ta khéng thé thu thap mét sé sin phdm gidy dé tai sir dung. (Cam 1, G. R) 56 Phin 2 Thue hiainh ngit phép— 11. Trong tuong lai, may vi tinh s® duge sit dung 48 tao ra nhing méy vi tiah Ién hon va thém chf cdn tinh vi hon nifa. (Cam 1, G, W) 12. Trong sé 20.000 ngudi nay, chi khéng day 2.000 dang bj chit cla ho béc lét va lam dung. 13. Téi duge chi nha cho biét rang mua bdo hiém cho 44 dgc va nhitng tai san c4 nhan khéc la mét ¥ kign hay. (Cam 2, T2, L) 14. Nhiéu diém dén du lich Bac cyte da duc cée céng ty bén ngoai khai thc. (Cam 5, T4, R) 15, Ung thu khéng bi gay ra béi mét yéu té duy nhat co trong khéi thuéc. (Cam 3, TI, R) 16, Nhd phat minh cia chit viét, mot tién b6 vi dai da duoc tao ra vi khi d6 kign thitc khong ning 6 thé duoc trao di ma con cé thé duge uu gitt, 17, Hai ky thuat chfnh da duge sit dung dé hudn luyén voi, ma chiing ta c6 thé goi ldn luot la (ky thuat) cing rn va (ky thuat) nhe nhang., 57 Danh d6ng ti va dong tit nguyén thé Danh dong tit Danh dong ti cé cdu tao: déng tir + -ing va dugc sit dung nhu danh tir trong cau. OR CT eng oe RC RCI Chae 1) Danh d6ng tit duge ding lam chii ngit Trying to keep the traditional skills and ways of life alive is a very valuable effort. (Cam 3, T2, W) Knowing there is a direct relationship between the quality of work and the amount of money earned is important for developing a strong work ethic. (Cam 3, 13, W) Simply giving poorer nations money does not solve any problems. (Cam 3, T4, W) Déi khi danh dong tit duge ding lam chi ngit chinh ditng & cudi cau, con it dimg & dau cu la che: ngit hinh thiic, chi yéu xuat hién trong céc mau cau sau: It is no use (good) doing sth.; It is hard work doing sth.; It is a joy (pleasure) doing sth.; It is worthwhile doing sth Itis no good sitting up too late. Lalso thought it'd be worthwhile talking to a lecturer. (Cam 6, 12, L) It's.a great pleasure doing some reading at the fireside on a winter night. 58 2) Danh d6ng tit duge ding lam bé nga If the job is running a small business or an autonomous unit within a larger business, high achievers should be sought. (Cam 6, T3, R) 3) Danh dong tit durge ding lam tac tit Danh d6ng tir c6 thé duge ding lam tuic ti cho dong tir va gidi tix, (2) Danh dong tir duge ding lam tic tir cho déng tir Would you mind my asking your salary? (Cam 2, T3.L) Overuse of fertilizers may cause farmers to stop rotating crops. (Cam 3, T2, R) ‘When the local government in Cambridge, England, considered introducing Singaporean techniques, it faced vocal and ultimately successful opposition, (Cam 3, T4, R) Loai nay gém cdc dong tit: acknowledge, admit, advocate, allow, anticipate, appreciate, avoid, complete, consider, delay, deny, enjoy, escape, excuse, finish, forbid, imagine, include, involve, keep, mind, miss, permit, postpone, practice, quit, recommend, resist, resume, risk, stop, suggest, can’t help, give up, put off (2) Danh dong tit dugc ding lam tac tit cho gigi tir In this essay, I will give my reasons for holding this opinion. (Cam 5,G, TA, R) A surge in Japanese traveling abroad in 1990 resulted in Australia regaining their share of Japanese tourists. It depends on automation being adequately exploited. 4) Danh dong tit duge ding lam tinh ti Danh dong tiv c6 thé dugc ding lam tinh tir dé bé nghia cho mét danh tix khac, thong thugng la mé ta chitc nang va céng dung ciia danh tir duge bé nghia. The starting point of induction is an impossible one. (Cam 3, Tl, R) The writer, like any other artist, has no resting place. Parent resource centers offered learning materials for families and facilities for childcare. (Cam 5, T3, R) Drea ee eta Cau tao co ban: having done (chi d6ng) va having been done (bi déng) She was not sure of having done anything wrong. After having been interviewed, he was offered the job. BRR a ma Citi ntg Cau tric nay 6 nghia tuong ty nhu It is impossible to do sth. There is no predicting when wat will break out again. There is no saying whether we can finish the job according to the schedule. 59 Dong tit nguyén thé Cu tao cia dong tit nguyén thé: to + dong tir co ban (to do). mét s6 trudng hop, dong tit ding mot minh khOng c6 to dugc goi la déng tir nguyén thé khéng to (bare infinitive hoac infinitive without to). Bee Gee eure ome t RTM OTe ne tania ett 1) Déng tit nguyén thé duge ding lam chi ngit Trong truéng hgp nay, dng tit nguyén thé cé thé dugc thay bang danh dong tir ma vin khong tao ra su khdc biét vé ¥ nghia. To make a decision without knowing all the facts is difficult. Itis not pointless to try to keep the old traditions alive in some fashion. (Cam 3, 12, W) It is important for members of a family to work together to achieve their goals. (Cam 3,12, S) 2) Dong tir nguyén thé dugc ding lam bé nga Dong tiy nguyén thé va danh déng tiy déu cé thé dude ding lam bé ngi. Tuy nhién, khi chi ngit la tir chi khuynh huéng tuong lai nhur phuong phap, muc dich, k& hoach, hy vong, v.v. tht d6ng tir nguyén thé thudng dugc ding lam bé ngit hon. I think that the best way to approach it is to divide the essay into two parts. (Cam 2, T2, L) The most important lesson I learned from her is to always keep a positive attitude and never give up. Children’s main responsibility is still to play and have fiun. (Cam 3, 13, W) My plans are to attend either Cambridge or Oxford in England. (Cam 3, 13, S) The aim is to remove the heaviest-polluting, most decrepit vehicles from the roads. R) The important thing is for the movie to be interesting. (Cam 3, T2, 8) The key to fostering diversity is for people to learn their ancestral tongue, as well as the dominant language. (Cam 4. 12, ®) (Cam 3, 3) DOng ti nguyén thé duoc ding lam tic tir Mét sO dong tir yeu cdu dong tit theo sau phai & dang nguyén thé, ‘We hope to reopen the shop in the next few months. (Cam 6.T1, 1) When I first pointed this out to you, you agreed to provide a brand-new dining set. (Cam 6, G, TA, W) We managed to climb 32 peaks that were over 3,000 meters high. (Cam 2, Tl, L) He must strive continually to think of, and use, form in its full spatial completeness 60

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