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Question 1

Difference is that drug addicts are considered to have a medical condition, while drug offenders

are considered to have committed a crime. Drug addicts are typically seen as needing treatment,

while drug offenders are seen as needing to be punished. This distinction can lead to different

outcomes in the criminal justice system, with drug addicts often being sent to rehab or drug

court, and drug offenders often being sent to jail or prison.

Question 2

Mentally ill inmates often do not receive the proper treatment they need. This can cause them to

act out in violent or erratic ways, which can be dangerous for both them and the other inmates.

Additionally, mentally ill inmates are often more likely to attempt or succeed in suicide.

- They may not be able to follow the rules or regulations in prison

- They may act out in ways that are disruptive or dangerous to others

- They may have a hard time coping with the stress and isolation of prison life

Question 3

i. Solitary confinement

ii. Loss of privileges

iii. Extra work

iv. Loss of commissary

v. Loss of phone calls

Question 4

There are a variety of methods for controlling inmate behavior, including classification of

inmates and use of a disciplinary system. Inmate classification involves assigning inmates to

different housing units based on their offense, criminal history, and other factors. This allows

prison staff to more effectively manage inmates and keep them safe. The use of a disciplinary

system is another way to control inmate behavior. This system includes a set of rules and

consequences for breaking those rules. Inmates who break the rules may be placed in solitary

confinement, lose privileges, or receive other punishments.

Question 5

The culture in women’s prisons is characterized by the formation of pseudo families. These

families typically consist of a mother figure, a sister figure, and a daughter figure. The mother

figure is typically the most experienced and respected inmate in the group. The sister figure is

typically the next most experienced inmate. The daughter figure is typically the least experienced

and respected inmate.

The pseudo families serve a number of functions. First, they provide support and protection for

the members. Second, they help the members to cope with the stress of prison life. Third, they

provide a sense of structure and order in an otherwise chaotic environment. Fourth, they help the

members to develop a sense of identity and belonging.

The culture in men’s prisons is characterized by a much higher level of violence. There is a much

greater focus on gangs and power struggles. There is also a much greater level of competition for

scarce resources.

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