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2182580 Optoelectronics

Course Introduction

Lecturer: Charusluk Viphavakit, PhD

ISE, Chulalongkorn University, 1st/2019


Charusluk Viphavakit, PhD

Room 204, Building 2, International School of Engineering

Website: 2182580 Optoelectronics 2

Course syllabus:
Week Date Content
1 13 Aug Course introduction
2 20 Aug Wave nature of light I
3 27 Aug Wave nature of light II
4 3 Sep Dielectric waveguide and optical fibres I
5 10 Sep Dielectric waveguide and optical fibres II
6 17 Sep Ray optics
7 24 Sep Beam optics
8 1 Oct* Class activity (1)
9 7-11 Oct Midterm week
*The schedule may be subject to change. 2182580 Optoelectronics 3

Course syllabus:
Week Date Content
10 15 Oct Semiconductor and Light-emitting diode I
11 22 Oct Semiconductor and Light-emitting diode II
12 29 Oct* Photodetector
13 5 Nov Class activity (2)
14 12 Nov Optical amplifier and Lasers I
15 19 Nov Optical amplifier and Lasers II
16 26 Nov Class activity (3)
17-18 2-17 Dec Final exam period
*The schedule may be subject to change. 2182580 Optoelectronics 4

▪ Criterion-Referenced Evaluation: A (more than 80) and F (less than 40)
▪ Norm-Reference Evaluation: B+, B, C+, C, D+ and D
▪ Scores;
Type of assessment Percentage
Midterm exam 30
Final exam 30
Assignment 40

▪ Minimum 80% attendance is required to pass the course (12/15).

▪ Attendance will only be taken in the first 30 minutes of class.
▪ There is no attendance mark but your absence without notice will lead to
1.0 point deduction each time. 2182580 Optoelectronics 5

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