Advancement in Automotive Industry: Visvesvaraya Technological University Belgaum, Karnataka-590 014

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Visvesvaraya Technological University

Belgaum, Karnataka-590 014


in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the Degree of
USN: 2JH18EC028

Under the guidance of


Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


(Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University,
Belagavi) 404/4/5, Hebballi Road, Sai Nagar, Unkal,

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


Certified that the Seminar Work titled ‘PLASMA ANTENNA’ is carried out
by Mr. PRAJWAL K MADALLI , USN: 2JH18EC028, a bona-fide student
of Jain College of Engineering and Technology, in partial fulfillment for the
award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and
Communication Engineering of Visvesvaraya Technological University,
Belagavi during the year 2021-2022.It is certified that all the corrections/
suggestions indicated for Internal Assessment have been incorporated in the
report. The report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements
in respect of project work prescribed for the said Degree.


Asst. Professor and HOD Principal

Signature with date and seal:

First and foremost, we express our gratitude to our project guide Prof.

, Dept. of Electronics and Communication. Her willingness to motivate us and

her guidance contributed tremendously to this project.

I am indebted to Mr. Prasanna Pattanshetty, HOD, and Dr. Prashanth Banakar,

Principal, for their advice and suggestions at various stages of the work.

I am also indebted to the Management of Jain College of Engineering and

Technology for providing an excellent study environment and laboratories
facilities. We appreciate the help and the support rendered by the teaching and
non-teaching staff of Electronics and Communication Engineering.

Besides, we sincerely acknowledge the useful comments and assistance given

by our beloved teacher Mrs.Priyanka , during the course of this work. Our
heartiest thanks to Mr. Prasanna Pattanshetty in reading and correcting this

Lastly, we take this opportunity to offer our regards to all of those who have
supported us directly or indirectly in completing this project work.



Plasma antennas are radio frequency antennas that employ plasma as the guiding
medium for electromagnetic radiation.The concept is to use plasma discharge tubes as
the antenna elements. When the tubes are energized, they become conductors, and can
transmit and receive radio signals.

Sir William Crookes, an English physicist identified a fourth state of matter, now
called plasma, in 1879. Plasma is by far the most common form of matter. Plasma in
the stars and in the tenuous space between them makes up over 99% of the visible
universe and perhaps most of that which is not visible. Important to ASI's technology,
plasmas are conductive assemblies of charged and neutral particles and fields that
exhibit collective effects. Plasmas carry electrical currents and generate magnetic

When the Plasma Antenna Research Laboratory at ANU investigated the feasibility of
plasma antennas as low radar cross-section radiating elements, Redcentre established
a network between DSTO ANU researchers, CEA Technologies, Cantec Australasia
and Neolite Neon for further development and future commercialization of this
technology. The plasma antenna R & D project has proceeded over the last year at the
Australian National University in response to a DSTO (Defence Science and
Technology Organisation) contract to develop a new antenna solution that minimizes
antenna detectability by radar.

Since then, an investigation of the wider technical issues of existing antenna systems
has revealed areas where plasma antennas might be useful. The project attracts the
interest of the industrial groups involved in such diverse areas as fluorescent lighting,
telecommunications and radar. Plasma antennas have a number of potential
advantages for antenna design.

When a plasma element is not energized, it is difficult to detect by radar. Even when it
is energized, it is transparent to the transmissions above the plasma frequency, which
falls in the microwave region. Plasma elements can be energized and de-energized in

seconds, which prevents signal degradation. When a particular plasma element is not
energized, its radiation does not affect nearby elements. HF CDMA Plasma antennas
will have low probability of intercept( LP) and low probability of detection( LPD ) in
HF communications

Signature of the student(S)

Name : Prajwal.k.madalli
USN : 2JH18EC030
SEM : 8th
Branch : ECE
Date: 21-06-2022

Table of Contents

Page No.


