Oumh1303 0107

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There are TEN (10) questions. Answer ALL questions.

QUESTION 1 Verdeber and Verderber (1980) group conflict into four types which are pseudo conflict, content conflict, value conflict, and ego conflict. Explain what you understand by any TWO (2) of these conflicts. (3 marks)

QUESTION 2 Visual aids are useful in oral presentation. State TWO (2) differences between prepared and unprepared visual aids. Use examples to illustrate the contrast. (3 marks)

QUESTION 3 Explain the difference between hearing and listening. (3 marks)

QUESTION 4 No man is an island and no one is self-sufficient, so says John Donne, a seventeenth century English author. Closeness, intimacy and interaction are crucial elements in interpersonal communication. In real life, human interaction is essential and this interaction is carried out for varied reasons. Discuss TWO (2) of these reasons. (3 marks)

QUESTION 5 State TWO (2) important guidelines or rules that we need to follow when using visual aids. (3 marks)


QUESTION 6 In public speaking, a presenter should adhere to the principles of effective presentation for maximising communication. Discuss TWO (2) of these principles by providing illustrations or elaborations where appropriate. (3 marks)

QUESTION 7 Usually in the process of communication, we tend to form quick impressions of people that we meet. There are factors that affect our perception of these people. Explain TWO (2) of these factors. (3 marks)

QUESTION 8 In Tubbs Communication Model, interference is cited as one of the factors that can affect communication. Interference can be either technical or semantic. Explain the difference between the TWO (2) types of interference and give examples to illustrate this difference. (3 marks)

QUESTION 9 According to Wolpe, J. M.D. (2000), there are three possible broad approaches of communication styles for the conduct of interpersonal relations. Discuss TWO (2) of these communication styles. (3 marks)

QUESTION 10 In an academic situation, lecturers delivery style can sometimes cause difficulties in listening and understanding. Explain THREE (3) lecturers presentation styles. (3 marks)

[Total: 30 marks]



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