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(2072 — 2021 ae yl pla pt Answer all five questions QI/ Fill in the Blanks the following Sentences:- (3 marks) 1. Solve the Sentences in predicate : some employees are sick today. system is 2 stem that has its own main objective algorithms 5 ts Jleading-fronr initial state to goal state Q2/ Answer the Questions with semantic network and conceptual (10 marks) | Fish is aniinal, Animal can breathe animal has skin and can move, bird is \ animal bird can fly bird has wings and feathers .canary can sing and is | yellow. Ostrich cannot fly and is tail. Q3/ Answer both of the following:- (10 marks) ‘Ai Solve (5 only) with predicate and propositional logic 1. All foxes run faster than all snails. 2. Someone at CMU is smart. 3, All atomic formula are well-formed formulas “L. Variable symbols are symbol expressions beginaing with an uppercase character. 5. Everyone passing his Al exam and winning the lottery is happy © Constant symbols are symbol expressions having the first character lowerease. B// Prove the following sentences :- pA (qv rvs)=@A @~ Ar)~ (pA 8) Q4/ Answer one of the Following: (3 marks) AJI What are Knowledge Representation Schemes ? and Al application? B// Define the search strategy , and what the strategies t0 evaluate the solution algorithm Q5/ Traverse the tree with hill climbing ,then find its traverse path & close, k is goal state; then write its disadvantage (10 marks) clay SI uatas oe Salullae aad ue 2a.t aye HE OI AF Nat Baka} Sil aul ot

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