Abstract ii

Table of Contents iii

List of Figures iv

List of Tables v


1.1 History of Automobiles 2

1.2 Evolution of Automotive Industry 2

Chapter 2 RELATED WORK 5

2.1 Advances in Automobile Engineering 5

2.2 Navigation and Decision Making 6
2.3 Hybrid Energy Source Management 8


3.1 Problem Statement 9

3.2 Electrification 10
3.3 Autonomous Vehicles 12
3.4 Self-Parking System 13
3.5 Cruise Control System 14
3.6 Augmented Reality 15
3.7 Infotainment 15
3.8 Safety Features 16


4.1 Future Scope 18

Conclusion 21


List of

Page No.

Figure 1 German inventor Karl Benz 2

Figure 1.1 Karl Benz drives the first automobile, July 3, 1886 2

Figure 1.2 Ford Model T Car 3

Figure 1.2.1 Evolution of Cars 4

Figure 2.1 EV Powertrain block diagram 6

Figure 2.1.1 HEV Powertrain block diagram 6

Figure 2.2 Block diagram of Autonomous Car system 7

Figure 2.3 Block diagram of HEV Fuel cell 8

Figure 3.2 3-D view of Electric Vehicle

Figure 3.3 Sensors and Technologies used in an Autonomous 12


Figure 3.3.1 Basic Functions of Autonomous Cars 13

Figure 4.1 A representation of connected vehicles and


List of Tables

Page No.

Table 3.2 Types of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles 11

Chapter 1


On earth we live upon an island of "ordinary" matter. The different states of matter
generally found on earth are solid, liquid, and gas. Sir William Crookes, an English
physicist identified a fourth state of matter, now called plasma, in 1879. Plasma is by
far the most common form of matter. Plasma in the stars and in the tenuous space
between them makes up over 99% of the visible universe and perhaps most of that which is
not visible. Important to ASI's technology, plasmas are conductive assemblies of charged and
neutral particles and fields that exhibit collective effects. Plasmas carry electrical currents and
generate magnetic fields. When the Plasma Antenna Research Laboratory at ANU
investigated the feasibility of plasma antennas as low radar cross-section radiating elements,
Redcentre established a network between DSTO ANU researchers, CEA Technologies,
Cantec Australasia and Neolite Neon for further development and future commercialization of
this technology. The plasma antenna R & D project has proceeded over the last year at the
Australian National University in response to a DSTO (Defence Science and Technology
Organisation) contract to develop a new antenna solution that minimizes antenna detectability
by radar. Since then, an investigation of the wider technical issues of existing antenna systems
has revealed areas where plasma antennas might be useful. The project attracts the interest of
the industrial groups involved in such diverse areas as fluorescent lighting,
telecommunications and radar. Plasma antennas have a number of potential advantages for
antenna design. When a plasma element is not energized, it is difficult to detect by radar.
Even when it is energized, it is transparent to the transmissions above the plasma frequency,
which falls in the microwave region. Plasma elements can be energized and de–energized in
seconds, which prevents signal degradation. When a particular plasma element is not
energized, its radiation does not affect nearby elements. HF CDMA Plasma antennas will
have low probability of intercept ( LP) and low probability of detection( LPD ) in HF


1.1 History of Automobiles

The year 1886 is regarded as the birth year of the modern car when
German inventor Karl Benz patented his Benz Patent-Motorwagen. Cars
became widely available in the early 20th century. One of the first cars
accessible to the masses was in the year 1908 Model T, an American car
manufactured by the Ford Motor Company.

Figure 1: German inventor Karl Benz

Figure 1.1: Karl Benz drives the first automobile, July 3, 1886

1.2Evolution of Automotive Sector

The outstanding contribution of the automotive industry to technological

advance was the introduction of full-scale mass production, a process
combining precision, standardization, interchangeability, synchronization,
and continuity. Mass production was an American innovation, which had
been partly explored in the early 19th century.

