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Basic Competence 3.1 Applying social functions, text structure, and linguistic elements of written and
interpersonal interaction texts that involve asking for attention, checking understanding, appreciating
performance, asking and expressing opinions, and responding to them, according to the context of their
use. 4.1 Composing very short and simple oral and written interpersonal interaction texts that involve
asking for attention, checking understanding, appreciating performance, as well as asking and expressing
opinions, and responding to them by paying attention to social functions, text structure, and linguistic
elements that are correct and in context.

Objectives - Students are be able to identify expressions of getting one's attention, checking one's
understanding, showing appreciation to others, and asking for and giving opinions accurately after
practicing several conversations. - Students are be able to use expressions of getting one's attention,
checking one's understanding, showing appreciation to others, and asking for and giving opinions
accurately after practicing several conversations. - Students are be able to communicate using
expressions of getting one's attention, checking one's understanding, showing appreciation to others,
and asking for and giving opinions accurately after doing several English activities.- Students are be able
to use relevant vocabulary accurately after doing several English activities. The students are hopefully
also:- feeling grateful for having an opportunity to learn and speak English appropriately and fluently;-
behaving bravely, actively, confidently, respectfully, and politely when speaking with people.

CHAPTER I Attention, Please! Look at the picture. Kinar and her friends are going to distribute supplies
for flood victims. Kinar as the leader gives a briefing. To get her friends' attention, what should she say?
Then, after giving a briefing, what should she say to check her friends' understanding? In this chapter,
you will study expressions of getting one's attention. You will also learn about kinds of expressions to
check one's understanding, show appreciation, and ask for and provide opinions. Do all the activities
thoroughly and practice your English actively.

Activity 1 Fill in the mising letters to form appropriate expressions based on the cue words. Read the
sentences aloud. = E_C_SE M = LIT CL A_? 1. Getting one's attention 2 Checking one's understanding 3.
4. Asking for an opinion 5. Stating an opinion Praising one's performance or achievement = AWE_0_E! =
WH T 0 OU TH N ? = N M_ OP_N ON, IT'S G O_

Learning Material Expression Getting One's Attention Pay attention to the dialogs in Activity 2. The
sentences "Attention, please." and "Listen to me, guys." are sald to get other people's attention. Study
the following expressions.

able 1.1 Expressions of getting one's attention Expressions of Getting One's Attention Excuse me. Listen
to me, please. Could I have your attention, please? Please pay attention. I'll tell you an announcement.
Would you please try to concentrate now? Wait a moment, please. Could you pay attention for a
moment, please?

Activity 3 Answer the following questions based on the dialogs in Activity 2. Dialog 1 What are the
speakers doing? 1. 2. How do the students respond to the teacher's opening? Dialog 2 3. Why does the
girl need to get her friends' attention? 4. What will they do after the conversation? 5. What are they

Activity 4 Scan the QR code Listen to the dialogs. Complete the dialogs based on what you have heard.
Dialog 1 Kinar Arya, please (1) Arya Kinar Our band is invited to (2) What's that? as an opening band at a
virtual charity concert Wow, that's (3) 00 Attit Arya Kinar Next Sunday at 10 AM. Let me share the (4).
When? Get one's atent in our group chat. Yup! We should (5) for it well Arya Kinar Of course. Dialog 2
Security I must check your temperature before entering the i (1). Yes, please. Your temperature is (2)
with hand sanitizer. I am sorry. My hands are (4) Sure It's over there. Tari Security degrees Celcius. Now,
I will (3) Tari 1 prefer washing my hands Tari (5) Don't mention it. Securityo

Activity 5 Answer the following questions based on the dialogs in Activity 4 orally. Dialog 1 1. What are
Kinar and Arya talking about? 2. How does Kinar get Arya's attention? 3. What is Kinar going to do after
the conversation? 4. What should they do for the event? 5. What are Kinar and Arya? Dlalog 2 1. Where
does the dialog probably occur? 2. What are the security and Tari doing?

3. Why does Tari refuse to use hand sanitizer? 4. How does the security behave? What will Tari do after
the conversation? 5.

Activity 6 Scan the QR code. Listen to the monolog. Answer the questions based on the monolog that
you have heard, orally. 1. How does the speaker attract attention? 2. Where is the monolog delivered?
3. Who is the monolog addressed to? 4. How do the addressees listen to the monolog? 5. What does the
speaker ask the addressees to do?

Activity 7 What would you say for the following situations and what are suitable responses? Practice the
short talks with your friend. Record your performance and share it with your friends. 1. Your teacher is
explaining a lesson, but you don't understand it. 2. You received a text from your brother about a
robotics competition. You inform your friend abaout the compotition. 3. You are the leader of a cycling
club. The club members are having a rest now and you ask them to continue the trip. 4. You and your
mother are in a store. Suddenly, you hear an announcement saying that the store will be closed within
15 minutes.

Learning Material Expression Checking One's Understanding Pay attention to the dialogs in Activity 8.
The sentences "Is it clear?", "Any questions?", and "Another question?" are said to check one's
understanding. Study the following axpressions in the table. Table 1.2 Expressions of checking one's
understanding and responses Checking One s Understanding Responding Do you understand? Are you
with me? Do you get the point? Can you understand my explanation? Did you catch what I told you? Is
everything clear? Yes, I do. Yes, I am. Yes. It's very clear Yes, You've explained it very clearly No. Sir You
explained it too fast Sorry. Sir I don't understand the last part Would you please repeat it?
Activity 9 Answer the following questions based on the dialogs in Activity 8 orally. Dialog 1 1. What is the
girl doing? 2. What is the boy going to do? Dialog 2 Who are the speakers? 3. 4. What do the boy and girl
do when the man is explaining? 5. What do they do after the conversation?

Activity 10 In pairs complete the following dialogs with suitable expressions Then practice the dialogs
with your friend Dialog 1 Kinar, please tell me how to edit a video without an application It's simple
Choose your video and click Editor. You can cut the video, add the background sound or music and write
the credit of the video. Don't forget to save the edited video. (1). Wisnu Kinar Wisnu Thank you. I will try
it. (2) You're welcome. Have a try! Kinar Dialog 2 Randy May have your attention? Let's start our working
bee now. I will divide you into two groups so that we can finish our work soon. The girls sweep the road
and the boys clean the ditch. (3). Where should we collect the rubbish? Niken Randy Collect the rubbish
in the rubbish bins Please separate dry leaves with other waste. We will make compost from the dry
leaves. (4). Niken (5) O.K. Let's work now Randy

Activity 11 Complete the following statements based on the dialogs in Activity 10. Dialog 1 Wisnu wants
to without an application, but he doesn't know how. 2. Wisnu......on how to do it and Kinar explains it. 3.
After explaining the steps, Kinar checks ....... 4. It seems that Wisnu the explanation. 5. Wisnu will try
to....... later.

Dialog 2 1. Randy informs his friends to start their 2. Randy. jobs to finish the work soon. 3. The girls and
boys have....... duties. 4. Randy and his friends are .......people because they will make compost from dry
leaves 5. Randy's friends can...... if his explanation is not clear.

Activity 12 Create a dialog based on a pair of the following role cards Practice the dialog with your friend
Record your performance and share it with the class. Student A Student B Get Student B's attention Ask
for direction to a certain place. Respond to Student A Show the direction. Check Student A's
understanding Respond suitably Respond suitably. Say thanks

Learning Material Expression Showing Appreciation to Others Pay attention to the dialogs in Activity 13.
In Dialog 1, the boy says, "You are really creative.", and in Dialog 2 the boy says, "You always show the
best of you." and the girl says, "You are a good cameraman too." Those expressions are said to show
appreciation to a person by complimenting/praising her/him for her/his work. The best responses are
expressions of gratitude. Study the following expressions. Table 1.3 Expressions of showing appreciation
and sultable responses Showing Appreciation to Others Responding Excellent! Nice performance You're
diligentt Thanks Thank you. Thank you for your compliment. Thanks. That's very kind of you to say so I
appreciate you. That is wonderful Thank you. I am glad to hear it. You have the best idea! You're great at
figuring stuff out. You're gorgeous! You look great today! Your cartoons aro fantasticl What a beautiful
voicel How great achlevement it is!

Activity 15 Complete the following dialogs with suitable sentences from Activity 14. Then, practice the
dialogs with your friend. Dialog 1 Hi, Arka. What are you packing? Arka : Hi, Tari. I am packing tie-dye T-
shirts. Tari Will you sell them?
Arka : I will. My sister and I make them and intend to sell them. Tari May I see one of them? (1). Arka :
Sure. Here you are. Tari: (2) Arka : Thanks. The design is also unique. Dialog 2 Ilyas : I have watched your
newest dance video. (3) Tiara : Thanks for watching it. Ilyas : Who designed the costume? (4). Tiara :
Thank you. My mother did. Ilyas : I see. (5) Tiara : No, I didn't, but my brother. llyas You're lucky. Your
family will always support you. Tiara : Yup! They are my biggest supporters. Did you decorate it?

Learning Material Expression Asking for and Stating Opinions Pay attentio to the dialogs in Activity 17.
The sentences "What is your opinion?" and "Do you think are used to ask for an opinion. Meanwhile, the
sentences "I think it's good.", "I agree." and "I total agre with you." state one's opinions. Study the
following expressions. Table 1.4 Expressions of asking for and stating opinions Asking for Opinions
Stating Opinions I think It is good to maintain our health. I think it will be the best one. What is your
opinion about the new program? What will you say about my decision? Yes, she is qualified for the Do
you think that Cindy will be the next leader? What do you think if we hold a charity program next
month? What is your view about my plan? position. I have no problem, but we should discuss it in the
meeting. In my opinion, it will be beneficial for students.

Activity 18 Answer the following questions based on the dialogs in Activity 17. Dialog 1 What are the
speakers talking about? What does the girl think about the phenomenon? 1. 2. 3. What can we learn
from the dialog? Dialog 2 4. What opinion does the girl seek? Who is interested to apply the method? 5.

Activity 19 Fill in the bubbles with suitable expressions from the box. Practice the dialog with your
friend. I agree with you. I don't think so. I think it's good. What do you think? In my opinion, that's bad.
That's true, but it will harm our eyes. Many students use e-books now. (2) We can read the books
everywhere. (1) (3) We can wear anti-radiation glasess and avoid reading too long. (4) my opinion, paper
books are better because it's safe for our eyes. Well, I think we can use both e-books and paper books
based on our needs. Yup! (5)

Activity 20 Think of a recent issue. Create a dialog about asking for and stating opinions about the issue.
Practice the dialog and record it.

Activlty 21 Complete the dialog with suitable expressions you have learned in this chapter. Then,
practice the dialog with your friends Randy Ina & Adi Randy I have important news. Guys, (1). Sure.
What is it? The village chief has asked our youth organization to manage the land near the river. (2)
That's great! (3). We don't have time to do it Besides, I don't think we know how to cultivate land. (5) Do
you have any better ideas? (6)a food stall with a river as the background. It will attract people to come.
(7) Randy We can provide spots for selfies. (8)I love it. Thanks. Randy Adi, please make a concept and
we will share it in our next meeting. (9). Yes. Should I print it? No, but you can share it in our group chat.
(10). Ina No.

Activity 22 1. Create a dialog based on the following situation. Use expressions you have learned in this
chapter Practice the dialog and record it The situation: Suppose you are the leader of a young blogger
club. You have an idea to hold a webinar on how to manage a biog You make mutual calls with the club
members to ask for their opinions about your idea. They agree with you and compliment your plan. You
ask your friends to help you and explain their duties. You check their understanding
Activity 23 Homework Find a certain issue around you. Make a dialog based on the issue. Use
expressions you have learned in this chapter. Practice the dialog and record it. Share your work with the

Self Reflection Write about your experience in learning this chapter. Write about your feelings, how you
learned something, what you liked and didn't like, etc

My New Words Write new words and their meanings which you have learned in this chapter

Assessment A. Choose A, B, C, or D for the correct answer. 1. Mrs. Maharsiwi : Please do the exercise on
page 10, then submit it before the bell rings. : Yes, Ma'am. Students A. You are clever. Attention, please.
C. I think it's easy. D. Do you understand? B. 2. Nindi : Let me tell you how to join an online class. Click
the link and enter the username and pasword. Aldo : Yes, it is. Thank you. Nindi : You're welcome. A. Is it
clear? Do you agree? C. Do you understand? D. What do you think? B. 3. Doni : Did you draw these
cartoons? Irma : Yes, I did. I am going to make a short cartoon movie. Doni : ...... I hope you achieve
success. Irma : Thank you. A. Wow, that's great! B. I think a short movie will be better.

C. May I have your attention, please? D. What is your opinion about the cartoons? : I think we must
make our online classes more enjoyable so the students will not feel bored. 4. Mr. Rudi Mrs. Diana : We
should make the classes more attractive. Do you agree? B. A. You are right. C. I disagree with What is
your opinion? you. D. 5. Kinar : Several people tend to consume organic pood. : It's a good thing to do
because organic opg food is good for our body health. A. It's a good idea. What do you think? B. c. Could
I have your attention? D. The organic food is healthy. The following dialog is for questions 6 to 8. What
are you doing, Amira? Amira : Iam designing a washbasin with a trampling Reno system. Reno : What
does it look like? Amíra: When we're going to wash our hands, we only need to step the paddle, to let
the water flow.

Reno Wow, that's excellent! Amira: Thanks. I will place it in front of my house. so we can wash our
hands without touching a tap Reno You always have a great idea. Amira Thank you. Reno compliments
Amira for her A. generosity B. diligence C patience D. creativity How does Amira respond to Reno's
compliments? A. By stating an opinion B. By complimenting him C By expressing gratitude D. By asking
for attention 8. From the dialog we know that A. Amira will sell a washbasin B. Reno is designing a
washbasin C. Reno asks Amira to make a washbasin D. Amira cares about what is happening around The
following dialog is for questions 9 to 11. Andy Dina Have you read my new comic? Yes, I have. What do
you think? The drawings are good and the story is interesting. I like the ending. It is out of the box. I
never guess it before. Andy Dina Andy Thank you. I am glad you like it. Dina Andy Dina Will you make its
sequel? I have planned it. I'll be waiting for it. 6 What are the speakers talking about? A. Andy's story B.
Andy's comic C Andy's drawings D. A comic series 10. What does Andy do? A. An author B. A reviewer A
comic artist D. A storyteller 11, What does Dina probably feel after reading the comic? A. Joyful B.
Amused C. Relieved D. Surprised.

The following dialog is for questions 12 to 14. Cindy Hey, did you hear the loud sound? What's that? I
guess it is the sound of a transformer exploding. Please check out the electric centrals. Cindy Ah, it's
blackout. Gani Ihope it will be fixed soon. My laptop battery is only 30% left Cindy Don't worry. We can
use my brother's laptop. I will borrow it. Please copy our assignment into the USB stick first. Gani What
were the speakers doing when they heard a loud sound? A They were fixing a laptop. B. They were doing
an assignment. They were looking for a USB stick. D. They were checking the transformer 13 Where does
the dialog probably take place? V. On the way B. In Gani's house C In Cindy's house D. In a laptop repair
shop 14. What does Cindy do after the conversation? A. Check the electric centrals B. Recharge the
laptop's battery C Meet his brother to borrow his laptop D. Copy the assignment into the USB stick The
following dialog is for questions 15 to 17. Sinta Your pronunciation is much better now How do you
improve it? Dery Icheck word spelling on an online dictionary. Can you tell me the way? Dery Please
open an online dictionary, for example Then, type the word. There are British
and American English pronunciation. Choose one of them and click the symbol of the speaker Listen to it
carefully and repeat. Try it several times. Do you get it? Sinta Sinta Yes, I do. I will try it Dery You can
record it to compare Sinta O.K. Thank you. Dery You're welcome. 15. What does Dery explain? A The
ways to record pronunciation well B. The tips to learn pronunciation in a fast way C The steps to check
word pronunciation from an online dictionary

D. The methods to check pronunciation in British and American English 16. What does Dery do after
giving an explanation to Sinta? A. He compliments Sinta. B. He gets Sinta's attention. He asks for Sinta's
opinion. C. D. He checks Sinta's understanding. 17.) What does Sinta expect after following Dery's tips?
A. She can learn English more. B. She can compose a dictionary. C. Her pronunciation improves. She has
an opportunity to speak with natives. D. The following text is for questions 18 to 20. Attention, please!
The museum will be closed within thirty minutes. Please keep your distance when heading to the exit.
Thank you. HOTE (18. Why does the speaker need to get others' attention? A. To ask people to enjoy the
trip B. To make people listen to him/her C. To calm the situation in the museum D. To check people's
understanding 19 . What should the listeners do after hearing the information? Head to the exit AB Go
to the museum C. Meet the speaker Close the museum D. 20. "Please keep your distance." What is the
closest meaning of 'distance'? A . Way B. Range C. Option D. Destination

B. Fill in the blanks correctly. You and your friends are chatting about an 1. online course tomorrow.
Suddenly, your English teacher texts you informing about rescheduling the online course. The suitable
expression to get your friend's attention is"........" 2. You explain to your friend on how to transfer the
data from one phone to another. After giving the explanation, you may ask, to check your friend's
understanding. Your friend has finished her project. You say, "to show your appreciation. 3. The
following dialog is for numbers 4 and 5. Intan : Have you heard the village chief's new program? Danu :
Not yet. What's that? Intan : We should provide three kinds of bins for biodegradable, recycled, and
non- biodegradable waste in each house. What do you think? Danu : That's a good idea. We should
support it. Intan : I agree. 4. The dialog is about 5. From the dialog we know that Danu with the program.

Basic Competence 3.2 Applying social functions, text structures, and linguistic elements of spoken and
written transactional interaction texts that involve the act of giving and asking for information related to
ability and willingness, taking an action, according to the context of its use. (Note the linguistic elements
can, will). 4.2 Composing a very short and simple spoken and written transactional interaction text that
involves the act of giving and asking for information related to ability and willingness, taking an action,
taking into account social functions, text structure, and linguistic elements that are correct and in

Objectives Students are able to identify information and expressions related to one's capabilities and
willingness to do something accurately after practicing several dialogs. Students are able to
communicate with other people, spoken and written, related to one's capabilities and willingness
accurately after doing several English activities. Students are able to use 'can' and 'will', as well as 'be
able to' and 'be willing to' in spoken and written texts correctly after doing several English activities.
Students are able to use relevant vocabulary accurately after doing several English activities. The
students are hopefully also: feeling grateful for having an opportunity to learn and speak English
appropriately and fluently; behaving honestly, bravely, politely and confidently when speaking with
other people.

We Can Do It CHAPTER ll. Look at the picture. Bagas is playing the guitar He can play the acoustic and
electric guitars wvell. He can also sing and his voice is very good. He can play the guitar and sing at the
same time. He says that he is capable of playing the instrument because his uncle has taught him. His
sister, Saras, often asks him to play his guitar and sing a duet with her for her YouTube channel. How
does Saras ask Bagas to do that? How does Bagas respond to it? In this chapter, you will learn how to
ask and provide information about one's capabilities and willingness to do somethim Please do all the
activities thoroughly You should be active during the lesson so that your English skills will be significantly

Activity 1 Put a tick (V) in the table that shows your capability or incapability, then give a reason. Make
sentences based on your answer. Can Reason No. Activity Cannot 1. Play the guitar 2. Pump a flat bicycle
tire 3. Bake cakes Trim tree branches 4. 5. Fry chicken wings

Activity 2 Practice the dialogs with your friend. Dialog 1 Saras Bagas, do you know Rizky Febrian's new
song entitled Mantra Cinta? Bagas: Yes, I do. That's a good song, I almost sing the song every day. Cooll
So, you know the lyrics and key notes very well, don't you? Saras Bagas Absolutely It's my favorite song,
Why? Saras I want to sing that song, Can you play the guitar and sing with me? Bagas Sure! When will
we do it? How about this afternoon? Saras Bagas: Sorry, I cannot do it this afternoon. I'm going to do my
school project with my friends. I see. How about tomorroww afternoon? Will you be free? Bagas That
sounds good. Saras OK. I will set the place and camera. Thanks, bro. Bagas Don't mention it. Dialog 2
There are still many unanswered questions. Do you think we are able to finish this task on time? Mala
Yes, I do. Let me answer questions 1 to 10. Will you find references for answering questions 11 to 20
Adit Sure. Mala Great I'm certain that we can make it. Be optimistic!
Learning Material Expression Asking for and Providing Information about a Person's Capability The
dialogs in Activity 2 are about asking for and providing information about people's capabilities. Study the
following expressions in the table below.

