Bible Study Missionary Guide: Life After Death

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prepare for the Bible study discussions.

with religion and the Bible is, and

Bible Study Become familiar with these scriptures

and be prepared to share a relevant
what questions they have.

Missionary Guide
passage from the Bible or the Book Each person may choose to study
of Mormon as you discuss questions with missionaries either online
and help others feel the Spirit. Study or in person. Online missionaries
and apply principles from the “Use the contact requesting person and
Scriptures” section in chapter 10 of help him or her prepare to meet
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Preach My Gospel. with local missionaries in person.
Saints continues to explore new ways to
When referrals are sent to local
invite and help people come unto Christ.
Note that Bible studies are introductory missionaries, online missionaries
One of the new advertising offerings
lessons. Their purpose is to help you contact the local missionaries, share
is a free Bible study. In addition to
become acquainted, invite the Spirit, and information about the person, and
requesting a free copy of the Bible (or a
see if there is interest in learning more. share or discuss materials related
copy of the New Testament for Spanish
As you come to understand people’s to the advertising offering. Online
referrals), people who sign up for a Bible
needs and interests, invite them to and local missionaries should work
study also request a conversation about
continue studying the gospel with you. together to help the person have a
a specific topic, such as “feeling closer to
You can help them come closer to the positive experience with the Church.
God and Jesus Christ” or “strengthening
Savior and strengthen their desire to
learn more about His restored gospel.
When someone requests one of these
When you visit in person, apply “How
Bible studies, he or she has the option
to Begin Teaching” from Preach My
to choose from topics on this sheet, and
Gospel chapter 10. Find out why those
their chosen topic will be passed along
participating were interested in receiving
to you. The included list of scripture
you, what their expectations are for your
passages and questions will help you
visit(s), what their experience and belief

Life After Death Purpose of Life Overcoming

Bad Habits
Luke 24—Angels announce the Acts 10:34-48 Peter teaches the gospel
resurrection of Christ and the Holy Ghost upon the Gentiles SCRIPTURE PASSAGE
Isaiah 58:6-12 —The true law of
Ecclesiastes 12:7 Genesis 1:27–28
Luke 23:42–43 Job 23:10 OTHER SCRIPTURES
Isaiah 41:10
John 3:16 Malachi 3:2–3
1 Corinthians 3:16
John 11:25 Luke 2:52
1 Corinthians 10:13
John 14:1–3 Romans 12:1–2
Galatians 5:16
1 Corinthians 15:20–22 1 Timothy 6:12
Philippians 4:13
(Alma 40:11–14) (Moses 1:39)
Hebrews 2:18
James 1:12
(Alma 7:11)
What are your thoughts about the Do you think God had you come to
resurrection and life after death? Earth for a reason? What do you think
He wants us to accomplish while QUESTIONS
Would you like to learn more about we’re here?
life after death? Are trying to break any habits?
God also spoke to people in ancient
Have you ever thought about where What are some things you could do
America about the purpose of life.
we came from or why we’re here on to ensure that you have the spiritual
Those people’s words are found in
earth? help needed to overcome this?
the Book of Mormon. Would you like
to learn more?
Feeling Closer to Becoming a
God and Jesus Christ Better Person Instructions
for Teaching
John 14-17—Jesus is the way, the Matthew 5–7— Sermon on the
truth, and the life mount
Make sure you fulfill the request the
OTHER SCRIPTURES OTHER SCRIPTURES person made to have a Bible study.
Proverbs 8:17 Proverbs 28:13 Avoid any approach in the initial visit
that might leave your contact feeling
Matthew 7:7 Isaiah 55:6–7
tricked, such as not providing a message
James 1:5 Matthew 6:31–33 centered on the Bible or giving a Book of
James 4:8 1 Peter 5:6–10 Mormon instead of a Bible. You should,
1 John 4:7–8 (Mosiah 3:19) however, feel free to share verses from
other scriptures as needed to clarify
(Alma 5:33–34)
what you are discussing in the Bible.
Strive to build a relationship. As you ask
QUESTIONS What is one thing you could do today
questions and get to know the person,
How does following Jesus’ teachings to improve?
open up and share a little more about
help you feel closer to Him? yourself beyond the fact that you are
Why do you want to be a better
person? What is motivating your a missionary. Share brief personal
What are your thoughts about your
desire to change? experiences from your life and discuss
relationship with God?
how what you learned from your
What do you think about these experience can be applied in his or her
verses? life.

Take a few minutes at the end of the

lesson to extend a simple, appropriate

Strengthening Dealing with Grief invitation. For the first visit, the main
invitation likely would be for the person
My Family to continue to meet with you to learn
more about the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Practice giving invitations during
SCRIPTURE PASSAGE Psalm 23 — The Lord is my
companion study, district meeting, or
Luke 15: 11-24 — The parable of shepherd
zone meetings.
the prodigal son
Exodus 20:12 Matthew 5:4
Proverbs 22:6 John 14:27
1 Corinthians 13:4–7 Romans 8:16–18
Ephesians 6:4 Revelations 21:4
Colossians 3:13–15 (2 Nephi 4:20–24, 33–35)
(The Family: A Proclamation to the World,
Mosiah 2:5–6)
What are some ways you deal with
QUESTIONS sadness and grief?
Why did God put us in families?
How do you help others who are
What do you worry about most when grieving in the way Jesus taught?
it comes to your family?
How do experiences with sadness
Have you heard of Family Home and grief change the way you see
Evening? your life?

Do you think God cares about your

family? Why?
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