The Model T is Ford's universal car that put the world on wheels. The
Model T was introduced to the world in 1908. Henry Ford wanted the
Model T to be affordable, simple to operate, and durable. The Model T
was manufactured on the Ford Motor Company's moving assembly line at
Ford's revolutionary Highland Park Plant. It was built to be durable for
service on the rough American country roads of that period, economical to
operate, and easy to maintain and repair. It was first put on the market in
1908, and more than 15 million were built before it was discontinued in

Figure 1.2: Ford Model T Car

The pioneer automobile manufacturer not only had to solve the technical
and financial problems of getting into production but also had to make a
basic decision about what to produce. After the first success of the
gasoline engine, there was widespread experimentation with steam and
electricity. For a brief period, the electric automobile actually enjoyed the
greatest acceptance because it was quiet and easy to operate, but the
limitations imposed by battery capacity proved competitively fatal.
Especially popular with women, electric cars remained in limited
production well into the 1920s. One of the longest-surviving makers,
Detroit Electric Car Company, operated on a regular basis through 1929.

The period from 1919 to 1939 also brought significant growth in

automobile manufacturing in Europe, though on a considerably smaller
scale than in the United States. The European industry was moving in the
same directions as the American industry, toward a mass market for motor
vehicles, but it made slower progress for a variety of reasons: lower living
standards with less

purchasing power, smaller national markets, and more restrictions in tax
and tariff policies. Still, the same trend toward concentration was
discernible. British automotive production rose from 73,000 in 1922 (both
private and commercial vehicles) to 239,000 in 1929.
The trend to consolidation led in 1952 to the merger of Morris and Austin
to form the British Motor Corporation, Ltd., a combine that accounted for
about two-fifths of Britain’s motor vehicle production. Another British
combine was formed around Leyland Motors, which had grown into the
country’s largest manufacturer of commercial vehicles and became a
power in the passenger-car field by acquiring Standard-Triumph and
Sunbeam in the 1950s. Leyland and the British Motor Corporation united
in 1968 as the British Leyland Motor Corporation (later British Leyland
Ltd. and, after 1978, BL Ltd.). In the 1980s the remaining parts of BL,
which by then was focused on building Jaguar, Mini, and Rover cars and
Land Rover sport utility vehicles and commercial trucks, became the

Figure 1.2.1: Evolution of Cars

Chapter 2


2.1 Advances in Automobile Engineering

Deepak Chandran and Madhuwanti Joshi et al have made a study on

Electric Vehicles and Driving Range Extension with ever evolving storage
technologies, the electric vehicles became economically a more viable
option. Besides giving power to the electric vehicles, storage made them
an important element in the smart grid. Grid connected electric vehicles
are the ones which use the electricity from overhead or underground
cables. Typically, electric trains and trolley buses are developed using this
concept. Battery based electric vehicles have rechargeable batteries on the
vehicles. The vehicle uses the energy from the battery. Battery needs to be
charged after the drive. The Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) use a battery
and conventional fuels to run the vehicles. The battery in the hybrid
electric vehicles does not need separate charging as it gets charged from
the vehicle stoppings, also known as regenerative braking. The Plug-in
Electric Vehicles (PEV) use batteries which can be charged from regular
electricity power outlet in a house or any commercial place. The plug-in
hybrid electric vehicle uses a similar concept for a hybrid electric vehicle.
Since large-scale grid-connected electric vehicles like trains and trolley
buses require a lot of infrastructures, most of the electric vehicles research
focus is shifted towards either entire storage based electric vehicles or
hybrid electric vehicles which have the ability to run on electricity and

conventional fuels.

All the electric vehicles have four main building blocks. They are as
follows: A) Battery to generate a DC voltage, B) A DC to AC converter to
convert the DC voltage to a high-frequency AC voltage, C) An AC motor
coupled to the drive

train and D) The battery charger circuit to charge the batteries.
Sometimes, an additional DC to DC converter is also required to step up
the low voltage from the batteries.

