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Voltage Quality Improvement

Using Diesel Generators in
Bontang Power System
This research is focusing on short-duration overvoltage and finding suitable
technique to keep the overvoltage level in an optimum operational range.
Diesel generators (DGs) are added in the power system normal operation to
stabilize voltage level. Adding 2 Diesel Generators to power system in
normal operational is applied. This operational configuration of generators
will be used as a standard of operational in power system. As the result, we
can improve voltage quality, reduce failure of auxiliary equipment’s
frequency in plant, and we can reach DGs usage optimum stage.

By :
Andi Mahaga Putra
Mentor :
Jeerayus Tiamraj
1. Background
Voltage level at operational range is an example of good quality of voltage. But load
changing makes deviation of voltage. If voltage deviation exceeds operational range, then the
quality of voltage is bad. Kinds of voltage deviation can be short-duration overvoltage and
undervoltage. Short-duration overvoltage occurs when power system loses load and can cause
failure of auxiliary plant equipment. These failures may leads to steam turbine generator
shutdown. So, it is a must to maintain voltage level in acceptable range.

2. Objective
The objective of this project is to improving voltage quality in power system in order to
reduce failure of auxiliary plant equipment by arranging suitable configuration of diesel
generators usage.

3. Problem Identification
Failure of shiploading system cause short-duration overvoltage exceeds its operational
work. This failure is an uncontrollable situation for power supplier. Short-duration overvoltage
leads to failure of auxiliary plant equipment. Failure of auxiliary plant equipment concerns with
reliability of our power system. So our task is how to keep short-duration overvoltage in
operational range.

4. Project Methodology (KOMPAK Method)

KOMPAK method is used in this project with these steps:

1) Problem identification and setting theme

Short-duration overvoltage far exceeds normal operation when shiploading system is
tripped. Based on condition in power system, we defined a theme as below:
“Improving voltage quality in power system”

2) Analyze situation and setting target

Schematic diagram for short-duration overvoltage cause and effect in power system:

Figure 1 Short duration overvoltage caused and effect

Failure of auxiliary plant equipment data from Jan-2011 until Feb-2011:

Failure of auxiliary plant equipment

Failure frequency





Jan-11 Feb-11
Chart 1 Failure frequency of auxiliary plant equipment from Jan-11 to Feb-11

Average failure frequency for auxiliary plant equipment caused by short-duration

overvoltage is 12 failures. Based on the analysis of current situation data, we decided to
set a topic: “Improving voltage quality in power system to reduce failure of auxiliary
plant equipment”

3) Analysis of root cause
Root cause analysis for short-duration overvoltage:

Figure 2 Fish Bone Analysis

From fishbone analysis above, we define dominant root cause of short-duration

overvoltage is lacking usage of diesel generators in power system, unbalanced load lost
distribution, and voltage regulator in manual position.

4) Improvement plan
Based on dominant factor of the problem, we arrange improvement plan using 5W2H
(Why, What, Where, When, Who, How, How much):

No Why What Where When Who How
lack of diesel stabilize voltage operate diesel
1 generator level in power adding diesel generator
usage system generator in when
diesel operator
unbalanced maintain normal shiploading
2 load lost acceptable load operation March system is
distribution lost in STG area -11 running
voltage distribution
change to
regulator in control control
3 faster response automatic use AVR
manual system team
position room
Table 1 Improvement Plan

Adding diesel generator in normal operation is applied in power system. The cost
depends on how many diesel generator we want to operate together with steam

turbine generator. To get optimum usage of diesel generator, we determine overvoltage
level and simulations for every configuration of steam turbine generator combine with
diesel generators.

Simulation adding diesel generator in power system

Combining diesel generator with steam turbine generator will stabilize voltage level
when power system loss load around 2600-3200 kW (condition when shiploading
system is tripped). Using calculation and simulation, we determine the optimum usage
of diesel generator.

Table 2 Simulation Steam Turbine Generator with Diesel Generator

Comparison between different operation configurations:

adding 2 DGs adding 3 DGs adding 4 DGs adding 5 DGs

± 163,000 ± 208,000 ± 256,000 ± 301,000
Fuel cost
US$/month US$/month US$/month US$/month
SFC 0.25 liter/kWh 0.26 liter/kWh 0.27 liter/kWh 0.29 liter/kWh
Overvoltag warning/danger okay/warning save/okay always save
Table 3 Comparison adding different Diesel Generators

Based on calculations and simulations for load changing response, we add 2 Diesel
Generators in power system for normal operation to improve voltage quality when
facing failure of shiploading system.

5) Implementation of improvement plan

Improvement plan schedule:

Table 4 Improvement Plan Schedule

There are 5 steps to operate diesel generators in power system. The procedures are
instruction (to diesel generator operator), receiving info (by diesel generator operator),
execution, monitoring load condition, and controlling load distribution.

Figure 3 Implementation in Power System

Implementation of 2 DGs in power system result:

Failure of auxiliary plant

equipment frequency
Mar-11 Apr-11 May-11
Chart 2 Failure frequency of auxiliary plant equipment from Mar-11 to May-11

Average failure frequency decreases from 12 failures/months (Jan 2011 – Feb 2011) to 3
failures/months (March 2011 – May 2011) or 75%.

Failures of auxiliary plant equipment

frequency frequency



Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Apr-11 May-11

Chart 3 Failures of auxiliary plant equipment from Jan 2011 – May 2011

5. Project Status

Based on improvement plan, we already use 2 diesel generators in normal operation.

Another plan is to change voltage regulator to automatic position. But due to load
condition, it still can’t be applied.

6. Conclusion & Summary

 Adding 2 Diesel Generators in normal operation will improve voltage quality and
stabilize the power system from short-duration overvoltage
 Reducing failure of auxiliary plant equipment improves power system reliability

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