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AN IRN Ins titute of Aviation Technology THEORY LOG BOOK Module No. Knowledge Instructor Name io RY eose KoMAQ C 10.1) Beeut cand Conver Tio ~oatectrves of TCA? Sign. of Sign. of, i x Contents rite pes Manager 21) REGutatory [+ ROLE of tTcAo eFQAmEewoRK © TUTRoBUETioN To IcAe second CRQEE20m & eretea EREEIOM AGaEemeNT read IcAao tcao GoALs Goats & 0arectTIi~nese comrosttton & Conceens ORGANIZATION « sTRUCTLRE + ELreeTTen PRocess s BIFEE RENT CAT, & THETA AccocTATES QOLES, Recronsrazcar + QecatromSHie WITH OTHER UN Camry & Conceeus THEORY LOG BOOK Qe IRN Institute of Aviation Technology ‘ec Date Topic Contents 27.10.21] QEqucatoay | — Teao con ceans + STAWaAR SIzatIgN In AQEAS PRamenoa« comm, Wax, ANS suey, as BELL as ate CLent gucn as oc A/c Masaaemeut, *s SETTING UP Of TNETALLATION FeR ateroar a1:00 Rearen Wire FACILITIES, wav. Atas, ETC, Econemace AMS LEGAL conceen ABooT INT. AVIATION comm, TECHNICAL COCPERATIoN Anta DEvEelLOPmMeENT S TecHmTCAL Anin exes 1 tg 19 & THEDR' PARTS aidi wo aia _ ane SR $99 anstitute of Aviation Technology ‘ens THEORY LOG BOOK iP — Date Topic Contents 2810-21] REGULATORY | THE aTRcaact AcT anid RULES EQam ewer Mase. tHEIe LHBER THE Rare a> 2 of Anca, a] Requrateey | THE Areceaer act and QULES MAse THEerQe vne2ee THE Roce of Daca. Aue Arateaaes (Act ane i@eces Mame -THErAa UNDER ce Dacd. THe Qe OLs00 cA sapien Institute of Aviation Tclinology Topic THEORY LOG BOOK Contents ‘ EQAmenoRe C104) REGYLATORY | RELATIonSsuTe BEeTHEEY CA RATE eaR- mm CAR-145 CAR-CeE AtS CAR. 147. RELATIOnSure getTWEEen CAB 8, CAG c LES | eee aes SAR- 447, eae-2i,

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