Figure 2.1 EV Powertrain block diagram

Figure 2.1.1: HEV Powertrain block diagram

2.2 Navigation and decision making

Kumar K et al Have made a study on Navigating a Driverless World.
Their components include 360-degree sensors, lasers, learning algorithms
and GPS to navigate streets in a supreme precise fashion. They will be
implemented fully in real world situations in the next 10-20 years.
Google’s driverless car has travelled 400,000 miles already and is in
exceptionally advanced stage of real-world implementation. The
technology could change the world significantly. It will lead economic
growth, time saving, the technology could trigger a burst of economic
growth, transform transport around the world, free vast amounts of time,
increase productivity, make us a lot wealthier and unleash drastic,
unpredictable economic and cultural changes.

Figure 2.2: Block diagram of GPS autonomous car system

Powered by an electric motor with around a 100-mile range, Google’s

driverless car uses a combination of sensors and software to locate itself in
the real world combined with highly accurate digital maps. A GPS is used,
just like the satellite navigation systems in most cars, to get a rough
location of the car, at which point radar, lasers and cameras take over to
monitor the world around the car, 360- degrees. Data from these sensors
are used to render other cars are rough blocks with shifting, amorphous
edges. The car doesn’t need to know the perfect shape since it will never

be close enough to test the accuracy of its borders. The software can
recognize objects, people, cars, road marking, signs and traffic lights,
obeying the rules of the road and allowing for multiple unpredictable
hazards, including cyclists. However, these all depend on the
standardization of the road network available. It may happen to handle
situations like: Big potholes, waterlogging on main roads, broken
barriers/dividers. Without the sign boards and proper lane division, the car
would have significant difficulty in understanding the traffic movement
and decision making.

2.3 Hybrid Energy Source Management

Boumediene Allaoua and Brahim Mebarki et al have made a study on

Hybrid Energy Source Management Composed of a Fuel Cell and Super
Capacitor for an Electric Vehicle. The use of super-capacitors reduces
power stress on the main power source and meet the requirements of
wheel motors in the event of rapid energy demand since the latter it is
stored and ready to be consumed directly; namely the fuel cell take a
moment to also produce renewable energy, the delay is justified by the
chemical reactions in the cell conversation. The maximum speed is 136
km/h, with acceleration from 0 km/h to 100 km/h in 10.3 sec.

The hybrid power source is designed for an output voltage of 300V

considered to provide the inverter to meet the requirements of the EV
propulsion system (wheel motors). The management of hybrid energy
source in our first electric vehicle is based on the intervention of the
super-capacitor battery transient regimes such as slopes, overtaking and
acceleration fugitive. Second at steady state, the fuel cell alone intervenes
to ensure propulsion power.

Figure 2.3 Block diagram of HEV Fuel Cell



Throughout history, the car industry has always been of the most receptive
industries to emerging technologies. Since Henry Ford open the doors of
Ford at the beginning of the 20 th century, technology has redefined the
way cars are manufactured, operated and maintained. Technology has
already redefined the way cars use fuel, with electric, hybrid and solar
energy systems beginning to displace the internal combustion engine and
gas-fed engines as the driving force of the future.
Technology has already redefined the way cars use fuel, with electric,
hybrid and solar energy systems in cars beginning to displace the internal
combustion engine and fuel-fed engines as the driving force of the future.


In the beginning of the use of automobiles they weren’t that safe and
efficient as of now. At that time cars didn’t had features like adaptive
cruise control system which would make ease to drive, there was no
parking assist, not having a good braking system like ABS, Interactive
computer system, fuel saving technique, Air bags for safety purpose when
accident occurs, Night-Vision assist, 360-degree cameras, Collision-
Avoidance technology and Attention assist which helps the drive to keep
focused who are feeling drowsy or having trouble keeping focused while


The depleting fossil fuel reserves and the harm to the environment caused
by their use call for promoting the use of electric vehicles (EVs). For
greater adoption, EVs need to address issues such as high price, poor
battery, inadequate charging infrastructure, fleet electrification, as well as
powering renewable energy-based charging grids.

