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Introduction to Management

Table of Contents

Management Structure and Business Functions...................................................................4

Marketing Function.................................................................................................................6

Management Functions...........................................................................................................6

HR and Talent Management...................................................................................................7


Reference List.........................................................................................................................10

The following report will be discussing the knowledge and understanding of distinctive
structures and operations of business management. Management refers to "the procedure of
forecasting and arranging the assets and functioning of a business in such a manner so that
the particular goals and objectives can be attained efficiently and effectively" (Anderson et
al., 2018). It will further help classify the management functions as well as how these
functions support organizing a business. The significance that in what way marketing
connects to the success of a business along with some additional domains will be addressed.
Even the role of human resources in managing the talents and expertise in a business that
fabricates the evolution of the organizational culture will be considered for the betterment of
a business structure.

Management Structure and Business Functions
An organizational structure calls for a methodology that characterises in want way the pre-
decided operations are carried out and controlled to acquire the objectives of a company.
These functions are comprised of the principles, job profiles, duties and accountabilities. The
formation of a company even decides over the way any detail or fact proceeds linking the
stages inside the organization.

Management is a process consisting of the entire functioning and operations carried out
towards the acquirement of organizational objectives and strategies by ongoing undertakings
such as planning, organizing, leading and controlling (Fareri et al., 2018). It is being termed
as a proceeding carrying out the forecasting, decision making, supervising, leading,
encouragement and controlling the human resources, economic, physical, and factual assets
of a company for achieving its targets in the right and appropriate manner. Management can
be further elaborated in the following theories.

1. Contingency Management Theory: A contingency management approach in the

business is founded over the thesis about whether the management productivity is
dependent or not (Velinov et al., 2018). The dependence is decided upon the
interchange among specific scenarios and the implementation of the organization
conducts. It is the theory that believes that the productivity of leadership is a kind of
factor of two components which are a relation or task encouragement and the
conditions or situations. As per the theory, situational favourability can be evaluated
by three parts i.e. the Leader-member relations, Task structure and Position power.
2. Theory X and Y of Management: Theory X and theory are taken as the theories for
mankind encouragement at the workstations (Khorasani and Almasifard, 2017).
Theory X is done over the foundation of a classic employee with the perspective that
these workers possess very few and tiny objectives. Along with it, they are the ones
who attempts to evade their respective roles. On the other hand, Theory Y treats their
workers as a precious source for the company. Because the workers just not only take
overall liability for their task but even take initiatives to provide better outcomes with
no supervision at all.
3. Scientific Management Theory: This theory was produced to promote industrial
organizations to upgrade towards mass production or manufacturing (Su, 2017).

Along with the backbone of mechanical engineering, Frederick Winslow Taylor
implemented the engineering proposition towards office efficiency at the plant level.

There are certain organizational structures as follows

1. Functional Structure: It is created with a general hierarchy system where the role
and job needs of each worker are taken into account. It is even bifurcated into
different sectors so that the work can be carried out separately so that a particular
assignment can be completed. Due to this structure, no stoppage occurs in the
working of the business and the operations are carried out without any interruption
because of the delay by the other departments. But, if there occurs any issue in a
specific sector while working, it ultimately creates difficulties for the other sectors for
the accomplishment of work.
2. Matrix Structure: This structure dispenses the assets or the resources as well as the
workforce over multiple functioning sectors. As this structure is carried out on a
geographical basis, it interlinks the company sectors into two distinct sectors at the
same period. It is a suitable structure for some businesses as while following this, a
person can report to more than two superiors altogether to avoid any delay at work.
But, reporting to multiple bosses sometimes creates problems for a single person to
carry out multiple responsibilities at the same time.
3. Hierarchical structure: It is a technique of preparing a business by using multiple
hierarchies of professionals along with a perpendicular scale of order. It shows an
uncomplicated scale of understanding from higher levels to lower levels. The superior
authorities carry the power over the lower authoritative levels following this chain.
Therefore, it is considered as the most effective way of getting the work done as by
following this structure there is no room left for any complication or confusion. But at
some point difficulty arises as people cannot directly communicate with each other
due to the label of hierarchies.
4. Divisional Structure: In this structure, every action is performed to separate the work
into different segments. Due to this, a company bifurcates its workers and the
allocated assets into distinct sectors based on geographical and commodity variations.
So that every segment remains liable for their doings which proves to be
advantageous. But it sometimes becomes difficult as some people do not put the
requisite efforts to make it work.

Marketing Function
A marketing function is a responsibility supporting an organization to recognize and root the
appropriate commodities from the market structures where they function and advertise these
products (Nafisa et al., 2019). It is a critical part of an organization as they have to trade their
products by differentiating them from that of their competitors.

In this way, the marketing department can function with the various business department such
as HR, Finance and Research & Development in the following ways.

1. Human Resource Department: The marketing department can coordinate with the
HR department regarding its marketing campaign strategies and what kind of
individuals they desire. So that the HR department can fulfil their demands by hiring
the appropriate staff at the appropriate place at the right amount of time.
2. Finance: By making proper coordination with the finance department, the marketing
department can influence the finance department to allocate funds as per their desires.
So that the finance department can release the capital accordingly as per the
requirements of the marketing department.
3. Research & Development: By making proper coordination with the research &
development department, it can be ensured that the creation and development of the
product are done on time. Along with this, the products manufactured are of the
desired quality factor can also be taken into consideration.

