Health and Wellness Australia

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Volume III Issue No. 7 • July 2017

Health and Wellness: Australia
The EMB of the Department of Trade and
Industry (DTI) is mandated to oversee the Growing health awareness influences the food Health and wellness to remain a key concern over
development, promotion, and monitoring and beverage choices of Australian consumers the forecast period
of Philippine exports. The EMB provides
the exporters the enabling environment
Health and wellness concerns remain a key Health and wellness packaged food and beverages
to make them globally competitive. focus guiding the food and beverage purchasing are both set to continue to grow over the forecast
decisions of Australian consumers. Within food, period. This will be due to the continued increase
Euromonitor Digest is a monthly online this was reflected in a focus on natural ingredients in health consciousness, as well as manufacturers
publication of the EMB, which aims to and a switch to low-sugar varieties. Meanwhile, continuing to innovate to cater for growing
provide insightful analysis on the reports concerns around the consumption of fat have been consumer demand for healthy products. In addition,
culled from Euromonitor International’s allayed by reports which highlight the place of growing knowledge about healthy food and
Business Intelligence Research.
healthy fats, such as avocados, within a varied diet. beverage consumption will continue to be supported
In beverages, Australian consumers continued by government health campaigns and information
to turn away from sugar-laden drinks such as promoted by public health officials in the media.
EDITORIAL BOARD carbonates and juices and opted for healthier
alternatives, such as carbonated and flavoured KEY TRENDS AND DEVELOPMENTS
Dir. Senen M. Perlada
Editor-in-Chief water and cold-pressed juices. Healthy lifestyles drive consumer demand
for healthier food and beverage products
AD Agnes Perpetua R. Legaspi Functional products appeal to consumer’s health
Managing Editor
concerns The proportion of Australians who are classified
Victorino S. Soriano as either overweight or obese continues to grow,
Associate Editor
Manufacturers continued to promote the functional with Euromonitor International forecasting that
use of their products to enhance the energy and 33.4% of the Australian population will be classified
Louise Kaye G. Mendoza overall well-being of consumers. For example, as obese by 2020. As a result, there have been
Layout / Design Artist
in November 2015 Sunbeam launched “energy many government-directed health campaigns
bites” which use “real” ingredients, such as apricot, developed to encourage physical exercise and
coconut and cacao, to provide a convenient promote a healthy, balanced diet. This has fostered
pick-me-up snack. The use of natural ingredients growth in health consciousness among Australian
to promote sustainable energy was also a trend consumers who have become more educated about
observed in beverages, for example in the use the importance of nutrition. Young Australians in
of natural guarana extract, known for its energy particular are leading the charge in adopting healthy
Passport is an online market research boosting properties, in PODiSTA’s double-shot
database used by the world’s top lifestyles and this has been a key driver for health
fresh ground coffee pods which were launched and wellness food and beverages across a number
investment banks, strategic management
consultancies and Fortune 500
in November 2015. of categories, including organic, functional/fortified,
companies to understand the global Organic becomes a key focus for manufacturers naturally healthy, better for you and food intolerance
business environment in a time of rapid types. As a result, the majority of categories
change and increased globalization. Concerns around ethical and sustainable food achieved positive retail value growth in 2016.
production remained key drivers in the growth
of organic food and beverages in Australia. In the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, Australian
Organically grown produce also appeals to the consumers have turned away from heavily
health and wellness concerns of consumers as processed foods towards healthier alternatives.
these products are free from pesticides and the use One example of this is other milk alternatives which
In the past, you provided EMB with your
of other strong chemicals which are considered include almond milk, rice milk, and coconut milk
email address and we have included it
in our mailing list. Please note that you harmful to one’s health. Organically grown food and appeals to consumers who are looking to limit
will regularly receive this publication. is also promoted as being more nutritionally dense dairy consumption, often for health-related reasons.
If you wish to unsubscribe, please and better tasting than non-organically grown food. Due to this rising health consciousness, health
email us at New product developments which used organic and wellness experienced 3% overall retail value
with “Unsubscribe” in the “Subject.” produce boomed in 2016, with organic coffee being growth in 2016.
a particularly strong area of growth.
Health and wellness products become mainstream It is anticipated that more Australians will adopt
G/F and 2/F DTI International Bldg. The growth of health and wellness products healthy lifestyles over the forecast period as public
375 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue continued to be supported by the growing health officials continue their campaign to promote
Makati City 1200, Philippines presence of these products in supermarkets. health and wellness to alleviate the burden of
Supermarkets have encouraged growth by lifestyle-related diseases. One example of this,
Tel. No.: (632) 465.3300
developing their own range of health and wellness the Health Star Rating, which was voluntarily
Fax No.: (632) 899.0111
products, as well as by offering consistent price introduced for mostly packaged food in 2014,
promotions on these products. continues to increase its presence across

Source: © and database rights Euromonitor International PLC 2011 All rights reserved.
Volume III Issue No. 7 • July 2017

supermarkets. It is anticipated that the influence of the Health Star

Rating will increase as consumers adapt to using the information
provided to inform their purchases. In addition, brand owners are
also now more conscious of products’ formulations and how they will
appear on the rating system.
Australian parents will also likely direct this move towards a healthier
lifestyle by making health-conscious decisions for their children.
With one in four Australian children classified as overweight or obese,
according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, schools
will also play a key role in encouraging children to eat more healthily.
This will include initiatives such as education about how to eat well
and the importance of exercise and limiting the amount of unhealthy
food available at school canteens. The health concerns held by
parents will also be reflected in the strong growth of healthier food
options for infants, with powder special baby milk formula anticipated sweetener alternatives, such as monk fruit, although this ingredient
to record a 3% retail value CAGR at constant 2016 prices over the is yet to enter the mainstream market in Australia.
forecast period.
Concern about the negative effects of sugar on health remains a key
issue for consumers Over the forecast period, manufacturers are expected to continue to
propose innovative ways to reduce the sugar levels of their products
The demonization of sugar continues as public health officials endorse while still maintaining an appealing taste for consumers. Reductions
a cautious approach to the consumption of sugar. Knowledge of the in serving sizes will remain a viable option to do this. Coca-Cola
array of negative health issues associated with sugar consumption Amatil launched a new 250ml PET bottle for Coca-Cola in October
continues to increase due to media coverage of studies linking the 2016 due to the success of its other smaller-sized packages. Other
two, as well as public health campaigns such as “Rethink Sugary manufacturers are set to follow this lead in line with consumer
Drink”. This campaign targets the high per capita consumption of demand.
sugary drinks in Australia and the potential this consumption has for
weight gain and obesity. Attempts to curtail sugar consumption have also been supported
by the release of Australia’s first line of sugar-free soft drinks in
Meanwhile, manufacturers also continue their search for new sugar major supermarkets. In August 2016, Nexba Beverages Pty launched
alternatives in the hope of appealing to health-conscious consumers. Sugar Free, a range of naturally sugar-free soft drinks which uses
While stevia has gained traction as a sugar alternative, particularly a combination of erythritol and stevia extract as sweeteners and
with the release of stevia-sweetened Coca-Cola Life in April 2015, is available in cola, lemon, and orange flavours. Sugar-free soft
some consumers have raised concerns about the taste of stevia. drink alternatives are likely to be purchased by adults for both their
Local trade associations have indicated that manufacturers continue
consumption as well as a healthier alternative for their children. ■
to experiment with the use of combinations of stevia as well as other

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