There are three main stages in the Electric Vehicles (EV’s) history. In the
early days of mechanic traction, until the beginning of 1900s, steam,
internal combustion (IC), and electric motors had equivalent market
penetration. The IC motor has been recently developed. Steam
automobiles were dangerous, dirty, and expensive to maintain. EVs had
many technical advantages. The short range of EVs was less of a
limitation as only big cities were properly paved, i.e., long journeys were
infrequent. However, the expansion of modern road systems with a dense
network of petrol stations, the development of the IC (specially with the
automatic starter), and the drop in prices due to mass production propelled
the IC cars as the preferred and only technology for years.

The first HEV was developed as early as 1899. Engineers at Porsche had,
at this early stage, realized that higher efficiency values could be achieved
if IC motors operated in combination with electric traction motors.

Electric vehicles can be classified into three types as tabulated in Table 1:

hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), plug-in electric vehicles (PHEVs) and
full electric vehicles (FEVs). HEVs are equipped with an internal
combustion engine (ICE) and an electric motor. In these vehicles, the
primary source of energy is an ICE that runs on fossil or alternative fuels.
In HEVs, the electric motor makes use of energy in the battery, which is
provided by regenerative braking and thermoelectric generators. HEVs are
designed for fuel efficiency and low emissions. As distinct from HEVs,
PHEVs can be plugged in to an electric power source to charge the

battery. Different kinds of hybrid system configurations, such as series,
parallel and full hybrid systems are being used in the industry (Hannan et
al, 2014). The Fisker Karma is an example of a series system PHEV. The
Toyota Prius, the Chevy Malibu and the Honda Insight are some examples
of parallel hybrid systems, which are commercially available. In the
parallel hybrid system, the electric motor and ICE can operate together or
individually. Full hybrid system is a combination of series and parallel
hybrid systems.

Table 3.2: Types of electric and hybrid vehicles

Vehicle type Powertrain Battery charging

Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) ICE + electric Internal
Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle ICE + electric Internal + external
(PHEV) motor
Full electric vehicle (FEV) Electric motor External

FEVs do not have an ICE; the power is supplied by electric motor(s) only.
Due to environmental and energy concerns, these zero-emission vehicles
are gaining increased attention. To replace the traditional fossil fuel
vehicles, FEVs have to meet some expectations, like high power, high
torque and a reasonable range. Beside an optimum energy control strategy,
the key features for FEVs are the electric motor and the battery.

The efficiency of electric motors is highly dependent on the size and the
working point.
Electric motors are about three times more efficient than IC engines. As a
reference, dc
drives reach up to 78% in the range of 40–50 kW, and this is the simplest and
efficient technology.

Figure 3.2: 3-D View of Electric Vehicle


Developing an autonomous car refers to the integration of technologies

from two industry fields: the automotive industry and the mobile robot
industry. The robust and reliable mechanical and electrical platform for
the autonomous car can be achieved from the automotive industry. Many
autonomous driving algorithms have been researched for a long time in
the robot industry, and they can be applied to the autonomous car. Each
industry field has their own environments in which to develop an
intelligent vehicle system. In the automotive industry, there are many
standard development platforms because the automotive industry consists
of manufacturers and suppliers. In order to communicate and cooperate
with each other, standard software and hardware platforms are essential.
Automotive Open System Architecture (AUTOSAR) is standardized
software architecture in the automotive industry. AUTOSAR is based on a
component-based software design model and provides the design
methodology and standard software platform for designing automotive

Figure 3.3: Sensors and technologies used in an autonomous vehicle

An autonomous car is a self-driving car that has the ability to drive by

itself without human intervention. There are five basic functions that drive
the autonomous car: perception, localization, planning, control, and
system management. The conceptual description of each function is
shown in Fig. 3.3. Perception is a process that senses the surrounding
environment of the autonomous car using various types of sensor
techniques such as RADAR, LIDAR, and computer vision. The
localization finds the position of the autonomous car using the techniques
of a GPS, dead-reckoning, and roadway

maps. The planning function determines the behavior and motion of the
autonomous car based on the information from perception and
localization. The control function follows the desired command from the
planning function by steering, accelerating, and breaking the autonomous
car. Finally, the system management supervises the overall autonomous
driving system. The example functions of the system management are the
fault management system, logging system, and human-machine interface