Management Functions
To make the work easier, Henry Fayol introduced these five management functions known as
Planning, Organizing, Commanding, Coordinating and Controlling (Tursunov, 2017). These
principles are universally acceptable and every superior usually performs these functions.

1. Planning: It is the foremost function of management. It refers to the trial forecasting

the future of a company and ensuring that productive measures are taken to
accomplish the desired tasks. This stage is based on the available assets a company
possess for carrying out the operations of the business smoothly shortly. The planning
process should consist of the factors such as purposefulness, continuity, flexibility and
2. Organizing: It refers to the second function of management. It is a process through
which an organization gets all the requisite things for carrying out its operations. The
required things can include the raw components, the tools and instruments, the capital,

and the personnel or the workforce. The organization has to be done properly to
receive the desired results.
3. Commanding: It is known as the third function of the management process. It
focuses on acquiring the supreme impact for the hard work of the human capital for
the betterment of the entire business association. Through commanding, a manager
can influence his subordinates to perform the duties as per the desired standards of
4. Coordinating: It refers to the fourth function of management. The core purpose of
this function is to establish unrivalled consonance among the distinctive operations of
the company. Decent interaction ensures the work structure goes smoothly and the
operations of the business become more successful. Due to this function, the various
prospects of the business can be managed.
5. Controlling: It is known as the fifth function of the management process. Control is
implemented to ensure that the acquisition with all the required factors takes place at
proper time intervals. It has to be maintained properly by making appropriate
coordination with the planned strategies, the desired principles, and the required
standards of performance.

The Planning function is directly interrelated to the organizing function. Because according
to the forecast and strategies tailored in planning, the process of organizing takes the lead.
And, as per that only the required things are sourced being its raw materials, tools or
personnel. Taking the Organizing function into account, the commanding function comes into
the picture. Furthermore, as per the inputs used in the organization function, the commanding
needs to be done. Because it completely depends upon the things that have been implanted
for carrying out the business operations.

HR and Talent Management

The role of the HR Manager in an organization is of the utmost importance. The HR is
accountable for the forecasting as well as towards the attainment of the business goals. They
are generally involved in recognizing, arranging, and accomplishing the organizational
objectives along with the coordination of higher-level superiors (Meyers et al., 2020). They
even take appropriate care of the job role scrutinizing and developing strategies accordingly.
The HR managers look forward to the job-rotational requirements, job promotion and
enlargement, role enrichment and even for developing superior-functioning working unions.
Their role involves hiring the right talent for the desired roles. Even making them eligible for

the organization by providing them with desired induction and training offerings. They are
even held accountable for designing the appropriate working rules and regulation policies.
These procedures are required to be followed by the existing and prospective employees to
ensure a smooth flow of operations in the organization.

On the other hand, Talent Management is referred to as a continuous process comprised of

alluring and keeping highly-skilled subordinates on the job. It even concludes the
advancement of their expertise while persistently encouraging them to make requisite
progress in this performance. The core resolution of this process is to develop an encouraging
workforce that can retain the organization for a long period. It can support the achievement of
the goals of the business in many ways. It can support the businesses in making the
appropriate enhancement in their overall performance. This function permits the
organizations to keep their competitive edge in the market. It even helps the organization to
achieve the desired goals with the implementation of innovative techniques. It can contribute
to building up efficient teams. It helps in decreasing the costs of the business. It helps in
making the workforce powerful as well as helping the workers to grow in their profession.

Organizational culture is referred to as the cluster of desirability, beliefs, presuppositions, and

efforts which conducts and coordinates the activities of the entire team members. This culture
instantiates positive attributes which help in enhancing performance. On the other way round,
a distraught organization is liable enough to bring in the standards which are capable enough
to devastate even the most successful business.

The aforementioned report has discussed the role of management in carrying out the
operations of a business in an efficient manner. The management knowledge and
understanding of its distinctive structures and operations of business management has been
stressed upon. It has further discussed the classification of the management functions as well
as how these functions support organizing a business. The critical analysis that in what way
the marketing connects to the success of a business along with discharging some additional
domains has been addressed. Even the role of human resources in managing the talents and
expertise in a business is discussed. It has even focussed on the roles that fabricate the
evolution of the organizational culture considered for the betterment of a business structure.

Reference List

Anderson, D.R., Sweeney, D.J., Williams, T.A., Camm, J.D. and Cochran, J.J., 2018. An
introduction to management science: a quantitative approach. Cengage learning.

Fareri, S., Chiarello, F., Coli, E., Teloni, D., Dente, G. and Fantoni, G., 2018. Workers 4.0:
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European, regional and global perspectives in an age of uncertainty, p.95.

Khorasani, S.T. and Almasifard, M., 2017. Evolution of management theory within 20
century: A systemic overview of paradigm shifts in management. International Review of
Management and Marketing, 7(3).

Meyers, M.C., van Woerkom, M., Paauwe, J. and Dries, N., 2020. HR managers’ talent
philosophies: prevalence and relationships with perceived talent management practices. The
International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31(4), pp.562-588.

Nafisa, S., Shayanrad, R., Hosseinifard, M., Molavi, H. and Narimisa, M.R., 2019.
Integrating Internal and External Marketing Function for a Services Management Marketing
Model in Iran. Religación, 4, pp.233-237.

Su, Y., 2017. Taylor scientific management theory carding and significance of organization
management. Social Sciences, 6(4), pp.102-107.

Tursunov, B.O., 2017. Principles and functions of the management of production capacity.
Вопросы управления, (3 (46)).


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