Table 2.1 Expressions of asking for and providing information about a person's capability Anking about a
Person's Capability Providing Information about a Person's Capability Can you fry tempeh? Can you
make choco chips cookies? Is Zidan able to draw? Can you fix the Internet connection, Tama? Are you
able to edit a video? Yes, I can Frying ternpeh is a piece of cake. Yes, I am good at making cookies Yes,
you bet He won an interstudent drawing contest last year. Sure. Leave it to me.Yes, I can Meanwhile,
the following are examples of expressions starting a person's incapability. Study the expressions. Table
2.2 Expressions to state a person's incapability Expressing a Person's Incapability Sorry I can't do it
Tristan can't type as fast as you can No. I'm not. Drawing is not my passion Im sorry I know nothing
about resetting an Internet connection.

Notes: 1 To state a person's capabity in the present time, we use 'can' or is/am/are + able to Can' and
is/am/are able to are followed by a 'verb base Examples: My sister can create a beautiful bag from old
newspapers. • Chameleues are able to change their colors to adapt with their surroundings 2 To show
that a person is not able to do something in the present time, we use 'cannot' or is/am/ are not able ta
Examples: Sorry I cannot reset your cell phone • Bagas is not able to nail the painting on the wall
because the wall is too hard. 3. To state a persen's capahility in the past. we use 'could' or was/were +
ahle to' Examples: The students could answer all the questions well The rescue taam was able to trace
where the hikers were.

Activity 4 Practice the following dialog with your friend. After the drama practice, all the players listen to
their instructor on what to do. Ms. Dina: Kinanti, you act as Princess Soyso. Can you speak softly, but
with a strict tone? Kinanti Fikri Yes, I'll do my best, Ma'am. Ma'am, may I change my role? It is difficult to
act as a twin. I cannot speak in different tones. Ms. Dina: Iknow, but you are the suitable one for the
role. Come on, it is only the third practice. There are still five more. I believe you can play your role well
as time goes by. O.K. then. Thanks, Ma'am

Activity 5 Answer the following questions based on the dialog in Activity 4. 1.When does the dialog take
place? 2. Who is Ms. Dina? 3. What role does Kinanti play? 4. How should Kinanti speak? 5. What does
Fikri request? 6. Why does he ask for that? 7. Does Ms. Dina grant his request? Why? 8. How many more
practices will Kinanti and her friends do before performing the drama.

Activity 6 Read the following text aloud, in turns. Then, answer the questions orully, in turns Text 1 HL
my name is Tika, Santika Nila. I want to tel you about a person who is very special to me. This special
person is my brother. His name is Gara, Sagara Biru. He works as a chef for a 5-star hotel in Jakarta. He
teaches me a lot of things by giving examples from his actions and never scolds me whenever I make a
mistake. Through this way, I get clear descriptions of how I should behave. He also teaches me how to
cook, so I can cook my own meals when no one is home. Therefore, I can save money as I don't need to
buy pooy My big brother always does everything on time and never delays finishing his jobs. That's the
way he teaches me to be disciplined. I willingly copy him and get many benefits. By being disciplined, I
have lots of time to do my hobbies and I always tinish my assignments as soon as possible My brother is
always responsible for what he does. He will ask for an apology at once he makes a mistake He never
feels reluctant to apologize. This good attitude makes everyone respect him. Besides. h always dares to
try new things. He really understands that success is only achleved through hard work. As a result, he
can do many things and gain manyexperiences. For me, my brother is my role model.

Text 2 I like cooking. I like watching cooking and baking videos, and learning to make something new. I
also cook for my family. However, I really like to bake cakes. I often bake cakes for my family and friends
who are celebrating their birthdays. Now, I've been attending a culinary course for students. I enter a
cooking and baking class. Of course, you understand the reason I join the class. That's right! I want to be
a professional chef and own a café or restaurant one day. So, I can use my hobby to make money. I can
use the money to pay for my school tuitions and personal needs. Definitely, this will ease my parents'
burden financially. Questions: What is Text 1 about? 1. 2. Why does the speaker say that her brother is
very special? What does the speaker learn from her brother? 4. According to Text 2, what is the
speaker's expertise? What is the speaker's ideal? 3. 5.

Activity 7 Complete the statements based on what the following people say Fahri I like music. I can play
the violin, but I cannot play the guitar. Rima I have money. I can buy an English-Indonesia dictionary, but
I cannot buy an encyclopedia. 3. Aya I will be able to accompany Susan to the library tomorrow, not
today. Deswita I have good news. I have collected materials for our presentation, so we can start doing
our pair work this afternoon. We can do it in my house. 5. Adam I am very happy. Flinally, I could meet
my idol. Unfortunately, I could not get her autograph and merchandise. Statements: According to Fahri:
he can he cannot 2. According to Rima: she can she cannot 3. According to Aya: a she will be able to she
will not be able to 4. According to Deswita: they can. b. they can According to Adam: he could b he could

Activity 8 NO Read the following dialogs. Write sentences using 'can/cannot'and 'be + able to/not able
to' based on the information in the dialogs See the example. Example: Rara Can you make chicken
katsu, Tama? Tama Yes, I can. I often make chicken katsu. What about you? Rara : I can't. I can only fry
eggs. Answers: Tama can make chicken katsu because he often makes it. Tama is able to make chicken
katsu because he often makes it. Rara cannot make chicken katsu. She can only fry eggs. Rara is not able
to make chicken katsu. She is only able to fry eggs. 1. Damara : Will you be able to repair my cell phone
in one day, Sir? Mr Budi: I have to check it first before saying whether I can or cannot. Please wait for a
moment whille I'm checking it.
Damara Sure. (A moment later) What do you think, Sir? Mr. Budi: Well, it's not a serious problem. I will
be able to repair it in one day. 2 Seno Can you stay underwater for two minutes without breathing
equipment? :No, I can't. It's very difficult. Can you make a presentation for this biology Lala 3. Barata
report, Kinan? Yes, I can. It's a piece of cake. What about you? So can I. By the way, can you transfer it
into PDF? I can't do it. Neither can I. Let me ask i Are you able to throw the ball as far as the pole? Yes, I
am. Let me show you. What about you? Kinanti Barata Kínanti brother. He knows how to do it. 4. Shinta
Donny Shinta: I'm afraid I am not. I'm not strong enough to do it. Are you able to finish reading the novel
in a day? It's impossible as the novel is very thick.

Activity 10 Interview five of your classmates using the expression "Can you ?" or "Are you able to Then,
write the result in the table. Share your work with the class. Example: : Can you cook? Your friend
(Sania): Yes, I can. Names of Friends Activity Sania Dede Wahyul Tata Rara.

Activity 11 Write sentences showing one's capabilities and incapabilities, based on the result of your
interview in Activity 10. Read the sentences aloud, in turns.

Activity 12 Complete the following text with 'can', 'cannot, 'will', or 'will not Read your work aloud, in
turns. I (1)......make something from cardboard, but I (2)....make a robot. I want to be able to make a
robot, so I(3)....... is the winner in the recent robotics competition in her city. She (4)......learn how to
make a robot from my cousin. Saskia, my cousin, create sophisticated robots. She is very busy with her
studies and robotic club, but she can teach me on weekends. I (5).....miss this chance.

Activity 13 Complete the following dialog with correct words from the box. Then, practice the dialog
with your friend. turned on address free feel switched off guarantee Rima : Oh gosh! What should I do?
Shana: What happened, Rima? Rima: My tablet computer was suddenly (1) and couldn't be restarted,
for the third time. Shana : I know how you (2). I think I know where you can repair it under (3). Rima
Would you give me the (4)....please?Shana : Absolutely! In fact, I can take you there after school.Rima :
Can you? Shana: Sure. I'm (5)today. Rima : Thanks, Shana. Shana: No big deal. I'm happy to help you.

Activity 15 Create a dialog based on the following situation, in pairs. Then, practice the dialog in class.
Situation: Suppose you and your friend will make an acoustic song cover. During the practice, your friend
forgets the guitar key notes. As the singer, you ask him to be able to memorize the key notes before
both of you take a video shoot.

Activity 16 Practice the following dialogs with your friend. 1. Mr Nugraha: Bagas, are you willing to
sweep the backyard? I don't have much time to do it. Bagas : Sure. Dad. It only takes a while. Mr.
Nugraha: Thanks, dear. Bagas : You're welcome Dad. 2 Mrs. Ratna :The kitchen is đirty, Ajeng. Will you
dump the trash and sweep the kitchen, please? Ajeng : O.K. IIl do it, Mom. Mrs : Thanks, dear. Ajeng :
With pleasure. 3. Laras I have a terrible headache. Would you do me a favor, please? Kinan : Of course.
Shall I buy you medicine? Laras : No Just take me to the clinic, please. I feel like I'm going to fant Kinan
OK 4. Tari: You look pale. Fikri. Are you sick? I have a cold, but I have to wash my uniform. Would you
wash it for me if you don't mind? O.K. let me handle it. You'd better have a rest. Fikri Thank you very
much, Tari. You're welcome.
Learning Material Expression Asking for and Providing Information about a Person's Willingness to Do a
Task. The dialogs in Activity 16 are about asking for and providing information about people's willingness
to do tasks. Study other expressions in the following table. Table 25 Asking for and providing
information about someone's willingness to do a task Asing if Someone is Willing to Do Task Stating if
Someone is Willing to Do a Task Are you willing to sweep the backyard dear? Will you sweep the
kitchen, deser? Sure. Dad I'll do it, Mom. Of course. What can i do for you? OK. let me handle it Would
you like to help me wash it if you don't mind?

Notes: 1. To ask for and provide information about a person's willingness to do a task, we use the modal
'will/would' or 'is/am/are willing to'. Examples: Will you go home with me this afternoon? Would you
clean this table, please? Are you willing to be the master of ceremony for my birthday party? My brother
would like to prepare our lunch tomorrow. Dimas is willing to join a photography club. 2 To provide
information that a person is unwilling to carry out a task, we can use 'will/would not or 'is/am/are not
willing to'. Examples: Dita will not lend me her novel because she's reading it at the moment. Adam is
not willing to clean his room himself.

Activity 17 Practice the following dialog with your friend. Answer the questions based on the dialog.
Bagas May I ask you something, Tiara? Tiara : Sure What is it? Bagas: We have attendeda handicraft class
for three months, but we have never visited any handicraft centers. Tiara : That's true So? Bagas So,
several of us plan to go to Mundu Village. There are teenagers in the village who make crafts from
plastic waste. We'd like to learn how to make plastic crafts from them. Tiara : Sounds interesting. Bagas
Are you willing to join us? Tiara: Surely I am. Bagas: Great! It will be merrier then. Questions: 1. What is
the topic of the dialog? 2 Why does Bagas invite Tiara to go together? 3. Why does Tiara accept the
invitation? 4. What are Bagas and his friends going to do there? 5. "We'd like to learn how to make
plastic crafts from them." What does the word 'them' refer to?

Activity 18 Read the following sentences aloud, in turns. Then, complete the statements based on the
sentences. Santika 1. help, I am willing to find a solution for you. Dinda says, "Laras, if you are willing to
share your problem with me, I will listen to you. If you need 2. everything, to pass their semester test."
says, "It's drizzling., However, the students will attend a study club. They are willing to do

3. Alan says, "Twill attend a cooking class because I want to run a culinary business in the future. I will
learn seriously, so I can create my own dish signature." 4. Mr. Burhan says, "Fikri, I'll teach you how to
make a good speech. I think you still have much time to improve your speaking skill. Please ask your
friends whether they are willing to join us. 5. Kinan says, "I'm willing to be a team leader if you choose
me. I'll do my best to improve our team's ski and I will not disappoint you all. You can count on it!"
Statements: According to Santika, we know that: she will 1. a. she is willing to 2. According to Dinda, we
know that: the students will b. they are willing to 3. According to Alan, we know that he will 4. According
to Mr. Burhan, we know that he will b. 5. According to Kinan, we know that: a. she is willing to b. she will

Activity 19 Read the following dialogs Then, write suiteble sentences showing willingnes or unwillingness
based on the dialogs See the example Example: Will you keep an eye on my cell phone, please? 'm
charging it here I'm going to buy a drink. Vano Sure, I will → Vano will/is willing to keep an eye on Riri's
cell phone as she's going to buy a drink Will you call a taxi, dear?I haven't finished packing Yes, Mom
And will you prepare my handbag? Please check if everything is in the bag Sure, Mom Mrs. Vivi Deta
Mrs. Vivi Mrs. Vivi Deta Mr Tomo Excuse me. My car has stalled. Would you help me push it, please?
Thank you, sweetheart You are welcome 2. Yes, sure. Mr. Tomo: Thank you very much. snay aW My
pleasure Are you willing to go to a nearby food stall around here to buy something for lunch? Sorry, I
prefer using a food delivery application to order food for us. That is a good idea. I'd like fried rice and
lemon tea. What about you? I like fried noodles and hot chocolate Ina Hari All right let's order now. I'm
starving already. 4. Andi Why are you in a hurry? Rona Ihave to be home before it rains. I need to help
my mom remove corn kernels that are being dried Would you like to help me? Andi Sorry, Rona, not this
time. I have to fetch my brother from school Rona It's all right.

5. Linda : I'm tired. Will you sweep the floor, please? Ridwan : Sorry, Lin. I'm on my way to buy eggs.
Mom needs them to make a cake. Linda : Will you buy me a bottle of vitamin C then? Ridwan : Sure.
Thanks, Ridwan. Ridwan : O.K.

Activity 20 Make sentences based on the cue words to show logical relationships. The sentences show
willingness/unwillingness and capabilities/incapabilities Example: work hard succeed Answers: If we are
willing to work hard, we will be able to succeed. If we are not willing to work hard, we will not be able to
succeed. study seriously - do the test well 1. avoid saying harsh words live in peace wake up early -
arrive at school early do sports - maintain our health practice the violin harder join an orchestra

Activity 21 Create short dialogs based on the words provided Then, practice the dialogs with your friend
and record your perfomance. Example: trim the tree - sorry, have an extracurricular activity The dialog:
Mother Wira, can you trim the tree by the gate? It disturbs passers-by. Wirya Sorry, Mom, I can't do it
now. I have an extracurricular at 3 PM. I1l do it tomorrow morning. type a report - yes 2 fetch a laptop -
yes 3. buy a blackforest cake - sorry, in a hurry to catch a bus stay home alone - yes 5. wash smelly shoes
- sorry, a lot of work to do

Activity 22 Take two photos showing two activities, one photo showing willingness and the other one
showing capabilities. Write aentences under each photo, showing whether you can/can't or will/won't
do such activities

Self Reflection Write about your experience in learning this chapter. Write about your feelings, how you
learned, what you liked and didn't like, etc.

My New Words Write new words and their meanings which you have learned in this chapter.

Assessment Choose A. B, C, or D for the correct JARSED The following dialog is for questions 1 and 2. I
can't use my laptop computer. Brother, do you think you can reboot it, please? Bagas I think so. I have
done it before Saras Thanks so much. Bagas No problem. 1 What is the relationship of the speakers? A.
Siblings Classmates B. C Playmates D. Neighbors 2. What is Saras's problem? A. Her laptop computer
can't be turned on. B. She doesn't know how to use a laptop computer. She cannot repair Bagas' laptop
computer. She would like to use Bagas's laptop computer. The following dialog is for questions 3 to 5.
Dinda Alvin, are you free next Saturday afternoon? Alvin I am, I have no plan yet. Why? Dinda I have a
surprise for you. Will you come to my house at 4 PM? A surprise for me? I'm curious. Sure, l'd love to
come, but will you tell me what it is Alvin anoqe Dinda : No, I won't I hope you like my surprise. Alvin I
see. By the way, are you willing to join my group? Dinda What kind of group? Alvin I have a study group
named Sky High. There are ten members, who are our schoolmates, and we discuss English, math, and
science. We study online together on the weekends. Dinda It sounds interesting. Yes, l'm willing to join.
Please add my number. Alvin 0.K. 3. Who are talking in the dialog? A. Siblings B. Neighbors C
Schoolmates D. Playmates

4. What will Alvin do next Saturday afternoon? A.He will study together with Dinda He and Dinda will
Join a study group called Sky High. C He will prepare a surprise for Dinda. D He will go to Dinda's house
5. Why does Alvin accpept Dinda's invitation? A. He has to study with Dinda He's curious about the
surprise Dinda has prepared for him. He joins the same study group as Dinda's. D. He has a plan, but he
decides to go to Dinda's house. The following dialog is for questions 6 to 8. I can't use the printer
because the ink cartridge is empty. Can you replace it, please? Sorry, I cannot do it. I have never done it
before, so l'm afrald of wrongly replacing Lina Sangga Lina O.K. Let me ask father to do it. 6. What does
Lina ask Sangga to do? To call their father B. To replace the printer C. To buy a new ink cartridge D. To
replace the empty ink cartridge 7. Sangga says, "Sorry, I cannot do it." What does he express? A. His
capability His incapability C. His willingness D. His unwillingness B. 8.) From the dialog we know that A.
Lina is going to print a document B. Sangga is willing to replace the empty ink cartridge C. Sangga and
Lina's father cannot repair the printer D. Lina forces Sangga to replace the ink cartridge The following
dialog is for questions 9 to 12. Ara You know what? 1 have to make a 2-act drama script for my
Indonesian assignment in three days, Brother. I don't think I can do it. We Can Do it

Let me ask you. Have you tried to do it? No, I haven't I can't think of an idea fast. Please listen to me.
You should not lose your self confidence Putu Putu I don't lose self confidence, but I know my limit. Ara
Don't say that. Motivate yourself that you nand can pass over your limit. I know you can do it. You just
need some references. Thanks for your concern, but Ara No more argument Let's watch my play nind
performances. I hope you can get an idea from that. Thanks for always supporting me, Bro. Ara 9. Who
are talking in the dialog? A. Daughter and father Two close friends Sister and brother Student and
teacher B. 10. What is the topic of the dialog? Stating physical limitation Motivating someone Losing self
confidence Composing a script in three days B. 11. Ara says, "I don't think I can do it." What does the
sentence express? uoņsə33ns v B. Incapability C Unwillingness Dissatisfaction D. 12. From the dialog we
can conclude that A Putu will show how to write a drama script effectively B. Ara believes that she only
needs some references Putu is sure that Ara is able to finish the assignment D. Ara has to forget her
ambition to be a good script writer The following dialog is for questions 13 to 15. Kirana, will you fetch
me a plate from the kitchen, please? Arka Kirana: Sorry, I have to leave now Wait! I just need your help
for a few seconds.