Figure 3.3.1: Basic functions of autonomous cars


Localization Perception


With the self-parking mode, drivers can drive past their preferred parking
area and the car's display screen will notify them when it's found a space
conducive to their vehicle size. To use a self-parking car, stop your

vehicle and, if prompted, select your preferred parking space. When your
vehicle alerts you to, select a gear and remove your hands from the
steering wheel.

Self-driving cars do most of the work, but some require you to inch
backward and brake as the car steers the vehicle itself. Though the car will
guide you into the parking space correctly, it's important to remain alert
and be mindful of your surroundings.

With more self-driving car advancements, driver requirements become
more and more minimal. The latest developments don't require you to
touch the pedals. Rather, self-driving cars using automatic gearboxes can
maneuverer forward and in reverse while applying the brake as needed.

Many luxury models come equipped with a remote-control feature that

allows you to park the car while standing outside through the use of the
key or your smartphone. Bystanders may gawk, but you will have
successfully avoided having to parallel park yourself.


Cruise control (sometimes known as speed control or autocruise in some

countries) is a system that automatically controls the speed of a motor
vehicle. The system is a servomechanism that takes over the throttle of the
car to maintain a steady speed as set by the driver.

Cruise control is a clever system that regulates your engine to keep your
car driving
at a set speed. You'll hit a switch to activate it, and when you do it takes
control of
the accelerator and adjusts the power input automatically to maintain the
speed you
select. It will even sense when you're going up hills and deliver more
power when
necessary.A basic cruise control system is best on fast, empty routes such
motorways or A- roads, where you can keep going at the same speed for
miles at a
It’s not well-suited to twisting roads, where you have to slow for
corners, or in traffic with variable speeds. Unless you have adaptive cruise
control, you’ll probably find it easier to control your speed yourself, or use

a speed limiter, which is often fitted in cars with cruise control.

Adaptive cruise control uses a radar, camera or lasers at the front of the
car, which
can detect vehicles ahead of you - typically up to 200 metres away. This
enables your car to maintain a safe distance from the vehicle in front, by
slowing itself down when needed. The first adaptive cruise control
systems could only slow gradually,

by reducing engine power, but modern systems take control of the brakes
and can slow the car to a stop. Emergency braking is still best undertaken

The ability of these systems varies and they may not spot people or small
objects in front of the car. They can’t identify tight corners which you’ve
got to slow down for, either, so you’ve still got to watch the road as
carefully as when you’re not using it. Cars with adaptive cruise control
allow you to set the distance to the vehicle in front, usually ranging from
slightly too close for comfort to what feels like the length of a football


The head-up display uses AI to spot and highlight crosswalks, pedestrians,

and potential collisions. Panasonic Automotive unveiled an augmented-
reality HUD that displays lane edges, objects in the road, and other
information important to drivers. Augmented-reality screens can bring the
real world into dashboard navigation systems.

An AR HUD supplements the exterior view of traffic conditions in front

of the vehicle with virtual information, or augmentation, for the driver.
AR HUDs incorporates information as part of the driving experience.

Augmented Reality Head-up Display (AR- HUD) can facilitate a new
form of

dialogue between the vehicle and the driver; and enhance intelligent

systems by superimposing surrounding traffic information on the users

view and

keep drivers view on roads.


In-car entertainment (ICE), or in-vehicle infotainment (IVI), is a

collection of hardware and software in automobiles that provides audio or
video entertainment. Once controlled by simple dashboards knobs and
dials, ICE systems can include steering wheel audio controls and
handsfree voice control.

