EPD 0001 Design Management Process

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Engineering Procedure

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Engineering Procedure
EPD 0001


Version 2.1

Issued July 2012

Owner: Manager, Engineering Standards and Configuration

Approved Neville Chen Authorised Natalie Richardson
by: A/Manager by: A/General Manager
Engineering Standards and Chief Engineers Division

This document was prepared for use on the RailCorp Network only.
RailCorp makes no warranties, express or implied, that compliance with the contents of this document shall be
sufficient to ensure safe systems or work or operation. It is the document user’s sole responsibility to ensure that the
copy of the document it is viewing is the current version of the document as in use by RailCorp.
RailCorp accepts no liability whatsoever in relation to the use of this document by any party, and RailCorp excludes
any liability which arises in any manner by the use of this document.
The information in this document is protected by Copyright and no part of this document may be reproduced, altered,
stored or transmitted by any person without the prior consent of RailCorp.


RailCorp Engineering Procedure — Design
Design Management Process EPD 0001

Document control
Version Date Summary of change
Withdrawn - for reference only
1.0 First issue
Section numbering updated, Reference corrections and Document Control
Page added.
Replace reference from RIC to RailCorp – reference made to RailCorp
Safety Management System
1.3 Standardising Format
Formatted to TMA 400
Update of cross references, general editing
2.0 May 2009 Alignment with SMS and other EPD documents.
Update information on verification
Update of glossary
2.1 June 2012 See Table below

Summary of changes from previous version

Summary of change Section
General editing for clarity; update of cross references.
Glossary removed (previously in Appendix) – now in TMA 421 General
References to “customer” (undefined) changed to appropriate text
Reference to legislation for environment and heritage added 1
Scope and Application sections added 2, 3
Referenced documents list updated 4
Terms and definitions used in this Procedure provided 5
Cross reference to TMA 421 Glossary added 6
7 “The design management documentation system” was Section 2.1. 7
8 “Scope of Design work” was 5 “Requirements” 8
“design brief, project scope of works or systems requirements specification
(SRS)” replaced “customer specification/design brief”
General edit;
2.1 Figure 2
SRS, other design inputs, NDA Gateways and Technical Reviews added.
9 “Design process model” was Section 5.3 9
WHS/OHS requirements generalised to “statutory requirements”
Added: “interface agreements and RailCorp policies and standards”
Text changed to describe design phases and stages. Table 1 added.
Added “Generally … Design Management Process procedure applies.”
Section heading added “10 Reviews and acceptance”
Added: 10.1 Network design authority (NDA) and 10.2 Technical reviews 10
Subheadings 10.3 to 10.6 were previously numbered 5.3.4 to 5.3.7
11 “Related design tasks” was Section 5.4 11
“Safety in design” was “Hazard and risk analysis” 11.1
“RAM” added to heading 11.2
Titles and responsibilities updated 12
Added: List of All Discipline Engineering Procedures Appendix A

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Design Management Process EPD 0001

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1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................4
2 Scope........................................................................................................................................4
3 Application...............................................................................................................................4
4 Referenced documents ..........................................................................................................4
5 Terms and definitions.............................................................................................................5
6 Glossary...................................................................................................................................7
7 Design management documentation system ......................................................................7
8 Scope of design work .............................................................................................................8
8.1 General......................................................................................................................................8
8.2 Key requirements ......................................................................................................................8
9 Design process model............................................................................................................9
9.1 General......................................................................................................................................9
9.2 System requirements specification (SRS) ..............................................................................11
9.3 Design inputs ..........................................................................................................................11
9.4 Design development phases and stages (new and altered assets) .......................................11
10 Reviews and acceptance......................................................................................................12
10.1 Network design authority (NDA) .............................................................................................12
10.2 Technical reviews....................................................................................................................12
10.3 Design verification...................................................................................................................12
10.4 Design output approval and acceptance.................................................................................13
10.5 Design validation.....................................................................................................................13
10.6 Configuration management.....................................................................................................13
11 Related design tasks ............................................................................................................13
11.1 Safety in design.......................................................................................................................13
11.2 RAM and integrated support provisions..................................................................................14
12 Responsibilities.....................................................................................................................14
12.1 General Manager Chief Engineers Division............................................................................14
12.2 General Manager Professional Services Division...................................................................14
12.3 Chief Engineers.......................................................................................................................14
12.4 Design Heads..........................................................................................................................14
12.5 Design personnel ....................................................................................................................15
12.6 Project design managers ........................................................................................................15
Appendix A Engineering standards..........................................................................................16