Kirana Sorry, I'm already late Bye. Arka. 13 Where do you think the dialog probably takes place? At
home Arka A At school B. On the street In a laboratory 14. Kirana says. "Sorry, I have to leave now What
does she express? A Her uncertainty to help Arka B. Her intention to help Arka C Her unwillingness to
help Arka D. Her incapability to help Arka D. 15 From the dialog we know that Kirana has no time to help
Arka B. Arka will leave the house immediately C Kirana and Arka will work together D. Arka is busy
recently 16. Arrange the jumbled words to form a sequential sentence. IS willing to-homework-at-check-
busy- 2 . Aunt Dewi-my-she-although-physics- 9 the moment-iS 6 8 4 11 12 A. 6-12-5-3-11-9-8-1-4-7-2-
10 B. 6 -1-4-7-10-2-9-8-12-5-3-11 C 6-11-7-10-2-5-1-9-8-12-3-4 D. 6- 1-3-12-5-4-7-10-2-9-8-11 17. Serena
Why do you need an egg beater, Bagas? Bagas I'm going to learn to make a pound cake. Billa Do you
think you I think so. That's why, I need to practice Let me help you then. Thanks. Irwan al op Billa Irwan
The suitable word to complete the dialog is... A wiil B have C should D can

18. Agung Look! That man is in trouble It seems his car is overheated. I think he needs help Rinto Agung
Sure Let's do it. Rinto The suitable expression to complete the dialog A. He should have checked his car.
Does he not understand his car's condition? Are you willing to help him push the car aside? D. Let's tell
the man to call the police soon. For questions 19 and 20, choose the correct expressions to complete the
following dialog. I need a person who is willing to represent me in the photography club's meeting
tomorrow afternoon. I have to attend another meeting with the principal. Winda Winda I think everyone
will agree. Thanks, Adit. (61) No big deal. By the way, can you prepare all the documents you need for
the meeting? Sure. Leave it to me. (20) Winda Thank you very much. You're welcome. Winda Adit 19. A.
I will go if the club's members agree B. We can attend the meeting together C. I know what I have to do
in the meeting D. I can explain what the meeting agenda is 20. A. Let me contact you later B. I will use
the room C You should attend the meeting D. I can handle it B. Fill in the blanks correctly. Denada says,
"I like music I can play the piano and violin, but I cannot play the guitar. According to Denada, she piano
and violin. However, she is play the guitar. the What is in the box, dear? Mr. Hari Marshanda A rabbit,
Dad. Aunt Dezia gave it to me

Mr Hari You'd better let it move freely. dear. Marshanda All right Anyway, would you like to make it a
cage. Dad? Please? Sure. I will make one in the yard. Mr. Hari Marshanda Thank you, Dad. Mr. Hari
You're welcome, sweetheart Now, release the rabbit, so it can Hi, Dinda, what are you doing here,
alone? 3. Rangga Hi, Rangga. Well, actually I would like to buy groceries, but my tíre is flat. Which store
would you like to go to? The one near the city square. Let me take you there as I will pass it on my way
to Dudi's house. Oh, thank you very much. You are very kind. Are you willing to wait for me for a
moment? I will take my bag. Dinda Rangga Dinda Rangga Dinda Rangga : Yes, please do so. From the
dialog we know that Rangga is willing 01 Dinda Will you be busy after washing your clothes? No, I won't.
I have finished doing all the chores. Why? I'd like to borrow Deta's camera, but her house is far from
here. Are you willing to accompany me there, please? O.K. I'll go with you after 1 have finished this.
Thanks. Please let me know when Bagas Dinda Bagas Dinda you're ready. Bagas Sure. at the Bagas is
moment Dinda comes. Dinda: Brother, where are you going? Bagas: To Robi's house. I will do my math
assignment with my friends there. [help] me pump up 5. Dinda my bicycle tires, please? Bagas Sure The
correct words to complete the dialog using the word in brackets is.......

Basic Competence 3.3 Applying social functions, text structures, and linguistic elements of spoken and
written transactional interaction texts that involve the act of giving and asking for information related to
imperatives, prohibitions, and appeals, according to the context of their use. (Note the linguistic
element must, should). 4.3 Composing very short and simple oral and written transactional interaction
texts involving the act of giving and asking for information related to imperatives, prohibitions, and
appeals, taking into account social functions, text structures, and linguistic elements that are correct and
in context.

Objectives Student are able to identify the social function, structure, and language features of spoken
and written texts to ask for and provide information related to obligations, prohibitions, and
suggestions, including cautions and warnings accurately after practicing several conversations. Student
are able to identify the use of 'must', 'have to', 'should' accurately after practicing several conversations.
Student are able to ask for and provide information related to obligations, prohibitions, and suggestions
accurately after doing several English activities. Student are able to write notices and warnings related
to obligations, prohibitions, and suggestions accurately after doing several English activities. Student are
able to use sentences with 'must', 'have to', 'should' accurately after doing several English activities.
Student are able to use relevant vocabulary accurately after doing several English activities. The students
are hopefully also: feeling grateful for having an opportunity to learn and speak English appropriately
and fluently; behaving bravely, confidently, and politely when speaking with people.

You Must Do It CHAPTER III During the Covid-19 pandemic, we must apply health protocols. We must
wear masks and wash our hands very often. We are also prohibited to chat with others too close.
Besides, we should avoid crowds and keep our distance. Now, look at the picture below. Where are the
people? What must and must not be done by the people in that place? In this chapter, you will learn
about expressions of obligations, prohibitions, and suggestions as well as cautions and warnings.
Hopefully, you will understand warnings and notices in public places. Consequently, you can behave
yourselves well. Furthermore, please speak English during the lessons, so you can speak English fluently.

Activity 1 Answer the following questions based on your idea. What will a teacher inform before
students have a test? 1. 2. What must students do during a test? 3. What must students not do during a
test? 4.What should students do to receive good scores for the test? 5. What should students do before
submitting their answer sheets?

Learning Materials Expression Expressing Obligations Pay attention to the dialegs in Activity 2. The
sentences "We must lock the gate before leaving for safety "We must spray the door handle with
disinfectant" "We must protect ourselves from bacteria and viruses" "You have to take off your cap
before entering the ATM booth. and "We have to wash our hands before entering the building" are used
to express obligations. Stuly other expressions of obligations as follows.Table 3.1 Expresions of
obligations and suitable responses. Expressing Obligations. We must throw rubbish into trashcans. I
must learn Engish for a beter future. All students have to aftend the dass at 7 AM. You are right. English
will provide us more chances. We have to obey the rules. Yeah! Thats the rule. Road users must stop
when a traffic turns red. We have to return the book to the Iibrary before the borrowing period is up or
we have to pay afine. It is necessary that we follow this quideline Sure. Let's do it. Sure. Otherwise. we
might make an error. Good boy! I am proud of you. Grammar Modals 'Must' and Have to We use 'must'
and have/has to' to express obligations Pattern: must, have to/has to + verb base. Must is a modal, while
'have to' is the word which functions as a modal We use must' when we think it is necessary and it
comes from the speakers. We use have to/has to' for external obligations Lobligations that comes from
someone else or when the necessity comes from the situation Exemples We must clean the hause every
day. Students must be disciplined to achieve success. Driver have to have driver's licenses. People have
to undergo a screening test before vaccinated.

Activity 3 Answer the following questions based on the dialogs in Activity 2. Dialog 1 1. Why do the
speakers need to lock the gate? 2. When do they do it? Dialog 2 3. What are the speakers going to do? 4.
Why do they need to do it? 5. What are the speakers' like? Dialog 3 6. What is the relationship between
the speakers? 7. What does the woman ask the boy to do? 8. What can we learn from the dialog? Dialog
4 9. What does the girl tell the boy about? 10. What will happen if they ignore the notice?

Activity 4 Scan the QR code. Complete the dialogs based on what you have heard Then practice the
dialogs with your friend and record your performance Dialog 1 Randy: Please tell mom I'm going to do
an (1) All right. You must (2) Sure spur Randy Don't worry. I (5) See you. at Wisnu's house. home before
dark hand sanitizer and a raincoat. It always rains in the (4) them in my bag, See you. (E) asnu no Dialog
2 Tiara Arka Tiara Have you finished your science (1) Not yet. And you? I have done it You have to (2)
You are right. I only have (3) Do you need help? No. thanks I can (5) it before the due date left I have to
start (4) No. Thank. I can do....It myself

Activity 5 Complete the statements based on the dialogs in Activity 4. Dialog 1 The dialog takes place in.
1. Randy and Delia are (relationship) 2.

Randy is leaving to 4. Randy must 5. Delia reminds what Randy must bring because 3. because it is a
rainy season. Dialog 2 1. Tiara and Arka are talking about their 2. Tiara and Arka are 3. (occupation) The
project will be due within 4. Tiara offers 5. Arya refuses the offer because to Arka.

Activity 6 Read the following texts. Scan the QR code. Listen to and answer the questions based on the
texts, orally. Text 1 House is a place where we live with our family. We must respect and help each
other. We must speak to our family members politely. When we make a mistake, we must apologize
immediately. Besides, we must keep our house clean. We must clean it every day, so it is comfortable to
stay. Text 2 Road users have to obey traffic regulations. They have to follow the traffic light's rules. They
have to drive on the left side of the road and pass other vehicles from the right side. Drivers and
motorcyclists have to have driver's licenses. Besides, motorcyclists have to wear helmets. People who
ignore the traffic rules really endanger themselves and other road users.

Activity 7 Write your obligations as a student. Use 'must' or 'have to: Share your work with the class.

Activity 8 Work in pairs. Create a dialog about your obligations at home. Practice the dialog and record

Learning Material Expression Expressing Prohibitions Pay attention to the dialogs in Activity 9. The
sentences "Girls, you must not stand too close.", "You must not play games for hours." "Don't take off
your mask.", and "Don't throw the trash into the yellow bin." are used to express prohibitions. Study
other expressions in the following table.

Table 3.2 Expressions of prohibitions Expressing a Prohibition Supuodsa R o prohibited to throw trash
into a river You arent alliowed to enter the room. We mustn't arrive late at the railway station. You
aren't permitted to use the facilities in this library without a membership card. R us forbidden to feed
animals in a zoo. Absolutely! It can cause flood. Oh, sory You're right. Otherwise, we will miss the train
OK do registration first That's right. It may ham the animals

Activity 10 Answer the following questions based on the dialogs in Activity 9. Dialog 1 1. What does the
boy prohibit the girls from? 2. What must the girls do? Dialog 2 3. What are the boys doing? 4. What
does the girl ask the boys? 5. Why does the girl do it? Dialog 3 6. Why must the girl not take off her
mask? 7. What must the girl do after the conversation? Dialog 4 8. Why does the boy throw trash into
the wrong bin? 9. Where must the boy throw the trash? 10 What can we learn from the conversation?

Activity 11 Scan the QR code. Listen to and write the sentences correctly.

Activity 12 Complete the following dialogs with suitable sentences from Activity 11. Then practice the
diatogs with vour friend Mrs. Riyanti Dear (1) Randy Mrs. Riyanti One more thing (2).

Randy Dialog 2 Cindy Edo, watch out! There is a hole! I am sorry, Mom I forgot. I will lock it right away.
Pull it out and place it in the key box All right. Mom. Oops! Thanks for telling me. opg Cindy Therefore.
(3) It's dangerous. opa You are right. I will place it on my handlebar. Cindy (4). A snatcher may grab your
phone easily. (5) All right. I'll keep it in my bag.

Activity 13 Scan the QR code. Listen to the monolog. Then, annwer the following questions based on the
monolog. 1. What is the monolog about? When is the monolog delivered? 2. 3. Who is the information
addressed to? 4. What must they not do when taking pictures? What will happen if they break the rules?

Activity 14 Work in pairs Complete the following short dialogs with suitable sentences using must or
mustn't Practice the dialogs. Nindi Read the notice It says, "Fragile Handle with care" You're right 2. Arka
Look at the notice! It says, "Keep the door closed." Tiara I see 3. Deny Stop! There is a notice saying
"Emergency Exit Only. Not an Entrance." Cindy: Let's find another way. 4. Arya Kinar Why? Look at the
notice! These are priority seats for old people and disabled. Our school will celebrate the anniversary
virtually. Arya Deny That's true. There will be several events to hold. Yeah! I don't want to miss them.

Activity 15 Choose one of the following situations. Write what you must and must not do (dos and
don'ts) in the situation. Share your work with the class. Situations: 1. Attending a meeting 2. Seeing a
doctor 3. Visiting a zoo.

Learning Materials Expression Providing Suggestions/Recommendations Pay attention to the dialogs in

Activity 16. The sentences "Mom, you should pay for the shopping bill using e-wallet to reduce a direct
contact.", "You should contact your friends.", " You should sell them.", and "You should use them to
make hand sanitizer." are said to suggest/recommend. Study the expressions in the table below. Table
3.3 Expressions of providing suggestions/recommendations Providing Suggestions/Recommendations
Responding O.K. Thank you for your suggestion. All right You should have a rest. You should wash the
dishes right after using them. You should find references from the Internet or books to do your
assignment. Why don't you send the file via Bluetooth? How about attending a webinar? You're right I'll
do it. That's what I will do. Thanks That's a good idea.

Grammar Modal 'Should' Modal, 'should' is used to provide a suggestion/recommendation. The negative
form 'should not/ Pattern: should/shouldn't + verb base See the following examples. You should tell us
the truth. You should check your work before submitting it. We should exercise regularly to maintain our
health. We should not ignore people around us. You should not charge laptop batterles too long.

Activity 17 Practice the following dialog with your friend. Answer the questions that follow.

Mita Iheard that your nextdoor neighbors, Mr. Angga and his family, have been infected by Covid-19. Is
it true? Deny : Yes, it is. Mita Deny : They are getting better. They have been undergoing self isolation.
Still, I am afraid that the virus will How are their conditions? be spreading widely. Mita : You should not
worry as long as you and people around you apply health protocols strictly. Deny : You are right. Mita :
You should support them, so they will recover soon. Deny : I agree. Well, people in my neighborhood
have provided them with food and daily needs. Mita : That's great! We should help each other during
the pandemic. Deny : Exactly! Questions: What are Mita and Deny talking about? 1. 2. Why does Deny
feel worried? What does Mita suggest Deny? What do Deny's neighbords do for Mr. Angga's family? 3.
4. 5. What can we learn from the dialog?

Activity 18 Identify expressions of suggestions and responses used in the dialog in Activity 17 Read your
work aloud. Suggestion Response

Activity 19 Match the problems in column A with suitable suggestions/recommendations in column B.

Problem Suggestion/Recommendation 1 Your friend failed to receive a scholarship 2 Your brother
burned your mother's skirt when ironing 3 Your friend cannot send his assignments on time because ho
has a poor Internet connection 4 Your cousin is not confident to speak in pubilic Your sister always gets
up late because she sleeps late. You should sleep early You should believe that you can do it. You should
apply for other scholarships You should tell the teacher about the problem You should tell mom the
truth and apologize. You should prepare the materials for the assigrment

Activity 20 Work in pairs. Choose one of the problems and suggestions/recommendations in Activity 19.
Create a dialog based on the problem and practice it.

Activity 21 Work in pairs Discuss a common problem that teens have. Give suggestions to the problem.
Share your work with the class.

Activity 22 Work in pairs Fill in the blanks with suitable expressions you have learned Practice the
dialogs, in turns. Emma : Mom. I am going to Dika's house now. Mrs. Ina : How will you go there?. Emma
: By bus. Mrs. Ina : It will attract criminals. Emma : All right, Mom. I will keep my phone in the bag. See
you. Mom. Mrs. Ina : See you Take care. 2 Yuki: Please stop! Dela : What's the matter? Yuki : It is for
pedestrians. Dela : I am sorry. 3. Mika : What will you do with those dry leaves?Roni : I will burn them.
Mika : It will pollute the air. You can use them to make compost. Roni : I don't know how. Muka : You
can browse it in the Internet. Roni : All right I will do it. 4. Dera : Sır. I want to borrow this book and this
is my card. Librarian : Sorry, you can't use this card. Dera : All right, Sir What should I do then?Librarian :
Please fill in this form Dera : All right, Sir Sinta : You look tired Whar's the matter?Ega : I have many jobs
and I always work until late night. Sinta : Your health is priority. Just have a rest to recharge your energy.
Ega : O. k.

Activity 23 Create a dialog based on the following pair of role cards. Practice the dialog with your friend.
Record your performance and share it with the class. Student A Student B Explains to Student A. Asks
what must and must not be done when applying for a scholarship - Asks Student B about what he/she
should do to receve a scholarship Thanks Student B Explains to Student A. Responds suitably.

Activity 24 Look at the signs below. inswer the questions that follow ign 1 Sign 2 CONFINED THIS IS A
SPACE CONFINED 49 Questions: What is each sign about? What is the aim of each sign? What does the
sentence in each sign mean? Which sign shows a greater consequence? Why? 4.

Learning Material Short Functional Text Caution and Warning Pay attention to the signs in Activity 24.
Sign 1 is a caution. A caution is a text which tells people about potential damage or dangers, so they
should be alert and careful. Cautions may be in the form of imperative sentences, pictures or signs. Sign
2 is a warning. It warns people about fatal impacts if they disregard the warning. From now on, you
should pay attention to any cautions and warnings to stay safe and live comfortably.
Activity 25 Read the followng texts Answer the questions of each text. Text 1 HELP US PREVENT THE
A wrchve orgweb2oco o unddu d edues O Dyta Sat-Comm Soven.Coonavinus PrmarHO updt prg
downoaded Questions: 1. Where can we read a such notice? What should people do according to the
notice? 3. Why should people do that? What the worst thing will probably happen if people ignore the
notice? 4. What is the closest meaning of the underlined word? Text 2 Questions: 1 Who is the warning
addressed to? 2 Why is the warning made? 3. Why are only authorized people DANGERI CONSTRUCTION
AREA DO NOT ENTER allowed to enter the area? Authorized people only Hard hats, safety shoes, and
eye protection required 4. What must people do for their safety at the area? Who may enter the area?

Activity 26 See the following short texts. Write sentences which show obligations, prohibitions, or
suggestions/recommendations based on each text. Text 1 Text 2 NOTICE CAUTION IN CASE OF FIRE DO


Activity 27 Think of a warning or caution. Write what people must do according to the warning or
caution. Think of consequences if people ignore it.

Activity 28 Homework Observe your neighborhood and take a picture of an interesting

situation/condition. Write sentences expressing obligations, prohibitions, or
suggestions/recommendations based on the situation/ condition.

Self Reflection Write about your experience in learning this chapter. Write about your feelings, how you
learned, what you liked and didn't like, etc.

My New Words Write new words and their meanings which you have learned in this chapter.

