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Summer Assignment
Class -VII
Dear Students

Learning is the beginning of wealth,

Learning is the beginning of health,

Learning is the beginning of spirituality,

Searching and learning is where the miracle process begins.

…………………Jim Rohn

Holiday is the time that we all eagerly wait for. We all make plans to enjoy, to relax and to empower ourselves during these
gala days. This summer vacation the Holiday Homework is designed by the mentors of the school as a medium for you all
achieve the motto of “Fun and Learn”.
The activity based assignments will foster curiosity, develop creativity, enhance knowledge and instill the joy of learning
among you all. They will certainly help you discover a new you who is more enriched and confident and performs every
action to perfection. It is well recognized that Shri Ram Centennial School not only focuses on academics but lay equal
importance on Co-scholastic Competencies. The school also desires you to adhere to the following guidelines for a
fulfilling break:


 Neatness and presentation are common parameters for most of the activities assigned. Please maintain the quality of
work done.
 Complete and submit the holiday homework according to the dates given. Note down these dates carefully as late
submission after these dates is not acceptable and you will be losing the marks/grades for the same if you miss the
 Holiday homework will be assessed on certain parameters and marks/grade will be awarded accordingly.
 Make sure that all syllabus done till 22nd April must be revised thoroughly as you begin your Periodic- I from 1st July.
 To score well in your upcoming exams strike a balance between your leisure time and studies.
 Highlight areas of doubt and clarify with the teacher after vacation.
 Refer different reference books for strengthening the conceptual knowledge.


 Follow a schedule during holidays. Be a good time manager.

 Read newspapers daily and stay updated with current affairs.
 Do the homework independently, only ask for assistance from your parents or guardians.
 Give time to pursue your hobby.
 Appreciate nature and go for “Nature Walks”, plant trees and spread the message of Nature Conservation”
 Remember to keep a wide mouth container filled with water outside your house for the birds to get respite from the
scorching heat.
 Pray to almighty daily and thank for the blissful life that you enjoy.
 Be a helping hand to your parents and learn the skill of shared responsibility.
 Do the work by following the guidelines given with each work or activity.
 Always wish and welcome the guests with a smile.
 Spend time with your parents and grandparents, their rich experience will help you overcome challenges with ease.
 Minimise the use of gadgets
 Keep the home clean and mess free.
 After eating, keep the plate in your kitchen and rather love washing it yourself.
 Water the plants and rejoice the beauty of nature.


 Give prime importance to your health. Eat lots of fruits, do exercise and get into yoga.
 Drink a lot of liquid like water and stay hydrated.


Summer vacation is an opportunity to spend quality time with your child and make him/her feel special. So just spare
sometime and do the following:

 As parents you can develop the habit of enjoying healthy food with family.
 Let your child watch some entertaining educational TV shows such as discovery kids, animal planet and make the
learning interesting.
 Engage them to learn music/dance/theatre/ any other dance form to bring them close India‟s Art & Culture.
 Let them feed the poor and share things with needy people.
 Visit at least one out of these “Orphanage, Old age home, Blind home” etc. Such activities will help the child to grow
with love and humility.
 We wish all the students a joyful learning and Happy Holidays‟.

Points to be noted:

 The school will reopen on 6th June 2022 i.e. Monday.

 The school office will remain OPEN during the summer vacation on all working days.
 Clear all kind of dues (if any) at the earliest to avoid late fine and further inconvenience.
 Last date for submission of Holiday homework-15th June, 2022

NOTE: Holiday Homework will not be accepted after the date assigned.

English 1. Questionnaire Making:

What to do: Prepare 10 multiple choice questions from the Lesson
a) Learning the game
b) Binya‟s Blue Umbrella
Where to do: A-4 size sheet
Parameters: Accuracy, Content, Authentication
2. Creation with Proverb
What to do: Describe any one of the following proverb in your own words. You should also
add pictures to make it creative.
• „The pen is mightier than the sword‟
• „No pain No gain
• „All‟s well that ends well‟
Where to do: A-3 size sheet
Parameters: Creativity, relevance, presentation
3. Being innovative with values
What to do: Create your own diary in which you will write daily about any one positive
change which you will bring in yourself like being organized or being punctual etc (80-100
Where to do: small handmade diary which should be properly decorated.
Parameters: Creativity, Content, Authentication
4. Power point Presentation:
What to do: Make a power point presentation on: „Indian Classical Dance Forms‟. „
Select any two Classical Dance form and make a comparative study of the two
Points to be included- History of Dance form, Costume and Attire, Area where it belongs
to, Influence of modern culture.
.Parameters: Creativity, Content, Authentication
Hindi 1."भारत एक धममननरऩेऺ राष्ट्र" ऩरआज के ऩररप्रेक्ष्य में समीऺा कीजजए |
2. जब प्ऱाजटिक नह ॊ था या सीममत था , तब दादाजी/दाद जी का इनके बबना काम कैसे चऱता
था? उनसे ऩछ
ू कर एक ऱघु कथा के माध्यम से प्रटतत ु करें ।
Mathematics 1. Represent the data of IPL 2022 Finale in the form of a pie chart/ Histogram/ Bar Graph/
Frequency Polygon etc.
2. Visit at least 50 families in your locality and collect the number of men, women, boys, and
girls divide the data on the basis of age group (up to 5 years, 5-15 years, 15-25 years, 25-50
years, 50 and above). Assess this data under the following heads: Education, Gender
equality, Working situation of women, Health condition etc.
3. Measure the length, breadth, and height of your drawing room, study room, and kitchen,
and find the area of walls, and ceiling.
Science Physics
1. Visit a veterinary doctor (a doctor who treats animals). Discuss and find out the normal
temperature of domestic animals and birds. Prepare a chart for it.
2. Prepare a list of different states and places of India on the basis of temperature in winter
and summer and convert the temperature in all the different scales we have studied in the
class i.e. kelvin, celcius and fahreinheit.
1. To collect the different fabrics used in daily life and identify their properties and write in
tabular form.
2. To take out the fibre from different fabrics and stick on A4 size paper.
1. Make a report on the insectivorous plants. Draw or paste their pictures and find out where
they are found.
2. Do plants make friendship with other plants? Find out what is it and how it helps farmers?
Social Science 1. Millions of foreign tourists visit India every year. Tourist departments of state
governments use a specific tag line to attract tourists to their states. Write tag lines of any
ten states.
2. Read the life history of Prithviraj Chauhan and write about his life in 300 words.
3. Write about any two foreign travellers who visited India and about their accounts in about
200 words.
4. Landslides in mountainous regions occur in India every year. It leads to a large-scale
destruction of life and property. Write about the major causes of landslides in India. Site
one example where human actions have been responsible for this. Suggest what could be
done to mitigate the effects of landslides.
5. The earliest form of democracy was found in 600 BCE. Solon, Pericles, Nelson Mandela,
King John, King Gopala, Aung San Suu Kyi are important advocates of democracy. Find
out their contribution towards democracy. Paste pictures of these eminent people.
6. List the names of five political parties in India and their symbols. In your own words
write what you think each of the symbols represent and state your reasons why.
(All questions to be completed in a copy of 50-75 pages)
Sanskrit 1. धात-ु मऱख ्, ऩा(पऩब ्), गम ्(गच्छ) कोऱट्ऱकारऔरऱट्
ृ ऱकारमैंतीनोंवचनोंमें तीनोंऩरु
ु ष में सद
ुॊ रचािम

द्वारा प्रटतत
ु करें ।

2. सॊटकृतमें1 से 50 तकगगनती गचत्र द्वारा प्रदमशमत करें ।

3. 10 सजू ततयाॉ अथमसहहतमऱखकरसजू तत वऺ

ृ बनाएॉ।

ICT 1. Make a vibrant Poster on Summer Camp in MS word showing:

*catchy caption
Make use of various features of word such as
• Numbered or Bulleted lists
• Use suitable font attributes(font size, style &colour)for headings, Subheading & text
• Align headings & Subheading in Center and text in the left
• make headings & Subheading bold & underlined
• Set proper background colour& page border
• Insert a picture of the relevant topic to make an eye- catching document.
2. Create a beautiful PowerPoint Presentation on “Seven wonders of the world” with the
contents given at the bottom of the page.
 Present name of the topic in the first slide in a presentable manner.
 Give the content in the second slide.
 Present each wonder of one slide detailing about it.
 Select a suitable design template and appropriate slide layouts.
 Graphics that can enhance your presentation may also beinserted.
 You can replace standard bullet symbols with other graphics.
 Add animation effects to the bullet items.
 Add transition and appropriate sound effects.
 Add a timing to automate your slide show.

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