The main components of an in-vehicle infotainment systems are:

Integrated Head-Unit: In-vehicle infotainment head unit is a touch

screen based, tablet-like device, mounted on the vehicle’s dashboard. With
user friendly HMI, the head unit acts as a perfectly connected control
center for the infotainment system.

Operating Systems: In vehicle infotainment systems require operating

systems that are capable of supporting connectivity, convenience
functions, and downloadable software applications to integrate new
functions in the system. Operating systems like Android, Linux, Windows
are leading the infotainment segment.

Connectivity Modules: Infotainment systems encompass GPS, Wi-Fi,

and Bluetooth modules to provide connectivity with external networks and
devices. These modules help in establishing services like navigation,
internet connectivity and smartphone integration with the infotainment

Automotive Sensors Integration: Proximity sensors, gesture recognition


for detecting ambient light, camera sensors and many other in-vehicle

integrate with infotainment systems to provide safety-related information

to the

driver and passengers.

Digital Instrument Cluster: Hi-tech infotainment systems have

transformed the automotive cockpit designs from static displays of the in-
vehicle instruments to digital instrument clusters. Digital instrument
clusters include digital displays of the traditional analog gauges in the
vehicle like speedometer, RPM, odometer, etc.


1. Dual-front Airbags

The driver-side airbag has been made mandatory under the BNVSAP
safety norms in India. But you should look for a car that at least has dual
airbags at the front, for both the driver and passenger. Any number more
than that is great. Airbags act crucial at the times of accidents as they act
as restraints and reduce the level of damage one might incur.
1. ABS with EBD

The Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) prevents the locking of tyres in case
of braking ensuring that you have control over the vehicle. It is fruitful in
the event of braking in the sudden appearance of an obstacle. Paired
with Electronic Brake- force Distribution (EBD) which distributes the
brake force according to various parameters such as speed, traction at the
wheel and road conditions, this system can act handy in crucial times. So,
make sure that the car you plan to buy has ABS with EBD. BTW, you
don’t need to worry, this has also been made mandatory by the
government of India under BNVSAP norms.

2. Rear parking sensors

These sensors not only help a driver while parking a car but also ensure
the safety of the pedestrians that might be at risk while reversing the car.
These sensors sense any obstacle and accordingly alarm the driver,
depending upon the distance between the car and the obstacle.

3. Impact Sensing Door Unlock

Most of the times, after accidents, occupants remain trapped inside the car
as the car doors remain locked. This system unlocks the door as soon as
the car experiences impact during crash making it possible for the
occupants to open the doors.

4. Reinforced B-pillar

In the event of a side crash, it is the B-pillar that can mitigate the
aftereffects of the

crash, lowering the damage to the occupants. So, if the B-pillar is

reinforced, it can

lower the impact thus enhancing the safety inside the car



The integration of technological advances makes cars safer, user-friendly

and has introduced several features that improve their value
and usefulness for automobile owners. Mainly the advancement in
automotive industry has made the automobiles safer which has the number
of accidents.

Driving a car is important for people in general because it provides status

and the opportunity for personal control and autonomy. In sparsely
populated areas, owning a car is even more important, since it provides the
only opportunity for travelling long distances due to a lack of public

Automobiles are an important part of life in today's world. It is a basic

need for every household. Imagine walking hundreds of miles for days to
get from one place to another, but because of the discovery of
automobiles, transportation today is much faster, easier and reliable.

Much like cell phones are now capable of doing more than making calls,
cars can do much more than drive and park. In recent years, the
automotive industry has worked hand-in-hand with major technology
companies in order to deliver the most advanced, safest and most
comfortable vehicles out there. Cars are becoming large smart devices
with advanced emergency braking capabilities, mapping technology for
autonomous driving, better fuel efficiency and cars as a service as a form
of transportation.


There are no shortages of ways in which cars are improving the lives of
drivers and other vehicles around them in terms of safety, getting from
point A to point B with less of a hassle and entertaining us throughout the
process. In the coming years, the automotive industry is expected to
progress even further, taking us one step closer to more connected and
digitized environment.