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RailCorp Engineering Procedure — Design
Design Management Process EPD 0001

1 Introduction
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RailCorp has a primary responsibility as an ‘owner’ and ‘operator’ under the New South
Wales Rail Safety Act 2008 (Rail Safety Act) for the safe construction, operation and
maintenance of rail infrastructure. RailCorp also has a range of additional obligations
under the NSW Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (WHS Act) and Regulation and other
legislation covering topics such as environment and heritage.

Design management processes implemented by RailCorp represent a key component of

the systems necessary for RailCorp to maintain the safety and integrity of rail
infrastructure to:

• comply with the set of statutory obligations placed on RailCorp

• maintain the accreditation as a rail transport operator within the terms of the Rail
Safety Act
• maintain RailCorp accreditation to AS/NZS ISO 9001 and other standards.

2 Scope
This procedure provides an overview of the engineering design management process
described in detail in other RailCorp engineering design procedures. The procedure
covers the engineering design stages Feasibility, Concept Design and Detail Design.

Note: The equivalent RPMM phases are set out in Table 1.

3 Application
This procedure supports the RailCorp Safety Management System Requirements and
Procedures in particular —

SMS-06-SR-0142 System Requirement – Security

SMS-09-PR-1473 - Application of Network Design Authority for New and Altered Assets
SMS-09-SR-0151 Configuration Management
SMS-12-SR-1363 Engineering Standards
SMS-12-PR-0371 Managing Engineering Design Control
The requirements of this procedure and of other documents within the suite of
engineering design procedures shall apply to all engineering design work performed by or
for RailCorp as defined in Section 8.

4 Reference documents
Acts and regulations
New South Wales Rail Safety Act 2008 (Rail Safety Act)
New South Wales Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (WHS Act)
New South Wales Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 (WHS Regulation)
Standards Australia
AS 4292 Railway safety management (series)
AS/NZS ISO 9001 Quality management systems – Requirements
AS/NZS 15288 Systems engineering – System life cycle processes (ISO/IEC 15288)
HB 90.3 The Construction Industry – Guide to ISO 9001:2000

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RailCorp documents
RPMM RAE – RailCorp Project Management Methodology Rail Asset Enhancement
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RailCorp Engineering Procedures (A list of RailCorp All discipline Engineering
Procedures is provided in Appendix A)
SMS-09-PR-1473 Application of Network Design Authority for new and altered assets
TMA 421 Glossary for Engineering Design Management

5 Terms and definitions

The following terms are used in this document. Terms have been derived from TMA 421.
TMA 421 contains further references or information for some terms.

asset asset for which RailCorp is responsible

business case core document that defines a business need for a project and is used to
seek management’s approval to proceed

Chief Engineer person recognised as having responsibility for assuring technical

integrity of a particular class of assets (e.g. Chief Engineer Track being responsible for
assuring technical integrity of track infrastructure) (previously “discipline head”)

client person that has a business need, and will use the project’s product, service or
result (further information in TMA 421)

configuration documents product configuration information and its supporting medium

configuration item entity within a configuration that satisfies an end use function

configuration management (CM) coordinated activities to direct and control

configuration (further information in TMA 421)

design (noun) the product of the process of designing that describes the solution
(conceptual, preliminary or detailed) of the system, system elements or system end items
(further information in TMA 421)

design acceptance the process that sets down controls to ensure that engineering
design undertaken by RailCorp, or by another firm on behalf of RailCorp, is done by
qualified individuals using approved procedures and equipment, under appropriate

design approval process whereby an authorised person certifies that design outputs
have been verified as meeting design input specifications and requirements and that the
design has been completed in accordance with relevant regulations and standards, prior
to the release of the design for construction or use (further information in EPD 0010)

design approver authorised person who certifies the design has followed authorised
processes and meets requirements and is ready for acceptance (further information in
EPD 0010)

design brief a document (or documents) that describes the required product in sufficient
detail to permit the design task to proceed (further information in TMA 421)