Assessment A. Choose A, B, C, or D for the correct answer The following dialog is for questions 1 to 3.
Mr. Adi: Let's help grandma. She must be busy serving customers in the shop right now. Sure, Dad. How
will we go there? Rida Mr. Adi: On foot. Rida All right, Dad. Let's pass the rice fields. It is faster to reach
the shop. Mr. Adi 0.K. You should wear a cap because it is hot. Sure. Wait, Dad, grandma texted me to
bring plastic bags for sugar. Mr. Adi: Ah, they are over there. Please get them. Rida Rida O.K. 1. What
does Rida's grandmother do? A. A vendor B. A grocer C. A farmer D. A breeder What does Mr. Adi
suggest? V Wear a cap B. Pass the rice fields C. Bring plastic bags for sugar D. Text grandma before
leaving 3. From the dialog we can learn that we should A. be friendly to others B. be honest to parents C
help others sincerely D. work hard to achieve success 4. Zenia: Look! The park is not well preserved. The
grass grows tall. You're right. Visitors may be reluctant to visit Dika Zenia Dika That's right. A. People
must not visit this park B. People have to obey the regulation. C. The management should take care of
the park well. D. The management must issue a strict regulation.
The following dialog is for questions 5 to 7 Dena : Don't listen to music using an earphone while
recharging your phone. Andri: What's the matter? Dena : It's very dangerous, you know. Andri: Only a
few minutes. Only one song. Dena You must stop it. Otherwise, you might suffer from an electrical
shock. Andri: 0.K. I'll turn it off now. Dena Never do it again, O.K.? It's for your safety. Andri: I won't.
Thanks for reminding me. 5. Why does Dena scold Andri? A He is listening to music too loud. B. He is
recharging his phone too long. C. He is making a call while recharging. D. He is listening to musing using
an earphone while recharging his phone. 6. What will probably happen if Andri ignores Dena's warning?
A. His phone will be broken. B. He might get an electrical shock. C. His phone will turn off automatically.
D. The battery cannot be recharged any longer. 7. Dena says, "It's for your safety" The underlined word
is closest in meaning to A. health B. comfort C security curiosity D. The following dialog is for questions 8
to 10. Tia : Tia, as far as I know, this is not the entrance for visitors. Ella: I ever passed through this way
and entered from that door. Tia : Look at the sign! The door is for staff only. We should find another
entrance. Ella: You're right, but the main entrance is far from here. We must turn around the building.
Tia : It's okay. We have no choice, don't we? Ella: Wait, I will ask the security guard over there Who
knows, he knows a nearby entrance. Tia: That's a great idea.

8 Why are Tia and Ella forbidden to enter through the door? The door is locked. The door is for staff
only. The door is the main entrance. D. The door is an emergency exit. B. 9. Ella says, "We should find
another entrance." She says the sentence in order to A. allow B. instruct C. prohibit recommend D. 10.
What will Tia and Ella do after the conversation? They will return home. B. They will meet a security
guard. C. They will enter the building. D. They will go to the main entrance. The following dialog is for
questions 11 to 13. Kinar: Where are you going, Nita? Nita I am going to a new public library. I want to
borrow reference books. Kinar: I'm going there too. I also want to borrow similar books. Nita Have you
had a membership card? Kinar: Not yet. You must have it to borrow books. Kinar: I see. What are the
requirements to register? Only show your student card and fill in the Nita Nita registration form. It's
free. Kinar: The library must be spacious with many book collections. I'll be confused to find the suitable
ones. Nita You should browse the books via the library's online catalog. If you want to register, just tell
me. I will accompany you. Kinar That's very kind of you. Thanks. (11 What are the speakers talking
about? A. An online catalog A membership card C. Reference books D. A new public library B.

12 What does Nita suggest to find a book easily? Have a membership.card Ask a librartan for help Look
for the book on the shelves D Check the book from its online catalog 13. What must a person do to
register? Bring several books V Pay a registration fee Hand in the member card to the staff Show the
identity card and fill the form The following text is for questions 14 and 15. TURN OFF YOUR PHONE
BEFORE ENTERING THE SCHOOL BUILDING Where do you see the text? A. In a classroom In a laboratory
On a school gate D. In a teacher room B. 15. If the students ignore the text, it means that the rules. B.
they. A. obey C break make D. move The following text is for questions 16 and 17. WARNING!
are forbidden to open the device. B. People should use low voltage. C People must not disconnect the
power. D. People must turn off the power before opening the device 17. Why should people pay
attention to the warning? A. To increase the voltage B. To decrease the voltage C To save people around
them D. To save themselves from dangers
This following text is for questions 18 to 20. Good morning students. This is Mr. Dony. I will inform you
that we will have a class in the laboratory next week All of you must wear lab coats and masks. You must
wash your hands before entering and after leaving the library. You are not allowed to bring food and
drinks inside You must use the tools carefully. After using them, you must clean them and place them on
the appropriate shelves. You are responsible for handling the tools properly. Obey the rules while you
are in a laboratory. Thank you for your attention. 18. What is the text about? Rules in a laboratory
Students' obligations at school B. Students' responsibilities at school C. Prohibited activities in a
laboratory D. 19. What must the students do after finishing the activity? Wear masks B. Wear lab coats
Clean the tools C. D. Use the tools properly 20. According to the text, what is forbidden to do? A. Eat
snacks B. Wash hands C Place the tools on the shelves D. Leave drinking bottles in a classroom

B. Fill in the blanks correctiy The following dialog is for numbers 1 and 2. Rina: You look sad. What's the
problem? My grandma is being hospitalized, but I can't opa visit her. Rina: We are not allowed to visit a
patient to protect us and the patient from the spread of infectious diseases. That's a rule. But I miss her
and I want to meet her. opa Rina I know. You can have a video call with her. opa That's the option I
have. 1. From the dialog we can conclude that we have the hospital rules. We are forbidden to. certain
diseases. piOAe o1 Your friend has an idea to donate, but she/he doesn't know how to do it You should
say, 3. 4. You read a notice on the door of a library saying TAKE OFF YOUR SHOES WHEN ENTERING You
see your friend wearing a pair of shoes when entering the room. You should say, 5. PLEASE DO NOT
TOUCH THE ARTWORKS The notice means that we

C Create a dialog using expressions you have learned in this chapter

Mid-Term Test Choose A, B, G or D for the correct answer The following dialog is for questions 1 to 3,
Guys, could I get your attention, please? Sure. What is it, Sekar? I'd like to inform you all that our History
assignment should be submitted today via online So, anyone who hasn't submitted it can post it through
the school's website. The deadline is today at 8 PM. O.K, thank you, Sekar May I ask you a question?
Sure. What is it? Would you share the format of the assignment submission? I have shared it in our
group chat few minutes ago. You can check it there. Sekar Bening Sekar Bening Ily Sekar Sekar 1. What is
the dialog about? The announcement of the History assignment submission B. The portal used to submit
the History assignment The format of the assignment submission The deadline of the History assignment
D. Who is Sekar? A. She is the administrator of the school's website She is a class captain. B. She is a
teacher's assistant She is a History teacher. Where does the conversation probably occur? A In a public
library In a laboratory C Ina teachers' room In a classroom B. D. The following dialog is for questions 4 to
6. You look very troubled. What are you carrying on your shoulder? This is the exhaust system of a car. It
looks so heavy. Let me help you then. Thank you. Anyway, what will you do with it? I'm going to attach it
onto my car's engine. to replace the old one. Tian Tian

Firli : Can you do it yourself? Tian. Of course, I can. It is not a blg problem. 4. What will Tian probably do
after the conversation7 Install the exhaust system to his car B. Repair his car's engine Test his car's
engine D. Ask Firli to help him 5. Why does Tian need to buy the item? A. The car won't start without it.
B. He needs it to replace the old one. C He needs to modify his car. D. Firli asks Tian to replace it. What
can you conclude about Firli's character? A. Talkative B. Helpful C. D. Smart 8uons The following dialog is
for questions 7 to 10. Windy You're packing now. Where are you going? I'm going to Makassar
tomorrow for a business reason. Darma Windy By plane? Yes. Why? You should prepare a health
certificate to prove that you are healthy. Have you had Darma Windy Of course, I have. I went to the
clinic this morning. How long will you be there? Um, around a week. Well then, you should bring more
clothes You should also prepare toiletries and medicine. Oh, one more thing, don't forget to bring extra
masks and hand sanitizer for your safety. Darma Windy Darma Windy Darma You're right. Thanks for
reminding me. 7. What should Darma prepare for traveling by plane? A. A health certificate B. Tolletries
and medicine C More clothes D. Extra masks

8. What is the purpose of Darma's trip? A. To have a medical check-up B. To visit his colleagues To
attend a business meeting D. To go for a holiday 9. How long will Darma stay in Makassar? A. One day
only B. Not more than three days C. Less than five days Around seven days D. 10. What do you think of
Windy's character? A. Helpful B. Caring C. Humble D. Diligent The following dialog is for questions 11 to
14. Ari, what are you doing now? Nothing. Mom. I'm only browsing the Internet. Mother Would you do
me a favor, please? Sure. What is it, Mom? Please go to Mrs. Dewi's house to fetch the fried chicken
that l've ordered for Mother Mother dinner. I've paid the bill. : O.K., Mom. After that, please go to Mr.
Budi's grocer store to buy a bottle of spicy sauce. We'r running out of it. Here is the money. All right,
Mom. Is there anything else? Mother Ari Mother Nope! That's all. Thank you, dear. : You're welcome.
11. Ari's mother asks, "Ari, what are you doing Mou What is her intention of asking that question? A. To
inform Ari's activity at the moment B. To ask Ari about his daily routines C. To make sure that Ari is not
doing something important now D. To convince Ari that she needs help 12. What is the money for? A. To
pay for Mrs. Dewi's fried chicken B. To buy spicy sauce from a grocery store C. To travel to his
destinations D. To prepare for money changes 13. Where does the conversation probably take place? A.
In Mrs. Dewi's house B. In a grocery store C Ina food stall D. In Ari's house

14. Ari's mother says, "Would you do me a please?" Her sentence can be best replaced with A Could you
help me, please? B. Would you please come here? C Would you like me to help you? Could you find
someone to help me? D.The following dialog is for questions 15 to 17.Dini : Sorry for disturbing you. Are
you still busy? Erik : That's O.K. What's up?Dini : I don't know how to print this document. Can you show
me how to do it?Erik : All right. You have to set the page layout and print area of the document. Dini :
O.K. I've done it.Erik : When everything is done, you have to make sure that the printer is on and there is
paper in the printer. Dini : All right. Thank you for your help. Erik : It's not a big deal. 15. Dini says, "Sorry
for disturbing you." What does it mean? A She asks for Erik's favor. B. She forgives Erik for his mistake. C.
She offers help to Erik sincerely. D. She tries to get Erik's attention. 16. What can you conclude from the
dialog? A. Dini cannot set up the document's page layout well. Erik is not doing anything when Dini asks
for help. C. Dini forgets to put paper in the printer. D. Erik knows how to print documents. B. 17, How
does Erik help Dini? By printing the document himself B. By asking somebody else to help her C. By
telling her the steps to print a document D. By preparing all of the printing equipment The following
dialog is for questions 18 to 2o. Duri : Are you going to Kalimantan next week? Rayhan: No, l'm not going
anywhere. I think the jamboree in Kalimantan will be canceled. Duri Why? Rayhan During the pandemic,
we are not allowed to hold events that can potentially make crowds. Duri : What if all participants
comply with health protocols tightly? Can the jamboree still be run?
Rayhan : I don't think so It is going to be very difficult. There is no way to continue We're afraid that
there will be many new cases if we insist to hold the jamboree during this situation. We have to obey
the government's instruction. Duri : You're right.18. What are the speakers talking about? A The
alternative jamboree event during the pandemic situation B. The cancellation of the jamboree in
Kalimantan C: The strict health protocols in a jamboree event D The government's instruction during the
pandemic situation. 19. What does Rayhan probably feel in the situation? A. Nervous B. Miserable C
Disoriented D. Disappointed 20. Rayhan says, "We're afraid that there will be many new cases if we
insist to hold the Jamboree during this situation." What is the synonym of the underlined word? A Force
B. Expect C. Operate D. Emphasize. The following dialog is for questions 21 to 24. What are you doing
here? I'm looking for Mr. Gunawan's room, Mr. Tanto Fiko Mr. Tanto Didn't you read the sign? This is a
sterile room. Only authorized personnels can enter. You are not allowed to enter this room without any
sterilization treatment. Ooops, I'm sorry, Sir. I didn't notice the Fiko Mr. Tanto uSis If you're looking for
Mr. Gunawan, you can find him in the lab's assistant room. It is in the corner of this building I see. Thank
you, Sir, and I'm sorry for bothering you. It's not a big deal. Fiko Mr. Tanto 21) Where does this
conversation probably take place? A In a clínic B. In a hospital C Ina laboratory In a classroom D.

22. What is the relationship between Mr Tanto and Mr Gunawan? A Boss and employee B Doctor and
nurse C. Colleagues D. Classmates 23 Why can't Fiko enter the room? A. Mr. Tanto hasn't asked him to
enter the room yet B He doesn't have a ticket to enter the room C. It is Mr. Tanto's private room. D Mr.
Tanto doesn't know him 24. What should people do before entering the room A. Remove their shoes B.
Show their official ID cards C. Be stenilized with certain treatments D. Ask for Mr. Gunawan's permission
The following dialog is for questions 25 to 27. Narum : Hey, why do you look so sad? What's happening
to you? Tyas : My teacher told me that I received a bad seki Narum mark for my previous assignment.
She told me that if my final assignment is as bad as this one, I won't possibly continue to the upper
grade. What should I do? Narum : I see. You should not feel depressed. Your teacher just wants you to
be the best version of yourself. All you need to do is to prove that you can do better. Tyas : But, how?
I've put everything that I have. You have to believe in yourself. I'm sure if you have the willingness to
study harder, you will be able to catch up. Tyas : You're right Narum : Don't worry I'lhelp you achieve
better marks. Tyas : Thank you, Narum. I'm relieved now. Narum : I'm glad to hear that. 25, What is
Narum doing in the dialog? A. Encouraging Tyas to study harder B. Showing Tyas a good way of studying
C Promising Tyas that she will study hard D. Showing the teacher that Tyas studies hard 26. What will
probably happen if Tyas' mark is as bad as the previous one ? A She will get a remedial test. B. She
cannot go to the upper class. C Her scholarship will be revoked. D. She will move to another school.

27) What can you learn from the dialog? Cheer upt Every problem will end up happily Belleve in yourself
and be optimistic that you can do better Be grateful for our condition, no matter C. how bad it is. Never
let anyone bother your process in D. achieving your dreams. For questions 28 to 30, choose the correct
words to complete the dialog. Tyo, you ever lived in Yogyakarta, didn't you? Yes, I did. Why I will
continue my studies there. So, I will live there for a quite long time. Could you please tell me about the
dos and don'ts when living there? Well, several traditions and customs still exist in Yogyakarta. Many
people practice them to show their respect to others. First, Roni bow when you pass in (8z) nok front of
people, especially the elderly, and say, "Excuse me." All right, I will remember that What else? You must
be friendly to anyone who greets you. I'm sure you will face this kind of situation there. So, you have to
socialize with your (29). I think it is a common thing to do in every place. You're right. There are still
many others, but I'm sure you will learn it (30). when you've already been there. I think so. I can't wait to
move to Yogyakarta. I'm sure you'll enjoy staying there. Roni Tyo and behave well. Roni Roni 28. A. must
B. PinoM Pino 29. A family teachers D. B. spuauj D. neighbors B. quickly quietly 30. A. traditionally C.
barely D. B. Fill in the blanks correctly. The following dialog is for numbers 1 to 3. Where are you going,
Farhan? I am going to the course What's up? Rita Farhan.

Rita : You should save the water. Farhan : What do you mean? Rita : You must not leave the water
flowing. Farhan : I never do that Rita : Are you sure? Farhan : I am. Rita : But not this time You forgot to
turn off the water tap after washing your hands, didn't you?Farhan : You're right. Sorry, I forgot Rita :
You must turn off the water tap befor leaving. Farhan : I know. Thanks. 1. In the dialog, Rita is asking
Farhan to......2. From the dialog, we know that Farhan is a....... person. 3. From the dialog, we can learn
that The following dialog is for numbers 4 and 5. Dirga : Listen to me, please. Sari : What's the matter,
Dirga? Dirga : Our school will celebrate Earth Day. The Student Asscociation will be holding a Dirga
meeting to discuss it. What do you think if we propose a tree planting activity on the hill near our
school? Sari : That's a good idea. Let's talk about it in the meeting. Sari : Anyway, my aunt works for the
Forestry ues Ministry. I think she can help us provide the trees. Dirga That's great! Sari What should we
do now? Dirga : You may contact your aunt and discuss it further with her. I will make the concept and
present it in the meeting. Do you get it?. Sari : Yes, I do. 4. To celebrate Earth Day, the speakers have an
idea to 5. The activity may be sponsored by as the tree provider. C. Make a simple dialog showing one's
capability and willingness.


Competent Basic 3.4 apply social functions, text structure, and linguistic elements of spoken and written
interpersonal interaction texts that involve the act of ordering, inviting, asking for permission, and
responding to them, according to the context of their use. 44 compiling very short and simple oral and
written interpersonal interaction texts involving the act of ordering, inviting, asking for permission, and
responding to them by paying attention to social functions, text structures, and linguistic elements that
are correct and in context.

Objectives: Students are able to identify kinds of expressions to instruct, invite, ask for permission and
respond to them accurately after practicing several dialogs. Students are able to identify the use of
imperative sentences and modal 'may' accurately after practicing several dialogs. Students are able to
compose spoken and written texts expressing orders, invitations, requests of permission, and
responding those expressions accurately after doing several English activities. Students are able to use
imperative sentences and modal 'may' correctly after doing several English activities. Students are able
to use relevant vocabularies accurately after doing several English activities. The students are hopefully
also: feeling grateful for having an opportunity to learn and speak English appropriately and fluently;
behaving actively, politely, cooperatively, confidently and respectively when speaking with other people.
CHAPTER IV Let's Watch the Performance AI Look at the picture carefully. What are the students doing?
Suppose you are in charge of conducting an activity (preparing a school musical performance) and you
are the chairperson. You would give your friends instructions when distributing tasks to them. What
would you say to your friends? Furthermore, what would you say to invite your friends to watch your
performance? Then, how would your friends ask for their parents' permission to watch the show? In this
chapter you will learn about expressions of instructing, inviting, and asking for permission, and their
suitable responses. Hopefully, you will be able to give orders (instructions), invite people, ask for
permission, and their suitable responses accurately Do all the activities attentively and speak English
during the lessons.

Activity 1 Look at the following picture. Write as many imperative sentences as possible which suit the
situation in the picture Read your work aloud, in turns. 1. 2 Please clean the window Examples: Please
move the sofa over there Picture 4.2 Preparing musical performance Mustrator Anes Setyawan

Activity 2 Pructice the following dialogs with your friend Dialog 1 Ratna : We only have two days to
prepare for our musical performance. I hope we can finish it on time. Nita : I hope so. We must prepare
the stage and props properly so that everything will run smoothly during the performance. Welly : l
agree. Ratna : Now, let's get started. Nita, please finish the stage background that you made yesterday.
Ratna : Thanks Welly, piease help me move this sofa to the center. Welly : Sure, but let me sweep the
floor first. Ratna : O.K.I will help Nita then Ratna Dialog 2 Do you have time tomorrow afternoon. Aunt
Nadya? 1guess so. Why? rd like to invite you to watch a musical show at my school It sounds interesting.
Will you perform in the show? Yes, my classmates andto invite one person besides our I will perform in
the show Great, but l'm not a student's parent. Is it all right? Yes, we're allowed family. O.K. I'd love to
come Thanks for inviting me. dear You're welcome. Aunty. rury Mrs. Nadya Ratna Mrs. Nadya Ratna
Mrs. Nadya Mrs. Nadya Ratna at omung

Activity 3 Pronounce the following words properly. What do the words mean? 1. prepare 3. musical 5.
smoothly 7. invite 9. interesting /pri'per/ /'mju:zikal/ /'smu:ðli/ /in'vait/ /'in.tri.stin/ 2. stage /steidz/ 4.
background /'bæk.graund/ /hæv taim/ 6. have time 8. perform 10. show /u:c.ed/ /nof/ Activity 4 Make
sentences using the words from Activity 3. Read your sentences aloud and record it. Activity 5 Read the
following sentences. Discuss the function(s) and form of the sentences with your friend. 1. Don't forget
to wear a T-shirt. 2. Let's walk together to Santi's house. 3. Wear your mask properly. 4. Be on time.
Don't let me wait too long.

