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Class: FY BBA – C
Roll.NO: D-21-336

Goa State Cooperative Milk Producers’ Union “Goa Dairy” was established in the year
1984. Goa Dairy provides various dairy products such as Milk, Lassi, Variety of
Shirkand (Mango, keshar Elachi, Badam Pista), Malai Panner etc.
Goa Dairy has many products but they don’t have one product which everyone
can’t make at home, but they have not introduced Buttermilk.
Many people from Goa would like to have buttermilk from Goa Dairy. In Goa,
if we compare the sale of milk between Goa Dairy and Amul, we have more
sale of Goa Dairy, and if they introduce Buttermilk to, there will be increase in


Geographic Segmentation-
Geographic segmentation is a marketing strategy to target products to people
who live or shop in a specific location. The geographical segmentation for
Buttermilk by Goa Dairy would be every general store in Urban and Rural
locality of Goa.
Demographic segmentation-
Demographic segmentation refers to the categorization of the target market
based on specific variables like age, education, and gender. The Buttermilk can
help people to cool down in goa as there is a lot of humidity and many tourists
would love to have it and even local because it is a healthy drink and its
somewhat connecting to India’s tradition.
Psychographic segmentation-
Activities, interests, and opinions, this psychographic segmentation is based on
what activities are the customers inclined towards, which topics are they
enthusiastically interested in or what are their opinions about specific matters.
The general public is becoming more health conscious and buttermilk would the
best choice to make their lifestyle healthier.
• Occasion: – Occasion based behavioural segments typically refer to
both universal and personal occasions. Type of occasion such as
holidays, seasonal events, etc. The potential users of Buttermilk would
buy it during seasonal time especially during the summer time as it
will help to cool down and it will also more in the times of event as
it’s a traditional drink in India and its healthy to.

• Benefits: - Buyers are classified according to the benefits they seek.

Many product categories offer different products targeted at people who
seek different sets of benefits. The buyers will buy Buttermilk because it
has many benefits such has it helps to reduce acidity, cooling effect,
prevents dehydration, etc.

Full Market Coverage:
Full Market Coverage, this approach applies a single marketing mix to the
entire market. It means tries to serve all consumer groups with the products or
services they might need. Firms can cover a whole market in two broad ways
through undifferentiated marketing or differentiated marketing. As per the
product “Buttermilk” Goa Dairy can have full market coverage for its new
product and it can cover whole Goan market with Undifferentiated Marketing.
In undifferentiated marketing, the firm ignores segment difference and goes
after the whole market with one offer. It designs a product and a marketing
program that will appeal to the broader number of buyers. It relies on mass
distribution and advertising.
So, by using the undifferentiated marketing Goa Dairy will go after the whole
market with only one offer of buttermilk, they will have a mass distribution and
advertising of Buttermilk.

• Based on Price and Quality
Positioning your products or services on price is competitive pricing.
Usually, with a pricing positioning strategy, a brand aims to be the
cheapest or cheapest market, and value becomes their position. Quality
also matters and with best quality with low pricing will help the firms to
cover the market. Goa Dairy will be giving best quality of Buttermilk at
lower cost than its competitors.

• Based on Company Image

Positioning the product in the market with Good Company image makes
a great difference in positioning the product. If the company has good
image in the market automatically the product will get a good positioning.
Goa Dairy has a good Company Image in the goan market, so the
buttermilk will get a good position in the market.

• Based on Product Characteristic / Benefits

Using product characteristics or benefits as a positioning strategy
associates your brand with a particular feature beneficial to customers. As
Buttermilk has many benefits; it will create a good position in the market
itself through its benefits.

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