Note: A design brief is functionally equivalent to a specification but is used where a formal
specification has not been prepared by the sponsor. (Further information in TMA 421)

design personnel those involved in the design process making decisions affecting the
design and includes designers, checkers, verifiers and acceptors of designs, and others

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that provide information and recommendations on which designs are based (further
information in EPA 240 and EPA 241)
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design records provide traceability of the evolution of the approved design (including
design changes) from the specification to approved configuration documentation

Note: Design records include, but are not limited to, assumptions and calculations,
investigations and reports (such as hazard analyses or reliability models), test and
commissioning records, modelling results and any other data that supports the final
design solution.

drawings include but are not limited to, track, signalling and overhead wiring plans and
layouts, piping layouts and isometrics, civil and structural fabrication details, electrical
schematics, single line diagrams and terminations, instrument loop and hook-up
diagrams and vendor drawings

Note: Drawings include parts lists and associated schedules.

engineering authority the authority to make and approve engineering decisions (further
information in TMA 421)

engineering standards the documents comprising the engineering standards are:

Engineering Design Procedures, Engineering Standards, Engineering Specifications,
Engineering Manuals, Train Operating Conditions Manuals, Technical Notes and
Engineering Instructions, Technical Maintenance Plans and Service Schedules, Minimum
Operating Standards for Rolling Stock (further information in TMA 421)

ensure to take all reasonable action insofar as controllable factors will allow

hazard a condition that is a potential source of harm

infrastructure see rail infrastructure

integrated support a complete process for identifying the support requirements for a
new or existing rail system asset

interface common boundary or points of connection between two or more items or

systems (further information in TMA 421)

may indicates the existence of an option

project design manager person who manages design and investigation projects to
deliver engineering solutions for projects and programs

project scope of works document describing the business case or specifying the
requirements for elements of a project

Note: Used with some low complexity projects, particularly where decomposition of
requirements will not add value or clarity.

rail infrastructure the facilities that are necessary to enable a railway to operate safely
(other than rolling stock and any facility, or facility of a class, that is prescribed by the
regulations not to be rail infrastructure) and includes, but is not limited to, the following:

a) railway tracks and associated track structures,

b) service roads, signalling systems, communications systems, rolling stock

control systems and data management systems,

c) notices and signs,

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d) electrical power supply and electric traction systems,

e) associated buildings, workshops, depots and yards,

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f) plant, machinery and equipment.

requirements specification a specification used to ensure that client (customer)

requirements are very clearly defined, to enable a project solution to be designed and
developed that will meet the business and operational needs of stakeholders, and satisfy
project objectives

RPMM RailCorp Project Management Methodology

shall indicates that a statement is mandatory

specification a document that fully describes a design element or its interfaces in terms
of requirements (functional, performance, constraints, and design characteristics) and the
qualification (validation) conditions and procedures for each requirement

sponsor person responsible for ensuring the project outcomes deliver the benefits
(benefit realisation) as defined in the sponsor’s brief and business case. Represents the
group with the business need

sponsor’s brief document that provides formal recognition of an initiative, business

need, or idea/concept, and provides a mechanism to obtain funding for the development
of a detailed Business case (in the Feasibility Phase)

system requirements specification (SRS) see requirements specification

type testing a specific form of validation carried out to demonstrate that a specific type
of item (i.e. by manufacturer’s part or model number) is capable of meeting the full
operating, performance and environmental design requirements for its intended
application within the RailCorp system (further description in EPD 0012)

validation the process of ensuring that the final product conforms to defined client
requirements (further information in EPD 0012 )

verification the process carried out to ensure that the output of a design stage (or
stages) meets the design stage input requirements (further information in EPD 0011)

6 Glossary
A glossary of terms and definitions used within RailCorp engineering standards is
contained in TMA 421. The glossary also includes a list of acronyms and abbreviations
used within the procedures.

7 Design management documentation system

The design management documentation system comprises a set of engineering design
procedures that establish the framework to be adopted for all engineering design tasks.

These procedures reflect high level policies, processes and requirements for the
management of design and integrated support tasks within a systems engineering
context, and are intended to provide a stable basis for RailCorp business processes.

The procedures incorporate key statutory and management requirements as shown in

Figure 1. Specific requirements are included in individual procedures.

