Centrifugal Pump Vs Receprocating Pump

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Comparison between Centrifugal Pump and Reciprocating pump technology

Parameter Centrifugal pump Reciprocation pump

Types / Variants

As per the API 610, there are total 18 types of pumps in three categories; Overhung, Between There are mainly three 3 types of pumps available in this range: Piston, Plunger, and diaphragm pump. It
bearing and Vertical Suspended. Additionally, magnetic drive pump technology is also available. can be further classified into Single acting and double acting Single, duplex, triplex, or multiplex cylinder

Crankshaft-connecting rod mechanism converts the rotary movement to a reciprocating linear

Operating principle and Rotating impeller imparts kinetic energy to fluid. Static casing (volute / diffuser) collects it, slow it down, and
movement of plunger or piston. Back and forth motion of Piston / plunger draw in and draw out fixed
construction convert it into pressure (Head). more impellers or high-speed options available to develop very high pressure.
volume of liquid.
The first machine that could be characterized as a centrifugal pump was a mud lifting machine which
In 200 BC Greek inventor and mathematician Ctesibius invents the water organ, an air pump with valves
appeared as early as 1475 in a treatise by the Italian Renaissance engineer Francesco di Giorgio Martini.
History 1687: French-born inventor Denis Papin develops the first true centrifugal pump, one with straight vanes used
on the bottom, a tank of water in between them and a row of pipes on top. This is the principal design
that is now known as the reciprocating pump.
for local drainage.

It develops variable flow,

Flow varies with It delivers fix volume of
downstream resistance. the fluid filled in the
Nature of the Q-H curve cylinder irrespective of
could be continuous the delivery head.
Flow Versus Head characteristic rising, steep, drooping,
and performance envelope or flat.

Complex. More moving parts. Key Moving Parts: Piston / Plunger, Piston rod, Suction and delivery valve,
Construction and design Simple, less moving parts. Key moving parts: Impeller, Shaft, Mechanical Seal, Ball bearings
Crank, Connecting rod, Packings
Intermittent and pulsating because linear velocity of plunger / piston changes at different point in
Nature of flow Steady and continuous because of impeller spins at constant rotational speed across 360 degree in casing.
cylinder. Pulsation dampeners are often necessary
Priming Priming is necessary as it cannot pull the fluid. It can evacuate the air in suction and pulls the liquid so inherently these are self-priming pumps.
NPSH available formula Pr. head ± Static head / Lift – Vapor pr. head – Friction head Pr. head ± Static head /Lift – Vapor pr. head – Friction head – Acceleration head
Internal clearance Very tight to Generous internal clearance between moving and stationary parts depending on the design Close clearance, continuous friction between piston and cylinder as well as at valve area
Effect of high Viscosity Big -Ve impact on hydraulics output and efficiency. Not suitable for very high viscosity. Capable of handling relatively high viscosity fluid. Considerably better performance at high viscosity
Long term Performance No or very little performance degradation even after a long service life Performance degrades over a period due to excessive wear and tear.
Product handling Handle wide range of fluid clean to slurry, depending on Pump and mechanical seal design Can handle solid but not good choice
Efficiency Efficiency are low due to excessive friction losses, Normally it is in the range of 30% to 70% Highly efficient pumps. Normally it is in the range of 65% to 90%
Sealing at relative motion Mechanical Seal technology is widely used, Complex design and expensive. Reliability is very high. Design of Sealing between piston and cylinder is simple and cheaper. Reliability is low.
Hermetical sealing option Sealless pump design option is available. Diaphragm pump option is available
MTBR and reliability Normal operating vibrations are very low. Very high MTBR in few years, Highly reliable Operating vibrations are normally high. Less reliable, Low MTBR several months.
Control philosophy Flow control is easy with control valve. VFD is an alternative option. It delivers constant flow; Flow control is possible by changing stroke length or speed
Operational speed It is high speed machine. OH6, integrally geared high-speed pump can go as high as 24,000 rpm. Very low speed machine
Pump must run within allowable operating range. Bypass line with proper valve is required to protect the No such requirement. However, pressure relief valve is required for pump and plant safety against the
Equipment protection pump against minimum flow operation. overpressure.
Irrespective of downstream resistance it keeps on building pressure, may lead to failure of downstream
Plant and process Risk No risk to plant. Pump stops delivering the flow while it exceeds certain system resistance.
piping, valve or instruments
Equipment cost Equipment cost is high due to use of precision engineered components considering the high-speed nature, Equipment cost is moderate
Weight, size, Installation cost Smaller size and low weight. Smaller footprint and less heavy foundation. Installation cost is low. Bigger footprint and heavier foundation are required. Installation cost is high.
Relevant. API Standards API 610, API 685, API 682 API 674

Image source: Website of various Reputed OEMs Kirit Domadiya

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