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The significance of failure modes in the design and management of levees – a perspective from the

International Levee Handbook team

Jonathan Simm, Michael Wallis, Philip Smith, Rémy Tourment, Guillaume Veylon, Yann Deniaud,
Edouard Durand Jamie McVicker and Rachael Hersh-Burdick

to come together to provide a guidance document – the International Levee Handbook (ILH) - for the
management, design and construction of levees.( )
Production of the handbook is in progress. Technical work is expected to be completed by the March 2013
with publication by the London-based Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA)
due later that year.

2. Structure of the handbook

The ILH will contain information that is useful for both existing and newly designed levees, however the
structure of the handbook is such that existing levees are addressed first followed by newly designed levees.
It is split into four main sections with a total of 10 chapters:

2.1. Fundamentals
Chapter 1 ‘Introduction’ defines the structure, aims and scope of the handbook and explains how the
document builds on and compliments existing manuals and guidance.
Chapter 2 ‘Conceptual frameworks’ provides a generic management framework for flood defence
systems which connects overlapping topics, bridges differences between countries, and puts levees in
context with other parts of the flood defence system. It includes a flow diagram showing the framework for
the life cycle management of a levee (Figure 3)
Chapter 3 ‘Form and function of levees’ describes and illustrates the main types of levees and how
they function with regard to flood risk. It discusses the influence of other structures associated with levees
and the multi-functionality of levees. A section is also devoted to exampling the basics of failure modes for
different types of levee.

Figure 3: Levee management life cycle

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