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Federal and state

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legislation and
Australian and Management Policies regulations


RailCorp design
instructions and
(each discipline) RailCorp design RailCorp support
data and data

Figure 1 - Design management documentation structure

8 Scope of design work

8.1 General
Design work performed by RailCorp is not confined to major projects. It includes all tasks
that may alter the physical configuration, functional performance or the conditions of use
of any item of rail infrastructure including associated hardware and software elements.

Design tasks include, but are not limited to:

• Development of new designs.

• Modification or alteration of existing designs.
• Development of repair methods for any item, particularly where the repair would
alter strength, durability or functional performance or limitations.
• Identification, development and type testing/approval of new standard designs and
equipment for use in specified applications including standard repairs.
• Review and approval of changes in the conditions of use for any item including
definition of restrictions or additional inspection requirements where the proposed
usage would result in the item being used outside of its original design basis.
These include changes to usage parameters such as speed, loading, operating
and environmental conditions.
• Local development and/or modification of tools, test equipment, workshop aids or
other plant and equipment.
• Review and approval of substitute or replacement spares for any hardware item.

8.2 Key requirements

Certain key requirements shall apply for all design work performed within RailCorp.
Specific requirements are further described in Section 9 of this procedure and are defined
in detail in individual engineering standards. The key requirements are:

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engineering authority – all design tasks shall be undertaken by competent persons who
have been allocated engineering authority to undertake those tasks. Refer EPA 241.
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design brief, project scope of works or systems requirements specification (SRS) –
design work shall not commence without a design brief, project scope of works or a
systems requirements specification derived from a business requirements specification.

design standards – all design work shall be performed to the relevant federal and state
legislation and regulations and to standards approved by RailCorp. Federal and state
legislation and regulations shall have precedence. Refer EPD 0006.

documentation – all design outputs shall be fully and properly documented. Refer
EPD 0017.

verification – design stage output shall be verified to confirm consistency with design
stage inputs. Refer EPD 0011.

validation – design output shall be validated to confirm that requirements set out in the
sponsor’s brief or business case have been met. Refer EPD 0012.

risks and hazards – an evaluation of risks and hazards shall be performed and
documented as part of every design task. Refer EPD 0008.

integrated support – requirements (i.e. maintenance plans and specifications) shall be

considered both as part of the detail design effort and prior to release of new or altered
assets to the field. Refer EPD 0018.

design approval – all design output shall be approved by an authorised person, i.e. a
design approver, prior to release for construction. Refer EPD 0010.

design acceptance – all design output from sources external to RailCorp shall be
accepted by the relevant Chief Engineer for use by RailCorp prior to release for
construction. Refer EPA 280.

design and configuration records – design and supporting documentation that fully
describe the as-built configuration of rail infrastructure shall be maintained. Refer
EPD 0014.

9 Design process model

9.1 General
RailCorp has adopted the systems engineering methodology as the basis for
management of the design process. AS/NZS 15288 provides additional information
related to the systems engineering process.

This model, which is consistent with the process of design described in

AS/NZS ISO 9001 and explained in more detail in HB 90.3, establishes a systematic
methodology for fully identifying sponsor requirements during the concept stage and
achieving those within the final design.

Application of the RailCorp model will also meet the requirements of the WHS Regulation
in respect of plant and structure design, as well as the requirements of the Rail Safety Act
and associated AS 4292 series of standards.

The top-level model adopted by RailCorp is shown in Figure 2. Sections 9.2 to 10.6
provide a brief description of various elements of the model.

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Figure 2 - RailCorp design process model

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9.2 System requirements specification (SRS)

Every design task initiated in RailCorp shall have a sponsor whose requirements are to
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be addressed by the design. In the RPMM RAE methodology, a concept brief proceeds to
the sponsor’s brief which proceeds to a business requirements statement (BRS). The
BRS is developed into a SRS. For some low complexity projects, a project scope of work
or a design brief may be developed instead of the BRS or SRS.

The project design manager assigned to the task shall ensure that the client or sponsor’s
requirements are specified in sufficient detail to establish clear output requirements for
the task. No design shall commence without a SRS, project scope of works or approved
design brief. EPD 0004 provides further guidance on design briefs, however, as a
minimum the design brief, project scope of works or SRS shall include:

• performance requirements for the item to which the task applies;

• intended use, including maximum loads or operating condition, duty cycle,
operating environment and required design life;
• levels of maintenance, maintenance locations, maintenance windows and systems,
maintenance staff skills, self testing and diagnosis and test equipment, spare and
rotable warehouse locations;
• interfaces with existing equipment;
• reliability, availability, maintainability and integrated support requirements;
• any other special requirements including alternative design standards (where these
differ from RailCorp standards) or other regulatory requirements.