Learning Materials Expression Instructing The sentences in Activity 5 are called instructions The
sentences are used to ask someone to do something. We must do it politely. To make our instructions or
requests sound polite, we may use the word "please" Study the following examples of instructions.
Table 4.1 Expressions of instructing and responding Instructing Response Yes, Sir Pay attention please
Read the text aloud, please. Turn off the lamp before going to bed, please. Water the fiowers regularly,
please. Please open your book on page 43 Don't forget to lock the door Let's meet at my house at 3 PM.
Let's summarize this article now. Yes, Ma'am. O.K., Dad Sure, no problem. O.K, Sir Certainly, I won't. All
right. Sure. Let's do it. Note: For instructions expressing warnings, use "Don't + verb base",

Grammar Imperative An imperative sentence issues a request, gives a command, or expresses a desire
or wish. It is different from a statement (a declarative sentence), expressions of strong feeling
(exclamatory sentences), or questions (interrogative sentences). It starts with a verb base. See the
following examples Catch the ball. Close the window. Do your homework Please use Be if the imperative
sentences have no verbs. See the examples. Be quiet. Be nice. Be polite. Imperative sentences are
usually short and simple, but they can be long, compound or complex as well. A few of the simplest
sentences in English are actually imperative sentences consisting of a single verb, such as Stop!; Go!;
Hurry! Imperative sentences end with a period (.) or an exclamation mark (!), depending on the strength
of emotion you wish to convey. See the examples Get out of here! Don't touch the window! Clean up
your room, now! To make imperative sentences sound polite, use "please" Examples: Pass me the sugar,
please. Sweep the floor, please. Please walk through this alley and turn right at the next hallway Please
make an outline, then develop it into a sequential text.

Activity 6 Practice the dialog with your friend. Answer the questions that follow. Susan : Where have you
been, Mita? You know, you have to submit your work before 11 AM. You only have 5 minutes to submit
your work now. Mita : I've been from the principal's office. He asked me to meet him, to talk about the
school charity event. Has everyone already submitted their works? Susan : Yes, we have. Ms. Mutiara
asked me about yours, but I said I didn't know. Mita : Where is Ms. Mutiara now? Susan : She's in her
room. Hurry up, catch her up now! Otherwise, she'll be leaving the school soon. Mita : 0.K., thanks.

Questions: 1. Where do you think the dialog takes place? What time does the conversation occur? 2. 3.
Who is Ms. Mutiara? 4. What should Mita and her classmates do? 5. Why has Mita not done it yet?
What will Mita do after the conversation? 6. 7. What expression of instructing is there in the dialog?
What will happen if Mita returns to the class very late? 8.

Activity 7 Complete the following short dialogs with suitable instructions using the words in brackets See
the example. Then, practice the dialogs with your friend. Example: I have a special gift for you. Here you
are. Please open it (open]. I hope you like it. What a nice bracelet! I like it, thanks Lala Donna 1. Mr.
Purnomo Have you finished typing your work, Dera? Almost, Dad. Mr. Purnomo [shut down] when you
have done. Dera Sure. 2. Mrs. Laila Romi Mrs. Laila How's your feeling now, dear? I'm having a stuffy
nose and my dizzy is worse than before, Mom. I see. OK, Mom. [change ]. We're seeing a doctor. Could
you please drive me to the train station? Sure. Thank you. I'm running out of time. I need to catch my
train at 8 PM. Don't worry, Sir. I believe we still can get there on time. OK I count on you. 3. Ilham Driver
Ilham [drive], please. Driver Ilham Ardi, did you see Bella? Yes, I did. She passed by five minutes ago. I
don' t think she has gone far: 4. Mona (go] and you might catch her up at the front gate. Mona OK,
thanks Are you leaving now? Yes. My friends have been waiting for me. 5. Tami Reno Tami [forget ] to
wear your mask and bring hand sanítizer. Reno Oh, I almost forgot. Thank you f or reminding me Lers
See he Pedme
Activity 8 Work in pairs. Make suitable instructions and responses based on the following pictures and
keywords Number one has been done for you. 1. Ilustrator : Aries Setyawan clothes Your friend : Wash
the clothes, please. You : Sure. Your friend : Thank you. 2. Illustrator Aries Setyawan : floor 3. Illustrator:
Aries Setyawan : little brother. 4. Illustrator: Aries Satyewan shoes 5. lilustrator. Aries Setyawan
whiteboard 6. Illustrator : fence

Activity 9 Practice the following dialogs with your friend Pay attention to the sentences in bold. 1.
Kinanti : Where are you going. Bagas? Bagas : I'm going to the canteen Would you like to join? Kinanti :
No, thanks. I'm full. Bagas : O.K I'm leaving now. 2. Laras : Let's go to a computer fair. Fikri : What's
interesting about it? Laras : It offers 30 percent discounts for USB sticks and computer accessories on
the first day. Fikri : O.K., I'd love to go. Laras : Great! What about today after school? I will ask Sasti to
join us.Fikri : O.K.

3. Mita : What a nice day! It's a perfect time to go swimming, in't it? Sasti : Definitely! So, would you like
to go swimming now?Mita : I would love to. O.K. I'm going back now to tell my mom. Please walt. Santi :
Sure Ill be waiting for you. 4. Fikri : I have two invitations to attend an education fair. Would you like to
come to the event with me? Kinanti : When will it be? Fikri : It will be held next Saturday afternoon.
Kinanti : I'm so sorry. I have promised to visit my grandmother.

Learning Material Expression Inviting Observe the sentences in bold in the dialogs in Activity 9 The
sentences "Would you like to join?. "Let's go to a computer fair". "So, would you like to go swimming
now?", and "Would you like to come to the event with me?" are said to invite someone to go to the
canteen, to visit a computer fair, "I would love to." are said to accept invitations, while the sentences
"No, thanks. I'm full." and "I'm so sorry. I have promised to visit my grandmother." are said to decline or
refuse invitations. Study other expressions on the following table. Table 4.2 Expression of inviting,
accepting, and declining an invitation Accepting Declining Inviting Let's go to the canteen for lunch. Let's
do our group assignment this afternoon. Good ideal Let's go Sure, no problem Sorry. I've brought lunch
from home I'd love to, but I'm very tired. Let's do it tomorrow I'd love to Thank you Sure, thank you
Sorry I have joined Tama's study club Why don't you join our study club? Would you go to the party with
me? There is a music concert Why don't we go along? with Sarah That sounds interesting. Sure. Sorry
but I don 't really like seeing a concertLearning Material Expression Inviting Observe the sentences in
bold in the dialogs in Activity 9 The sentences "Would you like to join?. "Let's go to a computer fair". "So,
would you like to go swimming now?", and "Would you like to come to the event with me?" are said to
invite someone to go to the canteen, to visit a computer fair, "I would love to." are said to accept
invitations, while the sentences "No, thanks. I'm full." and "I'm so sorry. I have promised to visit my
grandmother." are said to decline or refuse invitations. Study other expressions on the following table.
Table 4.2 Expression of inviting, accepting, and declining an invitation Accepting Declining Inviting Let's
go to the canteen for lunch. Let's do our group assignment this Good ideal Let's go Sure, no problem
Sorry. I've brought lunch from home I'd love to, but I'm very tired. Let's do it tomorrow I'd love to Thank
you Sure, thank you Sorry I have joined Tama's study club Why don't you join our study club? Would you
go to the party with me? There is a music concert Why don't we go along? with Sarah That sounds
interesting. Sure. Sorry but I don 't really like seeing a concert
Activity 10 Answer the following questions based on the dialogs in Activity 9. 1. According to the 1st
dialog, what is Bagas going to do? 2. How does Kinanti réspond to Bagas' invitation? Why? 3. According
to the 2nd dialog, where do the speakers plan to go? 4. Why are they interested to go there? 5. When
will they go there? 6. According to the 3rd dialog, what is the day like? 7. What do the speakers agree
on? 8. Why does Mita need to go home first? 9. According to the 4th dialog, what is Fikri doing? 10.
What is Kinanti's response?

Activity 11 Scan the QR code. Listen to the dialog attentívely. Complete the following dialog based on
what you have heard. Then, practice the dialog with your friend. for this Sunday? Sinta : Hi, Winda. Good
morning. (1) Winda : Good morning, Sinta. I'm going to watch a traditional dance competítion in the city
hall. Sinta Winda (2) It does. Would like to go with me? *(3). party. Sinta It is my parents' anniversary
and we are going to hold a simple Winda : I see. Well then, please pass on my congratulations to your
parents. I will, thanks. By the way, (4) pass on your greetings to them by yourself. Sinta to our house for
the party? You can Winda : May I? : Certainly! I'm sure they'll love to meet you. It's been a while you
don't go to my house. Sinta Winda : What time will it be? Sinta : At 10 o'clock. Winda : The competition
will start at 1 PM. O.K., (5) Sinta Thank you. :You're welcome.

Activity 13 Complete the following dialogs with suitable sentences from the box. Practice the dialogs
with your friend. Let's go there It is around a month from now Will you accompany me to the city park
Sukma, do you have a plan for this Sunday morning If that's so, would you spend the day in my house
Let me text her now Please let me know your answer soon I do not know what to say I'd love to OK, I'll
go with you Well, I don't like spending money on items only because they are cheap It sounds
interesting, but I can't go.

Dialog 1 Agung : Kemal, do you have time today, after school? Kemal : Yes, I'm free. What's up?
Agung : ..................(1) Kemal : Why do you need to go there? Agung : l'd like to take pictures of the park
for my Indonesian writing assignment Kemal : I see (2).........but I need to tell my mom first. Agung :
Sure, no problem. (3)........ Kemal : Definitely. (4)............ Agung : Thanks. Kemal : You're welcome. Dialog
2 Linda : (5)...........? Sukma : Nope! Linda : Listen, Citra Mall offers a big sale until this Sunday.
(6).............There may be cheap items that we like. Sukma : (7........) Linda : Why? Sukma : (8)...........
Linda : . You're right. (9).............? We can watch movies together. Sukma : (10) .............I'll be at your
house at 9 AM. Linda : No problem.

Activity 14 Answer the following questions based on the dialogs in Activity 13 1. What is the topic of the
two dialogs? 2 What is Agung's plan this afternoon? 3 Why does he need to go there? 4. Why has Kemal
not answered Agung's invitation right away? 5. What is Kemal golng to do after the conversation? 6
What are the Linda and Sukma talking about? 7 Where does Linda ask Sukma to go? 8. Why does Linda
ask Sukma to go there? 9. Why is Sukma reluctant to go there? 10. What do Linda and Sukma finally plan
to do together?

Activity 15 Practice the following dialogs with your friend. See the sentences in bold. Dialog 1 Andika :
Danu will be holding his painting exhibition this weekend. May I attend it, Mom? Mrs. Asri : Where will it
be held? Andika : In his father's gallery, on Jalan Gatot Subroto. Mrs. Asri : Sure. How will you go there?
Andika : Well, I'll go there by bus. Mrs. Asri : Do you know which bus you should take? Andika : I do.

Dialog 2 Bunga : Excuse me, sir. Mr. Irawan : Yes, Bunga. What can I do for you? Bunga : May I bring the
encyclopedia into my class, Sir? Mr. Irawan : I'm sorry, Bunga, you may not. You can only read the
encyclopedias in the library. Bunga : But I need it to finish my work now, Sir.Mr.Irawan : If that's so, you
may copy the maretials you need. Of course, you have to pay for it. Bunga : I see. Well, please copy the
materials between pages 34 and 38, Sir. Mr Irawan: O.K., please wait. Bunga Yes, Sir.

Learning Materials Expression Asking for Permission Observe the sentences in bold in the dialogs in
Activity 15. The sentences are said to ask for permission ("May I attend it, Mom?" and "May I take the
encyclopedia into my class, Sir?" ) and to respond to the requests by giving permission ("Sure.") and
refusing to give permission ("I'm sorry, Bunga, you may not."). Study other expressions to ask for
permissions as follows. Table 4.3 Asking for permission and responding Asking for Permiasion. Giving
Permisslon Refusing to Give Permission May I use your pen, please? Can I turn on the music, Mom? Do
you mind if I sit here? Could I submit the assignment tomorrow morning? Would you allow me to leave
the meeting now? Sure. Here it is. Yos, of course. Not at all. Please. O.K., but before the bell rings. Sorry,
I'm using it now. Sorry It's already occupled. Sorry, dear You should study now Sorry, you have to submit
it today Sure, you may leave. Sorry, but the meeting is very important.

Grammar Modal 'May' Many expressions of asking for permission begin with the word 'may'. 'May' is a
modal auxiliary. It is followed by a verb base. You use it líke an auxiliary in the interrogative and negative
forms. For example: May I go out? No, you may not. Characteristics: It has no infinitive form. It has no
participle. So, if you want to use it in a tense which is not in present form, you have to use 'to be allowed

Functions: 1. To express permission Examples: • May I go swimming, Mom? You may close the door. 2
To express probability Examples: Irma may feel sad if you move. Bobi may be sick, so he is absent today.
3. To express wishes Examples: • May all your wishes come true! May your new baby bring a lot of
happiness to your family.

Activity 16 Complete the following statements based on the dialogs in Activity 15 Read your answers
aloud, in turns. Dialog 1 1. The conversation takes place in 2 Mrs. Asri is Andika's 3. Danu is going to 4
Andika asks for Mrs. Asri' attend the event. 5. Andika will go to the event by....Dialog 2 1.The
conversation takes place in..... 2 The conversation occurs between, 3. Bunga intends to 4 Bunga is only
allowed to . 5.She needs to copy the materials in the encyclopedia between,

Activity 17 Complete the following dialogs with suitable words from the box. Practice the dialogs with
your friend. May I know the exact time Where will you go on the next holiday, Dewa OK, I think I can do
it I'd love to, but I am afraid I Anyway, would you like to go to Bandung with us By the way, will you be
free next Wednesday afternoon, Ma'am Of course, I have We meet every Wednesday afternoon let me
ask for my parents' permission first Will you please help me Thank you for agreeing to be our guest
speaker, Ma'am What's up may bother your family
Dialog 1 Fikri : Excuse me. Ma'am Ms. Margo Yes, Fikri. (1)Fikri : My school has an English club (2) Ms.
Margo : That's great! Fikri : Thank you (3) Ms. Margo : Why? Fikri : We would like to invite you to be a
guest speaker for our English club. Ms. Margo : (4)..........I have a plan at around four thirty in the
afternoon.Fikri : Our club starts at 2 PM and ends at 4 PM. Ms. Margo : (5)......... What is the topic? Fikri :
It is up to you, Ma'am. Ms. Margo : 0K. I'll think about the topic and let you know as soon as possible
Fikri : (6)........Ms. Margo : You're welcome Dialog 2 Awan : (7)..........? Dewa : My family and I will visit
my uncle in Bandung. Awan : That's interesting! Bandung is a cozy town to spend the holiday. Dewa : It
is. (8)......... Awan : (9)........ Dewa : Not at all Dont feel like that. Awan : O.K. then, but (10). Dewa : Sure

Activity 18 Arrange the following sentences to form sequential dialogs. Then, practice the dialogs with
your friend. Dialog 1 Mr. Satria Maya That's a good thing. Take as many magazine as you need, but do
not mess them Then, lock the room when you have finished. I collect them in a box, in the warehouse.
You're welcome. Of course, I have Sure. Why do you need them? Are you going to make a scrapbook?
Sure, Dad. Thanks. Dad, do you have unused magazines or newspapers? I see. May I take some? No.
Dad. I'm going to practice how to recycle paper Where are they? Dialog 2 Saras Bagas Don't worry, I
won't be long. OK, I'm leaving now. I will. You're welcome. Anyway, may I use your bicycle? I need to go
to Aska's house. She's going to Mrs Arista's house. Why? Yes, I have plenty Of course, you may. Please
take as many sheets as you need I put it in the shelf under the printer O.K take care Wear your mask and
bring hand sanitizer Thanks, brother Bagas, where is mom? Sure, but please be home before four. I'm
going to visit Sania. Then, may I take several? I've run out of paper to print my assignment, but I don't
have enough money to buy some Do you have extra sheets of paper?

Activity 19 Work in pairs. Create dialogs based on the following situations. Practice the dialogs before
the class. 1. Your phone is running out of battery while you are hanging out with your friend. You ask for
his/her permission to use his/her power bank, to recharge your phone. How would the conversation go?
2. You have a plan to visit an educational fair in the city hall. You ask one of your friends to go with you
How would the conversation go? There are knocks on the door. You ask your brother/sister to open it
because you are in the middle of 3. cooking. How would the conversation go?

Activity 20 Decide one topic or situation and create a dialog. Use suitable expressions of instructing,
inviting, or asking for permission. Share your work with the class.

Activity 21 Homework Write instructions you find at school or suitable for your school. Share your work
with the class.

Self Reflection Write about your experience in learning this chapter Write about your feelings, how you
learned something, what you liked and didn't like, etc.

My New Words Write new words and their meanings which you have learned in this chapter.

Assessment A. Choose A. B. C or D for the correct answer. The following dialog is for questions 1 to 3.
Ella : Hi, Robi. Thank you for your birthday party invitation.Robi : Hi, Ella. My pleasure. So, you are
coming to my party, aren't you? Ella : Certainly! Besides, I won't miss a chance to RobElla meet our old
friends. Robi : Great! They will also be happy to meet you. Anyway, you should prepare yourself. Ella :
Why should I? Robi : Well, I'd like you to play the piano and sing. I know you have a beautiful voice. Ella :
O.K., no problem. Robi : Thanks. 1. Who are talking in the dialog? A. E-pals B. Siblings C Friends Relatives
D. 2 What may happen during the event? A. Ella will chitchat with her old friends. B. Robi will play the
piano while singing. C. Robi will sing a birthday song for Ella. D. Ella will meet many new friends. 3. What
is Robi going to do? Attend Ella's birthday party B. Hold his birthday party C Play the guitar D. Buy a
birthday gift for Ella. The following dialog is for questions 4 to 6. Mr. Tama : O.K. everyone. To begin our
lesson today, I'd like to ask you about your homework. Have you all done it? Students : Yes, Sir. Mr.
Tama : Good! Now, please share your work with the class. Who's going first? I will, Sir. O.K, Dinda, please
report your work Everyone, listen to Dinda's work carefully and make your comment on it.Students :
Yes, Sir

4. Where does the dialog take place? A At the schoolyard B. In a library C In ateacher's office D. In a
classroom 5.What does Mr Tama ask the students to do. A. To submit their homework soon C. To
exchange their works with others D. To read their works aloud, in turns B. To comment on the others'
works 6. According to the dialog, what should Dinda's friends do? A. Pay attention to her report B.
Evaluate her report C. Write the outline of her report D. Invite comments towards her report. The
following dialog is for questions 7 to 10. Bagas : Dinda, let's do the group work this Sunday at 9 AM.
Dinda : Sure. Where are we going to do it? Saskia : What about at my house? Bagas : No problem.
Dinda : That's fine, but I don't know your house. Saskia : It's not difficult. Just take a bus number 10 and
stop at Sumber Sehat Pharmacy's bus stop. My house is next to the pharmacy. Dinda : I see. Saskia : Call
me when you have arrive at the bus stop. Dinda : Sure, I will. What about you, Bagas? Do you know
Saskia's house? Bagas : Yeah, I've been there twice. You know, we've been classmates since the seventh
grade. Saskia : O.K., everyone, I'll see you at my house this Sunday morning. 7 What can you conclude
from the dialog? A. Dinda asks for directions. B. Bagas and Dinda plan to visit Saskia. C The speakers plan
to do a group work D. Dinda invites Saskia and Bagas to drop by her house.