Figure 4.1: A representation of connected vehicles and


Here are two of the most groundbreaking technologies you can look
forward to in the automotive industry in the near future.

i) More Fuel-Efficient Rides

Tesla is at the forefront of the fuel-efficiency movement, releasing a slew

of electric and hybrid vehicles that can take you for hundreds of miles
with a single charge. In 2016, more than 2 million electric vehicles were
sold worldwide and this figure is expected to rise in the near future as
more automotive manufacturers implement electric vehicle technology to
their fold. Companies such as VW and General Motors have recently
unveiled electric cars to their fleet, while Volvo said that all of the
engines, they produce will be equipped with an electric motor by 2019.

Electric vehicles are also becoming more affordable, with companies such
as Hyundai, Kia and Toyota unveiling hybrid cars under the $30,000
mark, suggesting that investing in fuel efficiency may soon be widely
adopted around the globe. In the U.S., 20% to 25% of all vehicle sales are
expected to be electric by 2030, while this figure is expected to reach up to
35% in China.

ii) Self-Driving Technology

Much has been made of autonomous driving technology, and while some
companies have been testing their self-driving functionalities on open
roads, we’re still quite a way away from widely adopting these cars. A
number of cars already have semi-autonomous capabilities in the form of
driver-assisted technologies. These include automatic-braking sensors,
motorway lane sensors, mapping technology that monitors blind spots,
cameras in the back and front of a car, adaptive cruise control and self-
parking capabilities.

Google recently revealed the self-driving pod Waymo, while Local

Motors released a fully-autonomous vehicle as well. Ford hopes to have a
self-driving vehicle on the roads by 2021.


There are still a lot of advancements need to be accomplished in the

Automotive Engineering which will be achieved in the next coming years.
The first gasoline- fueled, four-stroke cycle engine was built in Germany
in 1876 and the first working electric motor and electric vehicle was built
back in 18th century but it became popular in 21st century by the means of
Tesla and Toyota. We have come a long way in Automobiles and yet to
discover many more things, the major objective, being an emission free
environment and decreasing our dependency on fossil fuels and increasing
usage of renewable resources. Although it is considered a conventional
industry, it should be remembered that the global automotive industry has
been the single greatest engine of the economic growth all over the world.

However, due to environmental and energy concerns, the decline of fossil

fuel vehicle sales share are accelerating faster, than expected. After more
than a hundred years of selling fossil fuel vehicles, the global automotive
industry now has to reshape itself to respond to the electric revolution. In
the past decade, the global automotive industry is grown by % 30. The
automotive industry has to keep up with these developments. In the next
decade, only the OEMs that are innovating in electric and autonomous
vehicle technologies will be the global leaders of the automotive industry.

Chapter 5

[1] A. Fuchs, E. Nijman, H.H. Priebsch, editors, “Automotive NVH

Technology,” Springer International Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-319-24053-
4, 2016.

[2] Bill Fleming “Advances in Automotive Electronics” IEEE

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[3] Juan de Santiago, Hans Bernhoff, Boel Ekergård, Sandra Eriksson,

Senad Ferhatovic, Rafael Waters, Student Member, IEEE, and Mats
Leijon, Member, IEEE. “Electrical Motor Drivelines in Commercial
All-Electric Vehicles” VOL. 61, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 2012.

[4] Kichun Jo, Member, IEEE, Junsoo Kim, Student Member, IEEE,
Dongchul Kim, Chulhoon Jang, Student Member, IEEE and Myoungho
Sunwoo, Member, IEEE. “Development of Autonomous Car – Part I:
Distributed System
Architecture and Development Process” 2013 IEEE transactions on
industrial electronics.

[5] Saeed Asadi Bagloee1, Madjid Tavana2,3, Mohsen Asadi, Tracey

Oliver “Autonomous vehicles: challenges, opportunities, and future
implications for transportation policies” Published online: 29 August
2016 with open access at


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