9.3 Design inputs

The design brief, project scope of works or SRS forms the major design input. However,
RailCorp design tasks are also governed by statutory and regulatory requirements,
interface agreements and RailCorp policies and standards. These requirements shall be
taken into account in establishing design inputs irrespective of whether they are specified
by the design brief, project scope of works or SRS.

Determining the full set of design inputs, and ensuring sponsor and stakeholder
agreement, represents an essential step for management of the design process, refer
EPD 0013.

The set of design inputs also forms the basis for verification and validation of design
output, i.e. for determining whether the final design has met the sponsor and stakeholder

9.4 Design development phases and stages (new and altered

Design development for new and altered assets is usually carried out in two phases —
concept design phase and detailed design phase. Each phase consists of multiple design
development stages. The concept phase starts with the development of several feasible
solutions (feasibility design) that meet business requirements and concludes with the
selection of preferred concept that is described in a system requirement specification.
Generally, activities involved in these stages are of a planning nature and for confirming
requirements for the project. If the activities undertaken in these stages involve
engineering design then this Design Management Process procedure applies.

Detail design phase involves three design stages — system definition, preliminary design
and critical design. Projects of less complexity may avoid the concept design phase and
go straight into the detail design phase. Where the design development is carried out in
the two distinctive phases, at the end of the concept design and the detailed design
phases a configuration change request shall be raised to obtain Configuration Control

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Board approval to proceed to the next design phase or project phase. Terms used for the
design phases and stages are shown in Table 1.
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Feasibility Design and Planning
Design Concept
Feasibility Detail design
phase- design
Design Feasibility Concept System Preliminary Critical
Stage design design definition design design

Table 1 - Alignment of Design Phases

10 Reviews and acceptance

10.1 Network design authority (NDA)

The NDA process is for progressive acceptance of project decisions based on
assurances that the safety and integrity of the network is maintained throughout the
change process and the design intent is met by proposed changes. SMS-09-PR-1473
Application of Network Design Authority for new and altered assets describes and
provides requirements for the NDA process. Under NDA requirements, a full program of
assurance activities is applied when the project complexity is high and a limited program
of assurance activities when the project complexity is low. NDA Gateway 1 is subsequent
to the acceptance of the concept design and NDA Gateway 2 is subsequent to the
acceptance of the critical or final detail design.

10.2 Technical reviews

Technical reviews are undertaken at completion of each design stage to establish that the
design is on track to meet the specified requirements. The reviews help to identify
deviations of the design from specified requirements and initiate action to amend the
design to meet requirements, issue waivers or modify requirements. Technical reviews
are described in EPD 0013.

10.3 Design verification

Verification of design output shall be accomplished through review of the documentation
by persons who have been granted engineering authority for that purpose. Verification
may take place either at the completion of each design stage for major projects or at the
completion of the design task for minor projects. Design verification confirms that the
design output for each design stage is consistent with the design input for that stage.

Verification is a mandatory activity and a pre-requisite for design approval.

Verification of the final design is required to show that:

• the design output conforms to specified requirements;

• the design has been completed in accordance with the appropriate procedures and
• the design has taken in to account all applicable aspects listed in the CCR, design
checklists or the proceedings of a technical review, including test results where
• supporting calculations and decisions for defined critical systems have been
independently checked and verified;

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• the requisite approvals have been obtained from regulatory authorities;

• the design has been properly documented.
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More detailed requirements for design verification are provided in EPD 0011.

10.4 Design output approval and acceptance

Design output may include technical specifications, drawings, plans, test data and results,
which in combination fully describe the final design. Outputs include configuration
documents and design records as further explained in EPD 0014.

All design work performed by RailCorp design staff shall be approved by a staff member
who has an engineering authority delegation for the appropriate type of design approval.

All design work performed by external design companies shall be approved by a person
authorised by the design company for that task. For the design approval process, refer to
EPD 0010.

All approved designs shall be accepted by the relevant Chief Engineers for use by
RailCorp prior to release for construction or manufacture as required in EPA 280.