8. From the dialog we know that.... A. Saskia, Bagas, and Dinda are classmates B. Bagas and Dinda went
to the same elementary school C. Saskia has visited Dinda's house, but forgets the way D. Dinda's house
is behind Sumber Sehat Pharmacy's bus stop. 9 What will Saskia , Bagas, and Dinda do this Sunday
morning? A. Plan their activities for the day B. Discuss their group assignment . C. Play together at
Dinda's house . D. Do their individual assignments. 10. Dinda says, "Where are we going to do it? What
does the word 'it' refer to? A. The bus number 10 B. The group work C. Dinda's house D. Sumber Sehat
Pharmacy. The following dialog is for questions 11 and 12. Dimas : Would you like to have lunch with
my family tomorrow afternoon? We are going to celebrate my brother's graduation from university.
Yuda : l'd love to. Thanks. Anyway, where and when will it be? Dimas : Pari Sewu Restaurant, at 1 PM.
Yuda : OK I'll see you there. 11. Where will the speakers meet tomorrow? A. At Yuda's house B. At a
restaurant C. At a university D. At Dimas' house 12. What can we conclude from the dialog? A. Yuda
declines Dimas's invitation. B. Both of the speakers will have dinner together. C. Yuda's brother just
graduated from university. D. Dimas invites Yuda to his brother's celebration. The following dialog is for
questions 13 to 15. Bulan : May I go to Zita's birthday party this evening, Mom? Mrs. Soraya ; You may
not. You still look pale and should have a rest.
Bulan : Zita is my best friend. I don't want to disappoint her. Don't worry, Mom. I'm feeling better now.
Mrs. Soraya : All right, dear, but let me accompany you to the party. Bulan : O.K., Mom. Thank you. Mrs.
Soraya : You're welcome 13. What is the relationship between the speakers? A. Best friends. B. Doctor
and patient C. Mother and daughter D. Teacher and student 14. What are the speakers going to do? A
Have a rest B. See a doctor C. Hold a birthday party D. Attend a birthday party. 15.)From the dialog, we
can conclude that Bulan....... A. stays home this evening B. disappoints her friend C. looks healthy and
cheerful D. is recovering from sickness D. 16. Tika : Excuse me, Miss.......? My mother has just been
admitted to hospital. Ms. Mutiara : Sure. I hope there is nothing serious with your mother. A. May I
leave the class now B. Do you leave the class now C Will you leave the class now D. Can you leave the
class now 17 (1) Mrs. Ahmad : I see, but it's very cloudy now. (2) Mr. Ahmad : OK , you may go. Don't
forget to bring your raincoat. (3) Mrs. Ahmad : Bye, dear. Take care.(4) Mrs. Ahmad : Kiki, where are you
going? (5) kiki : Don't worry, Mom. I have put it in my bag. Bye, Mom.(6) kiki : I know, but I can't miss the
course. Tomorrow I will have an English test.(7) kiki : I'm going to the English course, Mom. The correct
arrangement of the sentences is

A. 4-5-1-6-2-7-3 B. 4-5-2-6-1-7-3 C. 4-7-1-5-2-6-3 D. 4-7 -1-6-2-5-3 For questions 18 to 20, choose the
correct words to complete the following dlalog. Mrs. Alya: Fikri, (18). Fikri Mrs. Alya Please collect the
old newspapers from here, please. : Yes, Mom. What is it? the rack and (19). them in the storeroom. :
Sure, Mom. Do you have a big box? Mrs. Alya : There is one in the storeroom. it yourself. Fikri Fikri : 0.K.,
Mom. 18. A. C. comes come B. came D. is coming B. place D. dispose 19. A. close C. scatter 20. A. Buy C.
Get B. Cut D. Keep B. Fill in the blanks correctly. 1. Complete the following dialog with suitable word.
Mrs. Farah : 0.K., students. Each of you has received the test paper and answer sheet, haven't you? :
Yes, Ma'am. Students Mrs. Farah : Now, please, your name on the answer sheet. Then, you may start
doing the test.

Students : All right, Ma'am. Mrs. Farah : Remember! Please keep......during the test. Do the test yourself
and don't...... Otherwise, you will be disqualified. Do you understand? Students : Yes, Ma'am. 2.
Aldi : the dance competition tomorrow? It will be the final round. Saras : Sure. My friends
and I would like to. 3. Kinanti asks, "Could I make notes in case I forget the dialog?" It means Kinanti asks
for........ For numbers 4 and 5, complete the dialogs with suitable imperative sentences using the words
in brackets. 4. Bony : Oh, I'm the canteen. [go] Sukma : Let's. I'd like to have a glass of iced
tea. 5. Calvin : Wow, this food stall is pretty crowded! Riko : You're right. Well, I have an
order and lI'll find seats for us. [stand in line] Calvin : O.K.

C. Create a dialog using expressions of instructing.


Basic Competence 3.5 compares social functions, text structure, and linguistic elements of several
special texts in the form of greeting cards, by giving and asking for information related to special days,
according to the context of their use 4.5 compiling special texts in the form of greeting cards, very short
and simple, related to special days by paying attention to social functions, text structure, and linguistic
elements, correctly and according to context.
CHAPTER Objectives Students are be able to identify the social function, text structure, and language
features of greeting cards accurately after reading several greeting cards. Students are be able to ask for
and provide information related to greeting cards accurately after doing several English activities.
Students are be able to create greeting cards meaningfully after doing several English activities. -
Students are be able to use relevant vocabulary accurately after doing several English activities. The
students are hopefully also: feeling grateful for having an opportunity to learn and speak English
appropriately and fluently: behaving bravely, actively, confidently, respectfully, and politely when
speaking with people.

CHAPTER V It's a Nice Greeting Card Look at the picture below A man is reading a message on his cell
phone. What kind of greeting is it? What is the greeting about? Why do you think a person sends such a
greeting? In this chapter you will learn about greeting cards Greeting cards come in different kinds and
functions. Have you ever received or made one? Do the activities in this chapter thoroughly, so you can
make your greeting cards meaningfully. Improve your English skills as well. Happy Teacher's Day

Activity 1 See the following short texts. Answer the questions based on the texts. 1. Congratulations on
winning the contest! Illustrator: Aries Setyawan 2. Please accept my condolences! Illustrator: Aries

.... ... .... Activity 2 Match each expression with its suitable purpose in the box. To express hopes on the
new year To express gratitude on Mother's Day To encourage a person To wish a sick person to recover
soon To congratulate a person on her baby's birth To say goodbye/bid farewell To congratulate a person
on his/her graduation To congratulate a person on his/her birthday To congratulate a person on his/her
new home To congratulate a person on his/her achievement To express sympathy/condolence 1.
Wishing you a happy birthday! 2. Happy New Year! Hope you will have more blessings in the year to
come. 3. You have shown that you're the best. Congrats! 4. Thinking of you and wishing you a quick
recovery. 5. Thanks for everything you have done for me! Happy Mother's Day! 6. Congratulations! May
the baby's birth always bring happiness to your life. 7 My deepest, most heartfelt condolences are with
you and your family. 8. Home is the place where you hang on to your dreams. Happy new home! 9. Be
the sunshine, then everything will be bright around you. 10. Farewell is not forever, only for a little while
until we meet again.

Activity 3 Practice the following dialogs with your friend. Then, answer the questions. Dialog 1 Deswita :
What are you doing Candra? Candra : I'm printing a card for my class teacher. Deswita : Is ít a birthday
card? Candra : No. My friends and I want to thank our teacher for her merits. We will give her a card on
the commemoration of Teachers' Day. Deswita : Nice idea! May I see the card? Candra : Sure. I've just
finished printing it. Deswita : It's beautiful! Did you design the card? Candra : I did. Deswita : I think
you're talented at graphic designing. Candra : Thanks. Picture 5.2 A Teacher's Day card Happy Teachers'
Day Questions: 1. Who is the card addressed to? 2. Why do Candra and his friends make the card? 3.
When will Candra and his friends deliver the card? 4. What is Deswita's opinion about the card? 5. Why
does Deswita think that Candra is talented at graphic designing?.

Dialog 2 Mrs. Dewi : You look happy after reading a chat on your phone. Is there any good news?
Galang : Yes, Mom. Mrs. Dewi : What's that? Galang : Lia sent me a card. Mrs. Dewi : May I see it?
Galang : Sure. Here it is. Mrs. Dewi : What a good giri! It shows that she really cares for you. Galang :
She does. She always encourages and motivates me. Being a candidate for the OSIS chairperson is a
challenge, but I believe you will do the best. I'll always support you. Mrs. Dewi : That's what a friend is
for. Anyway, why don't you send her a reply, to thank her? Galang : I will, Mom. Picture 53 An
encouragement card Questions: 1 Where does the dialog take place? 2 What does Galang feel?.3 Why
does he feel so? 4. In your opinion, what is Lia like? Why do you think so? 5. What will Galang do after
the conversation?.

Learning Material Short Functional Text Greeting Cards card as an illustrated message that expresses,
either seriously or humorously, affection goodwill, gratitude, sympathy, or other sentiments. Greeting
cards can be divided into two general classifications: seasonal and every day. Seasonal cards include
those for New Year, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Teachers' Day, graduation, etc. Everyday cants include
those for commemorating birthdays, anniversaries; expressing condolences, congratulations, or
friendship: as well as get-well cards, gift cards bon voyage cards, and thank-you cards. Here are several
expressions used in greeting cards. Happy birthday! Wish you all the best! Have a wonderful birthday!
Wish all your dreams come true! Happy Father's Day! Best wishes to you dearest Dad! Happy wedding
day! Lots of love for the newly-married couple! Congratulations on your new house! May it give you
happiness and prosperity! Congratulations on your graduation! Hopefully you are accepted at a favorite
school. Wishes for speedy recovery: Get well soon. I wish you a speedy recovery.Send you my brightest
wishes. Hope you get better soon. I hope you have a swift recovery. My thought and prayers are for you
to feel better soon. Condolences and sympathy: My deepest sympathies to you and your family. I'm
sorry for your loss. May your grandfather rest in peace. You and your family are in my thoughts as you
grieve this loss. All my love.

Activity 4 Pronounce the following words correctly. What do the words mean? You will read the words
in Activity 5. 2. encouragement 4. backyard 6. gift 1 to isolate 3. graduation 5. to feed 7. brooch 9. power
11. achievement 13. healthy 15. lifeboat /tu: 'alsa.leit / /,bæk'ja:rd/ /hueu £pr:Eyui/ /uefia nEpæib/ 8.
everlasting 10. beauty 12 luck /yi6/ 7,ev.a'læs.tin/ /p:y :m/ /broutf / lened/ /jueu'A:1e/ lak/ /Sip.rek/ 14.
shipwreck /laif.bout/.

Activity 5 Practice the following dialogs with your friend. Which card is suitable for each dialog? Read
the cards aloud, in turns. Dialog 1 Romy : Have you heard that Anne is being infected by the
coronavirus? Donna : Do you mean Anne, our cousin? Romy : Yup! Mom just told me about it. Anne and
Uncle Jack have been infected, so all the family members are isolating themselves at home. Donna :
Why don't we show them our sympathy? Rommy : How can we do it? They live in another town. Donna :
That's not a big problem. We can send her an encouragement card via cell phone. Romy : Good idea!
Dialog 2 Mr. Rio : I have something to tell you, dear. Andy just phoned me. He told me that he cannot
return home this week. Shanty : Why? He has finished his studies, hasn't he? Mr. Rio You're right. Well,
he has been accepted to work for a big company in Malang. That's why, he should stay there. Shanty :
Thank God, he has a job soon after graduation. Mr Rio : I'm happy about it, too. Shanty : I'll send him a
card, Dad. Mr. Rio : Nice sister!

Dialog 3 Jay : Next week we will celebrate Mother's Day. What about giving mom a special gift? Shanty :
Good idea! What will it be? Jay : Mom likes wearing brooches. Why don't we buy her beautiful ones?
Shanty : I agree with you. I do hope she's happy receiving them. Shanty : Great! Let's make it together.
Shanty : Wait a moment. I'm finishing this video first. Jay : I hope so. I'll also make a card for her. Jay :
Are you free at the moment?

Dialog 4 Rayya : Novan Have you heard the news about Sita? Novan : No. What's up with her? Rayya :
Her house is damaged due to an earthquake. Novan : Is it seriously damaged? Rayya : It is. Novan : What
a pity! Why don't we go there to show our sympathy? Rayyan : I don't think we can do it now. Sita and
her family stay in their relative's house in another town. Novan : Well, I'll send her a card then, to
encourage her.

Card 1 Your love is everything and everlasting It is what brings us into this world. No language can
express the power and beauty of your love For the world, you're a mother, but for us, you re the world.
We'll always love you.

Card 2 I was saddened to hear that your house is damaged. My thoughts are with you and your family.
Keep strong, girl!

Card 3 Life keeps on moving and it's time for you to begin a new life. Congratulations on your
achievement! I do hope you enjoy your work and have new experiences. Wish you luck and success!

Card 4 I think it's very healthy to spend time alone. You are stronger than you seem and loved more
than you'll ever know. Nothing in life is to be feared; it is only to be understood. Now is the time to
understand more, so that we may fear less. Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the

Activity 6 Answer the following questions based on the dialogs and cards in Activity 5. Dialog 1 1. Who
are Romy and Donna? 2. What are Anne and her family doing at the moment? 3.What are Romy and
Donna going to do? 4. Why will they do it? 5. What will Anne probably feel after receiving the card?
Dialog 2 1. Who is Andy? 2. Why will Andy not return home this week? 3. What does Shanty feel hearing
the news about Andy? Why? 4. What will Shanty do after the conversation? 5. What will she do ít for?.

Dlalog 3 1. Where does the dialog take place? 2. What will Jay and Shanty give to their mother? 3. When
will they give their mother the items? 4. Why will they do it? 5. What will they do after the
conversation? Dialog 4 1. What has happened to Sita? 2. Why can Novan and Rayyan not show their
sympathy to Sita and her family in person? 3. What will Novan do then? 4. Why will he send it? 5. What
will Sita feel when receiving it?

Activity 7 Read the cards and answer the questions based on each card. Card 1 To: Mom and Dad It's not
a short time for togetherness. Time passed very quickly and it left memories. One for two and two for
one. Happy Silver Anniversary Wish God always bless you. Venska

Questions: 1. Who is the card addressed to? 2. Why does Venska send the card? 3. How long have
Venska's parents got married? 2. 4. What does Venska wish? 5. "Time passed very quickly and it left
memories." What does the word 'it' refer to?

Card 2 To: Angga and Sonia After a very long waiting, a cute baby was born to the world. Congratulations
on the birth of your cutest baby! May he become your brightening star. Aunt Viona

Questions: 1. Who is Angga? 2. Why does Mrs. Viona send the card? 3. What may Angga and Sonia feel
to receive the card? 4. Why do they have such a feeling? 5. What should Angga and Sonia do after
receiving the card? Why should they do it?

Activity 8 Scan the QR code. Listen to the texts. Then, complete the following cards based on the texts
which you have heard. Card 1 Dear Amanda, We weren't sisters by birth, but (1). brought us together to
be sisters by heart. Thanks for our friendship. You have made me laugh (2) smile brighter, and live
better. You should remember that time doesn't (3) our friendship. We'll be friends until we can't
remember how old we are. Kirana

Card 2 Dear Renata, Success is the (4)......of good ideas pursued with energy, intelligence, and
determination. No wonder you're doing so well! Congratulations, Renata! Your hard work and
(5).........have been paid off. I'm so (6)........... of you. Ferdian

Card 3 To: Alvian Grief and (7) ..........are parts of our lives. Just thought l'd let you know I've been
thinking of you. So, I thought I'd (8).........your day and bring a smile to you. I (9)........that God will touch
your life in a more meaningful way, today and every day. As long as there are love and faith, there is no
(10).........loss. Dahlia

Activity 9 Complete the following statements based on the cards in Activity 8. Read your work aloud, in
turns. 1. For Card 1, Amanda and Kírana are ......... 2. Kirana sent the card in order to.....for their
friendship. 3. Kirana hopes tha.......t 4. For Card 2, according to Ferdian, good ideas pursued by.......will
lead to. success. 5. Ferdian wrote the card to.........6. Ferdian feels ..........of Renata. 7 For Card 3, Dahlia
shows her........for Alvian. 8. Dahlia convinces Alvian that she will ........... 9. According to Dahlia, there
will be no true loss if.......... 10. The card shows that Dahlia is a ........person.

Activity 10 Read the following card. Ask and answer questions based on the information in the card and
record it. Dear Bella, Being failed in getting a scholarship is not the end of the world. There will be
sunshine after the rain. Never give up and do your best. Results will not betray efforts. Raditya
Activity 11 Read the following texts. What is the difference between the two texts? Text 1 Dear Tania,

Text 2 Dear Raka, 1 do believe that we'll meet again, don't know where and don't know when. There are
no goodbyes for us. Always remember me. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart. Tania

Activity 12 Read the following card aloud. Complete the statements that follow. Dear Uncle Bram, You're
invited to A Party to celebrate Alya's graduation Sunday, October 23, 2021 11 AM Yurada Restaurant

Statements: 1. Alya is Mr. Bram's 2. Alya writes the card in order to 3. Alya is going to hold an event to 4.
The event will be held in (place). 5. Suppose Mr. Bram cannot attend the party, he should

Activity 13 Create a greeting card in response to the invitation in Activity 12

Activity 14 Practice the following dialog. Create a greeting card based on the dialog. Liana : I often see
Ratih daydreaming. Did you know why? It seems that she has a serious problem. Adi : I heard that her
father was fired from the company. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, his company went bankrupt and
many employees lost their jobs. Liana : What a pity! Adi : Her mother is a housewife, so their family
really depends on her father Liana : Why does her father not try a new business? Adi : That's what he is
thinking of Liana : I think 'll send Ratih a card, to encourage her Adi :Good idea! She needs support at the
moment. Liana : You're right.

Activity 15 See the following pictures. Create a greeting card based on the situation in each picture. 1.
LOMBA MENARI Tari Tradisional. Illustrator: Aries Setyawan

Activity 16 Homework Design an invitation or greeting card for a special occasion. Use the application on
your computer to create attractive designs. Share your work with the class.

Self Reflection Write about your experience in learning this chapter. Write about your feelings, how you
learned something, what you Iliked and didn't like, etc.

My New Words Write new words and their meanings which you have learned in this chapter.

Assessment A Choose A, B, C, or D for the correct answer. The following text is for questions 1 to 3. Dear
Alika, We know that you don't want to get this in your life, but you should keep strong. We miss your
cheers and smile. Get well soon. Nayla and friends

Hots 1. What is happening to Alika? A. She is sick. B. She meets a failure. C. Her father is sick. D. She lost
her beloved friend. Hots 2 What does Alika probably feel at the moment? A. Ashamed B. Sorrowful C.
Shocked D. Disappointed 3. Why do Nayla and her friends send the card? A. To congratulate Alika B. To
give Alika information C. To show their sympathy to Alika D. To tell Alika about their hopes and wishes.
The following text is for questions 4 to 6. Dad, you are my everything without you, I am nothing Your
love is everlasting Thank you for your affection and sacrifice Happy Father's Day Andika.