10.5 Design validation

Design validation is the process of ensuring that the final product conforms to the
requirements defined in the sponsor’s brief or business case.

The validation process may be accomplished through a variety of methods as defined in

EPD 0012. A common method of validation is type testing which is designed to
demonstrate the ability of the final design to meet the range of operating conditions
included in the sponsor’s brief or business case.

General validation requirements and methods shall be determined and approved by the
Chief Engineer or by his delegated representative for all new design tasks before
commencement of the task, and progressively defined and refined as the task proceeds.
Validation results shall form part of the design record for the item or system concerned
and shall be filed as part of the design data for the item.

More detailed requirements for design validation are provided in EPD 0012.

10.6 Configuration management

‘As-built’ configuration documents shall be created and maintained for all design work in
an approved RailCorp repository. This provides the basis for all subsequent changes and
is essential for confirming supportability requirements such as operating instructions and
manuals as well as maintenance requirements, spares and training needs.

More detailed requirements for configuration management and record keeping are in
EPD 0014 and EPD 0017.

11 Related design tasks

11.1 Safety in design

Safety is an integral aspect of RailCorp design work. RailCorp has statutory obligations
under the Rail Safety Act and the WHS Act and Regulations to ensure safety in design.

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Designing for safety requires identifying hazards and risks and eliminating or minimising
risks to ALARP through design. This process is described in EPD 0008.
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11.2 RAM and integrated support provisions
Reliability, availability and maintainability (RAM) aspects are essential considerations in
all RailCorp designs. Where such targets are specified, designers shall meet the RAM
targets, as described in EPD 0009.

Integrated support requirements shall be considered as part of each and every design
task, including design changes made as a result of CCR action. Integrated support
requirements to be considered as part of each task shall include the following aspects, in
accordance with the WHS Act and Regulation:

• documentation and manuals including the purpose for which the asset is designed,
installation, commissioning, operation, maintenance, inspection, cleaning,
transport, storage and, if the asset is capable of being dismantled, dismantling of
the asset;
• maintenance requirements, including testing or inspections to be carried out on the
• systems of work necessary for the safe use of the asset;
• knowledge, training or skill necessary for persons operating or undertaking
inspection and testing of the asset;
• spares support requirements;
• emergency procedures.

Consideration of integrated support aspects as part of a design task includes:

• incorporation of specific provisions within the design to achieve the specified

RAMS including ease of access, inspection provisions, emergency operation and
safety aspects such as isolation and guarding
• ensuring that the necessary documentation and support provisions are properly
assessed and introduced before the newly designed equipment enters service

Specific requirements for the inclusion of integrated support provisions in all design tasks
are included in EPD 0008, EPD 0009, EPD 0018, EPD 0019 and EPD 0020.

12 Responsibilities

12.1 General Manager Chief Engineers Division

Responsible for establishing the design management framework.

12.2 General Manager Professional Services Division

Responsible for implementing the design management system.

12.3 Chief Engineers

Responsible for establishing and maintaining design standards for their specific

12.4 Design Heads

Responsible for implementing the design management processes for their discipline.

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12.5 Design personnel

Responsible for completing allocated design tasks within the terms of their engineering
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authority in accordance with established procedures under the design management
framework and under authority allocated by their engineering authority.

12.6 Project design managers

Responsible for management of the design brief, processes and outputs for a project.

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Appendix A Engineering procedures

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The following Procedures apply across all disciplines.

EPA 240 Design Competence Framework

EPA 241 Engineering Authority for Design

EPA 280 Design Acceptance

EPD 0001 Design Management Process

EPD 0004 Engineering Specifications

EPD 0005 Requirements Analysis Allocation and Traceability

EPD 0006 Design Standards

EPD 0007 Interface Definition and Management

EPD 0008 Design Safety Management

EPD 0009 Reliability Availability and Maintainability (RAM)

EPD 0010 Design Approval

EPD 0011 Design Verification

EPD 0012 Design Validation

EPD 0013 Technical Reviews

EPD 0014 Managing Configuration Change

EPD 0017 Design Documentation and Records

EPD 0018 Integrated Support Requirements

EPD 0019 Maintenance Requirements Analysis

EPD 0020 Inventory Management - Engineering Responsibilities

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