4. Through the card, Andika intends to...... A. thank his father B. apologize to his father C. congratulate
his father D. appreciate fathers in the world 5. When does Andika send the card? A. On Father's Day. B.
On his father's birthday C. On his father's special moment D. On his father's wedding anniversary 6.
"Your love is everlasting." What is the synonym of the underlined word? A. Fragile C. Beautiful B. Eternal
D. Temporary The following text is for questions 7 to 9. To: Mr. and Mrs. Fariz Living in a new house will
be a new experience. Hope pleasure and comfort always be with you. We are happy for you. Roml and

7. Why do Mr. and Mrs. Romi congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Fariz? A. They have a baby. B. They've just got
married. C. They have new jobs. D. They have a new house. HOTS 8. What do Mr. and Mrs. Fariz feel
when receiving the card? A. Proud C. Delighted B. Satisfied D. Comfortable 9. From the card we can
conclude that A. Mr. and Mrs. Romi have moved to a new house B. Mr. and Mrs. Fariz stay in a new
house happily. C Mr. and Mrs. Romi know Mr. and Mrs. Fariz well D. Mr. and Mrs. Romi's house is close
to Mr. and Mrs. Fariz's

The following text is for questions 10 to 12. To: Harris I know that losing a father is great despair, but let
him rest in peace. Please accept my condolences. You must be tough. My support and prayers will
always be with you. Kartika hots 10. What happened to Harris? A. His father passed away. B. His father
was fired. C. His father moved abroad. D. He lost contact with his father. Cren 11. Why does Kartika
write the card? A . To greet Harris B. To congratulate Harris C. To express sympathy to Harris D. To keep
her relationship with Harris (12. What is Kartika like? A. Caring B. Emotional C. Optimistic D. Courageous

The following text is for questions 13 to 15. To: Desvita Happy New Year! Always be happy and have
more luck in the future. Your e - friend, Restu

13. When does Restu send the card? A. On Desvita's birthday On Desvita's special day C. In the middle of
the year D. At the beginning of the year B. 14. Who are Restu and Desvita? A. Siblings B. Cousins C. Pen
pals D. Old friends 15. Restu hopes that Desvita becomes than before. A. more precious B. more
beautiful C. more fortunate D. more successful The following text is for questions 16 to 18. To: Mr. Rizal
It's time for you to end your duty. Hope you enjoy your old days happily. We will miss your smile,
support, and advice. Students of VIIIB

(16.) Who is Mr. Rizal? A. A doctor B. A teacher SAOH C. An officer D. An employee 17. What happens to
Mr. Rizal? A. He will go far away. B. He will retire from his job. C. He will continue his studies. D. He will
move to another school. HOTS 18. From the card we know that the students Mr. Rizal. A. love B. lose C.
trust D. understand

The following text is for questions 19 and 20. Dear Aunt Rafika, Finally, your dream comes true. Congrats
on the opening of your boutique! May success always be with you. Dani 19.) What is Ms. Rafika's ideal?
A. Run a business B. Be a busy woman C. Work for a famous boutique D. Be a famous designer 20. Dani
hopes that Mrs. Rafika A. has a new boutique B. asks him to be her business partner C. runs her
boutique successfully D. opens a branch of her boutique

B. Fill in the blanks correctly. The following text is for numbers 1 to 3. Dear Garry and Sheila, Today is the
beginning of your chapter. From this day forward, each of you will not walk alone. You're going to spend
the rest of your life learning about each other. From the bottom of my heart, I hope for nothing bu the
best for you two. Happy wedding dayl Riana.

1. According to the text, Garry and Sheila are now 2. Riana wrote the card in order to 3. Riana feels for
Garry and Sheila. The following text is for numbers 4 and 5. Dear Kiara, Sis, you've given me every effort
and you've ended it with my deepest respect. Thank you is the least I can say to you to show my
appreciation for what you have done for me. Thank you for being a part of my journey. 4. Bondan is
Kiara's...... 5. Bondan wrote the card to express his.......

C. Suppose your brother is going to apply for a student exchange program. Write a greeting card to
support and encourage him.


Basic Competence 3.6 applying social functions, text structures, and linguistic elements of written and
written transactional interaction texts that involve the act of giving and asking for information regarding
the whereabouts of people, objects, animals, according to the context of their use. (Pay attention to the
linguistic elements there is/are) 4.6 compiling very short and simple oral and written transactional
interaction texts involving the act of giving and asking for information regarding the existence of people,
objects, animals, taking into account social functions, text structure, and linguistic elements that are
correct and according to context.

CHAPTER VI Objectives Student are able to identify how to ask about and show the existence of people,
objects, and animals accurately after practicing several conversations. Student are able to identify the
uses of "There is', 'There are', and prepositions of place accurately after practicing several conversations.
Student are able to ask about and show the existence of people, objects, and animals accurately after
dong several English activities. Student are able to use "There is, "There are', and prepositions of place
correctly after doing several English activities. Student are able to use relevant vocabulary accurately
after doing several English activities. The students are hopefully also: teeling grateful for having an
opportunity to learn and speak English appropriately and fluently: behaving bravely, confidently,
actively, respectfully, and politely when speaking with people.

CHAPTER VI There are Items Near Us Look at the picture. Budi is doing his afternoon routine. Do you
know where he Is? What is he doing? What animals are there? What are there in the place? Can you
state their locations or positions? In this chapter, you will learn how to ask about and describe the
existence of people, objects, and animals using "There is, There are, and prepositions of place.
Hopefully, you can describe the existence of people, animals, or things accordingly Besides, you can use
introductory 'There is/there are' correctly. So, please do all the activities attentively and be active to
speak English.
Activity 2 Practice the following dialogs with your friend Pay attention to the words in bold Dialog 1 Sari :
What do you usually do in the afternoon? Danu : I usually feed animals in my backyard. Sari : What
anlmals are there? Danu : There are catfish, turkeys, and chickens. Sari : How many turkeys are there?
Danu : There are three turkeys. One of them is a chick. Sari : So, is there a gobbler? Danu : Of course We
have one gobbler, one female turkey, and one chick. Sari : I see. Are there cows in your backyard? Danu :
No, there are not any cows in my backyard.

Dlalog 2 Danang : What do you usually do in the evening, Kana? Kana : I usually read books in my study
room. Danang : What books do you read? Kana : I usually read an encyclopedia when I am bored. The
encyclopedia helps me boost my mood. Danang : I believe there are many encyclopedias in your house.
Kana : Indeed. Danang : What other books do you usually read? Kana : I read mystery or science fiction
novels. Danang : Ah have a science fiction novel and I like that ovel very much. It's your
recommendation, remember? Kana : Ah, I'm glad you like it. What about you? What do you usually do in
your free time? Danang : I usually play chess or board games with my big brother There are several
board games in my house. Kana : I don't know you have a brother. Danang : Oh, I'll show you his photo.
There is a photo of him in my cell phone. Kana : O.K.

Learning Material Grammar There is/There are Pay attention to the sentences in Activity 2, such as
"What animals are there?", "There are catfish, turkeys, and chickens.", "There are three turkeys", "No,
there are not any cows in my backyard.", "I believe there are many encyclopedias in your house", and
"There is a photo of him in my cell phone" "There is' and "There are' are used to state that a person,
object, or animal exists. Meanwhile, "There is not' and There are not' are used to state that a person,
object, or animal doesn't exist. The patterns are as follows. 1. There is + a singular noun Examples: (+)
There is a cat in my bedroom. (-) There is not a cat in my bedroom. (?) Is there a cat in your bedroom? 2.
There is + uncountable nounExamples: (+) There is honey in this jar. (-) There is not honey in this jar. (?)
Is there honey in this jar? 3. There are + plural nouns Examples: (+) There are candies in this jar. (-) There
are not candies in this jar. (?) Are there candies in this jar?

Activity 3 Answer the following questions based on the diologs in Activity 2. 1. For Dialog 1, wihat
animals are there in Danu's backyard? 2. How many gobblers are there? 3 For Dialog 2, wihat kinds of
books does Kana usually read? 4. What does Danang do in his free time? 5. What will Danang do after
the comversation?

Activity 4 Complete the folllowing table Rewrite the setences consisting There is/There are/ls there/Are
there" from tihe dialogs in Activity 2 Change the semtences into positive, negative, and interrogative
sentemces See the example Example: Dialog 1 There are catfish, turkeys, and chicken. (-) There are not
catfish, turkeys, and chicken. (?)Are there catfish, turkeys, and chicken?

Activity 5 Complete the following dialog using "There is/There are/ls there/Are there" correctly. Amanda
: Where do you usually exercise, Damar? Amanda : I usually go to the park for jogging. Damar : I usually
exercise in a gymnasium. What about you? Damar : I see. Amanda : (1) a park in your town? Damar : Of
course. There is a beautiful one. It's not far from my hourse. Amanda : What facilities(2) the park?
Damar : (3) Damar benches, a jogging track, a playground, and a skateboard track. Amanda : Cool! It has
a skateboard track. Damar : What about the park in your town? Amanda : (4) not a skateboard track in
the park. However, there are walls for graffiti. Damar : No way! That is cool! Amanda : Yeah. Once a
month, the walls are cleaned, so other people can have their graffiti on those walls. Damar : Wow! Who
cleans them? Amanda : The park's caretakers do. (5) ten caretakers. My uncle is one of them. They are
responsible for the park convenience.

Activity 7 Make short dialogs based on the pictures in Activity 6. Practice them with your friend. See the
example. Example: Picture 1 You : Are there benches in the park? Your friend : Yes. We can sit and have
rest on those benches.

Activity 8 Arrange the following sentences to form sequential dialogs. Then, practice the dialogs with
your friend. Dialog 1 (1) Danu : I see. Is it made of wood? (2) Danu : May I open them all? (3) Danu :
What is it?

(4) Danu : Did you buy it? (5) Danu : Wow! There is a smaller doll inside. (6) Arif : Actually, there are
several smaller wooden dolls inside. (7) Arif : It is a matryoshka doll. It is from Russia. (8) Arif : Sure. (9)
Arif : Nope! My aunt bought it when she visited her Russian friend. (10) Arif : Yes, it is. You can open it.
Dialog 2 (1) Dhea : Did you make them yourself? (2) Dhea : Hello, Kasih. Come in. (3) Dhea : I see.
Thanks. (4) Dhea : Please have a seat. (5) Dhea : What is it in the box? (6) Kasih : Hello, Dhea. Thank you.
(7) Kasih : Yes. I made them this morning. (8) Kasih : There are chocolate cookies. They are fresh from
the oven. (9) Kasih : Thank you. This is for you.

Activity 9 Answer the following questions based on the dialogs in Activity 8. 1. For Dialog 1, what are the
speakers talking about? 2. How did Arif get the item? 3. What are there inside the item? 4. For Dialog 2,
who are the speakers? 5. Where does the dialog probably occur?

Activity 10 Practice the following dialogs with your friend. See the sentences in bold. Dialog 1 Mrs. Risa :
Where is your little sister, dear? Agung : She is in my room, Mom. Mrs. Risa : What is she doing there?
Agung : She's playing with her toys. There are her toys in my room. Mrs. Risa : I see. Agung : Should I call
her, Mom? Mrs. Risa : Yes, please. It is time for her to have a nap. Agung : O.K.

Dialog 2 Riska : Where have you been? Reza : I have just cleaned the living room. Riska: Oh. What are
there on the table? Reza : There are four jars. Riska: What are there in the jars? Have you checked
them?Reza : I have. There are crackers, candies, wafers, and biscuits in each jar. Riska : Do we need to
refill them?Reza : I don't think so. There is still much in each jar.Riska : I see. By the way, did you see
where my cat Blue was? Reza : I saw it in the living room a minute ago. Riska : I see. Thanks for your

Learning Materials Expression Asking for and Providing Information about the Existence of People,
Objects, and Animals Pay attention to the dialogs in Activity 10. The sentences "Where is your little
sister, dear?", "What are there on the table?" and "By the way, did you see where my cat Blue was?" are
used to ask about where people, objects, and animals are. Meanwhile, the sentences "She is in my
room. "There are four jars." and "I saw it in the living room, Mom." are used to provide information
about the existence of people, objects, and animals. Study other expressions in the following table.
Table 6.1 Asking and providing information about the existence of people, objects, and animals
Providing Information about Peopie. Object and Animals Asking about People, Objects and Animals
What is in the car? • Where is my book? What is it in the box? What is in the pen? There is a big doll in
the car. Your book is in my bag It is a matryoshka doll. There is a cow in the pen

Grammar Prepositions of Place Pay attention to the dialogs in Activity 10. You my find the words 'at' and
'in' in the sentences. They are called prepositions of place. Prepositions of place are used to show the
posítions or locations of objects and to answer "where" questions. See kinds of prepositions of place in
the following table. Table 6.2 Prepositions of place Preposition of Place On (An animal on and touching
an object) In (An animal in an enclosed place) Illustrator: Nunung Suparna There is a cat in the cage.
Illustrator: Nunung Suparna There is a cat on the cage.

At (An object in a particular place) Near (An animal not far away from an object) Illustrator: Nunung
Suparna The cat sits at the corner. Illustrator: Nunung Suparna There is a cat near the cage. 95 There are
Items Near Us.

Activity 11 Answer the following questions based on the dialogs in Activity 10. 1 For Dialog 1, what
should Agung's sister do? 2. Why does Agung's sister play in his room? 3. For Dialog 2, what is Blue? 4.
Who are the speakers in the dialog? 5. What should the speakers do when the jar is empty?

Activity 12 Match each description with its suitable picture. 1. There is a komodo dragon in the zoo. It
looks like a big lizard. It is a carnivore. It has a long and big body. It also has sharp teeth and a long
tongue. 2. There is a panda It has black and white fur. Its ears and eyes are black. It likes to sit next to a
big tree. 3. There is a peacock in the zoo. It is an herbivore. It is a peafowl or male peacock. It has a fan-
like crest of feathers. It has iridescent feathers. 3.

a Source: web/20201106231756/

photo/2016/08/08/17/07/ composing-1578784_960_720., downloaded, March 19, 2021

b Source: web/20210129200859/https://

fotografi-close-up-beruang- grizzly-1068554/, downloaded, March 19, 2021

c. Source: web/20210327113317/https://

jerapah-1319515/, downloaded, March 19, 2021

4. There is a giraffe in the zoo. It is an herbivore. It has a long neck. It also has four long legs. It is light
brown with spots like oak leaves.

5. There is a chameleon in the zoo. It is a tame animal. It moves slowly. It can change its skin color. It is
an insectivore or eats insects.

d. Source: web/20210415084846/https:// hewan-

imut-bulu-kebun- binatang-4444037/, downloaded March 19, 2021
e Source: web/20210415085345/https: burung-
hantu-abu-abu-di- batang-pohon-coklat-206676, downloaded, March 19, 2021

f. Source: web/20210415085526/https:// reptil-

coklat-dan-abu-abu-di- atas-pasir-coklat- 3935506/, downloaded, March 19, 2021

g. Source: web/20200930051715/ id-id/foto/burung-

pola-tekstur- hewan-4372205/, downloaded, March 19, 2021

Activity 13 Look at the picture. Complete the sentences with correct prepositions based on the picture.
Illustrator: Nunung Suparna . 1. Kinar is standing........a showcase. 2. There are a couch, table, and
showcase.......the room 3. The couch is...........the table and showcase. 4. There are two balls........the
table. 5. There are magazines..........the table 6. The cat is sleeping..........the couch 7. There is an air
conditioner..........the window.8. There is a trophy..........the showcase. 9. The showcase is ........the
window.10. There are a clock and an air conditioner ......... the wall.

Activity 14 Complete the following dialog based on the picture in Activity 13. Agung Can you describe
your living room, Siwi? Siwi : Sure. There are a couch, table, and showcase in my living room. Agung
Where is (1) :It is in next to a window. The window is equipped with a curtain to block the sunlight.
Agung Do you have pets? Siwi Agung What does it usually do in the afternoon? Siwi Siwi : Yes. I have a
cat named Bubu. : It usually has a nap on (2) Agung : I see. By the way, where do you put your (3) Siwi : I
put it inside the showcase. Agung Where is the showcase? Siwi : It is next to (4), Agung : What other
items are there in your room? : There are a clock and an AC on (5) Siwi Agung I guess the room is cold.
Siwi : Not really.

Activity 15 Scan the QR code. Listen to the dialogs attentively. Complete the dialogs based on what you
have heard. Dialog 1 Tasya : What public place is there near your house? Ardhi : (1) Tasya : What are
there in the park? Ardhi : There are a jogging track, benches, a basketball court, a playground, and a
parking area. Tasya : How many benches are there? Ardhi : (2). All of them are painted colorfully. Tasya :
I see. How often do you go to the park? Ardhi : (3). Tasya : What do you usually do there? Ardhi : (4).
Tasya : Is there a ball to play the game in the park? Ardhi : Nope! (5) Tasya : l'd love to. would you like to

Dialog 2 Gilang I'm hungry. Do you want to buy something for lunch? Arum :I do. Let's go to a food stall.
Gilang (1) Is there one around here? Arum No. There are several near the police station. Gilang 0.K. Let's
go there. (2) Arum There are heavy meals, such as rice and fried chicken, chicken noodles, meatball
soup, and fried rice. Gilang (3) Arum Of course. There are siomay, cireng, fried tofu, and kebab. Gilang
What about the beverages? Arum (4) Gilang Many choices. Arum (5) Gilang I think I want to buy chicken
noodles and bubble tea. What about you? Arum I want to buy siomay and iced tea.

Activity 16 Answer the following questions based on the dialogs in Activity 15. Dialog 1 1. What are the
speakers talking about? What facilities are available there? 2. Who are interested to go to the place? 3.
4. What does Agus usually do there? 5. What will the speakers probably do on the weekend? Dialog 2 1.
When does the dialog probably occur? 2 Where will the speakers go after the conversation? 3. Where
are the places located? 4. What will the speakers do there? 5. What beverage will they enjoy?

Activity 17 Describe the existence of people and objects based on the dialogs in Activity 15. Use There
is, There are, and prepositions of place correctly. Write the sentences in the following table. Dialog 1.
Dialog 2

Activity 18 Complete the following dialogs with suitable sentences. Dialog 1 Bambang : These cookies
are delicious. Ardika : Thank you. Bambang : Did you make them?Ardika : No. I bought them yesterday.
Bambang : Where did you buy them? Andika : I bought them from Nice Bakery. (1).......... So, it's
reachable from my house. Bambang : What are there in the bakery? Andika : (2). Bambang : I see. Ardika

Dialog 2 Ambar : Why did you not reply my messages? Sari : I'm sorry. I can't turn on my phone. Ambar :
Goodness! What happened? Sari : (3)..........Ambar : Have you brought it to a service center? Sari : Not
yet. I don't know any service center. Ambar : (4) You may go there. Sari : O.K. Thanks for your
information. I'll go there this afternoon. Ambar : My pleasure.

Dialog 3 Regi : Gea, did you see my phone charger? Gea : No, I didn't. Where did you put it last time?
Regi : (5). Gea : Is your charger black? Regi : Yes, it is black. Did you see it somewhere? Gea : This
afternoon Dad charged his phone with a black charger. Regi : Perhaps that's mine. Gea : He left it in the
living room. It is on the table, near the vase. Regi 0.K, thanks. I'll get it. Gea : You are welcome.

Activity 19 Answer the following questions based on the dialags in Activity 18. 1. For Dialog 1, what are
the speakers talking about? 2. For Dialog 2, what happened to Sari's phone? 3. What will Sari do in the
afternoon? 4. For Dialog 3, who are the speakers? 5. According to Gea, where is the item they are talking

Activity 21 Create a dialog to mention items in your school using There is/There are' and preposition of
places properly. Practice the dialog with your friend and record it Homework.

Activity 22 Observe a certain public place in your town. Take a picture of the place and stick it on thick
paper. Write a description under the picture using There is There are, and prepositions of place
accordingly. Attach it on the class wall magazine.

Self Reflection Write about your experience in learning this chapter Write about your feelings, how you
learned, what you liked and didn't like, etc.

My New Words Write new words and their meanings which you have learned in this chapter

Assessment A. Choose A, B, C, or D for the correct answer. 1. Deni : How many kinds of
the parking area? Nia : There are three kinds of vehicles; motorcycles, cars, and trucks. A. there is B.
there are C. is there D. are there 2. Novi : Do you have pets? Romi : Yes. I have four tortoises. Novi :
Where do you keep them? Romi : I keep them in an aquarium. I also put water plants in it. Novi : Where
do you put the aquarium? Romi : I put it.........the television, so people can see it. A. in B. on C. next to D.
The following dialog is for questions 3 to 6. Hanung: What are there in the cage? Dessy : There are two
chameleons. Hanung : Do they look a like the one in a princess movie that we have ever watched? Dessy
: Exactly! They can do mimicry based on the environment or their feelings. Hanung : Oh, they can change
their color. They must be cute. Dessy : Yes, indeed. By the way, do you want to play with them?
Hanung : I'd love to. Dessy : O.K., please wait in the living room. I will take them out of the cage.
Hanung : Sure. Thank you. 3. Where are the animals? A. On a cage B. Under a cage C. In a cage D.
Around a cage.

4. What is the special ability of Dessy's pets? A. They like playing with their owner. B. They can change
their skin color. C. They help people express their feelings. D. They like watching movies. 5. What will
Dessy do right after the conversation? A. Get the animals out of the cage B. Give the chameleons to
Hanung Go inside the cage D. Play with the chameleons 6. Dessy says, "... based on the environment or
their feelings." The underlined word is similar in meaning to ....... .A.cage B. scenery C. territory D.

The following dialog is for questions 7 to 10. Rena : Do you have pets? Deren : I have small hedgehogs.
Rena : How many hedgehogs are there? Deren : There are two pairs. Rena : Where do you keep them?
Deren : I keep each pair in a cage in my room. What about you? What is your pet? Rena : I don't have
any pets. Deren : Why is that? Rena : My parents forbid me from keeping pets. Deren : Why? Rena :
They assume that pets need special care. We need to clean their cages regularly, right? Deren : Indeed. I
do that every evening. Also, pets must be vaccinated to keep them healthy. Rena : They don't think I can
do it well. Deren : I see. 7. What can we infer from the dialog? A. There is no pet in Rena's house.B.
There are two cages in Rena's room. C. There is only one hedgehogs' cage in Deren's room. D. There are
several different animals in Deren's house.

8. What does Deren do to keep his pets stay healthy? A. He receives several vaccines. B. He brings his
pets to a vet regularly. C. He keeps the pets' cages clean. D. He grooms the animals regularly. 9. How
many hedgehogs are there in the dialog? A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four HOTS 10) Rena says, "My
parents forbids me from keeping pets." It means that there is a/an, Rena's house to have pets. A.
permission B. obligation C. prohibition D. in authorization.

The following dialog is for questions 11 and 12. Vio : Do you have a band aid? Revan : There are several
in my first aid kit box. What happened? Vio : I got a paper cut. Revan : Poor you. Vio :Where is the box?
Revan : It is in my school bag. Wait here, I'll go get Vio it. : Thanks. Revan : Anytime. 11. What does Vio
do after the conversation? A Buy a band aid B. Get the first aid kit box C. Wait for her friend D. Go to her
friend's room 12. What is Vio looking for? A. A cutter B. Paper C A medicale kit D A school bag.

The following dialog is for questions 13 to 16. Bara : May I use your camera, please? Susanti : Sure. What
are you going to do with it? Bara : I have a P.E. assignment, to record my yoga movements. Susanti :
What happened to your phone? Bara : Well, I accidently dropped it yesterday and the camera cannot
function well. Susanti : Goodness! Bara : Where is the camera?

Susanti : It is in the drawer in my room. It is in a white box on the top drawer. You need to charge it
before using it. Bara : 0.K. By the way, do you have a tripod? Susanti : Nope! Don't you have one? Bara :
I do, but it is for phone. It can't support the weight of your camera. Susanti : I see. Bara : I'll put the
camera on the table in the living room then. HOTSp13. Where does the dialog take place? In a stadium
In the speakers' house C. A. B. At the speakers' school D. In a gymnasium HOTS14.) What will Bara
probably do after the conversation? A. Go to Susanti's room B. Buy a tripod for a camera C. Record his
P.E. assignment D. Repair the camera on his phone 15. Where will Bara probably record his yoga? In his
room B. At the balcony At the backyard A. C. In the living room D. 16. What can we infer from the
dialog? A. The speakers are friends. B. Susanti's camera is heavy. C. The camera is ready to use. D
Susanti's drawer is white.

The following dialog is for questions 17 to 20. Nugroho : Did you see the blue animal bag, Mom? Mrs.
Nala : It is on the top of the shelf in the garage. Nugroho : I've already checked it, but it's not there. Mrs.
Nala : Really? Perhaps your sister uses it. She's going to the vet now. Nugroho : I see. Mrs. Nala : By the
way, what are you going to do with the bag? Nugroho : I want to bring my cat to the vet this afternoon.
Mrs. Nala : What's wrong with it? Nugroho : It needs to be vaccinated. Mrs. Nala : I see. Nugroho : By
the way, did you see my cat, Mom? I've tried to call it several times, but in vain.

Mrs. Nala : It is probably in your sister's room. Have you checked it there? Nugroho: Not yet. I'll go
there. 17. Who are the speakers in the dialog? A. Mother and son B. Brother and sister C. Aunt and
nephew D. Teacher and student 18. What is Nugroho looking for initially? A. His pet B. His sister C. An
animal bag C. A blue tote bag D. HOTS 19. Where will Nugroho go right after the conversation? A. To the
vet B. To the garage C. To a pet shop D. To his sister's room 20. What happens to Nugroho's pet? A. It
needs food. B. It is sick. C. It needs a mate D. It needs a vaccine. B. Fill in the blanks correctly. The
following dialog is for numbers 1 to 3. Arka : Hello, Andien. Andien : Hello, Arka. Arka : How's life?
Andien : Wonderful! How about you? Arka Good. How is Yogyakarta? Andien : Amazing. I've been to
several places. Arka : Really? Tell me the detail, please. Well, there are museums and beaches in
Yogyakarta. There is also a palace. Have you visited them all? Andien : Not all of them. Last week, I
visited Yogyakarta Kembali Monument. Arka :What is it like?

Andien : The building looks like a giant cone. It has a pond with several kinds of fish surrounding it.
Arka :: What are there in the monument? Andien : There are dioramas of Indonesians' struggles for
independence. Arka : Amazing! Andien : I'm sorry. I remember that I have things to do. I'll call you back
this evening. Arka : Sure. No problem. Talk to you later. Bye. Andien : Bye! 1. The conversation probably
happens by.......2. There are..........inside the Yogyakarta Kembali Monument.3. In the evening, the
speakers will .........

The following dialog is for numbers 4 and 5. Dony : What are there in the box? Hesti : There are clothes
and books for donation. Dony : Where will they be donated to? Hesti : To an orphanage near here. Can I
donate too? Hesti : Why not! What do you want to donate? There are different boxes for items. Dony :
Uhm, I think I will donate food supplies. Hesti : O.K. I'll get the box for you. Dony ; Thanks. I'll bring it
tomorrow. Hesti : Sure. 4. The speakers are talking about.........5. Dony will bring Hesti's house in
the following day. 01
Make a short paragraph to mention items in your classroom.

Final Test Choose A, B, C, or D for the correct answer The following dialog is for questions 1 to 3. I saw
you and Adit riding bicycles heading to downtown this morning. Am I right? Darma Yes, you're right. You
know, while riding, Adit was telling me a funny story. It was really funny. You shouldn't do that anymore.
Darma: Why? Riding a bicycle while chatting is dangerous. You might lose your concentration on riding
which can lead to an accident. You may also block other road Reni users. Darma You're right. I'll never
do it again. Thanks for reminding me. It's not a big deal. You may tell Adit about this too. Reni Darma
Definitely! What is Reni doing in the dialog? A. Appreciating Darma for trying to have a healthy life by
cycling. B. Warning Darma that what he did was vulnerable. C. Inviting Adit to join a safety riding activity.
D. Reminding Darma to wear safety gear when riding a bicycle. 2. According to the dialog, why shouldn't
we chat while cycling? A. It disturbs other road users. B. It will disrupt our pleasure of cycling. C. We will
lose the speed to get to our destinations. D. We will miss to see interesting places along the way. What
can you conclude about Reni's character? A. Wise B. Caring C. Talkative D. Easy going

The following text is for questions 4 to 6. Dear Azam. Your efforts and hard work bave been pald off.
Congratulatioms on your book launch! May great opportanities and success come your way I will always
wait for your next books. Your friend. Dina 4. Who is Azam? A. He is a book writer B. He is the
committee of a book launch event. C. He is a book enthusiast D. He is a book translator 5. What does
Dina wish for Azam? V To own a successful book publisher B. To have his own bookstore To be noticed
and contracted by big publishers To have great opportunities and success in the future D. 6. What is the
purpose of the text? 'V To support Azam To wish for Azam's luck B. To encourage Azam To congratulate
Azam D. The following dialog is for questions 7 to 9. Attention, please. There will be several events to
celebrate our school Ms. Cinta anniversary next week. What are they, Ma'am? There will be a rice cone
cutting ceremony and social services. The school has also planned to help underpreviliged children near
our school. Therefore, each class should collect used clothes, but in good Dania Ms. Cinta

condition, that you have. We have to make well preparations to tone up the event. Reza, the class
captain, please coordinate your classmates. : All right, Ma'am. Reza Ms. Cinta : Please collect them soon,
not more than Wednesday. Reza, please inform me if it is already done. : Yes, Ma'am. Reza 7. What
should the students do next? A. Collect their used clothes immediately. B. Register the event to the
committee immediately C. Report to Ms. Cinta about the school anniversary events. D. Make
documentation of the school event. 8. What is Ms. Cinta's intention by saying, "Attention, please."? A.
To express an opinion B. To instruct students C. To draw attention To ask for help D. 9. Ms. Cinta says,
"We have to make well preparations to tone up the event." The underlined phrase can be best replace
by enliven B. A. elevate C. D. glorify create

The following text is for questions 10 to 12. There is a new park near my village. It is clean and
comfortable. It has a pond with a fountain in the middle. There are also a playground, jogging track,
flowers, big trees, green grass, birds, and butterflies. My family likes spending time at the park in the
afternoon. My little brother and other children like playing in the playground. There are swings, a
sandbox, monkey bar, slide, and seesaw. They can play those rides safely. Parents usually sit on benches
under the shady trees near the playground and watch them playing. I see many people jogging on the
track. Several people sit under the trees while chatting. I like sitting on a bench near the pond while
reading a book and enjoying the breeze. I occasionally watch animals in the park, especially butterflies.
They have colorful wings. They like flying and perching on the flowers.

SLOW 10. What is the park like? A. It is hot and crowded. It is quiet and pleasant. B. C. It is shady and
attractive. D. It has a beautiful landscape. 11. What is the writer's favorite place when visiting the park?
A. The bench near the pond B. The playground area C. The shady trees D. The jogging track 12. What
does the writer usually do in the park? A. Listen to music B. Jog along the track C. Chat with other
visitors D. Observe animals 910HA 13. Mother Udin, are you studying now? No, Mom. I'm just reading a
magazine. Is there anything I can do? Udin: Mother : The bulb in the kitchen is of Replace it with a new
one, please. : 0.K, Mom. I'll do it. Udin Mother Thank you, dear. Where does the conversation occur? At
the backyard In Udin's room in the kitchen D. in a dining room A. B. C.

The following text is for questions 14 to 16. Dear Rukmana, Just want to let you know how much we all
care about you and that we're all sending you our best wishes. We're all praying for you to have a
speedy recovery surgery and the best of health. from Hope you get well soon. VIIIB Class 14. What is the
purpose of the card? A. To express sympathy to Rukmana B. To wish Rukmana to recover soon C. To
encourage Rukmana that the surgery is THIE not a big deal D. To congratulate Rukmana for her quick

15. Who writes the card? A. Rukmana B. Rukmana's family C. Rukmana's teacher D. Rukmana's
classmates 16. What can you conclude about the card senders A. They care about Rukmana's condition.
B. They want Rukmana to wake up soon. C. They feel sorry for Rukmana. D. They miss Rukmana so

The following dialog is for questions 17 to 20. Radit : Are you free this Sunday morning? Ghea : I am.
What's up? : Radit : Will you come to Sukses Mall? I'll have an opening event for my third fashion store-
there. You can buy products with special discounts, of course. Ghea : Congratulations on your great
achievement,Radit! What time does the event start? Radit : At 9 AM. There will be several games and
giveaways during the event. That is the most important session, so you have to attend it. Will you?
Radit : Thank you.

HOTS17. What is Radit doing in the dialog? A. He convinces Ghea to play games with him on the opening
of his new store. B. He asks Ghea to help him in the opening event of his new store. C. He proposes
games to invite more people to come to his store. D. He invites Ghea to come to the opening of his new
store. 18. Radit says, "There will be several games and giveaways during the event." The underlined
word can be best replaced by A. loans B. prizes C. leases D. profits HOTS19) What is the relationship
between Radit and Ghea? A. Friends B. Siblings C. Boss and employee D. Business owner and partner.
20. Why does Ghea congratulate Radit? A. He has succeeded in holding an event. B.He won a game in
the opening event. C. He will open his third fashion store. D. He receives giveaways from the event

The following dialog is for questions 21 to 23. Ajeng : Have you ever visited Losari Beach in Makassar?
Vio : Yes, I have. Why? Ajeng : Well, I saw plenty of photographs showing the beauty of Losari Beach in
social media. Vio : The beach is beautifull and the best place to enjoy the sunset. You can also find many
ornaments that represent Sulawesi traditions there. Therefore, you can take interesting photographs.
Ajeng: Please, tell me more about it. Vio : Well, there are a lot of food stalls. You can eat delicious food
while enjoying the sunset. Ajeng : It sounds interesting. Vio : Indeed. You should plan to visit it. HOTS 21,
What are Ajeng and Vio talking about? A. Typical food of Makassar B. Losari Beach in Makassar C.
Ornaments at Losari Beach D. The beautiful sunset at Losari Beach 22. Why does Ajeng ask Vio about
Losari Beach? A. Vio wants to invite her to visit Losari Beach. B. She plans to go to Losari Beach for a
holiday. C. Ajeng is curious about Losari Beach in Makassar. D. Vio comes from Makassar.

23. What is Ajeng s opinion about Losari Beach? A. It is a beautiful beach. B. It has an awesome sunset. C
The food in Losari Beach is delicious. D. There are a lot of traditional ornaments. The following text is for
questions 24 to 26. To: Mr. Danang 1 have never thought that going to school could be so much fun. You
always find a way to capture my 11 attention and make sure I learn everything I have to, and more. You
are my favorite teachert Happy Teacher's Day! Cindy.

24 What is the purpose of the card? A. To congratulate someone B. To promote a school C. To

encourage someone D. To express gratitude 25. Who is Cindy? A. Mr. Danang's colleague B. Mr.
Danang's student C. Mr. Danang's daughter D Mr. Danang's niece 26. You are my favorite teacher!"
synonym of the underlined word? A. Fashionable B. Beloved C. Famous D. Keen

For questions 27 to 30, chose the correct words to complete the text. The Sea World is a wonderful
place. It has an aquarium tunnel. There are many species of (27) the aquarium and people can
enjoy a marine life. Occasionally, there are (28)........swimming together with the fish. Visitors can walk
along the tunnel to enjoy the aquarium. They can observe a coral reef aquarium in the sea world, too.
There are many coral reefs and sponges in the aquarium. Visitors can also see several dugongs in the
dugong aquarium . There is also a touch pool in the Sea World where starfish and turtles live. There is
a(29).........aquarium, where Parrot fish. Arowana fish, kinds of Betta fish, and many more live. This place
also providers a (30)........and restaurant where visitors can buy souvenirs and enjoy meals.

27. A. fishes B. bugs C. birds D. tigers 28. A. coral reefs B. predators C. divers D. visitors 29. A. dugong B.
starfish C. brackish water D. fresh wate 30. A. canteen B. souvenir shop C. food stall D. kitchen

B. Fill in the blanks correctly. The following text is for numbers 1 to 3. To: Nadia Thanks for being a good
friend and partner for three years. You are a really reliable person. I hope things work out really great
for you! Wish me luck too at my new work place. Septha

1. According to the text, the relationship between Nadia and Septha is........ 2. The purpose of this card is Nadia. 3. Based on the text, we may conclude that Septha is going to......

The following dialog is for numbers 4 and 5. Ryan : Why are you driving so close to the vehicle in front of
you? Dika : It makes me easy to overtake. Ryan : You shouldn't do that. What if the vehicle in front of
you suddenly pushes the brake? You don't have enough time to anticipate and consequently there will
be an accident. Dika : What should I do, then? Ryan : You must maintain a safe distance from any
vehicles in front of you. Then, you will have more time to react to unpredictable situations, such as
hitting potholes or sudden braking. Dika : I think you're right. O.K., I'll slow down. Thanks for telling me
this. Ryan : You're welcome.

4. According to the dialog, we minimize accidents 5. The conversation probably occurs

C. Make a greeting card to express sympathy.

Words to Memorize advice : saran, nasihat artwork : karya seni baggage : bagasi, barang, koper bench :
bangku taman to bid farewell : mengucapkan selamat tinggal blackout : mati lampu bleach : pemutih
board game : permainan dengan papan to bother : mengganggu breeder : peternak briefing :
pengarahan brighter : lebih terang, cerah bucket : ember burst : ledakan capable : mampu, bisa
caretaker : penjaga catfish : lele charity : amal chess : catur condolences : belasungkawa congratulations
: ucapan selamat convenience : kenyamanan to damage : merusak to dare : menantang, berani to
delay : menunda determination : penentuan, tekad ditch : selokan dragonfly : capung drizzle : gerimis
duty : tugas employee : karyawan to encourage : mendorong, menganjurkan everlasting : kekal, abadi
exposure : paparan

fate : nasib, takdir fawn : anak rusa fragile : rapuh, rentan gobbler : kalkun jantan graffiti : coretan pada
dinding, grafiti grocer : penjual bahan makanan harsh : kasar harvest : panen hazardous : berbahaya,
penuh risiko interest : minat, kegemaran to invite : mengundang to maintain : menjaga to miss :
merindukan to occur : muncul officer : petugas, pejabat to overcome : mengatasi pedestrian : pejalan
kaki permission : izin pole : tiang precaution : pencegahan to prevent : mencegah pronunciation :
pengucapan to pursue : mengikuti to tecommend : merekomendasikan, menyarankan to recycle :
mendaur ulang to register : mendaftar reluctant : enggan, ragu respect : rasa hormat responsible :
bertanggung jawab scattered : tersebar scholarship : beasiswa to scold : memarahi shovel : sekop

significant : penting sincerely : dengan tulus skateboard track : arena bermain papan seluncur smelly :
berbau busuk smooth : lancar; lembut snatcher : penjambret to spend : menghabiskan to spray :
menyemprot spread : penyebaran strict : ketat to suffer : menderita to take away : membawa, merebut
threat : ancaman tie-dye : pewarna ikat tone : nada, tekanan suara to touch : menyentuh to trample :
menginjak to trespass : melanggar, masuk tanpa izin turkey : kalkun voltage : tegangan warehouse :
gudang washbasin : wastafel, tempat cuci tangan wasp : tawon , lebah penyengat working bee : kerja

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